Oct. 10, 2020 – This is a rush transcript from “Watters World” October 10, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
Debating a Democrat: that's the subject of tonight's Watters' Words.
It's easy to stick to some key points and turn every topic to your advantage. If I were a Democrat, I'd hammer Trump on the virus, too. That's politics.
Biden just throws out 200,000 dead as proof Trump failed, and says the economy is bad. That's his campaign in a nutshell.
But Biden was against both travel bans and wanted to keep the country locked down longer. So Biden would have killed more people and jobs. Case closed.
Biden doesn't even have a plan to confront the virus. I asked Juan to define it the other day on "The Five" and he couldn't.
JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: You guys say, oh, but he did so well, because he got in this nasty little dig about, oh, plagiarism because the Biden plan is the same as the President's plan.
Well, it's not.
WATTERS: What's different?
WILLIAMS: It's not. Biden wants a national plan, again, I don't know what you've been paying attention to.
WATTERS: What does that mean?
WILLIAMS: He wants to have a national plan --
WATTERS: What does that mean, Juan?
WILLIAMS: Trump wants to leave it up to the states.
WATTERS: What does a national plan mean?
WILLIAMS: Let me finish, okay.
WATTERS: But what does it mean? You're just saying national plan. What does that mean?
WILLIAMS: He wants a national plan --
WATTERS: Everything Biden says he would do, Trump already did it. Now, if he drops the death toll on you, we can play that nasty game all day.
The C.D.C. says over 200,000 Americans OD'd on opioids under Obama-Biden -- dead. They didn't lift a finger to fight fentanyl flying in from China. The I.G. says 300,000 veterans died under Obama-Biden waiting in lines at VA Hospitals. The Obama-Biden VA doled out bonuses to managers who kept sick vets on secret wait lines. That's ugly stuff.
And when Biden says Trump downplayed the virus, throw Fauci in his face.
Democrats love Fauci. Fauci told Americans the virus was low risk, to go about their lives. Same exact thing Trump said. Fauci and Trump on the same page. They didn't want to panic the people.
And when Biden says Trump blew it on the virus, throw Fauci right back in his face again. Fauci said the Trump team took early action and did an excellent job. You can't argue with Fauci, right?
Biden is always barking about Trump crowds and no social distancing. But when Democrats flooded the streets, arm-in-arm, all summer rioting over police, Biden didn't care. Biden backed the mob.
Biden is moaning about Trump not wearing a mask, but Biden just wears his as a prop. Look at him here talking to people close up. No mask.
When Democrats think the cameras are off, no mask. Here's Governor Cuomo, no mask. Here is Dianne Feinstein, no mask. Here is Pelosi in the beauty salon. Here's CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins who is always mask shaming people. Watch her rip the mask off when she thinks the cameras are off.
Every time Democrats blame Trump for the virus, they are giving the Chinese communists a free pass. Biden wanted to keep the economy locked down longer. Schools and sports locked down longer. Biden would have killed this country.
Biden is for lockdowns, not opening up.
And for the economy, this is easy.
In just three years under Trump-Pence, families got about an $8,000.00 raise. Not even close to under Obama-Biden. It is a middle class boom for
everybody: whites, blacks and Hispanics. And the poverty rate went down and inequality shrunk. Those are the straight facts.
And today's recovery is the fastest on record. We already got half the jobs back we lost in just six months. Obama-Biden had the slowest recovery since the Great Depression, and the American economy shrank the least. And came back quicker and stronger than the rest of the world.
Biden will kill the recovery with lockdowns, tax hikes and regulations. No doubt about it.
And you can't trust a word Biden says on healthcare.
JOE BIDEN (D), DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: If you like your healthcare plan, or your employer based plan, you can keep it. If in fact you have private insurance, you can keep it.
WATTERS: He lied about it. Obamacare was a disaster. Bernie Sanders would be in charge of healthcare in the Senate if the Democrats win. Bernie thinks Castro did a great job. He'll turn this country into Cuba.
If you like long lines and death panels, vote for Joe.
Second Amendment: Biden is putting Beto in charge.
BETO O'ROURKE (D), FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Oh yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47 ...
WATTERS: Have fun with that and he's going to go door to door to do it.
Biden defunded the police while VP, cutting funding for the cops program.
Trump increased it.
The Biden campaign bailed out rioters who set fire to America and tore down statues of our Founding Fathers.
Biden sold America out to China. We lost the money, but his son, Hunter, he got paid off.
Now if they ask about a peaceful transition of power, they'll say yes, in 2024. We expect to win.
And don't lecture Trump about a peaceful transfer, Biden spied on his campaign, framed Flynn during the transition and tried to impeach him in an election year.
Don't give Biden an inch when he plays the race card either. Joe Biden spoke at Robert Byrd's funeral, a Kleagle of the Klu Klux Klan.
BIDEN: My colleagues behind me revere the Senate. Robert C. Byrd elevated the Senate.
WATTERS: Climate change, the Green New Deal cost families an extra
$70,000.00 a year. Do you have an extra 70 grand laying around for global warming? I don't.
Biden let ISIS run wild. Trump slaughtered them. Biden started wars. Trump didn't. He signed peace deals and brought our boys home.
Make it about management. What problems have Democrats solved? What have they done well? They can't control crime or homelessness in their own cities. They can't control the border. They couldn't win the war on terror.
They can't manage the forests or the nursing homes.
They couldn't even launch a website. They can't even keep the lights on in California.
This is a layout for reelection. Take note and go for their throats.
For more now on the state of the 2020 race, I'd like to bring in former Speaker of the House and author of, "Trump and the American Future," Newt Gingrich. All right, Speaker. So how do you see the election just a few weeks away?
NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER U.S. REPRESENTATIVE: Well, I just want to say, first of all, that was a very good, amazing introduction.
WATTERS: Thank you.
GINGRICH: I commend you. That was really well done.
Oh, I think, the election in a couple of weeks, Trump wins. I think we're exactly where we were in 2016. In fact, I just went back and pulled up an interview I did in mid-October with Megyn Kelly in 2016, where she gave me all the standard Washington lines. And I said, yes, I think he will carry Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and she clearly thought I was crazy.
So we just got a poll in today from Trafalgar, which is the most accurate poll in the last two elections. They now show Trump carrying Arizona by about five points. They show him carrying Ohio.
I think a lot of things are moving in the right direction, and I think, to the point you started with, you know, there are two ways to look at this.
Back when the Chinese virus first showed up, the estimates were we could lose 2,200,000 Americans. The President took very decisive action.
And you could argue he saved two million American lives. And who was on the other side? Oh, Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Cuomo, de Blasio, I mean, all of the Liberal Democrats thought this was a joke.
So you can either say Donald Trump is responsible for 200,000 dead, or with equal honesty, and say Donald Trump saved over two million Americans who are alive today because he took actions that the Democrats were attacking him for. I think that thing is simple.
The other thing that is happening, by the way, that I think is going to keep growing. The first time this campaign, the news media is going after Biden and it's because he won't say whether or not he is going to pack the Supreme Court.
GINGRICH: And he has a problem. Two thirds of the country is opposed to it. But the one third that likes it happens to be his base.
GINGRICH: And so, he is trying to dance and for the very first time, I don't know what happened, but for the very first time in the last few days, the news media is actually pushing him to come down and say one way or the other, and I don't think Biden handles that kind of pressure very well.
WATTERS: He doesn't and he can't straddle that issue very much longer. It looks really awkward when Harris was out there debating Mike Pence and she danced around it. She played the race card, she lied about Honest Abe.
To go back up to what you said, I want to talk about what you said at the top. This is kind of reminiscent of 2016.
GINGRICH: Honest Abe is not the same as Honest Kamala. I just had to get that in when you said that.
WATTERS: Honest Kamala, that has quit a ring to it.
About 2016, you remember, this is after the first debate, and you know, the polls really did start to close. I thought Trump did well there then you have "Access Hollywood," the Republican establishment starts bailing. You see October polls. He is down 13 points and things like that.
R.N.C. running for the hills. It's very similar the way it's lining up today where, you know, he does get sick, which takes him off the campaign trail. You get these suppression polls, where they're over sampling Democrats by double digits, and say that Trump is down in Texas and Georgia, and things like that.
So that gets Independents and Senate Republicans a little nervous and you know, you get these reports in "The Times" like people are starting to bail.
But then when you look at the enthusiasm on the Trump side and the registration numbers, and the economic numbers. There is a survey out by Gallup that says a majority of Americans, a healthy majority, believes they are better off today than they were four years ago. I mean, this is lining up for again, you have Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Arizona in the Republican camp, and then you just got to pick off one of the four Rust Belts, and you're over 270.
GINGRICH: Well, you know, here is 56 and a 55 number. Fifty six percent of the American people according to Gallup think they are better off than they were four years ago. That's 11 points higher than Obama had in 2012 when he got re-elected, at the same point in time.
WATTERS: That's a big number. That's a big number.
GINGRICH: Yes, but here is the second number that I think people underestimate, 55 percent of American people think that Joe Biden has cognitive difficulties, 55 percent.
WATTERS: That's serious.
GINGRICH: They believe he has cognitive -- well, how likely is it when they actually get down to voting that they're going to make a Commander-in- Chief of somebody they think probably couldn't stay awake for the whole meeting with Xi Jinping? And I think that's a major problem.
WATTERS: Right, and I believe a majority of voters think that if Biden wins, Kamala Harris is going to be President and she did not come off well in that debate against Mike Pence. Not only did Mike Pence take her apart on policy, but she did herself damage just by the antics, the facial expressions, the countenance -- just -- it was not a mature presentation by Kamala Harris. She wasn't likable.
So I think that hurt -- and then if you combine that with them not answering basic questions about what they're going to do to the court, I don't see this going in a good direction on the issues for them.
GINGRICH: Well, let me say about both sides of that debate. I thought Pence was as good as he has ever been.
WATTERS: Me, too.
GINGRICH: I actually hope the President will watch that debate two or three times before his next debate. Look at the discipline. Look at the preparation. I mean, Mike Pence did a great job.
On the other side, the only way I can summarize Kamala Harris is that she is more radical than Hillary Clinton and she is basically Hillary Clinton without the charm.
WATTERS: All right, I'm going to leave it at that. Newt Gingrich. There he is. Check out the new book. It's flying off the shelves. Thank you very much for coming on WATTERS' WORLD, Speaker.
GINGRICH: Thank you.
WATTERS: Marco Rubio on deck. The senator takes on Nancy Pelosi.
And President Trump calls into Rush Limbaugh, an instant classic.
SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), DEMOCRATIC VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: The American people have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country.
MIKE PENCE, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Senator Harris, you're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts.
Are you and Joe Biden going to pack the court?
HARRIS: Let's talk about packing the court then. Let's talk about that.
PENCE: Please, I just want the record reflect she never answered the question.
WATTERS: Kamala Harris dodging the question of court packing at the VP debate, joining Joe Biden in refusing to answer a direct question for weeks until now.
JOE BIDEN (D), DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: You'll know my opinion on court packing when the election is over.
WATTERS: Joining me now for reaction, Interim Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator Marco Rubio. This reminds me, Senator, you have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.
SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): Yes. Yes, look, they've been threatened -- the answer to the question is yes. And the reason why is, here's what I honestly believe, I think Joe Biden, because he has been there for so long, he'd prefer not to, but he has no choice.
Because all the energy, all that money, all the activism in the Democratic Party is coming from the far left and they've been talking about and insisting on this for a very long time.
And I want people to understand, this is not going to end at nine or -- I mean, we can have a Supreme Court one day that has like 15 or 18 people, 19 people every time some party gets elected, and you don't like the makeup of the court, you just add, you know, two more people to it. I mean, that's what they do in the third world. That would be ridiculous.
The answer to the question is yes. They are going to move to try to do that. And I believe that they're going to do that no matter what would have happened with the Supreme Court nomination now. That's why almost a year ago, I filed a constitutional amendment to keep the number where it is and bring us some stability.
WATTERS: Yes, I think you're right. I think Nancy and AOC and all of the radical left, they faint when they hear Joe Biden say he doesn't want to pack the court. But you're right.
Joe Biden -- we know Joe Biden, he has been on tape saying he doesn't want to pack the court. But he is, you know, being controlled by the far left, and he doesn't want to give the President a headline. I think that's probably the weakest answer you could ever give.
And if they do, do this, not only that they want to nuke the filibuster.
That if Bernie is in charge in the Senate, do you want Bernie Sanders in charge in the Senate if Joe wins?
RUBIO: No, obviously not. And that's why we've got to keep the majority.
Look, the filibuster is not in the Constitution, it's a rule and a lot of people haven't liked it for a long time, but I looked at the way our system was constructed. And the Senate -- the founder -- you know, our founders didn't create filibuster, but they most certainly wanted a Senate to act as a body that sort of slowed things down so that we took some time to analyze situations, and that's why it's tough to get things passed in the Senate.
And I think the filibuster has been abused by both parties.
That said, the reason why they want to get rid of the filibuster is not because they think that we need to be doing more, it's because this time, they are not going to do what they thought was a mistake under the Obama administration. They're going to go for it all.
And if you talk to people on the left, they'll argue that the biggest mistake Obama made was not going through all of it. Not just Obamacare, single payer, and cap in trade. Why didn't we just go for everything when we had the chance?
They're not -- they're going to do that this time. I guarantee it.
WATTERS: And once they get the socialist hooks in, those never come out.
You do socialized medicine, you do amnesty, and you go after guns. That's going to change this country forever, and it might be tough for a Republican to ever win the presidency after that if they do what they want to do.
Here is Nancy Pelosi now. I think this is a big distraction. She is trying to say we're going to pull the 25th Amendment. Let's listen.
REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): I think that the public needs to know the health condition of the President. There's one question that he refuses -- they refuse to answer, when was -- before he got the virus, and admitted to it, when was his last negative test?
When was his last negative test to make a judgement about the actions that were taken after that? We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment, but not to take attention away from the subject we have now.
WATTERS: So this looks like another coup attempt. You know, this is when you get a bunch of people in the Cabinet and say this President is incapacitated, we're going to make someone else President.
Does Nancy Pelosi annoy you with this stuff, Senator?
RUBIO: It's just a cheap political trick, and you see it for what it is, and by the way, she is talking about two separate things. The issue about when did he last test negative has to do with contact tracing and who else in the White House might be infected. Frankly, that's an Executive Branch function. That's none of her business.
Just like if somebody got infected in the Capitol, the President wouldn't have the right to say, well, when was the last time senator so and so tested negative because we want to contact trace him. Two separate branches of government.
The 25th amendment is already in the Constitution. There's already a provision and process for doing that. Once again, that would be the Legislative Branch trying to take over and tell the Executive Branch what it needs to do and not do. It's a stunt.
RUBIO: It is all designed to basically call -- and it's dumb, because look, at the end of the day, the President's health, you know, we're going to find out soon enough. I mean, the virus either goes away or it doesn't.
He has been putting out videos, you know, by Monday, Tuesday of next week, you know, as we move forward, it's going to be obvious to everybody where that's at.
And so again, these are all stunts. And they're just designed to sort of create narratives. The sad part is they get away with it, because much of the media sort of eggs them on and actually amplifies these sorts of messages.
WATTERS: Yes, so well, you said the media, a lot of suppression polls going out right now. They say Trump is down by 14 points, and then they point to a few battleground polls. I'm looking at two battleground polls right now: Suffolk University/U.S.A. Today has it a tie in Florida.
Another poll, Insider Advantage has Trump up three in Florida. I think Florida is a pretty comfortable state for the President. How do you see it?
RUBIO: Well, you know, nobody is comfortable in Florida. But I'll give you this. Quinnipiac, on the eve of the governor's election just two years ago had Andrew Gillum up by seven points. Obviously, he is not the Governor of Florida.
WATTERS: Yes. He was down for the count in the hotel room as a matter of fact.
RUBIO: Well, and I don't mean to pick on Quinnipiac. You know, a lot of people got it wrong. The bottom line is that I think if you look at some of the fundamentals, whether it is registration and enthusiasm on the ground, obviously, I think the President is going to do very well in Florida.
I expect him to win Florida. And obviously, you know, we need to win Florida to win the presidency. But we can't just win it with Florida. We've got to win in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and all of these other places.
And I could say that about this election, and I could say it about 2016 and 2012, and all the way back to 2000 as we all well remember. So, you know, I think it's going to be close. But I think the President will win in the end. No one is going to win Florida by five points, either way, we're not that kind of state, one or two-point winner Florida is a big win'
WATTERS: What do you think -- and we've got to wrap this up real quick -- what do you think is the most defining move you can make against Joe Biden?
What is the definitive line of attack from the President against Joe that you think would be most effective?
RUBIO: That this country faces extraordinary threats from a pandemic, China, Russia, from Iran, from terrorists and Joe Biden is too weak to confront them. He is too weak to confront those threats and he is too weak to confront the radical elements in his own party that will demand radical action.
He is not strong enough for a moment like this and that's why he can't be our next President.
WATTERS: All right, weakness. That's what it sounds like to me. All right, Senator Rubio, thanks for joining WATTERS' WORLD.
RUBIO: Thank you. Have a good night.
WATTERS: Up next, Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh together. Great stuff.
Plus, Hillary Clinton's e-mails will be released before the election.
JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Jon Scott in New York.
A massive cleanup operation is once again underway across Louisiana after the deluge from Hurricane Delta. The storm now just a tropical depression, but forecasters warn flash floods and storm surges remain a threat. Damage is widespread and hundreds of thousands of people are without power.
Delta is the second hurricane to ravage the Gulf Coast states in six weeks.
It is continuing to move north tonight, still packing a lot of rain.
A display a military might tonight in North Korea. The Rogue Nation is celebrating the 75th Anniversary of its ruling party. Pyongyang took the occasion to unveil what appears to be a new intercontinental ballistic missile. Dictator Kim Jong-un has warned his country is ready to fully mobilize its nuclear force if threatened.
I'm Jon Scott. Now back to WATTERS' WORLD.
DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I had a meeting with doctors and these 11 guys came in today. They showed me stats, it's amazing.
But a couple of days later, now, I'm free. You know, I feel perfect. I have no -- I'm not taking anything. You know, I'm off any regimen that they gave me, but it was primarily this one drug.
WATTERS: President Trump calling into Rush Limbaugh for a radio rally. The President reassuring the public he feels good. And taking a moment to take on LeBron.
TRUMP: LeBron is a spokesman for the Democratic Party. It's a -- and very, very nasty spokesman. We have enough difficulty during the week. You don't want to sit down watch a basketball game and then watch somebody that hates your guts, okay, and he's a hater.
WATTERS: So he's pretty much back. The President also addressing the growing debate drama.
TRUMP: Joe shouldn't be a candidate. Joe is in no condition to be a candidate. We can say it nicely or we can say it badly.
I don't think the debates mean that much. I'd rather let him speak, because he's gone. He is mentally gone.
WATTERS: Joining me now to discuss is White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany.
All right, Kayleigh, how are you feeling, first of all?
KAYLEIGH MCENANY, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I'm great. No symptoms. I'm very blessed to have one of the easy cases.
WATTERS: All right, good for you. We're definitely glad to hear that; and the President as we should, looks like he is firing on all cylinders. Is he going to hit the campaign trail Monday or Tuesday? What do you expect?
MCENANY: Yes, he will be out and about next week, safe to say, we will be resuming schedules. He will be in multistate drop-ins here in short order.
WATTERS: A lot of news just broke on Friday. It looks like Mike Pompeo is responding to the President who wants to get the information out there, wants to be fully transparent, may be releasing Hillary Clinton e-mails from the State Department that you know, she destroyed, but the State Department has. Here's what he told Dana Perino.
MIKE POMPEO, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: We'll get the information out that needs to get out and we'll do it in a way that protects the Intelligence sources that we need to protect.
DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: And last question on that. Will that happen before the election?
POMPEO: Doing it as fast as we can. I certainly -- I certainly think there will be more to see before the election.
WATTERS: So the President has been pretty focused on making sure full transparency on Durham and Barr on the witch hunt that was conducted. Also on Hillary Clinton, you can't have two scales of justice being weighed down by one party. What is the White House thinking in that coming out before the election?
MCENANY: Yes, it makes sense. Here we are four years down the road and we still don't have all the information. I mean, this is amazing.
When you're a Federal government employee or Secretary of State, you can't just delete your e-mails, whitewash your servers, and pound them with sledgehammers. You can't do that. But Hillary Clinton did.
And just now we're learning, Jesse, just now that she had a scheme according to Intelligence that the U.S. government had, a scheme to use the Russia hoax to distract from her own e-mail scandal. It took four years, but at least we finally know the truth.
WATTERS: Yes, I mean, it's about time. All right, Kayleigh McEnany. She is getting better. The President seems like he is all better and it looks like full speed ahead until November 3rd. Thanks for joining us.
MCENANY: Thanks, Jesse.
WATTERS: Smoking gun evidence, as Kayleigh mentioned, ties Hillary to the Russia hoax.
And big controversy involving the moderator of the next debate.
WATTERS: Hillary Clinton's plan to sabotage Donald Trump in 2016 revealed that Obama and Comey were in on it. Newly declassified notes written by former C.I.A. Director John Brennan reveal he briefed Obama on Clinton's alleged plan to tie then candidate Trump to Russia.
His note saying in part, quote, alleged " ... approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian Security Service."
Another C.I.A. memo sent to then F.B.I. Director James Comey and former agent Peter Strzok says Clinton's plan was meant as a way to quote, " ...
distracting the public from her use of a private e-mail server."
Joining me now former Congressman and FOX News contributor, Jason Chaffetz and FOX News legal analyst, Gregg Jarrett.
So Gregg, do you think Hillary is in any legal trouble if this turns out to be true?
GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL LEGAL ANALYST: She could be depending upon whether she actually approved a plan that included feeding it to the F.B.I.
and the Department of Justice, which we know in the end is exactly what happened.
Look, it's a crime, Jesse, for anybody to furnish any Federal law enforcement agency: F.B.I., Department of Justice -- with knowingly false information. It's fraud upon the government, and if there's an agreement involving more than one individual, including Hillary Clinton, that's conspiracy to defraud the government not to mention false statements to the government, which is 18 USC 1001.
So, you know, much depends upon the evidence, and where is that evidence?
It's in two locations. In the redacted parts of Brendan's notes, perhaps, but also, other government documents that President Trump is now demanding that the Intelligence Community, the F.B.I., the Department of Justice declassify and make public.
WATTERS: Yes, so we've heard from the President, he is very intent, Jason on getting everything declassified, not only from the Russia investigation, but also from the State Department.
You heard Hillary Clinton's e-mails may be declassified by Pompeo before the election, a lot swirling around Hillary. It feels like 2016 all over again. Where do we go from here?
JASON CHAFFETZ, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, first of all, Donald Trump should be winning awards for his openness and transparency. I've never seen a President open up the coffers like that and be able to show and demonstrate what's going on.
But Hillary Clinton is just this magnet. She creates all of these problems for herself, but it is not just her. It's this Democratic machine that is behind her that pours millions of dollars into this scheme that they concocted.
They go to such great lengths to give it credibility, and then go out on the national media and repeat it. And for the former C.I.A. Director, to go behind closed doors to congressional interviews and say, well, no, I haven't seen any evidence, but then go on these other cable networks and say, oh, it's in plain sight. I see the evidence. It's just a matter of time until they get Donald Trump.
I mean, that is such an absolute total and complete lie.
WATTERS: And now, the media that was complicit in the whole hoax is refusing to report anything about these handwritten notes. Jason and Gregg, thank you guys for your expertise.
In case you missed it, the one and only VP debate was this week, Mike Pence and Kamala Harris showing pretty big differences in policy and personality.
PENCE: Senator Harris, it's a privilege to be on the stage with you.
HARRIS: He said because the President wanted people to remain calm.
HARRIS: But Susan, this is important.
PENCE: Susan, I have to weigh in on this.
HARRIS: Mr. Vice President, I am speaking.
PENCE: I have to weigh in.
HARRIS: I'm speaking. I'm so glad we went through a little history lesson.
Let's do that a little more. In 1860 --
PENCE: Well, I'd like you to answer the question.
HARRIS: Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. I'm speaking. Okay. I will not sit here and be lectured by the Vice President.
WATTERS: Republican pollster, Frank Luntz hosting a panel of 15 undecided voters to gauge their responses. So who do they think won?
FRANK LUNTZ, POLLSTER: Raise your hands if you thought that Kamala Harris won? One hand up.
Raise your hand. If you think Mike Pence won? It is overwhelmingly Mike Pence.
WATTERS: Pollster Frank Luntz joins us now to explain why. Frank, I'm beginning to realize it probably had a lot to do with attitude, am I right?
LUNTZ: You're correct. And by the way, I need to correct myself because we ought to hold ourselves accountable. It's Kamala Harris. And to actually hear my own voice say that, but regardless of how I pronounced her name incorrectly, voters were upset that with the smirking, with the reaction, because they want a presidential -- a vice presidential candidate to say what they mean, to mean what they say, to answer the questions.
They felt that Mike Pence did a much better job at responding to what the questions were. They were not happy that he went over his time, but they thought that he was vice presidential. They thought that he got to the point. They thought that he was measured in his presentation.
And for her, they were annoyed that she did not answer the question about the Supreme Court. And in fact, that's the -- that's an issue that has still -- it has never been cleared up. What will the Democrats do in terms of packing the court?
They applauded the Vice President for challenging the senator, and they are still upset that she did not give an answer.
WATTERS: Right. You want to challenge your opponent and you want to do it in a respectful way. And you definitely don't want to smirk and make faces and roll your eyes. We know that.
Real quick, any advice for President Trump whenever he does meet Joe Biden?
We still don't know when that next debate is going to be. How do you think he should present his case next time?
LUNTZ: Well, the first thing is he has got to show up for the debate. Him saying that he is not going to participate is a mistake. He needs that opportunity to go head to head.
Second, he has got to focus on jobs in the economy, because that's where he is strongest and that's where Joe Biden is weakest.
And third, allow Joe Biden to speak. Voters thought very highly of the President's first 10 or 15 minutes in that first debate. But by 90 minutes, they thought that he was too aggressive. They thought he didn't give Biden the chance to be heard. And frankly, the longer Joe Biden speaks, the more likely he is to make mistakes.
WATTERS: All right. All good advice. Frank Luntz with the focus groups.
Thank you very much.
LUNTZ: Thank you, Jesse.
WATTERS: A developing scandal with a presidential debate moderator. We will tell you what that is next.
WATTERS: You just heard it here on WATTERS' WORLD, Mike Pence won that VP debate. It was so bad for Kamala Harris, the liberal media got the memo and went right into damage control mode.
S.E. CUPP, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Tonight, he made my skin crawl. The constant interruptions, the mansplaining.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think a lot of people were noticing some mansplaining going on.
VAN JONES, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: She was disrespected all night. She was run over on. Pence was the mansplainer-in-chief. Mike Mansplainer all night.
WATTERS: And the week started bad with his Biden infomercial, NBC called a Town Hall. These were some of the undecided voters they picked to ask Biden a bunch of softballs.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Voted for Hillary Clinton four years ago, but has voted Republican in the past.
Who is undecided but leaning toward Biden.
An undecided voter from Hollywood, Florida, a registered Republican. I think he says he's leaning toward you.
Used to be registered Republican but voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.
WATTERS: It's so corrupt. And now, C-SPAN editor and the moderator of the next presidential debate, Steve Scully has been sullied. He was an intern for Joe Biden, worked for Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter, and tweeted at The Mooch -- The Mooch asking the never Trumper if he should respond to Trump.
What was he talking about here?
Did he mean it to be a private message? Why was he even communicating with The Mooch in the first place? Scully claimed without any proof that his account was hacked, and this is the third time Scully has claimed his account was hacked.
Here to react, conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza, who has got a new film out called "Trump Card."
Dinesh, if indeed the account was hacked, then that's election interference. You hack the account of the moderator for the upcoming presidential debate. I mean, he should be reporting this to the F.B.I., shouldn't he?
DINESH D'SOUZA, CONSERVATIVE AUTHOR AND FILMMAKER: Of course, he should. I think what you see from these different incidents is just a pattern of bias that is so blatant that I think it's very difficult for the American people not do find transparent.
You know, if a referee wants to be biased, it's always good to pretend not to be, to scratch your head and go, it was a tough call. But this is kind of like a fight where the referees are jumping in the ring and pounding one of the fighters, and the audience could totally see what's happening.
WATTERS: It's different because like you said, they used to pretend or at least they did a better job of pretending. I wonder what changed that because we've seen this crescendo into anti-Republican bias, it just accelerated under Donald Trump. I wonder if you can pull it back from here.
I wonder if years later you get kind of a more mellow Republican, and then they kind of try to rein it in or it's just going to be eviscerate anybody to the right of Bernie for here on out?
D'SOUZA: Well, I think what's happened is that the standards of objectivity that at least a governing ideal, they might not have been respected in the practice, but they were at least upheld in the theory. But see, now when conservatives say to the media, in effect, look at the way you cover Trump's tax returns, why don't you show an equivalent attention to Biden's family tax returns? You were appealing to a higher standard of objectivity, that I don't think that these people even share.
What we are expecting of them, nobler ideals than they actually aspire to.
WATTERS: Do you think the credibility of Scully shot the credibility of the Debate Commission? I mean, they're just stacked with never Trumpers and Democratic donors? I mean, do you think they have any credibility left?
D'SOUZA: I really don't. I think that these institutions are now showing themselves. You know, they had a certain solemnity in the past, and I think most of us had sort of a Civics book idea of how all this works.
Now that with Trump, we've been given a glimpse behind the curtain, we see how rotten to the core these institutions are, in some ways, you know, our faith in these institutions, I think will never be the same.
WATTERS: I mean, they do say that Trump has destroyed the institutions, but in a weird way, he has exposed to the institutions and they've destroyed them from all sides.
D'SOUZA: Yes, if you think about the media, you know, we don't even have a media in the classic sense of an independent group that is removed from government applying a critical lens to the government, giving people information that they can use to make their own decisions.
When we think of the press that way, we realize that there is no real press of that kind in America today.
WATTERS: It's broken. And that's why a lot of people watch FOX. They want to see what you and I have to say, Dinesh. Check out his new documentary "Trump Card" by the way available, DVD or streaming on all the major platforms, iTunes, Amazon, everything.
Up next, Last Call: a little reminder of how a little people really know about the Supreme Court.
WATTERS: How many Supreme Court Justices are there?
WATTERS: Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would not know that either.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.
WATTERS: On Monday, confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett begin. So I felt like it was a good time to take you back to when I asked people just how much they know about the Supreme Court. Take a look.
WATTERS: How many justices are on the Supreme Court?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't know. A lot.
WATTERS: How many Supreme Court Justices are there?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Twenty five. Fifteen. Ten. Five. Seven. Eight. Nine.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, that's a lot of people.
WATTERS: How many Justices are on the Supreme Court?
WATTERS: Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would not know that either.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Jacob Jingleheimer Smith.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was supposed to say John Stamos.
WATTERS: That would be the best looking Chief Justice of all time. Can you name any justices on the Supreme Court?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't know. I can't.
WATTERS: Clarence?
WATTERS: Clarence?
WATTERS: Thomas. What exactly does the Supreme Court do?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think our rights.
WATTERS: What is the Supreme Court do?
WATTERS: That's Congress.
WATTERS: What does the Supreme Court do in your opinion?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Write rules and checks and balances. It makes sure that we're doing what we're supposed to be doing.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They're the last decision on very big cases.
WATTERS: Come here, come here. Let me talk to -- hey, how are you doing?
They're doing an interview with WATTERS' WORLD. They're going to call you right back. Okay?
Do you guys have any idea who I am?
WATTERS: Correct.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I've seen you do this with people before.
WATTERS: I'm Watters. I'm Watters. And this is my world.
WATTERS: So bad.
That's all for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
And remember, I'm Watters and this is my world.
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