This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 28, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DAN BONGINO, HOST: Welcome to the special edition of “Hannity: The 2020 Election.” I'm Dan Bongino, in tonight for Sean.

For the hour, we'll preview the race for the White House and we start with the painfully long two-night Democratic debate. This week, Americans got a glimpse at how radical and out of touch the left has become. Nowhere is this more apparent than on the topic immigration.

In today's Democratic Party, the policy of open borders just isn't enough. Now the field of radical candidates are promising to decriminalize illegal immigration altogether, give all illegal immigrants unlimited taxpayer- funded healthcare, and much more. Watch this.


DEBATE MODERATOR: Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border without documentation? Can we keep the hands up so we can see them?

If someone is here without documents and that is their only offense, is that person to be deported?

REP. ERIC SWALWELL, D-CALIF., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: No. That person can be a part of this great American experience.

DEBATE MODERATOR: Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants?


PETE BUTTIGIEG, D-IND., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We shouldn't have 11 million people with no pathway to citizenship. It makes no sense.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF., PRESIDENTIAL CANIDDATE: I would immediately by executive action reinstate the DACA status and DACA protection to the young people and I will further extend protection for the deferral of deportation for their parents.

SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D-N.Y., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I would reform how we treat asylum seekers at the border. I would have a community-based treatment center where you are doing it within the communities where asylum seekers are given lawyers, where there is real immigration judges. Not employees of the attorney general, but appointed for life.


BONGINO: While Democrats are trying to provide health care coverage to illegal immigrants, they're vowing to take away the health insurance of every America and force them to a government-un Medicare-for-All. Take a look at this.


DEBATE MODERATOR: Who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government-run plan?

All right.


GILLIBRAND: So the plan that Senator Sanders and I and others support Medicare-for-All is how you get to single payer.

BUTTIGIEG: I would call it Medicare-for-All who want it. You take something like Medicare, a flavor of that, you make it available on the exchanges. People can buy in.

And if people like us are right and it will be a more inclusive plan, but more efficient plan than any of the corporate answers out there, then it would be very natural glide path to the single-payer environment.


BONGINO: So, how do the Dems plan to pay for Medicare-for-All, on top of free higher education, on top of the free family pay -- we have to use air quotes. Nothing is free. On top of the universal basic income, on top of unfettered immigration, on top of the Green New Deal. Where will they get this money?

Well, they're going to take your money. Your taxes will go way, way up. Don't just take it from me. Just listen to the Democrats, yes, the Democrats from this week's debates.


MODERATOR: You called for big new government benefits like universal healthcare and free college. In a recent interview you said you suspected that Americans would be, quote, delighted to pay for taxes for things like that.

SANDERS: People who have healthcare under Medicare-for-All will have no premiums, no deductibles, no co-payments, no out-of-pocket expenses. Yes, they will pay more in taxes. We must make public colleges and universities, tuition free, and eliminate student debt. We do that by placing a tax on Wall Street.

JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: And I would be going about eliminating Donald Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy.

BUTTIGIEG: That is why we need to do a carbon tax and dividend.

ANDREW YANG, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We had a value-added tax at half the European level it would generate $800 billion in new revenue.


BONGINO: Earlier in Japan, President Trump responded to the radical socialist agenda and suggested that the Democratic Party might need to change its name. Watch this.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: I have been watching the debates a little bit in between meetings. I wasn't impressed. But when you look at the socialism and you look at what it can do, that is what you are talking about there. That is the socialist party. I heard they're going to change the name of the party from the Democrat Party to the socialist party.


BONGINO: Joining us now is from Florida, CEO and executive producer, Herman Cain, and former Obama economic adviser, Austan Goolsbee.

Austan, do you first. Is this an admission -- you know it's coming. Is this an admission that Obama administration failed? I mean, the Obama team actually ran on not providing healthcare, U.S. taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegal immigrants. So, is this an admission finally that Obamacare was a disaster?

AUSTAN GOOLSBEE, FORMER OBAMA ECONOMIC ADVISER: That is wrong on every count, Dan. But I do agree that the debates were way too long. You clearly cherry picked from Bernie Sanders, marginal candidate, one sentence from here, one sentence from there, and you are portraying something that wasn't what they said. In the case of healthcare for people that are here with undocumented immigrants, that was should people have access to healthcare, not that it would be given to them free, and not that they would take away somebody else's healthcare and give it to undocumented immigrants. That is completely absurd. That is not what they said in the debate.

BONGINO: I believe the government was government-funded healthcare. Hold on.


GOOLSBEE: If a person goes to the emergency room --

BONGINO: They already have healthcare.

GOOLSBEE: If they go to the emergency room and they are undocumented, they have to be treated. That's the law.

BONGINO: Yes. But he was asking -- the moderators were clearly asking who would provide these benefits to people in the country illegally? Everyone raised their hands. It's not like we Adobe photoshopped it.

GOOLSBEE: That is the only one of all the group agreed that you selected.

BONGINO: It was the whole group.

GOOLSBEE: And on that on, it was if people could buy in. It wasn't that they'd be given healthcare free. It's that they would be able to buy in.

BONGINO: Austan, it was the whole group. We didn't select anything.

Let me just go to Herman Cain.

So, Herman, where is this work, we didn't cherry pick. These are their own words. You have Bernie Sanders running on 70 percent-plus marginal tax rates, which is utterly absurd. We have them running on expanded government spending with $22 trillion in debt.

Can you tell me, Mr. Cain, where anywhere on earth the agenda of the heavy government spending, confiscatory taxation, where this has worked?

HERMAN CAIN, THE NEW VOICE CEO: I'm surprised that Austan is from the same planet that the Democratic presidential wannabes are from. They're not from the planet earth.

Secondly, Medicare-for-All simply means no choices for all, period. OK? Dan, that is an original sound bite you can use in perpetuity. Medical- for-All means no choices for all. All you have to do is look at Obamacare. They called it the Affordable Care Act, but it was the unaffordable care act. And what happened to it because it failed is because it wasn't affordable for a lot of people.

So, Austan is trying to defend an indefensible position relative to healthcare for all, including illegals. They don't understand the word "illegal."

BONGINO: Austan, you are an economist. You are a smart guy. Explain to me how mathematically it will work if people who are here in the country illegally, in other words no constraints on you coming in, you can come in the country illegally and still claim U.S. taxpayer assets, to claim the healthcare assets, can you explain how mathematically -- Friedman the greatest economy of our lifetime --

GOOLSBEE: Yes, I will explain it to you because as I said, you cherry- picked it.

BONGINO: I did not cherry pick anything. I played their words. What are you talking about?

GOOLSBEE: Dan, you didn't, because Vice President Biden then explained why he voted for that. He said it's going to allow the people to buy in to the system. That you are going to collect taxes on those workers to pay in to the system.

BONGINO: How are they going to do that if they are here illegally? Do we give them Social Security number or tax ID number? They are here illegally. How are they going to do that?

GOOLSBEE: Yes, that happens now, Dan. People who are here illegally pay billions of dollars of payroll tax.

BONGINO: We give them Social Security numbers and tax ID numbers? I like how you switch that around. That is not what we do. You know that. They pay sales tax.

GOOLSBEE: They have a tax ID number, you can pay taxes.

BONGINO: Here illegally.

GOOLSBEE: Billions of dollars from millions of people do come in exactly that way.

BONGINO: So, we should, what you're suggesting, I just want to nail you down on this, is we should wipe out any illegal immigration, let people come here illegally and laid claim that U.S. taxpayers -- it doesn't make sense.

GOOLSBEE: Yes, that is the complete opposite of what I have ever said. You put words in my mouth with nothing to do with what I said. I said what all of those candidates said they were voting for was to allow people that were here undocumented to buy in to the new system that they were putting forward.

Now, Bernie Sanders, you are right, is advocating a Medicare-for-All plan that would get rid of the private insurance. But the majority of the candidates are for a Medicare by choice, which as you know the Congressional Budget Office says is cheaper than the system we have now. It doesn't cost anything and is supported by 74 percent of America, including the majority of Republicans.

BONGINO: All right. Well, suggesting that Medicare is going to be cheaper than a privately-run system is absurd. You are an economist and you know that's not true. The government bathes in inefficiency because cost and quality don't matter. You have heard of the third party-payer problem I'm sure.

So, let me go to Herman. I'll give back to you, I promise.

But, Mr. Cain, Bill Clinton ran on the era of big government being over. Bill Clinton, well, I'm not a Bill Clinton fan obviously, but government spending was relatively constrained on those years with the Gingrich Congress. Is that the Democratic Party, the party of second term Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy? Now, are those all Republicans, is that all dead and gone?

CAIN: The answer is no. Every one of those candidates that we saw last night and the night before, they favor the era of bigger government, bigger government, more control government. That is what this is about.

Austan can try to spin this all he wants to in terms of the words that he uses, but the fact of the matter is it all boils down to they want to spend more of our money, those people that make money and have jobs, and spend it more for illegals. Why don't they worry about the citizens of this country more than they worry about the illegals of this country? Why don't they do something to help secure the border? They finally passed something but it took them two months or more in order to pass something to do something about the border.

Do you want to know why? The people in the House and the Senate heard from constituents back home. That's how we get civilized. We get back on planet earth.

They are not on this planet. They are from an alternative universe, as Laura Ingraham has said many times before. We need to get back to the earth and we need to get back to looking out for the citizens who work in this country rather than worry about the illegals.

BONGINO: Austan, just from -- take it out to a kind of a bigger perspective here, what is with this big government argument, higher taxes, government-run healthcare? Can you explain to me from the Democrat side of the fence, what special knowledge government bureaucrats have to be able to manage the healthcare of 330 million Americans, manage the economy? If they were any good of that stuff, they wouldn't be in government position. They would be in a private business and making money.

GOOLSBEE: OK. Now, we can -- we can argue among the three of us, we can have a debate about what should be the role of the government or how big should it be. You cannot deny that the overhead and cost expenses on Medicare which is one of the most popular government programs in the entire country, supported by massive majorities, those costs are lower than the private sector healthcare. It's a fact.

BONGINO: No, it's not true. It's because they have an older, sicker population, what you're doing is you are messing with the fractions. I know that trick. It's older, sicker population.


GOOLSBEE: I'm not messing with the fractions. It's the opposite. Older and sicker should look worse but it looks better.

BONGINO: No, no, the administration -- come on, that's a trick everybody uses on the Democrat side. You know that, Austan.

All right, guys, I've got to run. Thanks a lot for joining us.

GOOLSBEE: It's not. It's the opposite of a trick.

BONGINO: We'll have to continue another time.

You are looking at live pictures of President Trump in Osaka, Japan, at the G20 Summit where's he's attending a women's workforce session. If the president has anything to say, we'll bring it to you live.

Herman, Austan, thanks a lot.

The liberal establishment media is in total panic after the Democrats' first primary debates. They are beginning to realize the radical far left positions being adopted by their party will cost them the general election against President Trump. Take a look at this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Last night was a disaster for Democratic Party. My only hope is people were not watching.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm texting with the Trump campaign sources -- Christmas. Compare to Christmas. Gleeful.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is not your parents' Democratic Party. This isn't even your older sister's Democratic Party. It's changed considerably.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I still in my heart of hearts don't see anybody on the stage tonight that would beat Trump.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Virtually every Democrat on the stage took positions that were to the left of Barack Obama, you know, playing right in to at least from the campaign's view, their plan to portray Democrats simply too far to the left effectively a socialist party.


BONGINO: As you heard earlier, some of the radical proposals made by the Democratic presidential hopefuls this week include decriminalizing illegal border crossing, taxpayers funded healthcare for illegals. How is that going to work out? Unlimited immigration and migrants will get free healthcare? The math doesn't work.

Joining me now with reaction is Louisiana Senator John Kennedy.

Senator Kennedy, thanks a lot for joining us tonight. I really appreciate it.

I just had Austan Goolsbee on and I was talking about the math here. It can't possibly work. You have experience in this arena.

How do you have open borders -- Milton Friedman said this a long time ago - - you can't have open borders and a welfare state. The math just doesn't work because the entire globe essentially has a claim on the U.S. taxpayer assets. It can't work because it won't work.

Your thoughts?

SEN. JOHN KENNEDY, R-LA: I listened to part of the debates. I just found it bizarre, Dan. I mean, I know many of the candidates running but I felt like I was listening to folks who were Castro without the beard, or Cuba without the sun.

I mean, number one, it's clear to me that most of the candidates for president on the Democratic side had decided that illegal immigration is a moral good, that the border is just a nuance. I don't think most Americans believe that. I don't know a single country in the world that doesn't have borders and doesn't want to know who is coming into their country, if for no other reason but public safety.

In terms of the free healthcare for illegal immigrants, we've got at least 11 million folks in our country illegally. We have 5,000 a day coming in right now as a result of our asylum laws. I don't know how we would pay for that. It would cost by my estimation $55 billion to $60 billion, that's nine zeros, a year to give free health insurance to folks in our country illegally.

And we can't afford what we are doing now with healthcare in America. That's why we have a $22 trillion debt. We borrow $1 million a minute, not an hour, not a day, a minute to run government.

And right now, even before we added the illegal immigrants to the healthcare system, we are already Thelma and Louise in that car headed toward the cliff. I just found this bizarre. I mean, it's basically they want -- the Democratic position seems to be everything is going to be free, you know? Free education, free healthcare, free housing, free love, free kittens.

I don't know. I just found it bizarre. I don't know how they think we will pay for it.

BONGINO: Well, I hate to put out two Friedman quotes in one segment. But Friedman once said, you know, when you think it's free, you think your neighbor is paying for it. But the joke is he thinks the same thing. So, it's us, we're paying for it, right?

But the Dems -- you're up there on the Senate. On the Senate side -- I won't ask you to comment on the House side obviously. Are they starting to feel the heat a little bit on the immigration issue?

It appears that the Democrats are for nothing, a big zero. They don't stand for anything on immigration that would help the problem. I saw this week on this appropriation to ease the conditions on the border, there were 84 votes. Which says to me as an outsider, maybe you can clear it up and tell me if I'm wrong, they must feeling some kind of heat, the Democrat side, saying hey, guys, ladies, listen, we've got to stand. When can't say no to everything all the time.

Am I reading this wrong?

KENNEDY: No, I think you are right, Dan. I mean, for the longest time many members of the media and some of my Democratic friends contended that we don't have a crisis at the border. We clearly do. We have 5,000 people a day coming in and setting foot on American soil.

And under the law, as interpreted by some of our judges we have to turn them loose to America. That is not a week. That is 5,000 folks a day.

We have a huge humanitarian crisis. The Senate, Democrats and Republicans, worked out an arrangement to stem the humanitarian crisis web, about $4.5 billion.

Speaker Pelosi to her credit went along with us. I thank her for that. She got it right, once in a row. Now, she had to fight off the shadow speaker, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez.

But in terms of willing to fix the problem, look, we could fix this problem in about two and a half weeks, by changing the asylum laws. And right now, as interpreted by our courts, all you have to do if you are coming from the south is step foot on American soil, say the magic words and you are turned loose in to the country and you are told come back to court in a couple of years. And obviously, many people don't. This just makes no sense.

BONGINO: Well, I agree with you on that.

KENNEDY: But it could be fixed.

BONGINO: Yes, yes.

All right. Senator Kennedy, thank you so much for joining us. I appreciate your insights on that. I really appreciate it.

Deep state abuse in the 2016 election is the biggest power and corruption scandal in the nation's history. Yet, it didn't come up ones in last night's debate. We'll tell you why that was a huge mistake when Sara Carter, Gregg Jarrett and Congressman Andy Biggs up next. Stay turned.


BONGINO: Welcome back to the special edition of “Hannity: 2020 Election.”

President Trump is in Japan for the g20. If he says anything we'll bring it to you live this hour.

Switching gears, as we continue, truth and justice and holding those that abuse power accountable, Democrats and the partners in the media mob are continuing to fuel more Mueller mania and impeachment fantasies. Take a look at this.


HARRIS: So, let me tell you. We need somebody on our stage when it comes to the general election who knows how to recognize a rap sheet when they see it and prosecute the case.

DEBATE MODERATOR: Governor Inslee?

GOV. JAY INSLEE, D-WASH., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The biggest threat to the security of the United States is Donald Trump. There's no question.


BETO O'ROURKE, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: A president who fought to obstruct the investigation in the invasion of our democracy. We must begin impeachment now so that we have the facts and the truth and we follow them as far as they go.


BONGINO: And in two nights of the Democratic debate, there was not one question on the deep state abuse of power scandal. Not one question on FISA abuse, the deter Steele dossier, or the use of secret informants to spy on team Trump.

Joining me now for reaction is Fox News contributor Sara Carter, Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett, and Republican Congressman Andy Biggs.

Gregg, I go to you first. I think this Mueller appearance on July 17th has potential to blow up spectacular in the Democrats' face.

GREGG JARRETT, LEGAL ANALYST: Yes, it's a big mistake.

BONGINO: It's a huge mistake. One of the reasons is Mueller report is written like an op-ed, not a serious legal document, and he leaves a lot of things out. One of them begin, one of the contacts he alleges is a, you know, a Russian carve-out for Manafort. This guy Kilimnik was actually a source for the Obama state department. It's kind of an interesting point to bring up. No?

JARRETT: Yes. He either concealed it or deliberately tried to deceive the American public. And the same thing with the professor Mifsud and George Papadopoulos. Mifsud, it turns out, isn't a Russian agent at all and he works for British government probably, and in turn the Americans as well.

And then, of course, he takes John Dowd's telephone message and he edits it down to misrepresent that. Another place I found he completely misrepresented and invented a conversation involving Papadopoulos and Mifsud. And he doesn't source it. He just made it up. He plucked it from his own imagination.

So the report is frankly disappointing in so many ways. It's disorganized, contradictory, inconsistent, and it is so schizophrenic you will get whiplash. You know, it's almost a garbage document like the dossier. And what's frustrating about it most of all are the things he doesn't look into. If he is looking into Russian interference, how can you not look into Hillary Clinton paying for Russian misinformation?

BONGINO: Right, exactly.

JARRETT: To interfere in the election. But there is none of that in there, or the dossier. There is nothing in there about Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS, Brennan and Clapper, all of them trying to interfere by spreading Russian information.

BONGINO: Sara, I know you have been on this case like white on rice. One thing that bothers me is what Gregg just said, this whole charter, initial charter, Bob Mueller, was to investigate Russian interference in the election. And it's convenient he goes through the multiple pages to talk about the Don Trump Jr. tower meeting with the Russians but he fails to mention that the Russian lawyer was actually working for company hired by Hillary Clinton.

I mean, don't you think it is a key point to bring up?

SARA CARTER, CONTRIBUTOR: It's a huge point. So, here you have a Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russia, right, the Russian lawyer, who works for Prevezon Holdings. She meets actually with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS the day before and the day after. And the day after that meeting and Simpson is like, no, we didn't discuss the Trump Tower meeting at all.

And so, these are really significant questions that need to be answered. And let me tell you, Dan. I mean, the biggest point here is we are hearing all kinds of rumors about what Robert Mueller is going to be testifying about, how this is significant on the part of the Democrats.

This is total theater on the part of the Democrats because they are continuously, including Andrew McCabe, who has been on MSNBC over and over again, who was basically thrown out of the FBI for lying and fired by then Attorney General Jeff Sessions for being a liar. And the I.G. caught him lying multiple times and leaking information to the media. This is how they are trying to keep disinformation alive, by holding this hearing which is theatrical, which is not going to resolve anything.

And, by the way, Robert Mueller really can't go outside the purview, and he shouldn't, outside the purview of his report. So, there is a lot of questions here that need to be answered. As you said I believe the Republicans have the upper hand here because they ask him questions that are very important, that he can answer. And there are a lot of questions that he can't.

But, remember, the Democrats are trying to keep the rumor alive. It's a just rumor and it's a lie because they have absolutely no evidence of anything or otherwise they would have used it.

BONGINO: Well, thanks to people like you, we know it's lies. It's great work, along with, Gregg. You're book is just amazing.

Congressman Biggs, you are up on the Hill. Are they committed to getting answers from Bob Mueller? I mean, one of the things that bothers me, too, about his report is not just the fact that he leaves out the $500,000 payment from a Russian bank to Bill Clinton, that's not in there at all, but also on the exculpatory evidence with obstruction. Donald Trump actually told Jim Comey, according to his own memos, said he wanted him to investigate people on the team who may have been involved this, does it sound obstruction to you? That is not in the report by the way.

REP. ANDY BIGGS, R-ARIZ.: Yes, no. It doesn't sound like obstruction. In fact, there wasn't any obstruction. I think Mr. Mueller knew it but his team was radicalized. Don't forget, he had a radical team that was conducting this investigation.

And so, they come out and I don't know Robert Mueller from Adam -- Fox, but I can tell you this: the reality is Mr. Mueller put out a report that is not a legal brief at all. He shouldn't have never done it, in the first place. The second of all, it is basically an opinion piece.

But what's going to happen, I think this is going to look like the Hope Hicks interview. That is - you know, you had Democrats reading or asking her to read direct quotes from the Mueller Report, and Hope Hicks say well yes that was my statement. That's what you're going to get when the Democrats go to Mueller.

You're not going to get anything new from the Democrats. In fact, Nadler's already said, Chairman Nadler has already said, hey we are going probably have him just read things. This is designed to keep up their narrative of something that happened that there was an obstruction of justice, that somehow - just like you heard in the debate last night, somehow the President is guilty of something.

There is nothing here and they know it. They can't get him on anything that is criminal, so they are going to just attack and try to sully his name with these consistent rumors that they have been putting out from day one.

BONGINO: Gregg, I think one of the key questions to ask Bob Mueller is when exactly did you find out that this collusion was a hoax? I mean, Weismann, his pit-bull as they call him, he knew in August of 2016 that the dossier had serious issues. When did Mueller find that, is that not the key question?

JARRETT: Within a matter of months of his appointment, May 17, 2016. In fact, John Dowd, the President's lawyer places it around November/December of 2017.

And so - and there was a meeting on March 5, 2018, a full year before the report comes out, in which, according to Dowd, Mueller admits that the President has no criminal exposure over collusion. So, Mr. Mueller, why didn't you issue an interim report? Isn't it true that you wanted to keep this going to influence unduly the 2018 interim elections, so that Democrats could take over the house?

And I think that's a legitimate question to ask. Also, Mueller interviewed with the President the day before he took the job as Special Counsel, sitting in the Oval office. Isn't it true, Mr. Mueller, that you and the President actually discussed the reason that Comey was fired, which makes you a witness in your own case on the obstruction investigation?

BONGINO: Sara, just a quick last word from you, is the Kavalec Steele interview, the Kathleen Kavalec from the State Department, excuse me, where she meets with the dossier, the guy - and interview and the information is all garbage, is that going to come into play in this Mueller hearing? Because that information Kavalec took notes on it and it's all discredited, do you think that comes up at all?

SARA CARTER, CONTRIBUTOR: Absolutely. I think the Republicans will swoop right in on that and ask questions about that. I think this is significantly important and those e-mails and those exchanges, and Victoria Nuland with the State Department and what she knew are going to come up.

Because at that point in time, everybody knew and they questioned this dossier, which was fed to us basically by a foreign intelligence officer from MI-6, Christopher Steele, who took a ton of this information from the Russians.

And now what we're discovering is that people like Joseph Mifsud who Gregg brought up is - was working for Italian and British intelligence, and we are the ones who work with them. So now we need to ask John Brennan as well. What did you know, John Brennan, how were you involved in this and where did this investigation begin?

BONGINO: Well, John Brennan is in a world of trouble, because that Gang of Eight briefing, he gave - remember, there were notes on that and that information was only from Steele. So he is in a world of trouble. Sara, Gregg and Congressman Biggs, thank you so much.

As you can see there, President Trump is mingling with foreign leaders at the G20. We are monitoring this for any developments. He's scheduled to meet with China's President in about an hour. We're monitoring this for any developments, so directly ahead.

Joe Biden, an absolutely disastrous performance last night. That is the understatement. Will it kill his chances at the nomination? Analyze with Doug Schoen and Senate candidate John James will be here with analysis. Stay tuned. This is “Hannity” special, rolls along.


BONGINO: Welcome back to this “Hannity Special: 2020 Election.” Joe Biden when into last night's Democrat debate as the frontrunner, but one moment got heated when California Senator Kamala Harris took Biden to task for his past record on civil rights. Take a look at this.


HARRIS: To hear you talk about the reputation of two United States Senators who built their reputation and career on the segregation of race in this country. And it was not only that, but you also worked with them to oppose busing.

BIDEN: That's a mischaracterization of my position across the board. I did not praise racists. That is not true. I did not opposed busing in America. What I opposed is busing ordered by the Department of Education. That is what I opposed. I did not oppose--

HARRIS: It was a failure of states to integrate public schools in America. I was part of the second class to integrate Berkeley, California public schools almost two decades after Brown v. Board of Education.

BIDEN: I'm the guy that extended the Voting Rights Act for 25 years. We got to the place where we got 98 out of 98 votes in the United State Senate doing it. I've also argued very strongly that we in fact deal with the notion of denying people access to the ballot box. I agree that everybody wants that - anyway, my time is up, I'm sorry.


BONGINO: Biden also had an embarrassing moment when he said his first issue as President would be to defeat Donald Trump. Okie-doke. Watch this.


BIDEN: The first thing I would do is make sure that we defeat Donald Trump, period.


BONGINO: Okay. Joining us now is Former Congressman Darrell Issa, Pollster and Fox News Contributor Doug Schoen, and Senate Candidate from Michigan John James. All right guys, thanks for joining us.

Congressman, I'll go to you first. Listen, that was I think by all measures a disastrous performance last night. Is this catastrophic or can he recover? I mean I have been in a few debates myself, having run. It's still early in the process. Can he recover from this?

DARRELL ISSA, FORMER CALIFORNIA CONGRESSMAN: He can always recover. But Biden now finds himself 40 years after a new deal Democrat famously said in a Presidential race, I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me. That was Ronald Reagan.

The problem that Joe Biden has is that he hasn't stopped being a mainstream liberal Democrat. The Democratic Party has moved so far to his left that it's left him.

BONGINO: Doug, listen, no one knows the Democrat politics better than you. And you've candidly been all over the problem with them harping on the identity politics over and over. Now this is the problem with it, Doug, it obviously becomes cannibalistic at some point where it starts to implode on itself, and you see last night that very same attack being used against Joe Biden. Doug, quick question for you, I mean no one believes Joe Biden is really a racist on the stage. They were using that as a weapon just to hurt him.

DOUG SCHOEN, CONTRIBUTOR: No, this was - you're exactly right, Dan, cannibalism at its political worst. Joe Biden is a very good man. He sounded like he was well past his prime. I think Kamala Harris took him down but I'm not sure she did a great deal to fundamentally help herself. I think the big winner last night candidly was President Donald J Trump--

BONGINO: I agree.

SCHOEN: --because of the Democratic chaos and division.

BONGINO: Yes, I mean it was a lackluster performance for all of them. John James, hopefully soon Senator James, congrats on your announcement, great job. You did a great job last time, too.


BONGINO: Listen, this is a really serious charge to lob at someone last night. Kamala Harris kind of phrased it like, I'm not calling you a racist, but I'm going to insinuate you are. I mean there is really nothing worse in America to be called. And I thought Biden with such a heavy charge being lobbed at him did a really awful job. He almost seen like someone gets this guy a cup of coffee. Someone's got to call you that, insinuate, you got to fight back.

JAMES: Look I think everybody on that stage last night disqualified themselves. When you consider especially that five people on that stage, exactly half are current legislators, and they stood up on that stage and said they were going to throw our future generations under the bus.

They said that they were failed to enforce the laws. They are in a position right now to secure our borders and to get comprehensive immigration reform, for example, and they are failing to do that.

I've been all over the world, I fought combat in Baghdad, I've grown a business in Detroit and Washington is the only place that I can think of that you can fail and still ask the American people for a promotion.

I think that we can be good stewards and be compassionate without being bone-headed. And I think everybody on that stage failed to meet that criteria. If you believe in what I just said, please go to; we need to have better leadership in Washington.

BONGINO: Congressman, you've won quite a few elections.

ISSA: I'm only laughing because you can fail up in California pretty well too.


Just look at our Governor.

BONGINO: Only in politics, only in politics, not in private business.

ISSA: Only in politics.

BONGINO: Is there any way for the Democrats, given this current 24 hour media environment, where everything is on tape all the time for them to dial this back after the primary is over. I mean Congressman, we have a bunch of candidates on stage actually physically raising their hands, telling America we're going to cancel your private healthcare. It's on tape. Can they get back in the general back to the middle?

ISSA: No, they can't. And this is a Michael Dukakis moment so to speak for the older people in the audience. The fact is, we've been here before where our party goes way out to the left thinking that they're somehow going to inspire people rather than doing what the last two Democratic Presidents that got second terms did.

Because both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama - I didn't like much of their liberal politics, but they never talked as liberals. They talked as people who wanted to work together and then they did liberal things. I think it's too late for the folks. As you saw, John Delaney on one hand and Joe Biden were the only people trying to talk as though they were running a general.

And I'm going to come to my friend Joe Biden's defense in one way. The first thing you have to do, if you're going to be the President and do that first thing after you are sworn in, is you got to win the election. Nobody on that stage is going to win the election based on last night's performance.

BONGINO: Yes, I don't know who gave them those talking points but it's the worst focus group in America that told a bunch of Democrats to go and lobby for healthcare for illegal immigrants and canceling private healthcare in America, ridiculous.

Darrell, Doug and John thanks a lot for your analysis, really appreciate it. When we come back, Democrats seem to want no limits on abortion and Hollywood loves it. We'll tell you that might not be a good for Dems in 2020 with Kayleigh McEnany and Kerry Picket when the special edition of HANNITY returns.


BONGINO: Welcome back to this “Hannity Special: 2020 election.” In this week's Democrat Presidential debates, radical Democrats unleashed on the hot button issue of abortion. Watch this.


JULIAN CASTRO, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Let's also not forget someone in the trans community, trans-female, is poor doesn't mean they shouldn't have the right to exercise that right to choose. And so I absolutely would cover the right to have an abortion.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I would make certain that every woman has access to the full range of reproductive healthcare services and that includes birth control, it includes abortion and it includes everything for a woman.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: First of all, let me tell you this, it didn't come up yet but let's face this. Medicare for All guarantees every woman in this country the right to have an abortion, if she wants it.


BONGINO: Meanwhile, Hollywood liberals continue to prop up Democratic Party policies. And on Fox & Friends, legendary actor Jon Voight responded to a Twitter attack from radical actress Alyssa Milano who has been leading the call for Hollywood to boycott the State of Georgia over its fetal heartbeat abortion law. Watch this.


JON VOIGHT, AMERICAN ACTOR: Come at me, Alyssa. Alyssa, come at me, I'm ready.


Darling, Alyssa, God bless you. But I pray God sends his light of truth on all those with no truth about the Republicans and about our President, and may God bless America.


BONGINO: Joining us now with reaction is Trump 2020 Campaign National Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany and Daily Caller Reporter, Kerry Picket.

Kayleigh, I'll go to you first, Alyssa Milano criticizing Jon Voight, that's a kind of a joke in and of itself. I mean, she was in, what is it, Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 and he won an academy award. I thought he handled it quite well. But I guess my question to you is more, does Hollywood really matter anymore? Clearly, it didn't help Hillary in the 2016 election.

KAYLEIGH MCENANY, TRUMP 2020 CAMPAIGN NATIONAL PRESS SECRETARY: No, Hollywood doesn't matter. In fact, I think if anything it's a curse for a candidate because every day hardworking men and women look and they say Alyssa Milano is going to tell me what to do?

I mean this is a woman who said that women should have a sex strike because of a fetal heartbeat bill that says you keep a living baby with a heartbeat alive. And because of that bill, women everywhere should have a sex strike. I could tell you this, women everywhere - every day women listen to her, tune her out, she doesn't matter, nor does Hollywood. They are a joke. So, please endorse the Democratic nominee as I'm sure they will.

BONGINO: Kerry, I brought this up multiple times on this show tonight, what focus group has given the Democrats the absolutely awful advice that abortion up to the ninth month of pregnancy is a winner outside of maybe certain enclaves in New York, California and Illinois? It's absurd. I mean, what happened to safe, legal and rare? It seems to have gone out the window.

KERRY PICKET, REPORTER, THE DAILY CALLER: So true, Dan. And think about this, right after Ralph Northam Governor of Virginia, made his absurd comments about post-birth abortions, Democrats began to get a little scared. They didn't want to talk about it and they explicitly steered away from it during the debates.

However, it doesn't mean that a little crazy didn't come out, specifically out of Julian Castro, about the trans community being able to have abortions. I think they are calling it now reproductive justice. But still, they now want to repeal the HYDE Amendment which means that Federal Taxpayer dollars would actually go toward abortions. They want to make sure that they vilify all these states that ended up passing this heartbeat bill.

So still, you have a number of Democrats who want to make sure that they don't make the same mistake that Hillary Clinton made back in 2016 when she said that she would support abortion all way up to the third trimester.

BONGINO: Kayleigh, this cannot play well in swing states here. I mean, when you look at one issue voters, people who vote on one issue, you see basically firearms, Second Amendment and abortion. This is not going to look good for the Democrats once these primaries are over, this radicalism on abortion.

MCENANY: You are right. This motivates the Republican base immensely, but more than that, it motivates 85% of Americans. When you look at who supports abortion until birth, which was passed in New York and celebrated with a six standing ovation in the New York Senate Chamber and they lit One World Trade pink in celebration. When you look who supports this absurd inhumane measure of killing a fully viable baby, it's about 15% or less.

So they are motivating 85% of the American people, when they do things like 19 times blocking a vote in the House for a keep-alive bill, keeping a baby alive outside of the womb. Purportedly those Democrats agree with the Governor of Virginia that you can now commit infanticide. This is sick and they are quickly becoming the party of the 1% - the 1% who support infanticide.

BONGINO: Kerry, I just got a few seconds left, but it's one thing to argue for choice. It's not really choice we say, it's not a choice for the infant in the womb. It's a whole other thing to argue for unlimited abortion. I mean, can they possibly turn back after the primary and turn back in the general on this?

PICKET: No way, Dan. Just think about it, the whole idea of arguing third trimester abortions on a national stage, the details of going into that, I don't see it. And frankly, I only see the Democrats going away from it.

BONGINO: I agree. Thanks and really appreciate it. You both were great. We'll be right back with Rush Limbaugh's thoughts on the Democratic Debate. Stay with us.


BONGINO: Welcome back to the special edition of “Hannity: The 2020 Election.” Rush Limbaugh sounded off after watching the lackluster Democratic Debate on Wednesday night. Listen to why he thinks none of the candidates have any shot at beating President Trump.


RUSH LIMBAUGH, HOST, THE RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW: You couldn't - you would not have been uplifted by one thing watching this debate last night. If you are a radical leftist, you would not have been uplifted. You would have had your hatred verified and validated, and your anger verified and validated.

There wasn't one candidate on that stage that lit it up. Donald Trump doesn't do what we saw last night. Do you realize we've been spared on our side this kind of political chat, this kind of political cliche conversation for 2.5 years. We got somebody that is actually real, who goes to the White House and just - to the microphones and just speaks.


BONGINO: Unfortunately, it's all the time we have left tonight. As always, thank you for joining us. If you liked tonight's show, make sure you tune into my podcast, The Dan Bongino Show. Make sure you tune into “Hannity” next week where we have an incredible guest line-up for you. Laura Ingraham is up next. Stay tuned.

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