
This is a rush transcript from "Watters' World," October 2, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Cracking the code: That's the subject of tonight's Watters' Words.

There is something missing, America. Besides my book on "The New York Times" bestseller list, that's fine. We had a good run.

What's missing is the media mob fixated on Florida and COVID. What changed? Florida COVID cases went way down. Florida kicked its summer surge. Good news, less sick citizens. Extra, extra. Read all about it. But the national news won't run it. The media mob won't tell you the rest of the Florida story because it had a happy ending.

See, if the plotline changes and goes against the narrative, the press skips to the next act. And the next act is this: If you're unmasked or unvaxxed, you're a deadly weapon.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Children are not just suffering and dying at greater rates right now, they are spreading COVID throughout the population at higher numbers. Anti-masking doesn't just affect schools, but our society as a whole.

People do not get to walk around shooting loaded firearms randomly into crowds and people are not entitled to turn themselves in a deadly biological weapons by spraying disease laden aerosols wherever they choose, randomly killing innocent people.


WATTERS: If you don't play by the left's rules, rules that have zilch to do with science, you'll be deemed a public health threat.

COVID is not a threat. You are. You're a bio weapon. You're an AR-COVID-19.

The government use the threat to public health to strip you of your First Amendment rights, freedom of speech, freedom of association. Churches were shuttered, interstate travel restricted. Voting was altered. Prisons emptied.

These emergency powers fundamentally changed America just because of a threat to public health. A virus so threatening that the survival rate was 99 percent. Now, that we have the vax, the threat is gone, but the emergency powers linger.

Follow along here because this is where the danger lies.

Just months ago, President Biden said this:


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Today, we are taking steps to confront not just the gun crisis, but what is actually a public health crisis.


WATTERS: The C.D.C. Director quickly followed.


DR. ROCHELLE WALENSKY, DIRECTOR, CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION: This is clearly one of those moments, one of those issues that is harming America's health. Something has to be done about this.


WATTERS: For the very first time, the C.D.C. is funding a new surveillance program of hospitals, tracking Americans coming into ERs with survivable gunshot wounds. They'll add them up and make their case. And if history is a guide, the government will deem gun violence a public health threat, and use its emergency powers to limit your Second Amendment rights.

Judges have to hold the line against this coming power grab. The propaganda for the grab has been mounting. The masses have been deluded by it. Military style, semi-automatic assault weapon, otherwise known as just a rifle.

Well, the F.B.I. released its 2020 Crime Report, massive rise in homicides. But let's go deeper. What's the murder method? In a country of over 300 million people, last year just 454 murders were committed by rifle. Some lever action, pump action, some, I guess, AR-15s, but more murderers use their fists and their feet. And almost four times, more people died from knives than so-called assault rifles.

A fake phrase by the way, the AR and AR-15 actually stands for ArmaLite rifle, the brand.

So here's the point. Over 8,000 homicides last year involved handguns. These are the self-defense weapons of choice in America, especially among inner city gangs who are responsible for a big chunk of the body count. Revolvers, Glocks -- very easy to conceal.

So, why doesn't the left harp on handguns if that's the firearm doing all the damage? Something to think about and discuss on another show.

You'll never find fairness on the left. Look all you want, you'll go cross- eyed. A great example: Crazy California released the man who tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan, John Hinckley, Jr. was a freak who tried to impress actress, Jodie Foster, by killing the President.

Reagan barely survived. The bullet stopped an inch from his heart. But the would-be assassin has been paroled. He was living in Virginia, but the public lost track of him. He could be anywhere.

In less than a year, he'll be released from all court supervision. Nobody monitoring his meds, travels, or communications. So shoot a President in the heart and years later, you're a free man.

The system says you're not crazy. You're no threat.

But if you question the election or the C.D.C., I'm sorry, sir, you're going to have to come with me.

America feels like Bruce Willis in "12 Monkeys."


DR. KATARINA JONES, FICTIONAL CHARACTER: We appreciate your volunteering. You're a very good observer, Cole.



WATTERS: A $3.5 trillion bill costs nothing. The border is secure. And what's Afghanistan?


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We did it today. The extraordinary success of this mission was due to the incredible skill, bravery and selfless courage of the United States military and our diplomats and Intelligence professionals.


WATTERS: "Extraordinary success." Everything costs more now -- trucks, fuel, food. But the geniuses in Washington claim it's all going away soon, don't worry.


BIDEN: Experts believe and the data shows that most of the price increases we've seen were expected and expected to be temporary.


WATTERS: Not so fast.


NORAH O'DONNELL, CBS NEWS ANCHOR: Dollar Tree is breaking the buck, the store where nearly everything sells for $1.00 is now raising prices by up to 50 cents on some items to cover rising costs.


WATTERS: So the Dollar Store is now the Dollar Fifty Store, and it is not going back down. Everything is inflated. Well except, CNN's ratings. John Nolte at Breitbart has a great piece. "Despite massive news events, bottom falls out of CNN's quarterly ratings." Not a single CNN program averaged over a million viewers, not a single CNN program.

CNN's highest rated show "Cuomo Primetime" came in a humiliating 23rd place. Tucker, "The Five," "Hannity," one, two, three.

Nolte writes: "We all know what's happening here. On top of the hideous behavior of deviants like Chris Cuomo and CNN legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin, on top of the credible sexual assault claim against Don Lemon, CNN LOL is dealing with a massive credibility crisis. Over and over CNN LOL has been exposed as a fake news outlet that trolls and lies and deliberately spread conspiracy theories. The end result is that during a world changing news quarter, practically no one tunes into CNN LOL because no one trusts CNN LOL -- not even leftists."

We reported last week Chris Cuomo was accused of grabbing a producer's butt at an ABC party in front of her husband and copped to it in writing. The highest rated anchor on CNN embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal, that's news, but the mob spiked it.

ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and of course CNN all ignored the story. This is why corporate media is dying. They don't cover the news, they cover it up.

The networks did the same thing with John Durham, not a peep from ABC, CBS, and NBC after Crooked Hillary's lawyer got indicted for lying to the F.B.I. concocting the Trump-Russia hoax.

Breaking news alerts anytime a Trump associate was charged in the witch hunt, but dead silence when Clinton's lawyer is charged for starting the witch hunt. Again, the press just turns the page when the plot thickens, and it is thickening.

Durham just slapped Clinton's dirty dossier law firm with more subpoenas.

The F.B.I. exposed again this week for odious corruption. The I.G. report found the Bureau systematically lied and tricked the FISA Court for years into getting warrants to spy on American citizens. They faked evidence, hid evidence, abused our privacy, and the media again hiding this sleaze from the country.

Jim Comey signed off on all of it. But the most corrupt F.B.I. Chief since Hoover skedaddled with a Fed book deal and just basked in the glow of left- wing worship. That's the retirement package when you run the resistance.

They're throwing it in our faces now. POLITICO just confirmed Hunter Biden's laptop was legit, and that's how you rig a vote. Run the October surprise a year after the election.

So Biden lied, the family was in business with the Chinese communists and they were holding 10 for the big guy. Don't hold your breath for a prosecution.

In Arizona, Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by 11,000 votes. An audit in Maricopa County done by an outside firm found 57,000 questionable ballots just in that one county.

The media wasn't interested in this, and the audit wasn't as thorough as it could have been because Arizona officials wouldn't fully cooperate and some evidence was removed and destroyed.

So, there's a dangerous pattern in the United States. Politicians, prosecutors and the press are abusing their power to wage political warfare against innocent people. And even when the abuse is exposed, the press runs cover for the conspiracy.

We're picking it apart, but we need more honest Americans on the inside run for office, be a reporter. I'd tell you to be a lawyer, but this country does not need any more lawyers, just the right ones in the right places. So, get it right -- or be a judge.

We can't win the battle from the outside. You know what you need to do.

Here with reaction, Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

All right, your thoughts on Watters' Words, Senator?

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Jesse, I think you're absolutely right. One of the real consequences of the Trump presidency is that that he broke the media.

Today's media is a tattered steaming mess and it's because the corrupt corporate media, you know, you think about it, five years ago, people used to argue and they would argue seriously, the media isn't biased. Nobody argues that anymore.


CRUZ: Because they hate Donald Trump so much. You watch some CNN or MSNBC host and they're foaming at the mouth, they loathe him. And today has made it -- you know, five years ago, I used to go on CNN quite a bit five years ago. Five years ago, they at least wanted to be journalists. They held that out as an objective. They were terrible at it, they were lefty, but they did say our objective is to be balanced.

When Trump became President, their partisan rage just ruptured, and they are not only today partisan propagandists, they are the left-wing of the Democratic Party. Their mission every day is push the Democratic Party left, so it is, cover up every story they don't want covered and amplify every story they want and they don't pretend at all.

You know, you point out CNN covering up Chris Cuomo and the serious sexual assault and harassment allegation. It is simply not news, it doesn't exist.

I keep waiting for CNN to hire Al Franken as their next evening host since apparently, you have to be a sexual predator to be on the air on CNN. I mean, it is -- it's a mockery. And there's a reason nobody watches them anymore. I mean, people don't like being lied to and it has enormous consequences.

You take something like the border, the border is an absolute tragedy, it is a disaster. If you watch FOX News, and I love FOX, I'm on FOX every week. If you watch Fox News, you know the disaster that's happening at the border. If you watch CNN, if you watch MSNBC, what border disaster? There is nothing happening at the border. Gosh, you know, Kamala Harris tells us the border is secure, it must be fine.

That is dangerous when so many millions of people are being lied to and it is what is contributing to the crisis we have right now.

WATTERS: It is dangerous, and I don't think we understand the impact that it's going to have for years, because it's only going to get worse.

You mentioned the border, and I'm glad you did. There was a warning by the Panamanians to the Biden administration in the summer, warning of Haitians, tens of thousands coming up through Panama, through Central America, up through Mexico into the United States, ignored by the by the administration. It's a pattern, we've seen it.

And now, we're getting more warnings, up to potentially 400,000 migrants coming from South America through Panama, Central America, and on through Mexico, and the Biden administration says, you know what, we're going to go soft now. We're going to really get rid of remain-in-Mexico and we're really not going to deport.

Is this a serious response, Senator?

CRUZ: It is a complete surrender. It is a complete embrace of open borders.

You know, you mentioned Panama. This past week, I sat down with the Foreign Minister of Panama. She was in the United States to be up at the United Nations. She came down to my office to meet with me afterwards.

And she described, how -- you know, Panama is right at the juncture between South America and North America. She described how in the last year, they have seen over 80,000 Haitian illegal aliens crossing north from South America through Panama, on the way to come to the United States, and these are Haitians who evacuated years ago and came to South America, and were living happily there.

And then word got out that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are in charge, and it is open borders. It's open season. If you make it to the United States, you get to stay. Over 80,000 Haitians coming through Panama. You know what the Foreign Minister told me. She said, I've called the White House repeatedly. The Biden White House won't return my calls.

She said, I call the State Department. The State Department, only once would they talk to her, they blow her off.

You know, Panama's Foreign Minister hosted an organization -- hosted a meeting of the Foreign Ministers, of I think, 11 countries in Central and South America to discuss this immigration crisis. And obviously, they wanted the United States there, because the United States is where everyone is going in this crisis.

The Biden administration refused to send the Secretary of State, they sent a lower level individual. So you had 11 Foreign Ministers from country -- from countries that are impacted by this illegal immigration and the Biden administration wouldn't even show up because they don't give a damn about the thousands and hundreds of thousands, even millions of people being hurt by their open border policy.

WATTERS: Well, the President tells the world "we're back." It just seems like he is turning his back to the world.

Senator Ted Cruz, down there, Great State of Texas. Thanks for your leadership on the border. We appreciate it.

CRUZ: Thank you, Jesse.

WATTERS: Top military brass found their scapegoat for Afghanistan. You are not going to believe what they're doing. It's going to make your blood boil.


WATTERS: Top Pentagon officials grilled on Capitol Hill this week. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley forced to answer what went wrong in Afghanistan.

Well, we found out nothing was their fault. They blame the State Department, the White House, the Afghan Army, the Afghan government, and of course, Donald Trump.

We also found out that Biden is a serial liar. He lied about the Afghan Army collapsing in 11 days, it took three months. He lied about the Generals advising him to leave a small force in Afghanistan. He lied about over the horizon strike capabilities. He lied about rescuing Afghan partners. He lied when he said he'd stay until all Americans were evacuated, and even asked the Afghan President to lie for him.

These aren't little embellishments about crowd size. These are hard core lies about the American war effort.

So, after this catastrophe, who is being held accountable?

These two U.S. service members are paying the price. Look, number one. Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller was locked up earlier this week at Camp Lejeune, after he blasted military leaders for the botched exit on social media that went viral. Listen.


LT. COL. STUART SCHELLER, RELIEVED OF DUTY: Did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, the strategic airbase before we evacuate everyone? Did anyone do that?

And when you didn't think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say, "We completely messed this up"?

Potentially all those people did die in vain if we don't have senior leaders that own up and can raise their hand and say, "We did not do this well in the end."

I demand accountability.


WATTERS: Scheller is in the brig. His hearing is now delayed and he is not charged yet, but he could face these potential charges: Conduct unbecoming an officer, contempt towards officials, disobeying a senior officer, and failure to obey an order or regulation.

Also, Lance Corporal Hunter Clark, the Marine who was responsible for saving a baby in Afghanistan. Last month, you'll remember lifting the baby over the walls outside Hamid Karzai International Airport. That guy is now under investigation.

Why? Because he went to a Trump rally in Georgia. That's right. Clark was on stage with Trump, just for about a minute, introduced himself as the guy that pulled the baby over the wall, and now, he is under investigation.

What the hell is happening in this country?

Joining us now to discuss, Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance.

All right, J.D., let's start with Scheller. Do you think any of these potential charges are legitimate?

J.D. VANCE (R), OHIO SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: No, I don't. I think, it's ridiculous and a sad commentary on this country that the people who presided over the disaster in Afghanistan -- Biden, Milley, Lloyd Austin -- face no consequences and a guy who is telling the truth about it is getting thrown in the brig.

I mean, look, I served in the Marine Corps for four years. It's actually kind of hard to get thrown in the brig. They don't just do it for anything. They typically give administrative punishments when people step out of line.

The fact that they're throwing you in the brig, I think makes them a political prisoner. They're trying to set an example from a guy saying if you speak the truth, if you actually tell the honest story about what happened in Afghanistan, we're going to come after you and that message is loud and clear.

WATTERS: I don't think they can keep him there for that much longer. The more the American people hear about this, the more outraged they are, and I know there's a lot of Republicans on Capitol Hill demanding this guy get let out.

Now this other guy, you can't go to a Trump rally if you serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, J.D. Vance, that is somehow conduct that the Army looks down upon. This guy rescued babies in Afghanistan. He can't go to a political rally, while, I don't know, these days in the military, you could do all kinds of crazy stuff with your hair. You can say all this crazy woke stuff. No, no, that's fine.

You go to a Trump rally. I'm sorry, you're going to have to take a walk.

VANCE: Yes, absolutely. Look, political -- being too political is Mark Milley sitting before Congress and talking about the joke of white rage in our military.

Look, this kid is a hero. There was a Trump rally in his neighborhood basically, and he went to it and he didn't even say anything political. If you look at what he said, there wasn't a single politically controversial statement there.

He was there to be recognized by the President of the United States, to be celebrated by the crowd. And again, it's the leadership in the military and the Biden administration basically telling people, if you guys step out of line a little bit, if you give any ammunition to the other side, we're going to destroy you, even if you just show up at a political rally in your hometown.

This is ridiculous. This is basically them turning conservatives or even people who hang out with conservatives into political prisoners, into political enemies. It's just -- it's just really gross.

WATTERS: Yes, it's so soft. We're going to lose wars because of this. We won't lose wars, but it'll just take us longer to win, because we are the best. But J.D. Vance, thanks for coming on WATTERS' WORLD. And check out the senate campaign over in Ohio. We appreciate it.

VANCE: Thank you.


JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Welcome to "FOX News Live." I'm Jon Scott in New York.

President Biden acknowledging that quote, "everyone is frustrated" as his own party tries to find consensus on his spending plans. Last night, Speaker Nancy Pelosi was forced to delay a vote on the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill as progressives hold out for a deal on the larger $3.5 trillion social spending plan. The President has suggested a $2 trillion price tag might be a reasonable compromise.

Former President Donald Trump looking to get back on Twitter asking a Federal Judge in Florida to force the social media giant to restore his account. Twitter permanently banned Mr. Trump after the January 6th Capitol riot.

In the lawsuit, Trump claims Members of Congress quote "coerced" Twitter to ban him from the platform. The lawsuit argues Twitter's political power is profoundly dangerous to open democratic debate.

WATTERS: New key developments in the hunt for Brian Laundrie, the suspect in the killing of Gabby Petito.

Bodycam video from a second officer during that Utah Police stop just released this week revealing a pretty violent fight between the two of them -- Brian and Gabby -- listen.


OFFICER: We want to know the truth that he actually hit you because you know --

GABBY PETITO, FIANCE OF BRIAN LAUNDRIE: Well, I guess. I guess, yes, but I hit him first.

OFFICER: Where did he hit you? Don't worry, just be honest.

PETITO: Well, he like grabbed face like this. He didn't like hit me in the face, like he didn't punch me in the face or anything.

OFFICER: He slapped your face or what?

PETITO: Well, he grabbed like with his nails, and I guess, that's why it hurts.


WATTERS: The F.B.I. showed up at the Petito house again to take items out of the camper, as Brian remains the only person of interest in the murder of his fiance.

The F.B.I. is also now in possession of at least two phones, Brian's regular phone and a burner phone purchased the day he went missing. Brian Laundrie's mother originally made reservations for two people at the Soto Park campground in Florida between September 1st and 3rd, but then changed those reservations on August 31st to a reservation for three people the weekend of September 6th to the 8th.

The Pinellas County Sheriff turned over surveillance video from that family camp out to the F.B.I., and it is being analyzed. And someone came forward this week who believes they had an encounter with Brian at a bar in Montana a day before Gabby was last seen alive.

Apparently, Brian was mad at the world and cursed out "Stupid southerners and Republicans" while drinking alone at the bar.

Dog, the Bounty Hunter has also joined the search this week. While searching in a remote island in Florida, Dog found a Monster Energy can with no signs of rust, sandals in a fire pit, but nothing conclusive to confirm where Laundrie is. But Dog believes he is close to tracking him down.

Joining me now for more on the search is former F.B.I. Special Agent John McVeigh. John just on the Monster Energy Drink, that's not Brian's. He is a hippie. He's already on the record as refusing a Poland Spring water bottle because it was made of plastic. He doesn't strike me as the Monster Energy Drink guy. But that's just my personal opinion. What is your assessment of this new body cam footage that was released?

JOHN MCVEIGH, FORMER F.B.I. SPECIAL AGENT: Well, you know, you have to wonder why they released it now. It is pretty good evidence that there was some type of domestic violence.

Gabby clearly was upset. And why they would have released it apart from the other ones? I don't know at this point.

You know, the F.B.I. is running the investigation, and I don't know if the local law enforcement maybe talked to them and asked about releasing it or maybe they've released it to possibly get more public reach to people and see how -- you know, if anybody knows anything to put it back out there.

WATTERS: Yes, I can't see the strategy by kind of slow walking the bodycam footage. Where do you think Brian Laundrie is now?

MCVEIGH: Well, I mean, he could be really anywhere. I know that they clearly had to search that park near his house and do their due diligence since that's where the family said he went. But you know, he had a few days. He could have fled the country. He would have been easily been able to leave on an airplane or a cruise ship and go into another country.

WATTERS: Hold on one second. Hold on one second. So if he did take a flight, you're saying the F.B.I. at that point in late September wouldn't have had some sort of flag or hold on his passport or profile that would have hit if he tried to leave the country on a plane?

MCVEIGH: So, if he had left prior to the warrant being issued because there is something called a Red Notice. When you have a fugitive or a defendant that you're afraid that he might leave the country or he has left the country, the F.B.I. will issue a Red Notice, which is a notice that goes to the State Department and it is sent through Interpol to all the governments throughout the world.

And so if someone is trying to, let's say, you know, you leave the country surreptitiously on a boat and go to the Bahamas, and then you take a flight from the Bahamas to another country. He could be entering that country and we would never know he got on that flight.


MCVEIGH: But prior to --

WATTERS: Well, you know what, we also -- that is a good point, but we should have or the F.B.I. should have red flagged or, you know, red ID'd whatever you said his passport earlier if that's the case, because he was a suspect in the country's mind a long time ago.

MCVEIGH: Correct.

WATTERS: It didn't need to wait for the Federal backed charge. We thank you so much for your expertise, Mr. McVeigh. Always a pleasure.

MCVEIGH: Appreciate it. Thank you.

WATTERS: A WATTERS' WORLD expose into how Democratic cities are becoming basically safe havens for junkies. A new footage will shock you.


WATTERS: A WATTERS' WORLD investigation. Cities turning into opium dens. New York City now topping that list.

Disturbing new photos show homeless people shooting up and dealing drugs just out in the open in the heart of Manhattan. They aren't even trying to hide it, just lining up needles and injecting themselves with heroin and many other narcotics.

We sent WATTERS' WORLD producers to the garment district here in the city to see what's going on for themselves, and within the first 10 minutes, they encountered a junkie reeking of urine sitting by piles of trash and needles.

They saw another guy shooting up over and over again while crowds of people just walk by. Kids, elderly couples. Our producers saw drugged out zombies just walking around falling down, high as hell.

Now, it's a disgrace that we've allowed the greatest city in the country to deteriorate like this. We have a budget here over $100 billion and we want our citizens to get help. We want them to get clean and off the streets.

So, where is the money going? Politicians just steal it and buy votes with it and then just let the citizens rot. And this isn't just in New York City, it's happening in blue cities all across the country.

Open air drug markets in Chicago, LA, Denver, Philly, Seattle, San Francisco -- it's everywhere. And politicians are always saying they want to help, but they never do. It's unsafe -- and we've had enough.

Joining me now for reaction, former heroin addicts, Croix Paquette and honesty Liller.

All right, Honesty, let me start with you. How did you become addicted to heroin in the first place?

HONESTY LILLER, CEO, MCSHIN FOUNDATION: Sure. So, I started using drugs when I was 12 years old, and from there, it progressed to heroin when I was 17.

It was just people that I was hanging out with were doing heroin and I just decided to use it. And the first time I did it, I fell in love. My body and my brain fell in love and I did it for about nine more years after that until I was 26, I came to the McShin Foundation.

WATTERS: So, you have now gotten clean, thank God, and we applaud you for doing that. Was there any help from the government for you, when you were doing that nine-year stretch when you were hooked? Were people coming up to you on the streets? Was there any outrage? Because this is such a rich country, you'd expect all these billions of dollars floating around to get to someone who needs help like you.

LILLER: Not while I was trying heroin and when I was doing heroin, those nine years. No, my mom knew the McShin Foundation and they took me in the same day that I needed help. It's a local nonprofit that I'm now the CEO of.

So no, I never really gotten any government help all of those years.

WATTERS: All right, and we recommend the foundation and we'll put it up at the bottom of the screen. Croix, what was your story to begin with?

CROIX PAQUETTE, FORMER HEROIN ADDICT: Actually, you know, it started out at a young age with alcohol and eventually I found myself using -- you know, using prescription painkillers and inevitably where it leads for somebody like me is at the top of the food chain with heroin.

And, you know, probably almost a decade of heroin use and you know, it just -- you know, it leads a person like me to be feeling hopeless and you know, that was the bottom, you know where I reached out for help.

WATTERS: So, when you hit rock bottom, what was rock bottom like? Because for many people, rock bottom is jail, is prison when you're hauled off the streets and put in a place where you can't have access or you don't have anything and you're locked up. Was that rock bottom for you?

PAQUETTE: You know, actually having been incarcerated a few times, you know, if I want it -- you know, if I want to use, I'm going to use. I've used inside facilities.

Rock bottom for me was the day that I realized, you know, I didn't know how to live and I wanted to die.

WATTERS: Wow. Well, thank God, you're now clean. And again, that's a huge, huge challenge, obviously in your life that you overcame, and we're thankful for that you're here right now with us.

In just a few words, all of the help that we say is going out to people to get them clean, what is the most important thing in your opinion?

PAQUETTE: In my opinion, it's -- you know, it is community outreach. It's not a -- in a couple of words, community outreach. Everyone working together to try to provide some form of help.

You know, it's not just -- it's not just the addicts and the alcoholics that are affected. There are families all across the country that are being affected by, you know, by this opioid epidemic.

WATTERS: Yes. All right, real quick, Honesty, you've seen these photos and these images of these streets here in the city. You've seen it across the country. What you would do to help that, real quick.

LILLER: One hundred percent development recovery community center in that area with authentic peers, those of us that are in recovery with lived experience of addiction and recovery and recovery homes, recovery housing. Spend those billions of dollars on one of those big buildings down there. Get them off the streets, put them in same-day housing with peers just like us that are trying to do the same thing on a day-to-day basis and you know, live in recovery.

WATTERS: All right, thank you guys very much. I couldn't agree more.

LILLER: Thank you.

WATTERS: Get them off the streets, put them in housing, feed them, clothe them. Get them clean. That's what we need to do and we can afford it.

Thank you guys very much.

LILLER: Thank you.

WATTERS: Did free Britney backfire? Florida man gets a gator and Colbert's creepy vax stance.

"Triple Play" is up next.


WATTERS: Time now for "Triple Play." Up first, viewer warning: Hide the kids.

Britney Spears has been freed, but she celebrated her victory in her conservatorship battle by posting a slew of nude photos. The pop star is engaged. She is on vacation, free from her father after 13 years, but we all hope the Free Britney Movement isn't going to backfire.

Joining me now, host of "Mansion Global" on FOX Business and "Monsters across America" on FOX Nation, Kacie McDonnell. Kacie, am I wrong here? Did we speak too soon about freeing Britney?

KACIE MCDONNELL, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK HOST: Jesse, we went too far. No, come on. I mean, I grew up on Britney Spears. Maybe I'm aging myself here.

First of all, thanks for having me. But getting back to our girl, Britney. I'm not sure that under whatever circumstance, my fiance would let me post those pictures.


MCDONNELL: Probably won't go there. But I mean, it is good. For the first time in 13 years, Jamie Spears, her dad is not overseeing her conservatorship. She still is under one, but yes, she is free. Go hang out. Have a Mai-tai. I don't know.

WATTERS: I know, and she is hanging out a little too much, Kacie, that's what we're saying. I just don't want to feel burned. Right, yes, I don't want to feel burned like I made the wrong call.

But we're glad she's free now, maybe go get with your fiance and button up.

All right, next up, we have a gator in Florida. This guy. Roll it.

MCDONNELL: I love this. I mean this is intense, you know, talent, skill, patience and this part always like gets me, like, look how hard it is for him to upright the garbage can. I'm going to be a full time Florida resident after I get married, so once I catch me one of these in the canals and the ponds, I will overnight you some Gator jambalaya.

WATTERS: Yes, I'm looking for some loafers if you do get the chance, but you're right like the moment where he tried the --

MCDONNELL: Oh, I want like a belt, too.

WATTERS: I'll take a belt. He just like -- there was that moment of struggle where he didn't think he would be able to tip the thing over. I think we could all relate to that.

And then lastly real quick, Colbert, not the king of late night anymore. We've got to give that title that Gutfeld. He has gone bananas. He did a little dance. Let's watch this.


WATTERS: This is this is some sort of creepy pro-vax skit. I don't know what to make of this. I just know Johnny Carson would never have been caught dead doing anything like this, Kacie.

MCDONNELL: Yes, I'm not sure if this is going to inspire Halloween costumes for people, but I just can't listen to that song and not think of Sandlot and scream "tequila" instead of vaccine.

And I mean chew and fair rides don't go together? And late night hosts doing choreographed dances, unless it's Gutfeld, don't go well.

WATTERS: All right, well, that's the only way I could catch that gator, a shot of tequila. That's it.

MCDONNELL: Absolutely.

WATTERS: I am not going outside sober. All right, Kacie, thank you so much for coming on "Triple Play." We appreciate it.

MCDONNELL: Thanks for having me.

WATTERS: Up next, "Last Call."


WATTERS: Scared of heights, like I am? You might want to look away. This video taken from the top of the peak of Mount Everest. It's going to give you the same feeling while you're sitting at home, I'm sure.

This brave hiker sharing his GoPro video. Wooh. I couldn't do it. I could not do it.

I get afraid when I walk up the stairs.

That's all for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. "Justice with Judge Jeanine" is next.

And remember, I'm Watters and this is my world.

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