DeSantis: Biden administration 'is doing next to nothing' on border issues
Florida governor sounds off on president's immigration crisis on 'Watters' World'
This is a rush transcript from "Watters’ World," July 17, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
The Democrats lost cause: that's the subject of tonight's Watters' Words.
Democrats have had their eyes on Texas for decades. It's gotten so close to turning blue, they can taste it. Ronald Reagan won Texas by 30 points, and almost 40 years later, Trump won just by single digits.
So right when it's within striking distance, Trump beat Biden there by just six points under these loose pandemic rules. Democrats want to make those rules permanent. Texas Republicans say no. We're going to make it easier to vote, but harder to cheat.
Texas Democrats start howling racism and fly to D.C., leaving the legislature half empty. Texas Democrats won't vote because they can't cheat next time. That's what this is all about.
I read the bill, so you don't have to and my buddy, Harold Ford, Jr., a Democrat couldn't point out a single thing in it that restricted voting.
WATTERS: Senate Bill 7 so-called racist restrictions on voting are as follows: you can't have a polling station in a tent or a parking garage. So, no pop-up polling stations. And when you request a ballot by mail, you have to write your signature, and you have to write your ID that's on your license. Or if you don't have a driver's license, the last four numbers of your Social Security number. Done. How is that restrictive? It's not.
They actually expand voting hours all across the board, and companies are required to allow workers to go leave work on Election Day and go vote.
Here's actually what makes it harder to cheat in Texas and why the Democrats are howling. You can't kick poll watchers out of polling stations, and the polling workers have to be able to see the counts. And if you're in a big city, they have to livestream the counting rooms.
Also, counties have to clean up these old dusty voter rolls, and all votes have to have a paper trail, so they can't just disappear in a machine. And paying for votes becomes a felony. Democrats don't like that. And then machines have to have software that aren't allowed to change votes and officials can't just mail out ballots without having them requested. So no mass mailing of ballots and no ballot harvesting.
Tell me what the objection is to all of these things in the bill. What's the objection?
HAROLD FORD, JR., FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, they seem to be looking for a problem.
WATTERS: All of the things I just read that's actually in the bill, what is objectionable?
WATTERS: Couldn't answer. Now that Trump is gone and the pandemic is over, Democrat talking points are empty. They have nothing. They actually have to debate the policy and they can't.
So they're just lying and screaming racism.
Biden couldn't name a single thing in the Texas bill that actually disenfranchises anybody.
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: 21st Century Jim Crow assault is real. It's unrelenting. And we're going to challenge it vigorously.
Are you on the side of truth or lies? Fact or fiction? Justice or injustice? Democracy or autocracy? That's what it's coming down to.
Stand up for God's sake, and help prevent this concerted effort to undermine our election and the sacred right to vote.
BIDEN: Have you no shame?
We're facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War.
WATTERS: They don't even believe their own lies. If this was really Jim Crow, why are Texas Democrats smiling like goofballs with a case of Lite Beer? If Black Americans were really being disenfranchised, they'd have their game faces on. And Jim Crow, by the way was a Democrat operation to stop blacks from voting. It was Republicans who freed the slaves.
Kamala Harris, not a student of history, even compared the Texas flee baggers to Frederick Douglass.
KAMALA HARRIS (D), VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: They took bold, courageous action in line with the legacy of everyone from Frederick Douglass who is over my right shoulder when he fought for the right of black men to vote in America, to the legacy that includes all those women who marched down Pennsylvania Avenue for women's right to vote, to all of those folks who shed their blood on the Edmund Pettus Bridge to make sure that we would in 1965 pass the Voting Rights Act.
WATTERS: Earth to Kamala, Frederick Douglass slapped on a disguise, borrowed cash, took a train and a steamboat out of slave state Maryland into Philly, risking his life. The Democrats haven't risked their biscuits. They hopped on a private jet and posted selfies.
Frederick Douglass was a great orator and from what I've heard so far, none of these Democrats can explain how this Republican bill restricts voting, because it doesn't.
Black people don't have Social Security numbers? Black Americans don't have ID? Here's Ami Horowitz asking white and black voters their opinions on voting laws that these Democrats have been furious with for years.
AMI HOROWITZ, DOCUMENTARY FILMMAKER AND ACTIVIST: Do you have an opinion on voter ID laws?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, they're usually pretty racist.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think voter ID laws are a way to perpetuate racism.
HOROWITZ: You think it suppresses the African-American vote?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Definitely. Because they're less likely to have State IDs.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These type of people don't live in areas with easy access to DMVs.
HOROWITZ: You think that's harder for black people to go online for IDs.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I feel like they don't have a knowledge of how -- of like how it works.
HOROWITZ: Do you have ID normally? You carry ID?
HOROWITZ: Do you know anybody who -- any black person who doesn't carry ID?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everyone that I know has an ID.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why would you say that?
HOROWITZ: You know how to get to DMV?
HOROWITZ: And I also heard a lot that black people -- especially poor back people have no access to the internet.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That is just stupid. Honestly, everybody has access to the internet.
HOROWITZ: What does it say to you for the people who have this perception of black people?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That they are pretty much ignorant.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it is a little racist
WATTERS: There you have it. The only people who think these laws are racist or suppress the black vote or white liberals. They want to scare Americans into submission with these racist laws, but it's a lost cause because we have the truth on our side.
Joining us now to react, Texas Governor Greg Abbott. All right, Governor, I saw a little editorial in your liberal paper, "Texas Austin Statesman," even the liberal newspaper in the capital says this is a stunt by the Democrats. Is that what people in Texas believe?
GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R-TX): Listen, Texans can see through this like looking through glass because it is nothing more than a political stunt. But we've seen this before when Democrats left the state during redistricting about a decade ago, and what happened to the Democrats is they got pummeled in the next election.
They will get pummeled in the upcoming election even more so because they have walked off the job. They're not doing their duty. They're leaving behind more than just this voting law. They're also leaving behind things like bail reform, where a State Senator Joan Huffman has said that, from the time in May, when they walked off the job until now, there have been five people who lost their lives to criminals who were released out on bail.
What the Democrats are doing is dangerous to their fellow Texans. And as a result, they're going to be suffering at the ballot box come next November.
WATTERS: No one likes when people who have cushy jobs to begin with, and let's be honest, these state legislators, it's a cushy gig. They don't have to show up to work that much. They get paid by the taxpayer. They're even getting stipends while they gallivant through the swamp.
And for a regular hard working person in Texas or anywhere to see your leaders -- so-called leaders just leave when things get tough, or they don't like what the opposition says, they don't like that. And I agree with you, they're going to pay for that.
Have you heard Governor, any specific objection from these fleeing Democrats that say in this bill, this does X, Y, or Z to restrict voting?
ABBOTT: They have no specific objection. They make the same objection that you articulated in your opening statement. And that is, oh, it denies people their voting rights. Well, what we're doing as you kind of pointed out, we're making sure that we remove dead people from the voter rolls so that dead people can no longer vote.
Yes, we are denying dead people the right to vote. But that's pretty much the most extreme thing that we're doing in the State of Texas.
As you astutely pointed out, we are adding vote hours for people to vote both in early voting, as well as regular voting, so there is more time to vote. It is easier than ever before. And let's compare this with Delaware which is President Biden's home state where they have zero hours of early voting.
If there's any state that people should be looking at for voter suppression, it should be Delaware, Biden's home state.
WATTERS: So Texas, this new bill would make it easier to vote than Biden's home state in Delaware. It's just amazing. So Biden's home state is Jim Crow, if you believe the President.
All right, Governor Abbott, thank you very much for enlightening everybody on what this bill is because no one actually has read it that's disparaging it, and it's very important to just find the truth because you can find it literally on the internet.
Thank you so much for coming on WATTERS' WORLD.
ABBOTT: Thank you, Jesse.
WATTERS: Marxism is a poisonous ideology that's making inroads in this country today. In his new book, "American Marxism," Mark Levin explains how the Marxists are waging war against us and why?
Joining us now to explain is host of "Life, Liberty & Levin," and author "American Marxism," Mark Levin.
So, I'm going through the book, Mark, and it's absolutely incredible. I had no idea how entrenched Marxism was in this country, and how disciplined they are in this war against us, against capitalism, against American history. And you explain throughout the book, the psychology of these mass movements, how the left, especially the intellectual class, take the hatred and the insecurity of these people who don't have a lot of meaning in their lives, and then mobilize that hatred and insecurity into a mass movement to destroy America. Tell us how that operates.
MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST, LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN: First of all, thanks for having me, Jesse. The way it operates is very nefarious.
You know, people want to belong to groups, whether it's religious groups, whether it's ethnic groups, whether it is revolutionary groups, and there are really two sets of people here. It is the followers, and it is the fanatical leaders.
And the followers really don't have ties to the society or maybe, they are dissatisfied with society, or whatever it is, they take little responsibility for their own actions. And Marxism gives them an excuse to project that onto society.
And then you have people who are relatively good at this. They are evil. We have evil people in this world -- you know, free societies are the exception, not the rule -- and they take advantage of this. And so many of them are tenured professors who push this propaganda. And as you were saying, early on, I call it American Marxism, not Marxism, because they've Americanized this. They've applied it to different aspects of American society to make it more appealing.
Some of them are out of the closet about who they are, some of them are not. I go through the books. I've read, God knows how many books for the last 16 months with these various scholars and so forth. So when "The New York Times" and "The Washington Post" do one of their phony hit jobs, this book is bulletproof, because they're doing hit jobs on people who admit what they're doing and admit who they are. I'm just trying to point it out.
If we don't know who the enemy is, Jesse, I'm not saying opponent, I'm not saying adversary -- these people want to turn this country and our lifestyle inside out. If we don't know who they are, we're going to have a hell of a tough time pushing back.
WATTERS: And it's very precise in all of the language and there is nothing that anybody could say that this is factually inaccurate, because it's -- there's more footnotes than I've ever seen.
So like you said, it begins with these academics. They have this disgusting, poisonous ideology. It doesn't even make any logical sense, right? But they're using it and politicians and the media, they take orders from these academics, and now you've had half the country believing in a failed ideology.
I love the word you use, when you talked about the Green New Deal. Environmentalists -- environmentalism, as we know it today, especially with the Green New Deal, you call it the de-growth movement. Explain what you mean by the de-growth movement.
LEVIN: In the 1970s, these Marxists came together in Europe, and there's a lot of Marxists in Europe and they export their ideology to a willing academia, among others in this country. They talk about the de-growth movement.
And I said, we go from global cooling to global warming, to climate change to the Green New Deal. These are all phony efforts to rebrand what's going on here. What's going on here? They're at war with capitalism, with growth, with wealth creation. They're at war with American industrial society. It's called the de-growth movement. These are de-growthers, and they want to shrink society.
Look, Joe Biden, his first act out of the box when he became President was to attack energy. Well, energy is the core of everything. It's the core of how a society is mobile, it's a core how we move things. It's the core of how we produce things.
We were energy independent. And as of today, after six months, we're not energy independent anymore, and the price of energy is going through the roof. He is a useful idiot for these movements, and there are many of them. So this is the de-growth movement.
It's not about climate change. So what? The temperature changes one degree one way or another. We, human beings are so conceited that we think we can affect the climate on a massive planet as opposed to the sun and the other things that go on in this world? It's a joke.
They say that we're using too many of the world's resources, we need sustainability. We haven't even pierced the surface of the surface of the surface of the Earth, which is filled with elements and gases and so much that we have no idea what's in the core and the other stratums of the Earth.
So, it's time to push back. It's time to unravel the propaganda, and it is time to call these people what they are, and more and more of them, whether it's an AOC or Bernie Sanders who are on the precipice of admitting who they are, more and more of them are obvious when they're defending Cuba and Castro and so forth.
WATTERS: All right, Mark Levin, "American Marxism" and at the end of the book, he tells you how to fight back against these savages -- education, lawsuits, patriotic commerce -- it's all in here. So, I highly recommend this book.
And Mark Levin, thank you so much for coming on WATTERS' WORLD. I know the book is going to be a number one.
And thanks for probably knocking me off the top of the charts.
LEVIN: Jesse, you're good man. God bless you, brother.
WATTERS: Thank you very much.
All right. Up next, Governor Ron DeSantis joins us from the border. That's next.
WATTERS: So, the border is totally out of control. Four straight months basically of the Biden administration smashing 20-year highs. The number of illegal border crossers keep going up and up and up.
Let's bring in Governor Ron DeSantis from Florida who is actually in the State of Texas today. Welcome to the show, Governor. Did you volunteer to go to Texas or were you asked to come?
GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): So, Governor Abbott in June asked for mutual aid from other states, given the severity of the problem and given the fact that the Biden administration is doing next to nothing to curb it and so where the Federal government is failing, Texas is having to step up and then Florida and other states are helping.
So, I have a contingent of more than 50 state law enforcement officers from across a variety of agencies that have now been here for almost a month working. We're in the Del Rio part of Texas. And basically, this is a total disaster. You have people that are coming across, and they know, every one of them knows that as long as they get across, Biden is going to end up releasing them.
There are people that are coming across that said, I know I couldn't get across for the last four years. Now, I know anyone can get across.
So, you have a lot of human smuggling. You have people whose destinations, most of the people that are Florida folks have interdicted. Their ultimate destination is actually the State of Florida. So, this has huge implications not just for our country as a whole, but states like my own where a lot of these folks are going to end up coming illegally.
WATTERS: So, you're saying that the people that I guess, are deputized to serve under Abbott, they are telling you that when they're taking these people down at the border, their final destination is the State of Florida? Is the Biden administration actually helping these illegal immigrants go to Florida? And if so, how are they doing that?
DESANTIS: So what they do is, our folks in Texas will stop and apprehend. When they get turned over to the Feds, what the Feds are basically doing is giving them a bus ticket and letting them go where they want to go.
Now, our Florida folks who we've interdicted, our agencies, about 50 -- more than 50 percent of the ones we've interdicted have said they ultimately have destination in Florida. It may be different in McAllen and some of the other parts, but that's pretty striking, because I knew that there would definitely be somebody -- that people would want to come, but I didn't think it would quite be at that level.
So this has big implications for our schools, our social services, all those other things. And yes, but it is the Federal government putting them on a bus, sending them to different destinations. And then presumably, they get off and do.
Now, what the Federal government also does is they will actually fly some of the illegal migrants in the middle of the night to different destinations, and then house them either at Federal facilities or with NGOs. They do not inform the states of this. We have to pull teeth just to try to find out, and a lot of times, it'll be weeks after the fact.
So, they do that basically secretly. There's no public accountability for it at all. So, it's really a combination of those two things.
But make no mistake about it, this is a deliberate policy to allow illegal migrants to be able to go all across the country in violation of our laws.
WATTERS: Yes, and from what our sources are telling us, they are helping them get to swing states, which is also pretty interesting. And there's nothing you can do about it as the Governor of Florida. Once they get to Florida, you're not a Federal agency, you're not allowed to arrest them for being in this country illegally. That's I.C.E.'s job.
So, they've totally handicapped the governors and it's the governors now fighting against the Federal government. The Republic is collapsing, basically. I mean, I don't want to -- that's not hyperbole. You have the governors fighting against the Federal government to control the borders, and it's not working.
Now, I want to ask you something about Cuba because the policy with regards to Cuban asylum seekers seems to be different from what's going on in the southern border. The Biden administration seems to be really welcoming the people that are crossing the Texas border, handing out as you said bus tickets, cash, giving them lawyers, helping them with their asylum claims. And we don't even know if they're fleeing political persecution. I don't even believe that's maybe 10 percent of what they're fleeing, I think they're coming here for jobs.
But in Cuba, they are potentially coming, literally fleeing political persecution, literally, and the Biden administration has said, no, no, we're basically going to let you sink in the Caribbean if you try to come to the Florida Keys. Is that because in your opinion that most Cuban refugees would be voting Republican?
DESANTIS: Look, I think there's political dimension to it. There's no doubt and I will say this and this is also from the Cuban exile community who I've been working with day and day on this. None of us have an appetite for Mariel boatlift, or anything like that. We do believe that the fight for freedom in Cuba is in Cuba with the Cuban people. We want to be supportive of that. But we don't think it's in their interest or in our interest to have a big migration.
However, having said that, they have a hundred times stronger case for political persecution, leaving a communist dictatorship than the other migrants who are coming across the border who are basically coming across the border because they want more economic opportunities. And look, some of these people themselves have been victimized and are being trafficked by the cartels. But they don't rate the same as leaving a dictatorship, a communist dictatorship.
And so it is a total double standard. But honestly, it's something that we expected because I do think a lot of their border policies is very political in nature in its intent.
WATTERS: So, you got a little heat for selling these koozies. What was on the koozie? Something about Fauci? Can you explain what that was about?
DESANTIS: Well, you know, people been asking us for all this different merchandise, so he did a number of concepts and one of them was "Don't Fauci My Florida." And, you know, part of it is tongue in cheek, but it was actually, people would come up to me, and they would say, Governor, thank God you didn't listen to Fauci because I would be out of a job if you did. Or Governor, thank God you got our kids in school and didn't listen to Fauci.
And so Fauci-ing something I think has really been synonymous now with locking kids out of school, ruining people's jobs and livelihoods. And so we get it.
But I will say, Jesse, I've got to give credit to the corporate media because as soon as they had a spasm on this, oh my gosh, people are running for our merchandise store to try to buy this. I thought we'd sell a couple hundred of them and kind of be, you know, a little tongue in cheek, but it's really taken off.
But there is a larger -- it is meant to kind of be tongue in cheek, but there is a larger message to it. Those policies were destructive. Florida rejected that and we're much better off for it.
WATTERS: Yes. All right. Don't Fauci My Florida. You can get those. They're flying off the shelves. Get them fast.
All right, Governor DeSantis helping out Abbott in Texas, because this country is collapsing. Thank you very much, Governor. Stay safe out there.
DESANTIS: Thanks, Jesse.
WATTERS: Up next, Karens gone wild. Wait until you see this video of Victoria's Secret Karen, like you would not believe.
JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Welcome to "FOX News Live." I'm Jon Scott.
Three of the dozens of Democrat State Representatives who bolted from Texas over a proposed voting rights law have tested positive for COVID despite being vaccinated. This comes after the group flew on private jets maskless to Washington and met with Vice President Harris.
Embattled New York Governor Andrew Cuomo questioned today by investigators from the State's Attorneys General's Office which is looking into multiple sexual harassment allegations against him. Cuomo has denied any wrongdoing.
And extreme weather is fueling wildfires in Southern Oregon, the largest known as the bootleg fire now covers more than 400 square miles. It's only 20 percent contained.
I'm Jon Scott. For more on these and other stories check out Now back to WATTERS' WORLD.
WATTERS: WATTERS' WORLD has been covering the Karen phenomenon, and now we have a new Karen who is taking the internet by storm. This is a woman dubbed "Victoria's Secret Karen." And she breaks down, she is crying. She's even shaking. Starts screaming after a black woman and said, she tried to hit her at a New Jersey mall. Listen.
WATTERS: So, it turns out, the so-called Karen, she was the one who initially called the cops and she told him she was having a panic attack because the other woman was recording her and she thought she could end up losing her job over it.
Joining me now to break this all down, founder of, Clay Travis. Clay, I don't know. I think it's funny, but it's sad. She's freaking out.
I don't know how you'd handle it. I think when you record someone like this, it's within your rights to do it. And you've got to do it because this woman could say you did anything, so you've got to document it.
CLAY TRAVIS, FOUNDER, OUTKICK.COM: Yes, the whole wide world has gone insane, I think in many respects, and certainly yes, Jesse, first of all, thanks for having me on. But when we have these viral videos go out, I just -- I mean, you watch this thing and I feel like when I worked in Congress, back in the day, we used to get all sorts of crazy letters written to Congress. And when you would read them, you would think, oh my god, there's lots of people with major mental illnesses out there.
And I feel like that's what we see with all these viral videos, right? I just look at it and say, I hope this woman gets the help she needs. She is clearly not well. This is not the way that a completely in control of their faculties person would react in a public space.
WATTERS: Yes, we hope she gets the help that she needs. But a lot of the times when you start filming someone in public, they could see the potential of something going viral. There could be a racial component. They see their life falling apart right before their eyes, and they don't know how to handle it. And it's sad.
TRAVIS: Well, this woman who is filming got $100,000.00 on GoFundMe I saw. So, I don't know. I mean, if that's the world we live in, something happens, it goes viral. You put up a GoFundMe page and you make six figures evidently.
WATTERS: A hundred grand for filming a Karen.
TRAVIS: A hundred grand.
WATTERS: That's not bad money. All right, so now the NFL, they did this a little bit last season. They're going to start playing the Black National Anthem before football games. Now the Black National Anthem, "Lift Every Voice and Sing," Clay.
I have never heard that at an NFL game before. I didn't go to any NFL games last season. Have you been in a game where they played this and what's the reaction in the crowd like?
TRAVIS: I have not been at a game I don't believe where they played this. I could be wrong.
You know they're trying to dial back the amount of attention they give to the opening game so I think they'll do this on the opening Thursday night game and a few others, but it doesn't feel inclusive enough to me, Jesse.
WATTERS: Me, neither.
TRAVIS: What about the Asian National Anthem? What about the Hispanic National Anthem? What about the gay -- you know, the LBGTQ National Anthem? I think we need to just have a real medley all put together or you know, maybe just stick with the National Anthem, which is the idea.
But on my radio show, Jesse, we put together a playlist which we call the most inclusive National Anthem imaginable, took calls and let people from different ethnic groups announce and make votes for what they would want the National Anthem of their ethnicity to be, at least that's a little bit fun.
All of this which feels desperate and pathetic by the NFL candidly.
WATTERS: Well, yes, they can do whatever they want. It's their own league, but I just don't think it's that unifying, and personally, I can only remember the lyrics to one anthem. You know, my head is very filled up with things. Don't make me memorize new anthem lyrics. I've got a lot going on.
All right, Clay, thank you very much and be careful the careful with the Karens out there.
TRAVIS: Thanks for having me, Jesse. Be inclusive, buddy.
WATTERS: I will. I will try my best.
So out of control situation on these airlines. There's a dress code now. New battleground when you fly the friendly skies. Crazy story next.
WATTERS: Time for WATTERS' WORLD Triple Play.
Up first, a bodybuilder headed to Miami was kicked off an American Airlines flight. Why? They said her outfit was too offensive to fly. The award- winning bodybuilder eventually covered up and was cleared to fly. But these airlines now are just becoming culture war battlegrounds.
Joining me now to discuss, FOX News contributor, Raymond Arroyo.
Raymond, Deniz Saypinar, U.S. National Bikini Fitness Competition winner this year couldn't fly in that outfit. Does that offend you, Raymond Arroyo?
RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Somehow I knew you would take umbrage to this, Jesse Watters. Look, I get it. This woman obviously subtlety is not her strong suit. I can understand some might have been offended. I would bet it was not men complaining about what she was wearing on the plane --
WATTERS: You know what it was, it was probably the wives complaining because they saw their husband looking at who they're going to sit next with and that's when it got flagged.
ARROYO: Well --
WATTERS: Raymond, you can bring a peacock. You can bring an emotional support peacock on a flight. But a bodybuilder can't go on there.
All right, let's go to the next story --
ARROYO: Well, but the airline is not Rick's Cabaret, so we've got be clear about that.
WATTERS: No, it is. It is not. I guess, that was a little bit of a borderline outfit.
So, a library in London. They bring in -- I can't believe I'm going to say this -- viewer warning if you guys have kids watching right now. This is a rainbow dildo butt monkey to entertain children at a London Library. Kids were young. They bring in this freak. I don't even know what this is here. But where's this now what is being exposed to children in a library.
ARROYO: Well, the library needs a dress code, Jesse. I wish American Airlines were running the library here. I mean, my question is this. This is one Curious George that I don't think any child needs to be exposed to. But the big question here is why do these adults feel the compulsion to scandalize children with these outrageous outfits and this profanity?
Look, leave the children in the libraries alone. If you want to engage in dress up and you know, have body parts hanging out or imaginary body parts, have your own club on the side, but leave the kiddies and their picture books out of it.
I find this really twisted and it's happening not only in England, it's happening in the United States as well.
WATTERS: This gives a new name to the Ewe-y Decimal System. I can't believe I said that. That was horrible.
All right, last story. Britney Spears "Free Britney." I think she's out. She's got a good lawyer. He doesn't need the cash. He's going to get her out on principle. It looks like we're going to see more of Britney Spears. The conservatorship looks like it's on its last legs. And guess what Raymond? I found out how much Britney's dad was paying himself out of her pocket. Quarter million dollars a year. And you know what he says? He does deserve that. He says he keeps abreast of the music scene, and he looks for investment opportunities.
The guy is a chef. The guy is a chef -- a quarter of a million.
ARROYO: Well, no, he and the lawyers have been making out like bandits. But there's a curious thing here, Jesse that not a lot of people are focused on. She wants to get rid of the financial conservatorship, okay, that runs her financial life, but the personal conservatorship she wants kept in place. That's the woman who tells her what to do, where to go, who to call. It's a very curious thing here.
So Britney really doesn't want to be fully free, and I think what you're seeing is the mark of child performers like Judy Garland or Macaulay Culkin. These are kids who were taught to perform when others told them to. Now as adults, they're still in that habit. So that's a curious side of this story that I don't think has been fully explored and maybe needs a little more exploration, but I feel bad for her. It's time to let her at least spend her own money.
WATTERS: I do, too. Raymond Arroyo, our WATTERS' WORLD explorer in chief going into libraries and scandalous flights. What a brave man. Thank you, Raymond.
ARROYO: Well, Congratulations on "The New York Times" list, Jesse and I'm so glad you announced the next book. How I Save the New York Times. I'm looking forward to that.
WATTERS: Yes. They did not want to put me there, but they had to because you guys out there in the audience ...
ARROYO: Congrats. You made it.
WATTERS: ... bought a lot of books. Thanks, Raymond.
ARROYO: Thank you.
WATTERS: Dana White, UFC King steps into the ring. WATTERS' WORLD next.
WATTERS: The UFC fight last week, Conor McGregor versus Dustin Poirier in the stars. Whoo. They were out. Celebrities like Megan Fox, Kourtney Kardashian. Dave Chappelle, all of them there, even Bieber was there.
Actor Mel Gibson saluted President Trump as he walked by at the fight and the left obviously went crazy, but we're not surprised by that at all.
Conor McGregor broke his leg with seconds left in round one and his fight with Dustin, it was over. He got the win. He had to get surgery, but he promised he'll be back.
Joining me now, president of the UFC, Dana White. All right, Dana, the McGregor factor hasn't had great performances these last few fights. How do you see him going forward in the UFC?
DANA WHITE, UFC PRESIDENT: Well, you know it's going to take him a year to recover from this one before he can come back. So, I don't know. We'll see.
You know, the fight game is a tough game. And you know, the kid cemented a massive legacy for himself and made a lot of money. So, we'll see how the rest of his career plays out.
WATTERS: Now, he is saying oh, you know, my leg had issues. People knew about that. Was that something that people knew about or not?
WHITE: Yes, well, he's had ankle issues for, you know, the last couple of years. And, you know, he had asked if he could take his ankles coming into this fight, and he got clearance to do it from the Nevada State Athletic Commission, and then he opted not to take them. I don't know why, but yes, he has chronic arthritis in his ankles.
WATTERS: Yes, that'll definitely do it. So, let me just hear what you have to say on this, because in my personal opinion, the UFC, it is a hot event, and here's why. There's no media bias. There's no racial drama, it is pure action. It's not rigged at all and people get what they pay for. Is that why, in your opinion, it's so attractive right now? It's just unpolluted from the rest of the garbage that's going on in this country.
WHITE: Well, thank you. I appreciate that. And yes, you know what? I look at professional sports as when you, the consumer tune in, you're looking to block out all the stuff that's going on in the world and in your life. And you just want to be entertained for however long you watch my show.
And yes, we don't-- first of all, we're the most exciting live event in all of sports and we're awesome on TV, too. So, yes -- and I try to keep it you know, strictly sport.
WATTERS: How have you guys managed to avoid all this racial controversy? This racial stuff has just intruded on every institution, every single institution in this country, but for some reason, the UFC has totally risen above that. You don't hear about racial controversy in this sport. Why do you think that is?
WHITE: We're a global sport. You know, we have fighters from all over the world. I mean, three of our -- three of our world champions right now are African born. Born in Africa. You know, we have world champions from Russia. We have world champions from Brazil.
So you know, we have people from all over the world and there just doesn't seem to be any of that in our sport.
WATTERS: When you guys were reopening during the pandemic, you guys had a bunch of mainstream media reporters just to heckling you and trying to you know, cause drama. What was that your first taste to the mainstream media? And what was your assessment of that kind of journalism? Because we're used to it. I didn't think you were.
WHITE: That's funny. You know, I'm -- so I went through a couple of different phases in my career, we were used to the media attacking us calling us human cockfighting and a blood sport to no media covering us at all, to, you know, then what happened during the pandemic. But, yes, that stuff doesn't bother me. I could care less what The New York Times or any of these other people think.
WATTERS: All right, well, that's a good attitude to have. And you guys are just counting a lot of money over there. Good job. You've probably taken hundreds if not, maybe over a thousand of my dollars. So, it's been worth it. Thank you very much. We appreciate it.
WHITE: Well, thank you.
WATTERS: We appreciate it.
WHITE: I appreciate it. Thank you very much.
WATTERS: All right. Up next, Last Call.
WATTERS: As Raymond just mentioned, "The New York Times" put me, "How I Saved the World" as number one on the bestseller list. I couldn't believe it happened. They had to do it, though, because if you guys for going out and buying it. Thank you very much for doing that.
And I promised that I was going to read some of these reviews for the book. These are a little interesting. Here they are. Ready?
On Amazon, Coppiclan, five-star review says: "I just watched the show, WATTERS WORLD on FOX News where he proceeded to shame me into buying the book. I will hold him to his word that the book will add years to my life. Although if I die, how will I hold him accountable? I will already be dead." Touche. Good point. I did that on purpose.
Grannie Annie says, "Can't wait to sink my toothless 82-year-old gums into it." That is a sight to see.
John K. Lennon says, "Dude, well done. The stories are great. The writing is tight. Only one typo ..." There better not be a typo in there.
Birdie says, "If you think Jesse Watters is the greatest since sliced bread, you'll like his book. If you think Jesse Watters is the biggest pampered egomaniac on two feet, you'll like his book. Whatever you do, never go camping with him." That is true.
Florin says: "This is an incredibly important book. It has to be translated into French, German, Spanish, Italian, and discussed in all the U.S. and European universities." I would agree with that.
And there is this poetic and rather dramatic review by CharlestonBooks, quote, "Words melt into paragraphs, lovely, well-written paragraphs, worthy of Ernest Hemingway at his peak turn into pages. The pages seem to turn themselves as I rushed towards a cataclysmic finale that literally left me gasping for breath. Jesse Watters may or may not have saved the world."
Well said. So, majority rules. You heard from the people. Go out and buy a copy of the book. You will not -- I repeat -- you will not be disappointed. And while you're at it, tune in to this year's Student Action Summit to see my speech and many others. Go to to watch the event live and on demand now through Tuesday. Turning Point U.S.A. has that all covered.
Plus, you can sign up for FOX Nation. You can become a member for free right now, using the code S-A-S. There's no excuses. Do that after you buy the book though.
That's it for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
"JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE" is next, and remember, I'm Watters and this is my world.
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