'Watters' World' on Biden's COVID messaging, in-flight fights

This is a rush transcript from "Watters’ World," August 7, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


The President is confused: That's the subject of tonight's Watters' Words.

The country is confused about COVID because the President is confused. He doesn't understand the science and he doesn't know what to do. People are uncertain about the delta variant. Why it's different? If it's deadlier? Where cases are going up and if cases even matter at this point?

Do we need a booster shot? No clue.

The teachers unions have been wishy-washy on school reopenings. No one understands why kids are wearing masks. Why would we do that? And are masks back in certain counties, but not other counties?

Biden has been no help. He wears masks outside and no masks inside. Makes no sense. And no one trusts Fauci anymore. He has been all over the map on every issue and just looks partisan and deceitful, especially about the lab leak.

So, are you returning to the office in the fall? Companies are switching up their return to work plans? Are people going to be wearing a mask inside? We don't know. And if COVID is such a threat, why is Biden bussing COVID positive migrants into Texas and Florida? None of this adds up, and Americans are alarmed.

Nobody trusts the media to tell them the truth. Media confidence is shot.

We've been lied to about everything. So, even when we're told the truth, we don't believe it. If we say what we really believe on social media, we get censored. So, we feel under attack from our own country.

Joe Biden has a messaging problem. He campaigned on ending the pandemic and restarting the economy. The pandemic has ended and the economy has been restarted. But Biden acts like none of that happened.

Seventy percent of the country is vaxxed and deaths are at the lowest level ever this summer, but Biden is hyping this delta variant, moving backwards on masks and mandates, and the liberal teachers unions are like, "Oh, I don't know if we can open in the fall."

And if the economy is back up and humming like Biden claims it is, why do we need to keep everybody -- giving everybody free rent? Why do we need to spend trillions in stimulus? And why don't Americans feel that? Because millions are still sitting on the sidelines and the rest of our wage gains are offset by high gas prices.

The Biden administration's COVID and economic message, it is all messed up. And the President has a bigger problem in that -- management. He can't do it. The man can't manage anything.

Wherever Biden and the Democrats are in charge, it is a disaster. The border was mismanaged into a full blown crisis. The cities have been mismanaged. Crime wave everywhere, quality of life gone, people fleeing to Florida or the burbs and buying guns. Record spending sent prices soaring.

And the teachers unions and crazy school boards are destroying the classroom with racism, driving parents nuts. All of these problems didn't have to happen. But the left made them happen and Biden doesn't have a clue how to address any of them.

He just utters a bunch of garbage his speech writers write for him and shuffles off stage. He doesn't inspire confidence. It's only going to get worse.

So, will Republicans take advantage of it?

Joining me now for reaction, FOX News contributor, Newt Gingrich.

So, it's a mess. Speaker, do you think the Republican Party can come in and make any hay out of these problems?

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I think the problem is going to be so big by the time of the election next year that the country will turn to the Republicans, and I think on the House side, Kevin McCarthy clearly has a strategy. It worked last time and he gained seats when people thought he was going to lose seats. But he gained them by recruiting the right people, competing there with positive ideas -- and this is going to be a mess.

You know, when you realize how many people are coming in basically, the Biden administration is importing a city every month of illegal immigrants. In the month of July, they imported the equivalent of the City of Birmingham, Alabama. That's how many people came in, and they're going all over the country. We have no idea where they're going.

Well, this kind of thing can't go on very long. You have dramatically rising crime rates in our biggest cities, we really are rising at a rate that gets you back to the early 1970s when we thought crime was terrible. And I think you have a spending spree underway that is going to bring massive inflation.

So, you take all those pieces and put them together and you have sort of Jimmy Carter times 20. And I think that by next summer, this will be a disaster and the Democrats will be seen as a party that is incapable of solving any of these problems.

WATTERS: Do you believe Joe Biden gets it? Because I don't think he gets it. He kind of got the crime thing, and so he did a speech about guns -- and then he just forgot about it. He doesn't talk about it anymore.

You know, the border, the media doesn't talk about the border, because kids are now being hidden by Joe, so they don't have any pictures to exploit. So, it's not even on his radar. Do you think he is even cognizant of these rising issues that are just disturbing the American people?

GINGRICH: You know, you do a great show, and you're often very funny. You may be the funniest person on FOX.

WATTERS: I'll tell Gutfeld you said that.

GINGRICH: But -- well, so I don't want to get in a fight about you know, it's like two cousins -- but you do, you have a great sense of humor.

WATTERS: Thank you.

GINGRICH: And I think asking the question, does Joe Biden get it is one of the funniest things you've said this year? I mean, how could you -- how could you watch him for five minutes and have any belief that he gets anything? I said the other day, I waver between Fauci and Biden and whose cognitive ability I worry about the most, because I think both of them, frankly, are only partially in touch with the real world.

And, you know, President Biden, I think, gets almost nothing anymore. And he didn't, frankly, even when he was a senator, he didn't get much.


GINGRICH: People tend to forget, he was not a -- he was not a brilliant intellectual. He wasn't the John F. Kennedy of his generation.

WATTERS: I know, I think even Barack Obama was aware of that. And something that's really going to be creeping up, and I don't think he sees this coming at all is this fight over these vaccine mandates, the passports, and it's not just a problem with the whole country. It is especially a problem with his base.

Black Americans are not going for this. Here is the Democrat Mayor of Boston, basically comparing these vaxx passes to segregation. Listen.


KIM JANEY, ACTING MAYOR OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS: There's a long history in this country of people needing to show their papers -- during slavery, post slavery, as recent as you know what -- the immigrant population has to go through here. We heard Trump with the birth certificate nonsense.

Here, we want to make sure that we are not doing anything that would further create a barrier for residents of Boston are disproportionately impact by bi-part communities.


WATTERS: And so black America is not vaxxed at a very high rate. I think it's just under 30 percent. Now, Democratic mayors are going to be telling them they can't go workout in gyms, they can't go to clubs, they can't go inside, and eat dinner. I don't think that's going to fly, do you?

GINGRICH: No, and you've already seen it, for example with the postal unions, which just said no. Look, even the French are having riots over the idea of this vaccine passport and America has, you know, a very deep tradition of actually being in favor of individual liberty.

So, the idea that the government is going to come in and insist, you know that the last 15 or 20 percent get vaccinated, I think, is an example of tyranny and I think that it is outrageous. And I believe even -- I mean, I've been vaccinated twice. I'm not -- you know, and I think that it is a smart thing to get vaccinated.

WATTERS: So, do I.

GINGRICH: Because even if you get -- even if you get the newest variant, you seem to get not nearly as sick. So from that standpoint, it's commonsense. But, you know, I will defend permanently the right of other Americans to say no. I mean, I am sick of watching these petty tyrants whether they are mayors or governors, or the President of the United States, who, by the way, issue orders, and then you see them violate their own rules.

So, you're saying you're supposed to wear a mask inside, oh, but the Mayor of Washington doesn't, or the Mayor of Chicago doesn't, because after all, they are an aristocracy. They don't have to behave like the commoners.

Well, that is absolutely unacceptable in America, and we ought to all rise as a country and say that and just say, no.

A good friend of mine who is actually very reasonable, and I was shocked when she said to me, she was in Montgomery County, she said, if they come back with masks, I'm not wearing one and they can put me in jail.


GINGRICH: She said, I am sick of being told by these guys who interfere in my life, who don't know what they're talking about, and who keep changing the rules.

WATTERS: Barack Obama had to cave because he was not -- he was following the science by having a birthday party outside, vaxxed, but he wasn't following the script, and the script on the left now is this delta is going to kill everybody. We've got to go back to masks, back to mandates, no large parties, and he now has to trim his invitation list to the soiree he was having at his multimillion dollar compound in The Vineyard.

I want the guy to celebrate his 60th, sounds like kind of a hot ticket. Nothing wrong with that. That didn't go against any guidelines. But now the media came after Barack, and Barack caved to the Fauci's of the country. Can you believe that?

GINGRICH: Well, I think he understood where the left-wing of his party is, and where the pressure points were. But think about this, you have a guest list of 600. So, now you're going to cut it to say 50.


GINGRICH: I mean, how would you feel if you're one of the 550 people that got this nice little note that said, "I really love you, but not enough to have you come to my party." I mean, it's a -- you know, it is a very interesting mess.

WATTERS: Yes. I think Rahm Emanuel might have been cut. Joe Biden wasn't even invited. I don't know what's going on there.

GINGRICH: Maybe that's why it blew up. But AOC was not invited, and that's why it blew up.

WATTERS: That's true. That's true. No one -- well, you know what, I'm not going to say anything mean. We're going to wait until later in the show because we have an AOC segment.

All right, Newt Gingrich, everybody. Thank you so much.

GINGRICH: Great. Good to be with you.

WATTERS: Now, the House hypocrite and squad member, Cori Bush, once again, calling to defund the police despite shelling out 70 G's for her own personal security. The liberal lawmaker defending having her own privacy protection because of the threats on her life. Listen.


REP. CORI BUSH (D-MO): I'm going to make sure I have security because I know I have had attempts on my life, and I have too much work to do. There are too many people that need help right now for me to allow that.

So, if I end up spending $200,000.00, if I spend $10.00 more dollars on it, you know what? I get to be here to do the work. So, suck it up and defunding the police has to happen. We need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets because we're trying to save lives.

I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now. I have private security because they, the white supremacists, racist narrative that they drive into this country --


WATTERS: FOX News contributor, Mike Huckabee joins me now. All right, so her life is worth protecting, but her constituents in St. Louis, their lives, no, not worth it. Defund those police to protect them, Governor.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: You know, Jesse, you're such a cynic. Of course, she is important and way more important than you, me, and the rest of America.

WATTERS: You're right.

HUCKABEE: The big question, I think that we're confronted with is how on Earth did American make it for almost 250 years without Cori Bush being here to do the great work that she is doing? Somehow we barely were able to ebb along, but now that Cori Bush is here, we're all going to be okay, as long as we protect her, and put her in that cone of protection that she is worth -- the rest of us, not so much.

I give her what I call the Gavin Cuomo Award. Oh, it is the award for ultimate hubris and hypocrisy for those who want to impose upon others rules that they would never enact upon themselves. And she may just be the first and most important recipient of that award.

WATTERS: Do you even think she knows when she says to defund the police, but I get pricey private security? She did it in the same sentence, Governor. Do you think she even sees the ridiculousness of what she is saying? Does she even get that?

HUCKABEE: You know, her lack of self-awareness is however a great ad for the Republicans to take back Congress next year.

WATTERS: Oh, yes.

HUCKABEE: So don't lose that video. It's going to come in handy all through 2022. Absolutely.

WATTERS: We're going to get the French Laundry video from Gavin Newsom. We're going to get the AOC mask video, which we're going to show you a bit later, and then we're going to get this Cori Bush video and that's all you really need to do, it is just to show that people don't care about you, they only care about themselves.

Governor, this woman, they picked her up off the streets. She was a rabble rouser, loud mouth, basically, professional protester. She cut her teeth with the Mike Brown, "Hands up, don't shoot," lie that launched her career.

She was bull horning outside the McCloskey's basically arm in arm with Antifa in Ferguson; and now, she is a Member of Congress, and she is sleeping out on the sidewalk, protesting. She went free rent.

Governor, if the economy is so hot like Joe says it is, why do we need to keep handing out free rent?

HUCKABEE: Well, we don't need to keep handing out free rent. It's so, again, an unconstitutional action on the part of Joe Biden and his administration. But we've shredded the Constitution pretty well. We are, I think, at the point where now we tell Americans forget the first, second, and third, in fact, all the amendments, we're just going to tell you what to do, and you better do it or else.

But the Cori Bush's and the AOC's of the world, all of the squad, they are making it a whole lot easier for America to make a decision as to the future of our country. Do we want to let these people run things? Because they are. They're actually running the show. Or do we want to bring some responsible adults that respect the Constitution, the rule of law, and a sense of equality of justice, rather than justice for some, but not for all?

WATTERS: All right, well, I don't have any private security and I guarantee, I get more death threats than Congresswoman Cori Bush. She should see the threats I get. Not pretty, Governor. I'm sure you got a few in your day as well.

HUCKABEE: I've had those, you know, and -- but the thing is, you deserve yours, Jesse. That's the difference.

WATTERS: I do. You know what, you're right.

HUCKABEE: I think you've got to realize that.

WATTERS: You know what, you're right. I do deserve every little bit of that. Thank you, Governor. We appreciate it.

Creepy Cuomo blaming his Italian heritage for all of these sexual harassment allegations. Italians aren't very happy about it.



WATTERS: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo accused of being a serial sexual harasser, his defense, "I'm Italian."

Here are some of the allegations from the State Attorney General's report. He is accused of kissing women on the lips, groping their butts, fondling their breasts, relentlessly hitting on aides and assistants, asking women to play strip poker, and even asking a State Trooper if she could set him up with a girlfriend who could quote, "handle pain."

But defiant Cuomo digging in despite calls for him to resign. In fact, he says none of this is his fault. It's either a lie, or just a misunderstanding, and it is because he is Italian. He claims this is how he was brought up and learn to show affection.


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): I actually learned that from my mother and from my father. It is meant to convey warmth, nothing more.

I do kiss people on the forehead. I do kiss people on the cheeks. I do kiss people on the hand. I do embrace people. I do hug people, men and women.

I now understand that there are generational or cultural perspectives that frankly, I hadn't fully appreciated, and I have learned from this.


WATTERS: Does that defense hold any water? Let's ask radio talk show host and comedian Joe Piscopo. All right, Joe, are you buying this ethnic defense?

JOE PISCOPO, COMEDIAN AND RADIO SHOW HOST: You know what this means? You know what this means, Jesse? What are you doing? You know what this means, Jesse? You know what this means? It just means, forget about it. Forget about it. And that's the worst. You get this, you get the finger in the mouth. Forget about this.

This, this. We have other -- yes, we have an array of hand language and we are very, very, you know, compassionate and very, very passionate in our embrace of people, and we do kiss folks ...


PISCOPO: ... on both sides of the cheeks and everything. And by the way, if I can't -- as a caveat, Jesse, if I may, Governor Cuomo saved the Columbus statue. He brought Mother Cabrini statue to New York, so we appreciate that. We love Matilda Cuomo.

WATTERS: He did. He has been good for the Italian people.

PISCOPO: I was a Mario fan.

WATTERS: It's true.

Matilda Cuomo Don't blame us. Andrew, don't blame us. You know, hey, you only need a hand, you need to look -- you need to look. What are you looking at with the head? With the head like this? Right? You know, from Jersey. I'm down in Jersey. Listen, here they go like this when you want to get out of here. Let's get out of here. Hey.

WATTERS: Let's go.

PISCOPO: Come on, come on. Come on. There is all of that. But no, no, but not -- I mean --

WATTERS: So he does the hug -- so he does the hug, and the hug lingers. This is not like, oh, this is a long embrace. Right? And then he does the double cheek kiss. Now, that's what they do in Europe.


WATTERS: But not only does he does the double cheek, he does the hands on the face, and you've seen that in the movies. People do that all over the area around here. Boom, boom, boom, boom.


WATTERS: But it's not just that. I mean, he's been accused of -- Italian is that accustomed to grope women here on the chest? Or on the rear end? I don't think that's an Italian thing, is it, Joe?

PISCOPO: You know, in the Italian Handbook, if you will, I don't know, you're running your finger down the back of a State Trooper and saying, hey -- not really. Not really.


PISCOPO: It was the -- it was the "Hey," you know, the "Hey" that kind of was kind of creepy, but no. So I don't want to -- you can't blame the ethnicity for this.


PISCOPO: And also, you know, we're so -- you and I we are so pro-law enforcement. We appreciate the police and what this gal had to go through.

On the other hand, you know, you know you hate to -- you hate to make it an ethnic thing. I am such a proud Italian.

WATTERS: I mean, imagine -- imagine if Bill Cosby, Joe, imagine if Bill Cosby, oh, you know, in the African-American community, this is what we -- no.

Or Harvey Weinstein, you know, in the Jewish community, we have different customs. People aren't familiar with it. I'm not comparing Governor Cuomo to either of those guys, that was a lot worse, but you don't do that because when you do that, everybody knows that's just a dodge.

All right. Hey, Joe. Hey, Joe, you want to go?

PISCOPO: I know. Yes, sir. Yes.

WATTERS: You want to go?


WATTERS: Get out of here. All right, we've got to go sell some bucks, let's go.

PISCOPO: Yes, let's get out of here. Get out of here.

WATTERS: Let's go. Thanks for coming out. We appreciate it.

PISCOPO: Love you, man.

WATTERS: All right. You, too.

Kamala Harris in big trouble. Are the Democrats trying to sabotage her? We'll take you inside her crisis dinner.


JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: This is "FOX News Live." I'm Jon Scott.

The Senate inches closer to finalizing a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill during today's rare Saturday session about two hours ago. Senators will return tomorrow. If the bill clears the Senate, it still faces a rocky road in the House.

The California Republican Party says it won't endorse any of the four G.O.P. candidates running to replace Governor Gavin Newsom in next month's recall election. Party delegates say backing one candidate could make voters less likely to vote to recall Newsom.

And more than 100 wildfires are burning in at least 12 states including the Dixie fire in Northern California, now the largest in that state's history. Eight people remain unaccounted for after it wiped out the entire Gold Rush era town of Greenville this week.

I'm Jon Scott. Now back to WATTERS' WORLD.

WATTERS: Kamala Harris in damage control mode, the VP's allies are so worried about her. They reportedly held a crisis dinner to figure out how to defend her against bad press and dysfunction in her office.

The swanky dinner was hosted in Georgetown and consisted of all women. The top female operatives in the entire Democratic Party were there. And at this dinner, they discussed the sexist overtones by the media.

Kamala's poll numbers continue to freefall as her border crisis gets worse. Thousands and thousands of COVID positive migrants are just being dumped into this country with more than 7,000 released in the McAllen, Texas alone since February.

Now, as you know, in July, Border Patrol agents encountered more than 200,000 illegals at the southern border, and that's the most in over 20 years.

Joining me now, former senior adviser to Trump, Stephen Miller.

All right, Stephen, what is your interpretation of this crisis dinner? You tell me what you think, and then I'll tell you what I think is going on?

STEPHEN MILLER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE ADVISER: Well, I think it's pretty clear that people who are close to the Vice President are extremely concerned that her long term political aspirations are going up in smoke. I mean, everyone understands that Kamala's goal is to be the President of the United States.

And beyond the reporting about the toxic workplace environment in her office, the signature issue with which she is most associated, in fact, the one that she is in charge of is the border. She is the border czar, and it represents the single greatest domestic policy disaster, not only of this administration, but of almost any administration in the history of this country. That is how bad, how devastating it is on our southern border.

WATTERS: I agree with everything. And here is how I see the politics of it. This was leaked, and the people at this dinner, which sounded very swanky, these are the top female Democrat operatives in the entire country. They cut their teeth with the Obama's, the Clinton's. If they don't want something out, it's not going to come out, but they wanted this out.

So, they leaked it to AXIOS, and the message from the leak was: This is urgent. This is a quote-unquote "crisis." At least two of them leaked this to the media, and if you read between the lines, this is top female Democrat operatives having to save Kamala Harris, but not Kamala Harris from herself, trying to save her from the sexist media.

So, this is a message to the media that if you report negatively on Kamala Harris, we're coming after you, and there's going to be a big problem.

MILLER: That's a really great point, Jesse. This is a message to the media, to the establishment media. It's a message as well to the party that they need to start doing their part to try to rehabilitate her image and to lay off.

But let's be very clear, she controls her own fate. She has a very simple decision to make, and I'm afraid, Jesse, she is not going to take my advice. But the decision is either do the right thing on the border. Reject all of the crazies, the lunatics, the leftist, the Marxists that are driving this nihilistic open borders policy and actually do the right thing and start sending illegal immigrants home, or assure yourself that you will have no political future.

You have reached the zenith of your career and you will go no further.

WATTERS: Kamala Harris, I know she watches WATTERS' WORLD, so listen to Stephen Miller. It's good advice. Just do your job. That's all Mr. Miller is trying to tell you.

MILLER: Exactly.

WATTERS: Thank you very much, Stephen. We appreciate it.

MILLER: Thank you.

WATTERS: The not so friendly skies, air rage incidents worse than ever. What's driving this? A Southwest Airlines whistleblower lands in to WATTERS' WORLD.




WATTERS: So much for flying the friendly skies. Air rage out of control.


WATTERS: They had to duct tape that guy. Oh my God.

Things have gotten so bad, airline workers are taking self-defense classes to deal with these violent passengers. The F.A.A. says there has been over 3,500 reports just so far this year, with almost 600 of those now under investigation. That's nearly double the number of investigations in 2019 and 2020 combined.

Here now to discuss, Southwest Airlines flight attendant, Mason Stephens, and retired supervisory Federal Air Marshal, Sonya LaBosco. All right, Mason, you're at Southwest right now. It always seems like it's a Southwest situation. Tell me, what have you experienced? What have your colleagues experienced and what are you doing to deal with these crazy people?

MASON STEPHENS, FLIGHT ATTENDANT, SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: Oh, my, what have we experienced? Well, it's just the traveling public has just changed quite a bit. And there's like not -- the respect level is like, pretty much zero. I don't think they realize we are like really inflight first responders. We are there in case you have a heart attack, we are there if something that occurs on that aircraft.

Do you actually know we are -- we are literally -- we do scenarios and stuff on how to move an incendiary device on an aircraft to make sure that the airplane's integrity stays intact. Our job is to make sure the door is secure at all times.

And I don't think people respect that.

WATTERS: Are you training in any sort of self-defense to deal with these violent passengers? Because I would take karate or something like that, if that was me.

STEPHENS: Yes. I started training before all of this went haywire most recently, because there is always been lots of incidents. It's just seems that we are strained. I am training with a female MMA fighter. Her name is Emily Jacoby. I started training with her two years ago because I said I wanted to be able to protect myself, and I didn't want to take just some basic, random self-defense, I want to really be able to truly protect myself.

WATTERS: So you're training in mixed martial arts. So you're learning how to do choke colds and head strikes. And oh, my God. I'd tap out if you came after me, but you know what, that's fine. Duct taped me if you have to, Mason.

All right, Sonya, you were an Air Marshal for many, many years, and why aren't there more Air Marshals on these flights? Every time I see this, it's either the flight attendants or the passengers that have to get in and separate violent fliers. Why aren't they just having an Air Marshal on every single flight?

SONYA LABOSCO, RETIRED SUPERVISORY FEDERAL AIR MARSHAL: Well, Jesse, thanks for having me today. That answer is pretty simple. The Federal Air Marshal Service does not have the resources. Our capacity to fly on these aircrafts since 9/11 has degraded. We are down less than 50 percent on Air Marshals, so there are absolutely no resources.

Recently, the Director of the Air Marshal Service, Mike Anderson testified in front of the House Homeland Security Committee on a subcommittee that we had adequate resources to try to help and you know, help the flight attendants when they have these situations on the aircraft.

But in reality, Jesse, we have disintegrated to almost no resources in the Federal Air Marshal Service.

WATTERS: Wait a second, Sonya, you're saying with all the taxes that I pay, and I pay a lot of taxes, you're saying Joe Biden is throwing around trillions in infrastructure -- trillions in infrastructure, and we can't spend a couple mil putting Air Marshals on these flights? I mean these flights look like the Octagon. Look at the video we are showing you. It's unbelievable that they're saying that we don't have enough money.

Now, you were also involved with some of these confrontations. If you're a passenger and someone gets unruly next to you, should you get involved if there's no Air Marshal? Or should you try like a rear naked choke? What would you suggest we do?

LABOSCO: Well, I suggest the first thing you got to do is to try to de- escalate. That's the first thing you want to do is to try to calm the situation down. If somebody is being physically aggressive, you absolutely better believe that we're going to put them in a chokehold. You need to take action. That person can harm you.

You're 35,000 feet above sea level there. There is no error for anything to go wrong. Take action, put those people on the ground, tape them up, handcuff them, do whatever you need to do.

WATTERS: All right. Well, I think Mason and Sonya just put the fear of God in every flyer out there. Don't mess with these ladies, all right? It's going to not -- it's not going to go well.

Thank you, two, very much and stay safe. Mason, stay safe.

STEPHENS: Thank you, Jesse.

WATTERS: All right. Oh, OJ Simpson, Britney Spears, and AOC -- what do they have in common? Carley will tell us, "Triple Play" up next.


WATTERS: Time for "Triple Play." Up first, Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the Capitol Hill steps with no mask, but as soon as it was time to take the picture, she puts the mask on. And then moments later the photo was taken, off goes the mask.

So, is the mask just a prop? Joining me now FOX News 24/7 headlines reporter, Carley Shimkus.


WATTERS: Carley, this is pretty bad.

SHIMKUS: Yes, well, in the words of Rand Paul, masks have become political theater, and I guess she is sort of used to this. If you remember the pictures of her dressed all in white weeping at the southern border.


SHIMKUS: But I did see Jesse, some people defend her on social media. Those people were saying, well, she is just trying to send the right message to her constituents. But that's not the right message because she's outside and she is vaccinated.

WATTERS: Exactly.

SHIMKUS: That message is fear that the pandemic is still going on and vaccines don't work.

WATTERS: I think she has aspirations of an actress. That is a good point. All right, so let's go to OJ, "The Juice." He took some time away to play golf and gave us a little public service announcement on vaccines. Listen.

SHIMKUS: Can't wait.


OJ SIMPSON, FORMER FOOTBALL PLAYER: A female doctor was on this one and she made the best analogy I've heard. She said that being vaccinated is like wearing your seatbelt. That it doesn't guarantee you won't get in an accident, but if you do, you have a much better chance of surviving.

Hey, get your shots. I don't like wearing masks, and it is you people who aren't getting the shots that have brought this mask thing back.


WATTERS: So OJ murders two people, but now Carley, now, OJ wants to save lives.

SHIMKUS: Yes, I think there's something really ironic about OJ Simpson lecturing people about public health and safety and doing the right thing.


SHIMKUS: When it comes to messaging on this front, about saving lives, I think literally anybody should be talking except for him.

WATTERS: OJ is not the right messenger. Don't be Dr. Fauci.


WATTERS: Yes, maybe tell people not to commit crimes that might be a little more effective.

SHIMKUS: Yes. Like a prison reform speech. Something like that.

WATTERS: That would be -- that would be more well-received, I think, Carley.

SHIMKUS: Yes. Yes.

WATTERS: All right. So I need to show you this footage of Britney. My poor Britney. I have been so trying to help Britney. I'm all about Free Britney. I want her to get rid of this conservatorship. I want her to gain her freedom.

But, Britney, she is getting naked all over social media. She is posing topless. She's dancing around like this, like the last four photos on her Instagram. She is totally naked. No shirt.

Britney, keep your clothes on, just at least until the time you get through this litigation, then you can take your top off.

SHIMKUS: She has little stars.

WATTERS: Yes. Thanks for covering up, Britney.

SHIMKUS: Carefully, carefully placed stars. I have seen these pictures because I follow her on Instagram as well. Not the way that I would curate my personal Instagram, but I'm also not a pop star. She does read comments though. She reads the criticism because she responded to it and she said, listen, if you don't like what I'm posting, if you don't like my dance videos, then unfollow me, which I thought was a pretty solid response.

She is just out there doing her thing. I think she feels you know, restricted in other ways of life, and maybe her Instagram is her new artistic forum, Jesse.

WATTERS: Perhaps. But, Carley, if you are about to gain your freedom, and everyone is saying you're crazy, wouldn't you just try to act less crazy until the case is over?

SHIMKUS: I probably would stay off social media. Yes, I would. But the other side of that argument is, in terms of a conservatorship and because she has made millions of dollars under the conservatorship, she is allowed to be as crazy as she wants and should still have control of her money.

WATTERS: There is no other side of that argument.

SHIMKUS: It is not dad's money.

WATTERS: I am the only side of the argument, Carley.

SHIMKUS: It's you. It's only you.

WATTERS: Just one side over here, it is WATTERS' WORLD.

All right, Carley, thank you so much.

SHIMKUS: Good to see you.

WATTERS: We appreciate it. Up next, "Last Call."


Renting always made sense to me. And then it rains in the apartment. They also had a landlord who thought he could fix things. Here we go again. He could not. Oh, you're going to do a slap some paint on this and cover Write up for Rocket Mortgage helped me find the home loan option that works for me so I could buy a place of my own. Now I don't have a landlord or leaky ceiling when you need to throw in the towel on renting Rate transcript quality

WATTERS: If you guys want to meet me in person, well, I'm still on this book tour for "How I Saved the World" and the book is still doing great, still on the bestseller list.

I'm going to be doing a book signing in Long Beach Island in New Jersey, August 31st. All right, August 31st, it is going to be the LBI Books Swap at 11 o'clock in the morning, and I've been getting out there a lot, doing a lot of these signings.

I'll take photos with you. I'll sign the book. I'll even let you touch me. Okay, COVID is over, I'll even let you touch me, just not the hair.

Thanks so much for showing up.

That's all for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

"JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE" is next and remember, I'm Watters, and this is my world.

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