Vermin Supreme makes his 2020 bid for the Libertarian Party presidential nomination
2020 Libertarian hopeful Vermin Supreme shares his campaign platform.
This is a rush transcript from "Watters' World," May 18, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JESSE WATTERS, HOST: This is a Fox News Alert. This is day nine of the sex strike and things are getting very tense. As you know, Republican Governor Brian Kemp signed a heartbeat abortion bill in the state of Georgia. Celebrity activist, Alyssa Milano responded by throwing down the gauntlet tweeting this, "Our reproductive rights are being erased. Until women have legal control over our own bodies, we just cannot risk pregnancy. Join me by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back. I'm calling for a sex strike. Pass it on."
Many men across the country are suffering, especially in the state of Georgia and they don't know how long they can last. So men were confused about which side they were on. They didn't know if they needed to cross the picket line or if they were already on the right side. Thankfully, actress, Patricia Arquette cleared things up.
PATRICIA ARQUETTE, AMERICAN ACTRESS: Maybe don't have sex with people who don't vote -- a Democrat.
WATTERS: So now it's clear, men who vote Democrat who don't vote Democrat are the targets. Here is Alyssa Milano in her own words.
ALYSSA MILANO, AMERICAN ACTRESS: Really my hope was to raise awareness for the 16 bills that are happening all over our country that are trying to roll back women's rights, and I think the tweet alone was able to do that.
The reaction has been mixed. I think some people took it extremely seriously.
WATTERS: I for one, am one of those people.
WATTERS: I'm taking the sex strike very seriously. I think it's a diabolical move by women. Women have much more power than they've realized we're at their mercy basically, Sean, and this means trouble for men. I mean, sex strikes have worked throughout history -- in South America and Africa, in Greece. I could see Georgia turning blue as a result of the sex strike. I could see conservative men, gun-toting guys, pickup driving guys, they may be two, three weeks into a sex strike. They're voting Bernie Sanders, Sean.
Any one of us could fall victim to a sex strike, okay. We have to take this threat seriously and pay very close attention.
WATTERS: As I said, sex strikes have been successfully used throughout history. In ancient Greece, in Aristophanes comedy, "Lysistrata," the heroin leads a successful sex strike, forcing the men of Athens and Sparta to abandon the Peloponnesian War.
In 2003, a sex strike in Liberia actually ended a 14-year Civil War, and led to the election of Africa's first female head of state.
In 2006, a sex strike in Colombia caused the city of Paris murder rate to decline by 27 percent. Girlfriends of gang members held a strike of crossed legs until their partners gave up violence.
Again in Colombia, a sex strike was able to make the Colombian Army of Engineers undertake a massive infrastructure upgrade to the highway system.
In 2009, Kenyan women slapped their partners with a week-long sex ban, which resulted in national unity government.
In 2011, in the Philippines, a sex strike on the Mindanao island put an end of fighting between villages that dated back to the early 1970s.
Sex strikes have not always been successful. They failed in Italy in Japan, but we can't take that risk. The stakes are just too high. Now, we've reached the tipping point.
Bette Midler has joined the sex strike, tweeting this, "I hope women of Georgia stop having sex with men until these indignities are overturned."
Joining us now with reaction are Fox Nation host, Abby Hornacek and Fox News 24/7 Headlines reporter, Carley Shimkus.
Carley, just because sex strikes can end wars because they can be good. They can also be really mean.
CARLEY SHIMKUS, 24/7 HEADLINES REPORTER: Well, first of all, I am very impressed with your history and breadth of knowledge including pronouncing words like Lysistrata. So I'm very impressed with that.
WATTERS: Thank you. Because sex strikes are my thing. I know the deep history there.
SHIMKUS: So Alyssa Milano was saying that women can't risk having sex unless they are fully committed to the idea of having a baby. You know who else says that?
SHIMKUS: The Catholic Church. So she has gone so far left that she has almost completed a full circle and is now agreeing with people on the religious right.
But the best reaction has come from fellow progressives. Some have accused her of being anti-woman. Others are angry that her sex strike excludes trans-women who identify or are still biologically men. So she has had to apologize --
WATTERS: Wow. I did not even consider that in the sex strike reportage.
SHIMKUS: On multiple occasions, yes. Alyssa Milano can't even ...
WATTERS: Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
SHIMKUS: ... keep up with all the rules that woke society says that we should live by.
WATTERS: But here's where we get into the danger zone because if this thing is successful, I mean, you could have the Republicans lose the Senate. If certain women hold out for that long, men might just switch parties if the sex strike goes that long.
ABBY HORNACEK, FOX NATION HOST: Here's the thing. I mean, don't men do this to women all the time? I mean, they go on strike when they leave the toilet seat up or when they put their sweaty bodies on the couch.
WATTERS: Is that a strike?
HORNACEK: I don't want to be in a relationship --
WATTERS: That's like strike three.
HORNACEK: Right, there's three of them. You've got two --
SHIMKUS: That's gross behavior.
HORNACEK: I don't want to be in a relationship where hopefully, if you are having sex, it's enjoyable for the woman as well. So I don't want to be in a relationship where you have to barter with someone, right?
WATTERS: So you're saying men could then reverse this and throw a sex strike back against women? How do you think that would work?
SHIMKUS: Then there will be no babies thus no abortion.
HORNACEK: Exactly. I mean --
WATTERS: The birth right is already plummeting in America. I think that's not going to help.
SHIMKUS: You know I want to talk about who the sex strike is really affecting because Patricia Arquette, I disagree with what she said. People who are progressive enough to actually do this probably are only going on dates with people who agree with them politically.
WATTERS: Yes, they're not dating Republicans.
SHIMKUS: Right. So I mean, this sex strike really would only the affect pro-choice men.
WATTERS: Right. It's like a Civil War. They don't even realize they're hurting their own kind.
HORNACEK: Exactly.
WATTERS: So I think Elie Ratajkowski, her name is --
WATTERS: She is a very famous model. Yes, Emily, you know, we all know her on a first name basis. She is very upset with the abortion bill down in Alabama and she just went totally nude to protest it. Now we're doing the right or wrong segment, Abby, is it right or is it wrong when women just get totally naked to protest something?
HORNACEK: I mean, I wouldn't do it. I respect my body and they're saying they respect their body so that they can be out in public naked and showing off everything that God gave them. Personally, I would not do that. It's just it's a separate --
WATTERS: But isn't it just a stunt? Isn't it really an excuse for her to get naked and get attention?
SHIMKUS: She wasn't totally naked. She had a flower.
HORNACEK: There you go.
WATTERS: Okay. Thank you for clarifying that.
SHIMKUS: I just want to make that factually accurate.
WATTERS: Okay, so almost completely naked. I mean, do you think that that is an effective use of the protest movement?
SHIMKUS: I mean if you look at -- if you follow her on Instagram, something tells me you do follow her on Instagram.
WATTERS: I do not.
HORNACEK: It's kind of her thing.
SHIMKUS: You're lying.
WATTERS: I do not. I do not.
SHIMKUS: She is beautiful. She is beautiful. The post was some -- she posts herself with no clothes on -- very little clothes all the time. The post was pretty serious and it was something that a lot of pro-choice folks were very much --
WATTERS: Yes. We're not trying to trivialize what's going on down in Alabama. We're just focusing on the protest mover. That's what we do here.
SHIMKUS: But the picture was -- the picture was very much "look at me."
WATTERS: It's what we do here.
HORNACEK: Everything, everything.
WATTERS: All right. All right, ladies. Thank you guys very much.
HORNACEK: Thank you.
WATTERS: Let's bring in former Arkansas governor and Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee and CEO of the New Voice, Herman Cain. Guys, before we get to the real topic, the sex strike. Governor, I'm telling you we have to take this very seriously.
MIKE HUCKABEE, CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, we do. You know, I think the issue is how many states will Alyssa Milano not be able to have sex in after another year? And the fact is, it may be that she may be one of the first Hollywood celebrities who keeps her promise to move to Canada, because she is going to be on strike everywhere else.
I think it's sad. It's comical to watch this as if the people of Alabama, Missouri and Georgia could care whether Alyssa Milano comes in beds down in their state.
WATTERS: Herman, what do you think?
HERMAN CAIN, CEO, NEW VOICE: Well, I think the Governor is right. The people in Georgia -- and I live in Georgia -- they do not care about her sex strike. Now, here's the question that nobody has raised. What does her husband think of this?
WATTERS: Oh god. Let's talk about the 2020 campaign. You have Bill de Blasio, failed Mayor here in New York. He is running and he thinks he can win. The President of the United States responded, let's listen.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: I can't believe it. I just heard that the worst mayor in the history of New York City, and without question, the worst mayor in the United States is now running for President. It will never happen. I'm pretty good at predicting things like that.
I would be very surprised to see him in there for a long period, but it's just not going to happen. If you like high taxes, and if you like crime, you could vote for him, but most people aren't into that. So I wish him luck. But really, it'd be better off if you get back to New York City and did your job for the little time you have left.
WATTERS: All right, so Governor, the campaign has said their strategy, they're running against a 24-headed socialism monster and Bill de Blasio brings a lot of that to the table. Meatless Mondays, banning skyscrapers, you know, all the Democrats, they're going to have to answer for all the craziness that comes out of every single candidate's mouth.
HUCKABEE: Well, a couple of things. First of all, I think the President has been very unfair to de Blasio and his chances because de Blasio has already done something that no other candidate -- Democratic or Republican -- has done.
WATTERS: What's that?
HUCKABEE: He has united the country -- Democrats and Republicans are united in laughing at the fact that he would even run being such a failed mayor.
HUCKABEE: The second thing I'd point out is, I'm anxious for him to go to Iowa and promote his meatless strategy in the city where there is more meat, both hogs and beef than any other state in the country. Let him go and sell it and if he can win Iowa with that message, he is a better man than I thought he was.
WATTERS: If you could win Iowa on vegan platform, you can win anywhere. Herman, you know, the Governor is right. He has been able to unite everyone against him, even the mainstream media.
The mainstream media loves liberal politicians. I think we found the one liberal politician, even the media doesn't like.
CAIN: I believe that Mayor de Blasio will avoid Iowa.
WATTERS: Oh yes?
CAIN: He will get crucified if he tried to go to Iowa and talk about his Meatless Mondays and worse, are killing babies after they are born. Here is what I believe Mayor de Blasio suffers from. New York-itis. New York- itis where they believe that they are the center of the universe, and that everybody agrees with them.
As Governor Huckabee said, he has succeeded at uniting the rest of the nation, because the rest of the nation, absolutely does not agree with him and he is under the delusion that he represents the thoughts of the rest of America and he clearly does not.
WATTERS: Yes, I hope I don't have any of this New York-itis rubbing off on me. Let me know if I start getting like that, all right.
CAIN: No, you're okay. You're okay. Don't worry, Governor Huckabee and I will pull your chain and pull you back if you start acting stupid, okay.
WATTERS: Just don't pull me down to Georgia. There's a massive sex strike going on. We can't have that. All right, the President in Louisiana also earlier this week. He went after a whole host to the Democrats. Let's listen to that.
TRUMP: I've got Buttigieg. I've got them all. I've got Beto. Beto. Beto is falling fast. What the hell happened? Remember about four weeks ago? He said, "I was made for this." He was made for it. He was made to fall like a rock. I don't know what the hell happened to Biden. What happened to him? I'm looking at him, I said, "That doesn't look like the guy I knew. What happened to him?" And Bernie, you know, Bernie is crazy. Bernie is crazy. Pocahontas, I think is probably out. Boy, you've got some beauties here.
WATTERS: Well, we're going to get to Beto in a second. Butt edge edge. Don't you love how he says that?
CAIN: Well, I can't pronounce his name either.
HUCKABEE: Well, the thing that you've got to love about the President, he is so good, but he brands people so beautifully. And once it is stuck. I mean, you know, all I can say is McDonald's is the only brand I know that sticks better than the things that Donald Trump puts on somebody because once they're on, it's on like Super Glue.
WATTERS: Yes, even when he said Crazy Bernie all the way down there in Louisiana, Herman. The crowd was just eating it up.
CAIN: Yes. They were eating it up. Here's the one thing that all of the 23 Democratic presidential wannabes have in common, and I believe that the President has observed it and that is, they all have at least one socialist idea that they are trying to separate themselves from the other candidates on.
And one of the ones that I know we're going to talk about Beto O'Rourke. He even made the statement in front of a crowd that the Tax Code needs to be used to give more money to black people. That's an insult. It is divisive and it is ridiculous.
I had someone ask me the other day, "What has President Trump done for black people?" I said, "All you have to do is look at what he has done for all people and this nation and black people have also benefited." Beto and others are trying to divide us on these socialist ideas that's part of the socialist creep that's trying to come into our culture.
WATTERS: Yes, well, it's going to be capitalism versus socialism in 2020. I think I know how it's going to go, just knowing the country, but I guess we have to let the voters decide.
CAIN: Yes.
WATTERS: We didn't have enough time to get to Beto's ear hair trimming. So guys, just you know, keep your powder dry. Maybe we'll get to that next week. All right, Governor, Herman, good to see you.
HUCKABEE: Hey, Jesse, let's just pray he doesn't have a scare in -- I hope he doesn't have a colonoscopy. He will want to put that on livestream as well.
WATTERS: Yes, drop out before you go to get that done, please, Beto, please. All right, guys. Up next to the great one, Mark Levin is going to be in “Watters' World,” and later, classic movies that wouldn't survive in today's PC World. We'll take a look.
WILLIAM BARR, ATTORNEY GENERAL: I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal. I think spying did occur. But the question is whether it was predicated -- adequately predicated, and I am not suggesting it wasn't adequately predicated, but I need to explore that.
WATTERS: Attorney General Bill Barr making good on his word, appointing top Federal prosecutor, John Durham to dig into the origins of the Russia collusion hoax and to determine if spying on the Trump campaign was politically motivated.
This has totally boomeranged on the Deep State and the main players are starting to turn against each other now that the heat is turned up. The Obama State Department blaming the FBI. Brennan blaming Comey and Comey and Rosenstein are apparently trading blows. Watch this.
JAMES COMEY, FORMER FBI DIRECTOR: I think people like that, like Rod Rosenstein, who are people of accomplishment but not real Sterling character, strong character.
ROD ROSENSTEIN, FORMER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL: Now the former Director seems to be acting as a partisan pundit selling books, and earning speaking fees while speculating about the strength of my character.
WATTERS: Here with reaction, the host of "Life, Liberty & Levin," the great one and the author of the upcoming book, "Unfreedom of the Press," Mark Levin and we're going to get to the book in a second.
But Mark, this reminds me of you know, when you're outside in the backyard, and you pull a rock up, and all the little bugs start scurrying around and looking for cover and start fighting each other. This is what's happening.
LEVIN: You know, Comey really is a reprobate though. I mean, when it comes to the worst of the worst, he is the worst of the worst. You remember when he was fired by the President? Remember the Democrats? One of them fired until Trump actually fired him.
He said, "You know, it's the President, he can do whatever you wants." Now, we know he leaked, and he was a coward when he leaked. He leaked through a law Professor because he didn't want to get caught, but he got caught.
All this going on at the FBI was taking place when he was director of the FBI. He is fighting with his former Deputy Director of the FBI. He says these outrageous things about the President of the United States. He is a real reprobate.
And really, it goes back to President Obama. Obama, with Comey. Obama with Brennan. Obama with Clapper. The Three Stooges of Intelligence and law enforcement -- a disaster.
You know, I was Chief of Staff to an Attorney General. We had serious people in these positions. And they never would leave their positions, retire and then go on cable TV or anywhere else and start attacking the opposition party. You never heard from them again. Maybe they'd write a book, maybe they'd join a think tank. These guys go over to MSNBC and CNN and these these phony seminars or wherever they're going on, going on and on.
I mean, Jim Comey, seriously, the Russians were interfering with our election. Jim Comey was the Director of the FBI, what the hell do they do about it? As far as I know, nothing effective, that's for sure.
WATTERS: Now, so usually conservatives get their hopes up when we think things are turning around. That's happened many times. You know, it's always the case where, you know, this is just about to happen, and it doesn't, or you know, Hillary is about to get indicted and it doesn't happen. Is this going to be one of those times, again, where you appoint a prosecutor, Durham, great reputation, but it turns out, no one gets punished.
LEVIN: You know, I never get my hopes up. I just plow ahead. And that's what we ought to do. I don't know this prosecutor in Connecticut. Everybody says he is great. I never heard of him before yesterday.
You know, back in 1961, there was a gentleman by the name of Daniel Borstein. He became the head of the Library Congress, and he wrote a book. And he used to call these things, "pseudo events." So the President viscerally is right.
And he says, when you look at the media, it's filled with pseudo events. Collusion for two years was a pseudo event. Obstruction, so-called built from -- is another pseudo event. Seven hundred prosecutors, former prosecutors write a letter, there's tens of thousands of former prosecutors. So these are all liberals who hate Trump, another pseudo event. Some guy writes an op-ed in the "New York Times," anonymous -- pseudo event.
And we spend days and weeks talking about non-news, and then it's filled with propaganda where they go, "Look we're connecting the dots of pseudo events." And now we're talking about all these subpoenas and constitutional crisis, more pseudo phony events,
WATTERS: Yes, and the real events like the border crisis, they don't cover. Look at this book I have here. Mark Levin, "Unfreedom of the Press." Now --
LEVIN: It's beautiful.
WATTERS: I mean, I cannot wait to dig my teeth into this thing. This thing is coming out and May 21st, Tuesday.
LEVIN: Correct. Correct.
WATTERS: I don't know. Jim Acosta has got a book out. He says it's a dangerous time to tell the truth in America. I don't know. Acosta-Levin? How is it going to play out in the "New York Times" list?
LEVIN: Well, first of all, I didn't know Jim Acosta could read, let alone write. But that's okay. He is in my book, too, because he is a complete fraud. And his dramatic activities at the White House are intended to provide substance for his book. It's really an outrage.
But you raise a very good point. What is "Unfreedom of the Press" about? We have a media and then we have free press and the Constitution. They are two different things right now.
LEVIN: That which is undermining the free press is the modern mass media. And they're undermining the free press in several ways. And this is very, very important. Number one, they've decided to throw in one political party.
You know, back in the 1800s, we had a party press -- media would side with one party or another. Now they side with one party. We know this from surveys and polls that go back decades.
LEVIN: Ideologically, they are progressive. There's simply no question about it. Again, we know from surveys and polls that they are liberal, for the most part.
What else do we know? Now we know that they've turned the corner. They're not interested in pursuing objective news, they say they will. And if you criticize them, they immediately say, "Oh, you're attacking freedom of the press."
LEVIN: They are social activists. That's what they've become. You can't see a dime's worth a difference between most newsrooms in this country and most journalists in this country, and the Democratic Party, which is why they're so comfortable bringing Schiff on and Nadler on, they all sound alike, they all act alike.
Now, Jesse, this isn't new, but it's gotten much worse. In 1942, there was a report by the media about the media, by the way, the media today is not circumspect, you'd never see a report by the media about the media today. And one of the things they said back then was the greatest danger and fear should be the mixture of news with opinion.
You know, we at Fox, we try to separate the two.
LEVIN: You're not a news guy. I'm not a news guy. We know who the news guys are and who the other people are. And that's great. You go over to CNN and you look at Don Lemon. Don Lemon is still characterized as a newsman.
LEVIN: Chris Cuomo was characterized as a newsman. These are not newsmen. These are opinion makers.
WATTERS: And that's why people don't trust the media because if they're going to lie about something as obvious as that, what else are they lying about? All right, here's the book, "Unfreedom of the Press." May 21st. Go out and grab it. There he is, Mark Levin and Mark when I have my big bestselling book out, I expect to be on the radio show.
LEVIN: Thank you.
LEVIN: You've got it, buddy. Thank you.
WATTERS: All right, thank you. Still ahead, a presidential candidate enters WATTERS' WORLD. Wait until you see who we have in studio. But first, is the PC culture killing the movie industry? We're going to debate it up next.
AISHA HASNIE, CORRESPONDENT: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Aishah Hasnie. A shocking new report commissioned by Ohio State University says a team doctor sexually abused male students for more than two decades, and that numerous university officials knew about that abuse, but did the little to stop it. Dr. Richard Strauss, who killed himself in 2005, is accused of abusing at least 177 young men who participated in 16 different sports before retiring from OSU with honors.
A former CIA officer convicted of selling military secrets to China was sentenced to 20 years in Federal prison. Prosecutors say Kevin Mallory traveled to Shanghai to meet with a Chinese agent twice in 2017. He was paid $25,000.00. He was also caught on surveillance video scanning classified documents on a digital memory card at the Post Office. He plans to appeal. I'm Aishah Hasnie, back to WATTERS' WORLD.
WATTERS: People watch movies to laugh and relax and unwind. Many enjoy older films from decades ago which still hold up today. But writing in "The Hill," Christian Toto wonders, will political correctness kill classic movies?
The entertainment industry is under the watchful eye of the PC police. Already films like "Gone with the Wind," "16 candles" have come under heavy criticism from social justice advocates and #MeToo activists. What else could wind up on the cutting room floor?
Joining me now to discuss, radio talk show host Larry Elder and political columnist, Cathy Areu. All right, let's begin with a classic movie comedy that everybody loves that I'm not so sure would hold up today, "Blazing Saddles," roll it.
CARLSON: Okay, so Cathy, we begin with ladies first here. Obviously, Mel Brooks in a Native American outfit, that today would be seen as extremely controversial. How do you feel about that?
CATHY AREU, CATALINA MAGAZINE PUBLISHER: Unfortunately, yes, extremely controversial. Mel Brooks, funny at the time, but as "schwarz" is black in German, so he's making fun of their skin color. He is not laughing with a minority. He is laughing at a minority and then makes a Nazi joke, "avidazen." Nothing is funny about Nazis, I don't think in this day and age. And no, it does not make it.
WATTERS: So Larry, you know, Mel Brooks, obviously, comedy icon responsible for some of the greatest comedy films of all time. But you know, back then -- when was this? 1974? I don't even know if they still really run this on cable any more. Do you see something like this just kind of is falling off the TV screens because people don't want to see it?
LARRY ELDER, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Oh, absolutely. I agree with her. This movie would never be greenlighted right now. And it isn't just that scene regarding the Native American. It's the running jokes about gays, including the use of the F word for gays. There's no way that would be greenlighted right now. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I know a couple of gays who saw the movie when it came out and they were offended. Most people weren't at the time, but things have changed. Comedy reflects the change of our culture. Our culture has changed. People have become a lot more sensitive now. So movies like that would never in a million years be greenlighted and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
WATTERS: So let's see. What would this be? Thirteen years after Blazing Saddles, you had "Spaceballs." Everybody remembers "Spaceballs" with Rick Moranis. Let's roll a clip of that.
WATTERS: Okay, so obviously, the Afro pick combing the desert. Extremely edgy. I mean, was that edgy at the time? Because right now obviously, you know people would pick up on that or Cathy, could comedians -- they can get away with certain things. I mean, not everything, but certain things. Do you think that they could get away with something like this today?
AREU: Well, were they laughing with the group that they were representing or at the group? So I don't think Tyler Perry productions would have been informed. It would be the number one movie company with Media Films if they were so happy with these films. So no, I don't think the audiences were laughing along with it. The minorities were not laughing along with this movie.
WATTERS: Well, okay. Were you Larry?
ELDER: You know, Jesse, the problem is, again, there's a line between being respectful and being hypersensitive.
ELDER: When, for example, Scarlett Johansson accepts a role of a transgender and then, it gets hammered because she is not transgender, and then rescinds the role, we've got a problem here. We've crossed the line from respectful paying attention to people's feelings to hypersensitivity and I think that's the concern. That's the area that comedians have to focus on and it's hard. It's hard.
WATTERS: Right, and it's usually about the comedians and the comedian culture, and the producers are involved, too, but they're the ones that are usually the arbiter of what's appropriate and what's not appropriate and usually, they hit the right mark with the audience although audience obviously they've changed.
Let's go to, I guess this would be a #MeToo situation. I don't know how this would fly, "Goldfinger," James Bond, 1964. Check it out.
WATTERS: Okay, so man talk and then the slap. Cathy, there's a lot of gratuitous sex and misogyny in movies all the time. This is a little bit different though, I imagine from your perspective.
AREU: Well, the "James Bond" movies always took advantage of their female characters to be the hourglass figures and to slap them like little pets. So my mother who did not consider herself a feminist actually would not even watch "James Bond" because of these scenes. And she didn't know why, but she was uncomfortable.
WATTERS: But still today, Larry, "James Bond" incredibly popular. The movies are, you know, all over Netflix and everything and the DVDs still sell. What do you think?
ELDER: Yes, but the "James Bond" of today is very different than the "James Bond" of the 60s and the 70s. You don't find that kind of mad man mentality approach to women anymore. I think Daniel Craig -- last few movies -- he was actually loyal. He wasn't a philanderer.
So the whole thing has changed now. You don't have this kind of put down of women routinely in movies anymore and that's a good thing.
WATTERS: Yes, that is a good thing. And you know, let the audience decide, if it's a problem. They won't watch it. All right, guys, thank you guys very much. Guys and gals. Excuse me. I want to be PC. Wait until you hear the shocking amount of time people spend gossiping about other people. We're going to gossip about one of our great friends, Greg Gutfeld, right next.
WATTERS: We're all guilty of gossiping. I admit, I love spreading juicy rumors about Gutfeld. Watch this.
WATTERS: I gossip about Greg probably the most.
WATTERS: To know Greg is to gossip about him. He complains a lot. He says a lot of ridiculous things. I don't think I would say anything behind your back that I wouldn't say to your face.
GUTFELD: I'd do the same way.
WATTERS: Yes, you know that.
WATTERS: But the amount of time we spend doing it going to surprise you. A new study finds that we spend 52 minutes each day talking about other people. But it's not always trash talk. In fact, we're negative only 15 percent of the time. And by the way, the study claims that women and men gossip the same. I don't believe that.
Joining me now, my co-host on "The Five," and the host of "The Daily Briefing" Dana Perino.
DANA PERINO, HOST: My debut in “Watters' World.”
WATTERS: This is a big deal, Dana, there it is. Everyone is watching, including Greg. I wanted to talk to you about Greg because, you know --
PERINO: I've known him a long time.
WATTERS: You've known him a lot longer than I have. Have you noticed -- I wouldn't say a development -- have you noticed a change in his personality, recently? Because it seems like things are getting different.
PERINO: Like he is tense.
WATTERS: He is tenser, but it's going in different directions.
PERINO: Sometimes, like okay, so this is what I'd say about Greg. There's a lot going on in there. I mean, back in the day, you might have classified him as a genius. I don't know how his family dealt with him.
WATTERS: How far back in the day was that?
PERINO: There's a lot -- right -- he is like, so clever. One of the things that's amazing about him that people might not realize is his mom recognized early on that he had this really creative mind. So when he would be off of school, she let him watch TV all day, he loves TV. We know that.
WATTERS: It's all he watches.
PERINO: She bought him "Mad Magazine."
PERINO: And he would read that and go, "Oh, these people, they get me." And he -- the story revolves on that.
WATTERS: He's a total weirdo. But I wanted to ask you about this.
PERINO: It's gotten worse.
WATTERS: So now, he is doing a few strange things, which I'd like to discuss with, but now he walks home.
PERINO: When it's nice out.
WATTERS: He walks which is like -- it's like a 50-minute walk. Which is a little strange.
PERINO: Yes, that's a good exercise.
WATTERS: I guess, but it's bizarre. I also think he bought a guitar.
WATTERS: We have the guitar. Can we show the guitar? Greg is in a band now? I think a band by himself. There it is. He is playing guitar.
PERINO: Wow. He loves that. He is like -- he is just going to sit there.
WATTERS: What do you think that's about?
PERINO: I think that it's something that he used to do. Did you know that he used to be in a band and he used to be a singer?
WATTERS: Kind of. Wait, we have a picture of him hanging out with some rock stars. Can we show that? He's got some crazy jacket on. Was it Kiss or was it like -- there it is. There it is.
PERINO: Yes, I mean, obviously he has interesting taste in music.
WATTERS: Interesting is a generous word.
PERINO: Yes, yes.
WATTERS: Most people would say horrific.
PERINO: He is really particular about what he is going to eat.
WATTERS: Yes, it is all he talks about. So from the back half of the show to the end, all he says is --
PERINO: No, that's like the commercial block after the A block. The commercial is like, "What am I going to eat? When am I going eat?"
WATTERS: It's usually ribs.
PERINO: Well, it's ribs. And then he had a bad episode with chicken.
WATTERS: Oh no more chicken.
PERINO: Remember he was off for a couple of days.
WATTERS: But he was off for chicken?
PERINO: Well no. There was some sort of food poisoning thing. I don't know what it was, but there has been --
WATTERS: Was that when he hit his head on the door?
PERINO: No, that was another -- no, that was the time. That was actually not his fault. He was walking in to the studio and somebody was walking out at the same time.
WATTERS: Right. But he claimed he needed a CAT scan.
PERINO: He did. He got one --
WATTERS: And he was fine.
PERINO: He takes this very seriously.
WATTERS: I'm sorry. Yes. He takes it very seriously.
PERINO: But he did get hurt. The other thing is, he likes to make fun of me.
WATTERS: He loves that. I think --
PERINO: He loves to make fun of little people.
WATTERS: I want to say something. I feel like he's been a little tougher on you than usual recently, what do you think that's about?
PERINO: I don't know. I don't know. Sometimes I wonder if he hates me.
WATTERS: Oh, he doesn't hate you. He loves you. You know who he really loves. Here's things he -- three things he really loves to talk about. Watch.
GUTFELD: It's called nuclear power. It's the cleanest, safest.
What you're seeing -- it's cleaner, safer versions of nuclear power. Other kinds of nuclear power.
The problem with opioids is that they work.
The abuse of prescription opioids is so low.
Let me use a little Scott Adams math on you, okay.
PERINO: Got it. That was Greg's idea.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's the Gutfeld --
GUTFELD: That was a Scott Adams idea. I love the sound of you frustrated over my "Animals are Great" video.
Yes, animals are great unlike Ed Henry.
PERINO: You know what? So when "The Five" first started, he and I were seated next to each other not because we knew each other, we didn't. But we're the shortest.
WATTERS: They put two short people, right.
PERINO: For the lighting, but it turns out, I really think that I was able to do the other things I've done at Fox because of him, because I had been a spokesperson for someone else for so long.
WATTERS: Let's not kiss his butt too much. I mean, we're here to gossip about him.
PERINO: Okay, do you remember in Nashville?
WATTERS: I am just saying, he keeps repeating the same stuff.
PERINO: Yes, but I think --
WATTERS: Nuclear power, Scott Adams, opioids are great, animals are great, animals and opioids apparently.
PERINO: But see now, see, he has the power of persuasion, I think in his mind because he thinks now everybody knows animals are great. They get it in their head, they associate it with him. But remember in Nashville, the other thing he did?
PERINO: Remember the commercial break, he leaned over to me and he said, "I look angry all the time."
WATTERS: We need something to help Greg with his anger. Probably wine.
PERINO: Well, there's a lot wine.
WATTERS: There's a lot of that. Let's get to that next time. We'll talk about the wine.
PERINO: I would love to come back --
WATTERS: All right, we're going to have you back on.
WATTERS: Just to talk about Gutfeld.
PERINO: Watters -- fine.
WATTERS: There we are. Up next, a presidential candidate enters “Watters' World.” It's not Joe Biden. Someone else, we will show you.
VERMIN SUPREME, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We plan to try a casino across the southern border which will not repel the invaders, but absorb them as part of my pathway to citizenship through indentured servitude. Thank you.
WATTERS: Are you serious?
WATTERS: That was Vermin Supreme and I at the DNC convention in 2016. Vermin is a perennial candidate for President of the United States with the platform of free ponies for everybody. Vermin's already thrown his hat or boot into the ring this year running as a libertarian, and he joins me now. All right, Mr. Supreme.
SUPREME: Yes, sir. Hello. Pleasure to be here on your television program. Thank you for having me.
WATTERS: Well, thank you for joining me. Although, we go a long way back.
SUPREME: I just flew in at the airport, and you'll never guess who I saw.
WATTERS: Who did you see?
SUPREME: Mr. Joe Biden. They have him working for the TSA.
WATTERS: If that's right -- in his wheelhouse.
SUPREME: Yes. Unfortunately, he fell asleep while he was sniffing my wife's hair.
WATTERS: Sleepy, Joe.
SUPREME: I'm telling you.
WATTERS: You can't do that at TSA though.
SUPREME: I'm telling you, he can't hardly stay awake.
WATTERS: That's true. All right, so you've been running for a very long time since 1987.
SUPREME: Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
WATTERS: And you have a Political Action Committee, people donate.
SUPREME: Well, it is a campaign committee if you will. It's a 527.
SUPREME: It is called Pony Up, America.
WATTERS: Okay, so people donate to you. And then you use that money to travel around.
SUPREME: The more I can convince people to give me money,, the more I can spend, and yes, I've been traveling around the country to appear at various libertarian conventions.
WATTERS: And it's a beautiful country, is it not?
SUPREME: It truly is.
WATTERS: Okay, so here's why --
SUPREME: And it must only be spent on legitimate campaign expenses.
WATTERS: Right. Like your boot?
SUPREME: Yes. That's would be a legitimate campaign expense.
WATTERS: That's a legitimate campaign expense.
SUPREME: If I were to buy a pony, that would be a legitimate campaign.
WATTERS: Okay, good.
SUPREME: Yes, it would be.
WATTERS: So I have my opinion that there's so many Democrats running for President because a lot of them just like want to do what you do is raise a lot of money, travel the country in the warm weather, raise their speaking fees, maybe write a book and network around and then when it gets cold, they'll just drop right out.
SUPREME: Absolutely, sir. I mean, many people run for many different reasons. And of course, selling books and upping your speaking fee and gaining national notoriety is certainly one of those things that people do.
WATTERS: And I don't see your platform is that different than a lot of the other candidates. I mean, you had people trimming their nose hairs. You have people like what? Working out at the gym and they're doing all this crazy stuff. I mean, you and the rest of the Democratic field, there's not that big of a difference.
SUPREME: Oh yes. I've got a preview of a regular guy and you do regular things all the time. I'm just a regular guy doing regular things. I got a haircut once. Look at that.
WATTERS: There you go.
SUPREME: Yes, sure.
WATTERS: You actually need a little beard trim. You should go in there and like livestream that or something like that.
SUPREME: I think we will.
WATTERS: People might like that.
SUPREME: Well, Beto did that teeth cleaning stunt, obviously referencing to the mandatory tooth brushing law.
WATTERS: Yes, you don't like stunts at all?
SUPREME: Oh, no, no, because gingivitis has been eroding the gum line of this great nation of ours for long enough and must be stopped. For too long, our country has been suffering a great moral and oral decay in spirit and incisors.
Our country's future depends on its ability to bite back. We can no longer be a nation indentured. We must brace ourselves, our very salvation is at stake as we cross the bridge work into the 23rd Century, may we become a sea of shining smiles from sea to shining smiles.
WATTERS: Good luck in 2020.
SUPREME: Thank you.
WATTERS: Don't forget, Vermin Supreme, my new book, "I Pony." My new book.
WATTERS: Up next, "Last Call."
WATTERS: Time now for "Last Call." The NBA Draft this week and the New York Knicks missed out on the number one overall pick, Zion Williamson leaving fans like Stephen A. Smith, really upset.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're talking about a box office dude, a potential megastar, a Skywalker and all of this reduced to rubble because Mark Tatum in the NBA office tried to be -- wanted to be honest, and they didn't fix it so the damn -- didn't get the number one overall pick. I cannot believe this. I can't take it. I love you all, but I've got to go. I'm just too offended.
WATTERS: That's all for us tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Follow my dog, too.
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