UK raises terror alert level to 'critical' after terror attack

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 15, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, Gillian Turner and Greg Gutfeld. It's 9:00 in New York City and this is "The Five."

This is the Fox News alert. Protesters are taking to the streets tonight in St. Louis. After a police officer was acquitted of murder for shooting and killing a black suspect after high-speed chase. Former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley shot Anthony Lamar Smith back in 2011. And the not guilty verdict was announced today.

Joining us now with more from St. Louis is Mike Tobin.

MIKE TOBIN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Hi there, Kimberly. We are catching up with the demonstrators right now actually from doing that last live shot with Brian. I got separated from. So, this is a small crowd looking to get to the main crowd. And the activity right now is a lot of marching. They wind up to the interstate. They attempted to get on the interstate. Cops didn't want that to happen. So, they had a standoff for a little while and that is effectively diffused.

So, they are back in over the Central West end. Right now, the direction were headed in. Now, does far tonight, people are using that phrase "peaceful protest." All protests are supposed to be peaceful. The modify applies will become a violent protest. Don't worry that is just an obstacle on the road and skillful camera man. What happened earlier today though? Right around 5:00 o'clock local time.

They came up to the police headquarters with a good bit of passion in them. And a group of the protesters got on top of the police SUV. Jumped up and down, broke the windshield on the police SUV. There were some rocks thrown. The bottles thrown were only plastic bottles but the police saying, showed up with riot gear, with a pepper spray. Had a big confrontation. A lot of pushing and shoving.

Four police officers had some minor injuries. Thirteen people arrested thus far according to Chief O'Toole out here in St. Louis. So, that is the situation. I personally observed some weapons. At least one of the weapons a fake AK-47, was a fake gun. Some of the other weapons I can't tell you if they are real but they looked like an M-4. One kid had something that looked like a long rifle.

Another kid had tucked into his waistband I could tell a handgun. So, it looked like a semi-automatic handgun. The authenticity of it, you really can't verify while it's all happening so fast. As far as the demonstrators that we see. A lot of them, Black Lives Matter demonstrators. We do see some of the kids, dressed the part of the black block or anti-fa kids. From a police source, they don't have a lot of Intel that national groups like anti-fa are descending at this stage on this particular demonstration. But there is a lot of emotion. This is going out over the web. We will see how these progresses in the future -- Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: All right. We will check back with Mike on any breaking to developments there. Thank you so much.

Now to the other top story. Another terror attack in London. Now, during the morning rush hour a terrorist set off a homemade bomb on a subway train injuring 29 and causing passengers to flee in panic. A manhunt is going underway for the suspect. And officials have raised the terror threat level to critical in the U.K. Meaning another attack may be imminent. President Trump reacted on Twitter calling for a, quote, "Larger, tougher and more specific travel ban here in the United States." And said this earlier today.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I want to say that our hearts and prayers go out to the people of London. Who suffered a vicious terrorist attack today. I spoke with a wonderful woman, British Prime Minister Theresa May this morning and relayed America's deepest sympathy as well as our absolute commitment to eradicating the terrorists from our planet. Radical Islamic terrorism. It will be eradicated. Believe me.


GUILFOYLE: Okay. We are reminded, Greg, the differences between the prior administration and President Trump. I also trying to come out very strong and using those words again. You know, radical Islamic terrorism. Calling them out. Calling for the eradication of them. And this messaging coming obviously on the heels of some criticism for the president, too, on his immigration policy. It seems like he is reaching out again to his base.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: I mean, this is what he is known for. But just to focus on the actual attack. It is another example of why we have hard and soft targets.


GUTFELD: Because we will always be vulnerable. And that includes people. People have to start thinking in training. We train for earthquakes when we were kids. You know, we train for mass shootings as adolescents. The crowd panicked here and they trampled a little boy and they hit a pregnant woman. Pushed her over. These are natural responses, what happens when people panic. But we need to -- this is how terrorism works. It creates fear.

People panic and it makes it worse. But we need to trained and harden the individuals so that they know how to react to things like that. A lot of people called at this a failed attempt because no one died. But every one of these attacks is successful because every attack that happens, terrorist learn something from it and they adjust their techniques. So the next time the attack is more deadly.

This could have been just a dry run. I think that what is necessary -- I think this poor -- the officials and the experts are overwhelmed. I think they need more bomb-sniffing dogs for two reasons. They are efficient. And inexpensive at sniffing out bombs. And terrorists hate them because they can't get to paradise if a dog is in their presence when they die.


GUTFELD: I learned that today.

GILLIAN TURNER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, you know, so this terror attack and Monday was the anniversary of 9/11 that comes around every year and gives us an opportunity to think about where we are in the war on terror. And I think this attack highlights as do the ones we have seen in Western Europe in recent months that really since 2001, everything about the terrorist threat has changed.

The way that the United States responds to the terrorist threat and tries to combat it has changed. The battlefield is largely now in cyber space. The face of these terrorist organizations has changed hands many times. We have seen organizations like ISIS rise and fall. It's not defeated yet but it is much reduced. The thing that remains the same and that we are still not getting right is the impact that radical ideology still has on large population areas across the world.

And I think that is an area where the United States in spite of our incredible military and intelligence prowess is still not doing enough. We have got this, I think it's called the "global engagement center" at the State Department. It's underfunded. It's understaffed. These are the people that are responsible for fighting ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism online.

This is where we need to be putting more money, more time and attention, more public political attention. I don't understand why we're not doing that. Because its attacks like this that are so low-budget that really highlight as long as people are attracted to that ideology, we're not solving the problem.

GUILFOYLE: Okay. Got it. All right. So Jesse, obviously, thoughts and the prayers go out to the people in London. It's just that the anxiety and worrying when you wake up in the morning, could something happen? Could you be the person or your family member in the wrong place at the wrong time? People relying on public transportation. Which now as we have seen has become one of these soft targets. You know, unless they have people on there that are arm and there is some kind of physical deterrent to this type of conduct, it seems like this is the direction that they are going in.

WATTERS: Yes. Great Britain is our best ally but they have to get much tougher. And I think in Trump's own way he was trying to tell them that. No American city would tolerate this kind of repeated carnage which we have seen over there in London. The majority of Americans agree with what President Trump is pushing after this, in the aftermath here. We want stricter internet crackdowns on Jihadi propaganda.

We want to be less politically correct. We want more surveillance. And I think 60 percent of the American public wants the travel ban. So, that is all clear. He faced a little criticism today when he pivoted from the attack to the travel ban. And I don't blame him. Because all politicians seize on big moments in order to push their agenda. Every time there is a domestic terror attack in this country, President Obama pushed gun control.


WATTERS: When you see hurricanes happen, politicians push the global warming agenda. So, I don't blame him for that. He also said that Scotland Yard had their eyes on these people and caught a little heat from Theresa May, the Prime Minister. You know, he also said that the London bridge attack was a terror attack before Scotland Yard had called it that. And he was right.

So, I'm sure he has great intelligence from our intelligence officials. And the guy shoots from the hip. And we just have to get used to it. You have mentioned to Greg earlier, we have had eight years of the president of the United States wait sometimes two days after an attack to call it a terror attack. And if a guy is yelling "Allahu Akbar," you know, from Syria and he is stabbing people, President Obama still really wouldn't say Islamic terror.

President Trump will say it. This is why we elected him. We wanted someone who was tough on terrorism. You know what? In four years, the public might not like that. We could have Pocahontas as president. But right now we have President Trump and I think the media has to get used to this kind of tough talk.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Juan, your thoughts and reflections on what has happened and how it impacts us here?

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, just to start by saying, I think it was 29 people were injured. Thank God it wasn't, no one was seriously injured. Most of it flash burns from the explosion in the subway. And the second thing to say is that with regard to Trump. He was rebuked by Theresa May. I mean, she said this is not helpful. The London police said, not helpful. And then you had the National Security adviser H.R. McMaster come out and he was like, cleaning up after the president. And says, oh, the president was speaking generally.

He didn't have any specific information. So, what we have here to my mind is, you know, as Jesse was saying we know our president. You know, we love President Trump. But goodness gracious, he speaks impetuously at times. It's almost like he is just quick to fire and you have to think it's not a matter of the press, Jesse. It's a matter of our top ally, a key intelligence ally saying what are you doing? You are putting us and putting lives at risk by indicating to the terrorists that we have them in our sights and we know the network they are connected with.

We are not there yet. We are not putting that out. We are working this case. This is a live investigation. And so, there is some, you know, problem there with that in my opinion. But I think the biggest problem here is one in which you see President Trump so quick to shoot at anything that fits his, as Jesse was saying, agenda. I don't see that when it comes to white supremacists down in Charlottesville.

Oh, no! Slow to say anything about that. And this business about saying, "radical Islamic terror." That is not solving the problem. Solving the problem and Trump said this today by the way folks, we have to do better on the internet, picking up on what Gillian was saying. Much better, we hardened targets. But we have to fight the ideology. That is the cancer.

GUTFELD: Can I just respond? There are two cultural points here. This is a far bigger problem than anything that happened in Charlottesville. This is a worldwide ideology. And the ideology when you are talking about a collision between bitter loaners and the western world.

It used to be that people didn't see how others lived. If you were in Pakistan, you never know what the Kardashians were because there was no way you knew that. Our western world is colliding with people who hate that. So that -- it's not necessarily ISIS ideology. It's just the fact that they hate the west.


GUTFELD: The other thing, too, is that you are supposed to as an individual say something after seeing something, especially when the authorities cannot protect you 100 percent of the time. As you can see. They stopped a lot of plots. They weren't able to stop this one. But they stop a lot. The point is this. If they can't project you, somehow you have to protect yourself. By saying something when you see something.

However, there is a cultural blockade there that deems you Islamaphobic, if you say something, when you see something and you might be wrong. If you are wrong, you are screwed. And so, when you are on a subway and you are on bus and you see something and you go, I want to say something but you know what? I don't want to end up on a blog being ripped apart. I don't want to lose my job. So, I am not going to -- we have to make it okay to say things. And Juan, you know that.

WILLIAMS: I know that.

GUTFELD: You went through that. I have been through it but I got to say, why would you say that this is somehow bigger? It seems to me when you talk about crazed poisonous ideologist, whether it's the white supremacists or --

GUTFELD: Islamic --

WATTERS: How many people have neo-Nazis killed in the last ten years compared to ISIS?

WILLIAMS: Oh, last ten years --

GUTFELD: Islamic radicalism is everywhere.

GILLIAN: I think you're having a mood argument. There is no bearing on reality in this kind of argument. You know, which is worse?

WILLIAMS: Yes. I don't think, yes. I don't think that helps.

GILLIAN: I don't think that helps.

GUTFELD: But Juan started it!


WILLIAMS: I'm sure of that. That is true.

GUILFOYLE: And if you feel like everything is torn apart on blogs, Greg can help talk you through it.

GUTFELD: Yes. That is true. I'm a blog therapist.

GUILFOYLE: In the meantime, Juan and Gregory can go to separate corners for a little timeout.


WILLIAMS: Thanks, mom.

GUILFOYLE: You're welcome.

Up next, the top Trump administration official is talking about a military option to deal with North Korea. We're going to tell you what that is all about when "The Five" returns.


WILLIAMS: This is a Fox News alert. Back now to the protest underway in St. Louis after a police officer was found not guilty of murdering a black suspect after a high-speed chase back in 2011. According to local reporters, the demonstrations has closed portions of the Kings Highway in St. Louis.

For more, let's go to Will Carr, he is in St. Louis. Will?

WILL CARR, FOX NEWS NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hello, Juan. We are in the Central West end of St. Louis. It's a pretty trendy hit area. Keep in mind that these protests have been going on now about 11, almost 12 hours throughout the course of the day. They started in downtown St. Louis and shifted over here. Throughout the course of the night, as the sun has gone down, it's remained very peaceful.

When the sun was still up, we did had flashes between protesters. Fourteen people. Thirteen, I believe. Thirteen people were arrested. More police officers were hurt although not so badly that they had to be taken to a hospital. I want to point out to you something, Juan here. You look over at the sidewalks and you see the windows. They are not boarded up. That is not the story in downtown St. Louis. Downtown St. Louis (INAUDIBLE) -- about what happen here with all of these protesters.

Especially they knew that -- this will likely come down tonight. The story that hasn't had a lot of national media attention. In fact, the shooting happened back in 2011. But that being said, you have had -- Ferguson about 20 minutes north of us. This racial tensions percolating under the surface of this community. In fact, one business owner in downtown St. Louis told me earlier today that this is really a divided community. You have the white St. Louis. You have the black St. Louis. When you have a not guilty verdict like you had earlier today. This type of reception coming out here so far tonight, it's been peaceful --Juan.

WILLIAMS: Will, thanks so much. Be safe.

We'll continue to monitor the situation in St. Louis and bring you any major updates.

On the other side of the globe, North Korea defied the world and test fired yet again another missile this week leading to the latest round of international condemnation. Here is what President Trump said earlier today.


TRUMP: The regime of North Korea, which has once again shown its utter contempt for its neighbors and for the entire world community. After seeing your capabilities and commitment here today, I am more confident than ever that hour options in addressing this threat are both effective and overwhelming.


WILLIAMS: The Trump administration is keeping all options on the table, including the use of military force.


NIKKI HALEY, US AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS: There is not a whole lot the Security Council is going to be able to do from here when you cut 90 percent of the trade and 30 percent of the oil. So, having said that, I have no problem kicking it to General Mattis. Because I think he has plenty of options.

H.R. MCMASTER, WHITE HOUSE NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: For those who have said and who have been commenting about the lack of the military option, there is a military option.


WILLIAMS: Well, in fact, Gillian, what he said right after that was, but it's not what we would prefer to do. Gillian?

TURNER: Of course not. The military option when it comes to North Korea is the worst case catastrophic option. Nobody wants to go there. Our allies and adversaries across the globe don't agree on anything when it comes to the threat of North Korea but everyone wants to avoid a potential nuclear holocaust. Right? I think what is happening right now is we are at an inflection point and the U.S. has a more crucial role than ever before to play when it comes to getting the U.N. Security Council members that voted this Monday for the most robust, harshest set of sanctions ever implemented against the foreign nation, make sure that they uphold that our allies and adversaries on the U.N. uphold those sanctions.

We want the North Korean regime to feel as much pain from this as possible. I think that is the best hope right now of hedging against the military option. Which has benefits everybody.

WILLIAMS: Jesse, next week, we will have the U.N. General Assembly meeting here in New York. President Trump will be up here. In fact this weekend, he is meeting with several world leaders out at the golf course in New Jersey. What are the options in your mind, Jesse?

WATTERS: The military options or are you talking about his address --

WILLIAMS: Any options. Any options. Because he said on Monday after the U.N. sanctions were passed not a big deal which was a little bit surprising. That seemed to undercut Nikki Haley. Today he is talking military but McMaster says, that is not what we want.

WATTERS: I agree with Gillian. The military option is so ugly. I can only think of one scenario. Targeted and tactical nuclear strike that would have to be so overwhelming and so simultaneous that they would not be able to retaliate at all. I mean, that would make Hiroshima look like child's play. And even if they do retaliate, you're looking at a missile launch to the DMC where we have about 40,000 U.S. troops. They could hit nuclear reactors in South Korea. Radioactive fall-out.

They could hit our greatest ally in the region, Japan. Guam could target. Heaven forbid they've get off an ICBM that puts San Francisco in the crosshairs, Los Angeles in the crosshairs. So, I've said this before, I think the only way to really solve this are three things. Coup, assassination attempt or you have China bring so much pressure on the north that they finally back themselves off this cliff.

GILLIAN: But Jesse, the problem right now with the nuclear strike option, is that like this missile that was launched today came from right next to the international airport outside Pyongyang. There is no option for hundreds of thousands of people.

WATTERS: Severe civilian casualties and no one wants to do that obviously.

WILLIAMS: Kimberly, what are you thinking?

GUILFOYLE: Also, South Korea. I mean, they are in a big problem here. But, you know, they want the U.S. to get more aggressive. But when you think about the consequences and everyone is going to say, okay, we need to arm up. And the last thing, believe me, that China wants is a remilitarized or nuclearized Japan as well. So that is something to consider. But this is why everyone needs to get on the same page.

And in fact, you know, the acting and working in concert against North Korea to shut this down. I mean, the problem is that now we are seeing with more alarming frequency, they are doing these missile tests, they are actually working. They are actually being able to hit, you know, further away in terms of their range which is highly problematic.

So something that used to be sort of theoretical before has now become, you know, actualized under the present day circumstances of what we have going on. And I agree with you. The collateral damage and civilian loss of life would be, you know, tremendous. I mean, all North Korea needs is like one, you know, window to be able to hit South Korea.


GUILFOYLE: And yes, not just the U.S. lives but it's also the civilians in Seoul and that would be catastrophic.

WILLIAMS: And now, I want some psychological analysis from Greg Gutfeld. Because I don't get this guy. I mean, what does he want, what is he up to?

GUTFELD: North Korea is like the Lena Dunham of countries.


Always trying to do or say something to remain trending on Twitter.


GUTFELD: Whenever it's quiet about North Korea, he has to shoot something in the air that lands somewhere. And then he is back on Twitter. And then we have to start talking about how horrible it is going to be if we do something. I'm actually fairly optimistic about what is going on here. I do think he is not irrational. I think the good news is the world is coming around to our way of thinking.


GUTFELD: It used to be that you had to be nice and reasonable. But if you were a hardliner that meant you were unreasonable. Somehow Trump and the people he is surrounded with have created this compatible hard line and reasonable. Which is kind of new and kind of refreshing. We see new measures endorsed by China and Russia. That is a good thing. There was a rumor that China was going to cut off the crude oil to North Korea and their gas immediately tripled in price. That stuff is real.

We have to start focusing on that sort of stuff. The crude oil that the company needs. A lot of the other stuff is going to hurt the population of North Korea. The sanctions. But the fact is there is some real progress here. And I said before, you know, we are boiling the water to make an egg. We might get an egg out of this.


WILLIAMS: I just worry since fire and fury seems to be like he is sticking his finger in our eye more.

TURNER: Maybe that will work.

WILLIAMS: All right.

TURNER: We haven't tried it before.

WILLIAMS: Hillary Clinton is been unloading all week. That you know. She is not mincing words on our loss to President Trump and she sure didn't hold back her thoughts about the president in her latest interview. You're going to see that right here, next.


WATTERS: Hillary Clinton continued her blame tour last night, but this time she may have finally crossed the line. Roll the tape.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: I'm hoping that on the really big issues, there is enough authority to be able to restrain and contain the president. That is what we all have to hope. Because I think this president and some of the people around him pose a clear and present danger to our country.


WATTERS: Wow! So that, mean that is a loaded statement. Greg, the book "Clear and present danger" wasn't that about a crooked politician that used the phrase "Clear and present danger" to justify the CIA taking someone out?

GUTFELD: That is amazing question. You are right!

WATTERS: I knew it!

GUTFELD: But here is the thing. She offers no evidence for this. I would tell her if she has to walk it back but I fear she might trip.

WATTERS: Gillian what do you think? This is I think over the line even for Hillary.

GUTFELD: It is over the line.

TURNER: Yes, it is. When it comes to the book. She is taking a lot of heat for writing a book that is very focused on herself at this time. Right? I think everyone is entitled to their own - to present their own version of history and how things unfolded for them, but I think what really happen needs to happen now in the wake of 2016 general election. The Democratic Party needs to write this book and do self-reflection and figures out what happened. She is not necessarily the one on the dime for that right now. If they want to move forward and win elections in the future, they will have to do this.

WATTERS: Juan remember, we had the conversation about the Scalise shooting both parties need the tone down the rhetoric. Is this toning down the rhetoric? Clear and present danger to the country?

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't think she is Jack Ryan coming in to save the day here. But I heard this, I didn't just hear it from Hillary Clinton. I hear it all the time.

GUTFELD: You are in the same bubble that she is.

WILLIAMS: I'm saying Republicans say it's a good thing that we have McMaster, Mattis and Kelly there, it gives people more confidence.

GUILFOYLE: Access of adults.

WILLIAMS: Ok, there you go. I don't know why you say it's over the line.

WATTERS: It is. Kimberly, when you say the president and the United States is a clear and present danger to the country, I think that suggests that people need to do something to reduce the threat and the danger.

GUTFELD: That is true.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Dem fighting words. That is the bottom line. It's rising to the level of hysteria that suggesting that there is a call for arms or a call or a duty to do something about a clear and present danger. That there is exigent circumstance. That things are going to happen unless they act to stop it. That people around him are basically acting and coconspirators with the president to commit this clear and present danger.

WILLIAMS: She said contain him.

GUILFOYLE: Ok, but she is complaining saying people around him are not good either and they are problematic.

WILLIAMS: She has strong words for Tillerson at the state department, she said she wasn't reach that, it is just about budget cut and said that the National Security Council --

GUILFOYLE: She criticized the president's daughter, too.

TURNER: To be fair the National Security Council was in clear and present danger in the beginning of the administration with General Flynn at the house.

WATTERS: All I know is Mitt Romney said this is after he left this to President Obama people would have said he is calling for assassination attempt. Another CNN host threatens to assassinate President Trump, unbelievable. Find out which one, next.


TURNER: Earlier this year CNN cut ties with comedian Kathy Griffin after she posed with a severed head that bore the likeness of President Trump. Now another CNN personality is also alluding to President Trump's death.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Trump and moon will have a summit to mend relationships. Well-deserved. Hemlock.


TURNER: Hemlock, for those of you that didn't know like me, that is a poisonous plant that can be fatal if ingested. Fox News got in touch with Mr. Bourdain directly who apparently jokingly by way of response said he meant to say kale instead of hemlock. So, Greg, what do you make of this? If we get specific, is this better or worse than what Kathy Griffin did?

GUTFELD: Off the cuff. I don't trust a skinny chef. That is like a fat trainer. I don't get it. He eats a lot on his show but he never gains weight. This I would do an awful thing to Donald Trump is passed. It's supposed to be edgy but it's incredibly predictable. He is supposed to be a rebel. He passes himself off as a rebel. It's all group think now. He should be resisting this kind of mentality. He is now about as edgy of episode of "antique road show."

TURNER: But it's so good. I love that show.

GUTFELD: You know what?

TURNER: Jesse, what do you think about this?

WATTERS: I don't know, I think wanting to hurt the president is a job requirement at CNN. First Kathy Griffin. This is below Kathy Griffin.


WATTERS: And CNN put that on and I don't know what is going on over there. This is also another example --

GUILFOYLE: Go investigate.

WATTERS: Of the media not covering the story. This is a Fox News anchor said something jokingly about assassinating President Obama. That would be the head of the "New York Times," on all the network newscasts. But this is one of their own so they cover up for it. Who is the actress the other day that --

GUTFELD: Jennifer Lawrence?

WATTERS: Jennifer Lawrence said that the hurricane was punishment for us voting for Trump. No one covered that except this channel.

GUTFELD: And it was true!

TURNER: Here is the difference. Tell me if you think I'm wrong, Juan. He is not a journalist. He is just a TV celebrity chef. Can't he say whatever he wants? Or does he have to be neutral and not politically correct all the time.

WILLIAMS: These are explosive times. President Trump is still active on social media. He is a media presence. This week we had Jemele Hill at ESPN get in trouble saying he was a white supremacist. You know what? I think you have to say that when you are speaking about the president of the United States, you should be sure what you are doing but you shouldn't talk about violence of any sort of any kind. I don't take Bourdain that seriously. He is not journalist and I don't think he was saying it seriously. But I think the right loves that you can say there is hypocrisy, why isn't CNN doing something to him and what if it's President Obama? I get tired of it.

WATTERS: Go to sleep, Juan. I'm going to keep mentioning it. He was joking.

WILLIAMS: We agree then.

GUILFOYLE: I like the show that he does. It's interesting. But I don't like the comment. I don't like Kale either. I definitely don't like Hemlock. Why is it open season on President Trump and people try to be, they feel cool by saying derogatory things. People should be better than that. They know better. I don't know what is going on at CNN. Something at the water.

TURNER: So it sounds like the moral of the story --

GUTFELD: There is no moral.

TURNER: Choose Kale not Hemlock. Can we agree on that?

GUTFELD: All hail Kale.

TURNER: All hail Kale, don't go anywhere. Facebook Friday coming up next.


GUTFELD: Facebook Friday. Batch of questions. Let's begin. From Holly G. What is your creative outlet that helps you develop your best self? Gillian?

TURNER: What did I tell you? I mean get it together.

GUTFELD: What? Go ahead. How do you develop your best self?

TURNER: I'm already my best self.

WATTERS: You stole my line. Guest Jesse rubs off on everybody. Jesse, do you have any creative --

GUILFOYLE: Confidence.

GUTFELD: Do you have any creative outlets?

WATTERS: I don't know about creative. I started doing yoga. I did yoga the other day. I was very limber, surprisingly. It gave me a nice peace of mind. Afterwards the yoga instructor said I was honoring myself.

GUTFELD: Is that what you were doing?

WATTERS: My practice.

GUTFELD: Terrible. Juan, what is your creative outlet?

WILLIAMS: Is Jesse's best self?

WATTERS: Juan, you always hear the wrong thing.


WILLIAMS: That must have been a mistake.

GUILFOYLE: he is in his translation mode.

WILLIAMS: Right. I think that writing is the most challenging intellectual thing. It's like intellectual exercise to the max to write something that is worthwhile reading. If you are talking more generally I would say it's really hard given this business we are in, in the media and all that to develop your spiritual awareness. People talk about being in the moment. Someone who is committed to helping others to knowing others, to feeling, having a larger sense of life. That is a challenge for me.

GUTFELD: What about you, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: Creative outlets?


WATTERS: Shopping.

GUILFOYLE: No, it's really not shopping. I don't enjoy shopping. Is that strange? I want to have what I need to have. Creative outlet. I really enjoy reading.

GUTFELD: Reading is fun.

GUILFOYLE: Reading is fun and I like good movies. I like food. Going to eat dinner.

WATTERS: That is not creative outlet.


WATTERS: Creative outlet.

GUILFOYLE: I'm creative. Reading. That is what I do for fun. I'm not a painter.

GUTFELD: You know what I do? I get up in the middle of the night. I get my dog and go for a long walk in central park.

TURNER: How is that creative?

GUTFELD: You should see the walk.

GUILFOYLE: It's the way he walks.

GUTFELD: I don't even have a dog. I just tell the police officer I had a dog. I'm looking for the dog. It always works. I lost him over here in the bushes, officer.

TURNER: That person is like I'm never sending in another question.

GUTFELD: Robert G., do you have pre-show rituals to get ready for the broadcast? Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: All right. The same thing. People know me so well already now. I eat salami.

GUTFELD: You do not eat salami.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I do. Trust me. 100 percent. I love it. I eat it every single day. But besides that we go to hair and makeup to pull it together. So, you know, I'm prepared. I do talking points and I type out notes. What about you Juan, pre-show rituals?

WILLIAMS: Because the show is at 9:00. I can't watch my baseball tune so I check the score. After -- so I check the score. Afterwards I check the score as well.

GUTFELD: What about you Jesse?

WATTERS: I'm in Kimberly's food court as well.


WATTERS: I order pizza on the set or on the green room. I eat shrimp. Love the smell of that. Get Chinese or something like that. I'm mostly eating.

GUILFOYLE: You are having Indian food lately too.

WATTERS: Can you smell that?


GUTFELD: What about you? Any Pre-show ritual?

TURNER: I like to read and take notes about stuff. On the rare occasion I get to enjoy all of you lovely folks on "The Five." I enjoy bickering with you in the green room.

GUTFELD: That is fun.

WILLIAMS: The best is when you walk in green room there is Greg and Dana. What is she doing? Live streaming you?

GUTFELD: I think that is what they call it. I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: You like to Facebook live. Dana likes that.

GUTFELD: I do 17 shots of tequila before every show.

WILLIAMS: This explains everything.

GUTFELD: We have time for one more.

GUILFOYLE: They will just cut you off.

GUTFELD: All right just quick. Phobias. This is from Tommy H. You got phobia's Juan?

WILLIAMS: Yeah you know it. If I tell you, you will torture me. I am not going to mention it again. You know I don't like elevators.


GUTFELD: It's so odd because you like getting high.


Kimberly? Phobias? You are scared of nothing.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know. I have had snakes on me. And tarantulas. I don't know.

GUTFELD: All right Jesse, phobia?

WATTERS: Squirrels, beavers, possums, raccoons, snakes, pigeons. Pigeons are dirty.

GUTFELD: Gillian quickly.

TURNER: Pitch black.

GUTFELD: Darkness, interesting, do you sleep with the light on?

TURNER: No but it can't be pitch black.

GUILFOYLE: You don't use blackout curtains.

GUTFELD: Interesting. I have a fear. Death.

GUILFOYLE: I thought you were afraid of me. Remember those dreams, like a robot.

GUTFELD: You are death. You are the grim reaper. I thought it was Steve Bannon but it's you.

GUILFOYLE: You know it.

GUTFELD: All right, one more thing is next.



GUILFOYLE: All right. Time now for one more thing. And Greg I hope you are prepared.

GUTFELD: I am so excited on our show. It is on tomorrow night, we had a bumper breaking news for tomorrow night. We got Jason Chaffetz, Joe Devi no, catch him. Taurus, now it is time for this, Greg's correction. Isn't that cute?

All right and so the lawyers here are telling me that I have to say this. I don't really want to, but I will. Last week I did a monologue on this Southern Poverty Law Center and they took issue with me with some of the statements made on the show, including a joke that they do virtually no law. But in fact they say they spent over 1 million in 2015 on out of pocket case cost on behalf of their clients, so we must make clear now, that FPLC does in fact quote, do law, unquote. FPLC also uses offshore investment vehicles. That is common for non-profit organizations to do. That is great. In my opinion they hurt decent people like Rand Paul and Ben Carson and by labelling them as extremist and to me that still sucks.

GUILFOYLE: All right Greg, thank you for that.

GUTFELD: You are quite welcome, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Well done also. Juan?

WILLIAMS: Well congratulations to the hottest baseball team in America. What a month for the Cleveland Indians, last night they won the 22nd straight game in dramatic fashion.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fair ball. And Ramirez will score. It is a walk off for number 22.


WILLIAMS: They have the second longest winning streak in major league history right behind the 1916 New York Giants that were seen by Greg Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: Uh-hmm.

GUILFOYLE: All right. I want to take the special moment here to say congratulations and how proud we are of Kyle Nolan. She is an intern here at the Fox News channel and then she went on to worked here as an assistant and helping with the production and certainly going to miss her. There she is with me at Hofstra at the Trump-Clinton debate, an outstanding job and she worked very, very hard here and now going to Fox and Friends in the morning. Very jealous and we are super excited for her. The first day is on Monday in her brand new position. Kyle we will miss you. We are proud of you.

GUTFELD: What time do you have to get up? Seriously. That is brutal.

GUILFOYLE: You are such a downer. All right Jesse.

WATTERS: And 11-year-old boy named (inaudible). All he wanted to do was mow the White House lawn, he has a lawn mowing business. He started that up himself, he wrote a letter to the president and the president went over to greet him. He just ignored him and did his job. And finally the president did catch up with him and had a few nice words to say.

GUTFELD: that is nice.


TRUMP: He is going to be famous and a navy seal some day and do great things for the country. Thank you man, you take care of yourself, ok?


WATTERS: And Fred will be on Watters World this weekend at 8:00 a very hard hitting interview.

GUTFELD: Excellent.

WATTERS: You will see that there, Saturday night.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Don't miss it. Gillian?

TURNER: And shout out to the intelligence community, who is choosing to honor Chelsea Manning with a fellowship this year. Director of the CIA Mike Pompeo and former Deputy Director of the CIA Mike Morrel showing there on the screen, resigned from Harvard and decided not to give a speech at Harvard and protest of this decision. They felt it undermined the United States core value, the constitution and rule of law and honor someone who is a convicted criminal. And shout out to them for doing the right thing, it paid off because Harvard has now rescinded that offer.

WILLIAMS: Excellent.

GUILFOYLE: We did that last night and that story generated a lot of buzz and people felt it was wildly inappropriate. Now you see a pretty swift reactions.

GUTFELD: I think it was because of us. "The Five" did that. We control all news.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Set you your DVR and never miss a crazy episode of "The Five." "Hannity" is up next.

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