U.N.'s Global Warming Miscalculation

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Doomsday Scenario

There is a new challenge to the U.N.'s prediction of global warming-related disaster. Scientists in Bangladesh say the 2007 report from the U.N.'s climate change panel that predicts a three-foot rise in sea levels — the flooding of much of the Bangladesh coastline and 20 million refugees failed to consider the role sediment plays in countering higher water levels.

The French Press Agency reports the study says one billion tons of sediment flows into Bangladesh every year and that would keep most of the shoreline intact. The U.N. is defending its projections saying new conclusions cannot be reached on the basis of one study. The 2007 report was also criticized for exaggerating the threat to Himalayan glaciers as well as overstating how much of the Netherlands is below sea level.

Cattle Call

The Farm Bureau says the Environmental Protection Agency should protect its own blog a little better.

An intern at the EPA urged Americans to give up meat, citing what she says are the environmental impacts of meat production.

The American Farm Bureau Federation calls the blog disrespectful to farmers. It says what is written there comes across as official agency position. The EPA added a disclaimer at the end of the intern's post, saying her views do not reflect EPA policy.

Costly Affair

Nevada Republican Senator John Ensign is feeling the financial fallout from his admitted extramarital affair.

The latest campaign reports filed with the Senate show he raised just $50 in the first quarter of this year — with two 25 dollar checks from a Las Vegas retiree. Ensign's personal Political Action Committee did not raise a penny in the first three months of the year.

His office says he is currently taking a break from fundraising. Ensign is up for re-election in 2012.

Out of Their League

And three bisexual men are suing a national gay athletic organization, saying they were told they were not gay enough to play in the Gay Softball World Series.

The Seattle Times reports the lawsuit alleges the men were interrogated about their sexuality — because the tournament rules limited each team to just two heterosexual players. It claims one of the plaintiffs was told: "this is the gay World Series, not the bisexual World Series."

The men were ruled non-gay, and their team was stripped of its second-place finish. The alliance says it is a private organization, and can determine its own membership.

The men are asking for $75,000 each for emotional distress.

Fox News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.