Tucker: Why did White House shut down ongoing COVID origin investigation?
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This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," May 26, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
Joe Biden wants you to know that he has suddenly a year and a half in, developed mild curiosity about where this pandemic came from. It turns out the virus probably didn't originate in Omaha. More than that, Joe Biden can't say, but he has put some of his top slews on it -- the super spies in the so-called Intel Community, and they have promised to report back at some point.
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As of today, two thirds of Joe Biden spies believe the virus jump naturally to human beings from an infected animal. As viruses so often do, as you peruse the pangolin island at your local wet market. The spies who believe that are the ones who have never spoken to a working virologist and don't have internet access.
But the other third, Joe Biden told us today, quote: "lean more" toward the theory that COVID escaped from a nearby government lab in Wuhan that happened to be conducting dangerous experiments on nearly identical bat coronaviruses at the same time. That's a minority of spies who believe that, but they're open to the possibility. Who knows really?
Either way, Joe Biden explained we're going to get some answers or at least more questions, possibly several months from now. So rest assured, the White House is on it. And to be honest, we doubted that.
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Just two hours before Joe Biden's announcement, we learned that the White House had shut down a large, ongoing and legitimate Federal investigation into the origins of this pandemic. That investigation had been going on for months. It was being conducted by the State Department's Bureau of Arms Control Verification and Compliance. That's the bureau responsible for ensuring that countries like China are not stockpiling deadly illegal bio weapons, such as, for example, obscure bat coronaviruses that have been manipulated in labs by military scientists to make them more transmissible in say, New York City.
So why did the White House shut down that ongoing investigation?
Well, at a hearing today, senior officials at the National Institutes of Health that would include Dr. Tony Fauci said they had no idea why the White House shut it down. He said he first heard about it on the news. And that seemed odd given that the N.I.H. does employ the nation's foremost experts on infectious diseases and of course, they're closely linked to the story.
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It was N.I.H., it was your tax dollars, actually, but funneled through N.I.H. that funded some of the grotesque and dangerous research at that now infamous Wuhan Institute of Technology that may have caused the destruction of the West.
So today, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana asked all of these questions. Here's how it went.
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SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): Why did you guys spike -- not guys -- and ladies, why did you all spike the prior administration's investigation into the origins of the coronavirus in whether it could have come out of the Wuhan lab?
DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Sir, I -- we did not spike anything in the prior administration. I'm not sure what you mean by spike, but we have no influence --
KENNEDY: The State Department spiked the prior administration's study.
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FAUCI: But that has nothing to do with the National Institutes of Health.
KENNEDY: So, they didn't consult with you all?
FAUCI: They did not.
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KENNEDY: Did they consult with you, Dr. Collins?
DR. FRANCIS COLLINS, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH: I read about it in the press this morning.
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KENNEDY: They just spiked it without talking to their experts? You don't want to answer that one, do you?
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CARLSON: No, they definitely didn't want to answer. So we still don't know why the White House ended a months' long investigation into the central question of the moment. We also don't know what that investigation found before it was closed. We do have some ideas about that, though.
A factsheet released from the State Department in the closing days of the last administration written by some of the same people who are doing the investigation that the Biden administration shut down told us that several researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology became seriously ill in the fall of 2019. They had quote, "symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illness." Three of them went to the hospital.
Now that came out in January. The American media caught up this week, the Intel Community confirmed it. In a statement to FOX News today, the State Department contractor that led that now defunct probe, a man called David Asher reiterated that based on that investigation's findings so far, quote, "There is probable cause for deep suspicion that the virus escaped from the lab in Wuhan and the Chinese government lied about it."
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So why don't we know more? Well, according to that same David Asher, powerful forces in the State Department did not want to know more. They didn't want to continue asking questions. They didn't like the investigation.
Whose side are they on? You wonder.
And David Asher clearly is wondering the same thing, quote, "Some of our colleagues were deliberately playing down possible links to China's biological weapons program," end quote.
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Now why would they be doing that? Again, whose side are they on?
This was all very troubling to David Asher who spent a lot of time looking into this given that countries like China, quote, " ... openly aim to incorporate synthetic biology into the future of warfare, apparently with our naive material and scientific assistance," end quote.
Now, that's a reference of course to the money that flowed from the U.S. government through N.I.H. to the Wuhan lab, to do research that may have been connected to this pandemic.
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David Asher named a man called Chris Ford, that's the former Acting Undersecretary for Arms Control at the State Department as someone who quote, " ... didn't want to delve into the potential of an accidental lab release, let alone one related to a possible classified Chinese military program in violation of arms conventions."
Now, why would an official in the U.S. government not want to know more about an adversary, a foreign adversary violating international law and imperiling the lives of millions? That's a great question.
Now, Ford himself responded to FOX News. And he said he had, quote, " ... procedural and structural concerns about the probe, including that he was kept out of the loop until December." Hmm. But he emphasized quote, "The lab origin theory is very possible and China must be held to account. There are all sorts of reasons to worry about possible lab origins. And it's critical to get to the bottom of it."
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So that's Chris Ford's position now. We hope it always has been. It should be the position of everyone in the U.S. government. Suddenly, it's the position of the U.S. media. Virtually every news organization in the country has spent the last week frantically updating its lies about this story.
They've told you for more than a year, it was a conspiracy theory. Now, they are pretending they never said that.
Even Tony Fauci has had revised his views on this. He dismissed it out of hand, he and Francis Collins at the N.I.H. called it outrageous to ask questions about it. Now, a new Tony Fauci.
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Just a few hours ago, Fauci admitted that he really has no idea what kind of research was going on at the Wuhan Institute for Virology, but we probably should look into it.
KENNEDY: How do you know they didn't lie to you and use the money for gain-of-function research anyway?
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FAUCI: Well, we've seen the results of the experiments that were done and that were published and that the viruses that they studied are on public databases now. So none of that was gain-of-function. So ...
KENNEDY: How do you know they didn't do the research and not put it on their website?
FAUCI: There's no way of guaranteeing that.
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CARLSON: So Fauci with a straight face just said, we can be certain that no U.S. tax dollars went to gain-of-function experiments because the Chinese didn't write about it on the internet. That's how we know -- with a straight face.
And when pressed just a little bit by one of the very few senators who is not brain dead, Fauci admitted that actually, no, he has no idea really what U.S. tax dollars went to, which experiments they funded at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
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Either way, this is a total revision of Anthony Fauci's position on the subject. It was just a few days ago that he was incensed. He was outraged, morally appalled by the suggestion that he had funded gain-of-function experiments in China. Now, he is conceding, yes, it's totally possible.
But of course, he has always known that it was totally possible.
The grant that Tony Fauci approved for research at the Wuhan lab explicitly permits gain-of-function experiments. In 2014, Tony Fauci's N.I.A.I.D. approved a grant for a project called "Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence." That project would be run by a group called EcoHealth Alliance overseen by a man called Peter Daszak. If that name sounds familiar, that's the same Peter Daszak who spent the last year telling the world at high volume, there is no chance this virus escaped from the lab, and then was appointed by the World Health Organization to investigate the origins of COVID and declared the Wuhan lab blameless.
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What a scam.
But the grant from Fauci's N.I.A.I.D. states that it will fund Peter Daszak to quote: "Test predictions of coronavirus interspecies transmission predictive models of host range i.e. emergence potential and will be tested experimentally using reverse genetics, pseudo virus and receptor binding assays and virus infection experiments across a range of cell cultures from different species and humanized mice."
Oh, so actually, that's quite a broad range. Run that by any scientist and they will tell you a lot, it fits under that description.
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But specifically, what did those virus infection experiments with bat coronaviruses consist of precisely? Well, we don't know. We have some idea. It seems like maybe the results are all around us.
The White House wants you to calm down. They want you all to know that the Intelligence Community, and no one else will have to answer these questions at some point in the next few months. And if you can't trust them, who can you trust. You don't need a real investigation, you can take their word for it.
Josh Hawley does not take their word for it. He's just introduced a bill requiring the administration to declassify Intelligence to tell us what they know about the Wuhan lab. And why wouldn't they?
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Senator Hawley joins us now. Senator, thanks so much for coming. There doesn't seem to be any forthcoming answer on why the administration would cancel an investigation into the central question of our age, of the generation, of this moment in history: where did this come from? Why did they cancel it?
SEN. JOSH HAWLEY (R-MO): You know, I don't know why they canceled it, Tucker, except for maybe they didn't want the answer and that's why I think it is time that we force the Intelligence Community to declassify what they know about the origins of COVID-19.
We know that all of our Intelligence agencies, and there's a bunch of them, Tucker, as you know, they have done all kinds of assessments. They've done research. They've reached some conclusions, or at least they've got some ideas.
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I think the American people deserve to see that Intelligence. I mean, why should we take Joe Biden's word for it? We ought to be able to see for ourselves and that's what my legislation would do.
CARLSON: So you're a sitting Member of Congress, you're a senator, one of a hundred. In our system, you are powerful. Are you permitted to see this information?
HAWLEY: We are permitted to see some of the classified summaries, Tucker, about what the Intelligence Community has concluded. And my view is that everybody ought to see that. We ought to make that available to the American people, so they can see where our different Intelligence Agencies have come down on this, and also what our Intelligence Agencies have been doing for the last year. And so we can see for ourselves and draw our own conclusions.
I think it's vital to get more information out there. We ought to force the transparency here. I mean, more information is good. So let's put it out there and let the American people see it.
CARLSON: I hope that in the midst of this, what is a political debate and partisan to some extent, we don't lose sight of the fact that there is an incredibly dangerous variety of so-called science going on, gain-of- function experiments that may produce some theoretical benefit. They certainly expose the world to a lot of real danger.
Why are we continuing to fund that? And can we stop it?
HAWLEY: Well, we need to stop it, and particularly, we've got to think about the fact that the United States government was helping fund institutes like the Wuhan Institute to do this kind of research that you're talking about, Tucker. And you know, was this ever a good idea? It doesn't seem like it.
So we need to hold people accountable who made those decisions, and then we've got to think about going forward, is this something that we really should be doing? I don't think so.
CARLSON: No. It's insanity. Another example of us playing god. It doesn't end well. Ever.
Senator Hawley, appreciate it. Thanks so much.
HAWLEY: Thank you.
CARLSON: So at the very start of the pandemic, a reporter in Asia conducted a video interview with a top physician at the World Health Organization. His name was Bruce Aylward. And the question she asked was about Taiwan and its independence.
Now, first, the doctor pretended he was experiencing technical difficulties and couldn't hear the question. In the end, when pressed, he just turned off the call. He knew that his masters in China did not want him talking about the possibility that Taiwan could be an independent nation and he had no choice but to obey them.
But he's not alone. You see this in a lot of places, including in the United States. And here's one example. In a recent interview, an actor and former wrestler called John Cena was out promoting a new film called "F9." And during the promotion, he announced that, quote, "Taiwan is the first country that can watch "F9."
Okay, what seems like a pretty harmless thing to say, but from the Chinese perspective, it's not allowed. So as punishment, John Cena was instructed to go on Weibo, the Chinese social media platform and grovel in Chinese for forgiveness. It's disgusting. We're only going to play part of it for you. Here it is.
JOHN CENA, ACTOR AND FORMER WRESTLER (through translator): And I made a mistake. I have to say right now. And it's very, very, very important. I love and respect China and the Chinese people. I'm very, very sorry about my mistake.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I sincerely apologize.
CARLSON: To watch an American citizen apologize to our chief adversary for the so-called crime of describing a nation as a nation, Taiwan is a country. Sorry, China, it is. And for the crime of saying that out loud, for telling the truth, he had to apologize but you'll notice it and if you watch the thing you'll see it. He never explained what he was apologizing for. He wasn't even allowed to repeat the sin.
He can never mention Taiwan again. Now, on Weibo, thousands of Chinese residents watched this and they left mostly negative comments in response to what was effectively a hostage tape.
One of those popular comments said this, quote, "You can't take benefits from China, but in the meantime do things to harm China's interests," end quote.
Now you say that as an American, you'll be banned from Twitter. That's xenophobic. But it's real and it's the prevailing view in China.
If you want to make money in China, you follow China's rules. Period. And so if you're wondering why they shut down the investigation or they kowtow before a country that clearly wants to control us and doesn't like us, that's why. Because they're getting rich doing it.
So how many people actually died in nursing homes from the coronavirus? You think we would know the answer to that, we don't. One journalist, maybe the last journalist remaining in the entire State of Michigan looked into that question. He has found that the official numbers are lies.
He will tell us the truth, next.
CARLSON: Andrew Cuomo, who runs New York has gotten a lot of attention for covering up nursing home deaths in that state, but the press has spent almost no time looking into similar tragedies in the State of Michigan.
Michigan only has really maybe one journalist left and he's looked deeply into this. Based on his analysis, he has found the COVID death toll in the State of Michigan's nursing homes maybe 100 percent higher than what the state is reporting.
That journalist is Charles LeDuff. He's here to tell us what he has found. Charlie, thanks so much for coming on. A hundred percent higher. Explain this if you would?
CHARLES LEDUFF, JOURNALIST: It could be. We don't know. I don't want to get into thick of the numbers. But, the nursing home death count that Michigan is offering you is what the nursing homes report. The rest of the deaths, we don't know.
You know how New York traced people that died in the nursing home and people who lived in a nursing home and died in the hospital.
LEDUFF: Michigan doesn't know. Now what they did last summer was they did a pilot program, a limited study and they found that of all the rest of them, nearly 50 percent were nursing home residents. You know what they did? They stopped looking, just like the story at the top of your segment about the Wuhan lab. They didn't want to know the answer.
I asked them. I said, why? Why did you stop? It was too time consuming -- too time consuming. So let me give you this. You die. You get a death certificate. See it?
LEDUFF: Right here, place of death, this one. This is Clarence. He was a veteran, 86-year-old. They threw him around like a laundry bag, brother. He died in a Detroit receiving hospital.
The Health Department says it is too time consuming to figure out where he lived. Right under it is the address of where he lived. Eight-second Google search. You know where it takes you to? A nursing home? This is BS, dude. This is BS.
We don't know how many. But it's a lot more. And the Governor of Michigan tonight was supposed to accept a Bravery Award from the Kennedy Library and I'm not sure if she even showed up online to accept it because this is a rotten scandal.
CARLSON: I mean, I'm a little bit shocked by this considering that the State of Michigan went to elaborate lengths at great expense to control the personal behavior of Michiganders telling them, they had to wear masks when they kayaked and they couldn't buy paint at the hardware store, et cetera. I mean, this was elaborate, but they couldn't be bothered to find out how people died?
LEDUFF: Too time consuming. Too time consuming. Are you kidding me? The Federal government sent the State of Michigan $500 million. That's one half a billion dollars to the Health Department for the COVID response. You couldn't find a million dollars to hire some people for Google addresses.
You know what, you're right. They shut down human activity in order to save people. I don't argue with that. But you didn't want to look at where they were dying and come up with a better response.
So now we have a bunch of dead people. We have a bunch of dead businesses. We have a bunch of children who are wounded in their hearts and their psyches from what happened to them.
This needs to be answered. And I told you before, bro. I'm going to sue the State of Michigan. I'm going to win. I did. No media outlet anywhere in the world joined me.
CARLSON: Yes, well, I'm not surprised at all. Because I don't think I'm overstating it when I say you're literally the last reporter left in the State of Michigan and it's a big state. We're glad you're there.
Charlie LeDuff, thank you.
LEDUFF: More is coming.
Well, Lockheed Martin is the world's largest defense contractor. It has enormous influence on American national security, but there's new evidence tonight, disturbing evidence tonight that that company is training its senior employees to dislike, despise America.
We are going to speak to someone who has gathered a lot of that evidence next.
CARLSON: Joe Biden has nominated a man called David Chipman to lead the A.T.F., the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. This is a concern for a number of reasons. The first is that David Chipman is a zealot, such a zealot that he has repeatedly shown himself to be willing to lie in the service of his ideology.
In a recent internet post for example, David Chipman claimed that the Branch Davidians in Waco back in 1993 shot down Federal helicopters during the siege that year, and that's not true. They didn't. David Chipman should have known that wasn't true, he was directly involved in the siege.
Today, during his confirmation hearings in the Congress, David Chipman, once again failed to tell the truth. He testified that to keep this country safe, gun owners with AR-15 should be arrested.
DAVID CHIPMAN, NOMINEE FOR DIRECTOR OF BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND FIREARMS: With respect to the AR-15, I support a ban as has been presented in a Senate bill and supported by the President. The AR-15 is a gun I was issued on ATF SWAT team. And it's a particularly lethal weapon and regulating it as other particularly lethal weapons, I have advocated for.
As ATF Director, if I'm confirmed, I would simply enforce the laws on the books.
CARLSON: So much about that was false. The AR-15 is one of in fact the less lethal rifles you can buy in a gun store. You wouldn't take it deer hunting because it's not lethal enough most of the time.
But it's also evidence of zealotry, and that's why we wanted to speak to Jesse Kelly tonight. He is the host of "The Jesse Kelly Show" to assess this.
So Jesse, how many -- I mean, just roughly speaking, there are more than dozens of AR-15s in circulation. I think, there are tens of millions of them likely. What would it mean to ban them in real terms?
JESSE KELLY, HOST, "THE JESSE KELLY SHOW": It would mean we would get the world that David Chipman wants and that's the world where he is free to hurt you and Tucker, hurt me, hurt anybody who disagrees with him.
I don't know why we feel the need to dance around this because this is what the mistake we make on the right. We hear the AR-15 ban and we hold up some chart that says well, pistols and fists and stuff, they hurt more people every year. These people know that. David Chipman can read, he's an idiot, but he could read, he knows that. What he wants is the freedom to hurt you.
And I don't know why we have to dance around that.
CARLSON: That's such a smart point. Why does nobody say that?
KELLY: Well, nobody says it because it means acknowledging your fellow Americans want you dead or at least are okay if you are dead. And I realize that sounds extreme. People, they've called you a Nazi for four years for a reason. That's what they think you are.
Do you think David Chipman thinks Nazis should be able to own AR-15s? No. He wants the ability, he wants the authority to ban them. I mean, putting that guy in charge of the A.T.F., it is like throwing a party for your friends and letting Bill Cosby tend the bar.
CARLSON: I mean, to target a firearm that is owned overwhelmingly by the most law-abiding people in the country, I read a study today that said that people with a concealed weapons permit are less likely than police officers to commit crimes. They commit no crimes. And that that goes for the overwhelming majority of AR-15 and to target them tells you that it is not really about reducing violence, is it?
KELLY: Oh, no, it is not about reducing violence. Well, not real violence. I mean, none of these people care about mass shootings, Tucker. They don't care about inner city violence. What they care about is that they've never been able to achieve their final socialist dream in America because half the country owns a lot of firearms. That's just the truth.
That was step one for every other scumbag dictator in history and our left in this country missed that step and it is the only thing separating them from Pol Pot.
CARLSON: Praising to hear someone tell the truth. Thank you for doing it. Jesse Kelly, good to see you too.
KELLY: You bet. You, too, bub.
CARLSON: But so what is an AR-15, exactly? A lot of people don't seem to know including the guy Biden just nominated to lead A.T.F., and that's why we took an in-depth look at that rifle for a new episode of "Tucker Carlson Originals." Here's a clip from that.
CARLSON: When you hear people talk about gun control, they are probably talking about the AR-15.
BETO O'ROURKE (D), FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Yes, we're going to take your AR-15 --
CARLSON: It's the most popular rifle in America.
CROWD: This is what democracy looks like.
CARLSON: And it is the number one target of anti-gun activists.
REP. HALEY STEVENS (D-MI): The NRA has got to go. The NRA has got to go.
CARLSON: What is the AR-15? How does it work? Why do people buy it?
We began our investigation into this with Hickok45, one of the most popular gun reviewers on YouTube.
HICKOK45, YOUTUBER: Let's go full auto. What the heck.
CARLSON: That's "Tucker Carlson Originals." It's part of a documentary series. It's on FOX Nation at foxnation.com. If you're a member the military, by the way, and you go there now you can get free access for a year. Many people have. Pretty good deal.
Well speaking of the military, last year, the defense contractor, Lockheed Martin, the biggest in the world ordered top executives to a three-day virtual training to quote, "deconstruct their white male culture and unlearn their white male privilege." Amazingly, a total of 13 Lockheed employees obeyed. They went to the training like the bad little girls they are that would include the Vice President in charge of production of the F- 35 fighter jet program who obviously has no dignity and a retired three- star general who doesn't either.
Chris Rufo is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and contributor to "City Journal." He broke this story. He joins us now to tell us what this training session was like. Chris, thanks so much for coming on and for your reporting. What went on at this thing?
CHRISTOPHER RUFO, DIRECTOR, DISCOVERY INSTITUTE: Well, this is a long standing training program. Actually, 8,000 Lockheed Martin executives and employees have been through race re-education programs. And this one was particularly galling. They had these executives go through these exercises, where they said that being a white male was analogous to being a KKK member, to being in the Aryan nation.
They also said that, you know, kind of funny way of white men can't jump and all of these slurs and stereotypes about their own origins. And they take it through a series of exercises where they had to review 156 white male privilege statements, apologizing for their race, apologizing for their sex, apologizing for their orientation.
And the question is this: if a three-star general retired in the United States military can't stand up to a bunch of crackpot diversity trainers, how on earth are we going to stand up to Communist China?
CARLSON: Exactly. Well, that's -- of course, that's right. Where's your dignity? You're an American citizen. You should never allow someone to talk to you that way and they sat there like obedient castratos.
Let me ask, this company wouldn't exist without Federal contracts. They get billions, of course, from the Congress every year. Congress is pretending this stuff isn't happening. Is anyone in the Congress going to put a stop to this, do you think?
RUFO: Yes, I hope so. You know, Lockheed Martin has tens of billions of dollars a year coming from taxpayers. I want to know, how many programs that explicitly denigrate white males has Lockheed Martin done? Has taxpayer dollars been used? And, you know, I'd call right now on the United States Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives to launch an immediate inquiry to answer these questions because the truth is really simple. Taxpayers should not be subsidizing woke racism at America's largest corporations.
CARLSON: Is there any response from Lockheed Martin when you asked them, how could you justify this?
RUFO: Yes, Lockheed responded today with a statement that could only be described as corporate gibberish. It was a series of meaningless buzzwords and statements. I think what's happened is that they've been caught. And internally, they're probably scrambling to figure out how to respond, because the documents that you could see on my Twitter handle, at my website are absolutely damning.
I'll make no bones about it. This is a neo-racist program that's being forced on employees and subsidized by the taxpayer.
CARLSON: Why are you the only journalist doing these stories?
RUFO: It's a good question. You know, that gives me an advantage. This is my beat that I'm covering. But I think it is part of it -- is that people are scared to speak out on these issues. These are issues of race and culture that are the most sensitive in our country and it is just going to take more people that have the courage to stand up and speak out and to say, racism is wrong no matter where it comes from and who it's directed towards.
That should be simple, but in our country today, it's a very scary proposition for too many people. I hope that changes.
CARLSON: I always want to say that adult men who put up with this deserve it. I mean, who would put up with that for a second? You really have to have no self-respect whatsoever, but I still think it should be stopped. And I appreciate what you're doing to shine the light on it.
Chris Rufo, thank you.
RUFO: Thank you.
CARLSON: So across the country, young female athletes are finding their achievements degraded and mocked because biological men get to compete against them. One young athlete is filing suit to prevent this from happening in girls' high school sports. She joins us with an update on that case, next.
CARLSON: Selina Soule is a high school athlete in Connecticut, one of several who is suing to prevent biological males from competing against them in girls' sports. This is not a theoretical problem.
Biological males have dominated girls' track meets in the States since they are allowed to compete in 2017. It's obviously unfair. A court, however just dismissed Selina Soule's lawsuit. Now, she is appealing.
Selina Soule joins us tonight with her attorney Christiana Holcomb, from Alliance Defending Freedom. We're happy to have you both, Selina and Christiana. Thanks so much.
Selina, thanks so much. First to you. Tell us why you filed this suit. And I just have to say before you answer you're brave to say this in public. But why are you doing this?
SELINA SOULE, HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE: So for us, the lawsuit was the last resort. We talked to school administrators, we talked to the CAC, we talked to legislators, we exhausted every possible lead we could and no one in a position of authority wanted to hear us out. So we had no choice but to first file the complaint, and then later the lawsuit.
CARLSON: Did they empathize? Did they say, you know, we understand it doesn't seem fair? I mean, you're a kid, you're a high school athlete. Did anyone show any empathy at all, or understanding at all?
SOULE: Nobody wanted to hear us out.
CARLSON: How do you feel about that?
SOULE: It's very frustrating and demoralizing because it's not fair being forced to compete against somebody who is biologically male because no matter what, you will never be able to beat them. And I've raced against these athletes over a dozen times, and every single time, I lost by a significant margin.
CARLSON: How big an advantage is it do you think physically for a biological male to compete against female high school students?
SOULE: It's a great -- they have a great advantage over us in terms of skeletal system and muscle mass. But in times, in the run 100-meter dash, they would finish and us, girls, were still at the 80-meter mark. It's not -- I mean, it's not a close race at all.
CARLSON: That's just -- it's so outrageous that no one even said, you know, we understand why you don't care for this.
Christiana, this appeal is necessary because you were turned down in court. What did the Judge -- what was the Judge's reasoning here?
CHRISTIANA HOLCOMB, ATTORNEY, ALLIANCE DEFENDING FREEDOM: That's exactly right. The lower court got it wrong. The court essentially told Selina and the other female athletes that your accomplishments don't matter. And 14 months after we filed the Federal lawsuit, the court still dodged the main real issue in the case, which is the fundamental unfairness of forcing girls like Selina to compete against biological males.
There are real physical differences between the sexes, our laws and policies need to recognize those differences so that we can protect girls like Selina.
CARLSON: So they never even acknowledge that it's unfair. I think you're right. That is the core point here. I mean, there's some deeper points about society collapsing, but in this specific case, it's unfair, and they never even acknowledged it.
HOLCOMB: That's exactly right. Look, in the State of Connecticut alone, two male athletes in the course of just three seasons have taken 15 women state championship titles, and more than 85 opportunities for girls like Selina to advance to the next level competition.
So these girls have repeatedly lost out on championship titles, podium spots and other opportunities, and that needs to be remedied.
CARLSON: Selina, since you're at these events, what do the parents say? Do they just kind of stand on the sidelines and say, oh, you know, a group of men just won, while the girls are still in the 80-meter line. That's totally cool. This seems right to us. Are parents okay with this, do you think?
SOULE: Most parents are in support of us because they realize that there's a great difference between a man and a woman's body and some of them have both daughters and sons that do sports and they see the differences in their races alone. So most are in support of us.
CARLSON: I have to ask, I mean, if you want to be compassionate and everything, but if you're one of these biologically male athletes winning every race, do they acknowledge that they have an advantage? It seems like bad sportsmanship to put it mildly.
SOULE: I mean, it goes with science that males have a great physical advantage over females and saying that science isn't a factor in this issue is wrong.
CARLSON: It certainly is wrong. I don't know if we acknowledge science anymore. But I hope you force us to, both of you, Selina and Christiana, thank you very much. Appreciate it.
HOLCOMB: Thank you.
SOULE: Thank you.
CARLSON: So Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier has served for almost 20 years in the U.S. military. He was fired the other day from Space Force for telling the truth about what's going on. He joins us to explain what exactly happened to him and what's happening to the people he worked with.
That's next.
CARLSON: Matt Lohmeier went to the Air Force Academy, spent nearly 20 years in the U.S. military flying planes. As of the beginning of this month, he was Lieutenant Colonel in the Space Force, in fact, in charge of a squadron, then he was fired just the other day because he made public comments on a podcast about something that's real, the wild political propaganda and bigotry now being forced on enlisted and officers in the U.S. military, critical race theory, equity, et cetera.
He said this is going on and they fired him. We just had an hour long conversation with Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier. And by the end, you just had to think this guy is smart, interesting, thoughtful, decent, and completely patriotic, exactly the sort of person you want in the U.S. military, exactly that person, and they fired him.
It is on the latest episode of "Tucker Carlson Today." Here's part of it.
LT. COL. MATTHEW LOHMEIER, SPACE FORCE: Our military services are trusted for a reason. It's because we don't engage in the political realm in a manner like citizens sometimes get at one another. And so when I see activism like that, frankly, in the last year, more than I've ever seen it before for the entire past year.
The kinds of things that you see in the Cultural Revolution, in Mao's Cultural Revolution, 1966 are a mirror reflection of what we saw over the past year in this country. You've got people standing in the streets with raised fists, demanding that others bow down and apologize for the privilege, apologize for what race or group they belong to.
They shut down schools, all the while allowing people to gather in so- called peaceful protests. And when they do that, they claim that they're all peaceful and then they inevitably turn violent because the shouting gets people's blood boiling, of course, and that's the whole intent of all the shouting is to get people's blood boiling.
And so everything that you see taking place in this country is playbook Marxism -- Marxist Revolutions across the 20th Century, I studied a great deal over the past several years.
And so then when I see that seeping out into the United States military, I think, okay, I need to bring this up, because it's a terrible problem that if all places of our military institution becomes vulnerable to this kind of divisive rhetoric, then we're doomed as a country.
You can't survive with that.
CARLSON: Of course, that's where all the guns are. I mean, of course, that's a power center. That's the police departments and the military.
LOHMEIER: Police departments and the military. In fact, one of the things that concerns me the most, I can't imagine -- police officers have a very tough job in this country at the moment. And in fact, I know some police officers who are wrestling with the idea of whether they can bring their family through this crucible over the next few years and hope to continue serving and they're good people.
So if you've got really good people who are interested in serving in your police force anymore, and if you've got really good people who are very put off by what they're seeing in the military at the moment, then who are you left with? And that's a concern.
But I'll tell you --
CARLSON: But isn't that the whole point of it?
LOHMEIER: But lest I be --
CARLSON: So people like you won't join the military?
LOHMEIER: Well, you could allege that that that's the case and that might be. Here's another thing, too, though, that maybe isn't anticipated. I don't care what people's race is, their politics are, whether they're left or right, black or white, or something else. They're all being put off by this.
And if they joined in a free country in a voluntary force to serve their country to take the oath to defend the Constitution, to put on the uniform, I don't care what their politics are. They don't like what they're hearing and seeing right now because to hear that they're oppressed because of the race, let's say, and that the country is systemically racist, why would you want to serve -- you lay your life on the line potentially to defend that.
And on the other hand, if you're a white male, and you're told that you're an oppressor, and you're a big part of a problem, or you're an extremist, because you're conservative, and you voted for Donald Trump, let's say, you start to talk like that and I don't care what people's politics are, they're going to start to ask themselves hard questions. Do I even have a desire to serve in the military?
CARLSON: Well, exactly. The effects of introducing forcing politics on the U.S. military are profound, changing it completely. That conversation went on for nearly an hour. We also asked him about recent UFO sightings. He is, of course a pilot works for Space Force.
He said -- and maybe the most interesting part of the conversation that he has personally identified a large number of left-wing extremists in the military threatening those who don't support Joe Biden. He also said that in his almost 20 years of military, he has never met anyone who was a white supremacist, they may exist, but they're not running around, unlike what they're telling you in the Congress.
Anyway, that's all on "Tucker Carlson Today" on FOX Nation. You can go to FOX and look it up online immediately.
That's it for us. Tune in every night, 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. Sean Hannity is apparently in Nashville. He has got a special hour that starts right now.
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