Tucker: Viruses are virtually impossible to stop

This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on December 1, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


People living in the nation of Mozambique along the southern coast of Africa woke up to pretty surprising news this week. Not a ton has been happening in Mozambique in recent years, but this really rattled them a little bit.

The Biden administration informing the people of Mozambique in a presidential proclamation supposedly signed by Biden himself that they are no longer allowed in the United States. Now, it is nothing personal, it's omicron, the new COVID variant that has been used to justify lockdowns around the world.

The problem is and the confusion came from the fact that there is no omicron in Mozambique. There is not a single case of it in the country. So it's possible that one of the equity hires at the White House confused Mozambique with Botswana where the other day, two people may possibly have died of omicron.

Either way, Mozambique and Botswana don't even share a border, so people in Mozambique were highly confused and probably a little hurt.

Today, Tony Fauci who was the person, of course, who signed off on this travel ban, was asked about this by an African reporter. You know, Fauci replied, that's a good question, an important question and then Fauci didn't answer it or even hint at an answer.

So as of right now, we still don't know why there is a White House travel ban on Mozambique, presumably the answer is, because it's in Africa and Africa is where all of this started just a few days ago, when the head of the South African Medical Association, a physician called Angelique Coetzee noted that she had seen patients with a new variant of the coronavirus.

Within hours of her saying that, politicians in the United States and many other countries began planning elaborate and highly punitive new measures against their own populations.

From her office in Pretoria, Dr. Coetzee watched all of this happen with her jaw open. She was horrified, quote: "I have been stunned at the response," Coetzee wrote today in a piece for "The Daily Mail."

"No one here in South Africa is known to have been hospitalized with the omicron variant, nor is anyone here believed to have fallen seriously ill with it," end quote.

In other words, omicron whatever it is, is far less dangerous than pretty much everything else that's currently going on in South Africa at the moment, but it didn't matter. By this point, the Biden administration had stopped listening to Dr. Angelique Coetzee. They'd gotten what they needed from her and they moved on.

So here is Tony Fauci today announcing that the terrifying scourge of omicron has reached our shores.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: A recent case of COVID-19 among an individual in California was caused by the omicron variant.

The individual was fully vaccinated and experienced mild symptoms, which are improving at this point.


CARLSON: Okay, so let's just parse this just for a moment. A fully vaccinated person in California has omicron and is doing fine. So what can we conclude rationally from this?

Well, obviously the most stringent COVID restrictions in the country are not stopping the spread -- masking, social distancing, nonstop anxiety, talking about COVID from dawn to dusk. None of it worked and the vaccines didn't work either.

The patient in California had two injections and still got omicron.

So maybe the lesson here is, viruses are very hard to stop. Sometimes, they are virtually impossible to stop because they spread with remarkable efficiency. In the case of coronaviruses, they live in animals so they're never going away -- ever -- no matter what. They don't tell you that, but it's true.

So given all of those facts, it's possible we would be better off working on medicines to keep those viruses from killing vulnerable people. That seems like a rational approach to the problem, and yet, it is the one thing the Biden administration is completely uninterested in doing, no interest whatsoever in doing that.

Instead Biden announced today that the lesson he is drawing from the harmless infection of a fully vaccinated person in the State of California is that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. They're the ones to blame for it, not the Chinese government, which likely created this virus and has definitely profited from it immensely. No, no, no, omicron and COVID more broadly said the President are the direct responsibility of the 20 percent of the adult American population, many of whom have natural immunity, who have resisted submitting to his injections and they must be crushed for that.

Now, at this point, it is hardly worth explaining how far from legitimate science this is. It's nonsense. It is actually demented, but more than that, it is dangerous.

On the basis of no demonstrated threat to public health whatsoever, the Biden administration is once again locking down the country and persecuting its perceived political opponents otherwise known as the unvaccinated. So, you have to ask yourself, when will this end?

Viruses mutate constantly. That's their nature. Will every new omicron variant mean massive new and unconstitutional powers for our political class? That's what it has meant so far. This is a cycle and it's not a cycle that any democracy can survive.

You'd think some in the media might point this out. What are the limits here? No. Instead, they are making certain you're as terrified as Joe Biden wants you to be.


ALI VELSHI, MSNBC HOST: A new COVID-19 variant is causing global alarm as some countries scramble to enact fresh travel restrictions in an attempt to contain the latest coronavirus threat.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The new omicron coveted variant could already be in the United States, but many Americans may not be ready to hear it. Reaction to the latest threat.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This new threat of the omicron variant.

BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR On the economic threat posed by the omicron variant.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The potential threat from omicron.


KATE BOLDUAN, CNN HOST: The omicron variant poses a new threat.

CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN BUSINESS CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: The potential threat posed by this new omicron variant.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What Americans need to know about the evolving threat.


CARLSON: "It's a threat," they repeat over and over. It's almost like it's a script they're reading. Meanwhile, the Biden administration says it may force everyone entering the country, even American citizens, even people who are vaccinated to enter some kind of mandatory quarantine when they get here, in their own country, quarantine. Now, that's of course assuming they arrive legally.

Biden voters who sneak through over the Mexican border, as always, are exempt from all rules. No vaccination, no quarantine, just endless benefits and broad smiles.

Leana Wen, the former Planned Parenthood ghoul you so often see on CNN talking about health recently explained that thanks to omicron and we're quoting, "There should be mandatory quarantine and post-arrival testing for all international travelers, as well as additional impetus for vaccination and boosters." Huh. Quarantine, mandatory quarantine for American citizens in their own country. Additional impetus for more vaccines.

What does that mean exactly? Well, we're not sure, we can guess.

We do know among other things it means a lot more spying on you. Watch the C.D.C. Director explain. The C.D.C. is now a kind of an Intelligence Agency. Watch.


DR. ROCHELLE WALENSKY, DIRECTOR, CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION: Currently, C.D.C. is expanding a surveillance program with its Express Check to JFK, San Francisco, Newark, and Atlanta Airports, four of the busiest international airports in the country.

This program allows for increased COVID testing for specific international arrivals, increasing our capacity to identify those with COVID-19 on arrival to the United States and enhancing our surveillance for the omicron variant.

Thanks to our updated travel policies, earlier this month, we are also actively working with the airlines to collect passenger information that can be used by C.D.C. and local public health jurisdictions to enhance contact tracing and post-arrival follow-up should a case be identified in a traveler.


CARLSON: Now keep in mind, the person who just heard speaking has no demonstrated record of success in anything. This is a former college professor who since taking over the C.D.C. has seen more Americans die of COVID than died under the last C.D.C. Director. That looks like failure, but in Washington, it is rewarded because success and failure are not actually the measurements that matter in Washington, political loyalty is and Rochelle Walensky is a loyal Democrat.

So she is being rewarded with the powers of an Intelligence Agency. She will now be quote, "collecting passenger information" as part of a domestic surveillance operation at major airports. There was never a vote on this, nobody asked you whether you were for it.

This is again the C.D.C. Director who somehow nationalized America's rental properties. She is going to be spying on you.

The question really is how much longer will this country continue to tolerate this? You've got to wonder. And what happens if we keep tolerating it? We don't need to wonder about that because we've got Australia as an example.

Consider this new video. It's from an Australian newscast this morning. Watch as the anchor announces the breaking news of the day which is the escape of three inmates, Australian citizens from a COVID concentration camp. Watch.


DAVINA SMITH, AUSTRALIAN NEWS PRESENTER: We start with breaking news at Darwin where three people have escaped from the Howard Springs COVID quarantine facility. Tahlia Sarv is there for us. Talia, good morning.

There is a search underway right now.

TAHLIA SARV, SENIOR REPORTER DARWIN NEWS TEAM, 9NEWS: Yes, that's right, Davina. Good morning to you. We are being told that the trio scaled the fence in the early hours of this morning. Police receiving reports around 4:40 AM.

Now, major police checkpoints have been set up around Howards Springs for the past several hours as you can see in these pictures, they have been conducting thorough searches in car boots, checking vehicle registrations, cars and buses alike.


CARLSON: So, that's not a third world country, that's Australia, which until 20 minutes ago seemed very much like America, maybe slightly more exotic and charming, but not so different, really. Same culture, same language, same basis of its legal system.

In case you're wondering, it doesn't seem like any of these escapees actually have COVID. There is no evidence they are infecting anybody, but it didn't matter. They are supposed to be behind bars. Now, they're not, so police set up roadblocks, checkpoints, brought in the dogs.

It's a democracy. It doesn't seem very healthy.

It's not just Australia by the way. In Austria, authorities have stopped people on the street and are demanding to see their COVID papers. In Canada, unvaccinated citizens had now been banned from planes or trains in their own country, not because they've tested positive for COVID or that they are infecting people, but simply because they haven't taken the injection that the Prime Minister demands they take.

Whether or not they have natural immunity, that is irrelevant. It's about obedience. That's Canada.

This is where we're heading and we're heading there very, very fast. As the Democratic Party comes closer to certain defeat a year from now in the midterms, all of this will intensify. That's the whole point of it. It's how they won last time and so, they're doing it again. Omicron -- not a single person is in the hospital in South Africa because of omicron and yet, that's the pretext upon which the C.D.C. has just assumed surveillance powers.

You don't need to be a genius to connect the dots here, but there are not a ton of geniuses running the Republican Party, apparently. They still don't seem to understand what is happening. Listen to them and they talk like this is about a virus, but somebody needs to push back. Maybe it'll take a new party, a civil rights party to stop our dissent toward actual tyranny.

But make no mistake, unless someone stops it very soon, it is coming.

Eric Schmitt is one of the few who is taking active steps to stop this. He is the Attorney General of the State of Missouri. Missouri is leading a coalition of states that have just obtained an injunction against Joe Biden's vaccine mandate for healthcare workers, he joins us tonight.

Mr. Attorney General, thanks so much for coming on.

I appreciate this again since you're one of so few office holders who are standing up for the citizens of this country. Tell us where we are tonight with your effort to stop these mandates.

ERIC SCHMITT, MISSOURI ATTORNEY GENERAL: Well, look in your monologue, you hit the nail on the head here. This has never been about facts or science or data, it is about aggregating power and control and they want to exercise it and if the left had it their way, you'd have Lord Fauci in his black turtleneck, in his tweed jacket, dictating how we live our lives.

But thankfully, this is still America. We've got to push back because I don't know about you, Tucker. I know how you feel about this, but I don't want to live in some futuristic dystopian biomedical security state. America has been the freest country in the history of the world because we believe in individual rights. We believe that when you defuse power, it allows people to pursue their dreams.

Why these lawsuits are so important? So just this week, we led a 10-state coalition that won against Joe Biden against his Federal vaccine mandate against healthcare workers. There is no statutory or constitutional authority for any of this stuff. They are making it up as they go along, so we're going to Court and we're winning because in my view, the future of this country is at stake.

Who we are, who we've been, what kind of country we're going to be -- and we've got to fight back on every front, every single day.

CARLSON: So are you -- since you are an attorney -- well you're the Attorney General, of course, of a major American state. I mean, how did Rochelle Walensky, who has been a demonstrable failure as C.D.C. Director, more people have died under her than the last C.D.C. Director, so you failed, okay, well, it is kind of beyond debate -- how did she wind up with Intel Agency level surveillance powers over American citizens? I'm completely confused by this.

SCHMITT: Yes, I mean look, I think what we have to understand is that the left is hell-bent on authoritarian-like power and the good news here is, our founders, like they were great students of human nature. They had seen, you know how tyrants and dictators and these authoritarian regimes throughout history aggregated power, so their system was, hey, separation of powers, checks and balances, federalism, right?

So that you defuse this power, so individuals have rights. They can pursue their dreams. They can pursue happiness. That is not the left's vision of America right now.

They believe in command and control, so we're not having debates about you know, like what's the tax rate or you know these kind of traditional political debates.

CARLSON: Yes, exactly.

SCHMITT: We're having a big debate here, Tucker, about who we are, what this country is going to look like a generation from now and right now because you played the clip from Australia. Look, people are being arrested in parts of the world right now for not wearing masks in a park. I mean, this is crazy and that's the vision of America for the left, so we have to fight back and we have to be as Republicans, as conservatives, we have to fight back against this stuff and reclaim --

I mean, Americans want America back. They want to get back to living their lives, and they can do it, but we've got to put a stop to this hypocrisy that's happening and these elites ruling from on high trying to dictate what where -- if we can go to work that day, we can go outside of our house, what you have to put on your face. That's not what America is about and it is why these legal battles are so important.

CARLSON: Yes, no masse. Yes, that's right. Rochelle Walensky has no right to spy on you as an American citizen. Period. And we should all do everything we can to resist this. I appreciate it.

Mr. Attorney General, thank you. Eric Schmitt of Missouri.

SCHMITT: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So we haven't brought you up to date in a while on what's happening with the January 6th Commission. The most recent Trump aide they have threatened with prison is Roger Stone. You remember Roger Stone, he is the one they tried to put in prison before.

Roger Stone joins us in a moment with new information about what happened the first time the Department of Justice showed up at his house with the help of CNN. It's an amazing story.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: So from its very inception, the January 6 Committee has been an exercise in armed political intimidation. How did it start? You may have forgotten, Congress formed the Committee after several members of the U.S. Capitol Police, the same people responsible for protecting Members of Congress anonymously commanded them to do it, so effectively, there is a ransom note -- prosecute our political opponents that's an order from your bodyguards. Amazingly, they did it.

So from the very first day, the January 6 Committee was never about gathering information, obviously. Congress already has the information. Nancy Pelosi knows exactly how many Federal agents were in the crowd that day. She won't tell us.

Pelosi could release thousands of hours of videotape evidence from January 6th, she refuses to do that. So whatever else this is, don't let them lie to you. This is not a fact-finding effort. This is a highly obvious attempt to punish critics of the Democratic Party, and for months that's exactly what the Committee has been doing.

Using the pretext of January 6th, Biden's Justice Department has indicted former Trump adviser, Steve Bannon. What? What was his crime exactly? Oh talking about election fraud on a radio show. That's illegal now.

Pelosi's January 6 Committee had him arrested.

Liz Cheney by the way, who is being used as a Republican cover for all of this stood back and watched it happen. Liz Cheney should be ashamed, but she's become far too degraded for shame, unfortunately. And Bannon by the way is not the only prominent Republican who might go to jail. The Committee has now subpoenaed several former Trump advisers, as well as the fiance of another. They've even subpoenaed Roger Stone, yet again.

Where was stone on January 6th? He was in a hotel room as the Capitol was being breached. He had literally nothing to do with it, but it doesn't matter. He has criticized Joe Biden, he could be going to jail again.

Now, the Committee has decided to shut down one of the most popular journalists on the right, Alex Jones. Yes, journalist. Jones is often mocked for his flamboyance, but the truth is, he has been a far better guide to reality in recent years, in other words a far better journalist than say NBC News national security correspondent, Ken Dilanian or Margaret Brennan of CBS.

Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax, not for a second and if Jones sat down with Tony Fauci, he would ask him real questions, just as journalists are supposed to do, he wouldn't just slobber all over him, but Alex Jones makes fun of Joe Biden, so the January 6 Committee is threatening him with prison.

Now, the irony here and there are many layers of irony here, but the main one is that Alex Jones isn't simply innocent of inciting crime on January 6th, Alex Jones actively worked to prevent crimes from taking place on January 6th. We're not running interference for Alex Jones and we're not guessing about it, we happen to know this for a fact because we looked into it in some detail for "Patriot Purge." It's our three-part documentary series on FOX Nation.

Here are the facts.


ALI ALEXANDER, STOP THE STEAL ORGANIZER: So, the Republican Party, I just want them to hear this message. Look at this crowd. We are the people that you must represent or we are going to replace your patriots.

And so that's what January 6th was all about. It was just about making sure that if you called yourself a conservative, that you stay with the conservative movement, and unfortunately, it spiraled out of control.

We coordinated with the U.S. Capitol Police nearly every day. A lot of people don't know this. Stop the Steal actually had a permit on the Capitol Grounds, so not the Capitol itself, and not the Capitol Plaza, the Capitol Grounds Lot 8, we had a permit.

So let's just imagine this, 20,000 to 50,000 people inside the President's Park. We're sitting there at the very front, I'm dead center of the President front row.

A Trump Campaign staffer walked up to me and says, you know, Ali, there are people leaving the over flow and there are already tens of thousands of people at the U.S. Capitol.

With your presence and the presence of Alexa Jones, why don't you guys walk down Pennsylvania, gather people together --

ALEX JONES, AMERICAN RADIO HOST: We're coming swamp creatures.

ALEXANDER: And then position them for your rally on Lot 8.

But I wasn't at the Capitol when it descended into chaos and that's only by God's grace because I was scheduled to be there. Secret Service let us out at a point where we would have been there when the first punch was thrown and that's strange.

The only reason that we weren't there is because we stopped and gave an impromptu speech.

JONES: We are building America up. We are here to take our rightful country back peacefully.

ALEXANDER: I get a text from the Campaign that you should get there and de-escalate because things are not going well.

So, we started to approach the side of the Capitol where no protest had happened in November, no protest had happened in December, all I thought was I need to get them to the other side and I need to get them to Lot 8.

JONES: We are going to march around to the other side.

ALEXANDER: And all we are equipped with are our megaphones.

JONES: Let's not fight the police and get the system what they want.

ALEXANDER: Maybe a thousand people are listening to us.

JONES: Come of the stands.

ALEXANDER: And 75,000 to 100,000 people there in front of us and it was a very helpless feeling.

JONES: We need to not have a confrontation with the police. They're going to make that the story.


CARLSON: So, the trailer of that documentary got a lot of attention. If you haven't seen the documentary itself, we think that you should. It's called "Patriot Purge." We think it is the most comprehensive, the most honest, the most fact-based account of what actually happened on January 6th and what has happened on the basis of January 6th that has been made. We're really proud of it.

You can start streaming FOX Nation by the way by going to tuckercarlson.com. For two more days, you get 90 days free, but you've got to sign up before tomorrow night. We hope you will. This is worth it.

So as we just told you, the January 6th Committee is also targeting Roger Stone who again was in a hotel room as it happened. We just spoke to Stone for a brand new episode of "Tucker Carlson Today." Here's part of that when.


CARLSON: When did you realize that American politics, again, which you've been in your whole life had really changed and all of a sudden if they don't like you, they don't just defeat you in November, they try to send you to prison? That's a new thing.

ROGER STONE, FORMER ADVISER TO DONALD TRUMP: Yes, that really is. But that really doesn't start until the rise of Donald Trump who so threatens the orthodoxy and so threatens the cozy relationships in Washington between Republicans and Democrats and lobbyists and lawmakers and the entire role of money in politics.

Trump so completely threatens that because he's uncontrollable that now, we have to weaponize our justice system, we have to weaponize the Congress in an attempt to not only defeat you in an election, but destroy you and destroy your family.

Let me remind you, I was not only unconstitutionally gagged during this ordeal. No member of my family was allowed to speak. My lawyers were not allowed to speak. My supporters were not allowed to speak. Tucker, that would actually have included you. That's how broad the Judge's ruling was.

The leaking of a search warrant or an arrest warrant is a felony.


STONE: Now, CNN would like to believe that this is the basis of hard investigative reporting and a hunch. No, they were tipped and here is the absolute proof that they were tipped.

Interestingly enough, somebody also told them in advance about Paul Manafort's arrest. They showed up early for that for a camera, how coincidental.

CARLSON: Well it's just that's at that point you're collaborating with the National Security state to crush its opponents.

STONE: And you're breaking the law.

CARLSON: You're breaking the law. That's not really journalism at that point. It's --

STONE: Well, CNN is not a journalistic outfit. I don't get my news from CNN for the same reason I don't eat out of the toilet.

CARLSON: I think that's wise. That's the sanitary choice, Roger Stone.

So look, I don't want to make you relive all this, but just one more clip so I'm watching all of this and I'm thinking, you know maybe Roger Stone has a meth lab in his house, maybe Putin is, you know in his rec room, but unless those things are true, this is wildly disproportionate.

I mean these are --

STONE: Well, and they don't get the numbers right. They show up in 17 armored vehicles. There are 29 SWAT clad F.B.I. agents with night goggles, brandishing M4 fully automatic assault weapons as our friend Sean Hannity likes to say, two amphibious units pull up to the dock behind my house and yes, there are frogmen jumping out on the dock who are similarly armed to take me in custody, a 68-year-old, who although I support the Second Amendment, I don't have a gun in the house. I don't have a valid passport and I can't swim.

So where was I going to go? Thanks to CNN, I have the most recognizable mug in the world.

This cost the taxpayers $1.1 million.

CARLSON: Why didn't they just call you?

STONE: Exactly. Well then because, I would have been made an example of. I would have been intimidated. I guess, they thought this was intimidating.

You know, the last thing I did when I was pounding on the door, I had a Bible -- I opened the Bible and it brought me to Psalms 16:8, "I will not be shaken."

Look at the grin on my face as they're leading me out in handcuffs.

This was a miscalculation. Tucker, I'm not the most sympathetic guy in the world, but they made me a sympathetic figure.

To this day, people who aren't political, people don't like Donald Trump still come up to me and say, I saw what they did to you. That's outrageous. That's not America.


CARLSON: It's interesting what happens to people under pressure. Some of them fall apart completely, others start thinking much more clearly and in fact become better people. That's a really interesting conversation. That's part one of it by the way.

You can watch it, "Tucker Carlson Today" by going to FOX Nation. Part two available on Friday.

So a lot going on over at CNN, we told you yesterday that Chris Cuomo, their top-rated anchor has been yanked off the air, all kinds of people vying for his job. One of them is their media critic, the eunuch. We've got some news about him and what he is really like. It's amazing, actually. Stay tuned for that.


CARLSON: Alec Baldwin was filming the movie, "Rust," when he shot and killed the cinematographer and wounded the director. Now, Baldwin is making a surprising new claim about what happened that day.

FOX's Trace Gallagher as always, has the story for us tonight. Hey, Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker, all we have seen of this ABC-Alec Baldwin interview is the tease video that ABC has provided us, but George Stephanopoulos who conducted the interview says Baldwin quote, "Went through in detail what happened on set that day," which is interesting because Alec Baldwin has previously said because this is an active investigation, he was ordered by authorities not to say anything publicly about the shooting, and yet here he is.

Plus, the Santa Fe County Sheriff's Department says Alec Baldwin quote, "fired the gun." Now, Baldwin says, he didn't. Watch.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS ANCHOR: It wasn't in the script for the trigger to be pulled.

ALEC BALDWIN, ACTOR: Well, the trigger wasn't pulled. I didn't pull the trigger.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you never pulled the trigger.

BALDWIN: No, no, no. I would never point a gun at anybody and pull a trigger at them. Never.


GALLAGHER: Now, it's unclear if Baldwin goes on to offer some explanation as to how the gun discharged or whether Stephanopoulos pressed him on it, but he did ask about the bullet itself. Watch.


STEPHANOPOULOS: What did you think happened? How did a real bullet get on that set?

BALDWIN: I have no idea. Someone put a live bullet in a gun, a bullet that wasn't even supposed to be on the property.


GALLAGHER: Now the armorer on set was Hannah Gutierrez-Reed who told investigators she loaded the gun with five dummy rounds, but there was a sixth round that would not go in so she cleaned it and then added the sixth round.

Gutierrez-Reed has also alleged through her lawyers this might be sabotage, and through all of this, remember that Baldwin is already the subject of a criminal investigation. He was also a producer on the movie, which has opened him up to lawsuits filed by crew members alleging negligence -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Trace Gallagher, the best. Great to see you.

GALLAGHER: Thank you.

CARLSON: So as we told you last night, and you may have noticed, CNN pulled its top-rated anchor, Chris Cuomo off the air for the crime of helping his brother, but you can't just pull someone off TV. You have to let people know ahead of time otherwise you're going to have about a dozen people tuning in and wondering wait where's the steroid guy?

So over at CNN, the dwarf king dispatched his eunuch with the news that Chris Cuomo was being pulled off indefinitely suspended. What's so interesting, it tells you so very much about CNN is we learned today that the eunuch himself would like Chris Cuomo's job. Oh, the betrayal, Mr. Birria. So interesting.

So it raises the question, what kind of person is CNN's media critic?

We've come across audio that answers that question. So here is -- and we're going to use his name for the first time, Brian Stelter explaining to a group of people that he has fired his nanny, who of course, remains nameless because she refused to get the injection. Listen to this.


BRIAN STELTER, CNN CHIEF MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: You know, me and my wife both work full time, we both make enough money to have a nanny during the day in New York and our nanny refuses to get vaccinated, and so we are parting ways with her. And it was very, very sad that we thought -- we thought after six months of seeing the vaccines are all good and everybody is fine that she would come around.


CARLSON: So the headline here is that CNN's media critic dismissed, blithely dismissed his little non-white servant because she didn't obey and that is quote, "very, very sad." Well how sad? How sad was he exactly? Did he pay her health insurance until she finds a new job? What is she doing to eat and pay her rent now that she has been dismissed by CNN's very sad media critic?

We really care what happens to our servants, do we, when they disobey? So we asked CNN today, of course, we got no answer at all, which is itself an answer, which is we don't know, we don't care. It tells you a lot.

Well, a major abortion case went before the Supreme Court today. There has been a lot of commentary on it, most of it has been absurd.

We'll take you inside the Supreme Court to tell you what really happened. That's straight ahead.


CARLSON: If you've been watching what's happening in California recently, you may have asked yourself, how did this happen? How did the prettiest state in the country fall apart? Well, a big part of the reason is Proposition 47. It passed with remarkably little fanfare back in 2014. That initiative effectively legalized property crime in the state, and of course, property crime leads to violent crime, inevitably.

That proposition reduced legal penalties for shoplifting, grand theft, forgery, fraud, receiving stolen property among many other offenses. Now, how did a law like that pass? We thought it was a good idea to legalize theft and that would turn out well.

Well, in part it passed because of profound support from California's entertainment industry, from some of the richest people -- some of the best protected people in the State of California. None of whom as far as we know have apologized for what they did.

So tonight, we want to highlight some of the entertainers who are responsible for destroying California. You're going to see a lot of them scroll past you on your screen right now.

The list includes Jay-Z, Brad Pitt, John Legend, Alyssa Milano, of course, and needless to say, Michael Moore.

In larger part, because of Proposition 47, which again, all of these entertainers supported publicly, the state is now collapsing. Businesses are boarded up, they have to be because mobs of organized looters smash the windows.

And then of course, disorder leads to more disorder, which inevitably leads to violence. That is always true.

So in 2020, last year, homicides in the state jumped by more than 30 percent, at their highest level in more than a decade. Other crimes like robbery are way up. In the City of Oakland for example, which doesn't need any more disorder, carjackings have increased by more than a hundred percent just this year.

None of these crimes are going to get prosecuted. Proposition 47 give prosecutors the leeway to stop punishing crimes. Now, District Attorneys in California including Soros's handpicked DAs in San Francisco and LA are taking advantage of this.

SO, it is complicated what happened to California, but it is not that complicated. The richest people in the state, the people with the most privilege did the most to destroy it and make it completely miserable and untenable for people who can't protect themselves.

It is exactly what happened and again, you're seeing the pictures on the screen right now, none of them has apologized for it and every one of them should.

Well, the Supreme Court today heard arguments in an abortion case that has potential implications for Roe v. Wade. It's almost impossible to find any kind of rational commentary about this case.

If you go over to MSNBC, we try not to, but we did for your sake today. Here is the legal analysis of the case. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is exactly what a society that is against women looks like and sadly, listen we are not too far away from becoming Gilead 2.0. It's month 5011 of the pandemic and women are still losing their jobs or dropping out of the workforce by the hundreds of thousands, while men gain jobs, and states like Texas are saying under his eye, as they wrench away a woman's right to an abortion.


CARLSON: They keep using the word woman, but of course MSNBC and CNN, ABC News, NBC, the Democratic Party, they don't believe that there is a category such as women, so how is this a threat to women? Whatever. It's too stupid even to continue analyzing.

The question is what really did happen today in the Supreme Court? Abby Johnson is a former Planned Parenthood Director who became a pro-life advocate. She has been watching very carefully. She joins us tonight.

Abby, thank you for coming on, so what happened and what are the implications of this?

ABBY JOHNSON, FORMER PLANNED PARENTHOOD DIRECTOR: Well, I thought the Solicitor did very well from Mississippi today laying out the case and of course we saw some really interesting and quite honestly idiotic comments coming from a couple of the liberal Justices on the bench today.

Sotomayor actually saying that in the past 50 years, we haven't seen any advancement of Medicine in maternal and fetal medicine. I mean, she actually said, I don't think we've had any scientific development.

So these are the same people that want us to follow the science, but yet, they're telling us there haven't been any scientific developments made in maternal and fetal medicine in the past 50 years.

So it was pretty interesting, I mean this case could completely gut Roe and Casey, so this could turn abortion back over to the states and allow states to enact their State Constitutions. We know that 24 states would make abortion illegal because of trigger bans in their state, so this could have huge implications across our nation.

CARLSON: But just to be clear, I mean no honest legal analyst believes that Roe is an honest decision. I mean, it's grotesque, but if it were to disappear tomorrow, states would do what we call -- commit democracy, right? Voters would get to decide what they think of abortion. That would be the effect, or am I missing something?

JOHNSON: No, you're exactly right and Gorsuch made that very clear on the bench when he was asking Biden's Solicitor. He said, you know, I just want to make this clear. It's not that abortion would be gone. We're not here to say that the Supreme Court would be banning abortion. This would go back to the states, correct?


JOHNSON: And that's absolutely right.

CARLSON: Yes, well no one ever says that, but it's true. People can actually vote on something for once.

Abby Johnson, great to see you tonight. Thank you.

JOHNSON: Thank you.

CARLSON: Joe Biden has been in the White House for less than a year, already some Democrats are defecting. One of them is a former spokesman for the Mayor of Washington, D.C. who joins us straight ahead.


CARLSON: For a long time, Victor Jimenez was a very active Democrat. He worked in the Democratic Party politics. Most recently, he was a spokesman for the Mayor of Washington, D.C., Mayor Bowser. Jimenez recently went viral, after telling Telemundo that after watching the first year of the Biden presidency, he is leaving the Democratic Party.


VICTOR JIMENEZ, FORMER LEAD PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER AT THE MAYOR'S OFFICE ON COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (translated text): I believe that Biden turned me into a Republican. Biden is destroying the economy, inflation is through the roof, and everything is terrible.


CARLSON: Victor Jimenez joins us now. Victor, thanks so much for coming on. Well, you put it as succinctly as I can imagine in that clip. So you are the spokesman for the Mayor of Washington, the most Democratic City in the country, it was like 94 percent for Hillary Clinton, and you left and switched parties. That's not a small decision, it doesn't seem like.

JIMENEZ: It's not a small decision. Thank you so much for having me, Tucker. I was a Public Information Officer for the D.C. Mayor's office on Latino Affairs. And then I was the lead Public Information Officer at the Mayor's Office on Community Affairs. And yes, had to leave.

CARLSON: So tell us why. You just -- you told Telemundo, I thought pretty well, but flesh out a little bit if you would.

JIMENEZ: I told the reason I switched parties is because of everything that's going on in the country right now. We see, you know, immigration through the roof right now and that's affecting a lot of Hispanic families in my home state of Virginia, and those people who are already struggling with, you know, making ends meet.

Another reason why I left the Democratic Party, it's because of the immigration issue that's going on right now in our country. And if you look at the Southern border, we have people who -- thousands of people who are, you know, just waiting there, and I'm not saying we don't have good people trying to come into the country with good intentions, but we also have bad people coming into the country with bad intentions. People with, you know, with illegal guns, with illegal drugs, and people who are running from their law enforcement in their country. So we don't know exactly what they're doing here.

And so those reasons and more made me switch parties because Biden is completely destroying the economy right now, and people can feel it in their pockets and in their communities with, you know, high -- you know, increased violence and increased crime and people, especially in the Hispanic community can feel it.

CARLSON: Yes. It's so interesting that their assumption at the White House is anyone who speaks Spanish is for open borders, but that doesn't seem to be true at all.

JIMENEZ: No, I think, me, for example, being Hispanic and also black, I should be Democrat, by default. But I'm going against their narrative, and I feel like right now, everything is crumbling for the Democrats. And we saw in Virginia a couple of weeks ago, the beginning of the end, with the victory of Glenn Youngkin, which I voted for, and I feel like -- I feel like in 2022, next year, we're going to see more of that.

CARLSON: Amazing. You may be the leading edge of something big. I bet the Mayor of D.C. is very confused by this, but we appreciate your coming out tonight.

Victor Jimenez, I didn't even ask you about her, but we appreciate your coming on. Thanks so much.

JIMENEZ: Thank you so much, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well, if you've got some last minute Holiday shopping, go to tuckercarlson.com and while you're there you can sign up for FOX Nation and get 90 days free.

We spoke to Roger Stone for a full hour. It is worth catching up on that conversation. It was fantastic.

We will be back tomorrow night and every week night at 8:00 PM.

Here is Sean Hannity.

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