Tucker: Unvaccinated pose zero danger to vaccinated
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host accuses Biden of lying about hospitals being overrun with the unvaccinated
This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on September 24, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
Last month, for those of you keeping track, the Biden administration announced a plan to give additional shots of COVID vaccine, so-called boosters to millions of Americans. Didn't see that coming. But the administration never explained why it was necessary or scientifically justifiable. They never bothered.
Instead, with characteristic aggression, they simply decreed it was going to happen. The new shots would go out, they informed us, no later than this week, the end of the week of September 20th, which is right now. That was the deadline.
The weird thing is, it turns out that no one had bothered to tell the scientists about this, so two leading vaccine experts at the F.D.A.
promptly resigned. Several more announced they were thinking of quitting.
Then Biden's COVID czar, a former Facebook Board member with no medical background called Jeff Zients assured the country, no problem. None of this is a cause for alarm. People resigning in protest, no big deal.
The decision to give extra COVID shots, Zients said was quote, "Made by and announced by the nation's leading public health officials." Really? Which leading public health officials exactly? Well, Jeff Zients didn't tell us.
Clearly something was going on here, and then last week, the entire lie unraveled completely. A panel of the F.D.A.'s vaccine experts -- in other words, actual leading public health officials -- blew up the whole idea in a single afternoon.
By a vote of 16 to 2, not close at all, they emphatically rejected Joe Biden's plan for more shots. And for a moment, that seemed like a rare win for science and for public safety. That decision, said a former F.D.A.
official quote, "Put the F.D.A. back in the driver's seat," and quote "maintained the F.D.A.'s scientific independence from politicians."
But just for a minute, because in Joe Biden's America, there is no independence from politicians.
Shortly after midnight on Thursday, the college professor who Biden appointed to run the C.D.C., Rochelle Walensky, simply overruled the F.D.A.
panel. She didn't cite any scientific basis for overruling actual scientists, she just did it, and she did it because she can do it, because she's in power and you're not.
You wouldn't call that, however you might describe it, following the science. You might instead call it total corruption of public health by a political party. That's what it is, and if you doubt, it take a look at Joe Biden's press conference from today in which he blamed the entire COVID pandemic on people who didn't vote for him.
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The unvaccinated also put our economy recovery at risk causing unease in the economy around and causing unease around the kitchen table. I can imagine what's going on in the conversations this morning, a lot of parents wondering, what's going to happen? What's going to happen? Those who have been vaccinated, what's going to happen?
Potentially slowing economic growth, costing jobs. The refusal has cost all of us. The refusal to get vaccinated has cost all of us and I'm moving forward with vaccination requirements wherever I can.
CARLSON: Huh? So we don't have enough workers because people aren't getting vaccinated? We don't have workers because you're paying people not to work. Drive around America, the stores are closed because people aren't working because the government is paying them not to work.
So, if you're worried about the worker crisis, look in the mirror, pal. But let's get to the core allegation here that the unvaccinated are somehow dangerous to the rest of the country. That's what the President just said.
Before we assess all of Biden's claims, let's take a quick trip back to reality.
So unvaccinated people may theoretically be in danger of getting sick from COVID. Everybody has got to make that determination personally based on your age and your health, but the unvaccinated pose precisely zero danger to anyone who has been vaccinated. None.
Let's repeat that because it's the central point here and it's almost never made. If you are vaccinated against COVID-19, you face no conceivable danger whatsoever from people who have not been vaccinated. Unvaccinated people cannot hurt you, so calm down. That's the science.
And if you don't believe the science, then you have instead embraced witchcraft and superstition. Please get a grip and excuse yourself from any conversation about public policy because you are too irrational to contribute to it.
Again, the vaccinated face no health threat from the unvaccinated, and the fact the President is claiming otherwise is shocking and wrong.
Now to Biden's claim that the unvaccinated are somehow destroying our hospital system, oh, the irony, one of many. This is the same President who is allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to enter our country every single month and promising them all free healthcare.
So the next time you show up at the emergency room and can't get in, next time your injury or illness is ignored because there aren't enough people to serve you in the hospital, you can rest assure, it's not unvaccinated Americans who are clogging the system. It's not, it's the rest of the world.
In just eight months, Joe Biden has done more than any President in our history to wreck the American healthcare system and yet, he is blaming it in one of the great acts of political diversion ever on people who won't take the shot.
BIDEN: But this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated overcrowd our hospitals, overrunning emergency rooms and intensive care units, leaving no room for someone with a heart attack or a cancer operation needed to get the life-saving care because the places where they would get that care are crowded. They are not available.
CARLSON: It's such an outrageous lie. It's unbelievable. More than a million people coming in this year who he promised free healthcare and he is blaming it on people who didn't get the shot, many of whom have natural immunity and are less likely to get sick than a vaccinated person from COVID. What a lie.
But let's assume it's true, let's assume emergency rooms and ICUs are overrun with the unvaccinated. Then why is the Biden administration forcing healthcare workers to quit with vaccine mandates? That's happened across the country. Whole wards and hospitals have been shut down because of Joe Biden's mandates. It might be nice to have more doctors and nurses around in an emergency.
By the way, at this point, and it could change, emergency rooms are not overrun with COVID patients. More than 20 percent of inpatient beds in this country are open and available as of tonight. That's according to H.H.S.
Intensive care units were supposed to be occupied as close to capacity as possible are not full anywhere in the country. What we do have, and it is getting worse, is a severe staffing shortage at hospitals massive and the mandates are making it much, much worse. Ask anyone in healthcare in the State of California or in any state.
At one major hospital in Dallas, the Parkland Health and Hospital System, there is no one to bathe or turn patients anymore. They don't have enough staff. At the University of Arkansas Medical Center in Little Rock, officials have been offering $25,000.00 sign in bonuses to new nurses and yet, they are still short staffed.
So looking at that, that is a crisis. What's Joe Biden's answer? Fire as many nurses as possible because the unvaccinated according to Joe Biden are the root of all these problems. It's the pandemic of the unvaccinated.
Think about that. Blaming regular Americans for a virus that American bureaucrats funded and the Chinese military created. If you don't follow his made-up laws, laws with no precedent in all of American History, you're the reason we're all suffering. It's your fault, Middle America. Of course, it is. It's always Middle America's fault. What a lie.
And no, it's not just a pandemic of the unvaccinated, that's a lie, too.
It's just not true. Vaccines do appear to lower the death rate across the population from COVID, but they certainly don't prevent death from COVID, they don't. Look at the C.D.C. numbers.
According to C.D.C., thousands of vaccinated Americans have died so far of COVID-19. According to the C.D.C., about 13,000 more have been hospitalized with life-threatening COVID symptoms -- vaccinated people. It doesn't mean the vaccines are bad or not worth taking, we're not making that case. We're just making the obvious scientifically justifiable observation, that no, it's not just the unvaccinated who get sick and die from COVID, it's not.
That's a lie.
The Biden demonstration knows it is lying, they do it anyway, and so do their lackeys. Here is "The View" this morning.
SARA HAINES, COHOST, "THE VIEW": It's still these unvaccinated people that concern me the most.
ANA NAVARRO, COHOST, "THE VIEW": Look at the numbers, they're not lying.
These are the facts. Get your vaccine.
SUNNY HOSTIN, COHOST, "THE VIEW": So it is surprising to me that parents across the country are still anti-vaxxers, they're anti-mask, they're anti- mandate, but they're not protecting their own children.
So you can't just say, well, I'm not going to take the vaccine because it is my choice. It is -- it is no longer your choice when you have to -- when your decisions are impacting other people.
CARLSON: Ohm, impacting other people how exactly? Damn those people from dying of COVID. When are we going to start attacking other categories of people from making unwise health choices? Someone dies of diabetes, is "The View" going to attack them for eating too many potato chips?
We just start yelling at people with AIDS for their bad life choices. How about hepatitis or cancer? What is this anyway?
Normally, we wouldn't air clips from "The View." They're too stupid and they're too predictable, but here's what happened a few minutes later on "The View" and we did not predict this.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We need the two of you to step off for a second.
JOY BEHAR, HOST, "THE VIEW": Ana and Sunny.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And we are going to bring you back later.
BEHAR: Yes, and we'll tell you why.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More information later. It's a tease.
BEHAR: We will tell you why in a couple of minutes. Since this is going to be a major news story any minute now, what happened is that Sunny and Ana both apparently tested positive for COVID. No matter how hard we try, these things happen. They probably have a breakthrough case and they'll be okay, I'm sure because they're both vaccinated up the wazoo.
CARLSON: It's a tease when someone gets COVID. What narcissist.
But here's the bottom line, two hosts on "The View," both of them vaccinated get COVID at the same time. You're supposed to believe this makes a powerful case for forcing millions of Americans who have natural immunity to get the shot at gunpoint. Really?
You've got to wonder, is anyone convinced by this stuff anymore?
Clay Travis hosts "The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show." He joins us tonight. Clay Travis, great to see you. So, the idea that -- and I'm not making a case against the vaccine. From day one, I've thought, if you think the vaccines can help you, you should take it as with any medicine.
But the idea that vaccinated people face a threat from the unvaccinated is such an appalling lie with no scientific justification at all that serves only to divide the country against itself, why has nobody called out the President and his lackeys for making that claim?
CLAY TRAVIS, HOST OF "THE CLAY TRAVIS AND BUCK SEXTON SHOW": Tucker, first, thanks for having me on. You know we requested Dr. Fauci on "The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Radio Show" and despite the fact that he can make a documentary, despite the fact that he can sit with a photo shoot with "The New York Times," despite the fact that it seems like he has his own dressing room at MSNBC and CNN, he wouldn't come on our show. And I bet he wouldn't come on your show either, Tucker, and that's because you'd actually ask him questions like that and he would have to answer.
Look, he went on recently, and credit to Sanjay Gupta, he asked him, he said, wait a minute why don't we talk about natural immunity. I've had COVID already, Tucker. I know, I looked at the study from Israel, 27 times as much protection as the vaccine would give me. There are likely tens of millions of people.
So it's not even just that we're distinguishing between vaccinated and unvaccinated, Tucker, it's that likely many of the people who are unvaccinated have already had COVID and you know this and the facts and the data are clear, but we still have the Biden administration which has been
60 or 90 days behind the data being unwilling to address the American public honestly.
And if you look at Israel and if you look at England, two countries that are far more vaccinated than we are, they are setting hospitalization records and case records even now. So, this idea that if we had a hundred percent of the country vaccinated, COVID would go away is just not true and so the Biden administration is lying to all of us, Tucker.
CARLSON: Of course.
TRAVIS: And it's like nobody is willing to point this out. Everybody has got blinders on.
CARLSON: Well, but it's just really hurting the country. I hear from people all the time. I know a lot of people who say, you know, they won't allow me to go to the wedding. I can't see my grandkids or whatever.
Families divided over vaccines because people who have been vaccinated have somehow been convinced against the science, against commonsense, against basic reason that they're at risk from people who haven't been vaccinated.
That's insane and it's being abetted, promoted, this lie, by the administration. I don't think I've ever seen anything worse.
TRAVIS: I agree with you a hundred percent, and Tucker, this is why I'm on the road tour right now, the "Outkick" bus tour to all these college football stadiums and I think football fans, believe it or not, when you see a hundred thousand people in a stadium without masks on, you know what Fauci said? He said that there was going to be a major event following when college football kicked off because so many people were in these stadiums not wearing masks because there's no vaccine mandate.
You know what happened, Tucker? All over the south, contrary to what Dr.
Fauci said, the number of cases have plummeted and I think normalcy. People say all the time, what can we do to win against this COVID insanity? I think, every single person watching us talk tonight needs to live their life 100 percent normal, and I think slowly, the American public is becoming aware that COVID is never going to disappear.
This COVID zero infatuation is a lie, it's never going to happen, it's going to become an endemic virus that is with us for the rest of our lives, and at some point as Americans, we have to make the decision to live our lives without fear.
CARLSON: Well, yes, I mean it lives in animals, so I mean by definition, there's no -- it's not small pox.
TRAVIS: It's never going away.
CARLSON: Right. That's exactly right. Yes. Science.
Clay Travis, I appreciate your coming tonight. Thank you so much.
TRAVIS: Thanks so much for having me, Tucker. Appreciate it.
CARLSON: Sorry to torment you with more of "The View," but after the COVID positive hosts were kicked off the set, the remaining two ladies at "The View" wound up interviewing our border czar, Kamala Harris.
She proceeded to lie with really enthusiastic vigor about everything that is happening right now. We've got the tapes and the pictures to set that straight.
We'll be right back.
CARLSON: So you've been hearing all week from the usual hysterical liars that the Border Patrol, somehow officers used a whip to beat immigrants at the Southern border just searching for a better life trying to get refugee status, everything about that is a complete lie. A lot of the Haitians at our Southern border in Del Rio already had refugee status in other countries that don't offer free healthcare, so they came here.
By the way, the Border Patrol doesn't have whips. They don't whip anybody.
They ride horses and horses have reins. Today, the photographer who shot that picture of the alleged whips were on the record to confirm that the officers were using reins and they weren't whipping anybody. So that should be the end of the story, but of course it suits the Biden administration's political purposes, which is rushing as many new people into the country as possible so they can win the next several election cycles, so they're continuing to lie.
The Biden administration has banned the Border Patrol from using horses, and today, Joe Biden who has a fetish for going after the weak we noticed, vowed to crush the hourly workers who were involved in this, the Border Patrol officers. Watch.
BIDEN: To see people treated like they did, horses running them over and people being strapped, it's outrageous. I promise you those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences.
It's an embarrassment.
CARLSON: Can you imagine talking like that? Those Border Patrol officers didn't bring their own horses to beat immigrants for fun, they were riding a horses owned by Joe Biden's government. They were doing what they were told to do, which is enforce Federal law passed by the United States Congress.
And then the President of the United States -- these are some of the weakest people by the way in our country, they're just Border Patrol agents. They have no power. Imagine being married to one of these guys or being the child of one of these guys and seeing the President of the United States say we're going to crush these people because they're evil and implying they are racist. It is sick.
So the D.H.S. Secretary and Kamala Harris today both claimed the officers had used whips. Liars. They said the non-existent whips prove that systemic racism is real.
investigation into what occurred has not yet concluded. We know that those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation's ongoing battle against systemic racism.
KAMALA HARRIS (D), VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And there needs to be consequence and accountability. Human beings should not be treated that way, and as we all know, it also evoked images of some of the worst moments of our history where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country, it has been used against African- Americans during times of slavery.
CARLSON: This is someone who went to high school, and not even from here, she is from Canada. How did the best country in the world get the worst people in the world to run it? It'd be interesting to know that.
We can't control it at this point, all we can do is assess what they're doing.
Horace Cooper is co-chairman of Project 21. He joins us tonight. Horace, thanks so much for coming on.
You've been around a while, you've watched politics in Washington. People have always lied. Politicians lie, it's kind of what they do. But I don't remember any time in American history where the lies were so obviously disprovable, were so brazen, so aggressive and the propaganda didn't even bow to the dignity of the people at whom it was aimed. They're not even really trying to convince you, they're just yelling nonsense at you and demanding that you believe it. Like what is this?
HORACE COOPER, CO-CHAIRMAN, PROJECT 21: Well, I'm going to say first of all that a beer summit is not going to fix this.
COOPER: Now, Barack Obama intervened in an investigation that was going to take place to make sure everything was on the up and up with a friend of his who was a college professor who erroneously had made claims of racism.
When Barack Obama validated that, he came forward and he ended up having to say, okay, I guess, I got this one wrong.
Well, I'd like to be counsel for the Border Patrol representatives because this type of disparagement where there simply is no evidence, where there simply is no case and where we have it on video is the kind that deserves a substantial payment from the Federal government to these individuals along with an apology.
CARLSON: Exactly.
COOPER: And one last really quick thing, wait a second. Systemic? I get confused. I thought systemic was the kind of racism where you couldn't identify any particular bad actors.
Here, we're having bad actors named falsely, but we named them, but we're going to say that that behavior, that's not racism, that's systemic racism.
I get so confused about all of the definitions that are occurring. But I guess, if you're throwing the race card down, it doesn't really matter what the facts actually are.
CARLSON: No, it doesn't. That's exactly right, because you care about the meanings of words. I have to ask you though, bigger picture, here you have foreign nationals committing an act of aggression against our country, intentionally breaking our laws. I don't care if they're from Norway or Sri Lanka or Haiti, in this case, that's an act of aggression against us, against the Americans who live here and pay for this all. It is why we are represented by our government.
The Biden administration, which is encouraging this, flips it -- or in a criminal way, flips it around and blames us for trying to defend our own laws against foreigners. Like what?
COOPER: Well you know, Tucker, if we had a real working media, one that was responsible, one that our founders intended to operate as a watchman for the American people so that they could stay informed, you'd see people in the media go to these communities and just knock on the door and ask, what is this like when you're seeing people being -- overrunning your yard, your community, your hospitals, all of your facilities?
This is amazing, the silence and no accountability on the administration's part at all. The number one responsibility of the Federal government is supposed to be to protect us from invasion. They are welcoming them and offering them a bounty.
CARLSON: Yes, you know, this can't continue like this. It's so frustrating to watch. I'm sure you feel the same way.
Horace Cooper, thanks so much for that. Appreciate it.
COOPER: Thank you.
CARLSON: So you thought it was a democracy, well, it's a democracy. If you don't like it, just vote. Right? Well, it turns out that millions of unelected bureaucrats took control of the country. They dominate the school system, the military. What effect is that having and what can we do about it, those of us, which is most of us we think who still believe in democracy? That's next.
CARLSON: If it seems like no matter who you vote for, things never change, you're not imagining it. The big picture problem is that political power in America increasingly has shifted away from voters toward bureaucracy, so we thought it would be interesting to speak to someone who studies bureaucracies and knows a lot about that.
And so for an hour on our FOX Nation show, "Tucker Carlson Today," we sat down with someone who does, Sumantra Maitra. He is a senior contributor to "The Federalist" as well as a National Security Fellow at the Center for National Interest. Interesting conversation. Here's part of it.
SUMANTRA MAITRA, SENIOR CONTRIBUTOR, "THE FEDERALIST": No matter who you vote to power, nothing is going to change unless you destroy the permanent bureaucracy.
CARLSON: So let's go through what that consists of. You mentioned -- you used a phrase I've never heard before, the NGOcracy.
CARLSON: What is that?
MAITRA: So okay. So, I was researching for Martin Center about a few statistics. You ready for this? Okay.
MAITRA: So in 19 -- between 1975 and 2008, right, the number of faculty increase in education, Higher Ed, has been 10 percent. Now, if I ask you, take a random guess the number of administration that doubled in that time or that tripled in that time? Like what was the number that would come to your mind? Ten percent increase in faculty was the equivalent rise in administration in Higher Ed.
CARLSON: College administrators.
MAITRA: Yes, yes.
CARLSON: Fifty percent.
MAITRA: Two hundred and twenty one percent. When it goes to schools, it's even worse. Between 1950 to 2009, students rose 96 percent, teachers rose 252, administration and other staff rose 702 percent.
CARLSON: So these are all -- or mostly just parasites who are attached to this money-making operation, but don't serve their real purpose.
MAITRA: The money-making operation is the key part of the statement.
MAITRA: When you -- bureaucracy if you see, they have their own growth momentum. It is an institution, which is designed to survive. Bureaucracies everywhere in the world, Indian Railways, the British N.H.S., you see bureaucracy that is how they operate NATO.
Michael Dash is one of my favorite professors in Notre Dame, he once mentioned that you know NATO is a zombie. You shoot it in the head.
You cannot reform bureaucracy, you cut down on bureaucracy. If you see the number of people who are coming out of these places like this is a job- making scheme, the number of people who are coming out of these departments, I'm going to give you a couple of more numbers, which I wrote for a research paper in Martin Center, half of the women teachers for example in IR spend six percent to 25 percent of the class discussing Marxism relative to one-third of men spending that time, right?
When you go to more activism-oriented subfields, men study mostly military strategy and hard power; women are studying and focusing on refugee aid, human rights, NGOs, activism.
Now that's nothing wrong. I mean anyone can study those things, but you have to see the equivalent amount of pressure that's bringing in when these people are coming out of work. They need to work. You know they have studied. They spend their time in doing research, they spend their time doing a PhD in these things. They need to work somewhere.
In 2001, the funding of The Pentagon was what -- like $300 billion something? Right? It's now $700 billion. Not all of them went to military hardware, most of them went to learning dowry and pushed to in all these, you know, kind of NGO things that they do.
This is the pressure group, by the way. The same people who are opposing any kind of withdrawal from Afghanistan are the people who are already tied to this money-making scheme. They are the ones with work, then why would they want to, you know have a grand strategy which cut down their own work?
So unless you focus on that part, nothing is going to change.
CARLSON: So, it's not just the defense contractors that Generals work for when they leave.
CARLSON: It is the bureaucracy at The Pentagon which is not focused on war fighting, but on --
MAITRA: It is an entire ecosystem of work which is produced and which reads right through from, you know schools to universities, to the kind of subject they are studying, the kind of research they're doing, and then where they're working and that's all coming. The same instinct that is behind this idea that we have to be in Afghanistan because we have to do something to save the Afghan women and children.
And by all means, like I'm really sad for what's happening in Afghanistan, but that is not really the responsibility of American and British taxpayers.
CARLSON: No, it's not.
MAITRA: It's not. But the same instinct that is focused on that are the same people who now think Texas is full of Talibans because they're opposing you know, women's rights. It is the same worldview by the way and it is the same worldview that is incubated at universities.
CARLSON: We're often accused of being anti-immigrant on this show, that's a crock. We're pro-law. Some immigrants are wiser and clearer thinking about our country than those of us who are born here. People show up, they see things really, really clearly. Sumantra Maitra is definitely one of those.
That whole segment is on FOX Nation right now.
So George Soros is old, but having a greater effect on America than any voter in this country has ever had. He is helping to install left-wing district attorneys all over the country. He is also working to resettle Afghans in the United States, and you know who is helping him? We'll tell you who's helping him. You will be fascinated to hear.
CARLSON: Steve Descano became the County Attorney, the prosecutor in Fairfax, Virginia last year. He didn't get there by accident, George Soros, the left-wing billionaire from Hungary sent the Descano Campaign more than $600,000.00. That's a lot of money for a local prosecutor's race. That's because sometime in the last few years, George Soros realized that instead of trying to change the law, you can simply install prosecutors who will ignore the law. If you want to completely reorder America and wreck it, and he does, that works.
And Steve Descano has been a faithful disciple of George Soros. This year, his office has sought minimal prison time for several child sex abusers.
Just last month for example, a County Judge told a sobbing young girl that Descano's office had failed her. How did he fail her?
Well he refused to impose a life sentence on the man convicted of molesting her on a weekly basis between the ages of five and 10, instead, the man got just 17 years in prison. Of course, he won't serve all of that.
This show can now reveal exclusive details about a very similar case. The information was shared with us by Dump Descano, that's a group trying to recall the prosecutor, we're fervently hoping they succeed. Here it is.
Between 2017 and 2020, Carlos Humberto Sanchez Hernandez, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador repeatedly raped his stepdaughter. We're not guessing about this, Hernandez admitted it. He pled guilty.
Then Descano's office struck a deal with the illegal alien for 12 years in prison. That means he'll be eligible for parole in seven years and could be out of prison at the age of 46 for raping his stepdaughter for five years.
You should know that in the State of Virginia, the sentencing guidelines called for life in prison.
So today, as we are reporting out the story, news broke of yet another accused child abuser that Descano's office tried to help. According to "The Washington Post," a Fairfax County Judge took the quote, "rare step" of rejecting a proposed plea deal between prosecutors and a man accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting a girl saying the agreed-upon three-year sentence did not quote "remotely reflect the magnitude of the defendant's misconduct," end quote.
George Soros did that, not just in Fairfax, Virginia but around the country. Why would you do that to a country? Well, if you hated the country and want to destroy it, that's exactly what you would do.
You won't be surprised to learn and this is directly related that George Soros is also, through his Open Society Foundation, funding an organization resettling Afghans in quote, "communities across America" without the consent of the people who live there. It doesn't matter what you want, you're just a citizen. Shut up. George Soros is richer than you, he decides what you get.
What's interesting however maybe not totally surprising, but you should know about it is that key members of the Republican establishment are helping George Soros do this. The project is called welcome.us.
Former President George W. Bush, this pains us to tell you, but it's true, is involved. So is his brother, Jeb, exclamation point. His wife, Laura.
They are joining the Obamas and the Clintons as honorary co-chairs of welcome.us. They're all serving on the group's national welcome council because they quote, "Share a common belief that welcoming newcomers is inherent to who we are."
Once again, a lecture about who we are by people who have no idea who we are because they know nothing about the country. The group is also being funded by big corporations, of course, Walmart, Facebook, Microsoft, and Uber, they're excited.
What's interesting though is that welcoming newcomers will not include settling any of them in Martha's Vineyard, with the richer parts of Dallas, Chappaqua, in any of the neighborhoods where the people funding this actually live because that's not who they are. None of them will be settled in those neighborhoods, ever. They will be settled in yours.
So we learned a lot about George Soros when we went to Hungary. That's coming up in an episode of "Tucker Carlson Originals" later this year on FOX Nation, which is good.
Well next up, a couple of kids at a major university were just thrown out of a campus building because of the color of their skin. It's all on video.
We got a response from the university, they are for it. Hard to believe.
Jason Whitlock, next.
CARLSON: Pretty revealing scene at Arizona State University this week caught on video, probably happening in a lot of places, but we have this tape.
So two kids are in the school building called the Multicultural Center apparently studying, two others walk up to them and tell them to leave because they're the wrong skin color. Here is the beginning of that exchange.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What did I do wrong?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You have a ban --
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're offensive. Police lives matter?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You have the same stickers.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are just trying to do school.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You guys have the same sticker with the other --
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But this is our space.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is the violence the ASU does and this is the type of people that they protect, okay. This white man thinks he can take up our space, and this is why we need a multicultural space because they think they can get away with it.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: [Bleep] every single part of the campus centers you.
This is the only space that you're not centered and you're still trying to center yourself, which is pique white-cis male bull [bleep].
You know what? You can choose to be a cop, you can choose to kill people with a badge and you're protecting them [bleep], which means that you're racist.
CARLSON: So watching that you think, well, there must be some backstory here. There must be some predicate. Maybe the guys were throwing rocks at the woman screaming at them. No, as far as we know, they were just sitting there.
She explained what the problem was quote, "This white man thinks he can take up our space." Our space. So they are arguing for segregation.
A few minutes later, one of the students argued that segregation is in fact a good thing because people with certain skin colors are bad.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, tell us about your culture. What's white culture? Stealing things from people? Colonization? Co-optation? Theft?
CARLSON: So that's a racial attack. It's on the internet. Everyone has seen it, so we reached out to Arizona State University. Obviously, they're going to be appalled because they're against racial attacks. Right now, they're totally for it. They called it a quote "disagreement" between a handful of students, which of course would not be the reaction under any other circumstances.
This is happening a lot on college campuses. Recently, at UVA for example in Charlottesville, Virginia, a student announced that there were quote "too many white people" in a common area. UVA had no problem with that either.
This seems like an ominous trend to us. No matter what the race is in question are, people attacking each other openly because of their race and no one authority is saying anything about it? Where's this going exactly?
Jason Whitlock is the host of "Fearless." We're always happy to have him on this show. Jason Whitlock, thanks so much for coming on.
So this seems like one of those paths you probably don't want to go down because I don't know what the next steps are, but this doesn't seem good to me.
JASON WHITLOCK, HOST, "FEARLESS WITH JASON WHITLOCK": It's a path we're going down, Tucker, and that video reminds anybody with any type of memory or any type of history that's 1960 style racism.
CARLSON: Right, exactly.
WHITLOCK: Except it is people of color doing it to white people. The woman sounded like Bull Connor or any other kind of 1950s-1960s bigot. I want to tip my hat to the young men because this is appalling and I'm glad to see these young guys standing up for themselves and I would just like to shout out to the adults that are watching our country go down this path.
If you're against racism, it shouldn't matter who the racism is directed at. You should be offended and appalled by this. I certainly am. This is not healthy for our country.
There are people that made incredible sacrifices for me, for Tucker Carlson, for the kids on that ASU campus and the sacrifices they made weren't about us living segregated lives and telling people no, you don't belong here, you can't be here because of the color of your skin. This is appalling and we have to stand up against this -- everybody.
I'm shocked but, I guess, I'm really not shocked that ASU would not take a strong stand and discipline. I honestly believe the women should be kicked out of school.
CARLSON: Well, that's it right there. I mean college kids have a keen sense of what gives them meaning and prestige and they'll sort of do, all college kids of all colors will do whatever outrageous thing they think they benefit from. They are college kids, I get it. You know, we've all been there.
But there are supposed to be adults sort of maintaining some boundaries and I blame the ASU and the UVA and all these other school administrations for refusing to just take a really clear line on why it is wrong to attack people on the basis of their race, like, why is that so hard?
WHITLOCK: Tucker, it's hard and I'm going to say this and just be honest, because we, as men in this country have failed. We are cowards.
WHITLOCK: We're allowing this to go on.
WHITLOCK: This is on us. Those are just kids.
CARLSON: Exactly.
WHITLOCK: Those administrators should answer to the adults that finance that school, pay the tuition, but we're all laying around hoping that this is going to go away. It doesn't just go away.
CARLSON: Exactly.
WHITLOCK: Generally speaking, people have to stand up and take risks maybe even put their lives in jeopardy for this type of racism to go away. That has been our history. Instead, everybody is just sitting around hiding under their desk waiting for this to blow over and go away. It's not going to -- that's not what's going to happen, it's only going to get worse.
CARLSON: That is so wise and true and that's what -- I bark that to our producers every day. Where are the men? I'd like to have some on the show once in a while who are standing up against this insanity. It's like all women and I admire all of them, but where are the men? That is such a great
-- that is such a great question. I know it's not going away until someone stands up and exhibits bravery in the face of it.
Jason Whitlock, you certainly have done that and I appreciate it. Thank you for coming on. Have a great weekend.
WHITLOCK: You, too.
CARLSON: That is it for us tonight. You can watch a brand new episode of FOX Nation featuring our conversation with Sumantra Maitra.
And of course, we will be back Monday and every weeknight from now until I hope a long time. The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.
Have the best weekend with the ones you love. May it refresh you.
We'll see you Monday.
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