Tucker: Democrats don't care if you go broke

This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on November 11, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Gas prices are up and you're seeing some stories about it in the media, but what's interesting is how the press cover rising gas prices. If you look carefully, it's pretty clear they're not that interested in the topic. They just don't find it compelling. In fact, they may be a little bored by it, and that shouldn't surprise you.

There is no greater divide in American life than the gap between people who care about what gas costs and the people who don't care. It's a cultural divide, obviously, a chiasm of class economics and geography. Those who take Uber versus those who drive their own cars.

But it's also deeper than that. On some level, the divide is about usefulness. Split the country into two groups, people who worry about the price of gasoline and people who worry about the fact that gasoline is still legal, and ask yourself, which of these groups is more important to the functioning of the United States?

Hmm. Let's see. On one side, you've got lawyers, H.R. Directors, executives at climate change non-profits, gender studies administrators, finance moguls, brain dead senators, columnists for "The Atlantic" Magazine, highly paid Netflix producers like Michelle and Barack Obama, and yes, prime time cable news anchors.

This would be the grifter class. They do little, but they benefit greatly.

As a practical matter, they are useless. They have no skills. Most of the time, they are a drain on the actual economy and poison to the culture. The rest of us might be happier and more prosperous if they became truck drivers or moved to Paraguay.

That's true, and on some level, everyone knows it is true and because it is true, that's why these very same people spend so much time screaming about how essential they are, because it's so obvious that they aren't. Things work perfectly well before we get H.R. Departments.

On the other side of the gas price divide, you have everybody else, and this group includes the people who possess about 95 percent of the relevant skills you would need to keep a civilization going. You lose these people and it's the Dark Ages, literally, dark. Your power grid shuts down.

As it happens, these are the very people who have noticed and winced as the price of filling a tank has shot skyward over the past year. These are the people being hurt by rising gas prices, the ones who deserve it the least.

The most galling part of all of it is none of this is an accident. America has more than enough energy to keep gas prices low, so why is this happening? Well, it is being done on purpose by the party that hates gasoline.

Gas engines are bad for the climate, Democrats tell us. They appear to believe that, but they also understand something else about gas. Cars mean autonomy. If you've got a car, you can go wherever you want. The central planners cannot control you. They hate that.

At this point, they can't express a thought like that out loud because it's too scary. So instead, they call you a racist. Watch.


REP. CORI BUSH (D-MO): For years you, all have continued to promote fossil fuels despite knowing that promoting them means promoting environmental racism and violence in black and brown communities.

You all are still promoting and selling fossil fuels that are killing millions of people. This is a striking example of white supremacy.


CARLSON: So fossil fuels are a quote, "striking example of white supremacy." That's the latest thought bubble from prominent Democratic Party intellectual, Congresswoman Cori Bush of St. Louis.

You've got to wonder what the world's many non-white OPEC countries think of that, they must be thoroughly confused by it. But Cori Bush doesn't know it, she has never heard of OPEC. She just prattles on thoughtless little moron that she is, denouncing this or that is a striking example of white supremacy. That's what she does.

What's interesting is that not a single prominent Democrat will tell Cori Bush to shut up and sit down. They are not allowed to do that.

So over time, Cori Bush's ravings become official government policy. Why shouldn't we shut down energy pipelines in the middle of an energy crisis? Pipelines are racist. And having done that, which in fact they are now doing at this moment, why wouldn't we shut down the energy companies themselves?

If energy is racist, so are the corporations that sell it, so burn it all down and make way for utopia. That's what they're concluding.

Here is a top Biden nominee, someone who could very soon supervise every financial institution in the country explaining that we should root for the destruction of the most robust economic sector in the United States. Watch.


SAULE OMAROVA, NOMINEE OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY: For certain troubled industries and firms that are in transitioning and here what I'm thinking about is primarily coal industry and oil and gas industry. A lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order, at least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change, right?


CARLSON: "We should want them to go bankrupt," quote. Who is she talking about? Well, she is talking with the people who make it possible to have say airplanes, asphalt, automobiles, farm equipment, fertilizers, steel, plastics, golf balls, antihistamines, aspirin, soap, electricity -- virtually every other feature of modern civilization comes from fossil fuels. But let's just shut them all down, and then applaud as we do. The future will be much better than we promised.

That's where the Democratic Party is as of tonight, so you can see very clearly why they are not too concerned by the fact you're going broke filling up your car. Going broke is the whole point of the exercise.

Here is Joe Biden's new Commerce Secretary, Gina Raimondo.


JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: If you were still Governor of Rhode Island, I understand you're not, would you be hoping or asking for the President to open up the strategic petroleum reserve?

GINA RAIMONDO, U.S. COMMERCE SECRETARY: Again, I think it's premature to say. What I would be saying to the President is I would -- I would just ask him to keep doing what he is doing.


CARLSON: Yes, just keep doing what you're doing, Joe Biden, crushing the middle class with completely out of control energy costs. If we can hike gas by under 20 bucks a tank or make it impossible for you to heat your home in January, we'll have won. A desperate population will welcome whatever we give them next. That's what they're thinking.

Watch the President's flak from last month before she disappeared, explain that, shut up, stop your whining. We've got bigger problems than your household budget.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: The climate crisis, one of the greatest National Security crises the President sees, a number of other world leaders agree on that front. Certainly, we all want to keep gasoline prices low, but the threat of the crisis -- the climate crisis certainly can't wait any longer.


CARLSON: Yes, we just can't wait any longer, says the single most entitled person in the District of Columbia. Nothing is more important than quote, "the climate crisis." And of course, she is saying that because it's easy for her to say, but what if you wanted to drive your kids to school for less than $5.00 a gallon? What if you just realized you actually can't take that family trip to Yellowstone next summer because you can't afford it anymore.

Well, for self-righteous co-eds like Jen Psaki, these are not real concerns. They are just more bitching from a peasant class that doesn't understand what's good for them. In the end, they'll accept it, they'll have to, just as they'll have to accept inflation as a permanent feature of the American economy, which by the way, news flash, it is. Yes, inflation is real. It's not transitory like they told us.

Here is one way to describe what that means. According to the official numbers, unless you've got a 6.2 percent pay raise this year, and you probably didn't, but let's say you did, you lost money. Thanks to inflation, you've got a pay cut because that's how much inflation has risen.

You see all around you, price of a hamburger, up by nearly a dollar. A pound of bacon, goes from $5.70 to $7.00 et cetera, et cetera, et cetera -- across every class of consumer products and real estate is far worse than that, try to buy a house, try to buy a used car.

Bottom line, economists have not measured inflation like what we're seeing now in decades, so the question is why is it happening? Lots of obfuscation on that question, but it's pretty obvious.

Like rising energy prices, inflation is not an act of God. We have inflation because the geniuses in charge have put too much money into circulation. It is that simple.

The more U.S. dollars floating around, the less those dollars are worth. That's the whole story. Anyone can understand it.

Larry Summers is the former Treasury Secretary, he spelled it out back in February when Joe Biden's last trillion dollar spending bill passed. Watch.


LARRY SUMMERS, FORMER U.S. TREASURY SECRETARY: I think, there is a real possibility that within the year, we're going to be dealing with the most serious incipient inflation problem that we have faced in the last 40 years.


CARLSON: That doesn't sound good. They wanted to ignore him, but they can't. It's Larry Summers. He ran Harvard, he's a little Democrat. Can't just blow him off.

So, instead the White House attacked him. Joe Biden's Chief Economic Adviser, Jared Bernstein declared that Larry Summers was quote, "flat out wrong." So with that settled, flat out wrong. The administration just kept printing money. How much? Well according to numbers from the Federal Reserve, between March of 2020 and last month, the total amount of U.S. dollars increased by 36 percent. Thirty six percent. It's hard to find a precedent for that.

A moment ago, we told you the official inflation rate was just over six percent, 6.2, but if the money supply has increased by 36 percent, can that really be true? Do the math. No, of course it's not true, and every sophisticated person knows that it's not true.

The actual inflation rate is much, much higher than 6.2 percent. Why do you think so many rich people are buying cryptocurrency? Because they know what inflation means. Why are equities up so high? Inflation.

And by the way, not to wreck your night, we'll stop after this, but consider one last number. If you count just the U.S. dollars in active circulation and sitting in checking accounts, our money supply has increased by 336 percent in the last year and a half. Is that sustainable? Come on. No, it's not.

Look at the effects of it. Inflation is not spread evenly across the country. Notice the coastal areas on the map, that's where the Biden voters live. Those areas are yellow. That means less inflation for them, but the middle of the country, bright red that means costs are going up much faster there. That means the people who can least afford it are getting hit the hardest.

What does that look like in political terms? Well, this is what it looks like. A total of 23 states have official inflation rates over six and a half percent. Of those 23, eighteen of them voted for Donald Trump in the last election. You wonder why the White House isn't worried about inflation. That's why.

Here is Joe Biden's Chief of Staff explaining that actually, if we want to beat inflation, what we really need to do is print a lot more money.


RON KLAIN, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: The Build Back Better Bill is the best answer we have to bring those costs down. By the way, it also does it without adding a penny to the Federal debt. It is fully paid for without raising a penny of taxes on families making less than $400,000.00 a year.


CARLSON: Has there ever been a stupider person? That's a metaphysical question, we can answer it within the confines of a cable news show, but just assess the text of what he said. The administration boasts it will spend $1.75 trillion and will do so without raising taxes. How do you do that? It sounds like magic.

Well, here is how they do it. They print the money out of nothing, so that means $1.75 trillion new dollars dumped into the system. That new money dilutes the value of every existing dollar very much including the dollars you own because you earned them. That's called inflation.

Can it go on forever? Well, there is a limit to how long any government can do this. At some point, maybe sooner than you think, the currency collapses. The Build Back Better people will have wrecked the U.S. dollar and that will be their crowning achievement.

Ned Ryun is the CEO of American Majority. He joins us tonight.

Ned, thanks so much for coming on. So --


CARLSON: You know, whatever you think of the people now running the government, I have never seen politicians in either party so cavalierly dismiss inflation and gas prices, which are really the two things that your average person making 40 grand feels immediately. What's your explanation for this? They clearly don't care. Why?

RYUN: Well, of course they don't care. I mean, some of this is idiocy. I mean, it appears that none of them seemed to understand basic monetary policy, which as Friedman said, inflation is always and everywhere a monetary problem when you flood the market with fiat money, this is what happens.


RYUN: But it is also with intent. I mean, I am still staggered by Biden's nominee for Comptroller of the Currency saying the quiet parts out loud when she says we basically have to bankrupt the oil, coal, and gas if we are to tackle climate change. I mean, this blend of idiocy and intent is devastating to the country.

But Tucker, you know, the part on the energy policy, how do you not know this is going to happen when you're shutting down pipelines almost from day one in this administration? Of course, prices are going to rise. Now, we're seeing 30 to 50 percent increase in heating prices for this winter and of course, gas prices are exploding through the ceiling.

But I keep on going back to the intent. I mean, they want to use the Green New Deal policies to restructure our economy and thereby restructure our society to achieve their twisted world view, in which the state and its elite are everything, and the dirty little peasants serve the state and the elite.

And I think this is the one thing that people have to wake up and understand. If we continue down this path much longer and I don't know how much longer we actually have on this path, there is a certain point of no return because I would remind people, if you study history, go back and look at the 1920s and 1930s in Germany where inflation exploded overnight and people are buying loaves of bread with wheelbarrows full of money.

CARLSON: Right. Yes, it is always the same course. You get into wars you can't afford, you devalue the currency, the currency collapses, you have a revolution. It never changes.

Ned Ryun, appreciate it. Thank you.

RYUN: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So Edward Durr is at the center of a really interesting story. He is a truck driver for a furniture company, most people had not heard of him outside of his immediate friends and family. Then, just the other day, he came out of nowhere to beat one of the most powerful politicians in the State of New Jersey, a machine politic state. That will be the President of the New Jersey State Senate, a man called Steve Sweeney.

Edward Durr spent $153.00 on his primary campaign. Now, he is going to represent New Jersey's third legislative district. Edward Durr joins us tonight. Mr. Durr, Senator, we're honored to have you on tonight. So I've got to ask you, how much were you motivated to run for office by concerns like inflation and gas prices? Was that meaningful to you?

EDWARD DURR (R), NEW JERSEY STATE SENATOR-ELECT: Oh everything is meaningful to me, but it just became, as I keep telling people, a perfect storm. You not only had the high cost of living in the state, the worst tax rate, the worst business tax rate. You had people being told they couldn't live, they couldn't go to stores, they couldn't go to church. You had nursing home deaths.

It just became a combination of everything and I got fed up with it and I said I'm not leaving the state, I'm going to fix the state.

CARLSON: Well, that seems like it is triumph --

DURR: And that's what I chose to do.

CARLSON: I mean, that's the triumph of democracy, right? You know, it is a citizen who decides he wants a hand in running his government, but you were congratulated by a lot of media outlets. They immediately attacked you for saying naughty things on Twitter or whatever.

Were you surprised that you weren't the subject of a feature film after this triumph?

DURR: No. This is all a surprise. I knew it was a major thing to beat the Senate President. He had been in there a long time, but everybody else has kind of made it a big deal. You know, I had a lot of great people around me.

I had my County Chair Jacci Vigilante and my Political Director, Steve Kush leading the path and to be -- I have to get it out there, Tucker. There was a lot of people who won, not just myself. You had my two running mates, Bethanne McCarthy-Patrick and Beth Sawyer, and then you had Nick DeSilvio and Chris Konawel who won County Commissioner and we have Jon Sammons who won, the first African-American Sheriff in our county.

These people all worked hard. We all knocked doors.

CARLSON: What -- have you talked to Sweeney since you dethroned him? I mean, how baffled is he?

DURR: Yes, yes. We had a phone conversation yesterday after he had given his press conference to the media and he congratulated me and just wished me luck to do well for South Jersey.

CARLSON: So he was a gentleman about it?

DURR: Yes, yes, yes. He was a gentleman.

CARLSON: Good for him.

DURR: And we -- you know, and like I told him, I said, you know if he ever needed anything, just give me a call, you know because I'm his representative now.

CARLSON: That is so great. Mr. Durr, congratulations. It's great to talk to you. Thank you.

DURR: Well, I just want to let everybody know, if they ever want to look me up, just go to edthetrucker.com. They can find out more about me and help me out.

CARLSON: I think many will. Good to see you, Edward Durr.

DURR: Thank you very much, Tucker. You have a good night.

CARLSON: Thank you.

So, the Kyle Rittenhouse trial resumed today. And a friend of the show took the stand to testify. Drew Hernandez was there in Kenosha reporting on the protests, on the riots, when he watched all this. He joins us next with his perspective.

By the way, I've got a new trailer for "Patriot Purge" up on social media. They didn't like last one, so we made a new one, which we like. You can get free access to that document and all of our documentaries for free. Just go to tuckercarlson.com.


CARLSON: Drew Hernandez is a journalist who covered the riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin last summer. Today, he testified in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. He said, he saw Joseph Rosenbaum, the convicted child rapist charging toward Kyle Rittenhouse, lunging toward him. Now, Hernandez, for telling the truth about what he saw, is getting death threats from the left-wing militia that seemed to control some of our cities.

Drew Hernandez is the host of "Drew Hernandez Live," he joins us now. Drew, thanks so much for coming on.


CARLSON: So tell us about the reaction, I think a lot of our viewers may have seen your testimony and have followed your reporting since the start. Tell us the reaction that you got to telling the truth in court.

HERNANDEZ: Well, I immediately started getting messages on social media, people telling me to kill myself because I quote-unquote "defended" a murderer.

Here is the thing, Tucker. People are accusing me of being biased, even the prosecution was trying to paint this picture that I came in with some kind of bias. My only bias is one thing, the truth, and that's what I was doing today in that courtroom.

I wasn't there to give a political opinion. I wasn't there to put a spin on anything. I was there because I was an eyewitness and I also have bodycam footage of the entire night, which I submitted to the defense and to the prosecution, to the states, as a whole.

I was not there at all to have any kind of opinion to be stated. I was there to do simply one thing and that is to tell the truth because he who speaks the truth declares righteousness and that is a lost art in the United States of America right now, and I knew I had to do the right thing so that the jury could know, the state could know, America could know and that the world could know the truth.

CARLSON: Amen. I think that's the highest virtue.

So in your impression as an eyewitness, this Rosenbaum, the convicted child rapist, I think, we can't say that enough, was the aggressor.

HERNANDEZ: Absolutely. Rosenbaum was attempting to push a burning dumpster into police vehicles that were occupied by police officers, human beings, and once someone put that dumpster out, he immediately started to get confrontational with people at a gas station to the point of requesting to be shot by them.

And after that skirmish took place, he retreated to the street, covered his face, began to burn trash cans in the middle of the street and then two minutes later, he made his way to Car Source and began to charge Kyle Rittenhouse from behind, and the rest is history.

CARLSON: Really quick. Why do you think so many media luminaries are defending this guy, Rosenbaum?

HERNANDEZ: I think because it fits some kind of narrative that they were trying to paint from the very beginning. They were trying to say that Kyle was an active shooter. They were trying to say he was a white supremacist.

I can't speak to the actual intentions of why they are doing this. All I can speak is the truth and what I saw and what I recorded and I documented.

What people need to understand, for all of you, you know woke supremacists out there that live in woke world and clown world, I documented this. None of this today was my opinion. I watched this and I have it all on film and it was submitted.

I just have to state that to the world because people are not getting it, Tucker.

CARLSON: The people who have seen your video understand exactly what you're saying, and many have. Drew Hernandez, I appreciate your coming on tonight.

HERNANDEZ: Thank you.

CARLSON: So in this country, from its inception, you are innocent until proved guilty by a judge or jury. That means that every American citizen has a right to support the legal defense of anybody on trial. Period. That's an absolute right. It's your birthright.

So with that in mind, a police lieutenant in Virginia called William Kelly donated $25.00 anonymously to Kyle Rittenhouse's legal defense fund. He did this last spring.

Then there was a data breach and his identity was revealed. The Norfolk Police Department fired him for that. William Kelly had been on that force for 19 years. He lost his pension.

Then he challenged his dismissal on First Amendment grounds. He joins us tonight.

Mr. Kelly, thanks so much for coming on tonight. One of the reasons I'm so glad that you're here is reading your story, it's hard to believe it actually happened, but it did. On what grounds would the police department fire you?

WILLIAM KELLY, FORMER NORFOLK POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICER: Well, Tucker, they mentioned several things that they thought were policy violations. The first thing that they thought that I broke -- the first policy they thought I broke was that I was acting as a spokesperson for the City of Norfolk when I anonymously donated anonymously to the Rittenhouse fund.

They also said that I broke a policy about social media, even though the Gifts & Go website that I donated to is not a social media platform. They said I broke policy in that I acted in a manner inconsistent with the city's values. And finally, they said that I engaged in conduct unbecoming a police officer.

CARLSON: So, the city's values would include judging people guilty before they go on trial? I mean, you're a police officer. You have an understanding of the law like this -- is that the police department's position now?

If Joe Scarborough says you're guilty, you're guilty.

KELLY: I didn't speak for the Police Department. I just speak for myself and I saw the same video that everybody else saw, and my personal opinion was that there was a strong case for self-defense, so I made that donation with that in mind.

CARLSON: Well, you are certainly right. You obviously have a practiced eye for this kind of thing and I think you've been vindicated by this trial. I hope you sue the crap out of these people. Are you doing that?

KELLY: Yes. It's coming. Yes, sir.

CARLSON: It's coming. Do you think -- I mean --

KELLY: I also have a grievance going through.


KELLY: So, I'm still trying to get my job back. There is a grievance process that we have to go through, but separate from that grievance, we are intending on filing a lawsuit.

CARLSON: Boy, if anyone deserves to, I'm not even for lawsuits, but you really do deserve this. This is one of the worst things I've ever seen. William Kelly, thank you for coming on tonight.

KELLY: Not only do the --


KELLY: Yes, sir. I said not only does it affect me, but I'm also doing this for the other police officers in Norfolk to make sure that they don't have to go through the same process, and that they can enjoy their freedoms to express their opinions as well.

CARLSON: Yes, you have a right to have an opinion that Joy Reid doesn't like. Sorry, that's absolute. It's guaranteed, so thank you for standing up for it. William Kelly, appreciate it.

So you may have noticed that the Kyle Rittenhouse story from day one has been used as yet another opportunity to divide Americans against each other. You're watching the media call him a domestic terrorist before even knowing the facts. They told you Glenn Youngkin won in Virginia because racism, our next guest makes a very insightful point that a lot of these claims are a diversion designed to get you not to notice that income inequality is actually dividing the country to the benefit of a few and the suffering of the many.

That's next.


CARLSON: Here is an interesting story, Bill Stepien was Donald Trump's Campaign Manager in the 2020 election. Now, he is helping to run the campaign of a woman who is challenging Liz Cheney in the Republican primary in Wyoming. That's democracy, of course, but it's not the kind of democracy that Liz Cheney approves of, the kind of democracy that challenges her.

So she has decided to use her power to crush Bill Stepien. Cheney's January 6th Committee has just subpoenaed Stepien under the threat of contempt. Now keep in mind, no one alleges Stepien entered the Capitol that day, he didn't break a single law, but he did something even worse, he tried to unseat Liz Cheney in a fair and democratic election. We call that insurrection now. It's not allowed, just so you know.

So as we told you many times before, as soon as the economy crashed to the benefit of the big banks, "The New York Times," "Washington Post," et cetera et cetera started throwing the word "racist" around with increasing volume. It was almost like they were working on behalf of the oligarch to divide the rest of us against each other, so we wouldn't notice that a small group is getting super, super rich.

Almost nobody in journalism ever mentions this. Batya Ungar-Sargon is one of the few who does. She just went on CNN over the weekend, we feel guilty playing a clip from a rival network, but this is just too good to miss. Here is how it went.


BATYA UNGAR-SARGON, DEPUTY OPINION EDITOR, "NEWSWEEK": The media's response to Youngkin's victory is literally the reason that he won, right? How did they respond?

BRIAN STELTER, CNN CHIEF MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: Hold on. There's a hundred medias, a hundred reactions. You're being pretty overly generalized, I think.

UNGAR-SARGON: Let me get more specific for you, okay, because I have to say, I have to admit, having watched CNN all week, there has been a lot of very, very, very good genuflection on this front.

But what happened right after the election was, you saw host after host after host on MSNBC saying, oh, this is a victory for white supremacy, right? White supremacy wins again. Racism wins again, when you know the Lieutenant Governor that Youngkin won with will be the first black woman to hold that job, when Glenn Youngkin managed to flip majority black districts.


CARLSON: Batya Ungar-Sargon is the Deputy Opinion Editor at "Newsweek," also author of the new book "Bad News: How Woke Media is Undermining Democracy." She joins us tonight.

Batya, thanks so much for coming on. I'm sorry to embarrass you with that clip.

UNGAR-SARGON: Oh my gosh, Tucker, thank you so much for having me.

CARLSON: Oh, of course.

UNGAR-SARGON: Fair enough.

CARLSON: So you say it's undermining democracy, what I think is interesting about your take on it is, you take it to I think a deeper level. It is more than just annoying, there is a purpose to all this. What do you think the purpose is?

UNGAR-SARGON: Well, I think you really nailed it in your opening, Tucker. You know, you started out by saying that we have this deep class divide in America that separates the people who are really feeling, you know, the inflation at the gas pump from the people who live in, you know coastal cities who maybe don't drive, maybe they take Ubers, maybe they take the subway.

And the history of journalism in the 20th Century in America is the history of a class of people moving from one of those classes to the other, right? Journalism used to be a working class trade and throughout the 20th Century, journalists became part of the American elites, and as they did so, they abandoned the working class of all races and what we're seeing now with woke media is just the latest stage of that abandonment.

CARLSON: Well, I mean that's -- I've seen it up close. I think you're exactly right. The composition of newsrooms is completely different, but that's a perversion of the core mission of journalism. We always heard, when I was -- 30 years ago, when I started, you know it's to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, to hold the powerful to account. You know what I mean? Be the eyes and ears of your readers and viewers.

Like it does seem like they're the Praetorian Guard for the billionaire class. I'm sorry to overstate it, but it feels that way.

UNGAR-SARGON: Yes, you really see a lot of class solidarity right now among liberal elites and I'm saying this as a lefty, Tucker, I'm coming at this from the left and feeling like, how did we abandon the working class again of all races? How did we become the side that comforts the comfortable and afflicts the afflicted?

CARLSON: So, where does this go? I mean, we need a working media. We need a media that people trust. It's an essential ingredient in democracy. I think everyone agrees with that. No one trusts the media anymore, so what's the next phase in this evolution, do you think?

UNGAR-SARGON: Honestly, Tucker, I think that every American has to relearn the work of learning to respect people that we disagree with. You're seeing a huge consumer boycott of mainstream media, of corporate media, and I think that's a good thing.

They need to re-learn how to get our trust back and in the meantime, we need to start stitching back together the fabric of American society by respecting people we disagree with. That's all we can do.

CARLSON: I just have to ask since you are on the left, and I think you're articulating traditional left-wing concerns about economics. What do people on your side think of what you're saying right now?

UNGAR-SARGON: You know, honestly, you know the fact that I was on CNN, I take that as a really good sign. My book opens with a scene from CNN of two of their hosts who are both millionaires calling every single person who voted for Donald Trump racist when we know that Donald Trump won the vast majority of people without a college degree, right? And to me, that was this primal scene of these people who had won by every metric, sneering and smearing the people who had lost, right?

And so, I think it's a really good sign that CNN had me on to talk about my work.

CARLSON: God, that's -- I don't -- I could not have put it as well as you just did. I appreciate your coming on tonight. Batya Ungar-Sargon, thank you very much.

UNGAR-SARGON: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: It's Veterans Day today, Armistice Day. We wanted to take a moment to highlight an organization that has done a lot for veterans and their families and we will, after the break.

Plus, a new store up at tuckercarlson.com. You can head there, just click "shop." We'll be right back.


CARLSON: There are so many groups out there that purport to be helping veterans. The impulse is honorable, it is great, of course. Not all of the groups are great, however.

So we wanted to highlight the work of a group we think is great, and a man who has devoted his life to helping members of the military and their families.

Frank Siller is the founder of Tunnel 2 Towers Foundation. The organization provides mortgage free homes for the families of combat veterans who died fighting for the country as well as veterans who died fighting the country as well as veterans who are seriously injured.

We are happy to have Frank Siller join us tonight. Frank, thanks so much for coming on.

So, this is totally taken over your time and your life. This is what you are doing with your life. Tell us what you have decided to do this? And thank you, by the way.

FRANK SILLER, FOUNDER, TUNNEL 2 TOWERS FOUNDATION: Well, thanks for having me on. Listen, my whole family decided to do this because 20 years ago, my youngest brother, a firefighter, Stephen Gerard Siller gave up his life. He ran through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel with 60 pounds of fire gear on his back to get to the towers, going up the stairs, saving other people, and while doing so, he gave of his life.

And we made a promise as a family to make sure we never forgot, and since that day, we have lost 7,070 men and women in uniform who have been protecting us here on our homeland, and we better never forget those great heroes.

And today we are so proud that we read all of those names, 7,070 at the Lincoln Memorial, these Gold Star families who were with us reading their loved ones names out, and it was very, very moving and very necessary. It was the right thing to do, so we are very proud.

CARLSON: Seven thousand and seventy. I don't think most Americans understand the magnitude of that. So part of what you do is give homes to the families of servicemen killed in action. What is the response to that? I mean, that is such a remarkable thing to do.

SILLER: Yes, we gave out 35 mortgage free homes today to Gold Star families, 35. This year alone we are doing 200. Now, you can do the math, Tucker, that is a big number. But we have FOX viewers who have been helping us for years, thank goodness, and we have been able to accomplish this because of the generosity of great Americans.

Look, it is something -- the reaction is, "Thank God." They thank us because they can stay in their homes that they were making their dreams with their loved ones. And if they didn't have a home because a lot of service members go from base to base and don't have one, we build them a mortgage free home. So, they are so grateful because everyone we do it for has a young family left behind, and I think it is -- the least we can do as a country is to take care of these families that put it all on the line for us and so many times, they don't come home. They are willing to die for you and I every day, Tucker, and so many times, they do, and we better take care of them as a nation.

And at Tunnel 2 Towers Foundation, we just want to be that conduit to bring Americans together to take care of his families.

CARLSON: I agree with that completely. Final question I have to ask, does it wear you out emotionally?


CARLSON: No, it doesn't, okay.

SILLER: No, no. It is so uplifting, so gratifying, and I love these families. They love our foundation. We bring them in to our -- we just love them. If you are with us, you would see what is happening. All these families that get these mortgage fee homes, they join us on the mission. They want to help the next family. They want to pay it forward.

So, it is quite remarkable. It is something that is divine intervention, but we can't do it without the generosity of Americans, and we know. We are the land of the free because of the brave, but we better take care of the brave when they don't come home, and at least take care of their families that are left behind.

And that is our promise forever, and the Tunnel 2 Towers Foundation has made that commitment.

CARLSON: We ask an awful lot of these people. I agree with you completely.

Frank Siller, thank you very much. Tunnel 2 Towers, thanks.

SILLER; Thank you.

CARLSON: So "The New York Times" has done something shocking even for them. It has published private legal documents that belong to Project Veritas just days after Project Veritas was raided by Joe Biden's Justice Department for political reasons. "Just a coincidence."

We've got details, straight ahead.


CARLSON: A couple of weeks ago, we put a trailer for our "Patriot Purge" documentaries. It was not super popular on the other channels, so we made a new trailer, just put up across our social media accounts. We think it is pretty good.

So here is an interesting story. During the final days of the last election, Project Veritas, the journalism group looked into a story about the missing diary of Ashley Biden, the President's daughter. They didn't run anything on it. So, just the other day, the F.B.I. knocks down their door looking for this, purely a political investigation, obviously.

Then, today "The New York Times" publishes a whole bunch of privileged, confidential, secret, private legal documents from Project Veritas. Amazing how that works.

Harmeet Dhillon is a famed Civil Rights attorney, managing partner at the Dhillon Law Group. She represents James O'Keefe in this story. She joins us tonight with the very latest on it.

Harmeet, thanks a lot for coming on. This -- I mean, I don't know what even to say about it. Is the connection -- the obvious connection real? I mean, what is this?

HARMEET DHILLON, MANAGING PARTNER, DHILLON LAW GROUP: Well, our client, James O'Keefe's home was raided on Saturday morning by the F.B.I. They had a battering ram and they threw him out in the hallway and took, you know -- in handcuffs and took his phones.

Now, a lot of privileged information was on his phones including communications with, by my count four dozen different lawyers over the years and coincidentally, this publication came out this afternoon from "The New York Times."

Now I can't say with a certainty how "The New York Times" got this information, but I can say that they got it in a way that is illegal and unethical, and so we have to ask that question. And so, you know what we have right now is a very disturbing situation of the U.S. Attorney's Office and/or the F.B.I. tipping off "The New York Times" to each of the raids on Project Veritas's current and former employees last week.

We know that because minutes after these raids occurred, they got calls from "The New York Times" which is the only journalism outlet that knew about it and they published this hit piece today, which is really despicable. I don't think I've ever seen this low from "The New York Times" before to publish people's private legal communications.

And by the way what does it prove, "New York Times"? All it proves is that Project Veritas is an honest and thoughtful journalistic organization that sought legal advice before making various publications. That's what FOX News does. That's what "The New York Times" does and that's what every major journalism outlet does, so I don't know what got-cha they think they were doing there other than they got themselves because they criticized Project Veritas for its tactics and yet they sink so low, Tucker.

CARLSON: We know for a fact the Biden administration leaks confidential information about its critics to news outlets. They did it to me, personally, so I know for a fact that they do it. Is there any way to catch them in the act of doing this? Which I think would be a crime.

DHILLON: Well, the first thing that we have done in response to the seizure of our clients telephones that include, not just the legal information that I just mentioned, but also confidential source information including sources in the Biden administration and in Corporate America and including donor information, which is also protected by the First Amendment, so you have multiple First Amendment issues here.

We went to the Court and asked the Court to order a Special Master to review this information and not let the Southern District of New York prosecutors and the F.B.I. look at it without somebody separating out this information.

The government would not agree to do that voluntarily, but we went to Court and today, a Federal Judge did order the government to stop looking at these phones. So, ultimately we're going to get some answers as to what was reviewed and what they did with it. It will make -- it may be a long time, we may never know what they've done.

The government still hasn't admitted on your situation, Tucker, that they did something illegal, I think they did and you think they did, and there are a lot of this going on.

The D.O.J. has specific regulations about this. There is also a Federal statute called the Privacy Protection Act that protects journalists and their information from exactly this type of thuggish behavior.

CARLSON: That's right.

DHILLON: What the D.O.J. has done in this, case and they have blown Federal law, they've blown the Constitution, they've blown due process and Civil Rights, and now they're sleazily communicating at some level for sure with "The New York Times."

So this is a scandal of epic proportions and every journalist who isn't worried and concerned about this should hang up their journalism card, ditto all First Amendment lawyers as well.

CARLSON: Yes, and here's "The New York Times" participating in the defense of the regime it is supposed to be covering. I mean it's the deepest level of corruption.

Harmeet Dhillon, great to see you tonight. Thank you for this.

DHILLON: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: So we're not generally in the habit of browbeating people into exercising their constitutional rights, of course, it is up to you. But if you happen to be in Dallas, Texas on Saturday, there is a way to support the good pilots of Southwest Airlines in their fight against government tyranny.

At 10:00 a.m., there is a Freedom Rally at the entrance to Love Field, at the very least, you'll meet nice people.

Well, that is about it for us tonight. Just a reminder, it is not too late to watch all of our documentaries, including "Patriot Purge." You get 90 days free by going to tuckercarlson.com.

And of course, be certain that we will be back every week night, 8:00 p.m., the show that is the total and sincere enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.

And now, we have a surprise for you. The Great Sean Hannity stands by to take over 9:00 p.m.

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