Tucker: Trudeau has declared Canada a dictatorship

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," February 14, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


If you watched Donald Trump closely over his four years in office, and we did, it became pretty clear that the more outlandish the claim that Trump happened to be making, the more likely it was to be true. Trump did tend to exaggerate at times, but it's mostly about topics that didn't matter.

How big was the crowd at his 2016 inauguration? Who cares? But on the big things, on matters of civilizational importance, Trump told the truth bluntly, often when nobody else would.

The Iraq War was a mistake, Trump said. Illegal immigration is a disaster. China is taking over the world. Haiti is a pretty crappy place. Deafening hysteria followed every one of these demonstrably true statements. At one point in early 2018, CNN and "The Washington Post" got so worked up trying to hide the obvious that they devoted blanket coverage to the claim that actually, Haiti is an awesome and fully functional country, a perfect spot for your next family vacation.

And by the way, if you disagree with that, you're racist. That's what they told us. Three years later, they have dropped the pose, at least on Haiti. Our leaders now consider Haiti so awful that just being from there qualifies you for asylum in the United States. With Trump gone, they can finally admit that. What was once a dangerous conspiracy theory is now just a sensible observation, especially when it justifies more immigration.

For four years, no dangerous conspiracy theory was considered more dangerous or more conspiratorial than the claim that Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign had spied on Donald Trump. The very idea that Hillary Clinton of all people had spied on any one was preposterous, the media informed us, only a lunatic would claim otherwise.

By making a charge like that, in fact, Trump was emboldening our enemies and degrading the public's confidence in our democratic system. So it wasn't just a stupid opinion that Trump had, it was really a form of treason. And yet, as usual, Trump kept saying it. Watch him do it again in one of his last sit-down interviews as President with Lesley Stahl of "60 Minutes."


DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaign they spied on my campaign.

LESLEY STAHL, CBS NEWS: Now, there is no real evidence of that.

TRUMP: Of course, there is.


TRUMP: It's all over the place. Lesley --

STAHL: Sir --

TRUMP: They spied on my campaign and they got caught.

STAHL: Can I say something? You know this is "60 Minutes" and we can't put on things we can't verify.

TRUMP: But you won't put it on because it's bad for Biden.

STAHL: We can't put on things we can't verify.

TRUMP Lesley, they spied on my campaign.

STAHL: Well, we can't verify that.

TRUMP: It's been totally verified.


TRUMP: It's been -- just go down and get the papers. They spied on my campaign. They got caught.


TRUMP: And then they went much further than that and they got caught and you will see that Lesley, and you know that but you just don't want to put it on the air.

STAHL: No. As a matter of fact, I don't know that.


CARLSON: No, as a matter of fact, we can verify that. This is CBS News. We don't air things we can't verify. Really, Lesley Stahl? Is that true?

We still remember a CBS News piece from 2016 that claimed that Donald Trump was secretly working with Vladimir Putin. So the question is, how did CBS News verify those facts? Walk us through your reporting process.

Well, as it turns out, that particular story, the reporting came from reading a piece on slate.com, probably while standing in line at Starbucks. "Slate" alleged that the Trump campaign was coordinating with a Russian bank called Alpha Bank using a hidden server in Trump Tower.

How did slate.com know this? By consulting a quote, "small, tightly knit community of computer scientists." These scientists "Slate" insisted were totally nonpartisan.

One of the sources explained anonymously, quote: "We wanted to defend both campaigns because we wanted to preserve the integrity of the election." So here you have just another unnamed computer scientist defending election integrity. Makes sense. Don't ask questions.

Jake Sullivan did not ask questions. Jake Sullivan takes slate.com very seriously. At the time, Jake Sullivan was working for the Hillary Clinton campaign. He cited the "Slate" story as evidence that Trump was indeed colluding with Vladimir Putin. Quote: "The secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of Trump's ties to Russia." Sullivan said. What a tool.

We can only assume that Federal authorities will now explore this direct connection between Trump and Russia.

So there was a Bat phone in Trump Tower that rang directly in to Kremlin. Jake Sullivan stuck to that line for months. Here he is on CNN in March of 2017.


JAKE SULLIVAN, THEN CAMPAIGN ADVISER TO HILLARY CLINTON: What we learned during the campaign was that very serious computer science experts, people who worked closely with the United States government had uncovered this secret hotline between the Alpha Bank, the Russian bank and the Trump Organization.

Now, of course, we didn't know for sure if in fact that were the case, but we knew that it should be investigated and we knew that given how serious these computer scientists were, they weren't just making up crackpot theories.

So it wasn't surprising to learn that even as of last week, the F.B.I. is still looking into this.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: And do you have any idea what they are looking for?

SULLIVAN: I don't. Of course, I don't have a line into the F.B.I. on this. But what I know based on public reporting is that there is a very unusual server activity between this Russian bank and the Trump Organization, which suggests contact that took place over the course of the campaign.


CARLSON: Oh, the secret hotline. These people are literally willing to say anything if it gives them power, but listen carefully what Jake Sullivan said, "I don't have a line into the F.B.I. on this. Everything I know was from public reporting."

So you'll notice that Sullivan went out of his way to say that, which should have been very clear sign that it was a lie, and indeed it was a lie.

In fact, the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign was coordinating directly with the F.B.I. A Clinton lawyer called Michael Sussmann had been feeding false claims about Trump and Russia, once again from that crack team of non-partisan computer scientists to the General Counsel of the F.B.I., a man called James Baker.

But Sussmann didn't stop there. In February of 2017, after the election, Sussmann also met with a General Counsel at C.I.A. So, at this point, you may be wondering about the identity of those nonpartisan computer scientists who dug up all this new information about Donald Trump's direct connection to Vladimir Putin. Who are these people?

Well, you may not be shocked to learn, they weren't nonpartisan. Once again, Jake Sullivan was lying to us. In fact, a pro-Hillary Clinton activist from South Africa called Rodney Joffe had put together a team of digital researchers, oppo guys we used to call them. Most of them came from Georgia Tech.

In e-mails, Rodney Joffe explained why he was doing this. He wanted Hillary to win the presidency because Hillary Clinton had promised him a job as a top cybersecurity officer in the U.S. government. So Joffe wanted to help Hillary win, he said that. In order to do that, he gave his nonpartisan computer scientists a mission.

Their job was to gather data they had access to, thanks to a Pentagon contract in order to connect Donald Trump to Putin. Now, we know all this thanks to a new Court filing from Special Counsel John Durham, who spent the last few years investigating the origins of the Russia hoax and is finally producing some material.

In the words of Durham's filing quote: "Joffe tasked those researchers to mine Internet data to establish an inference and a narrative tying then candidate Trump to Russia." So this wasn't reporting, of course. They had a goal. They were trying to get Hillary elected President.

The amazing thing is how they did it, where their data came from. The filing says that Joffe and his computer scientists intercepted Internet traffic that is e-mails and presumably text messages from quote, "Trump Tower, Donald Trump's Central Park West apartment building, and the Executive Office of the President of the United States."

In other words, Trump was right. This isn't a conspiracy theory. His claims were true. Democrats were spying on Donald Trump, not just as a candidate, but as President of the United States in the White House, as well as in his own home.

So, has anything like this ever happened in American history? Not that we know of. But Jeff Bezos doesn't think you should worry about it or even know that it happened. Today's "Washington Post" informed its brain dead readership that well, quote, "Trump is once again claiming that he was spied upon," that claim has been quote, "debunked."

Oh, really? How has it been debunked? Shut up, it just has.

But in fact, that claim has not been debunked. It has been verified. That claim is true. It actually happened. And the way it happened tells you everything about why it has been so extraordinarily difficult to bring democracy back to the United States.

A government contractor spied on a populist presidential candidate, then passed the information to his opponent's campaign, which gave it to the F.B.I. and the news media, which distorted it to create the illusion of treason, which was then cited by the politician who paid for the whole thing as a reason not to vote for the guy she spied on. Got it? It's a closed loop. Everyone's got a role.

Here is Hillary Clinton during the presidential debates.


DONALD TRUMP, THEN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: From everything I see, has no respect for this person.

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, that's because you'd rather have a puppet as President of the United States.

TRUMP: No puppet.

CLINTON: And it's pretty clear --

TRUMP: You're the puppet.

CLINTON: It's pretty clear, you won't admit.

TRUMP: No, you're the puppet.

CLINTON: That the Russians have engaged in cyberattacks against the United States of America; that you encouraged espionage against our people, that you are willing to spout the Putin line, sign up for his wish list, rake up NATO, do whatever he wants to do and that you continue to get help from him because he has a very clear favorite in this race.


CARLSON: So if you're not all in with NATO, if you think it's a pointless boondoggle that endangers the United States, you, my friend, work for Vladimir Putin. "You encouraged espionage," shrieked Hillary. At the very moment, she was doing precisely that. They always denounce you for their own sins.

But she said Russia has engaged in cyberattacks on the United States, and that is probably true, in point of fact, but she was speaking about a specific quote, "cyberattack."

She was talking about the Russians hacking the servers at the D.N.C. Democrats wasted three years of our lives telling us that at ever increasing volume. Here is the interesting thing, it was not true. It has never been true.

Vladimir Putin did not hack the D.N.C. There was never any evidence that the Russians hacked the D.N.C. Instead, the D.N.C. e-mails were very clearly stolen from within the building, most likely by a Bernie Sanders supporter, who wanted to show the world how Bernie Sanders was being shafted by the very same corrupt forces in Washington that later shafted Donald Trump.

That was very obvious to anyone who was paying attention at the time. What is interesting is that no one has been punished for it. Likely no one ever will be. In fact, Jake Sullivan, the guy you just saw lying about those non-partisan computer scientists, has not been indicted for what he did. Jake Sullivan has been promoted.

Jake Sullivan is now Joe Biden's National Security Adviser. He's still screaming about Russia. Only this time, it's not to bring down a Republican opponent in the presidential race, he is screaming about Russia to bring the entire country to war with a nuclear armed power.

So this story is not going away.

Lee Smith has watched it unfold now for more than five years. He's the author of the terrific book, "The Plot against the President." He joins us tonight.

Lee Smith, thanks so much for coming on.


CARLSON: So, we're hesitant to take up the story, partly because it seemed on the surface so complicated, but when you dig in a little bit, it's not so complicated. They were spying on Trump as a candidate and as the President of the United States from the White House. Why is this not the biggest story of the year?

SMITH: Right. It's an enormous National Security scandal. I hear people comparing it to Watergate and that does not compare to Watergate at all.

What we're talking about when we talk about the Executive Office of the President, this is some of the most secure communications that we have in the United States, and the fact that these were -- that these were being tapped, the idea that these were under surveillance, we know certainly the DNS systems and may be more data as well, we don't know that yet.

But the idea that the Oval Office and other important offices in the White House were under surveillance by political operatives is extraordinary. It's shocking and I'm talking to people who were investigating this on the Hill for several years and they are shocked.

CARLSON: Well, because I think you described it precisely right. It's more than a political sort of National Security story, and the irony here is Hillary Clinton shrieks about hacking servers, and Russia spying on the D.N.C. when people acting on her behalf are literally spying on the President of the United States in the White House.

So like, if she can do it, why can't everyone do it, honestly?

SMITH: Well, yes, I mean, this is an enormous issue, actually. Because, again, all we know so far is that they had access to this data. Did bad foreign actors have access to this data as well? Did they know what was going on? Because, again, this is a target of every Intelligence Service around the world, and has been since there has been a White House.

So again, that's extraordinary, the idea that Hillary Clinton that we've been living in the psyche of this deranged and depraved harridan for five years, and now we understand even more the scope and depravity of this operation. It's terrible for the country.

CARLSON: Well, you know, it really is. And by the way, if Trump's name wasn't in this story, I think people would feel free to admit it. I don't care whose names is in it. They're doing this -- if they were doing this to the current President whom I despise, I would still think it was a terrible thing, because it is.

Lee Smith, I appreciate it. Thank you for all the work you've done on this.

SMITH: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: So it's been an action-packed day, in other news, Canada became a dictatorship today. It actually did, no longer a democracy. Justin Trudeau has declared that he is fully in charge. He has declared martial law in Canada in response to the truck protests.

He has also declared that they now control cryptocurrency and crowdfunding and your bank account. It's dictatorship that's what that's called.

Details straight ahead.


CARLSON: When thousands of blue collar workers showed up in Ottawa several weeks ago to protest the tyranny being imposed against them, the Prime Minister of Canada refused to meet with them or to speak to them. Instead, he fled the city and then from his bunker, he called the truckers Nazis.

When they still didn't leave the city, Justin Trudeau suspended democracy and declared Canada a dictatorship.


JUSTIN TRUDEAU, CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER: The Federal government has invoked the Emergencies Act to supplement provincial and territorial capacity to address the blockades and occupations.

The Emergencies Act will be used to strengthen and support law enforcement agencies at all levels across the country. This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting people's jobs, and restoring confidence in our institutions.


CARLSON: So let's be clear. This is a defining moment in the history of Canada, in the history of the English speaking west. The Emergencies Act is Martial Law. It has never been invoked in the history of that country.

Now, by law, the Emergencies Act is allowed only in emergencies in quote, "... urgent and critical situations that seriously endanger the lives, health, or safety of Canadians." What's happening now does not qualify. What's happening in Canada now is not an emergency. Here's what it looked like this weekend.


CARLSON: According to Justin Trudeau, every one you saw in that tape is a terrorist, even the kids in their bouncy castles. Justin Trudeau has unilaterally revoked their civil liberties and authorized men with automatic weapons to haul them to jail. Trudeau was allowed for the arrest of this man, for example, making food for the terrorists.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can receive a free meal, regardless of what race you're from, what caste, creed, religion -- doesn't matter. It's about the community kitchen, we all eat as one and humanity is equal.

So the Sewa concept, helping the community is what we're practicing here today. We're here alongside the truckers in the fight for freedom and we're doing our part from the Sikh faith.


CARLSON: So again, all of these people can now be arrested on site simply because of where they're standing. But being arrested is the least of their problems. An arrest suggests bail, you can get out of jail. You can't get out of the country, Justin Trudeau has just made. Under martial law, Trudeau now has the power to force banks to seize their bank accounts and insurance companies to cancel their insurance. That means they can't actually live in Canada anymore. They are nonpersons, they are enemies of the state and they will be crushed.

At least one trucker knows exactly what's coming. He has seen it before. He came to Canada from Nicolae Ceausescu's Romania.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why did all the people meant to vote? Why 100 people, 180 or 200 people who decide your life or mine or another. Let the Canadian people live.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's all corrupt, too, all of these people voting?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some -- when some people they decide your life, like 300 people that decide your life, when you are 30 million. Let us vote.


CARLSON: So it isn't an overstatement to compare what is happening in Canada right now to what happens in a Stalinist dictatorship? Well, the slogans are different.

In the Eastern bloc, they used to talk about solidarity. In Canada, they talk about diversity, but the repression is similar. Today, Canada's Deputy Prime Minister, by the way, is a former American journalist maybe not surprisingly, announced that going forward, Justin Trudeau will regulate all crowdfunding and cryptocurrency under the Terrorist Financing Act.


So Justin Trudeau is now in charge of all of your finances. He is in charge of cryptocurrency? How does that work? And on what justification? And if that wasn't clear enough, Trudeau's minority government unilaterally just sent another half a billion dollars to the authoritarian state of Ukraine, where the head of the rival political party is now under arrest and where opposition media has been banned. That's the country they're now in solidarity with.

You can see where this is going. In fact, it's already there.

Jonathan Turley is a constitutional law scholar. He joins us tonight. Professor, thanks so much for coming on. Can you win a democracy? Just declare yourself King and say, I'm regulating your bank account, maybe eliminating it, freezing it. I'm regulating what you say. I'm regulating cryptocurrency.

Like, where do these powers come from, exactly?

JONATHAN TURLEY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, no, this could not be more serious. The fact is that Canada does not have the history of robust free speech protections that we had in the United States. It's closer to England in that sense, but this should be chilling for every Canadian.

You know what happened to these truckers is really quite breathtaking. You know, this was an act of civil disobedience. We've had those types of acts and protests for generations. We celebrated those acts with the Civil Rights Movement. That's what -- you know with references, it is causing good trouble, right?

It is to act peacefully, but disruptive, and that has been done through the generations. What happened here is that you have a Prime Minister who declared these people insurrectionists. They have declared them terrorists and said they were threatening democracy itself.

You have social media and the mainstream media echoing those attacks. And then worse yet, as you noted, we have these crowdfunding sites that literally froze millions of dollars that average citizens wanted to give to support these truckers.

Now, when you put all of that together, you've extinguished the ability of thousands, perhaps even millions of people to express themselves through a form of civil disobedience. And according to the Prime Minister Trudeau's definition, he could have shut down the Civil Rights Movement. He could have arrested Martin Luther King. He could have arrested any number of figures that we now celebrate today as visionaries.

Now, that doesn't mean that the truckers were right, and it doesn't mean that they can argue block bridges, they can't. But what the government has done here is really at odds with very basic human rights and civil liberties.

CARLSON: And you really get -- I mean, if they are regulating cryptocurrency, which I'm praying is not actually possible, but they're saying that they want to out loud, then, you know, that's a preexisting priority for them to establish social and political control. I mean, that's not related to the truckers, right?

TURLEY: Right. Well, part of the thing is, you're sort of standing back and going, "What?"

I mean, you have people who are engaging in what he calls occupation, that's a form of civil disobedience. And yet you go to DEF CON 4 suddenly and you say, you know, I'm going to take control over banks and crowdfunding and cryptocurrency. All of this is because truckers descended on their Capitol to object to these mandates.

Now, I happen to support vaccinations. I don't necessarily agree with the truckers, but what I have in common with the truckers is free speech and association and when someone tries to deny that to them, they deny it to us.

CARLSON: Exactly. Jonathan Turley, the last liberal in Washington, I mean that as a compliment. Thank you for coming on today.

TURLEY: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Appreciate it.

So you may be wondering, as you look around, why are all the people in the media in Washington, in the Biden administration, people like Liz Cheney in the Republican Party, why are all of them on the side of Ukraine? Why are all of them suddenly so concerned about democracy? Ukraine is a democracy.

Well, it turns out, Ukraine is not a democracy. It's an authoritarian state. The head of the opposition in Ukraine has been arrested. Opposition media has been shut down. If that's a democracy, the one the Biden administration wants to bring to this country, you should be worried.

We have details ahead.


CARLSON: So for months now, really, for years now, Democrats and some low IQ stooges in the Republican Party have been telling us it's our moral obligation, it is our duty as Americans to support the nation of Ukraine in its battles against Russia.

Now, why Ukraine? Well, because the President's son was paid a million dollars a year by Ukraine, and they have a massive lobbying effort in Washington. No, but that's not the reason. There is another much deeper, a foundational reason.

The reason is, Ukraine is a democracy. Russia is a dictatorship. It's autocratic, therefore, all good people support the democracy over the autocracy. Right? Right.

Everyone has been telling us that. Adam Kinzinger crying again the other day, oh, it's a democracy. So it's worth looking into, like, what exactly is Ukraine like? What's its government like? Well, it turns out, it is not a democracy. It's run by a dictator, who is friends with everyone in Washington. It doesn't make him less of a dictator. How do you know he's a dictator? Because the main opposition figure is now under arrest and the opposition media, the TV stations have been shut down by the government.

That's not how a democracy operates. That's how a dictatorship operates. And it should make you very nervous that Joe Biden, Susan Rice, and that National Security Adviser kid, they're all telling us with a straight face, Liz Cheney, too, it is a democracy.

So none of this escaped the attention of Richard Hanania. He is President of the Center for the Study of Partisanship. He wrote a really interesting piece today on this on Twitter. We're happy to have him join us tonight.

Richard, thanks so much for coming on. So, it's a democracy. I mean, I'm not going to ask you to weigh in. There is no country that jails its opposition leader and shuts down opposition media is a democracy in my view, but the Biden administration seems kind of like it is running Ukraine.

RICHARD HANANIA, PRESIDENT, CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF PARTISANSHIP: Yes, I mean, if you look -- you know, anytime the foreign policy establishment wants to get Americans involved in a conflict, they always present certain facts and not others, so we can do a dozen different segments on different misrepresentations of what's going on in Russia and Ukraine.

I think that most people understand that the U.S. has no real National Security interest in Ukraine. Ukraine has been part of Russia throughout history and sometimes it's not been, that's never mattered for Americans. And so what they rely on is a sort of moral argument. We're fighting -- you know, the people who think that democracy is hanging on by a thread in the United States, they tell us, we have to stand up for democracy in Ukraine against authoritarian Russia.

So accepting their premise, let's just sort of talk a little bit about what modern Ukraine is like. In 2014, the current iteration of Ukraine, they came to power and basically, the new government came to power in a coup that overthrew a democratically elected government. Nobody denies this, and how they've been behaving in the last eight years since, in 2019, they had a presidential election, Zelensky, the current President one, the former President Poroshenko, has been accused of treason and put under house arrest.

They also had parliamentary elections. Zelensky's party was the biggest -- was the biggest winner there, but then they went after the second biggest party. They shut down their TV stations. They've seized the assets of the biggest financial backer of the party.

Ukraine also, I mean, in recent years, shut down the biggest social media site in the country, basically think the Russian equivalent of Facebook, that's just taken completely off the internet.

They've passed the language laws that now say you can't be educated in Russian, and also that basically, national media cannot be printed in Russian anymore, albeit with some technicalities, but basically, everyone recognizes that this is going to end Russian language media on a national scale.

And so you can imagine if after 2020, Biden comes into office, he puts Trump under arrest. He goes after the main donors of the Republican Party, he shuts down FOX News and conservative media, shuts down Facebook and Twitter because, you know, that's where conservatives congregate, shuts down, say Spanish language media in Florida because the people who use that language, you know, are against Biden, would anyone on Earth think that this was a government behaving democratically? Absolutely not.

And so it's not a question of whether Russia or Ukraine is perfect. It is a question of whether Ukraine matters to the United States, whether you create such a morally upstanding country, that it's worth the U.S. poisoning its relations with another superpower. The only country in the world that that is basically a pure competitor as far as number of nuclear weapons, potentially bringing him into NATO and going to war for Ukraine.

What is it -- you know, people, you know, what is it about Ukraine? Ukraine has to be basically saintly for the United States for it to be worth American blood or treasure. You can even say even if it was, you know, who cares what happens in Eastern Europe? That's none of our business.

But if you're going to rely on this idea that it is a democracy, you have to look at Ukraine as it actually is and it is nowhere close to democracy. It's nobody's definition of a democracy.

I mean, this is reported in American media, although it gets underplayed.

CARLSON: I think it's the kind of democracy that they'd like to see here. Maybe that's the point. For more on what Ukraine is like, and for more on why our current establishment loves Ukraine, you should check out Richard Hanania's "Substack" because you explain it in, I think, really compelling detail.

Appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you.

HANANIA: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: So on Sunday, a 35-year-old Asian woman was stabbed to death on the subway in Manhattan by a homeless man who followed her to her apartment. Looking at it now, video obtained by "The New York Post." It's the latest supposedly random attack in New York City.

Democratic politicians are refusing to recognize there is a problem with mental illness and crime in their cities. A problem they have exacerbated dramatically. Instead, Sandy Cortez is telling us the crime problem is a result of people having to steal baby formula, ever since the Child Tax Credit expired for real. Watch?


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): Because we run away from substantive discussions about this. We don't want to say some of the things that are obvious. Like, gee, the Child Tax Credit just ran out on December 31st, and now, people are stealing baby formula.

But we don't want to have that discussion. We want to say these people are criminals. We want to talk about people that are violent.


CARLSON: So the TikTok girl is accusing us of not being substantive. Okay, we give up, we're going to turn over this segment to someone who is without question substantive. Candace Owens, the host of "Candace." She joins us tonight to assess the substance.

Candace, great to see you. What do you make of this? People are stealing baby formula because the Child Tax Credit wasn't renewed.

CANDACE OWENS, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: You know, I have to say this, there's a part of me that wanted to hold out a candle for AOC when she first appeared on the scene. You know, I always say that there's only two types of socialists, those that are stupid and don't understand what they're talking about and they're ignorant or people that are actually evil, and look forward to governments that operate like Fidel Castro did.

And when she appeared on the scene, I thought maybe she really is ignorant and she has this sort of idea that life can be a dream, everything can be free and we can just make everything equal and not have to look at individuals as individuals and really just say, we're all going to just have the same.

As time has developed, and as you look at this circumstance, in which you see that she put forth policies, maybe she believes in them, defund the police, racism is so bad, release the criminals because we need to make sure we don't have too many Black people in prison even if these Black people are committing crimes, violent crimes, release them back onto the street, because you know what? We need to make sure that there is some sort of equality and equity inside of the prisons, not too many Black people in New York.

Well, now she is actually seeing what the consequence is of those policies that she pushed and she knows that people are being murdered in the streets, good people are being followed, like this young Asian woman into their apartment building and they're being slaughtered.

If she was a good person and was simply ignorant and wasn't aware of what this would result in, then she would immediately do a 180 and she would say: You know what, we tried something and it didn't work, but I care about you people.

This is the person that champions as a socialist, Black and Brown people, right? Black and Brown people need to get ahead, they're hurting. Well, Black and Brown people are the number one people that are being slaughtered in the streets because of her policies and she doesn't care.

So my assessment now of AOC is that she is actually an evil propagandist. She's after nothing but power. She's a part of the Democratic machines that will do anything and say anything to ensure that they are empowered, and the people that they govern beneath them remain oppressed. It's a sad, sad realization for AOC.

CARLSON: I completely agree with you. When she first came in, and she appeared to take on Amazon, I thought, you know, I don't agree with her on a lot of things. But if she's willing to really go after the people with real power, you know, then I can respect that even if I disagree. But she has been a handmaiden, a servant, a faithful servant to power.

I mean, if she had any bravery or any concern for individual, for people, Black and Brown people, she'd be really upset, but she is not.

OWENS: No, she's not at all, and that's the thing. Power corrupts, and you understand that maybe she had some better intentions when she first got into office and then people started putting money into her pocket and telling her to say these things and to go after these initiatives.

But there is no question now that this is a young woman who is completely corrupt. She does not care about Black and Brown people. She sees them suffering every single day across the inner cities, and rather than apologizing and doing a 180, she is looking us further in the face and lying and saying: You know what, this is all happening because of bad governance, but what you need is more government.

She should be absolutely ashamed of herself, and hopefully the Black and Brown people that once upon a time believed in her are waking up to the truth, socialism kills and it is killing us right now.

CARLSON: Candace Owens for us tonight, thanks so much. Great to see you.

OWENS: Thank you.

CARLSON: So "Forbes" just fired one of its writers. That sounds shocking. Obviously, "Forbes" is failing as an enterprise. Of course, you're going to fire people, but they fired this person because he dared to write articles critical of Anthony Fauci. That doesn't sound like journalism at all. Seems like covering for the regime.

We've got details next.


CARLSON: After two years of watching the medical establishment ignore science and lie, a lot of Americans don't trust doctors anymore and that's a very sad thing, but there is a reason for it.

Over the past few years, big pharmaceutical companies and public health experts have discredited healthcare.

John Abramson is a doctor, a family physician. He has watched this happen over a long time. He's watched how doctors, good doctors, people who have, you know, good intent are manipulated by pharma without even knowing it.

So, he wrote a book about it, "Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Healthcare and How We Can Repair It." We had an amazing conversation with him. Here's part of it.


DR. JOHN ABRAMSON, AUTHOR, "SICKENING": Now, we are in a situation where it's not the authority of the Church, it's the authority of capital. It's the authority of -- it's the needs to maximize the return on investment for the investors and the shareholders that directs our science, that directs the process, that generates the information that drives our healthcare system, that is spending a trillion and a half dollars extra a year and leading to 1,300 Americans deaths every day.

CARLSON: Oh, so for worst outcomes. I mean, you would hope ideally that medicine and science could harness the power of capital without being hostage to its imperatives.

ABRAMSON: That's exactly right. And that's, I hope, where we get to in our discussion.

CARLSON: So, let me ask you about your experience on a couple of levels. So first, you write this book and one thing I have noticed in the past couple of years is that -- and this is very distressing as an American -- the scientific community, the doctors' community is not -- it tends to be very hostile to people who disagree or saying something different.

It's kind of the opposite of what you'd want.


CARLSON: Did people look at you and say, you know: Shut up, Doctor. Stop talking. What kind of reception did you get?

ABRAMSON: Well, I got an increasingly icy reception in the doctors' lounge as time went on.

CARLSON: Exactly.

ABRAMSON: Sure. And it's hard because the docs think they're doing the right thing. I am not accusing them of purposely harming their patients. They are trying to do the right thing.


ABRAMSON: And they don't understand this idea that peer reviewed doesn't have access to the data is just so disparate from what has been hammered into them from the first day they took the admission test for medical school, that it's like mind blowing, it doesn't fit. There is too much cognitive dissonance.


CARLSON: Wait, did you hear that? So the scientists who quote "peer review studies" and therefore set the parameters of American Medicine don't have access to the full datasets. In other words, they can't actually assess whether the drug works or not, because they don't have the numbers, but they peer review it anyway. Shocking.

That's one of the many things we learned from that conversation with John Abramson. It's on FOX Nation. We recommend it strongly.

Well, here's one example of what Dr. Abramson was just talking about. This show has learned that "Forbes" has fired a longtime writer for writing articles investigating Tony Fauci.

That contributor, Adam Andrzejewski, was pushed out after a series of pieces exposed Fauci's high income, and the fact that he has the largest retirement in the history of the Federal government, a $350,000.00 a year pension.

"Forbes" editors admonished Andrzejewski for his tone on Fauci before canceling his connection to them. Adam Andrzejewski ski joins us now.

Adam, thanks so much for coming on. I'm not in any way doubting your story, but it's -- when I used to work in magazines, I've never heard of anything like that. Did I misstate what happened?

ADAM ANDRZEJEWSKI, FIRED FROM "FORBES": Well, no, you are spot on, Tucker. Clearly "Forbes" editors did not want our oversight of Dr. Anthony Fauci's finances on the website. And so after eight years, 206 columns, I estimate, I wrote a quarter million words on investigations on the Forbes platform, my column was cancelled.

So here's how it worked. The National Institutes of Health, six top executives wrote an e-mail to myself and Randall Lane, the top Content Officer at "Forbes." It was couched as a corrections e-mail, but the corrections, there was basically no substantial corrections and they quibbled about small things in my column.

But that was the excuse that "Forbes" used to cancel the column.

CARLSON: And this Randall Lane character, who is like posing as an editor. He's the one who made this decision?

ANDRZEJEWSKI: So here's how it went. After that e-mail, within 24 hours, I received a phone call from my editor at "Forbes" that I was barred from publishing on Anthony Fauci any longer.

Now, keep in mind, our oversight was tip of the spear with Anthony Fauci. A year ago, we were the ones that published that he was the most highly compensated Federal employee. That column has 900,000 views.

We publish the fact that his household net worth rivaled $11 million, and in 2020, his household earning, that Anthony Fauci and his wife made $1.7 million.

Many people don't know that Anthony Fauci's wife, Christine Grady is the chief bioethicists at the National Institutes of Health. She makes more than the Vice President, north of $235,000.00.

Anthony Fauci makes more than the President at $456,000.00. So if you take their salaries tack on a taxpayer paid cost of Federal benefits at 30 percent, the two Fauci's, their household income paid for by taxpayers every year is $900,000.00.

CARLSON: But you just described the whole point of journalism, it is to tell people what their government, which they pay for, which claims to represent them is actually doing and randomly, the kid in the hat and the rest of the butt kissers at "Forbes" shut you down. I think it's a shocking story. I really do at a time of a lot of shocking stories.

Adam Andrzejewski, thanks so much for coming on tonight.

ANDRZEJEWSKI: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Thank you. We'll be right back.


CARLSON: February 14th, 2022, the day that Canada abandoned democracy and became a dictatorship regulating everyone's cryptocurrency among many other things. Will our leaders notice? Will anybody say anything about it? Or just of course, it is now a dictatorship. No problem. We will be watching.

We hope you have the best night. We will be back tomorrow and every week night. In the meantime, Sean Hannity takes over now.

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