Tucker: Top officials are contradicting Biden in public
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host says Biden's allies in government and media are starting to turn against him
This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on August 20, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: Good evening and welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT. Happy Friday.
We have learned a lot in the past five days. Maybe the most important thing we've learned is that Joe Biden is not capable of running the country. Joe Biden is senile.
Saying that out loud is not an attack on Biden, any decent person feels sorry for him. You watch him gaze vacantly into the middle distance or stumble like a drunk man trying to cross an icy street as he careens through his prepared remarks.
There is no joy in watching any of that, it could be any of us someday and probably will be. It's not Joe Biden's fault he can't think clearly, it is an indictment of the people around him.
In the months before last November's election, Joe Biden's own family knew perfectly well that he was in profound cognitive decline. They were worried about it. They told other people they were worried about it, which is how we know. But they did nothing to stop Biden from running for President, neither did Ron Klain, who is now the White House Chief of Staff.
Klain is highly familiar with Joe Biden's senility, he works there every day, so does Mike Donilon and Gene Sperling and Susan Rice, and the rest of the people making decisions in this country very much including Barack Obama. They all know.
These are hard and cynical and clear-eyed people. They have worked with Joe Biden for many years. Not one of them has any doubt that Biden is failing, and now that's obvious to the rest of the country. Anyone who has been paying attention already caught on to this, of course, but until recently, it didn't seem to matter a whole lot.
You saw Biden on television grinning and mumbling, he was up there reminding you to put on your little mask or wear your seatbelt or go easy on the sodium. None of it seemed especially threatening. These are the things that elderly men talk about in real life, "Be safe out there, kids."
But in the last week, we've been reminded how tiny our domestic concerns actually are. They are neuroses born of narcissism. A Chinese flu virus?
Please. That's hardly the scariest thing going on in the world right now.
It's not even close.
The entire U.S. military has just been humiliated by illiterate peasants in turbans, and if that's not insulting enough, many of them were carrying our rifles as they did it. It makes you wonder about the future of the West and who is going to replace us when we're gone? Someone in authority probably ought to be thinking about that, and about a lot of other things, too.
What are we going to do when the Chinese finally move against Taiwan? How are we going to respond when there's a credible challenge to the U.S.
dollar as the world's reserve currency? Et cetera et cetera et cetera.
There are issues out there -- a lot of them in other words -- that matter slightly more than whether you keep your mask over your nose on that Southwest flight to Tucson. It is shameful, it's embarrassing when you think of how totally frivolous and up our own butts we've been for the last couple of years.
All we can say for certain at this point is that Joe Biden will not be making any of the big decisions going forward. He is not capable of being the President in crisis. So, who will be? We can't say, but it's clear if you watch closely that things are changing very fast in Washington.
The people around Biden are moving away from him in ways that are not at all subtle. Why is this happening now? Was it always the plan? Did the party that hates white guys finally realize it was being led by one? Again, we don't know the answer, but the signs of it are everywhere and they are strikingly obvious.
Some of Biden's most senior appointees are contradicting him in public. If you cover politics, it is shocking to see that. It's a violation of the first and most ruthlessly enforced rule in any White House, which is don't diminish the boss.
But suddenly, they're doing just that and they're doing it openly.
Just hours after Biden assured the country that things were fine in Afghanistan, Lloyd Austin, his Defense Secretary described the situation in Afghanistan as a disaster and then Austin repeated this for emphasis.
Others are doing the same thing.
Here is Biden this afternoon telling us that American citizens are having no trouble whatsoever getting to the airport in Kabul.
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We have no indication that they haven't been able to get in Kabul through the airport. We've made an agreement with the Taliban thus far, they've allowed them to go through. It is in their interest to get them to go through.
CARLSON: So, there was the President of the United States going on television today to assure us that things are fine for Americans in Kabul.
But just an hour later, here's The Pentagon spokesman telling you that actually that's not true, Americans are being beaten in Kabul. Watch.
QUESTION: Defense Secretary Austin just now in a briefing call with House lawmakers said the reports Americans have been beaten by the Taliban in Kabul. Is the U.S. military under orders to stay at the airport and not go protect them?
REAR ADMIRAL JOHN KIRBY (RET.) PENTAGON PRESS SECRETARY: I think we've been talking about this throughout the entire briefing. We're certainly mindful of these reports and they're deeply troubling and we have communicated to the Taliban that that that's absolutely unacceptable, that we want free passage through their checkpoints for documented Americans.
And by and large, that's happening.
CARLSON: So, the President tells us that we have an ironclad deal with the Taliban and everything is cool; an hour later, John Kirby tells us we're deeply concerned about what the Taliban is doing.
So, in a normal administration with a President who planned on serving out his full four-year term, what you just saw would qualify as a kind of scandal. The Pentagon spokesman would be in serious trouble. He just contradicted his boss, the man who is supposed to be in control of the entire executive branch of government.'
But as we noted, things are changing very fast. Watch it happen again.
Here is Biden from today telling us that al-Qaeda has been driven from Afghanistan.
BIDEN: What interest do we have in Afghanistan at this point with al-Qaeda gone? We went to Afghanistan for the expressed purpose of getting rid of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, as well as -- as well as getting Osama bin Laden, and we did.
CARLSON: Once again, just an hour after he said that, the President of the United States is contradicted in public by his own employee. Again, here's the Pentagon spokesman.
KIRBY: We know that al-Qaeda is a presence as well as ISIS in Afghanistan, and we've talked about that for quite some time.
DREW GRIFFIN, CNN SENIOR INVESTIGATIVE CORRESPONDENT: But the President just said that there is no al-Qaeda presence in Afghanistan and that does not seem to be correct.
KIRBY: What we don't think is that -- what we believe is that there isn't a presence that is significant enough to merit a threat to our Homeland as there was back on 9/11 twenty years ago.
CARLSON: So, that's the opposite of what Biden just said. So, here you have the top spokesman for the most powerful agency in the entire government informing us that the President of the United States has no idea what he is talking about.
You don't see that every day. In fact, you never see it.
But it's not just Biden's employees who appear to be turning on him in public, so are some of his key political allies, the neocons, liberals who use the Republican Party for their own purposes for decades before abandoning it when Trump arrived, are now attacking Joe Biden openly and very aggressively. That didn't take long.
But most telling of all is this. It's from CNN. Watch.
CLARISSA WARD, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It is just an absolute mess, and we heard President Biden say yesterday in his comments to ABC News that this is not a failure and I think a lot of people outside that airport, particularly those taking the kinds of extreme actions we're just talking about would like to know if this isn't failure, what does failure look like exactly?
CARLSON: So, Joe Biden failed and he is lying about it. That's what CNN just told us. It is hard to overstate the significance of the clip you just saw.
CNN is not a news network. CNN is a political organization. Its anchors and reporters don't decide for themselves what to say (on camera), they are told what to say. They are told in highly specific terms every weekday morning on a call with their commander, Jeff Zucker.
There is no intellectual freelancing at CNN. Here's what I think.
No, it's a united front, a single hymnal for the entire congregation. When CNN takes a position or changes its position on something, it changes as one -- everybody. From the chirpy morning dingbats to Don Lemon in the night shift, they all say precisely what they are told to say. Ever watch the channel?
And now, they are saying something very, very different.
Consider this person. This is a former member of the morning zoo crew on a contemporary hit station in Yakima, Washington. On a good day, she is probably operating with a functional IQ of about 85. So, it's fair to say, she is not coming up with her own material.
And yet, here she is, visibly outraged on the air telling you what an incompetent bad person Joe Biden is.
BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: The rapid fall of Afghanistan stunning the Biden administration and this nation, quite frankly, and many of the promises, predictions, and the words of the President and his White House are coming back to haunt them.
CARLSON: What is going on here? These are literally the people who got Joe Biden elected President. He would not be President without these people.
And now, just seven months into his administration, they are telling you that he has failed personally. It does not make sense and it's not the issue. Afghanistan is hardly the first disaster.
As of tonight, our southern border has collapsed, the murder rate is spiking in our cities, the COVID vaccines do not work, inflation is out of control, and the country's entire population of school children hasn't been educated in more than a year. All of that has been going on, none of it seemed to bother CNN in the slightest. In fact, they reserved their energy to attack anyone who noticed those trends.
But now, suddenly, their anchors are completely and totally enraged because Americans are trapped in Afghanistan. They don't notice the 70,000 who die every year of drug ODs, but this has sent them into paroxysm of self- righteous rage.
Call us cynical, but we don't buy it. Something else is going on here. We don't know what it is, exactly, but it's pretty obvious.
Glenn Greenwald is an independent journalist. His work is on "Substack." He joins us tonight. I should say to our audience, we have not talked about this. I have no idea what your views are on this. I was talking to my producers two hours ago, let's just get Glenn Greenwald. He is smart, maybe he'll know what the hell is going on, because I don't -- but something is.
What do you think is happening?
GLENN GREENWALD, JOURNALIST: Well, first of all on the question of Biden's capabilities, I think it is worth recalling that throughout 2019, leading Democrats were the ones on that station on MSNBC, in the press, who were constantly warning that Biden's cognitive decline was obvious because they were worried he would get the nomination and not be able to withstand the rigors of the election, and he was lucky that the pandemic happened and he was able to hide in his basement.
So, that has been a narrative that came from the Democratic Party and obviously, it's worsened over the last two years. But I actually think that one of the things that is going on here is obviously, the corporate wing of the media, the liberal corporate wing is liberal. They are attached to the Democratic Party, but with one exception, which is they really do believe constantly in militarism and war.
Their closest relationships in the media are with the C.I.A., are with The Pentagon are with the National Security State. They constantly cheer for war. They constantly want more war, and I think that they don't care about things like crises at the border or inflation or joblessness. None of which affects them.
I do think though that they are deeply offended when they see America greatness as they perceive it falling and failing, and these kinds of images are ones Americans are not accustomed to seeing, losing to what is essentially a primitive fighting force in the most humiliating manner possible.
So, I think that it offends their ideology, which believes in militarism, which constantly cheers for war, and I think they're being told by a lot of their sources in the military, in the C.I.A. who they revere the most, and who did not want withdrawal.
Remember, Tucker, when Trump tried to withdraw from Afghanistan, the C.I.A.
invented a lie that Russians had placed bounties on the heads of American soldiers and leaked it to "The New York Times" to prevent Trump from leaving.
A lot of official Washington doesn't want this withdrawal and they didn't want it with Trump, they didn't want it with Biden, and I think a lot of the anger is coming from that.
CARLSON: So, I was fervently in favor of withdrawing. I'm grateful that we did withdraw. I'm just defended by the incompetence and the humiliation that accompanied it.
What you're saying is that we imagined CNN was controlled by the D.N.C., in fact, it's controlled by the C.I.A.
GREENWALD: Exactly. And I mean, they are certainly -- the two are kind of the same usually, right? I mean, over the past five years, there has been a merger between the Democratic Party and the C.I.A. If you look at polling, Democrats -- Democratic voters revere the C.I.A., revere the F.B.I. It is Republicans who are skeptical of the Deep State as a result of the Trump years.
But I do think that's part of it, but I also think -- and this is key -- is that the Biden plan to withdraw from Afghanistan was founded and based in a lie from the beginning, which is he kept saying that the Afghan National Security Forces were strong enough to withstand the Taliban attack and would hold them off and that it would be almost impossible for the Taliban to take over the whole country.
Had he been truthful with the American people that once we withdrew, the Taliban would take over, I think the reaction would have been a lot different. I think they believed him and they feel betrayed as well by what they told him.
CARLSON: I completely agree with that. You know, he said the other day in an interview with ABC, he says, it's ugly when you leave, and I think most
-- including me, I would buy that completely -- it was the lying that was so infuriating.
It's interesting though, I mean, I've never -- and you've covered politics at least as long as I have -- I've never seen like a Cabinet Secretary or a spokesman contradict the President on something meaningful like this repeatedly. What is that?
GREENWALD: You know, I mean, look, a lot of this is speculative, right?
We're not -- we don't have access to Biden's medical records. We're not here to examine him.
CARLSON: For sure.
GREENWALD: We're not competent medical or psychological professionals, but if you look at Joe Biden, I don't believe anyone who says that they don't see clear signs of cognitive decline.
I see the discomfort in the faces of Kamala Harris and Secretary Blinken when they are standing behind him. Everything that he says seems very fragile. It's almost like you can see the levers of his brain kind of slowing down and not really working well and so half the time that he says stuff, it is left to the rest of the administration to go and clean it up.
I find it uncomfortable to watch the President of the United States speak, and of course, his own aides feel the same way.
CARLSON: Yes, I disagree with him, of course, but I feel sorry for him every time I see him. I'm just being honest, I feel sorry for him every single time, because it's just -- it's awful to watch.
GREENWALD: It is elder abuse.
CARLSON: I appreciate you -- that's how it feels to me -- and his family knew. That's true. That's not speculation, that's true, and I don't know why this was allowed to happen.
Glenn Greenwald, thank you very much.
GREENWALD: Thanks, Tucker.
CARLSON: So, the U.S. military spent billions training the Afghan Army, and yet, it collapsed just days after we left. The President seemed surprised by this, but the people who actually trained those soldiers were not surprised at all. The details are pretty stunning.
By the way, you can go to tuckercarlson.com if you want to order a signed copy of the new book, "The Long Slide." We hope you will. We'll be right back.
CARLSON: So, the United States government spent nearly $90 billion training the Afghan Army, and yet that army collapsed almost immediately.
How did that happen?
Well, a 2009 report from "The Guardian" suggests one possible contributing factor. Many Afghan soldiers were high on the job.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don't have a helmet on. The jeep doesn't have a rifle right now. How is he ready?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is like having 26 kids that I have to watch after.
It really is.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ready would be on the road, staged. Ready to move at 8 30.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think if they introduce drug testing to the Afghan Army, we would lose probably three quarters to maybe 80 to 85 percent of the army.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It requires telling them almost 30 times, don't do this, don't do this, don't do this, don't do this, don't do this.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Come on. Let's go.
CARLSON: So, that video is deeply offensive to people in Washington who have to cover up the waste that they have perpetrated in our name over 20 years, but it's real. American soldiers in many cases had to teach Afghan recruits how to read and write and operate basic equipment.
According to NBC News, 90 percent of those who enlisted were illiterate.
That's worse than the national rate of literacy.
FOX's Steve Harrigan recounted how ineffective our literacy training was today. Watch.
STEVE HARRIGAN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: I remember going to a graduation training class of Afghan soldiers and they all spun their diplomas around because they didn't know which letters were up. None of them could read after graduation.
Anyone who has been around Afghan national government soldiers know that you have to do a mission before payday, because when payday comes, they all disappear.
CARLSON: So, this went on for 20 years and for some reason, most people didn't notice.
Michael Tracey is an independent journalist who writes on "Substack." He just interviewed an Afghan veteran last month who called our entire presence in the country quote, "a big money funneling operation." He joins us tonight.
Thanks so much for coming on, Michael Tracey. So, it sounds like for those of us who are scratching our heads and asking, you know, why did we keep doing something that wasn't working? Maybe money is part of the answer.
MICHAEL TRACEY, INDEPENDENT JOURNALIST: Well, the veteran that I interviewed and who was a member of the Joint Command that oversaw this supposed train and equip mission that was exactly his theory.
He saw that these defense contracting behemoths, which took as proprietary information the data that was supposed to be provided to the American public as to the status of those train and equip missions of the Afghan Security Forces, that data was essentially concealed from him as a military officer who was charged with following that process day-to-day.
And so, it was a systemic graft and corruption at the very heart of the intervention and the reason why I think as you seem to speculate earlier in the show that we see such this strange outburst of indignation is because there are so many people in the media, in the political class, and across the entire system of essentially American governmental process that benefited personally, financially, and reputationally from what in essence was a failed intervention.
And there are plenty of guys who are on the frontlines who saw it firsthand who will attest to the reality of that failure even if they are the generals and the national security advisers and the people who sit on corporate boards now and pontificate on TV, even if they have a very different interpretation.
This was an epic colossal failure and frankly, it is incumbent on the entire bipartisan political class, which facilitated this nightmare to reflect and so to fixate needlessly on the logistical details of the withdrawal is legitimate. You know, it's open to criticism just like anything a President does, but I think that shouldn't distract from a thorough going self-criticism as to how we even got here in the first place over 20 years under Presidents of both parties.
CARLSON: I read yesterday the total coverage on the network nightly news of Afghanistan for the past five years was like essentially zero. I mean, prostate health got 10 times as much coverage as the occupation of Afghanistan.
Do you have any hope that we will get a clear accounting of like what we've been doing there for decades?
TRACEY: Oh, yes, I'm sure all the operatives on TV these past few days who are posturing as though they are these pure-hearted humanitarians who are so deeply concerned about Afghan women and girls, I'm sure they'll be leading the charge for this after action report on how the American global hegemony suffered this blow.
I mean, I would definitely trust them in their judgment to oversee that process.
No, I mean, so much of the narrative in the media as regards this withdrawal is a total joke and it's self-absolving for the people who had a direct role in enabling such a systemic failure.
CARLSON: Self-absolving -- that is a great way to put it and absolutely true. Michael Tracey, thank you very much.
TRACEY: Thanks.
CARLSON: So, what's interesting is that the people who are lecturing about the plight of women and girls not just in Afghanistan, but around the world because they care about women, don't care at all about Ashli Babbitt, an American Air Force veteran who was unarmed, not warned before she was shot in the neck on January 6th. She died. That's fine. Let's applaud it. She wasn't a woman apparently.
But that's okay because it was an insurrection. It was a coordinated plot to overthrow democracy. We've been hearing that for months, seven months.
Now, the F.B.I. out of nowhere informs us that's not true. It was not an insurrection, it was not a coordinated plot. They said that today. We'll tell you what they said and we'll tell you why they might be saying that.
Straight ahead.
CARLSON: We still don't know the name of the law enforcement officer who
shot and killed Ashli Babbitt. We don't know whether it was the Capitol Hill police officer who left a loaded firearm in the men's room.
We do know that Ashli Babbitt was unarmed and apparently not warned before she was shot to death on January 6th, but we have learned this -- that officer will face no punishment.
FOX's Matt Finn has that story for us tonight. Hey, Matt.
MATT FINN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Tucker, you may recall that viral video from the January 6th riot showing that Capitol Hill police officer shoot and kill Air Force veteran, Ashli Babbitt inside the Capitol.
Well now, an internal investigation has reportedly exonerated that officer.
FINN: According to a memo obtained by NBC News, the Justice Department ruled the Capitol police officer was found not to have acted inappropriately and was cleared of any charges in the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt.
The memo, which reportedly came from the Commander of the Capitol Police Office reads that "No further action will be taken." FOX News reached out to the Capitol Police Office for comment.
Thirty-five-year-old Babbitt was a President Trump supporter and was shot by a single bullet as she tried to enter through a door near the House Chamber. Former President Trump demanded justice for Babbitt.
The grieving mother of Babbitt says no current elected official reached out with any questions regarding her daughter's death --Tucker.
CARLSON: Matt Finn for us tonight. Thanks so much, Matt.
FINN: Sure.
CARLSON: So, as a rule, Federal law enforcement agencies like the F.B.I.
are not in the business of exonerating people, that is definitely not their job. Their job is to investigate crimes, gather evidence, and provide that evidence to prosecutors. That's how our criminal justice system works. You are innocent until proven guilty. That's the whole point.
So, the F.B.I. doesn't declare you innocent, that's the assumption we all get from the beginning. The Constitution makes that very clear. Again, it's the whole point of our justice system. So, it's worth paying attention when the F.B.I. makes a point of exonerating large groups of people no matter who those people are, and that happened today when several F.B.I. sources told Reuters that in fact, January 6th was not an insurrection after all.
According to Reuters, there won't be quote "any charges alleging that any individual or group played a central role in organizing or leading the riot." So, there was no plan to overturn the election. There was no coordination at all.
As one law enforcement source told Reuters, quote, "Ninety to ninety five percent of these are one-off cases. Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized." But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones, and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.
Therefore, don't expect any more charges for conspiracy or sedition or anything like that. Huh? What is this? Since when does the F.B.I. go out of its way to leak information exonerating Roger Stone and Alex Jones? What is going on here?
As a threshold matter, it's worth remembering what the F.B.I. was claiming for the last eight months. On January 30th of this year, the F.B.I. planted this story in "The Washington Post," one of many, quote: "F.B.I. probe of U.S. Capitol riot finds evidence detailing coordination of an assault."
Meanwhile every national security expert including the former F.B.I.
Director repeated that line verbatim on television for the entire year.
CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC HOST: What we're learning about how the insurrection was planned and new warnings about the threat we still face.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You really don't end up with a crowd of that size, of that direction, of that cohesiveness without a significant degree of pre- planning.
SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-MN): Every law enforcement leader has said that this was coordinated and planned.
DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: All the witnesses agree, this was planned. This was a planned coordinated attack.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These were not tourists, these were not misfits. This was an organized insurrection and all the images that you're showing prove that.
JAMES COMEY, FORMER F.B.I. DIRECTOR: There is no doubt there were at least some conspiracies, people wandering around exercising their First Amendment rights don't bring ropes and ladders and sledgehammers to a spontaneous event. This was a planned assault as if going after a castle.
CARLSON: These people are so dishonest. What they don't want to admit is that the people who were there that day thought the election was stolen from them. Why did they think that? Because the way that we vote was changed at the last minute using COVID as a pretext because the tech companies working at the behest of the Democratic National Committee shut down opposition online to the Democratic candidate. Is that a fair election?
If that were happening in Hungary, would we say that's totally fine, that's cool. That's democracy. No. And every American knew that and some of them were mad enough to go to Washington and some misbehaved and broke the law.
We're not defending that. But the idea that this was coordinated by white supremacists. No.
It was Americans who believed in democracy until they saw it thwarted by the people you just saw on TV. So now, the F.B.I. admits there was no insurrection. Every normal person knew that at the time.
Chewbacca guy wasn't leading a plot to overthrow the U.S. government. What a lie.
So what is going on here? Well, keep in mind this. The F.B.I. has never stated publicly or otherwise how many of its agents or proxies were involved that day. It's pretty clear if there was organization going on, some of it came from the Feds. That's true. We were attacked for saying it, but it's true.
Court filings from the D.O.J. show the government identified many alleged ringleaders of the insurrection, but weirdly those people were never charged. Those ringleaders appear to have been working for the F.B.I., and there were a lot of them.
In all, "Revolver News" has reported there are quote, "Upwards of 20 unindicted co-conspirators on the January 6th indictments all playing various roles in the conspiracy who have not been charged for virtually the same activities and in some cases much, much more severe activities as those named alongside them in the indictments," end quote.
That's not some whack job right-wing opinion. You can check the indictments for yourself if you want and you should.
So, the question is, how many of those unindicted co-conspirators were working for the D.O.J.? That's a good question. One that nobody seems interested in answering. Dick Cheney's daughter is out there every day demanding that we have this investigation. Adam Kinzinger cried about it on TV, but they don't want to answer that question. Why is that exactly?
Well, today's announcement from the F.B.I. guarantees that none of those ringleaders will ever be charged. Oh, that means if they were working for the F.B.I., if they were agents or informants like the leaders of the plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan, for example, there's now a very good chance we will never know. Maybe that's the point.
None of this means the D.O.J. is going to stop prosecuting political dissidents, however, they are full speed ahead on that. Just today, the D.O.J. of the Biden administration announced it is charging a host at "Infowars," a man called Owen Shroyer with several Federal crimes including quote "Entering a restricted area on January 6th." Well that sounds bad.
What did Owen Shroyer do? He didn't go inside the Capitol building on January 6th, he stood on the Capitol steps with hundreds of other people.
He didn't even loot Macy's like Black Lives Matter. He just stood there on the Capitol steps, a building he thought he owned as an American citizen.
What's going on here exactly?
Well, Owen Shroyer's real crime appear to have occurred in December of 2019 when he shouted mean things to Jerry Nadler during a congressional hearing.
The D.O.J. accused him of disorderly conduct and told him never go near the Capitol again. You don't want to hurt Jerry Nadler's feelings.
He disobeyed. Now, he is going to jail on Monday. Are you cool with this, Dick Cheney's daughter? Is that all right with you? Is this the country you want to live in? How about that Adam Kinzinger? Is this the democracy you fought for? Please.
So, the ringleaders of the riots go free especially if they're working for the F.B.I., but the people who offend Joe Biden's friends, they are in jail.
One programming note tonight, our "Tucker Carlson Originals" team has been looking into the events of January 6th very closely. We've been doing it for months. We plan to bring you that report. The video we've collected is shocking and informative. That's the next installment in our documentary series, it's coming next month.
Well, it wasn't long ago that Jeff Bezos's newspaper was telling us that birds were racist, now the experts are telling us toddlers can be white supremacists, too. That's straight ahead.
CARLSON: So for decades, cattle mutilations have been an obsession among crazy people. UFOs are mutilating cattle, yes, okay. It turns out, there's actually some evidence of that, for real. Something weird is going on. The F.B.I. has looked into it repeatedly because it is real.
We took a closer look at it in our new long form documentary series, "Tucker Carlson Originals." Here is part of what we found.
CARLSON (voice over): For centuries around the world, farmers and ranchers have reported unexplained mutilation of livestock. Specific organs removed, as if by a surgeon with the meat left to rot. These aren't bear attacks, and they are surprisingly widespread.
Since the 1970s, there have been at least two Federal investigations into the mass killing of cattle.
Fugel's staff took our producers to a cow carcass on his property.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The cow didn't have any predators touch it, which is unusual. We had other animals that have died that were within two days there was nothing left except for just a little fur.
CARLSON (voice over): One active duty U.S. Navy pilot told us that he frequently sees UFOs while flying. Often, they are hovering over cattle.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It just died. There was -- and all our investigation is there is no rhyme or reason why it died the way it did.
CARLSON (voice over): There are thousands of documented cases in the United States and other countries of cows being drained of their blood. One investigation found that anticoagulants of some kind had been injected into the animals.
Who did this? And why? No one has ever explained that.
Livestock are expensive, so the F.B.I. keeps records of unexplained killings of cattle. Over one three-year period, 1,500 cows in 22 states were mutilated and drained of their blood. In many cases, body parts that have no commercial value were surgically removed and taken while the carcasses were left behind.
No suspects have ever been arrested or even publicly identified.
CARLSON: Yes, it is Satanists or some cult or something. Really? Which Satanist? Which cult? Not a single person has ever been busted for this, and it's been going on for hundreds of years. What is this?
Anyway, we take a much closer look at it in a new episode of "Tucker Carlson Originals" called "The UFO Files." You can stream it right now on foxnation.com.
We told you that Bank of America has been turning over private customer data to the Feds as part of its effort to defeat extremism. Now, we're learning that Bank of America itself has extremist views.
The Bank of America is teaching its employees that toddlers can be racist.
According to Bank of America, quote: "Toddlers develop racial biases by ages three to five and should be actively taught to recognize the smog of white privilege." Obviously that's like the creepiest scariest and most evil thing we've read today.
Chris Rufo broke this story. Good for him. He joins us tonight.
Chris, thanks so much for the reporting that you do. This is shocking.
Bank of America is endorsing this?
CHRISTOPHER RUFO, DIRECTOR, DISCOVERY INSTITUTE: Yes, that's right. In their training program that they recommended employees take, over 21 days, it's really a race reeducation program.
Bank of America, which in its very name claims to represent the United States denounces America as a white supremacist country, and by extension expresses antipathy and even hatred to 70 percent of its citizens, but unfortunately this is a pattern across many of our Fortune 100 companies.
They've adopted programs that are indistinguishable from the most radical critical race theory courses in our elite universities.
CARLSON: I mean, what do they say -- you know they're teaching people that white children are inherently evil and racist and their employees just kind of sit there and nod? I mean, is anybody saying, you know I'm not putting up with this anymore. If you said this about any other group, it would be unacceptable. Why are you doing this? Has anyone fought back?
RUFO: You know, from the sources who leaked me this material, they fought back through me by sharing the documents with me, so I could expose them to the public. But here is the thing. In Corporate America, people are scared for their jobs, they're scared for their reputations, they're scared for their families.
This is the new dominant ideology in workplaces, in universities, in K through 12 schools. People are terrified to stand up because they see that Americans who do stand up for the very simple truth that we should be all be treated equally regardless of our skin color are now treated as enemies of our largest institutions. They'll be held up for mockery, shame, humiliation, and it's up to us to stand up to speak out, those of us who have a platform, who have power because this ideology is seeping into our institutions and seeks to subvert and destroy the very foundational values and principles of this great country.
CARLSON: Yes, I mean, we're turning into Rwanda, Tutsis/Hutus. This is really sick and you've been brave and relentless in exposing it, and I appreciate it.
Chris Rufo, thank you.
RUFO: Thank you.
CARLSON: So, if there's a problem on the globe, you know for a fact, climate change caused it. In other words, you caused it. That would be hurricanes, wildfires, acne. Now, we learn that climate change, your SUV, your wood stove is the reason the Taliban just took over in Afghanistan.
Sorry to laugh.
Right now on tuckercarlson.com, you can get a signed copy of "The Long Slide." We invite you to. We'll be right back.
CARLSON: So, if you are wondering why Afghanistan is falling apart, the Taliban now run it, you may think, well, it is Joe Biden's fault. Oh, no, says CBS News. It is not Joe Biden's fault. It is your fault because it is climate change.
CBS is out with a new piece called "How Climate Change Helped Strengthen the Taliban." Quote, "The Taliban, likely without knowing climate change is the cause, has capitalized on the agricultural distress and distrust in government to recruit supporters." How dumb are they at CBS? Pretty dumb it turns out.
Marc Morano is not dumb. He is with Climate Depot. He is the author of the book "The Green Fraud," he joins us now. Is this the most far-fetched connection between climate change and breaking news that you have ever seen?
MARC MORANO, PUBLISHER, "CLIMATE DEPOT": Well, it is close. A few years back, we had a bunch of academics say ISIS was created due to global warming. Obama blamed the Syrian Civil War on climate change.
We had recently Kamala Harris blame illegal immigration on climate change.
There is a lot of candidates for that title, Tucker.
CARLSON: Well, so Marc, I've noticed a connection between everything you just said. All things that the people in charge of our country helped cause, all those disasters are in part their fault, but they blame climate change, which seems like a great blamed deflector.
MORANO: It absolutely is, and real quick, in the case of Afghanistan, they claim in the article the last three decades of bad weather have damaged crops and harmed the Afghan people and made them ripe for the picking of Taliban, when the U.N. data shows that crop yields of food crops have doubled in the last three decades.
And not only that, Al Jazeera this week is reporting that the real power behind the Taliban was opium trade. Opium production, opium runners and opium -- making money off that. So, who do you believe -- CBS or Al Jazeera
-- on this? I think Al Jazeera is much more credible on this.
But this is a long history -- in fact, "The Washington Post," Tucker, this week said that climate crisis would not have happened if Jimmy Carter had won a second term. They are now blaming -- going back in history and blaming Ronald Reagan for the alleged climate crisis.
There is no end to which the media and academia will not defend progressives and Democrats in power using climate.
CARLSON: I think if you tell people that men can get pregnant and have babies and don't allow them to disagree, you definitely strengthen the Taliban and radical movements globally. You want to destabilize a country?
Tell them men can have babies. It's like -- insane.
Marc Morano, great to see you tonight. Thank you.
MORANO: Thank you, Tucker.
CARLSON: That is it for us for tonight and for the week. A brand-new episode of "Tucker Carlson Originals" is out on FOX Nation called "The UFO Files." It is really good, but it's just the beginning.
We are back Monday. We hope you have the best evening and the happiest weekend with the ones that you love.
We will see you soon. Sean Hannity takes over now.
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