This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on November 12, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Jahmal Cole is a political candidate. He is running for Congress in the first district of Illinois. That covers the south side of Chicago and some of the southern suburbs.

In late September, Jahmal Cole was walking in the Hyde Park neighborhood just yards from Lake Michigan when someone shot him through the arm. In the end, Cole recovered from his wound. He went back to campaigning, and then on Tuesday of this week, Cole narrowly escaped being shot a second time. Some unknown assailant opened fire with a rifle right near where Cole was standing just blocks from the University of Chicago. So Cole dove under a car and escaped being hit.

To be clear, these were not assassination attempts so far as we know against a local congressional candidate. Jahmal Cole just happens to live in the City of Chicago and living there all of a sudden is that dangerous.

Given how dangerous Chicago has become, it will be interesting to know what exactly the sitting mayor is doing to fight crime, and in fact we do know, thanks to a data breach that revealed city e-mails. We can answer that question.

For example, we know that just before midnight, one day last year, Lori Lightfoot, the mayor typed a furious note to her senior staff. She was upset about crime. She received a shocking report of offenses in progress, evidence of clear and present danger to the people of Chicago.

According to an informant, a group of suspects had been observed playing basketball outside. Some of them reportedly have been seen dunking, even shooting three-pointers, quote: "I got a text from someone who lives on the north side who reported that dudes were out at a park playing basketball," Lightfoot wrote, "That one sent me around the bend."

Thankfully, Lori Lightfoot had a solution quote: "Here is where I want to be starting tomorrow. You may walk outside in the immediate proximity of your house, fresh air is important, but you may not act like the city is not in crisis," end quote.

According to Lori Lightfoot, the City of Chicago is in crisis. A basketball crisis.

Meanwhile, there is another crisis in progress, people continue to die in huge numbers in Chicago. Over the past 12 months, almost 800 Chicagoans have been murdered. According to an analysis by CWB Chicago, at least 50 of these killings this year were committed by criminals who had been released early on bail. They didn't need to happen.

Just a few days ago, yet another man was murdered just steps from the University of Chicago.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Chicago Police say it was just before two, Tuesday afternoon, the victim, a 24-year-old man and recent University of Chicago graduate was killed.

Police say the man was walking on the sidewalk at Ellis and 54th Place when the armed offender got out of a dark-colored vehicle, demanded the victim's belongings then shot him in the chest.

There were actually two shootings in Hyde Park, Tuesday. The first around noon near 53rd and Harper. No injuries reported, but congressional candidate and community activist, Jahmal Cole writing on his Facebook page that he was nearly struck, quote: "Today, I thought I was going to die because I saw blood coming from my neck thinking I was shot, again. Fortunately, it was a scrape from diving under a car."


CARLSON: Shot again. Just a day in the life of a congressional candidate in the City of Chicago. By the way, the name of the murdered University of Chicago graduate was Dennis Zheng. He was 24 years old. He was killed in an armed robbery. Apparently, he handed over what he had, but they murdered him anyway in the middle of the day. He is the third University of Chicago student to be murdered this year.

In July, a 20-year-old called Max Lewis was hit in the back of the neck by a stray bullet as he was sitting on a subway train. In January, a 30-year- old graduate student was killed in a shooting spree that killed several other people including a 15-year-old girl.

The University of Chicago is now so dangerous that the school is offering free Lyft rides to students seven days a week so they don't have to mix with the local population. That may keep them from getting killed, but it is hardly a solution to the problem.

So what is the solution to the problem? Eight hundred people murdered in a year. Well, no one in authority in Chicago appears to be thinking much about that. Lori Lightfoot is on the record saying she believes the core problem is white racism. It's bigoted cops.

And for a while, some of the more affluent residents of Chicago were willing to believe that was true. Last year in September for example, University of Chicago students encouraged by faculty members surrounded the home of the school's provost. They occupied the street in front of her house. They shut down traffic for an entire week. They demanded disarming and disbanding the school's police department.

Now, in one of those twists of irony, you really have to pause to savor -- those students are demanding chaperone rides home because their classmates are getting murdered because the policies they advocated for result in death.

So this might be a perfect moment for those kids and the adult nihilists who pushed them to do what they did to admit they were completely wrong and learn something. Cops are not the problem. Have they conceded that? Not that we're aware of, nor the city officials who banned cops from conducting foot chases admitted that what they did resulted in the deaths of citizens.

We've been watching carefully, and as far as we can tell, only one person in authority at the University of Chicago understood what was happening at the time and said so. He is a Professor called Harald Uhlig. Uhlig publicly objected to defunding the police, not because he is some kind of radical, but because then as now, that is a completely demented idea that results in people getting killed. So Uhlig said that, and for the crime of saying it, he was fired from his job at the Chicago Fed.

The University of Chicago began an investigation into him for his thought crime. Hundreds of economists signed a petition to have Harald Uhlig removed as the Editor of a major economics journal. What do those views have to do with economics? Nothing. But they joined the mob anyway.

One of the jackals in that mob by the way was none other than Janet Yellen. You may recognize the name because she is now our Treasury Secretary. Yellen wrote this Soviet little statement at the time quote: "It would be appropriate for the University of Chicago, which is the publisher of "The Journal of Political Economy" to review Uhlig's performance and suitability to continue as editor." Because he opposed getting rid of the police.

To this day, notably, Janet Yellen has never retracted that statement or apologized for joining the mob to hurt an innocent man for telling the truth. That's fine with her. It's fine with her now.

The other activists who targeted Harald Uhlig have admitted they were wrong? No. They haven't.

So after the recent shootings near campus, Harald Uhlig made this request of the University Community, quote: "If anyone still wants to defund the police, please do me a favor and stay away from Hyde Park." But of course, that's not what's happening. No one has apologized, no one has learned anything. The politicians ruining the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago demand above all that you worship them like gods, as people die around them.

As it happens by the way, all of this killing is happening very close to where former President Barack Obama is building a massive unprecedentedly large shrine to himself known euphemistically as a Presidential Library. Total cost of this project? At least $830 million, nearly a billion dollars to celebrate Barack Obama. Just in case you're wondering what the definition of malignant narcissism is. How much money is that? Well for perspective, it is nearly half the entire budget of the Chicago Police Department to celebrate Barack Obama who lives in Martha's Vineyard and Hawaii, not Chicago, who is worth tens of millions of dollars not one of which he has given to help anyone who actually does live in Chicago.

But we don't mean to pick on Obama, he is hardly alone. Most people in Barack Obama's position, which is to say in a position of authority that might actually help people prefer to talk about Chicago rather than actually make it better for the people who live there.

There is one exception to this, at least one, someone who has authority who has committed to making the city a place normal people can live. You've met him before. He is an alderman from Chicago called Raymond Lopez and we're happy to have him join us tonight.

Alderman, thanks so much for coming on, so it's so frustrating to watch this because it does seem like things are falling apart if U Chicago students have to take Lyft to their dorms, what will it take to get people interested in improving the actual living conditions of the people who reside in Chicago?

RAYMOND LOPEZ (D), CHICAGO ALDERMAN: You know, under the leadership of Lori Lightfoot, the City of Chicago is flying off the rails because of the violence that is allowed to go unchecked in every community throughout the entire City of Chicago.

Just today, there was a four-hour meeting by my own colleagues on the City Council trying to discuss whether or not technology used to assist law enforcement is racist or inherently racist and should be banned from use by police officers.

I don't know what world we're living in here in the City of Chicago, but we know that our residents deserve to be safe. They deserve to raise their families in safe neighborhoods and when everything is the problem, when everything revolves around the spirit of wokeness and racial inequality as the root of all evil in everything that we do in the City of Chicago, we ignore the real problems, the real issue, which is that crime and criminals are being allowed to run amok in the City of Chicago, thanks to the Mayor, thanks to Kim Foxx and thanks to everyone who wants to turn a blind eye until they're shot not once, not twice, but three times walking down the street.

CARLSON: Well, who thought it was a good idea to run a city like a college course? I mean, you're an alderman, so you've got all kinds of residents of the city who vote for you to whom you're accountable. Have you ever met any of them who talk like Sociology Professors, any of them?

LOPEZ: No. My residents deal in the real world. We're not -- you know, it's not an academic exercise. We're not a bunch of eggheads trying to figure out a sociological experiment. We are blue collar people who are just trying to raise families, go to work, and come home and live the American Dream regardless of what color, what origin, what have you, and that's being taken away from them daily by people who think that this is some sort of game, some sort of sociological experiment in the City of Chicago to see just what we can do in the name of equality and equity.

And there is no equality or equity in the City of Chicago, except for the fact that every neighborhood is now equally afraid to come out of their homes.

CARLSON: God, that's so nicely put. I really hope the mayor listens to you. I hope you become the mayor and I appreciate you telling the truth in the face of a lot of pressure to lie.

Alderman Raymond Lopez, thank you very much.

LOPEZ: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: We know Alderman Lopez pretty well because he was part of our very first documentary that we made, "Tucker Carlson Originals" that was called "Chicago in Crisis" and as we looked deeper, we found that the city's top prosecutor, Kim Foxx is the root of a lot of the problems here, of course, a Soros puppet as so many are.

Criminals are going free because Kim Foxx is letting them go free. You can watch the documentary whenever you like. Here is part of it.


LOPEZ: It is very demoralizing for our residents to be told, call 9-1-1 when you see crime happening, only to see that same criminal be arrested and released within 24 hours.

CARLSON: Soros-backed prosecutors like Kim Foxx pretend they're giving second chances to non-violent offenders, but in Chicago, even murderers go free.

ANJANETTE ALBERT, VICTIM'S MOTHER: My son was beaten to death leaving Fenger High School September 24, 2009.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Honor student, Derrion Albert, walked home from school and into this.

Albert in the black shirt and tan pants is clubbed in the head with a wooden plank. When he tries to get up, others punch and then stomp him until the 16-year-old stops moving. He died hours later.

ALBERT: There were five individuals that were caught on tape. Four were charged as adults.

CARLSON: Those four received 30-year prison sentences for their involvement in the murder. Kim Foxx was responsible for prosecuting the fifth killer, a minor called, Dionte Johnson. She struck a deal. Johnson would be sentenced as a minor. Unlike the other killers, he would not serve a 30-year prison term.

ALBERT: So by the time he was 20 to 21, we knew that there was -- he was going to get out.

CARLSON: The deal stipulated that if Johnson committed a felony after his early release, a 30-year murder sentence would apply to him.

Within months of leaving prison, Johnson faced new felony charges for evading the police. It was up to Kim Foxx to lock him up for good.

ALBERT: She decided that she didn't want to pursue the case, so she let him go. And then we get less than half a year later, he gets caught with a gun.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He was carrying a gun and tried to ditch it when police say they chased him on the south side.

ALBERT: There were eight bullets in the clip and there was one in the chamber. They arrested him, put him in jail, and she has decided to let him out again.


CARLSON: That episode is called "Chicago in Crisis." It's not just Chicago, of course, it's many cities, but we thought we'd pick one and take a close look.

We were shocked by what we found. That's on FOX Nation. You can watch it anytime. You can watch it free by going to

So a FOX News Alert. Joe Biden's Justice Department has just announced it will be indicting a political enemy, that would be former Donald Trump adviser, Steve Bannon. FOX's Kevin Corke has the story for us tonight. Hey, Kevin.

KEVIN CORKE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Good evening, Tucker. Now depending on your perspective, Steve Bannon either got what he deserved or the politicization of the Department of Justice continues unabated and that is frightening for so many Americans.

And just to underscore the unprecedented nature of this decision by a Federal grand jury to indict Steve Bannon for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena, he is the very first person to be charged with contempt of Congress since 1983.

Now, Bannon had refused to appear before a House Committee looking into the event surrounding January 6, but will now comply.

Notably, Tucker, Bannon's indictment comes on a day in which lawyers for former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows have hinted that he will resist a similar congressional subpoena, and just to drill down on this for a moment, Tucker, Bannon's refusal to comply with the congressional subpoena is hardly novel and yet, he now faces a very real possibility of a year in prison and a hundred thousand dollar fine on top of that, which again would seem unlikely generally speaking, but given the climate here in Washington, you can never be sure.

Bannon is expected to turn himself in on Monday and should appear in court later in the day -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Amazing. Kevin Corke, thank you so much.

CORKE: You bet.

CARLSON: So we've seen versions of this before, elected Democrats targeted General Michael Flynn that destroyed his life because he worked in the last administration, he was disobedient. Now, he is being targeted again by Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, and the other Democrats in the January 6th Committee.

General Flynn joins us next.

By the way, we're going to be down in Florida next week. The show will be at the Patriot Awards along with many of our favorite people here at FOX -- Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Brian Kilmeade, Judge Jeanine, Will Cain -- all there. You can go to awards for tickets.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: As we told you, the Biden Justice Department is transforming before our eyes into an armed political instrument whose main job appears to be punishing critics of the Democratic Party. Here is the latest example.

They have just indicted former Trump adviser, Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress. Well, that sounds like an unusual charge, it definitely is. The D.O.J. hasn't charged anyone with criminal contempt of Congress in nearly 40 years. The D.O.J. did not charge Eric Holder after he was held in contempt, for example. The D.O.J. didn't charge Jim Clapper or John Brennan when they lied to Congress. That's not speculation, they lied, they were caught. But then Joe Biden wasn't President at the time.

As we said, the D.O.J. is now the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party, punishing anyone who doesn't comply with the demands of Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney's January 6th Commission.

We're losing a lot as a country as this happens. Not everyone is for it. Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been subpoenaed by the January 6th Commission. He joins us tonight.

General, thanks so much for coming on. So what do you make of what's happening to Steve -- since you're in a similar position, what do you make of what's happening to Steve Bannon tonight?

LT. GEN. MICHAEL FLYNN (RET), U.S. ARMY: Well, I think it's -- I think it shows the speed in which the Democratic Party is moving to confirm their complete takeover of this country, Tucker. There is no other way to put it.

I mean, as you've just said, it's been 40 years since anybody has been indicted for you know what I guess Steve has been -- you know, been indicted for, contempt of Congress. I mean, you mentioned Eric Holder. So, I just think that what I am not surprised at, but I think Americans are surprised at is the speed in which they're moving to do exactly as I said, which is essentially to take this country over and we can't kid ourselves about this, Tucker. That's the direction that they're moving.

CARLSON: Yes, I mean, to start indicting advisers to the former President that you hate after he is out of office is the kind of thing that happens in Latin America, but never here. So what -- where does this leave you? You've been subpoenaed as well. How are you going to respond?

FLYNN: Well, I think that, you know, I won't talk about the legalities of what I'm involved in. I think what we're really facing is an attack or an assault on all of our basic rights. I mean, I think the real issue here in play is the attack on freedom of speech, and I think your latest round of documentaries have really showed that. I think that those have been terrific and I recommend your viewers to watch those if they haven't watched them already.

But the assault on the freedom of speech, our ability to peaceably protest our desire to seek the truth in the security of our election systems and processes, I mean, this is what's all at risk in our country today and they don't want us to be talking about these things.

And so they're also going to use -- I call it the insurrection crucifixion of this January 6th, you know this whole series of things that are going on. It is really to steal away what we are also seeing in the news, which is the continuation of the Durham investigation, where you have indictments coming out.

You have this incredibly failed foreign policy by the Biden administration. You have, you know more and more very clear evidence coming out about COVID and really the conspiracy behind COVID and some of the things that are happening with it.

So, I think what it does, the more that they can keep this January 6th news and you know the big media does a good job of making sure that that sort of pounds the Americans' heads with it on a daily basis by doing things like issuing more and more subpoenas, I don't doubt that there is not more to come from this.

So, you know, I'm one of these guys that in my case, you know we're going to respond to the request, and I -- you know, I mean, I don't have anything to hide. There is nothing -- there is nothing there and I think that what we are -- what we're facing is a clear assault on our basic rights and principally our freedom to speak freely in this country and to peaceably protest for things that we believe are false or fraudulent.

CARLSON: Exactly. From what I can tell, they are attempting to criminalize opinions that they don't like. You're allowed to have any view of the last election that you want, any view you want on anything in this country. Period. Your views cannot be criminalized because ideas and speech are never criminal in a free country.

I don't understand -- I mean, the pretext for -- they're going to throw Bannon in jail if they can because they don't like his opinions. Where are the Republican leaders standing up against this?

FLYNN: Yes, and the other big question, the sort of the 60,000-foot view is when does this stop or will it ever stop? And I actually don't see it stopping. I actually think that we are going to continue to see this relentless pursuit of what I just call an assault on our rights top to bottom. You know, I'd recommend everybody to go and read the Bill of Rights because every single one of those is at risk under this particular regime that we are, you know, we are being you know basically dominated by within the political realm of this country.

And the Democratic Party really, you know, who sort of runs the Democratic Party these days, but I agree with you. I've sort of stopped, Tucker, worrying about the Democratic Party because I kind of know what their plan is, and really to me, it is this Republican establishment and the Republican quote-unquote "leaders" and I really do believe that -- and what I feel from the American people is that they're looking for leadership out of the Republican Party and the Republican Party is not -- they're not doing it, they're just not doing it and they need to step up because this is not going to end anytime soon and they're going to continue to chip away at all of our rights however they can and they own the media, they own the tech titans of the world so to speak.

And so, they have an ability to be able to control the message and frankly, the American people -- and I'm in a place, you know this weekend with about 5,000 people and I'm telling you, they're just sick of it. They really are sick of it.

CARLSON: Yes, until someone says no mas and means it, it will continue. I think that's right.

FLYNN: Exactly.

CARLSON: Michael Flynn, General, thank you very much.

FLYNN: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So the Southern border is wide open tonight. We have open borders for the first time in American history, and one of the many consequences of that is a massive spike in human smuggling and of sex trafficking of children. The Biden administration is doing zero to stop this, so who is? We'll speak to someone who is, next.


CARLSON: We have some remarkable new footage to share with you tonight from our Southern border, of course, and it comes from FOX's Bill Melugin, it always does. He joins us now. Hey, Bill.

BILL MELUGIN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker. Good evening to you, so look, we've got some concerning information. We just learned from Border Patrol just down here in the Rio Grande Valley in a 14- hour span, they arrested four confirmed members of the MS-13 gang.

The activity down here is really starting to pick up again similar to what we were seeing over the summer and we'll show some of that to you. Take a look at this footage we shot last night as we were embedded with Texas DPS looking for runners in the area. It did not take long to find them.

Take a look at this. We found one guy literally hiding up in a tree trying to get away from law enforcement. This is that cat and mouse game that is played out here day in and day out as there are constantly runners coming all through this area trying to get away from law enforcement. Then later on in the morning, earlier today, same spot, look what we found -- a group of 200 migrants who had just crossed illegally here into La Joya.

These are those family units, moms and dads bringing their little kids with them. They look for Border Patrol. They give themselves up because they know under this administration, they will likely just be released into the country with a future court date if they can just step foot here on U.S. soil.

And then take a look at this here, this was a pretty big deal. For the very first time during this border crisis, what you're looking at here is Texas DPS and the Texas National Guard ran an operation on Tuesday night in Roma, Texas to finally go after one of those human smugglers using rafts to bring illegal immigrants across the Rio Grande in Roma, Texas.

They went after a raft. They got all the illegal immigrants inside of it and they got that cartel-affiliated smuggler. Here is his mug shot. Take a look at him. We had to blur his face out because he is a 17-year-old. He is a Mexican national who had actually been arrested two times previously for human smuggling. I'm told when they tried to arrest him, he actually fought law enforcement. He fought those State Troopers, assaulted them. So, he is facing a litany of charges.

Then, take a look at the second mug shot right here. This is one of the passengers, one of the illegal immigrants who he was smuggling across the river into Texas. He is a 45-year-old man from El Salvador. He is a previously deported felon who had a conviction for sexual assault. So, the idea here is the State of Texas, Texas DPS telling me they are sending a message that if the Federal government is not going to patrol that river and stop these rats from coming over, the State of Texas is going to fill that void, protect the people of Texas.

They're going to have to do it themselves and they're putting these smugglers on notice that these smugglers who we've seen on video all year long now being real cocky, real brazen, laughing at our cameras, giving us the money sign when they come over, smiling as they do these smuggling jobs. They are on notice now that it ain't going to be that easy anymore. They will try to take them down.

Tucker, we'll send it back to you.

CARLSON: It's all beyond belief. Bill Melugin, really doing the best reporting out there without question on this subject. Thank you so much.

MELUGIN: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So as Bill has shown over months, it is undeniable now, our Southern border is open and that's led to all kinds of problems across the country, but one of them is a dramatic increase in human smuggling and the sex trafficking sometimes of children.

So Kevin Lilly has been on this. He is the Chairman of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission and he joins us tonight to tell us what he has discovered. Mr. Lilly, thanks so much for coming on. I appreciate it.


CARLSON: So, I don't think I've read a single story about human smuggling and sex trafficking because of our border policy. What have you discovered about it?

LILLY: Well, I think that people that are in desperate, vulnerable, or distressed situations are always vulnerable to being taken in by criminal elements.


LILLY: And as you saw yesterday in Poland for example, there was a mass rush on the Polish border from Belarus and for the first time in history, the European Union is now going to fund even from their most liberal countries, a border wall to protect against the migration of individuals.

Now, before you really understand human trafficking, you have to understand the economics behind it, and as all criminal elements, it has, like we discuss in this country, supply chain issues. And in narcotics, you have a supply chain situation where the drug has to be manufactured, it has to be processed in a lab, then it has to be distributed, ultimately working through to get to the end user, right?

And then you have a vial of cocaine that is used, but once it's consumed, that supply chain has to work essentially in perpetuity, and it's subject to its own disruptions -- legal disruptions, law enforcement et cetera.

The difference -- and that is a $350 billion industry. The difference with human trafficking and why it has become so enticing to the cartels and the human smugglers is while it's a $200 billion industry and growing, and in some cases, Tucker, they think that it will surpass narcotics in revenue. The difference is, as disgusting and horrible as it sounds, you're dealing with human inventory. You're dealing with reusable inventory.

And these are situations where you have 300,000 individuals in Texas based upon a University of Texas study are being trafficked in Texas now, including 80,000 children, ages 11 to 17. And so you have this essentially -- we are providing inventory to the cartel.

So when you have an ill-defined or open border policy, well, the defenders of it believe that they're being benevolent, but what they're actually doing right is providing free inventory, essentially no cost of goods to the cartels who then bring these individuals in, to which there is no escape, they are in debt bondage if they have to pay a coyote or what have you, sometimes as much as $20,000.00, narcotics, lifestyle, et cetera.

And so when they are brought in -- go ahead, sorry.

CARLSON: No, I mean, you're just -- you just pointed out the deep irony, which is in the name of ending racism, we are increasing slavery in the United States. I mean, it sounds like you're describing slavery, people who are in involuntary servitude selling their bodies for the benefit of others.

LILLY: And it gets more cruel than that because of the treatment. It is not just simply repaying the debt, you owe me $5,000.00, once you're done you're done. What they do is they typically take these girls in and are being used sometimes five, 10, 15 times a day and they don't let them ever leave.

And so they basically take their identity, they take their passports and if they try to escape, they are beaten they're tortured, they're whipped, they're branded. I've heard of situations where they tie them to ant beds.

So it an atrocious and deplorable treatment of these individuals who are desperate.

CARLSON: Yes. Kevin Lilly of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. I appreciate your explaining that to us tonight. It is deeply upsetting, but it's worth knowing. Thank you.

LILLY: Thank you.

CARLSON: So we're big on anniversaries on this show, 30 years married, five years on the air. We are grateful to that. We want to take a look at some of our favorite moments over those past five years and we will do that, next.

You can watch "Patriot Purge" by the way this weekend. Access to all our FOX Nation material for 90 days free,


CARLSON: So we have now officially been on the air for five years. I didn't think that would happen, glad it did. Some of our more sentimental producers put together some highlights. Here they are.


CARLSON: Welcome to the first edition of the eponymously named TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT show. I got a haircut for the show. We're glad you're here.

We're going to get back to basics here. We're going to hold the powerful accountable, pierce pomposity, translate double speak, mock smugness, and barbecue nonsense every night, I hope you'll watch.

Can you look right into the camera and say I know for a fact that the government of Vladimir Putin was behind the hacks of John Podesta's e-mail.

REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA): Absolutely. The government of Vladimir Putin was behind the hacks of our institution and the dump of information --

CARLSON: Of John Podesta's e-mail.

SCHIFF: And not only in the United States --

CARLSON: Of John Podesta's e-mail.

SCHIFF: But also in Europe --

CARLSON: Okay, you're not. You know what, you're dodging --

SCHIFF: And Tucker --

CARLSON: Inauguration Day for the new President and the new First Lady, it all began with the swearing-in ceremony.

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I, Donald John Trump do solemnly swear --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tucker, you're not accusing this -- me of being a hoax, are you?

CARLSON: I'm saying that your name is fake and this company is fake, and that the claims you've made on your website are false.

We're in the middle of a thunderstorm. We're at a jail in El Salvador. This is reputed to be the best bartolina in the country, a model facility, which is probably the reason they took us here.

Do you know how many of these men are suspected of being MS-13?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Quite a number.

CARLSON: Why do you think so many political and cultural leaders in the United States disagree with you and are making the case that borders are themselves immoral?

TRUMP: It's incredible. I mean, the Democrats are for open borders, which means crime.

CARLSON: Our crack control room team just minutes ago spotted the creepy porn lawyer in his natural habitat.

While the rest of us were distracted by the creepy porn lawyer --

We have a standing invitation for the creepy porn lawyer to appear on this program whenever he desires.

MICHAEL AVENATTI, FORMER ATTORNEY: When was the last time you saw porn?

CARLSON: Oh, you busted me. Actually, maybe humiliation porn, that's why I watch you on CNN.

Standing on the North Korean border with the President, with the South Korean President, President Moon about to meet with the North Korean leader.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait until they move.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait until they move.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: President, how do you feel?

TRUMP: I feel great. It's a great honor to be here.

CARLSON: A mysterious virus spreading in China has gotten hundreds of people sick. At the top of the hour, the death count has doubled to nearly 25 so far that we know of.

The Chinese government has quarantined the City of Wuhan where the virus originated, but one case in this country has already confirmed.

Fauci is the high priest of the COVID cult, a paper mask is his sacred garment, cable television is his pulpit. The people of Washington bow before Father Fauci.


CARLSON: What happened last night in Minneapolis was not a political protest, it was a riot.

Happy Inauguration Day, it's a big moment for the country. There's a new regime in power starting today and they seem to be planning to accelerate things dramatically. They're getting the F.B.I. and The Pentagon involved in this hunt for people who may criticize them.

Good evening and welcome to a Special Edition of TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT. We're coming to you from Budapest. Here is Viktor Orban, his accent is pretty thick, but his English is precise. He is worth hearing.

VIKTOR ORBAN, HUNGARIAN PRIME MINISTER: You have to defend your people against any danger.

CARLSON: And you think you have a right to do that?

ORBAN: Of course. That's coming from the -- it's coming from the God, the nature, so all arguments with us.

CARLSON: We'll be back, that's our promise, 8:00 p.m. every weeknight, the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. We hope you have the best night with the ones you love and we will see you soon.


CARLSON: Hard to believe it's been five years. What a great time it's been.

Many have tried to end it earlier than that, but you've stuck in there and we're grateful, for real.

Well, there's a strange and very scary new illness apparently that seems to be hitting a cluster of people in Canada. Victims are suffering symptoms like dizziness and memory loss, and much worse. Is this something real that we should know about? A medical mystery with Dr. Siegel, straight ahead.


CARLSON: So, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has just affirmed its decision to stop Joe Biden's a lunatic vax mandate for businesses that have more than a hundred employees. The Biden administration has signal that it will just ignore it.

Now, the mandate isn't working. It's unconstitutional. More Americans have died of COVID under Biden than under the previous President, Donald Trump. So in no way does anyone benefit, but a lot of people are being hurt, in fact, all of us.

These mandates have led to a shortage of first responders in major cities. In Seattle, for example, those shortages have deadly consequences. Jason Rantz has followed that in detail. He is a radio host in Seattle. He broke the story. He joins us now. Jason, thanks for coming on.

JASON RANTZ, SEATTLE RADIO SHOW HOST: Thanks, Tucker. We have a story of a 13-year-old boy who ended up watching helplessly as his 45-year-old father was struggling to breathe in a North Seattle apartment, and due to the vaccine mandate crippling our police and fire departments, there was a significant delay in response.

Now, this happened last Tuesday afternoon. The boy called 9-1-1 to report his father was having some kind of medical emergency, and the dispatcher sent out an alert. Unfortunately, Seattle Fire was down a medical unit that day because of the staffing crisis. But still, they're able to send an aid unit, two firefighters who actually arrived within minutes.

However, when they actually got there, they were told not to go inside because this address was flagged in their system as having a resident known to be combative with police and fire, so they had to wait for police to arrive before they actually were able to go in.

But this SPD is dramatically understaffed because of this vaccine mandate where Mayor Jenny Durkan pushes out a hundred officers or so due to it, and I can tell you, it took eight minutes for an officer to even be assigned to this case. And as this was going on, this poor kid ends up having to call 9-1-1 a second time, take a listen.


911 OPERATOR: Look at his chest and tell me if it's rising and falling.

UNIDENTIFIED BOY: Barely. Almost not at all.

911 OPERATOR: So almost not at all or not at all?

UNIDENTIFIED BOY: Almost not at all. Almost.


RANTZ: So unfortunately, police were not able to get there as quickly as the firefighters would like. They went in anyway. Unfortunately, they pronounced this father dead after working on him for an hour and the tragic irony here is that alert, that flag on the address was incorrect. It was meant for a different person who lived in that apartment and if the officers were able to get there a little bit sooner, this might have ended differently -- Tucker.

CARLSON: I just feel sick hearing that. Jason Rantz, thank you for your reporting on that. Shocking.

RANTZ: Thank you.

CARLSON: Well, here is a medical mystery. It might be nothing, but you don't know. Some kind of neurological illness apparently reportedly is spreading in New Brunswick, Canada. Nearly 50 people have been affected by it. They're reporting symptoms of hallucinations, muscle twitching, dizziness, other symptoms.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It began with delusions that we all knew weren't true.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And he said your brain is like somebody over 80 year old.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's an illness with no diagnosis, an illness with no cure.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you view time right now?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's running out. And it's running out not only for my dad, but for everyone else who is dealing with this.


CARLSON: A big cluster of people. It's very strange. Dr. Marc Siegel is the first person we ask. He is here for Dr. Siegel's medical emergency and joins us tonight. Doctor, what is this? Do we have any idea?

DR. MARC SIEGEL, FOX NEWS CHANNEL MEDICAL CONTRIBUTOR: We're getting more of an idea, Tucker.

First, people thought it was mad cow disease, which spreads by something called a prion. This is pretty concerning and scary. It's in New Brunswick, land of about 750,000 people. We've seen 48 cases at least over the past two years from the age of 18 and up. You're fine one day, then you suddenly get anxiety, hallucinations, dizziness, discoordination, pain, memory loss -- you just can't get the words out.

One poor girl named Gabrielle Cormier is 20 years old. She's in a wheelchair now and our heart goes out to her because she wanted to be a doctor, a pathologist yet who might have been able to figure this out.

Tucker, they said they've looked at biopsies. There's been several deaths, they haven't found anything yet to show that it's an infectious disease. It doesn't look like it's an infectious disease. But the more reading I do, the more I think it's something in the environment.

They've had this before. In 1987, they had an outbreak, and I think that it's likely a neurotoxin. That's what it comes down to. All of these symptoms go together and you don't see something on an MRI.

Now, let me tell you something. In this area of the Atlantic Coast, we're seeing a lot of blue algae, a chemical called BMAA. That chemical is a cyanobacteria. It's toxic and it probably can cause this if you get enough of it and they haven't ruled it out yet.

They've been looking for everything else, you know, damage to the brain, encephalitis, infection. They haven't ruled this out yet.

So I'm suspicious that this is a neurotoxin, and I think they have to do further investigation before more people die and more people get sick. I think it's under diagnosed. I think it's throughout the province of New Brunswick and even in neighboring areas, Prince Edward Island in Nova Scotia, maybe even in Maine, Tucker.

CARLSON: But bottom line, Doctor, this does sound real then. It's not something people are imagining.

SIEGEL: And that's a key point because every time something like this happens, people say oh, you know, it is anxiety. It's way more than that. It is totally real. It's a neurodegenerative disease. It's increasing. Forty eight cases over the past two years, but that's -- there is a lot more than that out there. It's very scary and it's real.

CARLSON: Fascinating. Dr. Marc Siegel, thank you for that.

SIEGEL: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: We are completely out of time. We're sorry about that. We will see you on Monday.

We hope you have the best weekend with the ones you love. If you're looking for something to do over the weekend, you can get all of our Originals documentaries including "Patriot Purge" on, free for 30 days. We will see you Monday.

Have a great night.

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