Tucker: Racism had nothing to do with Rittenhouse shooting
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host provides examples of the left's propaganda campaign.
This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on November 17, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST, TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT: We are here on the scene of the Patriot Awards in in the good Hollywood, Hollywood, Florida. You can stream the whole thing right after the show, it's on foxnation.com. We recommend it.
But first, good evening and welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT.
So, there is a difference between lying in propaganda and it's worth knowing what it is. All propaganda is lying, but not all lying is propaganda. So what's the difference between the two?
Here is what lying is. Think about the moments in your own life when you have lied. Most of the time you do it because you have done something that you're ashamed of and you're hoping nobody is going to find out. When you're caught, as inevitably you are caught, you shade the truth.
So someone says to you, "You're drunk," and you say, 'No, I'm not. I've only had three beers," but actually you had eight beers. You're lying. That's what lying is.
Propaganda is very different from that. Propaganda is not a shading of the truth. Propaganda is a complete inversion of the truth. "You're drunk," somebody tells you. "No, I'm not," you reply. "You're the one who's drunk. You've had eight beers. It's shameful and I'm disgusted by your drunkenness." That's what propaganda looks like.
It's the mirror image of reality. It's the exact opposite of the truth and it is always delivered with ferocious aggression.
Propaganda tends to bewilder people, to confuse them when they first hear it. It is so completely and obviously untrue. What is this, you think?
And yet for that very reason, because it's so ridiculous, so absurd, propaganda tends to be effective. People assume that lies that bold have got to be true, something about the human brain reaches that conclusion, it always has, and that's why propaganda has always been a feature of society, especially now. It's why we're now swimming in propaganda.
"January 6th was an armed insurrection," they screamed. "Russia is the real threat." "The 2020 election was perfectly fair." "COVID is more dangerous than opioids." No really it is, it's all true.
We can give you countless examples of this in action and you would recognize every one of them, but here's one from today's headlines, "Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist." Now, you're hearing that claim constantly from media figures and from politicians.
As a factual matter, in case anybody cares, that is a lie. There is no evidence whatsoever that Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist, whatever that term is supposed to mean. There is precisely no racial angle at all to this story. None.
Of the four people directly involved in the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings, all four of them are white. So, you might not like Kyle Rittenhouse, but if you're an honest person, you would have to concede that racism had nothing to do with what he did. How could it? Why would a white supremacist shoot white people? It doesn't even make sense.
But that has not stopped them from telling you the opposite or even slowed them down.
Here is Joe Biden just two days after the shootings in Kenosha, writing the first draft of what turned out to be a long propaganda campaign.
ANDREA MITCHELL, MSNBC HOST: He has espoused some views. He is part of a youth police group. He was holding a long gun. He was out and about, nobody restrained him.
What are your concerns about the involvement of others, perhaps, he, but others who are white militia people stirring this trouble?
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Oh, I'm very concerned about it. Again, you saw what got me involved in this race and I hadn't planned on running in the first place was what happened in Charlottesville. The same kind of appeal to -- these guys don't use a dog whistle, they use a bullhorn.
They use a bullhorn and there's a 17-year-old young man, I don't know anything about him, all I know is that there is some reporting about a connection to a militia in Illinois.
CARLSON: So really, you should save that tape. It is a textbook example of what is going on of what they do. Notice the framing of that conversation.
So the propagandist from NBC News doesn't come out and call Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist. She can't do that. The shootings just happened hours before. The facts are too fresh. There was no evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse had ugly racial views, much less that he was motivated to shoot people because of those views.
And everyone who was paying attention at the time knew that very well. So instead of making the claim directly, the liar from NBC News stealthily broadens the question: Are you concerned about others who are white militia people?
But wait a second, what other white militia people? Where are these people? What are you talking about exactly? But the liar from NBC News never tells us what she is talking about, that's not the point. She has given her candidate, Joe Biden, the opportunity to take it from there, which of course he immediately does. That's the point of the setup.
And then Biden goes on to invoke the protests in Charlottesville, Virginia from years before, which have precisely nothing to do with anything that happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin in the summer of 2020.
But they didn't need to be connected factually. The point was obvious, everyone watching understood the point. The point was, Kyle Rittenhouse is a dangerous racist and by the way, anyone who would defend Kyle Rittenhouse, probably, a dangerous racist, too. Maybe one of those white militia people.
You see how that works? It works by indirection and stealth and dishonesty, but of course you see it because you see it every day, because it never ended. They are still telling the same thing now and because they've never stopped repeating that lie, a lot of people now assume that it must be true. Kyle Rittenhouse, he is a white supremacist, right?
Many people think that. Why wouldn't they?
So, why have they been doing this for 15 months? Well, now, it's obvious. If Kyle Rittenhouse wasn't actually what he was, which was a 17-year-old lifeguard who came to Kenosha to clean Antifa graffiti off the walls of a school, if he was something else entirely, if he was an armed bigot, a member of some kind of white supremacist militia, then the trial looks very, very different.
If that's true, then this trial is no longer about the principle of self- defense, it's only about whether Kyle Rittenhouse's rifle was legal under Wisconsin law. No, no, no. It's not something much bigger than that.
If their lies are true, it means this trial is about whether black people can continue to live in the United States without being fear -- in fear of being murdered by white supremacist militiamen like Kyle Rittenhouse.
And by the way, after much repetition, at this point, many Americans believe that is exactly what the trial is about, and they believe it because they keep hearing it on MSNBC.
BRITTANY PACKNETT CUNNINGHAM, MEMBER OF PRESIDENT OBAMA'S 21ST CENTURY POLICING TASK FORCE: There are only so many acceptable losses that white supremacy is willing to accept, so if Derek Chauvin is going to jail, you had best believe that Ahmaud Arbery's murderers, people like Kyle Rittenhouse are going to be defended with all that this culture has, because they have to make sure that the message is sent, that white men will continue to control these systems and that the rest of us should be living in fear.
CARLSON: If Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted, quote, "The rest of us should be living in fear." Now, why would we be living in fear? Because Kyle Rittenhouse might go on to shoot other convicted child rapists and violent criminals who are actually trying to murder him? That's the threat? How afraid should the rest of us be of that?
Once again, that claim doesn't even make sense, but it doesn't need to. The fact that it is nonsensical does not diminish in any way the emotional power of those words. The rest of us should be living in fear.
Imagine hearing that on live television from someone you're supposed to trust. It would scare the hell out of you. Yes, it would. And of course, that's the point of saying it.
But there is another point, too, and that point is to subvert our system of justice. American justice is based on the principle of equality, the principle that all of us are equal under the law, no matter what we look like, no matter who our parents were, no matter where we came from. That's called equality, and until very recently, our leaders were proud to offer it.
Equity is something very, very different. In fact it's the opposite of equality. If you think equity is the point of the justice system, then you don't care about the details. You're not interested in the evidence, you're not interested in who is actually guilty or innocent before the law. What you care about instead is the appearance of the defendants, the identity of the people who are convicted and acquitted.
According to the principles of equity, how you were born determines whether or not you are guilty. That's equity. And it's not a fringe theory anymore. According to Joe Biden himself, equity is the organizing principle of this White House. He said so the day he was inaugurated.
But in order to replace equality in our justice system and every other institution with equity, that means you have to tear down the system we currently have and have used for the last 250 years. That's not easy, it's a big assignment. How do you do it?
Well, in the justice system, there is no faster way to tear it down than by calling Judges, racist, which needless to say is exactly what they are doing now.
ELIE MYSTAL, JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT, "THE NATION": He has made a series of decisions, each one perhaps maybe individually defensible, but in totality, lead to the impression of a biased, racist Judge with his Trump rally cell phone that is trying to get Rittenhouse a walk.
CARLSON: The racist Judge. So that's a very heavy thing to say about anyone, particularly a sitting Judge in the middle of a murder trial.
So the question is, is the Judge actually a racist? And the answer as you know by now is that, no, there is no evidence of that at all, and the man who just claimed the Judge was racist knows there is no evidence of it.
The man who just claimed it by the way went to Harvard Law School. He is not stupid, he knows what the facts are, he just doesn't care what the facts are, whatever it takes.
So this way of looking at the world, intentionally denying reality for the sake of a desired outcome is often called post-modernism, but that's not quite right. In fact, this is pre-modern. This is an instinct older than civilization itself and in fact, a challenge to civilization itself.
This is the kind of thinking that leads to tribalism. Tribalism is the belief that my team is always right and your team is barely human. Tribalism has been around for as long as people have been around, it's never gone away. It just lurks beneath the surface of societies, all societies.
One of the main goals of any civilization is to suppress tribalism, so that we can live together without killing one another.
So you should be concerned when it reemerges in public and boy has it. Watch this.
JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: This Kyle Rittenhouse trial, it reminded a lot of people of something -- something -- I just can't remember what it was -- oh, the Brett Kavanaugh hearings in which Brett Kavanaugh who had been accused by a high school friend of committing sexual abuse of her, cried his way through the hearings to make him a permanent member and Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
And his tears turned out to be more powerful than the tears of Christine Blasey Ford, which were the tears of an alleged victim. But in America, there is a thing about both white vigilantism and white tears particularly male white tears.
CARLSON: So that is a currently employed MSNBC anchor, their Harvard graduate, not an employee of Radio Rwanda, and that person is telling us what she really thinks in a TikTok video, "white tears," she mocks the very idea. People that evil can't cry. They don't have human emotions because they're not really human. You don't have to care about them, they don't qualify for your compassion. You can laugh as they weep and feel good about it.
You often hear the word "dehumanize." What does it mean? That's what it looks like.
So you wonder how long this can go on our country before something really important breaks.
Jason Whitlock has been thinking about this topic recently. We're happy to have him on the show now.
Jason, thanks so much for coming on. I'm starting to worry not just about the outcome of this trial. I have strong opinions about that, but even leaving those aside, the effect of this trial on the country seems almost certain no matter what the verdict to divide the country even more, make people hate each other even more, and for no good reason, and it does seem to me like that's the intent of the people framing it in the way they are.
JASON WHITLOCK, HOST, "FEARLESS WITH JASON WHITLOCK: There is no question about it, Tucker.
Look, regardless of whatever verdict comes out of this trial, I think the mob has won and mob rule has won. Just the fact that we even have this trial, any rational sane prosecutor, district attorney would have looked at this, looked at all the evidence and said, hey, there is no case here. This young man acted in self-defense.
We wish he had stayed at home. We wish that he hadn't carried a gun, but he acted in self-defense. The mob forced this trial and now, the mob has taken the jury hostage, I believe mentally. There is so much fear in Kenosha that we're going to have the rioting and looting and the violence and the arson that we just saw a year ago that it is going to repeat itself.
And as I said on this show a week ago, Tucker, this is a failure of leadership across the board. If the prosecutors had done the right thing and never brought a case, you wouldn't have these now 12 jurors in the crosshair sitting in Kenosha in fear, paralyzed, unable to reach a conclusion in this case.
And again speculation, on my part, but to me, it's because of the fear. Do they want to trade the life that they used to have in order to do the right thing for Kyle Rittenhouse and let him go? That's going to take an incredible amount of courage that right now some members or all members -- they can't get there to that level of courage, and it's because of the incredible lack of leadership that starts with President Joe Biden and just filters its way all the way down to the rest of our political system and lawmakers and decision makers, elected officials.
We're being overrun by cowardice.
CARLSON: Yes, that is -- I wish you -- frequently, you say things that I haven't thought of and that challenge my view of things and then within 24 hours, I find myself nodding in silent agreement. I agree with you completely.
I've just got to ask you though, if you're in the media, if you have access to some sort of mass media, and particularly television, which is emotional by its nature, don't you think you have -- and I'm not calling for censorship, I never would. But don't you think you have some moral obligation not to make people more afraid than they need to be?
WHITLOCK: Listen, we're looking at Big Tech. If anybody says anything about the vaccine, it's labeled as misinformation, it's the most dangerous thing in the world and oh, we've got to stop it and we've got to de- platform this person, you can go on TV and say anything about race and racism and white people, and it's all good.
CARLSON: That's right.
WHITLOCK: The information doesn't have to be sound. Tucker, I've spent part of today just reminding myself of what this country used to be and the kind of leadership that it took for us to get here, and when I look at Joe Biden in comparison to Dwight Eisenhower and this moment with Rittenhouse reminds me of 1957 Arkansas -- Little Rock, Arkansas, nine students, Dwight Eisenhower went on national TV and showed some real leadership, sent a thousand National Guardsmen, the 101st Airborne to protect those kids.
CARLSON: That's right.
WHITLOCK: This needs to happen for these jury members. They need to know that from the President on down, America has their back. They can make whatever decision they want, they will be protected, we will not let this mob overrun them and ruin their life.
CARLSON: Man, is that such a smart point. Central High School, that's exactly right. Jason Whitlock, thank you. Great to see you tonight.
WHITLOCK: Thank you, Tucker.
CARLSON: So during the closing arguments in the Rittenhouse case, which really was fascinating if you watched the whole thing, prosecutors argued that Rittenhouse did not have the right to defend himself when threatened with death.
A violent pedophile chased him down trying to grab his gun, said he wanted to kill Kyle Rittenhouse. So he said out loud that Rittenhouse should have allowed Rosenbaum to beat him. Watch this.
JAMES KRAUS, PROSECUTOR: Everybody takes a beating sometimes, right? Sometimes you get in a scuffle and maybe you do get hurt a little bit. That doesn't mean you get to start plugging people with your full metal jacket AR-15 rounds and no bullets or not bullets.
CARLSON: Really that's the point of the trial, and we wanted to hear what Jesse Kelly had to say about that because we know he has thought deeply about it. He is the host of "The Jesse Kelly Show." We're happy to have him join us tonight.
So, Jesse, you watched this whole thing. I mean, do you agree that that kind of was the takeaway, you don't have a right to protect your own life.
JESSE KELLY, HOST, "THE JESSE KELLY SHOW": That is the takeaway they are going to get from it, Tucker, because that's their entire world view. It's hard for Americans to accept, it's hard for me to accept where we are as a country.
Where we are is people in positions of power now, they are the crazed nut job that used to be on the street corner protesting the man-hating feminist who used to hide in her apartment hammering Nutter-Butters. These people are now CEOs, they're district attorneys, they are senators, they are Presidents, and that's why you see this.
They genuinely believe Kyle Rittenhouse should not have stopped the street animals from burning down Kenosha or any other city. They believe they have a right before god, their communist god to burn this country down.
CARLSON: I love Nutter-Butters. I'm sorry -- I'm sorry to say that. I'm not defending feminism in any way, but I can't resist.
So what's -- so what's our reaction to this? I mean, you've got to think that people watching this trial, no matter what the outcome ultimately is will conclude, you really can't defend yourself in the country, like how could you?
KELLY: I don't think people want to hear what we have to do, Tucker, because the truth is what we have to do is get out of blue areas, you are not safe in any area that is blue now in this country not because of the street mobs either because of exactly what you're seeing here, because the people who have the power to ruin your life and throw you in a dark hole forever, they are now in positions where they can make that happen.
Get to a red area, become an activist, run for DA, run for School Board, make it redder. These people -- we are not in the year 2000, we're not even in the year 2010. These people are now desperate and they are lashing out and they are going to hurt a lot of people on the right before they're done.
CARLSON: I think that's right. And when the Californians show up, make them obey your customs and not vice versa, I would say. Jesse Kelly, such a smart man. Great to see you tonight. Thank you.
KELLY: Be good, brother.
CARLSON: So we're almost two years into COVID, into the pandemic, and so it's worth pausing and asking what was that? And why have so many Americans died of COVID-19, more under Biden than under Trump? Who are the people running our COVID policy, exactly?
Well, we just spoke to someone who knows the answer. He is a former member of the White House COVID Task Force. He saw firsthand how incompetent these people are. An amazing conversation with Dr. Scott Atlas, next.
CARLSON: Welcome back. We're in Hollywood -- the good Hollywood in the Free State of Florida for the Patriot Awards. They are on FOX Nation. You can watch it later by going to tuckercarlson.com.
It was about -- I don't know -- nine months ago, it was last spring that we watched as some of the most informed people in the country, people who actually knew what they were talking about, who were speaking factually about the most important issues of the day were pulled off social media and the tech platforms -- Google, Facebook, Twitter -- not because they were wrong or speaking misinformation, but because they were saying things that challenged the Democratic Party's story line, which is inherently false.
So at that point, we thought we should have these conversations in a place that Big Tech can't touch, and FOX Nation is that place.
So we just had an amazing conversation with a man called, Dr. Scott Atlas, from Stanford University. Scott Atlas knows more about how this country has tackled the coronavirus pandemic than maybe any living American. He was on the White House Coronavirus Task Force in the previous administration.
For saying things out loud that are true, that he has firsthand knowledge of, he has been censored, but again he won't be censored here.
As a member of that task force, Scott Atlas saw firsthand the people who were formulating our COVID policy and he was shocked by it.
Here is part of our conversation.
DR. SCOTT ATLAS, FORMER MEMBER OF CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE UNDER PRESIDENT TRUMP: In mid-August, I went to the Task Force meeting and of course, it's with the people who you know and you're sitting around the room and the Vice President ran the whole Task Force, Dr. Birx is the Task Force Coordinator, she ran the medical side and I'm listening to these people talking and I was stunned.
I was stunned at the lack of knowledge, at the complete lack of knowing the data, at the lack of critical thinking. And so, there is a discussion and - -
CARLSON: Was Fauci in these meetings?
ATLAS: Yes, Fauci, Birx, and Redfield -- a lot of people who were heads of agencies, Seema Verma, CMS. I mean, she's not medical. Dr. Giroir was there, but the three, what I call sort of the Troika of the Task Force was Dr. Redfield, head of the C.D.C.; Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx who was the head of it, the Task Force Coordinator.
And I would listen to them and their discussions were, you know, were off base and so, I would -- in my first meeting, the Vice President turns to me and said, "Well, does everyone agree?" And I'm sort of reluctant to speak up and he sees my face and he says, "Well, Scott, you know, you're here for a reason. I asked you to come here to say your opinion. If you disagree say it."
And I said, "Okay, I totally disagree," and then I went through the data. And in fact, I was the only one who had scientific papers in the Task Force meeting. I walked around the White House my entire time and every Task Force meeting I went to, with a dozen, two dozen papers, all the new data, and I would go through the scientific papers whenever I spoke.
And whenever I spoke about an issue, whether it was the schools' opening, the risk to children, the immunity, no one there, none of these medical people offered any data to rebut it. None of them, not one. They never had any scientific paper to rebut it.
They would just say, I'm an outlier. Okay, they would say --
CARLSON: So they would go after you personally.
ATLAS: It was all personally. They were a unit. Birx, Fauci, and Redfield -- in fact, Dr. Birx said in say January-February of this year that I didn't know this at the time, she had an unwritten sort of contract agreement with Fauci and Redfield that if one of them got fired, they would all fire.
They were in it together and their history stems from HIV and AIDS, and I briefly mention this in the book. They worked together on AIDS. They work together with one focus, by the way, to get a vaccine, which should ring a bell with what is happening.
ATLAS: And you know, they were sort of a group of people -- when you're in the government for 40 years in high positions like Dr. Fauci, the people that are in government successfully are not there because they are neutral and therefore, they can exist in different administrations. They are there because they understand how to navigate the politics.
They understand how to make friends in various agencies, okay. This is a very political position when you're a 40-year government bureaucrat.
So I thought Dr. Fauci from what I had -- I think he is a smart guy. You know, he knew the material from the e-mails that he wrote to his friends from February-March about what was said during the meetings was revealed by not just Dr. Fauci, by all the medical people in the task force, a lack of knowledge about the data.
They never cited a scientific study. They never knew a critical assessment. They never gave a refutation of any study, nor a refutation or disagreement of each other, never, not once. I mean that's unheard of in science.
There is no science without disagreement.
CARLSON: But I just want to say that's not science.
ATLAS: There is no such thing, and so, I'll give you an example as a person who looks at science and papers, I was a scientific paper reviewer and an N.I.H. grant reviewer for many, many years. You look at the methods section of a paper, in a journal meaning, the materials and methods. How did you do the study design?
If you see that that's not good, that's not appropriate, you're done. You don't -- it doesn't matter. You can't make a conclusion if the study was done incorrectly.
Okay, so I evaluate the papers. I don't sit there and read the blurb of the paper in "The New York Times." I look at the paper.
I was talking almost every single day to some of the world's best epidemiologists about the data on an ongoing basis. These people -- there was never any indication that they knew the papers, cited a paper or even criticized the paper, not one and as I say in the book, I mean there were things that were medical words being mispronounced in the meetings.
There were statements being made that were just -- I was looking around and sort of saying did anyone else hear this but me? I mean, I've never worked with people at this level in my career as I did in that Task Force and I am saying at a high level, okay, I'm saying at a low level.
I've worked at some of the best medical centers in the country, University of Pennsylvania, University of Chicago, I was a medical student; Stanford University, Mount Sinai in New York. I always would say, I'm not sure these people could have been assistant professors where I worked. I mean there was a lack of critical thinking, a lack of preparation, no one cited data, but me.
CARLSON: You can watch the full hour of our conversation with Dr. Scott Atlas on FOX Nation by going to foxnation.com or tuckercarlson.com. We've had so many great conversations recently. We don't want to devalue our own currency by claiming every one of them is a must watch, but that one really was. Bobby Kennedy, Jr., too.
So the QAnon Shaman, the Chewbacca guy dared to walk around the Capitol in a haze on January 6th. He was the guy in Viking horns. There's been a very troubling development in his case. I'll tell you what it is straight ahead.
MATT FINN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: This is a FOX News Alert. I'm Matt Finn in Los Angeles.
The jury ending a second day of deliberations without reaching a verdict in the case against Kyle Rittenhouse. The 12 jurors spent about 45 minutes re- watching drone video the prosecution submitted as evidence.
As jurors deliberated, Rittenhouse's defense team asked the Judge to declare a mistrial, a second time they made that request in a week. At issue, a piece of drone video that prosecutors showed the jury during closing arguments.
The defense says it got an inferior version of that key video and that they would have approached things differently if they had received the higher quality video earlier. The Judge did not immediately rule on the request.
Eighteen-year-old Rittenhouse is facing charges of homicide and attempted homicide for killing two men and wounding a third during protests last summer in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse, a former police youth cadet says he acted in self-defense.
I'm Matt Finn. Now back to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT.
CARLSON: Just when you thought it couldn't get crazier, we are learning tonight that Joe Biden's nominee to a key position in the Treasury Department, overseeing all financial institutions in this country isn't simply a lunatic radical who once praised the Soviet Union, she also has a criminal record.
FOX's Kevin Corke has that story for us tonight. Hey, Kevin.
KEVIN CORKE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Amazing story, indeed. Good evening, Tucker.
FOX News has obtained a Wisconsin Department of Justice criminal background check of Saule Omarova. She is the President's nominee to lead the Office of Comptroller of Currency, the OCC.
Now, according to the background check, she was arrested back in June of 1995 in Madison, Wisconsin with a count of misdemeanor retail theft. The White House says she has been open and honest about it. It was 25 years ago. They are unmoved by the report quote, "Saule Omarova is eminently qualified and was nominated for this role given her strong track record of regulation and strong academic credentials. The White House strongly supports this historic nomination."
Historic is certainly one word for it, Tucker. Keep in mind, she is probably the only person ever nominated for the OCC post to have called the industry that she might regulate a quote "a-hole industry." She is also by the way called for the end of banking as we know it, she'd like to see deposit accounts moved over to the Treasury, over to the Federal Reserve. That means checking and savings accounts.
Just a little bit about the President's nominee that I think folks should know a little bit about -- Tucker.
CARLSON: Kevin Corke, thanks so much for that.
So of all the people you could nominate to control the currency, a thief? Really? Maybe this is a person you keep away from the currency.
Well, to another story that we know you've been following for months now. Jacob Chansley, often known as the QAnon Shaman, the Chewbacca guy. You remember him from January 6. He was the guy on countless videos wandering around apparently in a psilocybin haze with Viking horns on, deep in his own dreamland, didn't wreck anything, didn't threaten anyone.
You remember these videos, there they are.
JACOB CHANSLEY, QANON SHAMAN: Hey [bleep]. Man, glad to see you guys. You guys [bleep] patriots. Look at this guy, he's got -- he is covered in blood. God bless you.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You good, sir? You need medical attention?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm good, thank you.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I got shot in the face. I got shot in the face with some kind of plastic bullet.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Any chance I could get you guys to leave the Senate wing?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait, Wait. I've been making sure they ain't disrespecting the place.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Okay, I just want to let you know, this is like the sacredest place.
CARLSON: So, there's a cop right there on video. He doesn't seem to find Chewbacca guy very threatening at all. He walked around the Senate floor, he upset Joe Biden. That's what he did, and for that crime he has already spent 10 months in solitary confinement.
Now, he has just been sentenced of one of the most disproportionate sentences in memory -- to 41 months behind bars. At the same time, you'll notice not long ago, a kid shot up a classroom in Fort Worth, Texas and got out in one day.
What are we watching here exactly?
Will Cain is the co-host of "FOX and Friends" Weekend, our friend, he joins us now.
Will, thanks so much for coming on.
CARLSON: The QAnon Shaman, 41 months. How are they going to convince us that that guy was a threat to the Republic?
CAIN: Well, they're not going to be able to. They're only going to be able to convince us of something we already know that is true and that's this a political prosecution. As you point out, he did nothing.
And look people are going to hear you and I have this conversation, they're going to say, oh, there go Tucker and Will defending the people that rioted on January 6th. No, I believe what we are defending is something called due process, which is core to the United States of America.
CAIN: So as you point out, let me ask you a couple of questions. Is this length -- does that ring true of what is justice over three years for what amounts to obstruction of an official proceeding? How about as you pointed out, that he has been in solitary for the better part of a year with no bail, no due process, no hearing for many of those months to find out what was true justice.
And then maybe the most insidious part, Tucker, he was submitted to -- and he did submit to some type of brainwashing. I mean, they have made all of these January 6th defendants essentially repent from any beliefs they ever had and echo critical race theory ideas, read the right books, and tell a Judge they apologize for everyone and everything they've ever been.
It is really gross and it's a violation of due process and it's just a violation of our sense of justice.
CARLSON: And decency and proportional punishment, of course.
I mean -- and also, can I just note the obvious, this guy is not quite right. I mean, clearly.
CAIN: Right.
CARLSON: And I don't want to -- you know, I don't know how to define mentally ill, but this guy is not quite right and so normally, we carve out a little space for people who aren't quite right. We don't hurt anybody, we don't send them to prison for four years, do we?
CAIN: No, we try to find them help.
CARLSON: Right. Right.
CAIN: And then you pointed out this, the juxtaposition against those who literally burned down cities, those who did violence and property damage, which according to the AP, which I honestly don't know if it's true or not because it's from the AP, the average sentence was something like 27 months -- 27 months, burned down a city, 41 months, mill around the Capitol. Is that justice? Is that due process?
And by the way if you're in New York, you got zero months. I mean, they basically didn't process rioters in New York City.
CARLSON: Right. Because it was their office that got invaded, right? Your office gets invaded, not a big deal.
Will Cain, favorite morning guy.
CAIN: Good to be with you in the person, man.
CARLSON: Great to see you. Thank you.
CARLSON: By the way, I said favorite morning guy, Kilmeade, too.
CAIN: He heard it. I heard it, he heard it, it's on the record.
CARLSON: Well, the combination of open borders and COVID lockdowns are directly responsible for a lot of deaths in this country, a lot of deaths, far more than we thought. We're now getting an idea of the total number of Americans, mostly young people who have died over the last year because of our leader's unwillingness to acknowledge what is happening with opioids.
We will tell you what that number is straight ahead.
CARLSON: The saddest possible milestone, deaths from drug overdoses just topped a hundred thousand Americans per year for the first time in our history. Now, there are two reasons why this is happening. The first, the unprecedented amount of fentanyl that is flowing across our border from Mexico; the second, of course, are the COVID lockdowns.
Douglas Murray is a best-selling author, a political commentator, one of our favorite thinkers and people. He joins us now to assess what we're watching.
Douglas Murray, thanks so much for coming on. This is one of those stories that will be ignored by and large in this country. Why do you think that is?
DOUGLAS MURRAY, AUTHOR AND POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: You know, it is just a story that has been going on for years relentlessly and most news networks and papers just don't bother to follow it.
You know more than half a million Americans have died in the last 20 years from opioid overdoses alone, and that's been just escalating up year-on- year as we've seen now. And you know, the attention is all in the wrong places.
If you go to any university in America or anywhere else in the West and you learn anything about the world abroad and not many people do, you'll be told about for instance the Chinese opium wars that happened 200 years ago, you'll learn that that means we can't say about anything about China today. And you know today, China is responsible for an awfully large amount of the opioids that are coming into America and I'm much more interested in what is happening in recent years and in the last year than I am in going over and re-litigating something from 200 years ago.
This is Americans dying now in historic numbers year-on-year.
CARLSON: So if the precursor chemicals -- the chemicals from which fentanyl is made, often in Latin America, but those chemicals come from China. We know that. And a hundred thousand Americans die in one year. Why isn't the President of the United States, the Vice President, every sitting Member of Congress yelling about this? I don't understand.
MURRAY: You know, often I'd say, it is because they just don't know the people affected and there may be something in there, you can't say that's completely true with this administration, but broadly speaking, you know they don't know the people affected.
There are cities in America I visited quite a few myself where you just see the effects of this. You know, I was in Ferguson last week and St. Louis and you see communities have just already been hollowed out by all sorts of economic forces and they're hollowed out by these drugs, they're hollowed out by the opioids, they're hollowed out by the addictions and the deaths and nobody cares about that, just like they don't care about the towns after they've been burned out.
The media moves on, but these people don't and their relatives can't move on. It's an absolute scandal that the most important country in the world, the richest, is going through this and nobody seems to care.
CARLSON: Why does it take someone who is not even from the United States to notice what's happening in the United States? I mean, that kind of tells you everything right there. One of the keenest observers of this country, Douglas Murray, thank you very much.
MURRAY: Thank you.
CARLSON: So we've been chronicling for the last year and a half or so the politicization of everything. If you have the wrong political beliefs, you can't really function as a free American in this country.
Well now, it turns out you could lose your banking services without notice. It's not hypothetical, it is happening. We've got exclusive new reporting on where it is happening and to whom.
We should tell you, we're here at the Patriot Awards in Hollywood in the Free State of Florida. You can stream it after the show and tuckercarlson.com
CARLSON: Welcome back. We are at the FOX Nation Patriot Awards in Hollywood Florida. We are all in on FOX Nation, and not just because they throw great parties and they are nice people, we're all in on FOX Nation because it's protected from the tech monopolies that control almost every part of American life.
But they don't control FOX Nation subscription service, we can say whatever we want. We don't have to be afraid because they are not pulling the strings and that's worth a lot right now, we think.
Here is an example by the way of what can happen if you're not protected. WePay as a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase. Recently, WePay decided to deny payment processing services to a major conservative group in Missouri, a group called the Defense of Liberty.
WePay claimed the group is involved in quote, "hate, violence, racial intolerance, and terrorism." Were they? No.
Scott Fitzpatrick is the State Treasurer of Missouri. He is demanding evidence those accusations are true, so far, WePay has not provided it. Scott Fitzpatrick joins us now to explain.
Mr. Fitzpatrick, thank you so much for coming on tonight and thank you for being one of the very few elected officials to do anything about this.
Is this a violation of law, do you believe?
SCOTT FITZPATRICK, STATE TREASURER OF MISSOURI: Well, I think Chase has the, I guess the right to do whatever they want in terms of who they do business with, but in terms of who, we as the State of Missouri are going to do business with, we won't be doing business with any bank in the State Treasurer's Office that chooses to discriminate against essentially half the population, the conservative half of the population.
And they decided to do this, they suspended the Defense of Liberty, whose founder is a guy named Paul Curtman who is a Marine Corps veteran that deployed to the Middle East and fought in the War on Terror and then came back to Missouri and was a State Representative that I served with for six years.
He is a great limited government free market conservative who brings these events together. The speaker at this next event that they we're going to have that WePay essentially canceled and is causing to be rescheduled was going to be Donald Trump, Jr. and Cecilia Johnson who is the Director of Black Engagement for the R.N.C..
And like you said, they've essentially accused them of being a hate organization, a racist organization with no evidence, and they also said that their decision making process is proprietary and therefore no additional information could be given to them, but that the decision was final.
And so I sent a letter today to Jamie Dimon who is, as you know, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase and essentially told him that as long as they're going to discriminate against half the country and frankly what is about 60 percent of Missourians according to the last election and not do business with conservative organizations, that they're not going to be eligible to do business with the State of Missouri.
CARLSON: Amen. Really quick, last week, in New York, a leader of the Black Lives Matter organization threatened violence against the sitting Mayor of New York if he dared to enforce the law in New York.
Are they still a client of JPMorgan Chase? Were they deplatformed too, do you know? Black Lives Matter?
FITZPATRICK: Yes, I don't think that they -- I don't think that they've de-platformed them. They're only interested in de-platforming conservatives, and if they're only interested in doing business with one half of the of the country, they can change their name to Woke Bank or Snowflake Bank or something so, we'll see how it goes though.
CARLSON: Scott Fitzpatrick, I appreciate you coming on. Thank you.
FITZPATRICK: Thanks for having me.
CARLSON: We're out of time, sadly. We'll be back every night, 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.
CARLSON: Have a great evening. A surprise for you, the Great Sean Hannity takes over now.
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