Tucker: Armed agents will enforce the left's ideology

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," October 5, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Remember when political debates were the highlight of the political year? Like boxing matches, everyone would watch them, it doesn't happen anymore. The ratings for the last presidential debates were terrible and there is a reason for that, they're boring. Everything is scripted. You know what they're going to say before they say it.

But if you keep watching the lower tier, the debates lower on the fight card, sometimes you see something interesting. It happens invariably by accident, but it reveals a lot about the country and the people who are trying to lead it. That just happened last month in Virginia during a governor's debate.

Terry McAuliffe was the Governor of Virginia. He gravely damaged the state. He is the career Clinton operative who you may remember from his many brushes with apparent indictment. "The Washington Post" is always telling you, he was about to get indicted, he never was. Instead, he ran Virginia and he ran it into the ground and now, he wants to hurt it even more, so he wants to be re-elected.

And at the debate last month, Terry McAuliffe announced -- just kind of welled up within him and he told us that parents no longer have a say in their own children's education, the one that they pay for. Instead Terry McAuliffe informed the State of Virginia, the government is in charge of your child. Period.


TERRY MCAULIFFE (D), VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. Let's -- you know, I get really tired of everybody running down teachers. I love our teachers and what they have done through COVID, these are real heroes that deserve our respect.


CARLSON: Well, he's a hack, a liar, and a demagogue. But ignore the second part of the sentence. "I don't think parents have any right telling teachers what to teach." Really? So parents don't control their own kids. Do you have a right to tell the pediatrician what kind of medical treatment your kids should get? No.

This is the new rule. The government makes all key decisions about your children. That's not just true in the State of Virginia, it is now orthodoxy throughout the entire Democratic Party. And as of yesterday, this idea, unprecedented in the history of America has the full backing of the Biden administration, in other words, of the entire Federal government. And if you disagree with that, if you're one of those troglodytes who thinks you should have some say in what your children are taught in the schools that you pay for, you should know the Biden administration now views you as a domestic terrorist, and they are fully willing to use armed agents of the state to compel you to shut up.

Joe Biden's Justice Department has made that very, very clear. Attorney General Merrick Garland -- remember the moderate soft-spoken one who turned out to be not moderate at all, but a wild-eyed radical crazy person -- he is now the Attorney General. He issued a memorandum yesterday calling on the F.B.I. to crack down on parents who complain about their school board.

Now keep in mind, at this exact moment that Garland wrote that, we learned that murders in the United States since the advent of Black Lives Matter have gone up 30 percent, so that's thousands more dead people.

This is the Attorney General, our chief law enforcement officer. He did not issue a memo about that. He issued instead a memo about people who are committing wrong think. Garland directed quote "Federal, state, tribal, territorial, and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend." This disturbing trend being parents complaining.

"In the coming days," Garland wrote, "The department will announce a series of measures designed to address the rise in criminal conduct directed towards school personnel." Criminal conduct? What does that consist of? Bombings? Assaults? No. Complaining.

It is now criminal to disagree with your kid's school.

What have we learned from this? Well among other things, we've learned the Biden administration no longer believes in the most basic precepts of liberal democracy. Among them, your freedom of speech should never be abridged, the government must convince you, not compel you, almost always, and you and not the government is in charge of your children.

Merrick Garland did not give birth to your kids, they're yours, not his. But they don't acknowledge that anymore. So they are happy to use armed agents of the state to enforce their ideology, and they have to because that ideology is deeply unpopular with most Americans.

Now, why did the D.O.J. issue this letter? Well, because they'd received a complaint from the National School Boards Association, huge donors, of course to the Democratic Party and that complaint cited citizens who are upset over the teachings of quote, "critical race theory" and of masking of children, which is medically unnecessary.

So the group wrote to the Biden administration and said that some of the actions against school boards quote, "Could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes."

Oh, so school administrators are now a protected group. If you disagree with them, you're committing a hate crime, not voicing an opinion, which is constitutionally protected. No, it's an act of violence to disagree with them. Let's get specific.

According to the National School Boards Association, it is things like this quote: "Earlier this month, a student in Tennessee was mocked during a board meeting for advocating masks in schools after testifying that his grandmother who was an educator died because of COVID-19.

Now, the association went on to say that the Feds should use quote "The Patriot Act" created after 9/11 -- to the regret of most thinking people -- and that postal inspectors should probe the quote "cyber bullying" school board members claim they have faced.

So where does this leave us? Really simple. Mocking someone who calls for medically unnecessary mask mandates is now domestic terrorism and a chief concern of the F.B.I. What you're not allowed to do going forward, because it's a hate crime, is point out that children and teens actually aren't dying from COVID, they're dying from a lot of things, but not from COVID.

Take a look at this chart -- we're going to put it on the screen -- and it tells you everything. It tells you that a lot of kids are dying of a lot of different things. Drowning as always is at the top of the list. Car crashes, too.

But you'll notice that more students are dying from suicide, in some cases directly traceable to these policies than are dying from COVID. So that is a national crisis, it's completely unaddressed by the Department of Justice or anyone else in our government. All that's addressed are the ideological crimes, people disagreeing.

Now for a long time, school boards have tried to shut up anyone who challenges their orthodoxy on COVID or anything else. In May, in Loudoun County, Virginia, the newly radical Loudon County, the school board used mask mandates as justification to silence a parent who complained they were indoctrinating his child.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm going to read an excerpt from a freshman Honors English class in Stonebridge. "She is a hoe just like her sister, [bleep] every dude on the courts."

It's time for LCPS to get their acts and their house in order. The curtain has been pulled back and people can now see the deficient leadership that's been in this county. My five-year-old is being peddled transgender books in her library, teenagers are being served pornography under the guise of young adult literature.

Do something. Be a leader.

Because, you know what, the citizens of this county deserve better and if you're not willing to do it --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Can you please cover your nose with your mask.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're all vaccinated, what the -- what the freak. Give me 10 seconds back. Give me 10 seconds back.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sir, you know the rules. Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ten seconds -- you stopped me in the middle of my -- ten seconds back.


CARLSON: It's unbelievable. So they cut his mic. You're violating COVID law. No, they just didn't want to hear him.

That's a parent who is paying for the school, whose five-year-old is in the care of these lunatics. So they just cut his mic.

Now, they've upped the ante. They can throw you in jail if you point out that what they're doing is hurting your children.

By that standard, we're in trouble. A whole lot more conduct is about to become criminal in the eyes of the Department of Justice.

Remember all those parents from school board meetings this summer? Presumably, Merrick Garland is going to investigate them, too.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In March, my child had to watch a TED Talk in English class, not on anything related to English, but rather oppression and acknowledging privilege. Any parent with a pulse knows that this is wrong.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why has public school become so mired in extremist politics and a permissive culture that seems to celebrate the latest popular fads like gender fluidity?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And we oppose your efforts to impose critical race theory, an overtly racist doctrine that teaches our children to judge and categorize others based solely on the color of their skin.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Their job is to teach our kids Math, Science, Biology, Literature, and that's it. Not ideology.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I equally dislike all of you. You're all equally done a really bad job, and maybe it's a good time to change something, maybe start right now.


CARLSON: A lot of those you may have noticed are immigrant parents who moved here because of our famously good education system, only to find out that was a lie, it's the worst.

Now, for a lot of parents, the answer is going to be really simple in coming years. Pull away, leave, home school, start your own school. Parents won't put up with this. It's their children who are being hurt by it.

On the other hand, you've got to ask yourself why let the lunatics take control of a system they didn't build? It's not theirs. They don't get to wreck it. Maybe people should stay and fight and take back the schools, which belong to us, they are ours. They don't belong to the teachers union, with the National Association of School Boards, much less Merrick Garland, whoever that is.

They belong to us, American citizens.

Now the backdrop to all of this is, the people you just saw are now designated as criminals by the Biden administration, by the Department of Justice, so-called. But at the very same time criminality, actual criminality, actual violence, actual murders, not metaphorical violence, hate crimes, but real violence where people shoot each other and die is rising dramatically faster than it ever has in American history. What's the Biden administration doing about this? Nothing.

Because a lot of these people are their voters. They are political allies. And speaking of political allies, the Biden administration has no problem when its political allies terrorize sitting U.S. senators in bathrooms.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're not going to -- we need solutions to the Build Back Better plan. We need answers, solutions that we need.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We knocked on doors for you to get you elected and just how we got you elected, we can get you out of office if you don't support what you promised us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm a survivor of human trafficking and it's because of the lack of worker protections that we don't have in today's economy. I need you to stand by workers, like the people who are like me.


CARLSON: It is not normal to harass someone in a ladies room. Period. It's not acceptable. Joe Biden has no problem. He said that yesterday, but you should have a huge problem with it. This is the path to chaos and violence, clearly.

But again, the D.O.J. has no problem with that whatsoever. They have a problem with you, the person who pays taxes, send your child to public school. They're telling you have no right to be outraged when the school teaches your children they can change their gender at will, and that white people are evil. That's not a problem at all.

The problem is you complaining about it, and if you do, the D.O.J. will target you like a domestic terrorist using the Patriot Act and yet, if you come to this country illegally like the woman you just saw taking that video in the ladies room and harass a United States Senator in the bathroom, for not voting the way you think she should, you face no consequences at all.

And by the way, it's not just illegal aliens who get a pass on this stuff. We told you actual crime is being ignored, yes, it is -- at scale. Here is one example.

Prosecutors in Chicago just rejected charges against five men involved in a shootout in the middle of the morning. The shootout killed one man and sent two others to the hospital, but no big deal because prosecutors in Chicago decided these were quote, "mutual combatants."

Huh? These are gang members shooting each other, it is not really our concern. A guy died.

Last week, prosecutors in Chicago announced they wouldn't pursue murder charges because a teenager who was stabbed to death was they said, engaging in quote, "mutual combat." Again, it's totally fine. Some kid got stabbed to death, not a big deal. That's nothing like disagreeing with a school board.

And on some level, it's not. Gang members can shoot each other. They can stab children to death, but that's not the same as challenging Joe Biden's authority to indoctrinate your children. That's what they fear -- being challenged on that.

Senator Josh Hawley asked an official from the Department of Justice about his new crackdown on school board meetings on Capitol Hill today. Here is part of it.


SEN. JOSH HAWLEY (R-MO): ... is wanting to express one's view at a school board meeting harassment and intimidation?

LISA MONACO DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES: As the Attorney General's memorandum made quite clear, spirited debate is welcome. It is a hallmark of this country. It is something we all should engage in and --

HAWLEY: No, I don't think so, Miss Monaco, with all due respect. It didn't make it quite clear. It doesn't define those terms nor does it define harassment or intimidation.


CARLSON: That's the person by the way who actually runs the Justice Department and she is actually run by Susan Rice at the White House who takes her direction from Barack Obama, just you know how it actually works.

Senator Josh Hawley is the man you saw in that video asking those questions. We're happy to have him join us tonight. Senator, thanks so much for coming on.

So this -- if you take three steps back, appears to be the Department of Justice that is primarily concerned with ideological crimes and not with actual crimes of violence.

HAWLEY: Well, you can imagine, Tucker some things that F.B.I. agents could be doing like maybe going to the border where we have an unprecedented surge of crime of illegal immigration of drug smuggling, but no, instead we're going to go after parents. I mean, can I just say you know that you've lost the argument when you are sending F.B.I. agents to try and silence voting tax-paying parents, trying to silence them.

I mean, I can't think of an instance in American history when anything like this has happened before. It's another first for Joe Biden and it's a bad one.

CARLSON: Well, it is a bad one to take the Federal police force and politicize it so thoroughly that there is no expectation of equal justice left in the country. We watch it -- I spent an hour today talking to General Mike Flynn who got his life destroyed by the D.O.J. because they don't like his politics, like if that is allowed to continue, what's left in the country, really?

HAWLEY: Well, yes, and what we're seeing is, Tucker, anytime that this administration doesn't like opposition, anytime it doesn't like a political point of view, they try to silence it and they're willing to use Federal law enforcement power to do it, But to use it against parents? I mean, things are just getting really crazy when they're using it against parents of children who what? They line up at a school board meeting, they want to express their concerns. They elect these people by the way, the parents elect the school board.

And now, they can't even speak without being investigated?

CARLSON: Exactly.

HAWLEY: It's insane.

CARLSON: Well, that is such a good point. These are elected officials who by definition if you believe in democracy, which apparently nobody in Washington does, should be accountable to the people who elect them. I mean -- right. You make a very smart -- thank you, Senator Hawley, thank you for pushing back on this. I think it's important.

HAWLEY: Thank you.

CARLSON: I appreciate. Well, Ian Prior was a spokesman at D.O.J. He knows a lot about school boards and the grassroots protests underway against them across the country. He joins us tonight to assess this memorandum from the Attorney General.

Ian, thanks so much for coming on. So, this basically puts normal parents who are distressed by the propaganda their kids are being subjected to in the same category as terrorists. What effect does this have on families and parents and people want to speak out?

IAN PRIOR, FORMER SPOKESMAN AT DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: Well, I can tell you the effect it's had certainly in Loudoun County, Virginia where you showed clips earlier and I was with parents today. We were in court for a removal case against one of the school board members, and you know, it has a chilling effect and it is really confusing when you look at this memo.

What is harassing? Is it, you know, a mean snarky tweet? What's intimidation? Is it going to speak at a school board meeting and raising your voice?

I mean, what you're seeing from the Department of Justice is unprecedented. When I was there, they would go after MS-13. Now, I guess they're going to go after moms of 13-year-olds.

CARLSON: Right. I mean, at some point, people are going to be disobedient, I would think -- hope, I guess. I mean, the phrase civil disobedience, resistance, non-violent resistance -- I mean those have sort of disappeared from the lexicon now that the people who use those phrases are in power.

But I wonder like how much can people take before they decide, I'm not going along with this.

PRIOR: Well, you know, what I've seen from my perspective is that they're going to keep fighting. They are going to keep fighting for their kids. I mean, we are talking about parents that feel trapped.

CARLSON: Yes, exactly.

PRIOR: On one hand, they can't afford to go to private school. They might not have the time for homeschooling, so they are forced into the public school. They feel trapped. They're going to use their First Amendment right to go petition the government for address of grievances, and you know this threat from the Department of Justice, I think that we're going to keep fighting and using our rights.

CARLSON: Yes. I hope so. I really -- I really hope that enough people stay in the system to reform it. I really do and I appreciate your pointing out that they feel trapped because clearly, a lot of people do.

Ian Prior, good to see you.

PRIOR: Thanks.

CARLSON: Hunter Biden doesn't feel trapped. He reached a couple of dead ends in his life, but now, he is back. He is an artist. His art is selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars. He has got a new art show on Friday in Hollywood. You will never guess who was in attendance. We'll tell you next.


CARLSON: We made the point a lot on the show because it's true, that the entire purpose of the Democratic Party's immigration policy is to change the population of the United States in a way that guarantees they win every election going forward.

This is effectively electorate packing. It's an assault on democracy, it devalues your vote. It's happening right in front of us and we've said so out loud, and every time we do say it out loud, the usual liars and dummies who imagine themselves to be the gatekeepers of our national conversation throw a fit.

They become apoplectic, they call us the usual names. Boohoo.

And then after a few days, this is the most interesting part, they inevitably go back to bragging in public about how they're using immigration policy to change the population of the United States in a way that guarantees they win every election going forward.

It's unbelievable, and they expect us not to notice.

Jennifer Rubin is a columnist at "The Washington Post." Rubin is probably the dumbest person ever to have a newspaper column. She is also highly aggressive, so she does this a lot. She has got no self-awareness and she did just the other day in print, hoping no one would notice, but we did.

Here is what she wrote, quote: "Democratic hopes that demography would deliver Texas have not been wrong, but perhaps just premature. The 2020 congressional race has suggested that while the fight for Hispanic votes remains competitive, the sprawling suburbs that are in major Texas cities are increasingly moderate."

Oh, in other words, crows Jen Rubin, the great replacement plan is working. It is helping the Democratic Party. That's the whole point.

Well, thanks for telling us that, Jen Rubin, and let us know if it's racist to read your column out loud.

So Hunter Biden in contrast to a lot of other people in this country is in a really good place right now. He has become a painter, finger painting apparently, and he has been selling his works for hundreds of thousands of dollars to unnamed foreign buyers, because that's totally legitimate.

People have criticized him for this, what does he think? He doesn't care what you think.


HUNTER BIDEN, SON OF JOE BIDEN: If I was going to choose something, you know to become an artist and subject yourself to that -- to the normal and criticism of sharing your art to a wider audience than your friends and family is -- you know, I -- and at least in my book, it's a pretty courageous thing to do.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You seem to have good spirits about, you know, this sort of kind of kind of crazed narrative around your painting? You know, I mean --

H. BIDEN: Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you -- what's your response to the people who are, you know, coming after like the prices of the work or just you know, the collectors -- I mean, what's been your response to that?

H. BIDEN: Other than [bleep] them?


CARLSON: Honestly, it's kind of blame -- hard to blame Hunter Biden for this. I mean, if someone is going to pay you hundreds of thousands of dollars for your art, a hobby you've just taken up like 20 minutes ago, would you take the money? Of course, you would. You would do what you could get away with.

Ninety nine percent of people would. It's everyone else who is implicated in this. The people who are interviewing Hunter Biden and calling any criticism of his art career, hyperventilating, it's all political. It's the people buying this crap, purely because he is the President's son, and it's the entire media establishment pretending it's not happening. Those are the villains in this story.

Hunter Biden is just a man on the make, getting what he can, and he's getting a lot.

He just hosted an art show in Hollywood. It featured hundreds of rich people from around California including the mayor of the rapidly disintegrating City of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti. He was there.

Now, why might that be? Because he's a huge art fan? Because Hunter Biden, after 50 years of running around, smoking crack or doing whatever he was doing became a great artist? Right. No.

Joe Biden has just nominated Garcetti to be the American Ambassador to India. Garcetti, you should know appears in Hunter Biden's laptop on a list of key contacts to grease the wheels for Hunter Biden's Chinese business partners.

It's all so repulsive, it is actually happening now. It's so third world.

Miranda Devine has chronicled it really like nobody else. She works at "The New York Post" and we're grateful to have her with us tonight. Miranda, have you purchased one of these paintings?

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: No, I haven't. They're really out of my price range. We're talking about, you know up to $500,000.00 and they don't really strike me as being so good that I want them on my walls. Maybe, as a novelty item. I think maybe a lot of people would be buying it because Hunter Biden has become now so notorious through his laptop, one of three that he has mislaid around the place.

And you know, we can laugh at him and as you say, like he doesn't care. He is untouchable now. His father is the President, and whatever grift he is up to, it is really Joe Biden's grift. It's the President's grift, and now it's the White House's grift and so it's everyone's problem, particularly the Democrats.

And I think anyone who goes to these Hunter Biden art shows, there is another one happening in New York in the fall later on, you know, if they go, they are legitimizing what is really just a racket.

CARLSON: Well, the entire art world is a tax dodge and I think that's well known to rich people. I'm not sure a lot of people understand that, but a lot of it is just about tax avoidance of course.

But what about all these so-called art critics and newspaper reporters who under any other circumstances would be covering this with at least some amusement and they're totally ignoring it.

DEVINE: Yes, well it's like everything that plays badly for Joe Biden. You saw it before the election when we published our stories on the laptop that was suppressed, and you've seen it ever since. Anything that's negative about Joe Biden is covered up and excused and explained away, and any bad optics are quickly mocked up. That's, I guess, what the White House is good at.

And we know that Hunter Biden is under investigation for money laundering among other problems, and we know that the art world is notorious for being a venue for money laundering.

CARLSON: Of course.

DEVINE: So, it really takes a lot of chutzpah for him to do this, but that's the by-word, I think, of the Biden administration is shamelessness. It's shameless that the President is -- he isn't even pretending to distance himself from what's going on. He keeps on hiding behind this mirage of being just a kindly, fatherly family man when he has been in on this influence peddling enrichment program from the start.

CARLSON: None of these people ever do anything useful, like you're getting off drugs, good for you. Why not learn HVAC repair? How to fix a diesel engine? Or how to tape drywall? You know, it's always some BS fake career. Oh, I'm a lobbyist. You know what I mean? I'm a consultant. I'm an artist.

Like none of it is real. They can't do anything. These are useless people. Has that occurred?

DEVINE: Well, I mean it's not really Hunter's fault.

CARLSON: I agree.

DEVINE: He was always brought up to be the bag man.

CARLSON: Yes. No, you're totally right. I agree.

I've never -- I've never blamed him. I feel sorry for him. The people around him are awful.

Miranda Devine, thank you for your reporting on this.

DEVINE: Yes. Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Things are so out of control in one major city that criminals are just giving the finger to police right to their faces on video and the police are not allowed to do anything about it. We have the tape and one former U.S. attorney who plans to change this in the birthplace of American democracy, Philadelphia.

By the way you can go to tuckercarlson.com right now and get the new book. Amazon does not take a cut. It feels good to say that. We'll be right back.


CARLSON: Chicago, one of the great cities in this country, filled with great people, is falling apart. You'll know that if you've been there recently and it's really simple why. Prosecutors backed by George Soros have refused to enforce the law and they've done that for quite a while.

Now, as we just mentioned, they are ignoring even homicides.

FOX's Matt Finn has that story for us tonight. Hey, Matt.

MATT FINN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Tucker. Well, Chicago's Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Cook County State's Attorney, Kim Foxx are publicly slamming each other after Foxx did not press charges against five suspects arrested from a shootout last Friday that killed a person. Three gang members shot into a family's home in daylight, targeting opposing gang members. People in the house fired back killing a person outside.

Chicago's Mayor says the suspects were shooting to kill. Officers got to that scene and witnessed some of the shootout, which was also caught on camera. Five suspects were arrested, yet State's Attorney Kim Foxx released them all, initially explaining the shooters were just mutual combatants who agreed to enter into a fight.

Mayor Lightfoot publicly spoke out against Foxx's decision saying she is getting calls from residents and officials and Foxx has some explaining to do.

Foxx responded saying she is, quote, "mortified." The mayor spoke out about an active case and is basically calling the mayor a liar, explaining there wasn't enough evidence to press charges. No weapons found.

Here is Foxx and Mayor Lightfoot.


KIM FOXX, COOK COUNTY STATE ATTORNEY: There were statements made by the mayor yesterday regarding the evidence in this case. These simply weren't true.

MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT (D), CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: How is it possible given what we saw, now we've all seen on videotape with officers on the scene that not a single person has been charged?


FINN: The mayor says she is meeting with Foxx's office and we'll keep you updated on the outcome of this story -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Matt Finn for us tonight, thanks so much.

FINN: Sure.

CARLSON: You watch the tape and you wonder, how do people like that wind up in charge of Chicago -- the country's third largest city? You couldn't find dumber people if you initiated a nationwide search for them. Truly.

It turns out Kim Foxx and the City of Chicago were the focus of a documentary we made for "Tucker Carlson Originals." You can check out "Chicago in Crisis" streaming now on foxnation.com, and of course the answer is George Soros did it. He helped elect Kim Foxx.

But it's not just Chicago that he is trying to destroy, Soros has also funded several other prosecutors across the country including the District Attorney in the City of Philadelphia, and that's led to exactly what you would expect -- lawlessness, craziness, disintegration.

This was the scene right near the City Hall in Philadelphia this weekend, on Saturday. Watch.


CARLSON: That's the equity agenda right there. It doesn't matter how liberal you are. Take that clip and show it's your most liberal friend, and ask, what's your reaction? That's the end of civilization that people spent hundreds of years building and it is falling apart.

Bill McSwain is the former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. He is now running for the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in part to fix moments like that, to end the lawlessness. He joins us tonight.

Bill McSwain, I appreciate your coming on tonight. So you look at that tape and it really feels like things have fallen completely apart, doing donuts around a police car with the doors open. What?

BILL MCSWAIN (R), GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE FOR PHILADELPHIA: It is hard to believe that something like that could happen in an American city and even harder to believe that once it happens, the city leaders will do nothing about it.

The State Attorney General will do nothing about it.


MCSWAIN: The governor will do nothing about it, but that's what happens when progressives are in charge.

CARLSON: Well, it's like a total collapse. I mean, it's not -- it's not just like, oh, there's more shoplifting at Duane Reade, you know, they closed Walgreens. People are stealing lipstick. Okay, that's bad.

This is like nuts. I mean, this is like -- what's the point of having a government if they tolerate this?

MCSWAIN: It is nuts, and it's one of the reasons why I'm running for Pennsylvania Governor. I want to be a Governor that stands up for the law- abiding citizens of Pennsylvania. They deserve a voice, too, and they do not deserve chaos on their streets. And right now, our progressive leaders in Pennsylvania and in Philadelphia have things completely backwards. Right?

They are ignoring the law-abiding citizens and they're basically saying to criminals, anything goes.

CARLSON: As Merrick Garland famously issued this directive yesterday, instructing the F.B.I. to treat parents who complain about their school boards as they were domestic terrorist, has the D.O.J. issued any statements on this kind of behavior that you're aware of?

MCSWAIN: I don't think they have, and neither has anyone in charge in Pennsylvania. Instead, they are concerned about things that don't affect people's lives. I mean, even the Philadelphia mayor is concerned about things like whether people are using paper bags or plastic bags for their groceries, while his city is deteriorating around him.

So we need leaders in Pennsylvania, conservative leaders and we need a governor, a conservative governor who is going to put a stop to this nonsense.

CARLSON: Well, exactly. I mean, I'm hardly a campaign consultant, but if I'll run an ad, I'll just run an ad with that video, I'm Bill McSwain, I'm not putting up with this crap. Like you don't have to know anything else about me, I'm not putting up with this crap. Like, no more.

And so -- and I know you will, if elected.

MCSWAIN: It's true, like I said, the law-abiding citizens of Pennsylvania deserve better and as you said earlier, this is all part of a coordinated progressive strategy.

CARLSON: Yes, well that's for sure and funded by a number of people, but primarily by one man. Bill McSwain, I appreciate your coming on tonight. Godspeed in the race. We'll be -- we'll be watching, of course.

MCSWAIN: Thanks, Tucker. Always great to be with you.

CARLSON: Thank you.

So, we just showed you what the equity agenda actually looks like. It's people doing donuts around police cars, powerless police.

The Democratic Party, of course, embraces that. It is refusing to do anything about what's going on in our cities and that's driving people out of the Democratic Party, liberal people, who look at that and they say, I'm sorry. I may be liberal, but that's just freaking nuts. I'm not for that.

One of the people who has reached that conclusion is Andrew Yang, a pretty liberal guy, but an interesting guy and a smart guy. We sat down with him for an hour recently in a brand new episode of "Tucker Carlson Today." It comes out tomorrow.

And we talked about his decision to leave the Democratic Party. Why? Here's part of it.


ANDREW YANG, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We're never going to make progress if we're not willing to talk to each other and that's what the forward party is going to be about.

I ran for President as a Democrat, I'm now an Independent. I will talk to anyone who wants to actually make our lives better and solve the problems that are getting worse around us.

We do not have unlimited time. This country is not doing well. You're a parent, I'm a parent. We have to try and make this country stronger and more whole for our next generation or we will have failed them.


CARLSON: Yes, it's really simple. I mean, it was Yang when he ran for Mayor in New York and didn't win, but he got attacked for noting there were a lot of mentally ill homeless people attacking old ladies on the street, not allowed to say that.

Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill today, there was a hearing. A whistleblower from Facebook testified about the company's most protected secrets and how they are affecting and hurting your children. We'll tell you what she said straight ahead.


CARLSON: Ever notice how when a whistleblower comes forward to tell the truth about something or other, the truth is always pretty much what you always knew or at least suspected. It's just confirming what's effectively kind of obvious.

Well today in the Senate, a whistleblower from Facebook testified that the company is fully aware that its products hurt children. Here is part of what she said.


SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): And has Facebook ever offered features that it knew had a negative effect on children's and teens' mental health?

FRANCES HAUGEN, FORMER FACEBOOK PRODUCT MANAGER: Facebook knows that it's amplification algorithms, things like engagement based ranking on Instagram can lead children from very innocuous topics like healthy recipes. I think all of us can eat a little more healthy -- all the way from just something innocent like healthy recipes to anorexia promoting content over a very short period of time.


CARLSON: So that's Frances Haugen, the whistleblower from Facebook, and she also revealed today -- and this is creepy as hell -- Facebook views pre-teens as a quote, "untapped market" even though Facebook is fully aware that their product will cause long-term damage to many of these kids.


HAUGEN: Kids who are bullied on Instagram, the bullying follows them home. It follows them into their bedrooms. The last thing they see before they go to bed at night is someone being cruel to them.

I think about how that's going to impact their domestic relationships when they become 20-somethings or 30-somethings, to believe that people who care about you are mean to you.


CARLSON: Yes, so there a lot of questions here, but the most obvious is, we do have a Congress, right? We have laws. People are getting punished as terrorists for complaining about their school boards. Why is Facebook and Google and Twitter -- why are they allowed to hurt our kids?

Rachel Bovard is the senior tech columnist for "The Federalist." She has thought a lot about this question, she joins us tonight.

Rachel, thanks so much for coming on. So what -- now that this has been confirmed, again, we knew this. You've made this point many times. It is hurting kids -- worse than Marlboro Reds ever did, if we are being honest about it -- and Congress has done nothing. So, like how much longer can that continue?

RACHEL BOVARD, SENIOR TECH COLUMNIST, "THE FEDERALIST": Well, if it's up to Congress, a lot longer. And Facebook knows this, and I think this is what drives everybody crazy like me who is watching this.

Facebook is spending millions of dollars a year to buy the rules that govern them. In 2020, the lobbying number showed that Facebook and Amazon spent more money lobbying Congress than Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon. That's the entirety of the defense industrial complex. Facebook and Amazon spent more money lobbying than they did.

And you know, they know that this is how this game is played in Congress. You know, how many times have they been, you know beating their chess at hearings for years now and saying they are willing to take on Big Tech, but they've never once taken an actual up or down vote on the question.

So Facebook knows that this is just one more bad news cycle it has to wait out, take a few lumps at a hearing, get a few strongly worded letters, and it can go on with its business.

CARLSON: Yes, that's right. Well, that's exactly -- that's such a smart and such a frustrating answer because it's obvious that you're right, and you know the topic well.

I've got to wonder though, the fact that we now know that Facebook and Google hurt young girls, inspire anorexia, self-harm, suicide young girls who Nancy Pelosi for example says she lives to protect, like where are all the feminist groups? Sincerely?

BOVARD: No, it's an excellent question, and I think it just really speaks to the fact that you know, these platforms are largely ungovernable given our legal structure. I mean, Facebook's entire business model is to attract your child.

By the way, these documents that were released by the whistleblower shows that Facebook wants to quote, "leverage" your child's play date for more interaction on its website.

They want to take your child in early and then their entire business model is built on sending them degrading content after more degrading content. That is their business model.

Facebook knows for example that its platforms are used to you know, sex traffic children, and in fact three mothers sued Instagram in the Supreme Court of Texas recently on this question and Facebook was able to successfully argue that it is not responsible. Yes, we know that sex traffickers use our platform to prey on children, but we're not responsible.

And our legal system lets them do it.

CARLSON: Yes, but we banned lawn darts. They were a threat.

Rachel Bovard, I appreciate once again all the effort you put into exposing these companies for what they are, which is a menace to our country. Thank you.

BOVARD: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So again tonight, the countdown continues. Who has been punished for the debacle of Afghanistan? Well, to date, still only one person, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller of the United States Marine Corps. He has been in jail for criticizing the behavior of his superiors. There is a major update on his case tonight. We'll bring it to you after the break.


CARLSON: We've covered a lot of deeply unjust stories on the show, but honestly, nothing really compares to what has happened to Lieutenant Colonel Stu Scheller of the United States Marine Corps. To date, he is the only person we're aware of to be punished for the debacle in Afghanistan. He was sent to jail by the United States Military for complaining about it -- to jail.

Well, tonight, we want to tell you that just hours ago, Scheller was released from the brig at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina where he was being held for a week. Still, no charges have been filed against him.

FOX News has confirmed that Stu Scheller is at home tonight, however, he remains under a gag order and Marine Corps officials are refusing to give the public access to his upcoming hearing.

Scheller is asking for something really simple, he'd like to resign, he'd like to leave. He'd like to give up his commission, instead of going to trial.

What was his crime? There was no crime. His crime was telling the truth about what just happened in Afghanistan, about the U.S. government leaving billions in military equipment behind in that country, authorizing a drone strike that killed children, and not ISIS-K; leaving American citizens behind, humiliating the United States in the eyes of the world. That's what Stu Scheller said, and for that he went to jail.

We're going to stay on that case.

That's it for us tonight. A brand new "Tucker Carlson Today" with Andrew Yang out tomorrow. It's on FOX Nation.

We'll see you tomorrow at eight. Have a great night.

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