Tucker: Moral authority and relevance is long gone

This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on October 29, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


About 20 minutes into the 2016 presidential campaign, it was pretty clear the American media were horribly addicted to Donald Trump. They hated Trump, obviously, but they also needed Trump in order to live and that's the face of addiction.

If you've ever seen a person grimace while gulping warm vodka before breakfast with shaky hands, you know what it looks like.

So there was really never any question about what was going to happen for sure when news organizations were finally cut off from their vital daily supply of Donald Trump. They were going to collapse in a pile and that's exactly what they've done, they've collapsed.

On Tuesday for example, not a single show on CNN, once the most important cable news channel in the world -- "This is CNN" -- not a single show on the whole channel approached even 800,000 viewers, that's really low. Chris Cuomo would be better off doing free concerts in the park, which in fact he may soon be doing.

So with Trump gone, the old formula no longer works. That's easy to understand.

What's more confusing, harder to understand is how they've responded to this fact? So, let's say you've made billions of dollars over the years selling rice crispy treats to a hungry public, dentists may have complained about what you were doing, but for you it was always a great business and you assumed it would go on forever because we always think everything good will go on forever, but it doesn't.

Over time, consumers started to figure out that a marshmallow coated with breakfast cereal, not a very healthy food option. It tastes great at first, eat enough, and it starts to make you feel sick.

So they began to buy less of what you were selling. Following this?

How would you react to that? Well, if you were smart you'd probably just rebrand, you'd change the color, you'd throw in some vitamin additives, you'd rename the product. You might call it crunchy kale treats or healthy life nutrition bars. You'd have figured out that people don't want sugary garbage, they want something that's good for them, so you would sell it to them. That seems like a pretty rational choice.

What you probably wouldn't do if you were selling rice crispy treats to a rapidly shrinking market is convince yourself that you are not in the snack food business, but instead on some kind of mission from God. You would not claim that eating marshmallows is a vital moral imperative. You would not attack your own consumers for preferring something else.

You would not denounce them as morons or racists for eating less sugar. You wouldn't try and ban the Atkins Diet make keto illegal. That'd be insane, you'd go bankrupt if you did that.

And yet that's exactly what the legacy media have decided to do as they face extinction. They've amped up the moral outrage. They've turned the self-righteousness all the way up to 11, and above all, they pretended that nothing has changed and that Donald J. Trump still strides the horizon as a great orange colossus who threatens the very existence of this fragile nation.

We're not overstating it. Here's a recent sample of cable news coverage in this country, and keep in mind as you watch, every one of these clips was recorded this week.


BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: Election officials are growing more fearful for their lives as Donald Trump continues his big lie.

POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: President Trump continues to push lies about the election, about election results across the country.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: Where would -- where would we be today if the Trump White House simply listened to the science?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Trump wants to overturn the next election. He wants to overturn the last one. He wants to disagree. He wants to limit voting and overturn elections at the state level.

JEFFREY TOOBIN, CNN CHIEF LEGAL ANALYST: Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy denounced the insurrection, denounced Donald Trump.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: The President Trump has found a surprising new platform to spread the big lie.

MOLLY JONG-FAST, EDITOR-AT-LARGE, "THE DAILY BEAST": I mean the thing with Trump is Trump is always bad for democracy.

ERIN BURNETT, CNN HOST: It has metastasized much far beyond President Trump, right, from multiple sources. I hear you there. However the original cancer was President Trump.


CARLSON: What a freak show. No wonder nobody watches. Who would watch that? But listen to what they're saying. Trump wants to overturn the next election, screams the pudgy midget. They all do.

Okay, got it.

But the fact is that Donald Trump is no longer the President of the United States. He is golfing right now in Florida. Good for him.

How about covering what's happening in America right now? Ton of change. Maybe you could explain it to us or even tell us about it. Nope. They refuse. And they refuse because they are caught in an earlier age. They can't adjust to a new reality. It's depressing when you think about it. That's going to be all of us someday.

It's certainly very sad for them. Just a few years ago, hosting a Sunday show on television was considered a very big deal especially in Washington. Now, nobody cares. It's irrelevant.

Imagine if you're the host of one of those shows, Chuck Todd doesn't need to imagine. He is the host of one of those shows. He spent his entire life trying to get this gig, only to discover once he got it that it's not worth having. No wonder he seems so bitter and fragile.

Here he is earlier this year.


SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI): This was started when the mainstream media stopped -- dropped any pretense of being unbiased and actually chose sides during this election. This fire was started when you completely ignored for example our investigation of Hunter Biden.

You know, no evidence of wrongdoing there and now we find out after the election, no, there is a fair amount of evidence to the point that we have a real F.B.I. investigation.

CHUCK TODD, NBC NEWS HOST: Senator, all right. I've had enough of hearing this.

JOHNSON: It's the -- no, listen, I've had enough of this, too.

TODD: Senator, it is -- you have spent the last two years --

JOHNSON: You have created a situation where Republicans and conservatives do not trust the mainstream media and that is what has destroyed the credibility of the media and our institutions and really shaken the confidence in this election result.

TODD: Right. No, the destruction of the institution --

JOHNSON: So, I didn't start this.


CARLSON: Senator, I've had enough. Chuck Todd literally can't even bear to listen to someone criticize the American news media. Oh, but he has to now. Settle down, Chuck. No one is interested in what you think anymore. Your moral authority is long gone, along with your relevance. You're shouting into the void. They all are.

Deep down, Chuck Todd knows that. They all know that, but rather than accept the truth about themselves and their careers, rather than change their behavior or acquire brand new skills -- that'd be nice -- or gracefully retired to Cabo, again this is coming for all of us, they won't. They have one final hope for keeping their scam alive and it's censorship.

So the dying media companies have convinced themselves that somehow they can get the government and their friends, the tech monopolies, to shut down their competitors, maybe they can keep it going. Maybe they'll be important and lucrative businesses again. Maybe we can return to 2003, a time when people delayed their golf games to watch "Meet the Press." Wouldn't that be great?

That's their goal, deluded as it is, and it explains why all of a sudden, journalists of all people are leading the charge against the First Amendment that you thought made their jobs possible. This tells you exactly why they hate FOX News so obsessively, and "Substack," too. This is the key to their campaign against what they call misinformation.

Now, if you're a literal-minded person and we certainly are, you'd laugh every time you hear them say that. Misinformation? Aren't these the exact same people who told us that Putin got Trump elected? The ones who swore that some high school kid from Kentucky was in the Klan? Yes, same people.

So of course they're not against misinformation, obviously. The point is, they want to restore their monopoly on it and that's what they're trying to do.

So, we want to bring you an update. Right at the top of the show tonight, to the Virginia governor's race. That race took a bizarre and deeply revealing turn today.

So several people carrying torches, neo-Nazis, showed up in front of a campaign bus for Glenn Youngkin. He is the Republican candidate in that race. They chanted "We're all in for Glenn," so the entire internet exploded, of course. Every left-wing influencer on Twitter was telling you, "See Glenn Youngkin is a Nazi."

But it turns out these weren't actually Glenn Youngkin's supporters. It is an amazing story, really, and FOX's Kevin Corke has it for us now. Hey, Kevin.

KEVIN CORKE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Amazing indeed, my friend. Good evening, Tucker.

When in doubt, just try the race card. At least that's what critics argue is really at play in Virginia, a desperate attempt by Democrats they say to impugn by association the G.O.P. gubernatorial candidate, Glenn Youngkin because their man, Terry McAuliffe is trailing in the polls with time running out.

Tonight, the liberal activist group Lincoln Project is claiming responsibility for that demonstration outside of Youngkin's campaign bus that recall the 2017 Charlottesville attack, sending operatives dressed up as quote "Unite the Right" attendees.

However, the McAuliffe team is saying: "This was not us or anyone affiliated with our campaign." That according to their spokesman; however, several members, Tucker, of their staff promoted the hoax for hours online before deleting their posts.

Just a couple I can share with you, this from Jen Goodman, "This is disgusting and disqualifying." Another campaign spokesperson said, "The Unite the Right rally was one of the darkest days in the Commonwealth's history. This is who Glenn Youngkin's supporters are."

Obviously, we know these were not Glenn Youngkin supporters, these were all actors. And I can tell you this, too. There are a lot of people who are talking about it including Glenn Greenwald he says, "The McAuliffe Campaign condemned the stunt after they spent all day pushing it as proof of Youngkin's racist ties."

I can also share this, Tucker, there is credible evidence to suggest at least one of the so-called actors was herself a Democratic operative with @JoeBiden as part of her Twitter page bio that is of course before it was changed and later locked -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Amazing. Kevin Corke, I can't wait to hear the details of this thank you so much.

CORKE: You bet.

CARLSON: So, it's a shocking and remarkable story, but the timing of it is also pretty incredible. It was just -- I don't know, maybe 12 hours ago that the rest of the country was lectured by Liz Cheney, by Nancy Pelosi, by the entire edifice of the American left that false flags aren't real. Nobody in this country, no political actor would ever pretend to be somebody else in order to discredit political opponents. That's a conspiracy theory. It's racist actually even to suggest that.

And yet, that's what this looks like. In fact, that's what this was.

So speaking of Glenn Greenwald, you just heard his name. Glenn Greenwald is the most independent of independent journalists. He writes on "Substack" among other places and we're always grateful to have him on the show. Glenn, thanks so much for coming on tonight.

So, I think I feel a little uncomfortable acknowledging that we might be looking at what they call a false flag operation.

GLENN GREENWALD, JOURNALIST: Yes, it's a classic false flag operation and it was spread all day by the very same people who claim constantly that misinformation, disinformation, and fake news are such grave menaces that you need to give them the power to censor the internet in the name of stopping it.

MSNBC analysts, Democratic Party operatives, people who are associated with D.N.C. super PACs like The Lincoln Project, and it isn't just that they spread disinformation on purpose in order to manipulate the outcome of an election. Obviously, they did that, but they used the exact tactic, which is making it seem like an event comes from one source when in fact it comes from another, that they have essentially tried to prohibit any of us from investigating or inquiring when it comes to January 6th.

And the F.B.I., even though we know for a fact that the F.B.I. like them now, uses that tactic constantly.

CARLSON: What I find -- and I'm so glad that you made that point because it's true and you've got more than a decade of writing about this, but this once again is an example of a political party turning the conversation to sort of the moral quality of its opponents and ignoring the issues. Like, there's a real debate going on in Virginia over to what extent parents should control school curricula, and I think it's an interesting debate.

They are not engaging in the debate. They are calling the other guy racist. Is there some point in our politics we can get back to arguing about the issues or is that done?

GREENWALD: Well, I think from the perspective of the Democratic Party, they realize that if the debate takes place in terms of what are they actually going to do for voters, who it is who funds them, who controls them, who they serve. If the truth about their agenda is actually revealed, they are going to lose elections. That was the lesson they learned in 2016.

And the lesson they took from that was not, oh, let's revise and rework our ideology and make sure we're doing things for people that improve their lives so they'll vote for us. It was, let's call everybody as many names as we can and destroy their reputation so they're too afraid to challenge us. We'll call them Kremlin agents, we'll call them white nationalists, we'll call them racists.

And this is the most important part of this that happened today, Tucker, I think, is that the Democratic Party believes it owns race. That it owns the discourse around race, that it owns the accusations of racism. They believe that they have become such good people, primarily white liberals who engineered this today that racism is now their little toy, their little weapon that they get to exploit and play with anytime they want.

It is not a serious issue to them. They have no real convictions about it. It is just something that they use for fun to destroy anybody's reputation who opposes them and today provided the most vivid example of how they do that.

CARLSON: Do you think that there will ever be, in this case or any other going forward a moment where the people who cover this stuff pause and say, maybe I should learn something from what I'm watching.

GREENWALD: The reason I don't think that will happen, it happened for example in the Iraq War, right? The media got the Iraq War wrong and there was some self-reflection. "The New York Times" in 2004 said, we got this very wrong, we apologize. Here's what we did. That never happens here. That didn't happen with Russiagate, it won't happen with things like this.

And the reason is, they are -- they have the mindset of fanatics. They believe that their cause is so just they think they're fighting Nazism, the movement of Donald Trump, which is going to, you know end democracy.

They believe they are such good and benevolent people that whatever tactics they use including lying, including smearing people's reputations is justified because they are involved in this war that is so noble. That really is what they think.

So even if they get caught lying and cheating and breaking rules and even breaking the law, they believe that there should be no accountability. They are happy that the people who did this did it. They probably are only mad that they got caught, but there will never be professional consequences for them because they encourage this. This is what this climate fosters and incentivizes.

CARLSON: You don't grow if you do that. You've got to admit when you're wrong. I admit it, I supported the Iraq War in 2003 and in 2003, I apologized for it and I really meant it and I think that's how you grow, right? You can't keep lying about who you are.

Glenn Greenwald, I appreciate your coming on and for your really wise analysis as always.

GREENWALD: Good to be with you, Tucker. Thanks.

CARLSON: Well, one person in D.C. who fell hard for that hoax immediately was California Congressman Eric Swalwell and you're probably not surprised to learn that. It's not a partisan point to note that whatever else he may be, Eric Swalwell is legitimately stupid.

Some of his colleagues have compared him to a Labrador with a head injury, but that doesn't seem quite fair. There is literally no chance Eric Swalwell could ever find a tennis ball. He can barely remember to breathe. Our enemies know just how dumb Eric Swalwell is and they've exploited it.

If you are a marginally attractive Chinese spy for example, hoping to commit bizarre sex acts with an American politician in order to steal this country's secrets, sooner or later you would wind up at Swalwell's place, because it's just too easy.

So this morning, Swalwell was staring at the internet as he often is, when he saw the picture of those fake Nazis in front of Glenn Youngkin's campaign bus in Virginia and here is the amazing part. In a normal person looking at this, somebody with an IQ over say 70 might have paused for a moment and wondered, that's funny. What's a black guy doing holding a torch at a white supremacy event? That seems weird.

But that didn't occur to Eric Swalwell. He didn't wonder about it. It didn't seem weird to him. It all seemed perfectly normal. So as he is paid to do, Swalwell emitted a small cloud of simulated outrage and then went back to looking at websites of sorority girls.

That's his life.

Well, corporations have donated millions of dollars to BLM over the last year, but you have to ask why hasn't BLM helped grassroots initiatives and charities in black neighborhoods to improve them? Who is benefiting from this? Anybody? Except the organizers and the big companies.

Bob Woodson joins us after the break.


CARLSON: So the United States now has the highest percentage in the world of children growing up in single-parent households, and by single parent, we mean households run by the mom. The dads are gone. The men are gone.

This is a disaster. It affects every part of our society. Everyone knows it, no one will say it, under orders from the feminist lobby to shut up. But the question is why is it happening? And it is happening because broken families meet the needs of big American corporations, which kind of run everything, let's be totally honest about it, and that's one of the reasons that so many big American corporations gave so much money to BLM, which has taken an active and aggressive position against the nuclear family.

Get the dads out of the house. They are easier to control once the dad is gone.

So not everyone is for this by the way. We spoke to a man last night called Delano Squires who isn't thwarted at all. We talked about how we could possibly change it. Here is part of that conversation.


DELANO SQUIRES, CONTRIBUTOR, "FEARLESS": They need to realize that parents have rights and what you see is these Mama Bears who are standing up and saying, you can't do this to our kids, we don't want race essentialism, we don't want radical gender theory, and what I'm looking for, what I'm really hoping for is more -- more dads standing up and doing -- saying and doing the same things because for too long fathers have taken a back seat when it comes to the education of their children.

CARLSON: That's right.

SQUIRES: And what we need now is we need more lions and fewer house cats.


CARLSON: That man's name is Delano Squires. We hope he'll come back on this show. He often appears on Jason Whitlock's show called "Fearless with Jason Whitlock." Jason, himself has come on this show many times to make that same point that men in America are failing.


JASON WHITLOCK, HOST, "FEARLESS WITH JASON WHITLOCK": We, as men in this country have failed. We're cowards.

CARLSON: Yes. Yes.

WHITLOCK: We're allowing this to go on. This is on us.

People have to stand up and take risks, maybe even put their lives in jeopardy for this type of racism to go away. That has been our history. Instead, everybody is just sitting around hiding under their desk waiting for this to blow over and go away. It's not going to -- that's not what's going to happen. It's only going to get worse.


CARLSON: We actively seek out people who will tell the truth on this subject. There aren't many. Bob Woodson is one of them. He is of course a Civil Rights icon, a frequent guest on this show and we're delighted to have him join us tonight.

Mr. Woodson, thanks so much for coming on.

ROBERT WOODSON, FOUNDER, WOODSON CENTER: Thank you for having me, Tucker.

CARLSON: Why won't -- it is so obvious -- what's happening. It's been going on for 50 years. If there's one thing that's wrecked the country, it's this. Why won't anybody say it?

WOODSON: Well, because it's not politically correct to say that, because they're buying into the race -- the whole race theory that somehow the problems that black America faces today is a legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, and it's patently not true.

We at the Woodson Center have demonstrated this with Delano who is a part of our group, too, with this wonderful statement, but in fact dads are stepping up and they have been around the country. We saw this in Louisiana when kids were fighting in their schools for three days and they were arrested. These black dads didn't go to the school and demand that teachers receive DEI training, instead they said, these are our children destroying one another and destroying their future. We have the responsibility and the obligation to respond.

So five of them got together and went into the school and then it soon expanded to 40 men and these dads are patrolling the schools, going to classes. They work with local law enforcement to make sure that the dads were screened going in.

It's a part of a movement, Tucker, that's been going for a number of years and that the Woodson Center has supported groups like this. In fact, we spent about $500,000.00 -- giving $5,000.00 grants to grassroots groups like this dads group in the country and I'm just pleased that they are getting the kind of public recognition that they need and what they need though isn't more upwards, they need rewards.

We need to shift some of the money that's being wasted by corporations on Black Lives Matter and spend the money on people inside these communities. The solutions are where the problems are.

CARLSON: Well, of course. If you ask any successful well-adjusted productive man in this country, you know why -- you know, what's the secret to your happiness? Most of them will say you know, my dad had a lot to do with it. That's just true. Everyone knows it's true.

I cannot believe we are ignoring this, but we are, because I'm not sure why.

WOODSON: Well, because it's not politically correct. I think the radical left has defined -- has been using black America as a political tool.


WOODSON: And they are exploiting the whole race issue for their own gain, but -- and so the only way that that's going to changed and be challenged is to allow black America to speak for themselves and that's what the Woodson Center is doing.

We're going to be expanding on our grants program and we hope to go out and reach others to convince them that we need to invest in these dads. They recognize that they are willing to be surrogate fathers to hundreds of other children and so, we hope and pray that the country will wake up instead of seeing George Soros spend a million dollars in a Texas town to promote defund the police. We need to invest instead on these grassroots healing agents, not only to heal the community from within.

White America can't do a thing to solve the problems of black America. Making white people less racist doesn't make black people much safer.

CARLSON: That hasn't worked so far.

WOODSON: They have to work for their own uplift.

CARLSON: Exactly. That is true for everyone.

Robert Woodson, thank you very much. Great to see you tonight.

WOODSON: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: So one thing that's come out of corona is the massive decline of some of our best cities. So who is this hurting most is the question -- that's always the question.

Plus, a surgeon, a physician was just fired from his job for daring to defend a parent's right to choose whether their child wears a mask -- fired -- in the middle of a health care crisis. We'll talk to him straight ahead.


CARLSON: The tyranny that accompanied COVID, the lockdowns, the social distancing, the mass explosion of lunacy accelerated the dramatic decline of our cities. It also deepened class divides. It's hard to get a handle on the big picture here, so we sat down with Chris Bedford who is an editor at "The Federalist." He spent the last year and a half traveling all around this country to catalogue what has happened to it, particularly to the working class.

We spoke to Bedford for a brand new episode of "Tucker Carlson Today." Here's part of it.


CHRIS BEDFORD, SENIOR EDITOR, "THE FEDERALIST": COVID has broken down so much of resistance. I mean, did you ever think --

CARLSON: What does that mean? Broken down resistance?

BEDFORD: Did you think 10 years ago that the government could forcibly close our churches and arrest our priests and our pastors with the cardinal's acquiescence and the pastor's acquiescence? That our newspapers would openly be cheering, grocery store clerks would be heroes in one end, but priests who get sick and die of COVID are villains who deserve it? They get ha-ha'ed in "The New York Times" and "The Washington Post, " "Huffington Post" everywhere else.

Did you think that we would be able to have people's lives ruined and their marriages broken and their businesses shut down and town centers ended? And U.S. commerce ended all in the name of COVID?

The American people seemed to go along with it and it is all in the name of an emergency order that's continued and continued and continued, and now it's part of the homeless camps, that's part of the emergency order. That is for public health.

Your daughter is having excrement thrown at her while she walks to her internship because of public health. That's a public health hazard.

CARLSON: How does -- pardon my ignorance -- what does COVID have to do with homeless camps?

BEDFORD: The C.D.C. guidance has said that to break up homeless camps would spread homeless COVID. Basically anything. I mean, fair elections would spread COVID. Having any kind of election oversight would spread COVID.

Teachers having to work would spread COVID. Homeless -- breaking up homeless camps would spread COVID. Arresting people would spread COVID.

CARLSON: Disagreeing with BLM riots spreads COVID, I remember that.

BEDFORD: Very much, yes. That's the worst way to get it, too. You'll deserve it.

CARLSON: How often do you bump up against COVID regulations? Like how big a part of your life?

BEDFORD: They got rid of it for a minute, but then they -- I was kind of surprised that they did right at the beginning of the vaccines. Like I didn't think this stuff was ever going away and then they realized that they wanted it forever, so they brought it back.

The good -- the warm weather broke some of the COVID craziness in the city, because it's above all -- I mean they tried to be very puritan and very strict in how they act and how they live their life, but they're really just self-centered and like a good time, like all of us, really.


BEDFORD: So when a nice weather comes and the bars are open outdoors, because you're not allowed to eat indoors, you get COVID, we've all packed into outdoor spaces, sort of packed into baseball stadiums, packed into BLM riots and protests of course.

That sort of started to break, but there's weird mask rules that have come into effect where you have to wear a mask and a lot of people are familiar with this, for the eight foot walk through the crowded bar to sit down and then take it off again.

I was sitting at a great new restaurant that opened up, Caruso's Grocery, and I noticed that all the patrons surrounding this bar, none of them are wearing masks. They are all eating, they're all drinking. A lot of them probably just statistically going off of how the city votes, a lot of them are probably hard left.

But the wait staff, you know the help, the servants, they have to cover their faces. They're right in the middle of this whole thing the whole time.

CARLSON: Can they make direct eye contact?

BEDFORD: It's discouraged. They might -- they'll get hit, and it is really definitely a class thing where you'll see that, the people who work for you have to wear a mask at all times, but you don't, except when you're walking past the table just as like an homage, so that is worshiping the hat or something. It's the new rule.

And I'm always afraid they're going to do more.


CARLSON: Chris Bedford. You can watch the hour-long conversation on "Tucker Carlson Today." It's on foxnation.com.

Well, here's a story even by the standards of the moment that really shocked us. Jeffrey Horak is a physician. He is a surgeon in Fergus Falls, Minnesota.

Recently, he went to a school board meeting and made the point that parents ought to have some say over whether their own children are forced to wear masks while in school.


JEFFREY HORAK, SURGEON: These masks, you want to stop the virus? The example of it is like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain-linked fence. Good luck.

God gave each one of these kids to their parents, and they speak for them. They may be wrong and even dumb. They may be perfect in their decisions, but it's still their responsibility. It's not yours. God gave it to them.


CARLSON: Nine days after he said what you just saw, Dr. Horak was fired from his job at the Lake Region Medical Group because apparently we don't need surgeons anymore.

In a statement, the Lake Region Medical Group, which should be deeply ashamed of itself, claim that Horak's peers on the Medical Review Board made the decision to fire him, not the hospital.

Dr. Jeffrey Horak joins us tonight to explain what happened. Doctor, thanks so much for coming on. Again, even -- all the crazy things are going on right now. This story is beyond belief, really. Is there anything that we're leaving out of it?

HORAK: Tucker, thank you for the opportunity to be here. Of course, the thing you're leaving out is that it's not about my firing, it's much bigger than that.

This story has gone within seven days to the Tucker Carlson show. That's huge from us people out in rural Minnesota. We have gone to the point where it's not about my job being lost, it's about the freedoms that are being lost.

We had a fight for freedom event right after -- five days after the news came out about my situation and I was asked to speak at that school board meeting by the parents of our community and they said that that's why they were there, and they said they were mad, they were angry. I said, well, what are you angry about? And they all respond freedom. We're here because of our freedoms.

And they said, if something like this can happen to you when you showed up at a school board and expressed your educated opinion about something that you should have a lot of experience about, you should be able to talk because you've been wearing masks all the time. They said if it can happen to you, it could happen to any of us.


HORAK: And that's the piece. That's what's going on out here in rural Minnesota.

CARLSON: Well, you clearly don't want to make it about you and I really admire that impulse. You're one of the only people in the country left who feels that way, but I just have to ask. I mean you're a surgeon. We need more surgeons, clearly. You obviously have been doing it for a while.

Was there any suggestion that you were a bad surgeon or were you really fired purely for your thought crimes?

HORAK: Well, Tucker, there's really no way for me to know. I have a no clause -- I'm sorry, no cause clause in my contract, which means they can terminate me or ask me to resign, whichever case without any knowledge to me. I will never know and that's perfectly okay with me.

I signed that 15 years ago. I have no ill-will to my employer and we live in the same community. It's just, there are other tragedies here.

I believe we're in a war. I believe this is a war and there are casualties. Just listen to your show tonight, you've talked about many of those.

It's hard to know. Is the First Amendment a right? I also talked about my faith in that school board meeting. I told them that, how do I make life and death decisions? In which I'm -- well, I have enough experience to explain those also.

How do I do it? I talk about -- I'm sorry -- I pray to my Maker. I pray to God and ask him what I should do, and then I make those decisions accordingly, and I offered that piece up there, too.

So I'm not sure what view whether it was parents' rights, religious rights, whether it's freedom of speech. I do not think my local group of doctors don't believe that, but I'm not sure and I'll never know.

But the community is outraged because of it, but so is the world and it's not about me. The fact that they've lost their opportunity to speak. We do not have our freedoms. We are being mandated.

And the hope is there. The hope is not in the system, but the hope is in your faith, getting rid of the fear, taking faith over fear. That's my thought.

CARLSON: Well you've clearly done that. It is just remarkable that we're firing people for being decent and honest, but you make a bigger point and I'm glad that you did.

Dr. Horak, thanks so much for coming on tonight. I hope that you continue to use your skills as a surgeon somewhere. I really do. Thank you.

HORAK: All right, I hope so, too. Thank you for the time. Appreciate the opportunity.

CARLSON: So thought crimes really are the crimes that are punished now. You can obviously loot Macy's and burn down Wendy's, you can shoot people in a classroom and you're fine, but if you disagree with the ideology, bam, you're gone. Here is exhibit 437 of the day.

A middle school teacher suspended for speaking up against the poison kids are being taught. That's next.


CARLSON: Ramona Bessinger is a middle school English teacher in Providence, Rhode Island. Over the summer, she wrote a series of very insightful blog posts exposing her school's openly racist and divisive curriculum. For doing that, for daring to be honest, Ramona Bessinger was hauled in front of a disciplinary committee and suspended by the school district.

Now, the school district claims the suspension is unrelated to the blog post because obviously they lie. Ramona Bessinger joins us tonight. Ramona Bessinger, thank you so much for coming on.


CARLSON: So give us just a quick example of what the school district was teaching that you objected to?

BESSINGER: Well first of all, I would just like to say that in all my years of being an educator, I've never seen anything like this, and sometime around last January hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of books rolled into my classroom, as well as educators throughout the district and immediately, I knew something wasn't right.

The covers of the books were bizarre. They were cartoon like. They were pamphlet style, very thin. All the books had the same sort of narrative. You know, the oppressor versus oppressed narrative. It was just strange, not to mention the quality of the books just, you know the rigor wasn't there.

So the moment I started asking questions, the moment I started probing and asking why we were teaching these books as opposed to vetted literary material, boom, that was it. I was public enemy number one.

You know, I could not do anything right. Everything was brought to task on absolutely everything. It was just ridiculous.

And rather than sort of cower and be silenced I decided I was going to get louder and that is exactly what I did. I wrote -- someone told me about this political blog, "Legal Insurrection," I e-mailed them and I explained that this was going on in my school. There were these very strange books and this odd curriculum rolling out and I was concerned.

I didn't quite know exactly what was going on, but by the time I wrote the blog, I had a pretty clear idea. But more importantly, it was the students, the reaction of the students and seeing the sort of mistrust and the overall, you know devastation I was feeling it was having on the students in my classroom.

But you know, I was also making connections to other teachers and students all around the country and certainly in my own district, we were all talking about this kind of strange collection of books that seem to be very racially divisive.

I don't like to say critical race theory, I call it racialized curriculum because that's in fact what it is.

So I wrote about it in that blog and that was met with, you know, the mob descending on me when I went back to school in September with some very strange attacks by you know, some colleagues because God forbid you can have -- you can't have -- you know, a reasonable discourse or an argument with any of these people. Not at all. No.

You know, what they have to do is cower and hide and attack and make public displays so -- and then that led to my getting louder and writing yet another blog about the harassment and when I did that then they upped the ante and involved children.

You know it's always impressive when you use children as political shields or political weapons to fight your battles.

CARLSON: Just like the Khmer Rouge. I'm so grateful you pointed out that a lot of these materials, these so-called books were stupid and badly written because they are, because the people who write them are stupid and no one ever says that.

So, thank you for saying that and good luck. Thank you for being honest.

BESSINGER: Thank you.

CARLSON: Ramona Bessinger.

BESSINGER: Thank you.

CARLSON: So our new brilliant Treasury Secretary has a plan for how to stop inflation. We're going to print a ton more money, trillions of dollars in fake money and that's going to fix inflation. We'll tell you how that works after the break.


CARLSON: The price of pretty much everything has gone up dramatically over the past year. Gas, food, lumber, diapers, ketchup, appliances, women's shoes -- like the pictures, we could go on. Whatever it is, it is more expensive than it was just the other day. It is called inflation. Your money is worse less and as a result, you are poorer. It is a very scary thing.

Like cancer, inflation once it starts, it is difficult to control. It doesn't take long to kill a country dead. And that's why all of us ought to be very grateful that our brilliant new Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen as a plan to fix inflation.

Now, until a few years ago, she ran the Federal Reserve. So more than any other living American, she is personally responsible for inflation, so she is undeniably an expert on the subject. Watch.


JANET YELLEN, U.S. TREASURY SECRETARY: The infrastructure in the Build Back Better packages are spending that is really small relative to the economy in any year and spread own 10 years.

And as I said, it will boost the economy's potential to grow, the economy's supply potential which tends to push inflation down and not up.


CARLSON: So, calm down, America. It is not hard. All we need to do in order to stop inflation, this is from Janet Yellen -- is print trillions of new American dollars that we don't have, fake money.

The more currency that we have in circulation, the less each dollar is going to be worth, so pretty soon, A Snickers bar is going to cost you 50 bucks, and when that happens, we will know we have finally beaten inflation.

See how that works? So Marlboro's cure lung cancer. Feminism makes you happy. Janet Yellen is a genius.

It's all true.

That's it for us tonight. We will see you Monday. Have the best weekend with the ones you love.

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