Tucker: Liz Cheney is delusional

This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on December 14, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


If you live in Manchester, New Hampshire, first of all, congratulations. It is a really nice place, but second we thought we'd give you an explanation for what you may have just seen.

So if you live there and last month you thought you saw Liz Cheney wandering around downtown Manchester, no, you were not hallucinating. Liz Cheney was there, and that's pretty weird if you think about it, not a lot of people go to Manchester, New Hampshire in November, so it probably wasn't a family vacation nor is it likely that Liz Cheney went up there by accident, Manchester is an eight-hour drive from her home in the D.C. suburbs.

And more to the point, it is also eight hours from these CNN studios in downtown Washington that she inhabits more often than most of us go to church, and much more reverently.

Manchester is also -- not that it matters to her -- more than 2,000 miles from Wyoming. That's the state that she supposedly represents in the U.S. Congress.

So the question is, what was Liz Cheney doing in Manchester, New Hampshire? And of course there is only one conceivable answer, Liz Cheney plans to run for President of the United States.

Now, if that sounds demented, yes, because it is, but it is also real.

Now, you may be wondering if Liz Cheney were to run for President, what exactly would she run on? She doesn't like Trump, okay, but what would her platform be?

We know the answer to that because Liz Cheney only cares about one thing and only ever has, and that is starting pointless wars in far-away countries. The more pointless the war, the farther away, the better it is.

Droning peasants makes Liz Cheney feel powerful. It's been the great cause of her life, but you've got to ask do a lot of voters agree with her on that? Is there a massive national constituency for more Iraqi invasions?

We've seen the polling on that. In a word, no. There is not a massive national constituency for Liz Cheney's foreign policy views, just the opposite, in fact.

People who live outside of D.C. do not support more pointless wars that do nothing for the United States or its core interests. They are not eager to send their kids to die for Eastern Ukraine and the reason they're not is because they've already done it. They've fought a lot of wars like this because Liz Cheney told them to and they've had enough.

Yet apparently, Liz Cheney is the last person who doesn't know this. She has literally no idea she believes she has a shot at the Republican nomination for President, and she believes that fervently enough to fly to Manchester, New Hampshire in the middle of November.

So what can we conclude from this behavior? Not looking at what she says, but what she is doing and the only answer is Liz Cheney is delusional. She is living on another planet and on that planet with her is the Republican Party's fading leadership class, the people who stopped assessing reality or having new thoughts of any kind right around 2003. That's the era in which they are frozen in amber and those people are sending Liz Cheney a ton of money, huge amounts of money, because they want her to run for President.

Cheney has raised millions of dollars, just this year in part from Political Action Committees run by Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell, and needless to say Lindsey Graham. Apparently, all of these geniuses think that Liz Cheney has a good shot of being President.

So Liz Cheney is this cycle's Jeb Bush who by the way has also given her money because, of course he has.

Now you should know that none of these people, and they are the very same people who feel perfectly empowered to lecture you about what's conservative and what's not, not one of these people has said a single word about Liz Cheney's performance on the House of Representatives January 6th Commission. That Commission is now in the process of trying to hunt down and destroy anyone to the right of Adam Kinzinger, who himself is on the Committee and we should tell you, still bursting into tears quite a bit.

The January 6th Committee has become the American version of a Soviet show trial. Ooh, overstating it, you think? Well, watch it for yourself on C- SPAN. Come to your own conclusions.

We'll tell you this. The January 6th Committee has somehow awarded itself the power to seize the personal communications of its political enemies and then make them public. The argument is really simple, turn over your text messages or we're going to send you to jail.

Let's not lie about this. The point of this exercise is not to uncover crimes. The January 6th Committee hasn't found any crimes and at this point will not find any crimes.

The point is to harm and humiliate the people you disagree with politically and that's what they're doing.

So yesterday, in case you missed it, Liz Cheney found herself with a list of text messages to and from Mark Meadows. Meadows was Donald Trump's last White House Chief of Staff.

Now those texts showed no evidence of any crime whatsoever, but since she had them, Liz Cheney thought they might be embarrassing to conservatives so she read them on television.

Some of those texts it turns out were from anchors here at FOX News and Liz Cheney took special delight in reading those.


REP. LIZ CHENEY (R-WY): According to the records, multiple FOX News hosts knew the President needed to act immediately. They texted Mr. Meadows and he has turned over those texts.


CARLSON: Notice the faux seriousness, according to the record. Now, before we get into details of what is in those texts, just step back for a second and consider what we just saw.

We now live in a country where none of your private communications are safe from the eyes of power drunk politicians like Liz Cheney. Liz Cheney can harness the awesome power of the National Security State to seize your personal text messages and then read them into the congressional record and guess what, there's nothing you can do about it, Mr. Citizen. We don't care.

So your texts, effectively your daily diary, now belong to Liz Cheney. And the question all of us no matter who we voted for have to ask ourselves is, do we really want to live in a country like that? Well probably, we don't. Privacy isn't just a nice thing to have, it's not an ancillary concern. Privacy is morally essential.

Privacy is a prerequisite for freedom. You can't have liberty without privacy, and that, needless to say is the whole point of the spectacle to let you know that we don't have freedom anymore and Liz Cheney is really in charge.

But what's extra amazing about what Liz Cheney just did, and this is the reason you know this is a show trial purely political and totally disconnected from reality much less law, is that the text message that she read yesterday were exculpatory. They didn't make her case. They undercut her case.

So three FOX anchors sent messages to Mark Meadows and none of them cheered what was happening at the Capitol on January 6th. In fact, they were upset by it, even in private when they assumed no one was listening.

And that shouldn't surprise you. These are principled people. What they say in public is not that far from what they say over text message.

If you get a text from Brian Kilmeade, it sounds pretty much identical to Brian Kilmeade on "FOX and Friends." These are not phonies, we can personally confirm that, whether you like them or not, they're real.

So FOX anchors on TV and in private opposed the BLM riots in the summer of 2020. FOX anchors opposed the riot on Capitol Hill in January of 2021. It turns out that FOX anchors oppose riots, all riots, no matter who is rioting and we're the only news anchors in the United States of America who do this.

The other channels wait to see who the rioters voted for and then they respond accordingly, as you may have noticed.

So the texts that Liz Cheney read aloud yesterday were a tribute to the people who wrote them, but because she is a liar, Liz Cheney attempted to twist these texts into proof of some kind of conspiracy, part of the insurrection storyline, which by the way is getting very old.

If January 6 was an insurrection, and we will believe anything, where is the evidence of that? Has Liz Cheney shown that a single prominent Republican in the United States of America plotted to overthrow the government of the United States? Well, no, she hasn't. Not one.

As with the prosecution of Kyle Rittenhouse, Liz Cheney is proving the defendant's case, inadvertently, and of course she is lying, they all are, the entire January 6th Committee is lying and they're not even lying very artfully.

Repeatedly in just the last few days, nearly a year after it happened, the record is settled. We know the facts, Democrats have continued to claim contrary to the facts that many people were killed at the Capitol on January 6th.

Sandy Cortez who has some kind of power in American society wrote that -- and we're quoting -- " ... 138 were injured, almost 10 dead" in what she called the terror attack on the Capitol.

Meanwhile, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts told America that the insurrection quote, " ... brought great trauma, injury, and loss of life." Really great loss of life. Who are all of these dead people? Can you be a lot more specific, Ayanna Pressley? AOC? January 6th Committee?

No, they can't, because they're lying. Only one person was intentionally killed on January 6th. Who was that? Well, she was a Trump supporter. She was called Ashli Babbitt and she was shot in the chest without warning by one of Liz Cheney's bodyguards. Those are the facts, which they are lying about.

So how can you trust a Congressional Committee that tells lies this obvious? Well, you can't. And yet, the White House has endorsed all of this. Joe Biden himself claims on the basis of no evidence whatsoever that January 6th was an outbreak of white supremacy/


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We're confronting the stains of what remains, the deep stain in the soul of the nation -- hate and white supremacy.

The violent deadly insurrection on the Capitol nine months ago was about white supremacy in my view.


CARLSON: That's just ugly race politics. By the way, that was in October when we know all the facts. There was no racial angle to January 6. What was January 6th? Well, there was destruction of property which we are totally opposed to, but what motivated it? Why were all those people there?

Well, for the most part, a year later, it is very clear, January 6th was essentially what it appeared to be. Thousands of ordinary American citizens -- voters -- people who believe in our democracy far more fervently than Liz Cheney ever has, came to Washington because they sincerely believed democracy had been thwarted. They believed the presidential election was unfair and they have a right to believe that and by the way, in many ways, they were correct.

The presidential election was unfair and you don't have to get into anything about voting machines to believe that.

Consider the facts that we know. As Election Day approach, Verizon, T- Mobile and AT&T shut down the Trump's Campaign's ability to send text messages and then Google -- this has never even been reported, but it is widely known. Google prevented the Trump Campaign from raising money over Gmail.

There is no precedent for that. The Trump Re-Election Campaign lost millions in donation. That was the whole point of it.

So the most powerful companies on Planet Earth heavily regulated by the government, benefiting from government contracts, swung behind Joe Biden and tried to stop Donald Trump, the sitting President in his tracks. Is that fair? Is that the democracy that Liz Cheney is always lecturing you about?

Honestly, what's the answer? These are legitimate questions.

Instead of answering them, Cheney has pushed to throw protesters in jail. Okay, if someone broke the law, punish that person. That applies to BLM activists as much as it does to QAnon people. We're for enforcing the law, fairly, equitably. But we also think that as you do that, if a mass of people show up angry at the Capitol, you should at least pause for a second if you believe in democracy and ask, what are they angry about? Maybe we should address their concerns.

But Liz Cheney won't, and those aren't the only questions that she won't answer. Here are a few other questions she won't answer. Who is this person dressed in black who we were told dropped pipe bombs all over Capitol Hill the night before, on January 5th? You're seeing surveillance video of that person right now.

You'll notice that this person, this mad bomber, is on his cell phone. Well, that's interesting, because according to criminal indictments that we have seen, the Feds have used cell phone geolocation to arrest dozens of people who were present on January 6th, but not this person. They haven't found this person, they haven't even identified this person. They've stopped talking about this person. Why is that, Liz Cheney?

And while we're at it, here is another question. What exactly was the role of Ray Epps in the chaos of January 6th? We asked because Rey Epps is on video on both January 5th and January 6th encouraging people to enter the Capitol Building, which is to say to break Federal law, and as he says this in this video, you'll notice people in the crowd immediately identify him as a quote "Fed." Watch.


RAY EPPS, QUEEN CREEK RESIDENT: We need to go in [bleep] to the Capitol.

CROWD: Let's go.

EPPS: I'm going to put it out there, I'm probably going to go jail for it, okay? Tomorrow, we need to get into the Capitol. Into the Capitol.

What? No.

CROWD: No. Fed. Fed. Fed. Fed. Fed.

EPPS: Okay, folks. Spread the word. As soon as the President starts speaking, we go to the Capitol. The Capitol is this direction.


CARLSON: Well that's an amazing pair of videos. Look, we're not prosecutors, but by the standards of January 6th, if you take a look at what people are spending a year in jail for, that looks like a crime.

Ray Epps encouraging others to breach the Capitol, and yet as far as we know, Ray Epps has not been prosecuted or even charged. I mean, maybe he has. Tell us if you know differently, Liz Cheney.

But if he hasn't, how come? Did Ray Epps have any contact with Federal law enforcement agencies before the Capitol was stormed on January 6th?

Liz Cheney has called us quote "unpatriotic" for asking that question, but it's not an unpatriotic question. It's a legitimate, very straightforward question and American citizens have a right to know the answer, but Liz Cheney won't answer it. Why?

We asked her to come on tonight and explain. She refused, of course, because she is a coward, most neocons are. But until Liz Cheney answers that basic question, there is no reason to play along with her charade. There is certainly no reason that any American citizen should even consider surrendering personal text messages to her or the January 6th Committee.

If they're going to lie to us and hide essential information from the public, there is no reason to participate, no matter what they say.

Now, to a related story unfolding in the Capitol. You probably haven't heard a lot about a woman called Kathleen Landerkin is the Deputy Warden at the D.C. jail. That is where many of the January 6th defendants are being held in appalling conditions. Some of them seem like they've been effectively tortured.

Now, maybe that's because Landerkin -- we are just speculating here -- is a rabid hateful partisan activist who is so inflamed with ideology, she doesn't bother to hide it. We have a lot of her social media, which is public.

For example, in this one, she tweets, quote: "F everyone who supports Trump." She said, she won't let FOX News be shown on jail televisions et cetera et cetera. At one point, she attacks Marjorie Taylor Greene who tried to tour the jail and suggest she should be in prison, a sitting member of Congress.

Marjorie Taylor Greene went anyway. She is the one who gathered this information, which seems worth knowing. She is a sitting member from Georgia and she joins us now.

Congresswoman, thanks so much for coming on.

So tell us about -- this woman has a key position. We've watched for years these people arrested unlike the BLM protesters, they've brought them in jail and really suffered. You saw it firsthand and you're wondering like, how is this happening?

This person seems like part of the answer. Tell us what you know.

REP. MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE (R-GA): Well, I'll tell you exactly that she is the problem. As a matter of fact, that clip you played of Joe Biden, that's exactly how Kathleen Landerkin thinks, and since she is the Deputy Warden of the D.C. jail where approximately 40 or more January 6th defendants are being held.

She calls them white supremacists. She hates Trump and she hates anyone that supports him. She also doesn't think we need to have a border wall, but she is perfectly fine in keeping these pre-trial January 6th defendants in solitary confinement for 23 or more hours per day.

This is the woman that they blame for all of the problems they are having at the D.C. jail and this is the woman that is responsible for the atrocious conditions that I witnessed when I toured the jail after she locked me out on several attempts of trying to go in there.

Kathleen Landerkin should be fired immediately and this jail must be inspected. The U.S. Marshals have already been in. They've written a full report and they're moving 400 inmates to another prison, but for January 6th defendants to be punished and treated so badly and their human rights completely violated, this is an atrocity that should not be happening in America and the Judges of their cases should allow them to go home until their Court date.

CARLSON: Really quick. This is a key cog in our justice systems. The Deputy Award in the D.C. jail. How is she allowed to tweet like an Antifa thug on social media? Where are her supervisors here?

GREENE: Well obviously, they don't care because they all agree with her and that's the problem with this system.

You see, the Democrats are so authoritarian that they're using communist tactics on these January 6th defendants, but it's also what they're doing on the January 6th Committee. These are the tactics we see in China and Russia and other countries. These are the things we shouldn't be seeing in the United States of America.

Just like you were talking about these tweets or these text messages that Liz Cheney just loves reading out loud about FOX News employees and about Members of Congress texting Mark Meadows and saying, you know, that we want the riot to stop. President Trump should ask these people to stop, that's a good thing.

Typically, you want a President of the United States to tell rioters to stop, which he did, but this is what's happening throughout this whole process. These January 6th defendants are being abused so badly and it's at the hands of not only Kathleen Landerkin, but it's also their public defenders that they're assigned, the Court Judges that just hate them and completely embrace the Democrat ideology and they're punishing their political enemies.

CARLSON: Well, obviously. If you have no privacy, you have no freedom. That is true.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene in Georgia, thank you for coming on.

GREENE: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Big story out of CNN over the weekend. You may have missed it.

A CNN producer arrested for child molestation. There is a lot going on here. We've got some questions, which we will let you know about right after the break.

Looking for a few last-minute gifts, we're getting close to Christmas, tuckercarlson.com could be the answer, better than Amazon anyway.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: When you work in cable news, you're responsible not just for your own behavior, but the behavior of your producers. If one of them does something wrong, you've got to answer for it. You've got to explain how the work environment you created made this sin possible.

Now, we're not sure we're on board with this standard. It seems a little broad, but we don't make the rules here, CNN makes the rules here. This is the rule they made and everyone in the TV business acts like it's Federal law.

Given that, it was interesting to see one of CNN's senior producers arrested for child molestation recently. John Griffin is 44. He has been for years a prominent member of the staff over at CNN. Last week, he was arrested by authorities in Vermont for having sex with children.

Now typically, you read all the ugly details on TV, but they're too ugly, so we're going to spare you them. Suffice it to say, if these details are true, then this guy is awful and deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison. We're not the jury here, but the charges are very serious.

In the meantime, here is our question. What kind of diseased work environment at CNN produced an accused child molester? Now, that's an obvious question. It is exactly the question CNN would ask of us for example, but somehow CNN's tireless media critics, the eunuch and his bug- eyed accomplice have not said a word about it, which is weird.

Now, it has been reported that Griffin worked for a guy called John Avlon. If you watch CNN, you may see Avlon occasionally. He is the fill in guy. He is the guy they call when the adults are on vacation, he shows up and tells you how scary QAnon is. So that's the John Avlon you see on TV.

But what's happening behind the scenes? Did John Avlon know that his producer was molesting children? Is he for that? Is he against it? Does he believe that the moral tone he set at work played any role in these alleged crimes against minors?

Now, we called CNN for answers yesterday. They wouldn't tell us nor has Avlon issued any kind of statement about it including on Twitter where he lives pretty much all day.

It is pretty weird behavior for a quote, "journalist," not adding facts to a story you're involved in. We are journalists, we would like some more facts on this story and hopefully, we'll get them.

So Kamala Harris has many flacks not just at the VP's Office, but throughout the media who wants you to know that despite being super unpopular, she is hard at work.

"The San Francisco Chronicle" is reporting that quote, "Kamala Harris has redecorated the VP's Office. Here's the meaning behind her choices."

Now the first thing you should know is that Kamala Harris has horrible taste. Don't let her near your house, but the second thing you should know is that only a supine groveling media could produce coverage like this.

Miranda Devine is a connoisseur of coverage like this. She mocks it mercilessly at "The New York Post." She joins us tonight to do the same.

Miranda, it is so great to see you.

So, congrats on your book, by the way, which is just absolutely killing it and deserves to. Let me ask you, Kamala Harris redecorating an office and making it uglier is a news story?

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, apparently so. You know, it is pretty rare to get a one-on-one interview with Kamala Harris and "The San Francisco Chronicle" to their great credit managed to score one, but they didn't ask her apparently about the border crisis, about the two million illegal migrants that have come over under her aegis. This is supposed to be something she is fixing.

Apparently there was nothing to talk about that. It was all about you know, the shade of blue that she had repainted the walls. She has replaced apparently some patterned couches with some pristine white ones and she also -- you know, she has a lot of artwork on her walls and so, "The San Francisco Chronicle" went into great detail telling us all about, you know there is a painting called "White Daisy Rhapsody" behind her desk.

CARLSON: Wait, can I just ask you a question. She is this feminist leader. She is breaking glass ceilings. She is inspiring America's women, my daughters, and yet the one interview she gives is about interior decorating?

DEVINE: Yes, look, it is pretty sexist really when you think about it.

CARLSON: It's hilarious.

DEVINE: She should be up in arms -- but that's what she's all about. She is all about trivia and frivolity and she never wants to talk about anything serious like the border. No plan to visit, no plan to fix it No, it's all about her decor.

CARLSON: Yes, amazing. Miranda Devine, author of a brand new book on Hunter Biden's laptop, the person who is on the story from the beginning. The book is killing it and deserves to. We recommend it.

Miranda Devine, great to see you. Thank you.

DEVINE: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Dr. Marty Makary is one of the most knowledgeable, most experienced, and wisest public health experts in this country. He is an actual public health expert.

Today, he told Congress the truth about the science behind COVID booster shots. Dr. Makary joins us straight ahead.

Plus, we've got a new documentary out, Thursday. It is called, "The Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse." You can get free access to that and all of our documentaries at tuckercarlson.com.


CARLSON: So they told you the vaccines work perfectly and they're going to solve all your problems. Now, they're telling you without ever admitting that they've changed their view on the subject that actually, you're going to need a lot more mandatory injections. You have to. That was always the plan. They just kind of didn't mention it.

Now, the Biden White House is pushing COVID booster shots, more injections for millions of Americans, including young people who've already had COVID.

So like, maybe this is a great idea, but we should definitely pause and ask real questions. No one is doing that except Dr. Marty Makary, he is a Professor of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, and today he testified before the Congress and he noted, this is pretty irresponsible.

Dr. Makary joins us today to explain why he thinks that. Doctor, thanks so much for coming on.

I mean, this is just one of these conversations that we're not allowed to have, and I think that we should have. Period. So what is your view on this?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, what happened last Wednesday is that pharma did their own secret study, and they came out with a press release saying that a third dose helps against omicron. They didn't release the underlying data, and immediately, our C.D.C. put out this urge for every 15 -- for every 16 and 17-year-old to get a booster shot.

Now, there is nothing that represents waste and excess and a dysfunctional scientific community more than requiring a young, healthy, low-risk student who has already had COVID to get a third dose of the vaccine. There will be unintended harm from this blanket policy and who is making the decisions here? Our C.D.C. just falls in line.

Does our C.D.C. work for Big Pharma or does it work for the American people?

CARLSON: Well, that's the question. And where's our political system here? I mean, we've got protests outside FOX News all the time. You know, most people who descend to -- there are no protest outside Pfizer.

So here you have this giant publicly held pharma company, which does a lot of good. I'm not you know, attacking them on everything. But like, no one is even -- you're not even allowed to ask questions about Pfizer's behavior. That doesn't seem like a functioning system to me at all.

MAKARY: And don't expect Big Pharma to be talking about natural immunity. We've never heard a wink about it from our public health officials. People have circulating antibodies that neutralize the virus, but they are antibodies that the government does not recognize.

And because of this massive mistake, careers have been destroyed. Teachers, nurses, soldiers have been fired. And let's be honest, these are not older people who are high risk for COVID. Those people, if they haven't had the infection, I recommend they get vaccinated. These are young people and medical privacy is basically dead.

You've got young healthy women now at the workplace explaining to their supervisor why they have a history of clots or why they've chosen to be hesitant about the vaccine or they've heard about menstrual irregularities, which is a real thing that's been described and Johns Hopkins is doing a formal big study on menstrual irregularities with the vaccine.

Medical privacy is basically dead.

CARLSON: I would love to get every news anchor, many of whom I know in here to tearfully apologize for reading Pfizer talking points in place of science for a year, misleading the public, doing the bidding of the powerful. It is really -- it's really shameful, I think.

I appreciate the bravery on display in your comments following the science, Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins. Thank you.

MAKARY: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Peter Navarro was a top adviser in the Trump White House for all four years. He advised the President primarily on trade, but also on coronavirus policy.

Now House Democrats have subpoenaed him for documents relating to his response to the pandemic. Now, a lot of people are going along with this. This is totally Soviet. He shouldn't comply and Peter Navarro was one of the few saying, I'm not going to comply and we're glad to see that.

Peter Navarro joins us now.

Peter Navarro, thanks so much for coming on. So you're not complying with this. I assume they'll try and send you to jail or make noises about it. Tell us your thinking.

PETER NAVARRO, FORMER DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF TRADE AND MANUFACTURING POLICY: Sure. Tomorrow morning, 9:00 AM. It's not just material they want. They want to depose me. I've told them, that's not going to happen.

And the big thing here, Tucker is that attack on executive privilege. What I mean by that, there is a principle of candor in the White House requires confidentiality. And it's a principle that goes back, actually, Tucker, to our first President George Washington and he said that basically that executive privilege means that the President determines what information can be released. It only should be released if there's a public good associated with it.

Okay, so let's think about that. No public good can come of a democratic sham witch hunt, committee which has already made up its mind and its wants to tar the Trump administration with the brush of mishandling pandemic. That's their agenda.

They've been going after me for over a year. I've told them in a letter that I've already transmitted for tomorrow morning. There's an op-ed in "The Washington Times" and with no uncertain terms, will I go there. And here's the reason. Here's the point of law, Tucker.

The President has exerted executive privilege. It's not my privilege. I don't have the power to waive that privilege. It's the President's, so I told the Committee is like, look, take it up with the President and his attorneys. You won't be seeing me in front of your star chamber.

I'll tell you what, this is going to be a very different outcome than the January 6th Committee. Kevin McCarthy made a huge miscalculation and played checkers in the chess world when he withdrew any Republican membership on that, and we wind up with Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. They the RINOs in drag.

I mean, these guys basically sold Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows down the river. Not going to happen on the Committee, I'm going before. It's Clyburn's Committee, but I've got Steve Scalise there. Here is the Minority Leader, Jim Jordan and Mark Green. These guys are warriors and they are not just going to roll me to the wolves. Go ahead.

CARLSON: May I ask you just a 20-second question. So, as one of the people formulating COVID policy in the last administration, though you're being accused of war crimes or whatever. Many more Americans have died of corona under Biden.


CARLSON: Than under Trump. So like how dizzy does it make you feel to have these buffoons try and call you in and blame you for something they've done a worse job managing than you did?

NAVARRO: Yes, I raised precisely that in my letter, and I recommend them reading my new book "In Trump Time" because what that does, Tucker, is explain how as early as January 28, 2020, the President and I and Robert O'Brien -- we were three people in the White House that began working feverishly on things like the travel ban, on therapeutics, on the vaccine, on PPE.

I mean, I literally -- I say this humbly, saved hundreds of thousands of lives, maybe millions of lives with the work for the President I did in January and February. And for these guys to come after me, for Clyburn --

Hey, Jim. Hey, you gave us Joe Biden. You were the guy in South Carolina who took that guy off the dust heap of history and put him in the White House. You've got a feckless fool there. If you want to investigate some, go investigate Hunter Biden.

So you know, I'm a Trump guy. If they hit us, we hit him back harder. That's what we're doing here.

CARLSON: You know, we really should be blaming the Chinese. They did this.


CARLSON: And we are yelling at each other, but like we missed that. Yes.

NAVARRO: Thank you. Thank you.

CARLSON: Peter, great to see you tonight.

NAVARRO: We shall remember the Wuhan the Institute of Virology. Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: We won't forget that.

Unfortunately, looting and violent crime have turned one of the busiest neighborhoods in the country into a ghost town. Everyone in charge is denying this has happened, but it is happening. We have tape of it. If you've been there, you already know that. Why is this happening exactly? That's straight ahead.


CARLSON: It turns out the threads of civilization are fragile. If you want to prove it, go to Union Square in San Francisco. It is obviously the heart of the city's shopping district. It's been a great place for more than a hundred years, it no longer is.

All the windows and storefronts are boarded up with plywood. Now, why is that? Really simple, bad policy.

The city's lead prosecutor, Chesa Boudin, son of imprisoned radicals has decided that he is going to undo civilization and almost instantly that led to permanent looting in San Francisco. Here is some local coverage over there.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): Three days, three large smash-and-grabs, this time a jewelry store targeted in the Southland Mall in Hayward. Cases shattered after police say nine suspects made off with an unknown amount of pricey items just before 5:30 in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, in Walnut Creek, the Broadway Plaza Nordstrom still cleaning up after police say a brazen group of 80 thieves made off with piles of merchandise. Concerns heightened after thieves struck several luxury stores including Louis Vuitton en masse Friday in San Francisco's Union Square.

Off camera, one private security agency saying the crime spree has been fielding an uptick in calls from area retailers.


CARLSON: So, the Mayor of the City of San Francisco is called London Breed. She is a totally reckless moron, probably elected because of her name, which we will admit is pretty awesome name, London Breed.

Things in San Francisco have gotten so bad that London Breed was finally forced to acknowledge today that actually yes, the city is falling apart.


MAYOR LONDON BREED, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: It's time that the rein of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for it to come to an end. And it comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement, more aggressive with the changes in our policies and less tolerant of all the [bleep] that has destroyed our city.


CARLSON: Whoa. So to get one London Breed to say something like that up until about 20 minutes ago, she was apologizing for the junkies with their pants down in every sidewalk in the city, and all the car break-ins, but that's where she is now. That's how bad things are.

So Michael Shellenberger has thought a lot about why this has happened to American cities. He has got a brand new book "San Fran-sicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities." That title tells you all. He joins us tonight.

Are you -- thank you, Michael Shellenberger for joining us -- London Breed, we've played tape of her apologizing for this crap, for pretending it's not happening. Here she is sounding like Rudy Giuliani. I mean, what does that tell you?

MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER, AUTHOR, "SAN FRAN-SICKO": Well, I mean, I'm in a pretty great mood tonight, Tucker. I think you should feel pretty proud of yourself, too, because you've been covering the disaster in San Francisco.

CARLSON: Well, it's a great city and to see it destroyed is like very upsetting. It's the prettiest city we have like what?

SHELLENBERGER: You put the local media to shame with your coverage of the city. It's been really important. I think it's starting to pay off.

We're in the midst of a beginning of, I think a big backlash against progressive criminal justice reformers, particularly against we see against the former Mayor of Philadelphia just attacked the current progressive District Attorney in Philly for dismissing the homicides.


SHELLENBERGER: Now, you have Mayor Breed in San Francisco who is very far to the left, and from a general American perspective, but she came out very strong today using an explicative, which you saw there, pushing back hard against the radical left and the policies that have led to this widespread criminality.

So I do think, obviously, there is a bunch of things that need to happen. They need to arrest the drug dealers and deport them back to Honduras. They need to arrest addicts and mandate drug treatment because they are going to die otherwise.

There is so much that needs to be done. But finally, there is some recognition that there is a serious crime problem in San Francisco.

CARLSON: Well, I just love to see because San Francisco is not just a playground for Antifa and trustafarians, like actual people live there. They have jobs and families and it's a city. So, you think we're going to see this London Breed transformation in other places?

SHELLENBERGER: I'm not sure and we have to hold her accountable. But it is notable that it was the poor people living in the neighborhood where the drug markets freely exist that pressured her to shut down and take action on this.

When I interviewed people today, everybody just said they knew it is in the works. They couldn't believe how long it was taking. We still have an open drug scene in front of the City Hall in San Francisco that needs to be shut down.


SHELLENBERGER: There is so much that needs to be done. But finally, at least they are not denying there is a crime problem.

CARLSON: Yeah, I'd love to see it. I mean, we've got to say that's progress. We should note it when we find it.

Michael Shellenberger, Thank you.

SHELLENBERGER: Thanks for having me, Tucker.

CARLSON: So Frank Church who was a left-wing senator from Idaho, predicted the moment we're in, amazingly. We will tell you what he said.


CARLSON: You never hear his name anymore, but Frank Church was a big deal. At one point, he was a U.S. senator from Boise, Idaho. He served from the late 50s until he was defeated in the 1980 Reagan wave.

He is a Democrat, and then at the time, he is considered pretty left-wing, which he pretty much was. He was reviled by Republicans.

So relatively few remember anything about his 1975 hearings on the so- called Intel Community.

Church was World War II veteran, so he knew how the government worked. There was word that the spy agencies had way too much power. He spent years reading subpoena classified documents, so he wasn't only guessing about this. Here are some of what he said about the N.S.A. quote: "I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America. We must see to it that this agency, the N.S.A., and all agencies that possess this technology, operate within the law and under proper supervision so that we never cross over that abyss. That's the abyss from which there is no return."

In the summer of '75, he went on "Meet the Press" and continued in this theme. The U.S. government Church said has quote: " ... a very extensive capability of intercepting messages wherever they may be in the airwaves. Now, that is necessary and important to the U.S. as we look abroad at enemies or potential enemies. We must know at the same time, that capability at any time can be turned around on the American people and no American would have any privacy left. Such as the capability to monitor everything, there'll be no place to hide."

"If this government ever became a tyranny, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the Intel Community has given the government would enable it to impose total tyranny, and there will be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know, such as the capability of this technology."

That was Frank Church's prediction, almost half a century ago. Five years later, he was dead at the age of 59, and the subject disappeared from mainstream conversation. Classified documents later showed that the N.S.A. had been monitoring Frank Church's personal communications all along.

Just so you know.

That's it for us tonight. Tomorrow, check out our interview with the man who started the soap opera "General Hospital" for 25 seasons. His name is Ingo Rademacher. What an amazing guy who was just canned because he didn't want the injection.

It turns out Ingo Rademacher is one of the most articulate defenders of American values we've talked to ever.

Anyway, that's going to be on FOX Nation, you can get on tuckercarlson.com.

And now, our friend, The Great Sean Hannity takes over the airwaves for the 9:00 PM hour.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: By the way, thank you for reaching out and asking actually what did I say? Because nobody else in the media did.

CARLSON: Yes, I did that.

HANNITY: Well, you had prepared it.

CARLSON: Well, I called you this morning. I want to know what that was about, and by the way, you sounded in that text exactly like you sounded on television, and that is just true.

HANNITY: Exactly. And I am actually going to play it, but I appreciate it. You know, I've said journalism is dead, not completely. There is a little fragment left. We've got to hang on as long as we can.

Anyway, Tucker, thank you, as always.

CARLSON: Thanks.

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