Tucker: 'Libs of TikTok' hit is obviously an intimidation campaign

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," April 19, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Last year, unbeknownst to pretty much nobody, a woman in Brooklyn started a Twitter account that was comprised almost solely of videos of liberals talking about themselves.

So, the concept was very simple: Find interesting tape that had already been uploaded to the internet by the people who made it and then repost that tape. There was no editing of it, no special effects. There was very little editorial content.

The idea was to let activist-types describe, in their own words, what they believe, unfiltered. The woman who created it called that account "Libs of TikTok." Libs of TikTok now has more followers than the entire population of the State of Wyoming. Libs of TikTok's audience dwarfs the nightly viewership on CNN.

So, it was quite successful by definition. The question is why?

Here's why: It turns out that is repellent as academic lifestyle liberalism may seem to you as an observer. The reality of it, as described by the people who actually believe this stuff, is even worse than you ever imagined. It's really beyond belief, both idiotic and disgusting.

It's like watching someone eat roadkill. You feel nauseous, but you can't turn away. So, Libs of TikTok found all kinds of tape on the internet, but they found a bunch of selfie-style videos from the publicly available social media accounts of teachers. They didn't snoop. They just put what people already posted. Here's some of what they found:


OZ, PRESCHOOL TEACHER: Hi, my name is Oz and I am a preschool teacher. Recently, we've started wearing pronoun pins and the kids get to pick a new pronoun pin every -- we have some that pick like fewer every single day, and we have some that change it up.

MIX GRAY, PRESCHOOL TEACHER: So, I'm a non-binary preschool teacher and my kids know I'm non-binary. They know I'm not a girl or a boy. I use they/them pronouns in the classroom. We work on it. Not all kids get it. That's okay and I go by Mix Gray in the classroom, not Miss or Mister.

TEACHER: Man, you all thought me teaching the children about me being poly was crazy, but not only that, but they also know that I'm gender-fluid.

TEACHER: I'm going to give you my explanation about what it means to be transgender as well. So, when babies are born, the doctor looks at them, and they make a guess about whether the baby is a boy or a girl.

TEACHER: Kids as young as three and four are actually aware of their gender identity, even if they don't have the language for it. To say that pre-K through 3rd grade are not ready for such topics is actually internalized homophobia and transphobia.


CARLSON: So those are the people in charge of tending to your small children's minds while you're at work. Now maybe you agree with the views you just heard. Maybe you think that doctors just guess at the sex of newborns. Maybe you don't agree. It almost doesn't matter.

Either way, you have a right as a parent to know what these people are teaching to your children. And yet, before Libs of TikTok, there was not an easy way to find out what they were teaching. You take the teacher's word for it.

Well, it turns out there are an awful lot of videos like this out there. Libs of TikTok found a lot of them. Here, for example, is the scene at one private school in Washington, D.C.


CHILDREN CHANTING: Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter.


CARLSON: Okay, so let's say you're paying $45,000.00 a year to send your kids to some overrated, mediocre private school in the District of Columbia. You think everything's fine. You pull up Libs of TikTok and you find out what's actually happening in your kid's classroom. What's wrong with that?

This is journalism. No news organization in America has done more to reveal the reality within American schools than Libs of TikTok.

We aired a number of their videos on the show, and we are grateful for their reporting. It was far more straightforward than anything you're going to find in "The New York Times" or "The Washington Post," because it wasn't accompanied by a lot of bloviating. They just showed you the tape, and you can decide. That's journalism.

Here's another piece of tape that Libs of TikTok unearthed that amazed and horrified us. This is a teacher screaming at a student for refusing to wear a mask.


STUDENT: Are you playing?

TEACHER: No, I'm not. Otherwise, I will call the police. I'm serious.

STUDENT: Are you serious?

TEACHER: Yes, I am serious, man. I had enough of it. I knew you were going to take off your mask the moment I turned the corner. So enjoy BIA.

STUDENT: What's that?

TEACHER: That's the in-school suspension where you have to sit in the room with the military guy all day because you're a piece of [bleep].


CARLSON: "I'm going to call the police," he screeches, because the kid has the mask beneath his nose. Now again, maybe you're okay with your kids being taught by emotionally incontinent nutcases like that. Maybe you're not. But you probably ought to know either way.

So, you can see why Libs of TikTok quickly became so very popular. You didn't have to wade through some long editorial to find out what was actually happening. You could see the raw video and again, you could assess it for yourself. Millions of parents were grateful for that.

So, is Christina Pushaw who is the Press Secretary for the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis. It was partly in response to videos that she saw on Libs of TikTok that Florida ultimately banned public school teachers from lecturing kindergartners about sex. That's now law. It's one of the most popular laws in the state. A majority of Democrats support it.

So, Libs of TikTok was getting results as good journalism does. Not bad for a Twitter feed.

So, of course, that Twitter feed had to be shut down. The Biden administration and its many servants in the news media set off to work. The neoliberal slander machine Media Matters published four separate hit pieces on Libs of TikTok in just the past three weeks. It was trafficking hate for allowing liberals to talk about themselves. It was anti-gay as if the site was attacking anyone.

Certainly, it was not attacking gays. It was just playing tape of people talking about themselves in their own words - video that they uploaded.

Well, Twitter could not stand this. They shut down the account entirely twice. They suspended it. One of the suspensions came after a complaint from a Harvard law instructor called Alejandra Caraballo.

Quote: "My report on Libs of TikTok violating Twitter rules got them suspended," she bragged. Yet the woman who runs Libs of TikTok kept going.

So ultimately, Jeff Bezos weighed in. Bezos' personal newspaper, "The Washington Post," decided to harass the family of the woman who operates the Libs of TikTok. They couldn't find her, so they went after her family. "The Post" sent what it calls its tech columnist, Taylor Lorenz, to show up outside a home that belongs to one of the woman's relatives and then Lorenz set about trying to find the woman herself.

She couldn't. She sent a direct message on Twitter to someone who turned out to be not that woman and had nothing to do with the account whatsoever. But because she did that, we know what Taylor Lorenz was saying.

Here's what she said, quote: "You're being implicated in starting a hate campaign against LGBTQ people." Right. A hate campaign. So here you have Taylor Lorenz, who is effectively acting as the Stasi for the Deep State, trying to intimidate a private citizen into silence and this morning she gave it her best shot.

"The Washington Post" published a piece by Lorenz linking to the name, the physical address, and the real estate licensing information of the woman who runs Libs of TikTok.

After "The Post" published the article, the woman behind Libs of TikTok went into hiding. That was, of course, the whole point of the exercise. People know where she lives because "The Washington Post" linked to it, so she had to leave.

Now, Taylor Lorenz, of all people, knew this would happen. She knew what she was doing when she wrote the story. She was trying to shut this woman up. It was just a couple of months ago, you might remember, that Lorenz herself complained on television that she was being harassed and that no one under any circumstances would be allowed to show up at her home. Here she is:


ALICIA MENENDEZ, MSNBC HOST: Trolls live everywhere. Can you just explain was it was like? Can you draw a picture of what it is like when a surge of harassment hits?

TAYLOR LORENZ, TECH COLUMNIST, "THE WASHINGTON POST": It's horrifying and it's not just me either. You know, they immediately dox you and go after your family members. They try and look up everyone who has ever been associated with you, and it's just completely overwhelming and terrifying.


CARLSON: "Oh, they go after your family members." Could we put that picture back up? Can the control room do that? This is Taylor Lorenz outside the family members of the woman who run Libs of TikTok the other day, harassing the family members.

Now the tape you just saw comes from January. Then in April, just eight days ago, Taylor Lorenz, who cannot stop talking about herself, drowning in Lake Me, cried on television because she'd been criticized online. Watch:


LORENZ: I've had to remove every single social tie. I have severe PTSD from this. I contemplated suicide. It got really bad. You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the internet to destroy your life and it's so isolating.

REPORTER: And terrifying.

LORENZ: It's horrifying. I'm so sorry.

REPORTER: No, you're fine. You're fine.

LORENZ: It's overwhelming. It's really hard.


CARLSON: It's really hard to be from Greenwich and work for "The Washington Post." It's hard. No power. But if you really think it's hard, if you're really against that kind of behavior, why are you engaging in it at scale?

So a few weeks later, after shooting that performance, Taylor Lorenz shows up at the door -- and there's the picture right there -- of a relative of the private citizen who posts videos that Taylor Lorenz's bosses don't like, and then she posts that person's identity online.

So this is obviously an intimidation campaign designed to shut down a highly effective Twitter feed. But take one step deeper into the story and ask yourself: Did Taylor Lorenz, the woman you just saw crying on TV because she has PTSD, did she really do the reporting here? Did she really track down the personal information of the woman who runs Libs of TikTok? Please, of course not. She couldn't.

Taylor Lorenz is not a reporter. Apart from whining about herself on television, she has no skills. She couldn't do a weather forecast in a rainstorm. She's not a journalist. She's merely a receptacle for information that other people gather for their own ends, a willing receptacle.

So where did she get this information? Who gave her the identity of the woman who runs Libs of TikTok? Well, actually, we don't have to guess because today's "Washington Post's" story answers that question.

"The Post" piece tells us that information came from a man called Travis Brown. Travis Brown runs the quote: "Travis Brown Hate Speech Tracker," which uses a variety of proprietary methods to reveal personally identifying information of private citizens who stray from the approved storyline.

Now, who pays for all this? That's the question. Well, the "Travis Brown Hate Speech Tracker" is funded by something called the prototype fund. Here's how the prototype fund describes the point of Travis Brown's project, quote: "Prominent right-wing extremist accounts on Twitter and Facebook have developed a well-documented pattern to distribute controversial and extremist content to their followers and then delete it before moderators have the opportunity to react to it." In other words, before it can be censored.

"Archiving is an important element in counteracting this behavior and has in many cases led to prominent victories in the fight against the extreme right."

Extreme right? So, not all hate speech is the same. The hate speech tracker does not target the hate speech of BLM rioters or Antifa. No, only enemies of the Biden administration and the guys at Davos. How do they do it? Well, Brown's methods, according to him, include using automated software to save user account names and social media posts long after they have been deleted.

So, there's no hiding from these people. Now, that appears to be a violation of Twitter's terms of service. Not that we care because they don't care. We reached out to Twitter about this. Isn't this a violation? Well, they ignored us. They suspended our account.

What's interesting, though, is that Travis Brown himself appears to be a former Twitter employee. So again, who's paying for this? Well, a foreign government is paying for it. The prototype fund gets its money not from private donors, but from the government of Germany -- Germany's Federal Ministry of Education. It says so right on the website.

In other words, what happened to the woman who runs Libs of TikTok, her life being destroyed, was not the work of Taylor Lorenz, the fearless journalist who cries on TV from her PTSD. No, it was a foreign intelligence operation designed to silence and intimidate an American citizen. Wait, is that legal?

Did the Biden administration have any role in this particular intel op? Why is the German government trying to shut down an American Twitter account posting about American teachers? And since she was the recipient, the willing recipient, of this information from a foreign government designed to destroy an American citizen, why hasn't Taylor Lorenz, at the very least, registered under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA)?

We seem to remember quite a bit of talk about this over the last year. We think there was an impeachment trial of it. Someone went to prison because of it, but Taylor Lorenz can take information from a foreign government to crush an American citizen, clearly as part of an Intel operation, and she's a journalist in good standing at Jeff Bezos' newspaper? Lots of questions here. We hope we can get to the bottom of all of them.

We're going to start tonight by talking to the creator of Libs of TikTok who joins us right now by phone, and we appreciate your coming on.

So I just have to ask because I'm really interested. Why do you suppose the German government wanted to shut down your Twitter feed?

CREATOR OF LIBS OF TIKTOK: Well, I think that what I'm doing is very effective, and I think that a lot of people wanted to shut me down. They wanted to intimidate me into silence. And unfortunately for them, that's just never going to happen.

CARLSON: Well, I'm grateful to hear that you're not intimidated. Were you a little surprised to see of all people, Taylor Lorenz, who complained bitterly when we used her name on the air several months ago, who whined and cried on television because she had PTSD because people were criticizing her online.

Were you surprised that it was her who came after you personally and tried to destroy your life?

CREATOR OF LIBS OF TIKTOK: Yes, I thought that was really humorous. It added a really nice layer of humor on top of the whole story. And I think that the fact that it was Taylor Lorenz who is a known, you know, hypocrite and is known to dox people, the fact that it was her that was doing all this I think it just got people to kind of rally support for me.

CARLSON: Have you known -- I mean, I know you're not a psychiatrist or perhaps, you are, I don't know who you are, but are you surprised that the people who are the most deeply enmeshed in narcissism, who talk about themselves the most are also capable of the greatest cruelty? Have you noticed that trend?

CREATOR OF LIBS OF TIKTOK: Yes, I've noticed that a lot. I've noticed that with a lot of TikTok as well. I think it's a little bit of a trend over the last --

CARLSON: Yes, I talk -- I obsess over myself, so I'm willing to hurt you. So what's your status as -- since we have the phone? How are you doing tonight? I mean, you don't need to tell us where you are. But how has this affected your life, this Jeff Bezos piece?

CREATOR OF LIBS OF TIKTOK: Well, the past few days have been very chaotic and overwhelming. I have to make some travel plans, you know, really fast that I was not planning on earlier. So there was a little bit of coordination that had to happen, and I'm now in a location where I don't think anyone would find me, not in any of the locations that Taylor Lorenz leaked, or that anyone can find.

But it's been a little bit tough, but I'm not going to let this get me down.

CARLSON: Well, I hope we see you in our studio someday. Thanks so much for joining us tonight. We appreciate it.

Glenn Greenwald is an actual journalist who has done actual reporting over many years. He has been following the story closely. You can find him of course on "Substack."

Glenn, I have to ask you, too. Why would the government of Germany be funding the doxing of an American Twitter account? What are we looking at here, do you think?

GLENN GREENWALD, JOURNALIST: You know, if there were really a principle, Tucker, that everyone was willing to agree with, that anybody who obtained any influence on social media, even if they wanted to remain anonymous to protect their family or their workplace, or their community; now, it's fair game to be investigated on en masse map, no matter their political ideology, everybody was subject to that.

I wouldn't agree with that, but at least I could swallow it, the idea that as soon as someone gains influence, they are fair game for reporting, but you know, that's not the case.

Imagine for example, if I tomorrow, go to Tucker to Taylor Lorenz's his home and bang on her door, or FOX sends a camera crew to her parents' house or some right-wing independent journalist goes to her sibling's workplace and says, "We're here to find out information about Taylor Lorenz, an extremely powerful and influential journalist."

Or imagine if you unmask the identity of say a trans-activist who was popular on Facebook, or a Black Lives Matter activist who had a big Twitter following, you think these people who are defending Taylor Lorenz would say, oh, this is fair game reporting. This is shoe leather journalism.

They would declare it like some sort of crisis of national mental health and press freedom. They would like lower the flags to half-mast. It's clearly a huge double standard, punctuated by the fact that Taylor Lorenz was just on national TV sobbing, claiming that she was the victim of exactly this kind of behavior less than three weeks ago.

CARLSON: It is just beyond belief. I've asked you this many times, but I still don't really know the answer. Why would these big forces, these big powerful forces -- "Washington Post," German government, Media Matters -- be so intent on crashing like a little Twitter account that reposts videos. What is that?

GREENWALD: This is the way journalism changed in the Trump era. You know, when I grew up, the reason I admired journalism, the reason I went into it was I studied things like the Pentagon Papers where documents were really showing the Pentagon was lying to the American public about the Vietnam War, or people confronted the Nixon administration with Watergate or people exposed power centers.

What has happened is in the Trump era, the media convinced itself the corporate media, that the real threats to the United States were no longer the C.I.A. and the Pentagon and the N.S.A. and Wall Street and Silicon Valley, all of whom are on their side and trying to undermine Trump.

It's the Trump movement and people who are conservative. Those are criminals in their eyes, and they move their media lens from the people who used to be the target of it, people in power centers, to individual citizens whose only crime is that they have the wrong ideology and they are using their vast resources. "The Washington Post" is owned by Jeff Bezos, not to challenge actual power centers, but to destroy and wreck the lives and reputations of people who they regard as having the wrong politics. That's all this is about.

CARLSON: Stasi for the Deep State. That's exactly -- that's exactly right. So nicely put, as always, Glenn Greenwald. Thank you.

GREENWALD: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So the country is a little freer. We don't often report that, we're grateful to tonight. Mask mandates are being lifted all across the country, after a Federal Judge struck down the C.D.C. Transportation Mask Mandate because there was no justification for it.

But the media is upset. They're pushing for the mandates to be reinstated, so they'll know who the plebes are.

We'll show you the video next.


CARLSON: Oh, a rare piece of good news, a Federal Judge has struck down the insane mask mandate on planes and trains, the much beleaguered passenger class in this country celebrated upon hearing the news. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Masks are no longer required in domestic flights or U.S. airports. While employees and customers are no longer required to wear masks, they may do so if they choose.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Masks will be optional this evening for all crew and passengers as well.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you choose to, you may remove your masks.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... removed the mask mandate, so everyone can remove their masks and enjoy and celebrate.


CARLSON: So the mask mandate never made sense on planes. The air on planes is filtered, its way safer than a restaurant. The whole point of the mandate was to humiliate you and get you to obey and people hated it, and the airlines do they hated it, so almost every major carrier in the country lifted the mandates as soon as the Judge allowed them to.

But Joe Biden's publicist who is a dedicated enemy of human happiness and really ought to be teaching in a kindergarten classroom in New York City said, she is disappointed in the Judge's ruling. Watch.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: The C.D.C. recommended continuing the order for additional time, two weeks, to be able to assess the latest science in keeping with its responsibility to protect the American people. So, this is obviously a disappointing decision.


CARLSON: No one believes you anymore. No one believes the C.D.C. anymore. You drained your credibility account over the last year by lying to us, you're a joke. You're the only ones who don't know it.

And they don't know it. A couple of hours ago, the Biden administration announced it will appeal the ruling if the C.D.C. tells them to, quote, "If the C.D.C. concludes a mandatory order remains necessary, the D.O.J. will appeal." The D.O.J.? Nobody wants that. The only people who are in favor of it are the journalists who work for the administration, which is virtually all of them and they are thrilled at the possibility that the American population will once again be subjugated because they deserve it. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What do we need to know about this ruling? Are we kind of in the Wild West? It's every company for itself?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One hundred percent. It's a mess.

DR. LEANA WEN, CNN MEDICAL ANALYST: Just because this ruling was made by a Judge doesn't mean that suddenly the science has changed. We know that masks remain very protective.

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC HOST: This was basically Donald Trump as a Federal Judge today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, yes. So it is really like Donald Trump as a Federal Judge.

DR. JONATHAN REINER, CNN MEDICAL ANALYST: So what we've done is we've removed a travel mask mandate, with an incredibly high level of virus and right now, as of today, it is less safe to fly in this country than it was yesterday.

CLAIRE MCCASKILL, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: She obviously is clueless. And the vast majority of scientific evidence is masks have saved millions of lives.


CARLSON: "Masks have saved millions of lives," said some low-IQ politician who has never had a job. She knows the science.

Candace Owens knows a lot more about science than the lady you just heard. She's the founder of Blexit. We're always happy to have her on. It is just -- it's so unbelievable. Their powers ebbing away and they're mad.

CANDACE OWENS, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: We're looking at these people, Tucker, they're just -- they're sick. These are utterly sick, mentally unstable people who want people to suffer out of sport, out of sheer sport.

We obviously know the science does not make sense. It never makes sense. Talk about science ever shifting, that's exactly what the C.D.C. specializes in, making up things as they go along, like they're actually "Simon says" in the child's game.

And you know what, it is sad to me to see so many flight attendants celebrating and people that are in their seats because you realize people have just been suffering, fearful that they're going to go to prison. The first announcement they hear, if you don't comply, you know, you can be arrested. Imagine having a Federal charge because you didn't wear a mask over your face.

We watched children suffer. We watched special needs kids get kicked off of planes for their inability to keep their masks on their face, as well as young kids, two years old crying and screaming not understanding why they're being made to wear a mask and this is really just happening in America by the way.

I've traveled all across Europe, they've all released a mask mandate. This is not based in science. This is just based in control. The government took power, they don't want to give it back.

And to me, as happy as I am, as relieved as I am that I can go on a plane and not wear a mask, I don't feel like this is a win because we shouldn't be cheering on the restoration of our basic human rights. We should be infuriated. And we should want to see these people face consequences because guess what, Tucker? The C.D.C. broke the law. That's what the ruling says. It was unconstitutional.

Similarly, OSHA broke the law. They were trying to overreach and decide they could do things that they had entirely no power to do so.

When regular people break the law, Tucker, they go to prison. Why is Rochelle Walensky and the C.D.C. and the members of the F.D.A. and the drug cartel that's operating our country, any exception to that rule? It's unacceptable. And I'm not going to cheer until these people are behind bars for what they have done to the dignity of human beings, forcing them to sit behind masks that we know do not work to stop the spread of the virus.

CARLSON: Now, I would say maybe Candace Owens is overstating the case and then I see that life expectancy for American citizens is down due to their mismanagement of COVID, not from COVID, but due to their regulations and I think you know maybe you're right over the target and so I appreciate it.

Candace Owens, thank you.

OWENS: Thank you.

CARLSON: So in February 19, 2018, a man called John Ruh was working the register at a gas station in Lancaster, California in the desert. He was approached by two suspects who were targeting the store to rob it. Less than a minute after the suspects entered one of them shot and killed Ruh. He didn't do anything, they just executed him.

As Ruh lay bleeding on the floor, an accomplice, a minor DenMonne Lee laughed. He laughed at the man dying. We obtained exclusive material from that case, and it's featured heavily in Part Two of our new documentary "The Suicide of Los Angeles," which comes out today. Here's a preview.


CARLSON: It doesn't matter how heinous the crime is, how horrifying. In every case, George Gascon protects the criminal, the person who did it. But the biggest beneficiaries of these rules are the young gang members. Gascon treats them like children.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The juvenile as he walked out of the store, he was smiling and the defendants in this case were both gang members and they were committing the crime for the purpose of enhancing the gang.

CARLSON: While awaiting trial in juvenile detention, DenMonne Lee started taking taxpayer financed music classes, he gave himself a rap name, AR D' Shooter. Then he posted rap videos he made to social media.

We obtained a copy of one of these videos that shows him waving a sidearm in the desert and bragging about being a gang member.

In one lyric, he explicitly threatens a key witness in the case.

DENMONNE LEE, HOMICIDE SUSPECT: [Bleep] I call my baby momma snitched. When I catch that [bleep] I'm going to shoot that [bleep] right between her eyes.

CARLSON: According to law enforcement sources, that key witness in the case retracted her testimony after seeing the video.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Based on that and all of the other factors that they knew about that they thought that the juvenile should be handled in adult court.

Well, Gascon's policies changed that. He ordered prosecutors to withdraw all of the transfer motions.

CARLSON: Gascon also ordered prosecutors to drop gang enhancements, gun enhancements, and special circumstances enhancements in both cases.

Prosecutors later dropped all three counts that DenMonne Lee faced for intimidating the witness.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What that means is no matter what sentence he gets, the longest he can stay in custody is until his 25th birthday.


CARLSON: "Suicide of Los Angeles," hard to watch, worth watching, a great American city truly in distress because of the mismanagement and really the hateful policies of a very few people. Parts one and two are now streaming on FOX Nation. It's our Season Two debut of "Tucker Carlson Originals" on FOX Nation. Get a free account at tuckercarlson.com.

Well, it's not simply Libs of TikTok that are being silenced on social media, many independent journalists are being censored as well. We just spoke to one of them. Her name is Savanah Hernandez. We didn't know too much about it. We were very impressed by our conversation.

She was permanently banned from Twitter for reporting on the BLM riots of 2020 which officially never happened. That's straight ahead.


CARLSON: So not long after Russia started its invasion of Ukraine, you'll remember this, Russian troops took control of the Chernobyl nuclear plant, and a lot of people, millions of people on social media asked why would Putin want Chernobyl? They were confused.

But fortunately there was an MSNBC military expert called Malcom Nance, decades and military Intel who could answer that question, and he did. This is what he said, quote: "It powers Central North Ukraine," Nance declared, Chernobyl does. And that was confusing because we didn't really know what Central North Ukraine was and we definitely didn't understand how Chernobyl could power it since Chernobyl has been out of operation since 1986 when it blew up.

Malcolm Nance never answered that question. How could Chernobyl be powering anything since it doesn't work? And now he never will, because he's done talking.

Malcom Nance of MSNBC, ladies and gentlemen, is taking the fight to Putin.


MALCOLM NANCE, MSNBC NEWS ANALYST: The more I saw of the war going on, the more I thought, I'm done talking. All right, it is time to take action here.

So about a month ago, I joined the International Legion here in Ukraine, and I am here to help this country, and there are people here like me, who are here to do something about it.


CARLSON: Okay. You can make fun of him if you want, Malcom Nance, talking with his eyes closed with his gloves and his little gun, supposedly in Ukraine, but looked at another way. It's kind of impressive. A lot of people are calling for war with Russia, none of them want to fight that war. Malcolm Nance, who clearly does not have a lot else going on has decided to be the exception to that rule, it is like when Elvis joined the army, it's kind of inspirational.

So, it is not Malcolm Nance we're mad at, we want to know where his backup is. Where is Joy Reid? Where is Max Boot? Where is Joe Scarborough, who people who work with him say is a pretty tough character? Where are all the other people? Where is David Frum?

The Ukrainians could desperately use their skills right now. You called for a war, maybe you should go ahead and fight in it. So at least you can say of Malcolm Nance, well, he is. Maybe he will be over at Chernobyl monitoring its power generation.

So yesterday, Nance made it clear that he is in danger. As you watch this clip, pay attention to the people walking behind Malcolm Nance in the war zone.


NANCE: I'm wondering whether that was a cruise missile. Did you see the aircraft?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. I never saw them.

NANCE: Are we in an air raid?




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, we are. We had the air rad. So there's another coming.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait, there will be three. Smoke. Standby. Three cruise missile caliber. Look. Standby.

NANCE: Five, six, eight, nine, 10, 11. There it is. There is the smoke. That's three, so three cruise missiles.


CARLSON: There's Malcom Nance trying to assess what the quote "caliber" of the cruise missile is. What's interesting is if you saw that tape, you'll notice that the people walking in the square on that spring day behind Malcom Nance had no idea that they were in danger. But of course they're not Malcolm Nance. They probably didn't know that Cnernobyl has been working for the past 35 years, but again, they're not Malcolm Nance.

Godspeed, Malcolm Nance.

Well, we opened the show tonight by telling you of the international effort including the German government to censor and silence the Twitter feed Libs of TikTok, but Libs of TikTok is not the only operation in that position. A lot of journalists are being censored.

One of them is an independent reporter called Savanah Hernandez. Twitter has banned her permanently. Now, why? What did she do?

Well, because she was one of the only people to cover the BLM riots in the summer of 2020 on the ground. They were ignored by big news operations. She didn't ignore it. She went there with an iPhone and took video of what was happening. So we decided it would be worth talking to her. We're glad we did. She's impressive.

So Savanah Hernandez sat down with us for a new episode of "Tucker Carlson" today. Here's part of the conversation.


SAVANAH HERNANDEZ, JOURNALIST: We'd go into these riots and rallies and there was this one moment, too, where I was watching this white guy get beat up by this Black Lives Matter attendee, if you will, because they were blocking traffic.

The guy gets out of his car, he's like: Hey, man. Like, I have work. Gets punched in the face.


HERNANDEZ: I'm surrounded by grown men. Nobody is standing up for this man. This guy's glasses go flying off, and he goes to go pick them up and find them gets punched in the face again. At this point, I'm just getting so upset that my fellow American is being brutalized and the grown men around me aren't even doing anything about it.

So then I step in, because I'm like: Well, I'm a woman, if I get punched, maybe somebody will step in. The guy ends up backing up, the guy goes and gets his glasses. And he's like: Oh, thank you so much, blah, blah, blah.

But it was at that moment, I realized as well, like we have a severe problem in this country. Because you can't even go report on these events without being brutally attacked. I was with Elijah Schaffer in Philadelphia, he got punched in the face by Black Lives Matter looters.

Me and Julio Rosas, you know, we're Hispanic people, we walk right into the riot, and no one suspects us. But if you don't look a certain way, you can't go into these leftist events or go into a riot without being attacked. So I decided --

CARLSON: And you think it is on the basis of skin color.

HERNANDEZ: One hundred percent, Tucker. Okay, so since the beginning of the facemasks, I've always been against it and I do not wear facemasks in the airport or an airline until somebody physically that comes in tells me to do it.

I have sat on plans with Elijah Schaffer right next to me, maskless. As soon as he puts his mask down, just a little bit, they get on him immediately. And I'll be sitting there without a mask on, they won't say anything to me.

And that's one example of --

CARLSON: On a commercial airliner?

HERNANDEZ: Yes. It's happened multiple times, I've also gone to several riots and rallies and again on the basis of skin tone, these leftists think that I'm immediately a liberal because of the way that I look. So I've gone to BLM rallies, and I've asked the White attendees, "Hi, will you apologize for your skin tone and for your ancestors' crimes?" And they'll go: Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry for what my people did to you. And I'm like, I know, right? Isn't it horrible? What did they do? And they're like, slavery. And I'm like, okay, thank you for apologizing.

And so that's why I'm able to get all the footage that I'm able to get and the responses that I'm able to get, maybe not after this interview, but you know, it's because people immediately look at me and I really do have Brown privilege, Tucker. I don't think white privilege is a thing. I think Brown privilege is a thing because I get away with a lot of stuff.


CARLSON: Tomorrow morning, you can watch that entire conversation with Savanah Hernandez.

"Tucker Carlson Today" is now playing starting at 7:00 AM for those insomniacs out there.

Next up, we have a weird story yet another out of the State of New Jersey. Two inmates at an all-female prison are now pregnant. How did that happen? We will leave you guessing over the break.

We'll be back in a moment.


CARLSON: So in Modern America, if you point out the biological sex is a physical reality, you can be fired from your job, "The Washington Post" will send a reporter to your house to intimidate you, but it doesn't change anything. Denying reality doesn't change reality.

You can say gravity isn't real, but if you jump off the roof of your garage, you're still going to get hurt. And that's true for biological sex. It is in fact real whether the authorities admit it or not.

Officials in New Jersey are learning that lesson this week. Two female inmates at a supposedly all women's prison in New Jersey have just become pregnant. We wondered how that happened. Well, it turns out those women had sexual encounters with another inmate who was a biological man passing as a woman.

Now some people predicted that this would happen and they were laughed at, mocked, and attacked as bigots, Kara Dansky is at the very top of that list. She said this years ago on our show. She is the President of the U.S. Chapter of the Women's Declaration International, author of the book, "The Abolition of Sex: How the Transgender Agenda Harms Women and Girls," and we are happy to have Kara Dansky back.

Kara, thanks so much for coming on.

I'll never forget the first time and it had been at least four years ago, when you said, if we keep going down this path, we're going to have biological men in women's prisons. And you right?


You know, though -- the story that is happening in New Jersey is obviously horrible for so many reasons. We need to not have men being housed in women's prisons. But a couple of takeaways from this that I just want to point out, are, first of all, the state is not getting away with this by telling its residents that they are housing men in women's prisons.

What they are doing, of course, is telling the residents that they are housing, so called transgender women or trans-women in women's prisons, suggesting that there is some sort of subcategory of women that is called transgender women or trans-women and it's not true.

The fact of this story shoots a hole right through the trope that trans- women are women. Our society has been taught that we are supposed to say and think that trans-women are women. But obviously, that is not true because the individuals that are the focus of the story impregnated women and every thinking adult, no matter what the President of the United States has to say on the matter knows that there is no category of women who can impregnate women.

So I really want to thank you for highlighting this story, and I also just want to point out that this is not just a problem in New Jersey. This is a problem across the country. I know that we have talked previously about how the State of California recently enacted a law at the end of 2020, which went into effect in 2021, which mandates that men be housed in women's prisons on the basis of their so-called gender identity, if they say that they are women. Washington State has a similar policy.

However, this is not just happening in blue states. This is happening across the country. As far as I know, 49 states plus the District of Columbia have some form of law or policy in place that mandates the housing of men in women's prisons.

CARLSON: Why is it left to you and J.K. Rowling and a couple of others to point this out? Where are the physicians who know perfectly well the way you're saying is true, the biologists know it every bit as well, why are they going along with this when they know it's a lie?

DANSKY: So the entire medical establishment in the United States has been captured by so called trans-ideology and what I really want all Americans across the political spectrum to understand is that "trans" is not a civil rights movement to protect a marginalized community of people. It is a multitrillion dollar industry that is pushing this. It is paying the medical establishment, it is paying most media outlets, it is paying our government, it is paying our schools at all levels, elementary schools through college to push the idea that material -- the material reality of sex does not exist, and that what is more important than the material reality of sex is so-called gender identity.

This is all being pushed by a multitrillion dollar industry in the guise of a Civil Rights Movement. It's all a lie.

CARLSON: And these are the people providing our medical care. It's really scary when you put it that way.

DANSKY: They are. I know someone who is a medical student right now and she is horrified about what is being taught. I do just want to say really quickly. There is something that has been announced in the past couple of weeks called the Women's Bill of Rights. This was drafted by members of the Women's Liberation Front and by members of Independent Women's Voices supported by my organization, Women's Declaration International, as well as Concerned Women for America. And I really hope that one of the members of Congress introduces it. Thank you so much.

CARLSON: I hope so, too. Great to see you.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: That's it for us tonight, sadly. I hope you will stream our Season Premier of our documentary series, "Suicide of Los Angeles," it is out now. We will see you tomorrow.

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