Tucker: Not long ago this country actually enforced immigration laws

This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on October 25, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


It is almost impossible to overstate -- and we've tried -- just how profoundly this country is changing right now because of Joe Biden's lunatic immigration policy.

Biden has opened America's borders to the world. He has promised unlimited government benefits including free healthcare to anyone who shows up illegally, regardless of immigration status. So not surprisingly, the world's poorest people have decided to come. Why wouldn't they? You would, too.

Here is what it looks like. Over the past year, more than 1.7 million foreign nationals from 160 different countries from around the world have showed up at our borders with no visas. Virtually all of them have been let in, almost none of them will ever leave.

So how big a group is this? How many is 1.7 million people?

Well, it's more than twice the entire population of Denver or of Boston or Seattle or Detroit or Nashville or Las Vegas. It is more than three times the entire City of Atlanta coming in a single year. So America will never be the same after this, and of course, that's the whole point of the exercise.

The Biden administration is subverting democracy, diluting the political power of American citizens by importing a brand new population. That is exactly what's happening. There is no way to justify this on the basis that it's good for America, it's not. It's good for the Democratic Party.

But for the country, it is a catastrophe and it is happening without the knowledge or consent of most Americans.

FOX's Bill Melugin has been on this story virtually alone since the very beginning. He joins us tonight from the border at Spofford, Texas with some remarkable new footage. Hey, Bill.

BILL MELUGIN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker. Good evening to you. That's right.

We're currently about 40 miles inland from the border right now and believe it or not, this area has turned into one of the biggest hot spots that's because all the trains out here, the illegal immigrants have been using them in an effort to get further into the United States. We'll show you what we're talking about.

Take a look at this wild footage shot right here yesterday by Texas DPS. What you're looking at are Texas State Troopers finding 19 illegal immigrants hiding inside of brand new cars that were inside of a train being shipped to the San Antonio area.

You can see the Troopers looking at those migrants, panning up and down, and it goes to show those migrants will do whatever they can to hide, to evade from law enforcement. Take a look at this second piece of video. We embedded with DPS earlier today. This is what we saw today.

We came across one train that had more than 20 illegal immigrants who were hiding inside of a coal car, believe it or not, in the blistering heat out here. They were all single adult men. DPS had to get up there and pull them out one by one. There were 23 in total, all of them were arrested and taken to jail for criminal trespassing. They are not being handed over to the Federal government.

Take a look at this third piece of video. This was just a couple of hours before that incident. We saw more illegal immigrants hitching rides on trains out here. Texas DPS pulled five other single adult males off of this train, arrested them as well. They are all going to jail as well. Again, they are not being handed over to Border Patrol.

As all of this is happening, there is a brand new migrant caravan down in Mexico heading our way as we speak. Take a look at what happened when they encountered a roadblock from the Mexican government the other day. Take a look.


MELUGIN: Like a hot knife through butter, you can see, they pushed right through that resistance from the Mexican government. And take a look at this video we just shot here about an hour ago in Del Rio. We went up on a DPS helicopter, what you're looking at is the State of Texas is now preparing for this migrant caravan.

Governor Greg Abbott is deploying massive amounts of Texas National Guard resources down to the Del Rio International Bridge area. This is the exact same area where we saw those 15,000 Haitians last month. The idea behind this being the State of Texas will step up where the Federal government is not securing the border. They say they will not allow another Del Rio situation to happen, so they are pre-positioning resources all along the border there to send the message to those caravans, you will not be allowed into Texas.

Texas DPS telling us, unlike the Federal government, they will not roll out the red carpet for these caravans. We'll send it back to you.

CARLSON: And that's heartening to hear. Bill Melugin, thanks so much.

Finally, the State of Texas does what the Federal government will not do. We've put in a request to talk to Governor Abbott about that later this week, hopefully, we'll be able to do that.

It's a disaster and it's hard to believe as you watch that tape that not so long ago, this country actually enforced its immigration laws. Not long ago at all, in fact, just two years ago, in August of 2019, Federal agents kicked down the doors of seven separate chicken plants in Central Mississippi. They arrested hundreds of foreign nationals who were living and working there in violation of American law. Several executives of the poultry plant were later indicted. Among the charges brought, child labor.

So our decadent corporate press essentially ignored this except to portray the raids as heartless and barbaric. Not surprisingly, a trade group called the National Chicken Council agreed with that characterization. How dare the government enforce its own laws?

What's interesting is that people who actually live in Central Mississippi had a very different view of what happened. They'd spent years watching helplessly as foreign workers lowered the wages for people who were actually born there. They understood immigration as most wage earners do understand immigration, primarily as an economic question.

When you flood the labor pool, wages go down. That's called supply and demand. Once the illegal workers were gone, those chicken plants were forced to hire American citizens. In this case, many of them were African- American.

So you'd think maybe the Biden administration, with its much repeated commitment to equity, would think this is good, but of course they didn't care. They are not interested in helping working-class people of any color. Diversity consultants, Princeton professors, MSNBC contributors, transhumanist tech billionaires, of course, those are their people. That's their main constituency.

But blue collar high school graduates who just want a decent hourly job? No. No chance. Not interested.

So the administration promptly shut down all workplace immigration raids. Now employers who hire illegal aliens in order to undercut American wages have the full protection of the Department of Homeland Security, because it's not a corporate conspiracy or anything. Don't you worry.

Now, the rest of the world is fully aware of this. They follow these developments, they have the internet, too. As a result, as you just heard Bill Melugin say, a massive migrant caravan has formed in Southeastern Mexico, in the City of Tapachula.

We want to show even more footage of that, which you did not see in Bill's report.

You can see the caravan is heading here and smashing through police barricades as it does.


CARLSON: Everybody sympathizes with migrants who want a better life in this country, of course. Our government's primary concern always must be the welfare of American citizens in a country that's rapidly getting poorer, which we are. But in general, you sympathize. But migrants who violently break through a police line? No, not allowed here, ever. There is no possible way the U.S. benefits from anyone who would do that. Period.

And by the way, in contrast to previous years, these migrants are not coming exclusively from Latin America, they are coming from as far away as China, and again why wouldn't they come? The border is now open for everyone. It's not just Central Americans.

FOX's Griff Jenkins has been covering these caravans for years and this weekend, he went to Southwest Mexico and immediately saw something very different. Watch.


GRIFF JENKINS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: We're in the town of Huehuetan, 16 miles north of Tapachula where this caravan started. You can see them, some children playing on a swing set, but we're seeing a lot of families, a lot of children out here, and we're seeing migrants from many different countries not just Central America, which was what was the situation in 2019, that Northern Triangle of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

But we see Haitians in here. We even met one woman from China that we couldn't speak to her because she didn't speak Spanish or English. Every migrant we talked to today said they've got one destination in mind and that's the United States.


CARLSON: So why are they coming? We don't need to guess about that, ask the people who are coming here illegally. They're not embarrassed to articulate it at all. They are coming because they know immigration enforcement under Joe Biden has been suspended in the United States.

The White House hasn't simply ended workplace raids, they've also stopped turning people away at the border, so people just come in and they know they'll never be forced to leave. Already, the administration has released more than 160,000 illegal migrants into the country with no supervision whatsoever, without telling the people into whose neighborhoods they're moving, because they don't care what American citizens think.

By the way, how many are vaccinated? You can't go to events, you can't have a job in this country without being vaccinated, but if you come here illegally, no problem. What does that tell you?

Now, tens of thousands of those migrants according to documents obtained by FOX News have already received work permits. Right. Soon they will receive free benefits and the healthcare that Joe Biden has promised them. That's why they're coming. Again just ask them and they'll tell you.


QUESTION: Why now?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is the best time.

QUESTION: The best time. Because of the administration?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because of Joe Biden.

QUESTION: Because of Joe Biden.


CARLSON: Because of Joe Biden. It is really that simple. At the same time you should know that Biden has ordered the government to build a wall around his family's vacation home in Delaware and build it at public expense. Diversity may be our strength, he often says that, but Joe Biden doesn't want it anywhere near him or his family.

Now, the irony of that is almost difficult to digest. It was just a year ago that Biden was telling us that walls are immoral and that's why he would never build a wall.


JOE BIDEN (D), THEN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration.


CARLSON: Oh, except around my vacation house in Delaware, hypocrite. But it's more than hypocritical, it's criminal, and not in a rhetorical sense. Joe Biden is actively and intentionally breaking Federal law even as he works to protect himself and his own family from the consequences of these lunatic policies.

Presidents have been impeached for less than that. In fact, no American President, however, has been impeached not Andrew Johnson, not Richard Nixon, not Bill Clinton, not even Donald Trump has ever even been accused of crimes this flagrant or this serious, not even close.

According to new court documents, between January 20th and the end of March, just for example, the Biden administration refused to take custody of 37 illegal immigrants in the State of Texas. Many of these people had additional criminal records.

According to an affidavit from a Texas Sheriff, the administration refused to detain even suspects believed to have committed aggravated sexual assault and narcotics violations at the height of a drug epidemic that's killing almost 100,000 Americans every year.

So it's really clear, this is not simply an incredibly dangerous and destructive policy that intentionally hurts America and it is that, no, it's more though. It is an unequivocal violation of Federal statute. It is, in other words, a crime. It's a crime.

Section 236 (c) of the immigration and Nationality Act requires Federal agents to quote: "Detain and hold any alien who is released from criminal custody if the alien entered illegally and is removable on any of the criminal grounds of admissibility or if the alien entered legally and is removable on most all of the criminal deportation grounds." Got that?

In other words, for the safety of American citizens, of course, and every country has laws like this, the U.S. government is required to arrest and hold criminal aliens and deport them, but Joe Biden has refused to do that. He is breaking the law right out in the open.

So why hasn't he been impeached? Not because he has bad character or he is senile, but because he is breaking Federal law. Not long ago Joe Biden would have been impeached for that. Even Democrats understood not so long ago that immigration law is fundamental to any country. Watch.


Pelosi It is our obligation as elected officials to keep the American people safe and our borders are our first line of defense -- one of our early lines of defense.

Democrats support also enforcing laws, current laws against those who came here illegally and those who hire illegal immigrants.

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): The only way that we will stop the flow of illegal immigration into this country is tell those who hire them that they no longer can.


CARLSON: That was before the Democratic Party decided to wholeheartedly embrace its role as corporate toadies and before more significantly, they decided it's too hard to convince the population that our policies help them because in fact they don't help them at all, it's much easier to guarantee that we will be elected into perpetuity by importing a whole new population of voters and that's exactly what they're doing, and they bark like dogs when you say it because it's true.

But that was their position then. In fact, it was the Democratic Party's official position. Watch.


JOE BIDEN (D), THEN U.S. SENATOR OF DELAWARE: The Democratic position also recognizes you've got 11 million illegal aliens here. They have to have a way to earn their way into the deal. This isn't amnesty, they're required to take 11 years' worth, they pay a fine, they've got to learn to speak English. They've got to pass --


BIDEN: Yes, well, by the way --

MATTHEWS: I like that part. If we want the problems of Canada right now, just keep encouraging people to keep their foreign language. English is going to unite this country potentially. It always has in the past.

BIDEN: I can't think of a country that has two languages as their accepted languages that is doing all that well including Switzerland and/or Canada.


CARLSON: Well, that was a completely different Joe Biden. In fact, some day, we're just going to spend an hour playing you tape from Joe Biden five years ago and you can decide how he is doing now, but that point that a divided country is united by language is true.

There is no country in the world that remains united, but has different languages. Period. That's a central fact of life, and everyone just a few years ago understood that. Now, Joe Biden and the party he leads has decided that really nothing matters including who lives in the United States, and amazingly some Republicans in the Congress appear to agree.

Congressman Chip Roy of Texas has made a permanent break with people like this within his own party -- a permanent break, apparently. He just tweeted this, quote: "We have a discharge position in the house that with 218 signatures would force a vote requiring Title 42 at the border. That means we turn folks back to Mexico under health laws (communicable disease). Over 180 House Republicans have signed on, but approximately 30 have not signed on. Why haven't they?" And then he lists their names. Good for him and it's a good question, why haven't they?

And of course the answer is because they're busy selling out the country.

Congressman Chip Roy joins us tonight for more. Congressman, thanks so much for coming on. So, I've got to ask, I mean this isn't simply a policy difference that, you know, restrictionists have with open borders people. It seems pretty clear that the White House is encouraging the violation of Federal law. How is that not impeachable?

REP. CHIP ROY (R-TX): Tucker, you're exactly right. I don't think never before in the history of our country has any President completely and blatantly disregarded the laws of the United States more than what Joe Biden is currently doing. He is doing so willfully, he is doing so purposefully.

He is purposely not enforcing the laws of the United States and in fact, creating a magnet for people to come to the United States, causing thousands to bum rush our border, endangering Border Patrol agents, endangering the migrants themselves, endangering Americans, causing a mass influx of opioids, fentanyl, killing Americans, our youth, and that's happening because of purposeful action by him to not enforce the laws.

We have parts of fences rusting in fields in Texas. We have Title 42 not being enforced. We have Americans being threatened to be fired from their job right now, fired from their job while we are allowing people to come across our border with not so much as a COVID test.

We have a President who refuses to enforce the migrant protection protocols which President Trump allowed to work with Mexico to have people on the other side of the border try to claim asylum. And here's the important part, Tucker, they're using asylum as the crux for all this, as the crutch. They are saying, hey, if you in this world want to come to the United States, you claim asylum, you can come in.

Now, he is creating -- this President purposely is creating an entitled class of migrants who do not qualify for asylum under our laws. They are coming here seeking opportunity. You know what? Neither you nor I criticize those migrants for wanting to come here for a better way of life.

CARLSON: Of course.

ROY: But what I do criticize the President for failing to faithfully execute the laws of the United States. He should be impeached. Republicans should unify behind that message and push against the President and Mayorkas, to impeach them both.

CARLSON: You're doing something and you did it in this tweet that almost nobody in your party -- there are a few -- but very few in your party, you're doing which you are naming the names of your colleagues in the Republican Party. It's not just Liz Cheney, though, needless to say she's on the list, who are preventing this from happening, and I just want to say thank you and I hope all of our viewers will go to your Twitter feed and read that list because it's pretty, pretty stunning who is on there.

So thank you, Congressman Chip Roy of Texas.

ROY: Thanks, Tucker. God bless you.

CARLSON: Thank you.

A couple of months ago, we made a pretty obvious point. Hey, a lot of people who are in the crowd urging others to break in to the Capitol on January 6th have never been indicted. Could they have been working in fact for the D.O.J.? Well, we were attacked for saying that, it turns out they were.

In a new report from "Revolver News" which is almost unbelievable, brings forth even more evidence that the Department of Justice was absolutely involved in the events of that day. The editor of "Revolver News" joins us next.


CARLSON: So you keep hearing Democrats say we need to find out exactly what happened on January 6th and actually we strongly agree with that. At a recent hearing in Congress. Thomas Massie of Kentucky confronted our highly partisan Attorney General Merrick Garland with this footage. It's of a man called Ray Epps who apparently lives in Arizona.

Epps was in Washington the night before January 5th. He was encouraging Trump supporters to enter the Capitol Building illegally. He said it numerous times.

Now in this clip, some people in the crowd immediately decided this guy must be working for the Federal government. Watch this.


RAY EPPS, QUEEN CREEK RESIDENT: We need to go in to the [bleep] Capitol. Let's go.

I'm going to put it out there, I'm probably going to go to jail first, okay. Tomorrow, we need to go into the Capitol. In to the Capitol.

What? No.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fed. Fed. Fed. Fed. Fed.

EPPS: Okay, folks. Spread the word. As soon as the President is done speaking, we go to the Capitol. The Capitol is this direction.


CARLSON: So, here is a guy telling Trump supporters they need to break the law and go into the Capitol. That's real video and they say no and then they accuse him of being an undercover Federal agent, so that's pretty interesting. That guy was on tape encouraging people to break the law, organizing what happened that day. Has he been indicted? Where is he exactly?

Well, Congressman Massey asked the Attorney General about that and the Attorney General refused to answer. He also pointedly refused to say how many Federal operatives were there in the crowd that day on January 6th.


REP. THOMAS MASSIE (R-KY): As far as we can find, this individual has not been charged with anything. You said this is one of the most sweeping investigations in history. Have you seen that video or those frames from that video?

MERRICK GARLAND, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: So as I said at the outset, one of the norms of the Justice Department is to not comment on impending investigations and particularly not to comment about particular scenes or particular individuals.

MASSIE: Can you tell us without talking about particular incidents or particular videos how many agents or assets of the Federal government were present on January 6th whether they agitated to go into the Capitol and if any of them did?

GARLAND: So, I'm not going to violate this norm of the rule of law. I'm not going to comment on an investigation that's ongoing.


CARLSON: Oh, I don't want to violate the rule of law says the guy who just called angry parents terrorists. Of course, the D.O.J. leaks all the time the details of tons of different investigations that are politically useful to them.

Now just to be totally clear, we don't know whether this Epps guy was working with the Federal government. We don't know anything about him, we haven't talked to him. We can only show you video from that day.

But we do know it doesn't seem like he has been punished for this. If you're looking for the people who organized that day, maybe you should talk to him. Has he been indicted? Not that we know of. Maybe he has, but we don't know it, but we haven't seen any evidence that he has been.

A new piece in "Revolver News" notes that the F.B.I. removed a photo of Ray Epps from its Most Wanted page this summer right after "Revolver News" reported on the story.

Darren Beattie is with "Revolver News." He runs it. He joins us tonight.

Darren, thanks so much for coming on, so I would recommend, you have an enormously detailed piece today up on your site really doing the reporting that legacy news organizations ought to be doing and absolutely aren't, and I recommend it to our viewers. But tell us specifically, we don't know the truth, but what have you found out about this man encouraging others to break the law in Washington?

DARREN BEATTIE, REVOLVER NEWS: Yes, so here are some of the key points about Ray Epps in the revolver.news article that you mentioned. First, and we got some of an idea from this from the clips you presented, he is calling for going into the Capitol the evening before January 6th, and this isn't just a one-off -- someone, some crazy who comes and goes. No, he goes repeatedly to group after group redirecting them saying we need to go into the Capitol.

And sure enough, on January 6th, it's a veritable "Where's Waldo?" He is everywhere. He is all around the Capitol shepherding people to go to the Capitol where quote, "Our problems are." And then 20 seconds before the very first breach of the Capitol, this individual, Ray Epps, whispers into someone's ear then 20 seconds later, we have the very first breach.

So, he is everywhere, and as you pointed out, very curiously, Ray Epps is not indicted. It doesn't seem like the Feds want him or have any interest in him, although, they did. They had him for a while on their Most Wanted page until revolver.news did a report.

Now, what's the significance of this timing? Well, there are two things. For one, there is a "New York Times" piece that had come out that essentially ran cover for the Feds, but did it in a way that was counterproductive. It amplified the name of Epps, which wasn't convenient for the Feds after "Revolver" had reported that the Feds were likely involved in 1/6.

But what it did do is said that Ray Epps was acting alone and as you can see in this revolver.news piece Ray Epps seemed to be coordinating with a number of people in this initial breach and many of those people also remain curiously unindicted, but perhaps the most damning thing, the F.B.I. scrubbed Epps's face from their database, from their public database just a day after "Revolver" ran a report on his fellow Oath Keeper, Stewart Rhodes, who is also unindicted.

So there is just a cast of curious characters unindicted.

CARLSON: It's a really provocative and very detailed, very well-reported piece that again I would recommend to everyone watching tonight. Darren Beattie, we will talk to you again. Thank you so much.

BEATTIE: Thank you. Thank you.

CARLSON: And by the way, just to restate, we don't know the truth of this at all. It's awfully weird though, I think any reasonable person would agree. Ray Epps is always welcome on this show. We always want to hear directly from people, so if you are Ray Epps and you're watching, please call us because we'd love to have you as soon as you want.

By the way, we have done a lot of reporting on January 6th, it's all in a soon to be released episode of "Tucker Carlson Originals." It is three episodes we're going to bring a lot of it to you next week on FOX Nation.

Well, it's not a secret that Facebook censors anyone who criticizes the democratic regime. A new report details exactly how Facebook is doing that, censoring outlets like Breitbart, that's next.


CARLSON: So "The Wall Street Journal" got a hold of a bunch of internal documents from Facebook, from the company's internal racial justice chatroom -- of course, they have one of those -- and they found among many other things that Facebook employees are obsessed with the site Breitbart. They hate Breitbart.

Breitbart shouldn't be allowed to talk. Why is Breitbart on Facebook?

And so apparently, Facebook cut traffic to Breitbart News by as much as a fifth without telling them and they also did this to a bunch of other conservative sites.

Alex Marlow runs Breitbart. He joins us tonight to respond to what we've just learned. Alex, thanks so much for coming on. So were you surprised -- I mean, I was a little shocked by how open they were. Were you surprised?

ALEX MARLOW, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, BREITBART NEWS: Yes, I was shocked only by the framing of it. "The Wall Street Journal" put out the story as if it was going to be some sort of damnation hit piece on Breitbart and it contained a smoking gun in it, which is that these woke SJWs had pressured Facebook's senior management to diminishing not just Breitbart's traffic, but traffic across conservative media and deliberately cutting down their most engaged users to favor corporate billionaire-backed multinational conglomerates to promote their news over Breitbart's, which is accurate, which is incredibly popular, and it was thriving about dominating on the platform.

CARLSON: It's just so interesting. I mean, they have all these different left-wing news outlets, which you know, almost all of them and yet, they were completely fixated on the idea that Breitbart might have a story on Facebook, like they couldn't get over it, like no diversity of opinion.

Did you note this?

MARLOW: Hey, absolutely. Tucker, there's literally billions of Facebook pages and this one page for whatever reason triggers the left at such an unbelievable degree that they have to whine to their bosses to try to get us censored. Thankfully, it hasn't totally worked yet, but every Republican Member of Congress should take note of this.

This came before the 2020 election, Tucker. All their criticism of us were before 2020. These changed votes and changed minds.

CARLSON: Right, well that's it. They hate Facebook because they think that Trump voters organized on Facebook that's why they're trying to force Facebook to censor because we have an election coming up, obviously. You know that.

Anyway, Alex Marlow, I appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you.

MARLOW: My pleasure. Thank you.

CARLSON: So a lot of polling on how Americans are doing. New surveys show Americans are unhappier than they've been in 50 years. Why is that exactly? More important, how do we fix it?

Arthur Milikh is a public intellectual. He has thought a lot about that question. He is executive Director of the Claremont Institute. We talked to him for a brand new episode of "Tucker Carlson Today" It's fascinating. Here's part of it.


CARLSON: One of the conclusions you reached, there were other times in human history in which people had greater levels of happiness because as you put it, human nature was being fulfilled. What do you -- give us an example of that and what do you mean?

ARTHUR MILIKH, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CLAREMONT INSTITUTE: Yes, well a part of that is that I think when you look at you know, some of these ancient histories especially Thucydides, you see that there were people that belonged to a city that had genuine ambitions and that actually ruled themselves.

And in many regards, that is a form of fulfillment of human nature, to genuinely rule. Not in a tyrannical way, these were democracies, you know. Athens was a democracy -- in a way that we don't have. You know, we have become more and more private beings.

We don't rule politically. I mean the country is ruled on our behalf.


MILIKH: And not just by the structure of the Constitution that it's a Representative Democracy, it's not just that, but because there are bureaucracies, there is a political class that rules on your behalf and basically says, well, this country doesn't really belong to you.

And thank you for voting one way or another, but we're going to do the business of ruling. Also there were religious eras where certain parts of the human soul were more fulfilled. We certainly don't live in one of those, but we did up until not long ago, at least have a happy private sphere.

We had families. We had devotion. We had the raising of kids whom we loved, and that also is degrading more and more. It is being dismantled and so what you would ask if you gained this trend out, what you would ask, are Americans really left with if they don't have politics, they don't have religion, and they don't even have a family life anymore?

And you know, it's not a happy circumstance.

CARLSON: So what is the answer? Consumer goods -- or what is the answer?

MILIKH: Yes, it would have to be -- it's not it's not even just consumer goods. It would just have to be some kind of relentless titillation. The movies, the music, the drugs -- all of that. But even that's not enough.

It's not enough because everybody feels somehow that that leads to unhappiness and so there have to be created these new industries to reassure you that this is indeed happiness or to give you, you know a psychological medication, to just shut off those thoughts.

And there are industries, enormous industries with vested interests that now exist that cannot be questioned, it's science, after all that are meant to reassure you that no, you are happy actually. The therapy, the psychiatrists, and it can't go on like that.

Everybody knows that.

CARLSON: So there are -- so that idea is an interesting one right there. There are industries in the United States whose purpose is to convince you, despite the evidence that you are in fact happy you are satisfied don't ask for more.

MILIKH: Yes or to lie on your behalf, to make excuses on your behalf.


CARLSON: Hey, shh, you're very happy. Stop complaining. Arthur Milikh, what a smart guy. That conversation went on for a long time and it's worth watching. It's on FOX Nation right now.

Well, young children are not at risk for getting or spreading the coronavirus according to the numbers, and yet schools across the country are still requiring masks even young children with disabilities are being masked forcibly.

We will speak to a parent of one of those children, really a shocking story, that's next.


CARLSON: This is a really upsetting story. We want to warn you.

Jeffrey Steele has a seven-year-old daughter with Down syndrome. She is non-verbal, her name is Sophia Steele. Mr. Steele says that school officials in the State of Florida forced her to wear a mask by tying it to her face with the nylon cord and they did it for six weeks.

Jeffrey Steele said he only found out that this was happening the day his daughter got off the school bus earlier this month with the mask strapped to her face. He said it was soaked with saliva as of course it would have been. Awful.

Mr. Steele joins us tonight. This is a very, very sad story. I appreciate your coming on.

JEFFREY STEELE, CONCERNED PARENT: Thank you for having me.

CARLSON: I think people need to hear it. Just to describe what they did to your daughter, Sophia, if you would.

STEELE: So what happened was that Sophia physically has ears that go forward due to her Down syndrome disabilities in her body, so the mask would obviously fall off regularly. So what they did -- we didn't even know they were masking Sophia and what they did was, when I found out when she got off the bus, my wife had called me to tell me at work was that they had tied this mask with the blue nylon cord.

She took a picture of it and sent it to me and said, this is how Sophia has gotten off the bus and her mask is completely wet with her saliva.

CARLSON: Just because a child has disabilities doesn't mean the child isn't sensitive. I mean, of course, and so you've just got to wonder what effect this had on your daughter.

STEELE: Well, it's interesting because we've reviewed a lot of her records from the school year and from the time that this mask mandate came in place from the Brevard County School Board, which was against of course the executive order of Governor Ron DeSantis, and we did not want Sophia masked.

Because another thing she has is an enlarged tongue due to her Down syndrome disability, and so she is a mouth breather, so it's very dangerous to be covering her mouth for a long period of time, and we are very lucky actually, medically as I've spoken to medical physicians about this since this has occurred that she didn't seizure.

CARLSON: Oh. What did -- I mean, you must have had a fit? I mean, this is your daughter. What did the school say? I assume you confronted the people who tortured her.

STEELE: I did confront the school and it's interesting that no one has denied what has happened, but they have tried to move it to the left and to the right so as not to focus on the actual facts of the case, which we will be presenting to court.

But what they said to me, I spoke with the principal and I had a school police officer present with me because I needed to remain calm and I waited a few days for that to happen, so I met with them after Columbus Day on the 12th, but she had admitted that they had done that, that she had had the teacher in the meeting on the Monday with her and I asked her why she did it?

And the principal explained to me that she did it for purpose because of the mask mandate, and I said, but my daughter has an IEP, she is exempt automatically legally from wearing a mask at all. Why didn't you call us and talk to us because you wrote to us many times about Sophia putting her hair into her mouth, taking her shoes off et cetera, and asking us to help out with that, but never once -- never once comment about her wearing a mask and taking it off and throwing it on the floor until the 13th of October when we were meeting with the principal and the teacher on a Microsoft Teams meeting.

CARLSON: The cruelty that this has unleashed in the country is beyond belief and I'm just so sorry that your daughter was caught up in it, and I hope you prevail, Jeff Steele in holding these people to account.

STEELE: Yes, well thank you. Well people can donate. We have a website now up for Sophia, and it's called stopmaskingkids.com.

CARLSON: Well good.

STEELE: And people can donate for our legal fees that we're going to accrue. We're going to fight this all the way.

CARLSON: I hope that you do. Jeff Steele, thanks.

STEELE: Thank you, sir.

CARLSON: So really no Governor in the country has been worse, dumber, and more tyrannical, really more ideological than a finance goon called Phil Murphy who runs New Jersey. He has gotten way worse during the pandemic. He isn't interested in the Bill of Rights, he said so himself on this show, so we thought it'd be interesting to talk to the man who is running to unseat him, which we will do in just a moment.


CARLSON: So, Phil Murphy, until a couple years ago was just some creepy finance guy. Now, he is the king of New Jersey. So, we had Phil Murphy on at the beginning of corona and I asked him how do you get the right to order all these people around like they're your servants and here's what he said.


CARLSON: The Bill of Rights as you well know protects Americans rights, enshrines their right to practice their religion as they see fit and to congregate together to assemble peacefully. By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order?

How do you have the power to do that?

GOV. PHIL MURPHY (D-NJ): That's above my pay grade, Tucker, so I wasn't - - I wasn't thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.


CARLSON: Given this, he was an early adopter to fascism. There is someone running against him in New Jersey, overwhelmingly a Democratic State, but Republicans have won in the past, so we're going to talk now to Jack Ciattarelli. He is running against Phil Murphy for Governor of New Jersey, which is this year, he joins us.

Mr. Ciattarelli, thank you so much. You know, it was almost 30 years ago that Jim Florio lost, a Democrat, in a Democratic State because he just went way too far. Why do you think you can do the same to this guy?

JACK CIATTARELLI (R), GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE FOR NEW JERSEY: Phil Murphy has done the same thing, Tucker. He has gone way too far left. He is very extreme and you know, a year and a half ago, on this very show, as you just told us, he said the Bill of Rights, that's above my pay grade.

It's not funny, but worse than that he told that the highest taxed people in the nation -- if taxes are your issue, we're probably not your state. He is basically telling New Jerseyans to leave.

CARLSON: I mean, this guy -- and I know, I think you've got a million more Democrats than Republicans in the state, but is it your sense that like they've got to be Democrats who say this is just -- this guy is too much. He is incompetent, he's nasty, and he's just totally authoritarian.

I mean, do you think -- you honestly a shot to win.

CIATTARELLI: A majority of Democrats in New Jersey, Tucker, are fiscally conservative and socially moderate and this guy is just way too extreme and so, we've won six of the last 10 governor races in this state and no Democratic incumbent governor has been re-elected in more than 40 years.

We're right where we need to be with eight days to go.

CARLSON: I mean, this guy makes Jim Florio look completely reasonable. Are you worried about fraud in New Jersey? Maybe a rhetorical question.

CIATTARELLI: We're voting in-person this year and we've got a great legal team on the ground in those areas that have been trouble spots in the past, but no I'm not, and I don't want anybody staying home because they think a Republican can't win or it's rigged.

We're very confident in this year's election system and we're confident to win on November 2nd.

CARLSON: Jack Ciattarelli, I don't even know everything you stand for. I know you're not this guy, Murphy. He is really loathsome. He is just the worst, so Godspeed. We're rooting for you, Jack Ciattarelli of New Jersey, I hope you can do it. Thank you.

CIATTARELLI: Thank you, Tucker. We can.

CARLSON: I hope so.

We're out of time, unfortunately.

We've got a brand new episode, as we said, of "Tucker Carlson Today" with Arthur Milikh, a super smart guy. It's on FOX Nation. You can also check out the latest episode of "Tucker Carlson Originals." It's on the scam of wind power, bad for the environment, bad for you, and imposed on the powerless by the powerful for the profit of foreign companies. That's not really an overstatement, that's literally what's happening.

We'll be back tomorrow, 8:00 p.m. and every night, the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. Cheerful, we hope.

In the meantime, the Great Sean Hannity takes over the 9:00 p.m. hour. Hey, Sean.

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