
This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," April 1, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Pretty much everybody in America feels awful about what is happening right now to average Ukrainians. They didn't ask for this war and they're really suffering so your heart goes out. You feel compassion for tragedy no matter where it is, whether it's a landslide in Sri Lanka or a war in Ukraine.

So, you feel compassionate. On the other hand, you may have, at some point over the last month, asked yourself: "Why is the invasion of a faraway eastern European country suddenly the single biggest thing that ever happened in our country, in America?" It's kind of strange, especially given everything we've got going on in the U.S. right now and what is it with Biden's response to this war? That's weird, too.

Biden keeps telling us these energy sanctions are going to crush Putin, but they haven't. That's clearly not true. Putin's fine. The ruble has almost completely recovered since the day Russia invaded. So much for destroying the Russian economy and getting the Russian military to withdraw from Ukraine and yet, we, in the U.S. are paying higher and higher gas prices thanks to these sanctions.

So, Biden is not hurting Vladimir Putin, Biden is hurting American citizens. Why? What exactly is this about? Well, the first thing you should know and never forget is that nothing changes a society faster than a war, even a war in another country. If you want to reorder a society, you're going to need a major crisis in order to do it. The democratic process is not going to work for you. The democratic process will never get you to total transformation because voters almost never want systemic change. They prefer incremental improvement and that's why they tend to elect the very same people to office year after year.

They do that because radicalism -- big change -- scares them. They are not looking -- and they are never looking --for massive, abrupt changes to the way they live. So again, if you want a revolution, you're going to need some kind of emergency to justify it.

Let's say, for example, that you wanted to change a country's 250-year-old system of voting in order to make that system much more vulnerable to mass election fraud, which you would commit. How would you go about doing something like that? You couldn't do it by referendum. No. You might need to declare a public health emergency and then institute vote-by-mail in the name of fighting a pandemic. You should try that because that might work.

Or, for another example, how would you go about taking full control over an economy built on fossil fuels? Well, you'd first have to break the existing economy because if you gave people a choice over how to power their vehicles, homes and businesses, not many of them would choose windmills. No, they'd go with what they have, which is oil and gas. So, you'd have to take that choice away from them. You couldn't let them choose and you couldn't do this by democratic means because no legislature would ever vote for a change like that because they know voters don't want it.

So instead, you might use a war underway across the world to declare an energy shortage in your country and then make fossil fuels unaffordable for the average person and that way, people would have no choice but to switch over to the new system, which, not incidentally, you and your friends and your donors would control.

So that'd be one way, maybe the only way to get a Green New Deal, without having to get it through Congress because it never would go through Congress. Hmm. Do you think that's what's happening here? You'd hate to think so. You wouldn't want to think that your government would intentionally exacerbate the suffering of millions of Ukrainian civilians in order to take over America's energy grid, but that seems to be exactly what is happening right now and we know this because the administration has essentially told us so.

As of tonight, the vast majority of electricity that we use in this country for everything, about 80 percent of our electricity comes from just three sources -- natural gas, coal and nuclear energy. The Biden administration has pledged to get rid of all three of these things. There will be no more coal plants, Joe Biden said during the campaign.

John Kerry, our aging climate czar, agreed. No more coal plants operating in the United States by 2030, he said -- no clue on how we're going to power the cities that are totally dependent on coal fired electricity. But here is Joe Biden explaining that electricity for your home, and your city, electric cars, all of it pretty darn soon is going to come from heat pumps and solar panels.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Under my plan, which is before the Congress now, we can take advantage of the next generation of electric vehicles that a typical driver will save about $80.00 a month from not having to pay gas at the pump. If your home is powered by safer, cheaper, cleaner electricity like solar or heat pumps, you can save about $500 a month on average.


CARLSON: Wow. So, we just need to completely change the way that you power your home. We're going to get rid of coal, gas and nuclear energy and you can save on average some more $500.00 a month. You just have to power your house with solar panels. It's simple. So, where will these solar panels come from? Well, as it happens, they will come from China. We can be certain of that because the Chinese make more than 80 percent of all the world's solar panels, which is to say, all of them.

So, we're going to be even more reliant, far more reliant on Chinese manufacturing than we already are. Offend the Chinese and no more electricity. So that's a risk, considering they despise us, but it's going to be worth it, Joe Biden says. We're going to upend the entire U.S. economy and make ourselves completely dependent on a country that seeks to displace us. But you're going to save 500 bucks a month on your energy bill -- $500.00 a month, not a small thing, but it's not actually true.

Shortly after Biden spoke, in a ritual we're becoming very used to, the White House issued a clarification. It turns out that Biden meant to say -- and if he wasn't senile, would have said -- that you're going to save $500.00 a year. So, that's one-twelfth of what he promised if we turn over our electricity production to China. So, $500.00 a year, not a month. So, he was only off by about 5,500 bucks.

On the other hand, $500.00 a year is still something. It's enough to fill your SUV maybe three times. Watch.


PHIL SHUMAN, KTTV REPORTER: It costs tech entrepreneur Mo Hassan $140.00 every two days to fill up his 2021 Cadillac Escalade when he cruises the streets of Southern California.

Prices vary depending on where you buy. At many stations, it's still way above $7.00 a gallon. Still the highest in the country, though, we've had a dip of a few cents in recent days, hardly a game changer.


CARLSON: Oh, it's just $7.50 a gallon, not a big deal. It's always been this way. Oh no, it hasn't. Pretty soon they'll tell you that, but we just want to say, for the record, that that's not true.

In 2018, which is not ancient history, the average price of a gallon of gasoline in the State of California, the most expensive for the country, was $3.60 per gallon. Now, it's double that. How did that happen? Does it have anything to do with the current President's pledge to quote, "phase out fossil fuels forever?"

Gasoline is a fossil fuel. He wants to phase it out. It shouldn't surprise you that it's more expensive. Or could it be Vladimir Putin's fault? Did Putin do it? Here's what PragerU found out when they spoke to people who are actually buying gas. Watch.


WILL WITT: Why do you think that the gas prices have gotten so high?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I think it's to do with maybe all the sanctions on Russia, part of it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The United States stopped importing Russian oil or something to that effect. I don't know if I have the details are quite right, but that's what I think.

WILL WITT: Part of that is definitely true. A lot of it is somewhat because America isn't energy independent. We don't produce a lot of our own energy anymore, but Russian oil is only about three percent of the oil that America gets. The price of gas was going up before Russian oil.


WILL WITT: If we had our own energy, our own oil production ...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We would be a lot easier and a lot more self-reliant. A lot more reliable, too. Yes. That's a very interesting thought. I've not thought about that before.


CARLSON: So that is a pretty interesting response. So people know it has something to do with Russia. They've been told it's all Putin's fault. The kind, you know, there's a connection between the sanctions against Russian energy and our own rising gas prices. What they don't understand is it's much deeper than that. They're blaming Russia.

So, there's a reason the people pushing this war love this war. It's an all-purpose excuse for the disasters they have made, the disasters that benefit them, but if you take a look at the numbers you see, there's a lot more going on here than just a war in Ukraine, no matter what they tell you.

In February of 2021, a year after the corona pandemic began and a month after Donald Trump left office, the average price of gas the United States was about $2.50. Since then, the price of gas has continued to rise. By last November, months before the Russian invasion, the per gallon average was $3.39. So, no, the war in Ukraine did not do this. Putin did not do this. Putin didn't, by the way, sanction himself.

Energy inflation is a direct and intended result of White House policies. The whole point of these policies is to make it impossible for you to use fossil fuels because you can't afford it and then substitute those fossil fuels, which you could afford with new green energy that you have no choice but to use.

They're saying that essentially out loud. Here's the Speaker of the House, third in line to the presidency, Nancy Pelosi. Watch her explain that even though we probably could fix this problem by producing more of our own energy in the United States, which we own, which is the root of our prosperity, we're not going to do that because cheap oil would devalue her family's investments in renewable. Sorry, we didn't mean to say that. We mean cheap oil would destroy the planet. Watch.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): We cannot allow the fossil fuel industry to use this as an excuse to reverse everything we're doing to save the planet.


CARLSON: Did you hear that? "Everything we're doing to save the planet." Now these are the people who preside over the dirtiest state out of 50 -- California -- who don't go outside except in their own walled gardens, who know nothing about the environment, who couldn't care less about the environment, who are trashing the environment and who are raising your gas prices in the name of the environment, so their families grow rich.

"We can't stop what we're doing." She's just saying it, right up there in English, "We're doing this," which they are. So, this is a lady with huge estates all over the country who brags that she has a $30,000.00 freezer telling you, you're just have to suck it up and be poor for the planet she doesn't care about at all.

So, who's benefiting from this? China is benefiting from it. We already told you that. That's obvious, but the Biden administration's donors are benefiting from it, too, and one of them is now the Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm.

Thanks to reporting from "The Washington Free Beacon," which we are grateful for, we know that Jennifer Granholm held millions of dollars in stock in so-called green energy companies while she was serving as the Secretary of Energy.

So, you hold energy stocks while you're the Secretary of Energy? Hmm. Where is the Justice Department? Jennifer Granholm did not sell these equities, even after she took office. Is that a conflict of interest? Of course, it is. It's criminal.

But Jennifer Granholm didn't seem bothered. She knew she would never be charged with anything. The Biden administration isn't bothered, either. This is the whole game. Make your donors rich by saving the planet. Jennifer Granholm is still running the Energy Department. Here she is explaining that her stock portfolio would really benefit if we quote, "decarbonized the fossil fuel industry." Watch.


JENNIFER GRANHOLM, U.S. SECRETARY OF ENERGY: We want to invest in renewables. We want to invest in the technologies that decarbonize the fossil fuel industry.

To become energy independent with clean energy is the medium to long-term strategy.


CARLSON: So, it does kind of answer one enduring mystery: Why would they put someone in as Secretary of Energy who knows nothing about energy, never been in the energy business, has no idea what the energy grid is, has no clue how your iPhone is charged overnight -- none at all -- and yet she is the Secretary of Energy?

Oh, because it's an investment scam and they're all in on it. Check investments right now in renewable energies since the manmade energy crisis that Joe Biden and his sanctions set off and you'll see it's quite a robust market right now. Who's benefiting from that? Right. People like Jennifer Granholm.

She wants to force you to subsidize her investments. That's the medium to long-term strategy and no crisis in the last decade has given them better cover than the invasion of the client state of Ukraine that Jennifer Granholm can't even find on a map.

There is a reason they're focused on Ukraine and it's to give you the Green New Deal, whether you want it or not.

Marc Morano is the author of "Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse than You Think." He joins us tonight. Marc, thanks so much for coming on. You've written and thought so much and reported so much about the Green New Deal.

No chance Congress would ever pass anything like that because nobody wants it, but a war into which we are now being drawn because of their policies is a perfect cover for giving us the Green New Deal whether we want it or not.

MARC MORANO, PUBLISHER, "CLIMATE DEPOT": Yes, it is. In fact, let's look at this here. They introduced the Green New Bill in Congress, and then never scheduled hearings, a vote. There's no Town Halls, there's no constituent services. No one wanted it. They didn't want to vote.

They didn't need a vote. Biden declare that every Cabinet agency would be a climate agency. And one of the biggest things about our energy that a lot of people miss is the defunding of our energy through the banking system, through the S.E.C. They are now forcing climate disclosures on everyone. They now have their claws, Federal regulators in every aspect, pretty much of any business going forward if this keeps up without a vote of Congress. That's what they're looking for.

And they know the green New Deal won't pass, so what they're going to do, the COVID lockdowns actually gave them many aspects of the Green New Deal with the immediate lockdown. But now going forward, they're doubling down using the Russian invasion, the solution to the Russian invasion is the solution to climate change. It happened to be the solution to COVID which is more working from home, less driving, less freedom, higher energy costs, more restrictions on your liberty.

Regardless of the crisis, it always empowers the administrative state, the bureaucrats and those in power.

CARLSON: Well, maybe the point of the crisis is to do that. And I just -- look, this is not a civic show, but I hear the word democracy roll off the tongues of virtually every authoritarian in Washington. Is this how a democracy works? You use a diversion to get massive societal changes around the legislature and impose them by force. Is that what democracy is?

MORANO: Well, no, what they've decided is they're going to rule by emergency declaration, by crisis management. This is how they want to do it.

The COVID emergency declaration gave us every -- particularly blue state, some red state -- every Governor became a dictator virtually overnight as they imposed whatever mandate they felt like whether it was mask kids, vaccine passports, you name it, they could do it because they were empowered.

You go back in history, the fall of the Roman Empire was due to the abuse of emergency power, the centralization of power of the Middle Ages, the German Republic, 1933, twelve-year declaration in Germany led to of course, all the abuses in Germany. So this is how we got the Patriot Act through this kind of crisis management.

And now they're using right after COVID crisis, they're going to pile on with this and people would not volunteer to give up their cars, their SUVs, but now you have reports like International Energy Agency, calling for stopping car driving on Sunday, odd-even license plates, lowering speed limits, SUV taxes, because we're in this energy crisis, they're achieving things they could never get through the election.

CARLSON: Yes, people who tell you the oceans are going to rise, you're buying $30 million houses on the beach. I don't believe you anymore.

MORANO: Greta Thunberg --

CARLSON: Marc Morano, we are out of time, I appreciate your coming on, on a Friday.


CARLSON: Thank you.

MORANO: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: So Biden is continuing to expand the power of the Federal government to spy on Americans, one Member of Congress finally has a plan to stop illegal surveillance of American citizens in America by our Intelligence Agencies. He's next.


CARLSON: Okay, so here's a question we know the answer to: What's the point of American Intel agencies? It couldn't be clearer in the law. The point of an American Intel agency is to monitor what happens in other countries and then report back to the President of the Unite States so that he can make better decisions about U.S. foreign policy. Period. That's why we have the C.I.A., that's the only reason we do.

These agencies are not allowed to spy on American citizens because that would invalidate democracy. But they're doing it on a huge scale, and they are doing it on direct orders from the Biden administration, not a conspiracy theory. It's verified. It's true.

Now, a new legislation from Congress seeks to stop that this. Legislation has been introduced by Congressman Chris Stewart of Utah. The Congressman joins us now to explain.

Congressman, first of all, thank you so much for doing this. This is illegal. Nobody seems to care, we should care. What would your legislation do?

REP. CHRIS STEWART (R-UT): Well, to emphasize what you've already said, Tucker, the whole purpose of the IC -- Intelligence Community -- N.S.A., C.I.A. and others is to concentrate on foreign threats, foreign terrorism, foreign nation states, Russia, China, North Korea. It was never ever intended that they would look at U.S. persons until this administration comes along and says, you know, those other threats are important. But the real threat, we're worried about his domestic violent extremism, DVEs, they call them, White supremacy.

And because this White supremacy threat is so great, which by the way, is nonsense. But by their thinking, because this is such a great threat, now we need to use the power, the awesome tools that we give the National Security Agency or the C.I.A. or the D.I.A., we're compelled to use those upon U.S. persons, the administration says, and that's why you have a situation like about a year ago, where the Office of Director of National Intelligence, not the F.B.I., not Homeland Security, the D.N.I. using the tools of the National Counterterrorism Center provides a briefing to Congress on what? White supremacy, on domestic terrorism.

It should enrage Americans, that they would think that they would allow them to use this awesome power. Hey, if you think you want to build an American KGB, if you think that's a good idea, then keep going down this road. But if you think it's a horrible, fearsome idea, then then please work with me. I'm talking about my Members of Congress, please work with me to try and stop it.

CARLSON: So they've spied on this show. They've admitted it. I've spoken directly to two sitting Members of Congress whose job it is to oversee the Intelligence Agency who told me directly that they were being spied on by the Intel agencies and they didn't do anything about it. I wonder, how many Members of Congress are too intimidated to push back the powers of these agencies?

STEWART: Well, I guess, we're going to find out. But you know, and it's not just members of the press. I mean, we know that C.I.A. and Director Brennan lied about it when they were spying on members of the Senate.

I mean, for heaven's sakes, Tucker, if the last four or five years have taught us anything, it has surely taught us that senior members of the F.B.I. and Department of Justice, clearly were deceptive to Congress, deceptive to the FISA Courts, deceptive to the American people. And now once again, they want to increase that ability, to enhance that ability by drawing in these other agencies.

And once again, there is no reason for it. There is no need for it.

By the way, there are enough terror threats and other threats for them to - - it is not like they've got extra bandwidth like they don't have anything to do.


STEWART: And very clearly, the Department of Justice and F.B.I., that's their responsibility, not the C.I.A., not the N.S.A.

CARLSON: Exactly. So nicely put. We are rooting for you, Congressman Chris Stewart, I hope you'll come back and let us know who didn't vote for this. That would be interesting.

Thank you very much.

STEWART: Thank you.

CARLSON: So, for the course of the pandemic, Tony Fauci has rejected science, the essential and very basic concept of natural immunity. But it turns out that years ago, when he wasn't trying to sell a vaccine on behalf of Pfizer, he had a very different opinion rooted in science and we have the tape. It's interesting. Stay tuned.


CARLSON: We've done so many segments on the show on the addiction crisis in this country and not just to drug, I mean, of course, there is fentanyl, but there is also alcohol and Wheat Thins, and all kinds of things people get addicted to, but maybe the most dangerous addiction of all and you see it a lot in our business is the addiction to publicity, and poor Tony Fauci just went right down the hole.

He's a publicity whino. Since the COVID pandemic began with a brief interruption during the war in Ukraine, Fauci has constantly virtually every hour given interviews to media outlets, which lionized him.

The problem with the strategy is Fauci talks so much that every now and then he just kind of forgets where he is, and says something true. That happened in late 2020 when he sat for an interview with "The New York Times." Fauci was asked whether natural immunity might also be an effective defense against COVID.

Fauci admitted to "The Times" that he, in fact, had been lying about natural immunity in order to convince Americans to take the vaccine. "The Times" reported that quote, "Fauci acknowledged he had slowly, but deliberately been moving the goalposts on natural immunity," end quote, to sell Pfizer products.

But back in 2004, when there weren't Pfizer vaccines to sell for COVID, Tony Fauci was completely honest about natural immunity because he wasn't being paid not to be. He said, "It is your best defense against another infectious virus, the flu."

Watch this clip of Tony Fauci.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She's had the flu for 14 days, should she get a flu shot?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Well, now if she got the flu for 14 days, she is as protected as anybody can be because the best vaccination is to get infected yourself. And if she really has the flu, if she really has the flu, she definitely doesn't need a flu vaccine, if she really has the flu.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She should not get it again.

FAUCI: No. She doesn't need it because it's the best -- it's the most potent vaccination is getting infected yourself.


CARLSON: The most potent vaccination is getting infected yourself. Oh, that's probably not news to the millions of Americans who recovered from COVID and then we're told to be fired unless they got their fourth booster. That was Tony Fauci before he decided to move the goalposts on behalf of Pfizer.

So the Biden administration has informed us that Thursday, yesterday, was international Trans Day of Visibility. At "The Daily Wire," Michael Knowles pointed out the whole concept of a Trans Day of Visibility is a little ironic, as he pointed out, quote: "The entire premise of transgenderism is we must deny our visible bodies for invisible gender identities." Well that is pretty deep and true, but whatever. It was Joe Biden yesterday celebrating Trans Visibility


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: To everyone celebrating Transgender Day of visibility, I want you to know that your President sees you. Jill, Kamala, Doug -- our entire administration sees you for who you are, made in the image of God.

To parents of transgender children, affirming your child's identity is one of the most powerful things you could do to keep them safe and healthy.


CARLSON: No one's attacking transgender kids, young people, most of them have been led to where they are by adult predators. Here is our newest four-star Admiral speaking of. Watch.


DR. RACHEL LEVINE, UNITED STATES ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HEALTH: Well, it is so wonderful that we have a President -- President Biden -- who supports us and advocates for us and who sees us.


CARLSON: Oh, come on. This is just -- the level of self-parody becomes absolutely unbearable, but we still can ask the obvious question, which is if sex distinctions are fake, do we still have women?

Delano Squires is a contributor to "Fearless with Jason Whitlock." We're happy to have him rejoin us. Thanks for coming on. So what is this? I mean, you know, this has consequences. It's not simply about one group of people and their fight for recognition or equality or whatever. The point is, we're redefining sex. So what does that mean for the civilization?

DELANO SQUIRES, CONTRIBUTOR, "FEARLESS WITH JASON WHITLOCK": Tucker, that's a big deal for civilization, and I think in the video you played when you hear the President use the term "made in the image of God," right, he is referencing biblical language about the Imago Day, but what he is doing is corrupting it because God male and female and whether you believe in Genesis or genetics, that is what everyone has believed basically up until seven years ago.

The biggest problem with this, or one of the big problems with this is that this entire movement has been aided and abetted, I'd say primarily by two groups. One, some of the most powerful women in media, journalism, politics, business, whether they work at CNN or MSNBC, or "New York Times," who have spent an entire career talking about how hard it has been as a woman to achieve equality. And then they've allowed themselves to be cowed into silence by a small group of men who are experiencing serious mental health challenges, and a large group of craven activists.

So for women like Joy Reid or you know, Rachel Maddow or Jamil Hill, so again, whether they work at ESPN or MSNBC, they finally found a group of men that they're willing to submit to because when Rachel Levine speaks, and when Lia Thomas speaks, these women feel that they have to be silent. So in effect, they are about to diversity, inclusion, and equity themselves right out of existence.

CARLSON: That is so deep, and so true. I wonder and so nicely put, thank you for that. Do you think they realize it?

SQUIRES: I think they know it because one of the things that you'll see, right, you may have, you know, Congressman Cori Bush talk about birthing persons. Right?


SQUIRES: But then when they start to talk about abortion, they'll tell men to shut up because this is a woman's issue. So every once in a while an issue will come up that will knock them right back into reality. But really what they're doing, they're robbing young girls of opportunities in sports, in culture and politics, and they are completely undermining the message that they've been giving for the last six decades.

They've been telling girls, speak up for yourself. Don't be afraid and in many respects, Tucker, they've gone from "I am woman, hear me roar" to singing. "This is a man's world."

CARLSON: It's almost like they don't really know what they want. Just throwing it out there. Mr. Squires, thank you. Thank you for joining us. Appreciate it.

SQUIRES: Thank you.

CARLSON: So a few years ago, maybe a decade ago, there was a show on TV called "Lie to Me." And the premise was simple, people lie a lot and when they do lie, they give up what are called tells. That was a fictional show, but the premise is totally real.

There are experts mostly in law enforcement, who studied deceptive behavior. Retired F.B.I. agent Frank Runles is one of them, and we thought it'd be interesting to spend an hour with him on a brand new episode of "Tucker Carlson Today" to learn how to catch someone in the act of deception. Here is part of the conversation.


FRANK RUNLES, RETIRED F.B.I. AGENT: People lie for a lot of different reasons, and that is where, you know, this detection deception, I like to look at it as, I don't try to find whether they're lying because once you start listening to someone and say: That's where they lied." You stop listening to everything else you because you're looking for that lie, that a-ha moment.

I like to listen just for deceptive language, and different aspects of how people try to deceive.

CARLSON: Interesting. There's a little bit of overlap between what you're describing and what we do know.

RUNLES: Oh, yes.

CARLSON: You know, watching people with power, explain why they're doing what they're doing, what they plan to do, and certain words are invariably a tell.

RUNLES: Oh, yes. Right.

CARLSON: So explain -- describe some of the deceptive language that you notice when you're talking to criminal suspects?

RUNLES: Well, let's take it from, you know, a bigger, you know, the one over the world type of look, when, when you're looking for someone. If you're listening to someone and you're trying to determine a deceptive, the first thing I look at is the balance of what they're saying, the balance of the statements.

Because a truthful statement, a statement that has veracity, majority of it should be about the topic at hand.


RUNLES: Now, in the political world, you listen to any of these politicians talk. They do a lot of double talk, but if they ask the question, they'll answer everything except that because they don't want to talk about the real answer.


CARLSON: Retired FBI agent Frank Runles, amazing interview, super interesting and applicable to politics -- for sure. That interview is streaming now on FOX Nation.

Home prices are skyrocketing. It is essentially impossible for young people to afford a home. Will they ever have a chance to buy one? And why can't they? Why are prices rising at the rate they are? It's just ahead.

We'll be back from Los Angeles, California.


CARLSON: Taylor Lorenz has spent the last several years at "The New York Times" and now, "The Washington Post" harassing people with the wrong political views online including children. So of course, passive aggression being the main mode that our ruling class operates in, she has decided that she's the victim and the people who complain about what she does to them are actually the perpetrators.

She just did an amazing interview on MSNBC that reveals so much. We'll let you judge. Watch this.


TAYLOR LORENZ, "THE WASHINGTON POST": I've had to remove every single social tie. I had severe PTSD from this. I contemplated suicide, got really bad. You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the internet to destroy your life.

And it's so isolating --


LORENZ: It's horrifying. I'm so sorry.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're fine. You're fine.

LORENZ: It's overwhelming. It's really hard.


CARLSON: Go look up what she has done to a whole bunch of different people, including really young people in "The New York Times" and "The Washington Post" and ask yourself if it's fair, because she identifies as a woman for her to claim victim status? And the answer is no, it's not fair. But it's exactly what they always do.

Well, this is a huge story, it's not covered enough. Homeownership is basically impossible for most young people. There are a bunch of reasons for that. One of them is that real estate companies and so-called institutional investors are buying up all the houses to turn them into rentals. Okay, that's healthy.

Why doesn't the Biden administration stop this? No, they're abetting it.

On "60 Minutes," one of those institutional investors, a CEO of a Canadian company called Tricon, explained that actually, he is doing a good thing because young people don't even want homes, they want to rent, they don't want to own anything. Watch this.


LESLEY STAHL, "60 MINUTES": Home ownership is increasingly out of reach.

GARY BERMAN, CEO, TRICON: In our portfolio, the majority cannot buy a home, cannot afford to buy a home or don't have the credit to buy the homes.

I think if you asked a lot of millennials, and that tends to be our primary resident, they would probably tell you that they don't necessarily desire to own a home or to own a car. They've grown up in the sharing economy, and for what's important to them is lifestyle. Right?

And so they can move into this what we call a turnkey or hotel ready home and have a low maintenance lifestyle. That's very compelling for them. Very compelling.


CARLSON: To which the obvious follow up, which Lesley Stahl did not ask is: Hey, landlord man, do you want a home? Do you own several homes? Really, you don't participate in the sharing economy? You'll own nothing and you'll like it.

Chris Bedford is the senior editor at "The Federalist." He did great piece on this. He joins us tonight. Chris, is it true that most young people -- and you're a young person relative to me anyway -- do you want to participate in the sharing economy and own nothing and like it?

CHRIS BEDFORD, SENIOR EDITOR, "THE FEDERALIST": No, that just a lot of the corporate mindset that we've been being fed for the last 10, 20,30, 40 years in the United States, disposable everything, disposable water bottles, disposable rental income, and no one has got a car. They're trying to say you don't need anything. The corporation's will take care of it for you.

But this is actually having a serious, serious impact. Last year, about one in seven homes that were bought in United States were bought by one of these institutional investors, whether it's a company like BlackRock, which has over 80,000, or whether it's a pension fund, whether it's a sovereign foreign fund. These are the people that are buying up these houses, and that number gets even higher when you get houses that are under $300,000.00, which means they are affordable to people in areas that have good school districts like Houston or Phoenix.

These are places where young people should be starting their lives off, and some people need to rent. I've been a renter before, sometimes you can't afford it, sometimes you need to put it together. It's not morally wrong to rent, but there is something that's very different about owning.

It's not only that you're making an investment in your life and in your future, but it anchors you to a community. I mean, I don't like gardening, but I spend my weekend sometimes out there working on the flowers I'm interested and invested that if my church and my local schools are good, I care about crime in this neighborhood.

I want to pick up litter, I want to make sure it's clean. These are a moral aspects into ownership that really changes the figure, and corporations don't get any money off of morality, they just wants to rent it to you.

CARLSON: So really quickly, why wouldn't the Biden administration say to its donors at BlackRock, go wreck somebody else's country. Go do it to Paraguay or China. You're not allowed to do that crap here, because it's wrecking our social fabric.

BEDFORD: Because it would take some serious political capital. I mean, these are difficult things to do, but they are not magical. It is possible. For example, why are corporations protected with limited liability, whereas individuals and partnerships are not why? Why won't that CEO lose his many houses or his cars, if his company goes under, but a partnership or a small business can?

And something you've been talking about since I met you, why is labor taxed more than capital is? That's completely insane. That's the inverse that we've been having in the society that treats the workers and the young people as just buyers and the corporations get richer all the time.

CARLSON: Yes, and I'm not liberal, and I think that all the liberals are for it. It's kind of weird.

Chris Bedford, appreciate it. Great to see you tonight.

BEDFORD: Thank you.

CARLSON: So George Soros, through his many foundations has worked to convince Americans that Hungary is somehow an authoritarian regime, not a more successful country than the one they've built. Oh, really? Don't look too closely to Hungary.

But in a recently video, a former Director at one of Soros' foundations admitted that Hungary's government is in fact very popular in Hungary so it's actually a democracy that's working with popular consent. Here is what he said.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think that the part which is misrepresented is that this government, with some tweaks and tricks, enjoys genuine popular support, and what is presented abroad often is that this government does not enjoy popular support, and it is in power only because of scheming and curtailing freedoms.


CARLSON: So that's a Soros guy admitting that. Why are they trying to tell us that Hungary is a hellscape? Maybe because Hungary's government self- consciously tries to serve the needs of its own people. And if you see that here, you'll ask well, why is my government not doing that for me?

In August, we went to Hungary to talk to the Prime Minister, Viktor Orban about the Biden administration's claims that he's some kind of fascist. Here is his response.


CARLSON: When the President of the United States describes you as a totalitarian thug, which is a very serious thing to say about somebody, I would note, I mean, that suggests that, you know, why wouldn't the Biden State Department work to prevent you from being re-elected?

VIKTOR ORBAN, HUNGARIAN PRIME MINISTER: I think sooner or later, the Americans will realize that issues in Hungary must be decided by the Hungarians, and it is better even for the leftist liberal government in the United States to have a good partner, which is a conservative Christian Democratic supported long term by the people, Hungarian people.


CARLSON: Gladden Pappin is a Visiting Fellow at the Matthias Cornvis Collegium in Budapest, Hungary. He joins us tonight. I know there's a delay, Mr. Pappin. Thanks so much for joining us.

Here's my question, and I'll let you answer it. Hungary has an election coming up this month. There are a number of American groups that are seeking to influence the outcome of a foreign election because they're for democracy. Do you think they'll succeed and oust Putin from outside Hungary?


Now, those quotations that you played at the beginning were shocking, but unfortunately, they weren't surprising. I think what we've seen in recent years is that the term democracy has really become weaponized. When democracy leads to conservative results, then it becomes -- cast, as you know, the greatest danger to civilization, you know, the impending authoritarian doom, and when it confirms liberal results, then it's, you know, the greatest victory for democracy.

You know, it doesn't get much more democratic than a referendum. The election here is on Sunday and there is a referendum coming up on Sunday on the most important social questions of our time.

Hungarian voters will be asked what they think about protecting children from adverse sexual education in schools and in the media as well. So polls around that show overwhelming support among conservative families here, for protecting their children.

But actually, what the left has proposed, you know, through some of these NGOs that you mentioned, is that voters who oppose the referendum just go into the ballot box and spoil their ballots. So, so much for democracy.

I think all this shows that the left knows that their ideas are not really popular with people, you know, they have to impose them through Supreme Court rulings and the like, and when Hungary presents the opportunity to confirm those from conservative viewpoints, with a democratic process, it's a real threat to them.

So you know, current polls show that the government has about 48 percent support and the opposition, which is a mixture of parties ranging from communists, to the Neo Nazis, it's another story that hasn't been covered at all in the Western media, except I think by you.

Current polls show that that's the difference, but there is a large number of undecided voters. All this is happening in the context of the war in neighboring Ukraine. Hungary has welcomed 600,000 refugees, and really showed itself as a welcoming place for them, but it wants to stay out of the war. The war is really driving the election and we'll see what happens on Sunday.

CARLSON: We certainly will. They should stop using the word democracy. It is too insulting to see them, misuse it and give it its opposite meaning, it really is. Gladden Pappin, we appreciate your coming on tonight. And I hope we'll talk to you again soon. Thank you.

We spent some time in Hungary because we think it's really interesting. It's not our country, but we can learn something from it. It is all on our "Tucker Carlson Originals" documentary on Hungary, "Hungary versus Soros" is the name. It is streaming now on Fox nation.

More news straight ahead. We will be here.


CARLSON: Well, in our weekly cable news update, you'll remember at the beginning of the year, Kamala Harris's former spokesman Symone Sanders jumped ship along with everyone else on the staff fleeing Kamala Harris. She left to host a show on MSNBC.

Now another White House spokesperson is splitting the scene. Joe Biden's publicist, Jen Psaki is calling it quits, just over a year under her role as White House Press Secretary. Here is the interesting thing.

AXIOS is reporting that she has quote, "Told senior officials at the White House she plans to go to MSNBC." Here you have the two people you would never under any circumstances want to watch talk both going into television. Is that programming or is it torture? Clearly, they hate you.

We don't. We love you. See you Monday.


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