Tucker: Democrats, media 'ghouls' want to punish political opponents

This is a rush transcript from “Tucker Carlson Tonight" November 20, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.




People say that Governor Andrew Cuomo runs his office like an episode of "Game of Thrones:" intrigue, betrayal, lots of dark muttering in the shadows. We always assumed that was overstatement. Now, we see that the governor is getting an Emmy Award this year.


Is it possible that his entire administration has been a scripted drama from day one? We will have update on that bizarre story in just a minute.


We are also bringing the very latest on Sidney Powell's investigation into voter fraud in this election.


But first, you might have seen that two Michigan state legislators met with the President this afternoon at the White House. The topic of conversation apparently was election irregularities in that state, and it might not seem like a very big deal: politicians coming to Washington to talk to the head of their party.


It's pretty conventional. It happens a lot. What you didn't know is that it is now a felony.


A guy called Richard Primus wrote a piece with a liberal blog, POLITICO, arguing that the Republican legislators should be prosecuted for their visit to the White House. Primus claims to have authority on legal questions. He says he works at the University of Michigan's Law School.


According to Professor Primus, these two lawmakers are quote, " ... being visibly invited to a meeting with a likely agenda involves the felony of attempting to bribe a public official." Visibly invited? What does that mean? And how exactly would he know that bribes were offered in the White House? Of course, he wouldn't know.


It's not like POLITICO is going to fact check a guy called Professor Primus. So they went with it, whatever.


It's a crime to talk to Trump. Everyone knows that. That's an article of faith at MSNBC.


The rest of us in America have been laboring under the illusion that the First Amendment still applies in this country. MSNBC's legal experts know better than that. Supporters of unpopular Presidents deserve the lengthiest jail sentences possible, at least 20 years. They've read the fine print on that and they've confirmed it. They went to Yale Law School.


Yesterday, one of the's anchors, a Harvard graduate you should know, someone whose blog was once unfortunately hacked by racist time traveling cyber hooligans, explained the legal standard to viewers.




JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: As he remains holed up in the White House like an end stage dictator, refusing to concede and frankly to just go away, dissolving into unreality while the Republican Party remains silent.


And at this point, it's hard to argue with lifelong Republicans like Stuart Stevens, who are calling it sedition.




CARLSON: Sedition. Ladies and gentlemen, this is serious. Sedition is punishable by decades in prison, possibly death. Get the scaffolds ready.


In the considered legal opinion of an MSNBC anchor, quoting an unemployed middle-aged political consultant, that's what we could be looking at here.


Meanwhile, Democrats in Congress are suggesting the death penalty is on the table. Bill Pascrell, a representative from New Jersey tweeted this, quote: "Tonight, I'm calling for the eventual prosecution of Donald Trump and his enablers for their many crimes against the United States." Traders will swing.


Keep in mind that Bill Pascrell is a former mayor of a town in northern New Jersey -- in northern New Jersey. But he is very upset about the idea of corruption in politics. The New Jersey Mayor is shocked.


So much for democratic norms and the peaceful transitions of power they spent four years lecturing us about. There will be none of that. They think they won. Now, they want blood.


And by the way, Joe Biden hasn't spoken up against any of this. Apparently, he agrees with it. Kamala obviously does.


What is this? Well, it is ugly and it's bad. It's also dangerous, far more dangerous than anything Rudy Giuliani could do in a thousand press conferences.


You'll notice that Giuliani has not called for the White House to round up and imprison its political opponents. He never will call for that. Republicans generally don't call for that. In fact, they never do.


Republicans are fascist, "The New York Times" tells us. What a hack newspaper.


But who is eager to shoot the prisoners? It's not right wingers. It's the other side, and it always is the other side. Always.


We have seen it for the last four years. Federal authorities, many of them openly hostile to the current administration use the power of law to punish their political enemies, and we saw it unfold right on television.


They pursued process crimes like they were dangerous felonies. Why did they do that? You know why they did it.


At one point, they sent a SWAT team and a TV crew from CNN to raid the home of an unarmed 68-year-old man because they claimed he had vital information about Russia collusion. They actually told the judge that.


They dragged him from his home, like he was running a fentanyl lab or like he has just stolen a tank from a military base. Yet, in the end, after they humiliated him, destroyed his life, we learned what we already knew. Roger Stone wasn't part of any conspiracy.


In the end, the Feds were forced to downgrade the charges from agent of Vladimir Putin to he may have lied to Congress once. The whole thing was a disgrace. But so-called liberals loved it.


They clapped like seals at a waterpark totally delighted by this man suffering.




RICK TYLER, MSNBC POLITICAL CONTRIBUTOR: Roger stone like Donald Trump is a political con man, who showman's shtick has finally caught up with him.


ALICE STEWART, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: Let me be the first to say if you look up the word "scumbag" in the dictionary, you're going to see Roger Stone's picture there.


ANA NAVARRO, HOST, "THE VIEW": I am just so damn happy this guy is indicted and arrested. He is a horrible human being. He is a thug. He is a bully. Bye-bye, baby. Karma is a bitch.




CARLSON: Bye-bye, baby. That's what they say when they come for you. It's sickening. It ought to scare you. It ought to make you worry about what happens when ghouls like that take power in this country.


The whole process is inevitable. You could have called it. We've seen it unfold all over the third world only for like a hundred years. When you politicize law enforcement and they have when you prosecute the President's advisers for lying, but ignore the obvious line from say, the acting Director of the F.B.I., the Director of National Intelligence, who lied under oath, you get what we're seeing now.


The same people who complained about a politicized Department of Justice are now salivating at the prospect of unleashing the Department of Justice on their political enemies, and why wouldn't they do that? Kamala Harris has been calling for it for quite some time.




SCOTT DETROW, POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT, NPR: If you become President, if he was never impeached, would you want the Department of Justice now that he is no longer a sitting President to go forward with those obstruction of justice charges?


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE UNITED STATES: I believe that they would have no choice and that they should, yes. There has to be accountability.




CARLSON: There has to be accountability. We're keeping an irony file, but it's too big. We have to have accountability says the politician who refused to submit to a single press conference while running as Joe Biden's running mate.


The dishonesty is brazen and you can begin to understand why so many Americans have lost their faith in our institutions, including in our elections. Why? Because the people managing them are dishonest and incompetent.


Our leaders that are demanding that we cower in our homes, they dine at the French Laundry. They're fantasizing about punishing you for how you voted, but if you dare to notice any of this, if you dare to notice what's happening, you're the dangerous lunatic, and we get the D.O.J. on your trail.


Every once in a while, the mask does slip and they could see what's going on. Occasionally, the media class tells the truth, it almost always happens by accident. It happened earlier this month.


A PBS correspondent -- by the way, that's someone whose salary you help pay with your tax dollars, that's an actual employee of actual state media -- admitted that the relentless focus on jailing Donald Trump and his supporters actually helps the media.


The media understand their ratings will plummet if they're forced to talk about anything other than Donald Trump. They have nothing to say. And of course, they'll never cover Joe Biden. They voted for Joe Biden. So that's their nightmare scenario.


By continuing to hyperventilate about Donald Trump for the rest of their lives, if possible, maybe they'll stave off irrelevance until the mortgage is paid. Listen closely to this clip.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So you have President Trump selling this idea that there's a Deep State conspiracy theory against him and that he is the number one victim in America. So if he gets indicted, if he even goes to jail, he might sell that idea to the millions of people who voted for him, and he might become even more powerful and that's what the G.O.P. is really scared about. That's why you're seeing not that many people stand up to him.




CARLSON: It's just -- it's unbelievable on a free level. A correspondent who can't speak in a grammatically correct sentence, A. B, the dishonesty of it, framing this as another clever conspiracy by Donald Trump.


But of course, it's about the media, they are narcissists. Everything is about them. Of course, they want to keep talking about Donald Trump, they need to keep talking about Donald Trump.


And if that means sending people to prison for the wrong political views, it is worth it.


Steve Krakauer understands what's going on here. He watches the media as closely as anyone does. He is the founder and editor of the "Fourth Watch" podcast, and he joins us tonight.


Steve, thanks so much for coming on. So you'd think that if you spent four years saying these are dangerous fascists, they are using the tools of government to oppress their political opponents. You think if you kept saying that, you might start to believe it, and then you would notice when the people you voted for openly started calling for using the tools of government to punish their political opponents. Why does no one call this out?


STEVE KRAKAUER, FOUNDER, "FOURTH WATCH": Well, yes, I mean, you played a clip there earlier about accountability from Kamala Harris. You actually have a Trump accountability project that is making lists of the people who have supposedly enabled Donald Trump and is going to try to stop them from getting employment anywhere after Trump is out of office.


Yes, look, this is -- you mentioned it. I mean, the media has gotten -- you know, has done really well during the Trump era, while at the same time they've got this common enemy to fight against. And in a lot of ways, I would think that maybe they'd be celebrating around now, but instead, they're out for vengeance.


There is this sort of like repercussions that have to come now that instead of a celebration that's happening to get him out of office. But honestly, there are people whose whole job it is came from Donald Trump. There are people whose job it is to watch FOX News.




KRAKAUER: I don't know what the media industry is going to do when Donald Trump is out of office. But I can assure you, they are not going to be making as much money as they were over the last four years.


CARLSON: I'm sure you've been asked this question a thousand times, and I bet you think about it every day. But how would they cover a Biden administration? I mean, honestly? Biden becomes President in January, let's say. They have to cover that.


How can they not cover it? But of course, they don't want to cover it. So what happens?


KRAKAUER: Yes, I think that there's probably two things at play. You know, one of the things we already saw Joe Biden is, you know, holding these media avails, non-press conferences, and one reporter, actually, from CBS screamed a question now trying to get an answer from him and he got castigated for doing it. No one else in the entire press pool would even try to ask a question of Joe Biden.


So I think on one level, you would like to think that, you know, we've had four years of a media that has really sharpened their pencils, really sharpened their elbows, trying to get some accountability of Donald Trump. Maybe they've got some, like, institutional knowledge that they'll take into the Biden administration. I don't know, though.


And I wonder if they have learned anything over these years. If it's going to be in the service of now, okay, now we have a new administration, can we practice some of those skills that we learned with Donald Trump? Maybe went overboard with Donald Trump? Maybe do a little bit of that.


I am not necessarily holding my breath for that, and certainly nothing that we've seen during this transition has given us any indication that there's any real interest in getting some accountability even in these couple of weeks so far, since November 3rd, there has not been any press, really, I mean, very few press to try to get Joe Biden and Kamala Harris or any of the representatives to even answer any questions.


It's completely silent so far. It does not bode well for potentially the next four years.


CARLSON: Or for the democracy. I don't think you can have a democracy under these circumstances.


Steve Krakauer, great to see you. Thank you.


KRAKAUER: Thanks, Tucker.


CARLSON: Well, last night in a segment about voter fraud investigations, into it, we told you about Sidney Powell, the former Federal prosecutor, and her claim that roughly seven million votes were secretly changed on Election Night by vote rigged vote counting software.


In the last 24 hours since we did that, we've heard from a lot of people about that segment, including people in the White House and people close to the President.


Like us, they have concluded that this election was not fair. Like us, they are willing to believe any explanation for what happened. Like us, they have not seen a single piece of evidence showing that software change votes.


It doesn't mean it didn't happen. It might have happened. It means they haven't seen any evidence that it had happened. And by they, we are including other members of Donald Trump's own legal team. They have not seen Powell's evidence either, no testimony from employees inside the software companies, no damning internal documents, no copies of the software itself. So, that's where we are.


Sidney Powell came on FOX this morning and suggest we may not have to wait much longer. I fully expect, she says, that we will be able to prove all of it in a court within the next two weeks.


Well, as far as we're concerned, that is great news.


If Sidney Powell can prove the technology companies switched millions of votes and stole a presidential election, she will have almost single handedly uncovered the greatest crime in the history of this country, and no one will be more grateful for that than us.


So voter fraud is something that's being investigated. Voter fraud is something that is real that just took place two weeks ago. Our media class doesn't want to talk about it.


But there are a lot of things they don't want to talk about, and one of them is the origin of the coronavirus. It's not an academic question. There are real world consequences to not knowing where it came from.


"The New York Times" is the latest in a long line of media outlets today who tried to shut down that conversation. But we have information that you're going to want to hear, next.




CARLSON: The Teachers Unions in New York City are celebrating this week not because their students are doing well, of course they're not, and they are really suffering. Unions don't care.


The Unions are pleased because they're getting paid for no work. Their Mayor, Bill de Blasio just shut down all of the city's public schools. Now parents who got 24 hours' notice before this happened protested the move at City Hall.


They pointed out that virtually no one in New York City schools had tested positive for the virus, fewer than 0.3 percent in fact, but Bill de Blasio was not deterred. In fact, he now says that gyms and restaurants will be closed.




MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO (D), NEW YORK CITY: So for everyone who honestly might feel somehow a little better if they knew that indoor dining was going to be closed or gyms are going to be closed, I'm sorry to tell you that for the sake of those business owners and everyone who loves those gyms and loves indoor dining, it is just a matter of time. It's very likely to be in the next week or two.




CARLSON: So you've already wrecked America's biggest city, Bill de Blasio. Maybe you can leave now. Mission accomplished. You did it. You destroyed the city of eight million people. Congrats.


Many business owners are vowing not to shut down ever again no matter what. They have had enough of this. It's too destructive. The owner of the Atilis Gym in New York -- in New Jersey rather, across the river is Ian Smith. We've had him on this show many times. He joins us again tonight for an update.


Ian Smith, it's great to see you tonight.




CARLSON: So what is the latest? Where are you? You've taken a very, I would say risky stand on behalf of reason, logic, fairness, and the governor of the state doesn't care for it. Where are you now?


SMITH: So Frank and I are currently being fined personally. Governor Murphy has attempted to pierce the LLC. He has fined us $15,497.76 per day. That fine --


CARLSON: Per day?


SMITH: That fine started as -- per day. Yes. It's kind of like one of those jackpots at the casino that you don't really pay attention to because you know it is never going to come.


CARLSON: Oh, the debt clause. Yes.


SMITH: Yes. So, that originally started as a punishment for being open, and then after he opened the gyms, that is now punishment because we refused to mandate masks in our facility.


CARLSON: How many of your customers have died so far from the coronavirus?


SMITH: Zero. And as of today -- as of today, we breached 72,000 visits to the facility since June when we reopened for the second time, and there has not been one single case of COVID that has been linked back to our facility.


CARLSON: Let me ask you a macro question because I think you think a lot about the bigger things. This disease is particularly dangerous to people who are in bad shape, who are overweight, who have got cardiovascular problems.


I haven't heard anybody in charge of COVID policy encouraging the population to get healthy as a way to protect themselves from this disease, like maybe go to the gym. They seem to be encouraging people to smoke more weed and watch more Netflix to make them weaker.


Why do you think they're doing that? What is this?


SMITH: COVID has become a control tool for the left, and if they don't have those numbers of positive tests and deaths, then they lose that control. So they want you to stay at home. They want you to be afraid. They want you to be stressed out and socially isolated.


They want you drinking alcohol, eating fast food because they never close down. Smoke as much pot as you want, watching as much television as you want, getting as little sunlight as possible, so that they can keep you scared, afraid and under control.


You know, weak people are very easy to control and strong people both physically and mentally pose a threat to that power structure.


CARLSON: You know, if you had said -- if you had uttered that paragraph a year ago, I would have said, you know, Ian Smith is a nice guy, he is a little crazy though. He has got these kind of kooky conspiracy theories about social control. I think everything you just said is not only true, but demonstrably true. We have evidence for it and you are living evidence.


Why wouldn't the state encouraged gyms to be open? This is like -- it's really scary.


SMITH: Yes, it's -- I mean, it's to the point where it's -- I think we've reached a point where it's absolutely absurd now. I mean, just take a look at some of these health officials. They are some of the most unhealthy individuals I've ever seen in my life.


I've been in a in the industry for 10 years and I haven't heard any of these people utter one word that the even the most basic health, you know, practitioner, whether it's a nurse, a doctor, a personal trainer would utter.


They don't mention diet. None of that. They don't care.


CARLSON: No, they want us weak and that is so true. It's not crazy, it is true.


Ian Smith, Godspeed, 15 grand a day. Wow. Good luck.


SMITH: Thanks, as always, Tucker.


CARLSON: Well, back in September, we talked to a Chinese virologist who had fled here to the United States. Her name is Dr. Li-Meng Yan. She has published papers on coronavirus transmission in some of the best scientific journals in the world. Here's part of what she told us.




DR. LI-MENG YAN, CHINESE VIROLOGIST WHISTLEBLOWER: From my first report, I can present the solid scientific evidence to our audience that this virus, COVID-19 SARS-CoV2 virus actually is not from nature.


I worked with the top corona virologists in the world. So together with my experience, I can tell you, this is created in the lab. This is from that template owned by China military and also it is spread to the world to make such damage.


CARLSON: To make such damage. Do you believe the Chinese government released this intentionally on purpose? Did they do this?


YAN: Yes, of course. It is intentionally.




CARLSON: Coronavirus is not from nature, she said. It was created in a lab and it was intentionally spread to the world.


Now, we don't have the expertise to judge the accuracy of those claims. We know the person who made them has a background in relevant science. We know that she is credible to that extent.


We also know that no one in the media has bothered to look in to what she said. Facebook will try and censor you for trying.


Today, "The New York Times" published a piece entitled "How Steve Bannon and a Chinese Billionaire Created a Right-Wing Coronavirus Media Sensation." Purely flacking for the Chinese government.


If you want to know how rotten and corrupt "The New York Times" has become, which was like a legitimate paper not that long ago, read this piece. They called Dr. Yan a liar. They didn't say how she was lying, just that she was lying. Sound familiar?


Back in April, they did exactly the same thing to Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas. Here's what he noticed at the time.




SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): here is what we do know. This virus did not originate in the Wuhan animal market. Just a few miles away from that food market is China's only biosafety level four super laboratory that researches human infectious diseases.


Now, we don't have evidence that this disease originated there. But because of China's duplicity and dishonesty from the beginning, we need to at least ask the question.


CARLSON: Yes, so he was immediately attacked as a kook, actually, since we've learned he was probably right, the U.S. government has confirmed there is evidence showing the virus did come from a Chinese infectious disease lab, not the wet market down the street.


But here's how the media treated Tom Cotton's assertion, his question really, at the time.




JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC HOST: Tom Cotton, a couple of days ago, spouting a conspiracy theory that the Chinese made this virus. I am trying to spool up some of -- whoever was wearing 10 tinfoil hats in your audience.


DON CALLOWAY, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Let's apply Occam's Razor and call crazy, crazy. This is crazy. This is an insane thing to do. It's just wildly irresponsible, and totally unnecessary. I don't know what Tom Cotton gets out of this.


FAREED ZAKARIA, CNN HOST: In the 1980s, I remember when the far left trafficked rumors about HIV having been invented in C.I.A. labs. The far right has now found its own virus conspiracy theory.




CARLSON: "The far right found its virus conspiracy theories." They are saying the same thing now. By the way, they're not even attempting to address the substance of the questions, they allied right over it.


It's a real question. This is a legitimate story and the answer matters for scientific reasons, not just for political reasons.


Alex Berenson is a journalist. He used to work in "The New York Times." He has covered COVID as closely as anybody, more than almost anybody, anyone, we will just say it. Alex Berenson, thanks for joining us.


Why does this question matter -- the origin of the coronavirus? Why should we care about that? And what do we know?


ALEX BERENSON, AUTHOR: Well, we should care because what -- look, here's the thing. I don't think there is evidence that this was manmade from the ground up. I don't think anybody has proven that and I know --




BERENSON: You know, when Dr. Li said that to you, you were sort of taken aback.


Tom Cotton's position makes much, much more sense, and it's actually more important, okay? Because there's something called gain of function research, which is essentially an effort to make viruses more dangerous. This is not this is not a conspiracy theory. This happens.


The idea is that there's a ton of viruses out there in the world, there's coronaviruses, influenza. There's other kinds of viruses and we want to know which of those viruses are most likely to cause an epidemic.


And some scientists believe that the best way to do that is to actually make them more dangerous, more likely to leap, you know, between animal species and humans in labs.


The problem with that is that there has been a number of accidents in labs, and there's a risk whenever you do this, that you're going to create a really terrible virus and it's going to leak. Okay. We don't know if that happened with the coronavirus, with SARS-CoV2.


What we do know is that when the original SARS came out, when the original SARS emerged in 2003, in a matter of months, we knew what the animal host was and we knew what the closely related animal virus in that host was.


We are now a year into this and we have no idea what the animal -- we have a theory, but we have no proof that the animal host was a bat. We have no proof where it came from, and we know this virus looks pretty odd.


It's mostly very closely related to a bat virus that we know the Wuhan lab had, and there's a bit of a pangolin virus in there. We don't know how those mixed. They could have mixed naturally. They could have mixed through gain of function research. There's no evidence either way.


The problem is, Tucker, that aside from you, no one else in the media wants to talk about this. We're all pretending that we've proven -- that the Chinese have somehow prove this is natural and we shouldn't talk about it anymore, and given the risks here and given that this research is still going on, it is insane that we are not pushing this.


CARLSON: Your explanation, I mean, what do I know, but it sounds to me like the most plausible one that this was the subject of research, this lab had been singled out by American authorities as kind of reckless in the way it handled viruses.


BERENSON: Reckless.


CARLSON: Dangerous. Exactly. And it escaped and the Chinese were embarrassed to try to hide it, shut it down. It didn't work. Why wouldn't it --


BERENSON: By the way the Chinese are now trying to --


CARLSON: Go ahead.


BERENSON: They are blaming the Italians for this. So the Chinese today decided to try to blame the Italians for this. The reason for that is -- and here's another mystery that no one is talking about -- there is a very serious, there's some very recent serious research that came out of Italy about 10 days ago, an Italian cancer lab, looked at serology, looked at blood samples from 2019, the fall of 2019 and they found a lot of SARS-CoV2 to antibodies in those blood samples all the way back to September 2019.


We don't understand that either, and we don't understand -- it's possible they made a mistake, although the science -- the researchers are very serious and it's not clear how they would have made a mistake.


The Chinese are now using that to blame the Italians and say, oh, there might be evidence that this came out of Italy. Well, okay, that's probably a total smokescreen. But guess what? That's another reason that this needs to be investigated internationally. It doesn't have to be a U.S. scientist that leads it. We need an international investigation here.


CARLSON: Because the research is still -- gain of function research is still going on. So right.


BERENSON: That's right. That's right.


CARLSON: Of course, Alex Berenson, thank you for persisting with the obvious questions. I really appreciate it.


BERENSON: Thanks, Tucker.


CARLSON: No, it's true. It's a compliment, no one does.


Well, if you needed more proof that we're living through a golden age of television, we learned today that a Cuomo will receive an Emmy Award. It's not the buff Cuomo, not the one you're thinking of.


A live report from a nursing home in Brooklyn, straight ahead.






GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): Spaghetti and meatballs every Sunday. I started my tomato sauce before I left. We're going to go back. We're going to sit at the table, have our spaghetti and meatballs on Sunday.




CARLSON: That was New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo leading one of his more edifying press conferences back in April. You have to sit there and listen to him talk about his dinner. Not a narcissist or anything.


Today, we learned the governor is finally being recognized for his talents at press conferences. In fact, he is getting an Emmy Award for his quote, "leadership."


Seth Barron is Associate Editor of "City Journal." He is outside a nursing home in Brooklyn where the residents there are no doubt also grateful that someone is finally recognizing Cuomo's leadership. Seth Barron, what's the scene there outside the nursing home?


SETH BARRON, ASSOCIATE EDITOR, CITY JOURNAL: Well, Tucker, I'm standing outside a nursing home where in the spring, at least 55 people died from COVID. This was largely in part, as your viewers have been told, because Governor Cuomo signed a directive late March forbidding nursing homes and facilities like this from excluding COVID disease patients from admission or from testing them as a basis for admission.


This led to at least 7,000 deaths in nursing homes around the state, which has seen 35,000 deaths total. You know whether or not this is really -- if we want to pile on to Cuomo, you know that that's another question. But he has presented himself as the great hero, the National Savior, the great hero of the COVID epidemic.


He even had found time in the last few months to write and publish a book detailing his heroic works. You know, so there may be a Nobel Prize in the offing.


So traditionally, when people like Cuomo win gold plated statues and fake award ceremonies, like the Emmys, they thank all the people who made it possible, the little people below them who suffered so they could succeed. Do you think Governor Cuomo will thank the 7,000 who died under his leadership?


BARRON: Oh, in the nursing homes? Well, you know, they're kind of like little angels. They're sort of little angels surrounding him, I think. I don't know if they merit thanks. But, you know, they are there. They're there.


CARLSON: Do you think the people in the nursing home behind you are aware of the prize their Governor has just been awarded?


BARRON: I'm not sure. I wish I could go in and interview them about it. But of course, no one is allowed to enter nursing homes. So you know that's an excellent question though.


CARLSON: Seth Barron for us outside a nursing home in New York City. Great to see you tonight, Seth.


BARRON: Thanks, Tucker.


CARLSON: Now if you remember the reality based community, we acknowledge it. It might sound a little crazy that Andrew Cuomo is getting an Emmy. So to banish any doubts from your mind that he deserves it. We've assembled some of his most compelling performances on the small screen this year. Take it away.




CUOMO: FEMA says we are sending 400 ventilators. Really? What am I going to -- what am I going to do with 400 ventilators when I need 30,000? You pick the 26,000 people who are going to die.


It is disrespectful of people not to wear masks. And should there be sanctions? Yes. Yes. Because it is a public health emergency.


And I think they should be a penalty because you could literally -- literally -- kill someone.


So what are you talking about? How -- what are you talking about? You're now going to override. We did it already. That's the law, an orange zone and a red zone. Follow the facts.


QUESTION: But we're still confused.


CUOMO: Well, then you're confused.




CARLSON: Every press conference sounds like he's shaking down a pizza parlor in Bensonhurst for protection money. But he's not. These are policies.


The last one was Andrew Cuomo yelling at a reporter for saying the schools in New York City might close. What? Said Andrew Cuomo. Then, a couple of hours later, the schools actually did close horrifying millions of parents.


If that's not Emmy Award winning dramatic irony, we don't know how to define it.


We still don't know whether Andrew Cuomo's brother at CNN will also receive an Emmy Award. The brothers put on something of a joint performance earlier this year as nursing home deaths piled up in the State of New York.




CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Is it true that this was this swab that the nurse was actually using on you and that it first -- it went into your nose and disappeared so that in scale, this was the actual swab that was being used to fit up that double barrel shotgun that you have mounted on the front of your pretty face?




CARLSON: Man, they start doing prop comedy at CNN. Watch out carrot top.


So if you're confused about what the Emmy Committee sees that you don't see, Eddie Scarry is here to explain.


He is the author of "Privileged Victims: How America's Culture Fascist Hijacked the Country and Elevated its Worst People," which it did. He joins us tonight.


Eddie, great to see you. So the Emmys are decided like everything in this country by a committee. Andrew Cuomo's name comes up. Like what's the conversation like? How does he get this?


EDDIE SCARRY, AUTHOR, "PRIVILEGED VICTIMS": Oh, well, I thought about this when "The New York Times" very first covered his -- like the initial like first three press conferences he held which what they said was, this is like a grandfatherly hug. And I'm not making this up. They said this was like a hug that we were receiving at a time of grief.


Well, it's a hug. And yet you're seeing as we've seen, it has not changed New York, the state that the Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo has overseen has been -- they have seen more deaths than any other state.


So take that as you will. I don't want to put the fault on him. But if we're going to say, which is what the rest of the media has said, CNN, MSNBC, "New York Times," "Washington Post," which is that? Well, we're looking at the upticks in the Trump country. We're looking at the uptick, the surge, Trump Republican governors.


Well, I'm sorry, did you overlook the idea that that we saw a lot of deaths in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and I believe there's one of the Democrat in New Jersey.


CARLSON: New Jersey.


SCARRY: Yes, so we saw all the deaths all there. There was nothing left for the virus to do but rob a bank, I think at this point, so if we're going to overlook all of that, yes, there was a lot of -- there's been a surge in Republican places. But let's talk about that a little bit.


CARLSON: I know, I actually noticed that. But I want to back up just four sentences here. You said that the Emmy committee is awarding this because they believe that Andrew Cuomo's press conferences on COVID were quote, "like a hug."


But COVID precludes hugs. Hugging is something we're not allowed to do if we're going to prevent the transmission of COVID. So I wonder, did they mean this ironically?


SCARRY: No, I don't think they meant that ironically, because we've seen that this whole virus has been the most fascinating, and I would say like, it's fascinating, but also like, complex and also like, really, really, really good thing that the Democrats and Liberals have done, which is that if I get sick, it's my fault. If you get sick, it's my fault.


So that's how they do it, depending on what your ideology is. And, and yet, yes, I think that that's how they're looking at it. They say, oh, Democrat, they're good. They did the virus, fine. Republican or right leaning person. No, that's your fault.


So this is how it goes in it. And it works out just the way they wanted it. It worked out just they wanted it. And it was fascinating. It was a really good plan. And I think in some sense, it works.


CARLSON: All we had to give up was reason and dignity and return to the Middle Ages. So yes, it was a good deal. Eddie Scarry, great to see you. Thanks.


SCARRY: Thank you.


CARLSON: Well, Joe Biden has already promised to forgive student debt. That means you're going to pay it whether you went to college or not. But what about the colleges? They've gotten rich from this debt? Shouldn't they have a hand in fixing it? We will speak to a college professor who says yes they should.




CARLSON: Student debt is crushing an entire generation of Americans preventing them from getting married, having children and becoming fully adult. No one has done anything about it, shamefully.


So now because of that negligence, we're going to get a plan written by lobbyists for the people who caused the problem in the first place, they won't fix the problem.


Joe Biden has already backed a plan to use taxpayer money to pay off the first 10 grand in student debt. Now, the left to his party is pushing him to go much farther than that. What they're not trying to do, and this tells you everything, they are not trying to get universities, the beneficiaries of this scam to pay back any of the loan money they have taken for their worthless degrees.


Why aren't they pushing for that? Nicholas Giordano is a Political Science Professor and host of the "PAS Report" podcast. We're happy to have him on tonight. Professor, thanks for coming on.


So you're in the middle of it, you work at a university.




CARLSON: The obvious question is, universities take this money, it's backed by taxpayers, it's all upside for them, why shouldn't they have some skin in this game as we try and fix it?


GIORDANO: Well, they certainly should, because it's about accountability, and as you rightly pointed out that if this goes through, it's nothing more than a bailout for the universities and the politicians that created this problem.


When the government came in and took over the student loan industry and guaranteed student loans, universities jacked up tuition at a faster rate than inflation, wage growth and every other sector they exist.


They've also encouraged students to take out more money than necessary to buy textbooks, to have living expenses, and then you have a bunch of degree programs that aren't really for jobs. Their degree programs that may be interesting, maybe students like them, but they're not going to help you get a job, and there is nothing worse than going into debt and then not being able to find the job and having to work as a customer service representative at a department store.


And listen, I get it, because I'm still paying off my student loans. I had to pay for college myself, and I'm still paying them off, and it is time that we hold universities accountable.


First of all, for every parent and student out there, you should send your kid to Community College for the first two years because you'll save yourself tens of thousands of dollars and I'm not just saying that because I teach at a community college.


But the universities themselves -- how about we pool their endowments that they have, the billions of dollars in endowments, and since they made a promise to students that the student will get a career and they're going to be successful if they go to this college, well then maybe they should have stake in the game, and maybe they should be paying part of those student loans.


If we base the actual student loan on whether or not a child is successful, once they graduate college, I could guarantee you that the universities will be far more responsible, in what degrees they're offering, what courses they're offering, and how they're mentoring students to be able to go into a workforce and actually produce within society.


CARLSON: We should seize the endowments. As long as we're having a revolution and screwing taxpayers yet again, for the cost of pointless degrees, why do we have endowments? I mean, Harvard's endowment is bigger than GDP, I think of any country in Africa other than South Africa. Like why is that off the table?


GIORDANO: And it shouldn't be off the table. But once again, these academic institutions protect the politicians and the politicians protect the academic institutions. And if you look, it's always a revolving door within the administration.


CARLSON: That is so true. That is -- Professor, thank you for coming on tonight with a firsthand account of it.


GIORDANO: Thank you for having me.


CARLSON: We have an update on a story we brought to you last night on the school that forced the students to take off his MAGA hat. That's next.




CARLSON: An incredibly prestigious school in Southern California, an institution that has produced many exemplary graduates has now shifted its focus apparently to policing baseball hats.


Rick Leventhal has that story for us tonight.


RICK LEVENTHAL, FOX NEWS SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: And Tucker, the irony of your Alma Mater knocking a kid for wearing MAGA hat to school is almost too rich to believe, but it's true. And now we have amazing video of the principal explaining his decision.


For those who missed it, the head of the prestigious La Jolla Country Day sent an e-mail to parents about a student wearing a MAGA hat on campus, even though hats are allowed and so his political attire.


Dr. Gary Krahn told the parents that the hat was offensive, and that the kid took it off and even the mom was embarrassed by her son's actions, and now, he has released this video.




DR. GARY KRAHN, HEAD OF SCHOOL, LA JOLLA COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL: It was not a political decision to reach out to him and talk about that hat. It was a decision about dignity, the inherent value that all humans have.


When I approached the student, I shared with him that he had that right to wear the hat. I also shared with them the impact it has on our community. That hat has a symbol of racism and hatred.


We could argue about whether that's true or not, but it's a fact that in our community, there's a belief that that's what that hat represents.




LEVENTHAL: We can argue about whether that's true or not, Tucker. Krahn actually said that they will continue to honor the First Amendment at your Alma Mater.


CARLSON: I wonder, quick, come back. Let's do this segment in five years and see if anybody is paying tuition to go to a school like that. It is so hilarious. They're all going away.


LEVENTHAL: It obviously worked in your case.


CARLSON: Yes, it was a long time ago. Rick Leventhal, great to see you.




CARLSON: That's it for us. Have the best weekend with the ones you love.


Tammy Bruce in for Sean tonight.


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