Tucker: Democrats have abandoned their 'my body, my choice' argument

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," September 2, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Here's an interesting observation/theory: The slogans that yell the loudest are the ones they believe the least. We've been noticing that recently. Volume is inversely proportional to sincerity. Maybe you scream it because you don't really believe it.

Why do we think this? Well, here's why. The very same people who have told us for decades now that it is my body my choice and seemed to mean it when they said it, those same people abandoned their own argument immediately when COVID arrived.

Suddenly, on a dime, they turned and they were demanding that we wear the mask and get the shot, but these were not optional suggestions, they weren't deeply personal decisions to be made according to the dictates of individual conscience after consulting with family physicians and clergy, they weren't between you, your doctor, and God. No, not at all. These were mandates.

Al of a sudden, Democrats were arguing that actually, politicians do get to decide what you do with your body. It's their choice not yours. Inject these powerful drugs whether you want to or not because we own you.

Now, whatever else that is, that is not a pro-choice position to put it mildly. So, as we watch this happen, we wondered, what are these people going to say the next time so-called abortion rights get challenged in court? And now we know the answer, because last night, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on a new abortion law in the State of Texas. That decision came down by the way five to four, that's the exact split the decided Roe v. Wade almost 50 years ago. So, it's good enough to have meaning.

This time, the court upheld a Texas law that effectively bans abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected, typically that's about six weeks into a pregnancy. Now, this new law does not allow the government of Texas to enforce the ban, so no one is going to jail over abortion; instead, the new law let citizens sue clinics that commit illegal abortions.

So no matter how you feel about abortion, it is kind of hard to argue this is an especially radical law. Intentionally stopping a person's heart from beating is the definition of killing. Government has a right to regulate that. In fact, deciding when it's okay to kill a person is on the most basic level the whole reason to have laws in the first place.

So whether it's right or wrong or whether you like it or not, it's not a crazy statute. It did, however, drive the media crazy. Here is CBS quote "news" last night.


NORAH O'DONNELL, CBS NEWS ANCHOR: It is nearly impossible to get an abortion in Texas. The most restrictive abortion law in the country went into effect after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to act on a request to block it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): Abortion providers say Texas has essentially outlawed 85 percent of abortion procedures, which will force many clinics to close.

Amy Hagstrom Miller runs four clinics providing abortion services and is one of the plaintiffs asking the Supreme Court to intervene.

AMY HAGSTROM MILLER, FOUNDER, WHOLE WOMAN'S HEALTH: It is heartbreaking to deny them the care that our staff are fully trained and ready to provide. So really most people are going to be forced to carry a pregnancy against their will.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): The law signed by Republican Governor Greg Abbott bans abortion once a so-called fetal heartbeat is detected, usually around six weeks.


CARLSON: How is an abortion service different from abortion? Why not just call it what it is. But here's the best line from CBS, "a so-called fetal heartbeat." Imagine saying something like that out loud.

Once they've decided you should die, they won't even admit you have a heartbeat. Do the very worst people in this country go into journalism or does it just seem that way?

Anyway, you'll notice that CBS does not make a case for abortion. No. They didn't tell you why it's so important to stop fetal hearts from beating. They just asserted that it is.

What they didn't do is say a single word of how this violates your physical autonomy, about how it's your body your choice. They can't say that now. They are for mandating vaccines and masks.

So in that way over at CBS, they are still a little bit smarter than the protesters you're seeing on your screen right now. These are the people who gathered outside the Texas State Capitol in Austin today. You'll notice that many of them are holding signs affirming their physical autonomy. You can't tell them what to do with their bodies. Politicians, hands off my body.

But wait a second, at the very same moment they're declaring their physical autonomy, they are wearing their little obedience masks and you can bet money all of them are vaccinated. Why? Because they were told to get the shot, so of course they obeyed.

They don't see the irony here. On the other hand, how could they see it?

So few sane people are left with big platforms in this country that you almost never hear a sensible logical rational argument about anything.

Just hours ago, for example, the ACLU, the American Civil Liberties Union released this statement and we're quoting, "Far from compromising them, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties." You have more civil liberties when they control your body. You can just imagine the 1860s version, far from compromising civil liberties, slavery actually enhances personal freedom.

It's not even Orwellian at this point, it's post-Orwell. This is uncharted.

Things are changing so fast that a lot of people on the left are having trouble keeping up with the shifting justifications for the policies they want. Poor Jen Psaki. Never a genius to begin with, unintentionally blew herself up today at the White House press briefing. Watch this.


QUESTION: Why does the President support abortion when his own Catholic faith teaches abortion is morally wrong?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Well, he believes that it's a woman's right, it's a woman's body, and it's her choice.

QUESTION: Why does the President -- who does he believe then should look out for the unborn child?

PSAKI: He believes that it's up to a woman to make those decisions and up to a woman to make those decisions with her doctor. I know you've never faced those choices nor have you ever been pregnant, but for women out there who have faced those choices, this is an incredibly difficult thing.


CARLSON: Oh, getting the sophomore year Gender Studies lecture from Jen Saki. Here at Wesleyan, Mr. Man, men don't get to talk about abortion. Have you ever been pregnant before? I don't think so. You can't get pregnant because you're a man. So, abortion is a women's issue. Shut up.

They've been saying that for so long they forgot to update the talking points. You think Jen Psaki when she does this for a living, she should know that men get pregnant now. The science people tell us that every day. Men get pregnant. It's on the cover of magazines. I think it's on the cover of "People" Magazine right now, a dude who is pregnant.

Now, what does that mean? It means that abortion is now a men's issue. Men are child bearers, so men, dudes, have an equal right to choose to terminate their pregnancies and they have a right to weigh in on the policy itself. It's not a women's issue anymore, Jen Psaki.

She may get an outrage call from Congresswoman Cori Bush of St. Louis who was on this early. Watch.


REP. CORI BUSH (D-MO): I sit before you today as a single mom, as a nurse, as an activist, and as a congresswoman and I am committed to doing the absolute most to protect black mothers, to protect black babies, to protect black birthing people.


CARLSON: See, Cori Bush is on this. Maybe she should be White House Press Secretary. She knows it's not a woman's choice, it's a birthing people choice.

So how is it an attack on women to ban abortion in Texas? That's a tough one. They are not really sure. So in MSNBC, they're not even trying to explain, they just want you to know that if you're for this law in Texas, you're the Taliban.


FRANK SCHAEFFER, AUTHOR: And we have a situation in Texas right now tonight where the American Taliban -- because that's what it is. This is not an American evangelical right-wing movement, there is an American Taliban is weirdly similar in so many ways to the Middle Eastern Islamist terrorists.


CARLSON: You just feel so sorry for these people. America is again changing so fast that like people over 16 who are on TikTok half the day just can't keep up. There was a time like two weeks ago when the Taliban were bad, before they were a critical member of the international community who are talking daily with the Secretary of State the National Security adviser and waiting for their American aid.

The American Taliban? No that's different. Unfortunately, unlike the Pashtun Taliban, no one in Texas is getting tens of billions in free weapons from Joe Biden. The National Rifle Association is getting Blackhawks or 360,000 AR-15s, so it's a little different actually to be the American Taliban, but the Taliban is still bad? No, they're good. We need to update our talking points.

But still, this MSNBC anchor, the most fiery in their lineup wants you to know that if you tell people what to do with their bodies, you're a bad person unless you're Tony Fauci, in which case you're America's doctor and a hero.

The whole thing she said reminds her of that book she once read, maybe the only book she's read. Listen.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: By next summer, we could be living in our own version of the Handmaid's Tale where forced birth is the law in large sections of the country.

You know and Senator Warren, you know people think it's hyperbolic when I tweet about the Handmaid's Tale coming to America, but I don't think it seems hyperbolic now. Does it to you?



CARLSON: It's like -- it's like the greatest question ever asked, Elizabeth Warren, does this seem hyperbolic to you? Is there anything you can say to Elizabeth Warren where she might reply, "Well, that seems hyperbolic." You're going too far there. Slow down a little bit. Reign in your rhetoric.

But when MSNBC trots out Elizabeth Warren, it doesn't matter what she says. The point is, she is there. This is a serious moment.

CNN had to top it and they did. They went farther even than MSNBC.

To assess yesterday's court decision on abortion, CNN found a man with personal experience. That would be Jeffrey Toobin. Now, Toobin is most famous for masturbating on Zoom. That will define his obit, unfortunately.

There may not be room for a much more relevant fact which is Jeffrey Toobin once impregnated a co-worker's daughter and then pressured her to get an abortion. He knows this topic cold. Now, she refused, but in the process of pushing her to get an abortion unsuccessfully, Jeffrey Toobin learned what a lot of crappy men have learned over the years, which is, this is a great option if you're a married guy who doesn't want to pay for more kids with random women.

So Jeffrey Toobin means it when he tells you it's bad to ban it. Watch.


JEFFREY TOOBIN, CNN CHIEF LEGAL ANALYST: Today is the first day that a state could legally ban abortion.

And Roe v. Wade essentially does not exist at least in the State of Texas and probably more states to come.

Texas has banned abortion in the state and the Supreme Court has done nothing about it. That is immensely significant, mostly for the women of Texas, 29 million people in total live in Texas.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: What does that mean for Roe v. Wade? I said it could effectively end Roe v. Wade. Was that an overstatement?

TOOBIN: I don't think so.

The point of Roe v. Wade is that states cannot ban abortion.


CARLSON: "It's immensely significant for the women," he mansplains. They've been telling you that for a long time when the truth is every person who lives here knows abortion is the best deal for the men who impregnate say the daughters of their coworkers because it allows them to skate without having to deal with the consequences.

Abortion makes actual women the ones who until recently were having all the babies before dudes could get pregnant, it makes them feel pretty bad about it. If you ask women, how do you feel about the abortion again? Not many feel that great about it, at all.

People like Jeffrey Toobin feel fine, so it's his prerogative he is defending, but whatever. There he is lecturing us about Roe v. Wade, the sacred five to four ruling that invented the right to abortion. Out of nothing.

Now, here you have a duly elected state legislature right now in 2021 contradicting the five unelected judges who concocted the right to abortion back in 1973 and Jeffrey Toobin is suggesting that's an attack on democracy. When elected people contravene the judgment of unelected people who died decades ago, that's what they're telling you. These people can't even hear themselves.

But millions of normal Americans do recognize this moment for what it is. It's proof that democracy does still exist, voters can decide what they want for their communities, their states, their towns and that courts will at least potentially respect that right. It's called self-government.

The legislature in Texas has realized this for months now. They've passed laws banning vaccine passports, homeless encampments, racist struggle sessions in schools, laws that block protests that prevent emergency vehicles from riding down the road et cetera et cetera. Laws specific to Texas that the people of Texas want and a lot of those laws are still on the books.

So, that's not a bad thing. How is that a bad thing? Why should Texas have to be exactly like California? The problem is, if that kind of thinking goes national, it gravely disempowers the people at CNN and the so-called civil rights organizations that think they are in control of everything.

On the other hand, it might actually save Civil Rights for the rest of us and that might be a good thing.

Dana Loesch is a nationally syndicated radio show host who we think lives in Texas, she joins us tonight. Thanks so much for coming on.


CARLSON: The response to this, you've got to kind of wonder, now that we've decided it's not your body and you don't get to choose what you do with it, politicians get to make that choice. What is the argument against this Texas law? A sincere question.

LOESCH: That's a great question. All I've heard is that I'm the American Taliban and what I want to know is if I'm the American Taliban, we know that that's not true because I don't have a Blackhawk, Tucker and I think that I need that first in order to have that classification.

CARLSON: Totally.

LOESCH: It doesn't count. No, I mean, six weeks, up to the heartbeat and I love how all of the people who for so long have said that abortion is a sacred healthcare treatment because you know healthcare treatment, I don't know what that phrase to describe abortion means either, but it's a sacred healthcare treatment between a woman and her doctor.

However, Tucker, as you know vaccines should be mandated to everybody by the government and the government is going to stand in between you and your doctor.

Everyone who has been screaming, "my body my choice" all of these years who has been speaking out for in favor of government mandated vaccines can all have a million seats right now because this has all been a giant grift. These people don't care.

They don't -- it's a great day for babies in Texas, I'll just put it like that. This is a great day for babies in Texas and I don't understand what all of these birthing persons are complaining about in Austin because remember, gender is like a social construct, right, so they opened the door wide to this, Tucker. As you said birthing persons.

CARLSON: They can't think clearly because they gave up all of their arguments. It's a woman's choice, your body is autonomous, politicians don't have a right to make healthcare decisions. Across the country, politicians are punishing doctors, physicians, licensed physicians for not taking Medicine that licensed physicians don't want to take. I mean, that's happening everywhere.

So like maybe the only justification for abortion now is abortion itself, maybe they just like abortion. Maybe it's that simple.

LOESCH: Well, I mean, at least that's what they are trying to argue. I mean, it is evil. It ends a life. I don't know anything that ends a life that is called healthcare. That's called -- that's death. That's murder. That's killing.

But you know, to your point, you played, Tucker, a little bit earlier this audio from -- while you were talking about Jen Psaki, when she was giving the White House press conference and she was lecturing this male reporter. Is that like the official White House policy now, too? Is that only people that have had children can ask questions about this policy?

But it also gets to the bigger point. Women and this third wave feminist stuff and this whole birthing persons and changing pronouns and all of that, they've done themselves a major disservice.

But yes, Tucker, by the way if you ever decide to get pregnant, I will throw your baby shower, okay. Your baby shower is on me in Texas. You know, you can be a birthing person to be.

CARLSON: I'll do that as soon as you explain how exactly that works. I still don't know and we cover this every day.

Dana, it is great to see you tonight. Thank you for coming on. Appreciate it.

LOESCH: Good to see you. Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well, the Biden administration is currently allowing hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals to enter this country illegally from all over the world. We have no idea who most of these people are. It's possible we never will know.

Illegal migrants routinely steal Social Security numbers to qualify for jobs and no one in authority does a thing about this. When was the last time you heard the Fed arrested a bunch of illegals for fake documents in a workplace? Right, you don't hear it doesn't happen. It happens about as often as they check your ID at the polls in New York, which is to say just about never.

So with that in mind, it was interesting to see this week's big announcement from the District Attorney of New York City, Cyrus Vance.

Vance has just charged 13 Americans with felonies for buying fake vaccination cards, several of the suspects according to prosecutors were healthcare workers who've been told by the state they'll be fired unless they get the shot.

So politicians telling doctors and nurses what medicine to take, that's exactly what they told us they were against for decades. Again, these are healthcare workers. They know the science of COVID far better than politicians, governors, and prosecutors.

So in good conscience, they've risked their careers to preserve their right to bodily autonomy and now they're in jail for that. Now, these arrests will be used to justify digital health passports for the entire American population. That is true. Save this tape.

In fact, Cyrus Vance has already enlisted Big Tech to help root out the disobedient in New York, quote: "We need companies like Facebook to take action to prevent the fraud happening on their platform," Vance said, "Making, selling, and purchasing forged vaccination cards are serious crimes with serious public safety consequences," end quote. Except that's a lie.

Buying a fake vaccination card is not a quote, "serious crime." It's not even close to a serious crime. Buying a fake vaccination card is an act of desperation by decent law-abiding Americans who have been forced into a corner by tyrants. You know what's a serious crime? Forcing Americans to take drugs they don't need or want. That's a very serious crime, and let's hope in the end, someone is punished for it, severely.

So, it turns out if you vote for the wrong people, you no longer get healthcare. You're no longer eligible for a COVID test. Candace Owens just found that out the hard way. She joins us next to explain what happened.


CARLSON: So over the last year, you have seen people -- a lot of people -- singled out and punished and denied services because of their political beliefs, but what if you were denied medical treatment based on who you voted for?

Well, a couple of days ago, Candace Owens tried to get a COVID test. She got this letter from the owner of the testing site. A woman who called herself Suzanna Lee, quote: "I'm going to refuse this booking and deny service. We cannot support anyone who has proactively worked to make this pandemic worse by spreading misinformation, politicizing, and discouraging the wearing of masks and actively dissuading people from receiving life- saving vaccinations." Politicizing it, really?

Candace Owens is the host of "Candace," and we're very happy to have her on tonight. Candace Owens, thanks so much for coming on.

First, I'm sorry this happened to you. It doesn't sound like America. Second, it's kind of ominous. Are we leaving anything out? Is this as clear-cut as it sounds?

CANDACE OWENS, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: It's as clear-cut as it sounds you all. I'll first and foremost say, I'd like to not have to get COVID tested, but as you brought up in your previous segment, this is one of the only ways you can maintain your bodily autonomy right now and they're saying that, if you do not get the vaccination then you're going to have to get a COVID test to move.

If you want to go to an event, you need a negative COVID test. If you want to leave the country, if you want to fly. So I perpetually have to get COVID-19 tests to prove that I'm negative. It's been two years of me traveling non-stop. I've been to three countries, in 23 states, and I don't have COVID-19, but I still have to test for it.

So, this is the first time that I booked a test and somebody wrote back and said I'm refusing to give you this test, and it makes you -- it begs the question, if this is a real deadly virus, right, if the unvaccinated are the people that are behind this pandemic, people like me. It's a pandemic of the unvaccinated is now what they're starting to say. That's the new rhetoric that they're saying, and you really believe this, why would you prevent somebody from complying with local COVID measures and trying to get a test and do the right thing? That doesn't make sense. That defies the science that you claim is so true.

CARLSON: If I show up from a foreign country, I'm not a citizen, I'm in the United States illegally and I arrive at an emergency room, it is a Federal law that I cannot be denied medical care. Period.

How is it legal for some clinic in Colorado, I think, to say we're not going to give you medical care because we don't like your politics? Is that legal?

OWENS: I don't know that it is legal. You know we've heard a lot of people contacting us saying it's absolutely not legal. They're also saying that it's likely that she took either state or Federal funding to maintain her business, which by the way, I mean she minted the business at the end of last year so I love the part in her e-mail where she is speaking like she has given so much sacrifice to this pandemic.

She has been around for nine months and she is treating herself like she is a soldier coming back from Afghanistan, you know. And this kind of hits at the point that these people and I'm being so serious.

This is not about health anymore, this is about politics.

These people are sadistic, they are sadists. They like fear, they like to manipulate you. They like control. They don't care about public health. This is a public health crisis. She would say, you know what, I hate Candace Owens, but of course, she is in my town, I'm going to give her a test to make sure she doesn't infect anybody else.

CARLSON: Well, exactly. Thank you. You just got to the irony -- the heart of it -- this is someone who is lecturing you because she says she cares more about COVID than you do, so she's not going to test you to see if you have it. It sounds like you care more than she does.

OWENS: Yes, absolutely and again I may disagree with her, I do not want to get the vaccination, I don't feel that I am personally, at my age and in my demographic in any trouble right now if I got COVID-19, I hope I don't get it, God forbid, you know.

But that's not an excuse for me to you know, to not pay attention to the rules and the policies and the procedures. I'm following the law. I'm being a good citizen.

What she is doing is something entirely different. She is being a radical. She is being a leftist and she is in fact an activist, not a healthcare worker.

CARLSON: Yes. You can't get a COVID test, you can't have a credit card. I mean, this is getting really, really dark and I just hope Republican Members of Congress who still have some power would stand up for their voters.

Candace Owens, I appreciate your coming on tonight.

OWENS: And I agree.


OWENS: Thank you.

CARLSON: Thank you. Well, what's left of Hurricane Ida just slammed the northeast. Some of the videos, pretty over the top. You will never believe what America's meteorologist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says is responsible for this storm. We're going to take a break. We're going to give you some time to guess. We'll be right back.


CARLSON: The remnants of Hurricane Ida moving north in the country slammed into the northeast last night. FOX's Matt Finn has some amazing footage from what the storm did -- Matt.

MATT FINN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Tucker, some stunning weather videos from tornadoes and historic rainfall. First video of what appears to be a tornado near the turnpike in Burlington, New Jersey.

Also in the Garden State, a flooding house as a consistent steady stream of water pours from two windows into this New Jersey basement. And inside the baggage room at Newark Liberty International Airport, more flooding and water bursting and bubbling from drains.

In New York City, a gushing wall of water at this 7th Avenue subway stop flooding the tracks below, a historic high 3.15 inches of rain fell in one hour last night in New York City shattering a record made just weeks ago.

And more shocking video shows streets that look like rivers, dozens of cars flooded, some floating on Knickerbocker Avenue in Brooklyn, east of Lower Manhattan.

And in Bridgeport, Pennsylvania this aerial video shows flooding that engulfed an entire neighborhood with water rescues on the upper floors of row homes. Tonight, Tucker, at least 45 deaths now being blamed on Hurricane Ida and its remnants -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Amazing. Matt Finn, thank you for that.

FINN: Sure. At least 45 deaths. Now why did those people die? Well, Democrats in Congress know why they died. It turns out that their trillion dollar infrastructure bill, which could have prevented the storms and all storms and all human unhappiness by the way hasn't yet passed.


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): Global warming is upon us and it's going to get worse and worse and worse unless we do something about it and that's why it's so imperative to pass the two bills, the infrastructure bill and the budget reconciliation bill.


CARLSON: I am the Senate Majority Leader and I will say literally anything, that is the message.

Meanwhile, Sandy Cortez who has a PhD -- dissertation not yet complete in saying absolutely anything tweeted that a Green New Deal, her Green New Deal would have prevented this storm and all storms and death itself. Over at CNN, the chief eunuch agreed.


BRIAN STELTER, CNN CHIEF MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: You've got an environment here where there's six inches of rain that have fallen in my home in northern New Jersey and it is an environment that is simply not able to keep up with that kind of moisture.

You know, you're going to hear a lot about climate change in the hours to come and we should because this is a climate change story.


CARLSON: When did that kid become a weather man? Bring him back. Take his canoe away.

What does the science actually say about any of this?

Michael Shellenberger is the author of "Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All," and we're happy to have him join us tonight.

Mr. Shellenberger, thanks so much.


CARLSON: So do you believe that this storm happened because Republicans have not yet voted for the infrastructure bill?

SHELLENBERGER: Yes, I mean we've seen some pretty outrageous statements over the last 24 hours. I mean, look what people have to understand is that floods are not just because of rain, it is also because we haven't done enough flood management. So we have had agreement. There is bipartisan agreement that we need to improve the infrastructure in New York to manage heavy rains.

We did that in New Orleans actually after Hurricane Katrina. We did have power outages after Hurricane Ida hit, but the levees that they constructed after Hurricane Katrina held. The Army Corps of Engineers did a good job. We should have had a warning after Hurricane Sandy in New York. They did not do what they needed to do to prepare for this heavy rain. That's the cause of the flooding.

We are going to see some more precipitation, some more rain in some parts of the world because of increasing temperatures, but you can't blame floods on climate change when we know the central factor is flood management. It's the same thing with forest fires that we've talked about. It's all about forest management to prevent those high intensity fires. It's not about modestly higher temperatures.

CARLSON: Has there ever been a time in history where a political party used the weather to indict the moral character of the other political party. That seems a little bit like witchcraft. I'm just throwing that out there.

SHELLENBERGER: It's definitely been -- it's definitely been a trend throughout human history to blame your political enemies for various weather events and I think that is a pretty apt comparison right now.

The irony is that democrats are pushing for a huge investment in making our electricity even more dependent on the weather, so while the Democrats are talking a lot about extreme weather events, they are pushing for greater dependence on weather dependent energy sources like solar panels manufactured in China, wind turbines which depend on the wind.

Those things we have seen make grids more vulnerable in California, in Texas, because when you invest and put big money into those technologies, they just sit on top of the infrastructure that we have. They don't provide any additional resilience and we end up under investing in the kind of weatherization that we need in order to survive these extreme weather events.

CARLSON: Well, yes. I mean, if you really wanted to destroy your civilization, you'd put low IQ political extremists in charge of your power grid. Let's hope we don't do that. That's my hope anyway.

Michael Shellenberger, I appreciate you coming on. Thank you.

SHELLENBERGER: Thanks for having me.

CARLSON: Now you might remember that not very well covered incident at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles not too long ago when an actual woman objected to the presence of a biological man in the female section of the spa wagging his junk around, but he's a woman.

Well, there's just been a major development in that case. We'll tell you what it is straight ahead.

We are planning by the way to bring you a brand new website this fall, a new tuckercarlson.com. Before we do, you can order a signed copy of the new book "The Long Slide." I hope you will.


CARLSON: So you might remember this story, several women confronted the staff at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles back in June. Now, there was one woman using the spa that day that hadn't been told that in America you're required to lie about everything.

This woman thought you could just kind of report what you see, you could tell obvious truths, so she reported there was a dude, a biological man, clearly biologically male, wander around the women's section of the spa with his junk hanging out and the spa wouldn't do anything about it. Here was the exchange.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's okay for a man to go into the women's section, show his penis around other women, young little girls, underage, your spa, Wi Spa, condone that. Is that what you're saying? Like I asked, so he can stay there.

He can stay there?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sexual orientation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What sexual orientation? I see a [bleep]. It lets me know he is a man. He is a man. He is a man. He is not no female. He is not a female, sweetie. Okay, girls down there, other women who are highly offended for what they just saw, and you did nothing. Absolutely nothing.

In fact, you sided with him.


CARLSON: Now, we don't know the identity of the woman whose voice you heard. We very much like to hire her, there being a shortage in America right now of people who say obvious things and then stick with it.

Over at "Slate," their entirely non-binary staff was deeply offended by this. They called the video you just saw a quote, "transphobic hoax," but journalist Andy Ngo, who tells the truth under all circumstances is reporting that, quote: "Four women and a minor girl all came forward to allege that a man called Darren Agee Merager was partially erect (sorry to repeat this) in the women's section of the Wi Spa."

So it turns out, Monday, excuse me, charges of indecent exposure were discreetly filed against this guy. He is also facing felony charges for indecent exposure in a separate incident. So this was not his first time, you will not be surprised to learn.

Andy Ngo broke this story. He joins us tonight. Andy, thanks so much for coming on.

So, it turns out it wasn't a transphobic hoax. It was totally real. Correct?

ANDY NGO, JOURNALIST: That's right. From the beginning, the establishment press was echoing the messages from the radical trans-activists, which was trying to discredit the woman who recorded that video and to cast doubt on the entire narrative. As you just said, "Slate" in other publications that it was a hoax or a likely hoax, and as a gay man, LGBT stories interest me, but as a journalist, the truth matters the most.

And the truth here is that, four women and a minor girl, all people of color came forward to authorities despite the pressure that they were facing from the public to come forward as victims and the LAPD were completely silent for two months throughout this investigation, which seemed like they were trying to make the story go away or it was giving some legitimacy that there wasn't merit to the original claims.

But I kept digging and I saw that on Monday of this week, there were some discrete charges filed against the suspect and looking into this individual's history, you see that there are prior sex crime convictions. This is a registered sex offender in the State of California.

I interviewed this person, Merager denies any wrongdoing and says he is actually -- excuse me -- she is the victim of a transphobic sexual harassment. So I think what's disappointing about how this all played out is that the people who previously say believe all women, when women and girls were speaking out, they were silenced.

CARLSON: Yes, the Black Lives Matter people when an actual black lady says something obvious tell her to shut up, right.

NGO: That's right.

CARLSON: Man, it's just -- it unfolds according to script every single time. I appreciate your adding real facts to this and your reporting in general. Andy Ngo, thank you.

So just 12 days from right now, the voters of California can free themselves from perhaps the most inept, criminally inept Governor in the history of that state. Larry Elder is his prime challenger. He has picked up a major endorsement from a Democrat. We will talk to her next.


CARLSON: The California recall election is just 12 days from today, and to be clear, the opposition to Gavin Newsom as governor is bipartisan. Now, the leading candidate to replace Newsom is Larry Elder and he has just picked up a major endorsement from Gloria Romero.

Gloria Romero was the former Democratic Majority Leader of the California State Senate, which is a big deal in the State of California. Gloria Romero joins us tonight. Thanks so much for coming on. I appreciate it.

Kind of amazing to read given --


CARLSON: Oh, absolutely -- your background that you're endorsing Larry Elder, an alternative to the governor, the Democratic governor, why are you doing this?

ROMERO: Oh, really two major reasons. The first one was that I was just tired of the false narrative that was put forward that this is a right-wing conspiracy. There were 1.7 million Californians that signed that recall petition, I was one of them.

So, I wanted to publicly assert that this is widespread -- Democrats, Independents, Green, Republican, across the board. And the second major reason really that I decided to endorse especially Larry Elder was that I was tired of the rules for thee, but not for me attitude of the Prince of the French Laundry who shut down our public schools, but then he sent his kids to school.

And it's one where I looked at Larry's record and believe that he is our best option to really break the monopoly of special interests when it comes to education, and to offer especially Latino and African-American families in California school choice options.

So, those are the two major reasons, but there are many that I could list.

CARLSON: Well, those are great reasons. I mean, California, I can say having grown up there, had the best schools in the country. They were famously good. And now it has among the lowest performing.

I mean, you've been there, I think, your whole life. How upsetting is that to people?

ROMERO: It's very upsetting, and when we take a look at even some polling that's going forward, 54 percent of Latinos are in support of the recall. Overall, especially Latino and African-American families favor school choice.

So, this is one where if we look at the statistics today, we find that about 70 percent of Latino children are not even at proficiency levels when it comes to Math, and that's about 80 percent for African-American kids.

But because of the way in which the schools are run, even when the state identifies the school as chronically underperforming, kids can't get out. Your zip coded there.

And so, you know, in looking at it, the powerful monopoly of the California Teachers Association, which is a major endorser of the Democratic Party, and of course, Gavin, it blocks any type of reform.

CARLSON: And you are telling the truth. I think even people who have no familiarity with California State politics or school system can tell from what you just said that that is absolutely right and the state needs to change. And I think you are very brave for coming forward and doing this.

Thank you for joining us tonight, Gloria Romero, good luck in 12 days.

ROMERO: Thank you.

CARLSON: Thank you. It's a big deal what is happening in California. We're assuming most of you don't live in California, but once again, it's our biggest state. One party has control of virtually every lever of power in this country. Things are moving way too fast and they're moving in the wrong direction.

That's not a partisan point. It's an obvious observation.

If you want to brush them back a little and remind them that democracy still works, that there are limits to what they can do to this country which belongs to us, not them. California would be a good place to start.

That's about it for us tonight. We'll be back every night at 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn and sincere enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.

Have the best night with the ones you love. We will see you soon.

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