
This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on September 17, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: Good evening and welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT. As American forces were pulling out of Afghanistan this summer, Mark Milley the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff announced a new and highly innovative Intelligence partnership. The Pentagon, Milley explained would begin sharing classified information with the Taliban. Yes, the Taliban, the bearded religious extremists in man pajamas that for 20 years, we've been told pose a major threat to us in the United States. But no longer, they are our partners now. 

The Biden administration really explained was even open to coordinating with the Taliban on counterterrorism strikes against our new enemy, a shadowy group that may or may not actually exist called ISIS-K. 


GEN. MARK MILLEY, CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF: We don't know what the future of the Taliban is, but I can tell you from personal experience that this is a ruthless group from the past and whether or not they change remains to be seen. 

And as far as our dealings with them at that airfield or in the past year or so in war, you do what you must in order to reduce risk to mission and force, not what you necessarily want to do. 

QUESTION: Any possibility of coordination against ISIS-K with them, do you think? 

MILLEY: It's possible. 


CARLSON: Because when you're fighting ISIS-K, no holds are barred. 

So the first of Milley's coordinated attacks against ISIS-K arrived three weeks ago. It was August 29th. That was just days after 13 American servicemen were killed in a bombing at the Kabul Airport, a date you remember well. 

At the time, even Democrats were pointing out the obvious, Joe Biden is senile and totally incompetent. So, the administration at that moment desperately needed something to prove they are not senile and incompetent, they are instead decisive and strong. And what better way to do that than to kill people. 

So that day, the U.S. military bombed a white Toyota in a residential complex not far from the Kabul Airport. The White House touted that strike as a demonstration of our over the horizon military capabilities in Afghanistan particularly against ISIS-K. 

Now, Mark Milley who is pretty young to be senile, but often seems like it strongly agreed this was a good thing. 


MILLEY: At this point, we think that the procedures were correctly followed and it was a righteous strike. 


CARLSON: Did we say good thing? We meant righteous. That was a righteous strike, and everyone in Washington agreed. One unnamed U.S. Defense official described the attack to our Jennifer Griffin this way quote: 

"Multiple suicide bombers inside the vehicle struck by U.S. drone today in Kabul. Significant explosives in the vehicle led to secondary explosions. 

Bombers belonged to ISIS-K and they were en route to Kabul Airport." End quote. 

So it was perfect. All the bad people were dead. All those ISIS-K operatives and virtually every news organization in the country parroted this account. They were grateful to give poor old Joe Biden credit for something. 

"The Washington Post" assigned five reporters to the story and they dug deep, they concluded -- they concluded that Biden's drone attack had hit quote, "An Islamic state target." 

On television where there's mostly no reporting at all, they just read the paper and repeat it, not a single person seemed very skeptical of this. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our ability to demonstrate effectively that we can strike such targets once the Intelligence cues them up, we can strike them from outside Afghan borders, which is a critical element of the Biden plan once we withdraw. 

So this over the horizon capability was demonstrated. I thought it was effective. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You called this strike remarkable. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a realization of what President Biden calls the over the horizon strategy. 


The military event today is so much more than just a single drone strike. 

It is a projection of power. It is a message from the United States government that even though we're leaving, we're not done with counterterrorism operations. 

Even though we're going to have to do this as they say over the horizon from remote locations and it's going to be far more challenging, we can still do it. 


CARLSON: So keep in mind, every single one of the people you just saw speaking knew nothing -- literally nothing about this drone strike other than what they read on Twitter. They were totally ignorant, and that did not prevent them, as it never does from trying to sound totally authoritative. 

That's our news coverage. 

Soon however, a few people started to ask the obvious questions. For example, who exactly had the U.S. military killed? When asked, the Defense Department wouldn't say. Oh, that might have been a tip. 

DoD also would show no proof of those secondary explosions, the explosions that proved the vehicle was being driven by ISIS-K-suicide bombers. 

Instead, Mark Milley just assured the country those secondary explosions were real, they happened. We know, and the rest of us need to take his word for it. 

That was exactly the line from The Pentagon's top flak, known liar, John Kirby. 


QUESTION: Two quick questions, if I may. On the strike against the vehicle, do you -- the Central Command talked about secondary explosions I think in that, but do you actually have visual evidence that there were secondary explosions? Are you convinced that there were because that seems to be one of the potential contributing factors to civilian casualties? 

So do you -- are you certain there were secondary explosions? 


QUESTION: Can you -- I just have a follow-up on a different part of this. 

Can you say how you're sure? 



CARLSON: Oh, liar. Not the first time, not the 50th time. Are you sure there were secondary explosions? Yes. How do you know for sure? I'm not going to tell you. And he never did. 

Neither John Kirby nor anyone else at The Pentagon ever corrected that story, but "The New York Times" did, to their rare credit. 

More than a week ago, "The New York Times" ran a piece revealing with video evidence that the Biden administration's drones did not actually kill anyone from ISIS-K, whoever they are, assuming they exist. The drone killed a civilian aid worker and a car full of kids. 

There were no bombs in the Toyota, they had bottles of water, which are very different from bombs in that they don't explode, even secondarily. 

Finally this afternoon, the Biden administration was forced to stop lying. 

So here's General Kenneth McKenzie, the head of U.S. Central Command. 


GEN. KENNETH MCKENZIE, JR., COMMANDER, CENTCOM: When we thoroughly review the findings of the investigation and the supporting analysis by interagency partners, I am now convinced that as many as 10 civilians including up to seven children were tragically killed in that strike. 

Moreover, we now assess that it is unlikely that the vehicle and those who died were associated with ISIS-K or were a direct threat to U.S. forces. 


CARLSON: Okay. After consulting with our interagency partners, all of whom get "The New York Times" delivered at home, we are admitting that we lied to you for weeks about what we actually did. It was not ISIS-K. There were no suicide bombers. There were no secondary explosions. It was kids and water bottles. 

In his remarks today, most tellingly, General McKenzie declined to announce any consequences for this, either for the killing of children or for the lying about it for weeks. Now why is that? We think we know. 

Back on September 1st, Mark Milley explained that the drone strike of August 29th wasn't out of the ordinary, in fact, it followed the very same procedures as every other drone strike over the last 20 years in Afghanistan. 


MILLEY: We had very good intelligence that ISIS-K was preparing a specific type vehicle at a specific type location. We monitored that through various means, and all of the engagement criteria were being met. We went through the same level of rigor that we've done for years and we took a strike. 


CARLSON: Oh, we had very good Intelligence. Luckily, the same kind of Intelligence that led us to believe that German educated Saudis would never fly airplanes into the World Trade Centers or The Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania. The Intelligence that told us the Berlin Wall wasn't about to fall, the Intelligence had told us it was fine to give up Bagram Air Base because Kabul was safe. The government would stand that Intelligence. 

So the drone strike of August 29th that killed a car full of children underwent and we're quoting, "The same level of rigor that we have done for years." Well, that's not very reassuring, is it? 

But you will not find a more revealing statement about our Pentagon leaders. It explains why no one has been punished for this disaster. 

If you fire Mark Milley for killing a bunch of kids unintentionally and then lying about it, maybe the accountability chain will start. Maybe they don't want to fire whoever left hundreds of American citizens behind in Afghanistan and lied about that. So you can't start firing people just because they're terrible at their jobs, obviously. So you can't fire anyone. That's the rule. 

Joe Kent was a Green Beret in the Army Special Forces. His wife also served in the military. She was killed in Syria, in an actual ISIS attack. Joe Kent is running to represent the State of Washington in the Congress and we're not ashamed to say we are rooting for him, he joins us tonight. 

Joe Kent, thanks so much for coming on. 

So no one is being punished for this, once again. What does that tell you? 

JOE KENT (R), CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE FOR STATE OF WASHINGTON: No, it tells us pretty much everything we need to know. I think from the onset here, it is evident that the DoD, the military had no plan to withdraw and they've really been throwing a tantrum ever since, that's evident in the way that the withdrawal went, us leaving U.S. citizens behind. 

And then we've had this narrative that the Taliban is one of two things. 

The Taliban can be our new counterterrorism partner, with that will come the ability to transfer more wealth from the military-industrial complex or that the Taliban cannot be trusted as this strike has proven and now we need to go back in. 

This over the horizon capability that Joe Biden talks about that I think there is some validity to, that really is not a boom for the military- industrial complex. So really, when they were looking at the strike criteria for this hit, it was win-win for them. If it went well, then that proved that the Taliban could be trusted we have a new partner. If it went poorly, oh well, too bad. Now we just have to go back in, and that's the course of action The Pentagon is going to continue to brief. 

They really have -- there is no accountability and there is no actual onus on them to perform. And guys like McKenzie continue to talk about this stuff like it's just another day at the office. He did that after the 13 soldiers were killed. He said, oh well, these things happen. And then today, the bad strike that killed innocent women and children and probably radicalized more people, oh well, that's just another thing that happens. 

Zero accountability and it needs to end. 

CARLSON: Well, it's the lying, I think that's the most corrosive. I mean if you're -- if your drone strikes the wrong target and innocents are killed and you admit it, and mourn their deaths and apologize and hold the people who made the mistake accountable, I think everybody understands in this country and around the world. 

But if you lie, if you pretend the vaccines work really well when they don't or whatever, if you pretend there was a secondary explosion when there wasn't, then no one believes you at all. They don't see this? 

KENT: No, they don't. They're too far in their own worlds with their individual desire to continue the war or to pursue whatever course of action they want, either you know finding that new counterterrorism partner or finding a justification to go back in. 

So the lies compound upon lies and they're all concerned from McKenzie to Milley to Austin that if we start having accountability for the way that this botched withdrawal went, then we're going to start looking at when the lies started, and the lies go back decades. In Afghanistan, they go back to the beginning of the war on terror, the Iraq War et cetera. 

So they don't want to start peeling away at that sweater that's going to dissolve very quickly. 

CARLSON: It's such a shame. I suspect you're absolutely right in everything you said. Joe Kent, thank you. 

KENT: Thank you very much. 

CARLSON: So if you care about the country, what you should mourn most of all is the decline of American credibility. Douglas Murray sees that from abroad. He is from Great Britain, but he's a keen observer of the United States. He's a best-selling author, which he is an adviser, he joins us tonight with a reaction to all of this. 

Douglas Murray, thank you very much for coming. What do you make of this? 

DOUGLAS MURRAY, AUTHOR: I think all of this is a reminder of why the politicization of American military and the politicization of the American Intelligence Community has been so devastating for this country. 

You know, speaking for myself, if this had happened 15 to 20 years ago, I might have thought, well people get things wrong. 

CARLSON: Right. 

MURRAY: It's a tragedy, but they get things wrong. 

Now, we're not in that position, because the politicization -- the self- politicization of the American military and the American Intelligence Agencies has meant that they are completely transparent to you, me, all of the American public. 

Their reputation for competency is shot. Their reputation for trustworthiness is shot. Their reputation of just being believable is completely shot. 

General Milley himself, we've seen this with the Afghan Army, he kept on making, not just in July, but for years claims about the Afghan Army that were totally wrong. He said in July that they could stand on their own. 

Totally wrong. 

We discovered just a few days ago that he was conspiring with his Chinese counterpart. He behaved as if America is a military junta where Generals can just speak to other countries and say you don't need to listen to the President, I'm going around the President. 

So when General Milley says something now, we don't believe him like we might have believed the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff even 10 years ago. 

CARLSON: So that really is the cost of all of this, the second you politicize an agency that is supposed to represent the entire country, that's really supposed to be running -- helping to run the world, then you reduce your own power. I mean it's a self-destructive move, isn't it? 

MURRAY: Yes. It is unbelievably self-destructive, and it's not just General Milley. It is general after general. It's agency after agency. 

Just look at another example, just on the top of my head, you look at General Michael Hayden. I met him a couple of times, he is a very respected former head of the C.I.A., very respected former head of the N.S.A. In recent months, in recent weeks, he's on Twitter tweeting out a picture of the Taliban in Afghanistan and tweeting out underneath it a photograph of Trump supporters with Trump flags on their cars. 

It says "Their Taliban, and our Taliban." What are we meant to think when we see former directors of the N.S.A. and C.I.A. saying that supporters of President Trump are exactly analogous with the Taliban in Afghanistan? All of these people have made total fools of themselves in recent years. 

The American public are right to be saying, what have we been paying for? 

What is this expertise we've been expecting? Where's the competency? And then when something like this happens, we don't just think, you know, well bad things happen in war. No, we think, what have been people been paying for all these decades? What have all these American service personnel been paying for with their lives when we have incompetency of this kind at every level at the top? 

The people -- the people it is serving in the American Armed Forces are not incompetent, the people at the top seem to be. Many good people are in the Intelligence Agencies, but the heads of them seem to be rotten. This is a terrible state of affairs and it has to be rectified. It has to be turned around. 

It can't just be covered over any longer. 

CARLSON: Yes. I mean, the scary part is that once they've revealed who they really are, they can't really walk it back. I mean, they've burned their ships at this point, don't you think? 

MURRAY: Well, it may be the case, but America has to demand better from this. You know, all of the agencies -- the C.I.A., N.S.A., military, all these agencies that have had these pristine reputation for years as competent. If they can't do basic things, if they can't hold an airport in Kabul, if they can't carry out a military strike effectively, if they can't stop insulting half of the American public, then they aren't fit for purpose and they need to be replaced. 

And I think everybody from the Biden administration down everybody has to have this on their minds. The American military and Intelligence Agencies used to be respected in this country and they should be respected. They cannot be respected when they're not just incompetent, but untrustworthy. 

CARLSON: That is such a wise point and true. Douglas Murray, thank you. 

Good to see you. 

MURRAY: It's a great pleasure, likewise. 

CARLSON: So the most transparent administration history just tried to shut down our reporting at the southern border. They didn't want you to see what's going on there, the crisis they're creating, so they issued an order preventing our drone from capturing images on the ground in Del Rio, Texas. 

FOX News did not back down and as we promised, we have an update for you on how that story ended. That's straight ahead. 


CARLSON: The 20th anniversary of 9/11 was last weekend. A lot of people remember that day. How many remember the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission? That report came out in 2004. We re-read some of it today. 

It outlined the Intel failures that cost thousands of lives in this country, and that report included this admonition, in case you didn't read it the first time, quote: "It is elemental to border security to know who is coming into the country. Today, more than nine million people are in the United States outside the legal immigration system. We must also be able to monitor and respond to entrances between our points of entry working with Canada and Mexico as much as possible," end quote. 

So that was 20 years ago, 20 years after 9/11. Our border with Mexico is now completely open. In this year, more than a million people will come across, hundreds of thousands every single month. The clearest illustration of the crisis that's happening now is in Del Rio, Texas. 

In Del Rio, thousands of illegal migrants have set up an encampment that is the size of a small town. Watch. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are just on the Texas side of the Rio Grande River at about the point where thousands and thousands of Haitians are crossing over into the City of Del Rio and there are over 10,000 that are just being allowed to pour over the border. The vast majority of them seem to be Haitian, the ones that I've talked to. 

That right there is the International Bridge providing some shelter and cover for these immigrants who are being allowed to just cross over and they're going to probably be living here for weeks as thousands more come. 

I'm going to show you the underside of this bridge, there are just thousands and thousands camped. Border Patrol is totally overwhelmed. They can't possibly process these people. 


CARLSON: So who are these people coming over? The truth is, we don't know. 

We don't know at all. All we know is that the overall majority of them are from Haiti. They flew to Latin America and then walked. Tickets many of them bought on their cell phones. They're not rich, but they're also not destitute, obviously. 

They're not refugees. They don't have valid asylum claims. No one is persecuting them. If that were the case, they would have fled to Mexico or Guatemala or Honduras, but they didn't. Instead, they're coming here. 

Why are they coming here? Because unlike Mexico and Guatemala and Honduras, the Biden administration is promising them amnesty, the right to vote in our elections, as well as free healthcare and welfare benefits and education and all the good things that come with living in this country, all of which you pay for. 

Now, the Biden administration is pretty intent that you not know this, that you just get back to your Netflix and weed and kind of forget that America is changing right out from underneath you. All this is being done in your name, but just shhh. You're not invited to comment on it. 

So during our broadcast last night, we learned that the Federal Aviation Administration, the F.A.A. had issued an order banning drones from operating above the encampment you just saw in Del Rio. Now, why did they do that? One reason. 

For the last seven months, FOX News alone among big media outlets has been operating a drone in that area. In the past few days, those drones were capturing image of the total collapse of the border there at Del Rio, total collapse, and the Biden administration hated that. 

So Pete Buttigieg, who somehow oversees the F.A.A. as Transportation Secretary, grounded our drone. The Biden administration cited security concerns. What were those security concerns? Well there were no security concerns. The F.A.A.'s order didn't explain what the special security reason was. They never explain anything, because it's not real. It's a lie, just like those secondary explosions in the drone strike. 

It was nothing more than a pretext to shut us down. Now, we've reported for months on the show about how the F.A.A. has become politicized and this is just the most recent example of that. Most other media organizations didn't see a problem with any of this, they didn't care that the F.A.A. was shutting down media access at the border because they haven't reported from the border anyway since last year. 

But some people did resist. Alex Jones, who you are required to hate announced that he is suing the F.A.A. over this. He announced that this afternoon. Good for him. FOX News also decided to fight this and we did. 

This afternoon, Pete Buttigieg's F.A.A. was forced to relent and they granted FOX an exemption, our drone is now back in the air. 

What happened over the past 24 hours is an unprecedented attack on press freedom, not that you'll ever read anything about it in "The New York Times" or "The Washington Post," but we think there should be an accounting of it. Who did this and why? 

At least one senator, Roger Marshall of Kansas announced that he is investigating the F.A.A. He wants to know who within the D.H.S. requested this shutdown of the airspace so we couldn't show you what's happening there. 

Marshall also wants to know the extent of the White House's involvement in this and we will be following this carefully because we think it's worth knowing who is trying to invalidate the First Amendment. 

In the meantime, we go to one of the bravest, least intimidated reporters out there, FOX's Bill Melugin who joins us live. 

Bill, good to see you. 


We've got some major breaking news we'd like to report to you. 

The situation at the International Bridge behind us has gotten so bad that C.B.P. has just announced that effective immediately, they are temporarily closing down the Del Rio Port of Entry here and all traffic trying to cross the bridge is now going to have to get rerouted 57 miles away to Eagle Pass, Texas, to the east. 

Why is it happening? The situation is deteriorating. We want to show you. 

Take a look at this video we shot from a Texas DPS helicopter today. Once the F.A.A. grounded our drone, Texas State Troopers brought us up in their helicopter to take a look at the situation. Again, what you're looking at, upwards of 11,000 migrants underneath that bridge after they crossed illegally into the United States from Mexico. 

Border Patrol down there completely overwhelmed. You can see, they've started building tents, some of them started building structures with plants and sticks. It has significantly expanded in the last 24 hours and we got to see exactly where they are coming from. 

Take a look at this second piece of video. We flew over the Rio Grande in Ciudad Acuna, you can see a steady stream of hundreds of those migrants just crossing from Mexico, walking across a dam and then walking illegally into the United States. 

A third piece of video you see, they go on our shore. There's a dirt path right there, they walk right up that path and that leads them right there to the International Bridge where they are all congregating and there are reports that upwards of 10,000 more migrants are on the way as we speak. 

The situation is so bad that the Chief of Border Patrol for all of the U.S. 

actually flew out here to Del Rio this afternoon and is down here right now. 

We'll send it back to you. 

CARLSON: Bill Melugin, for us tonight. Thanks a lot, Bill. 

So the Nicki Minaj story continues tonight. The rapper this week asked questions about the COVID vaccine. That's not allowed. Some of the most powerful people in the country tried to make her shut up. We'll tell you who is behind that effort and why they failed, with our friend Jason Whitlock, that's straight ahead. 

And right now, on tuckercarlson.com, you can get a signed book directly from the site. You can cut out Big Tech. We are not Big Tech, we're little tech. We'll be right back. 


CARLSON: Well, just days from now, the Biden administration was planning to start rolling out its plan to give booster shots of the COVID vaccine to every American. But today, an F.D.A. panel flatly rejected that plan. The vote was not even close. The final vote was 16 to 2. 

Go and pull up the conversation, it is online, and ask yourself, if this has taken place anywhere but the F.D.A., would Twitter have banned it immediately? Yes. 

The panel cited a lack of quote, "safety data" on booster shots. In other words, they are too dangerous to give to everybody. Oh, can't say that out loud, but they did. Their conclusion was that only the elderly and certain high-risk patients should consider the boosters. 

The Biden administration has known for weeks that F.D.A. staff, actual scientists and not politicians, thought booster shots were quote, "premature and unnecessary." By the way, why are we pushing for boosters if the vaccines are so effective? Ooh not allowed to ask that either. 

It turns out, there was nearly a mutiny within the F.D.A., but the Biden administration pressed ahead anyway because they have a political objective, not a scientific one, not a public health objective, a political objective. 

It turns out they are only going to stop pushing their politics, these mandates, if they are forced to stop and today for once, they were forced to stop. 

So raise a glass in celebration of that. 

Well, a couple of days ago, the rapper, Nicki Minaj asked a question about the COVID vaccine and very quickly, media organizations united to silence her. Shut up, Nicki Minaj. 

Twitter reportedly suspended her account and then denied it has, as they always do. None of this is surprising. 

For months, the media have vilified anyone who ask even basic questions about the vaccines or challenges the administration's mandates. On CNN on Wednesday, for example, Don Lemon called for shaming anyone who doesn't take the vaccine. 


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: So, I think we have to stop coddling people when it comes to this and the vaccine saying, oh you can't shame them, you can't call them stupid, you can't call them silly. Yes, they are. 

The people who aided and abetted Trump are stupid because they believed his big lie. The people who are not getting vaccines, who are believing the lies on the internet instead of science, it's time to start shaming them, what else -- or leave them behind, because they are keeping the majority of Americans behind. 


CARLSON: So America is getting medical advice from Don Lemon? Really? It would be interesting to see Don Lemon's medical records. Maybe he'll put them on Twitter. 

What's amusing is that not so long ago, people like Mr. Lemon were very skeptical of the vaccine. Here is that awful woman over at MSNBC explaining why she was telling people not to take the shot just a year ago. 


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: When Donald Trump was out there controlling the C.D.C. and controlling the F.D.A. and manipulating them and making them put out falsehood, anybody rational was hesitant. 

But the reality is now, what we -- what I really fear is masses -- more masses of people dying, 666,000 people have died and disproportionately they look like you and me, Michael, and what scares me is that people are creating a cultural imperative to set themselves up for death. 


CARLSON: Yes, they're really worried about death. A hundred thousand Americans dropped dead from drug ODs in a single year and no one even mentions it. Yes, they care. 

Jason Whitlock is the host of "Fearless." He's just written a piece for "The Blaze" about how the so-called Alphabet Mafia conspires to silence free thinkers including in this case, Nicki Minaj. 

Jason Whitlock joins us to explain his thesis. Jason, thanks a lot for coming on tonight. 

The Alphabet Mafia. 

JASON WHITLOCK, HOST, "FEARLESS WITH JASON WHITLOCK": Yes, that is BLM - Black Lives Matter and the LGBTQ movement, they are in control of public discourse in this country. The Democratic Party has used BLM and the LGBT movement to smear anybody who asks a question about anything the government wants to do. They are either smeared as racist or they're smeared as homophobic. 

We just saw Joy Reid do this to you, Ben Shapiro, Laura Ingraham yesterday just because -- and the way she framed it up was mind-blowing to me. She says that, oh Laura Ingraham and conservatives, they object to the profanity in hip-hop music. They object that Lil Nas X, a guy that came out making music for little kids has now pivoted to making music videos with him going to hell to give lap dances to the devil, anybody that objects to that is somehow seen as a racist, an out-of-control Trump supporter and they're the evil people we have to stop. 

And I'm like, are you kidding me, Joy Reid? What type of person -- rational human being would go on television and defend what Lil Nas X is doing the way he went out and purposely captured young fans and now has pivoted to a music that promotes sexual promiscuity, promotes satanic values and Joy Reid is defending this and calling you and Ben Shapiro and Laura Ingraham the bad people. 

She is absolutely nuts and crazy. She is controlled by the Alphabet Mafia. 

She doesn't have the freedom to say what she actually thinks. We saw it in her blog post in the early 2000. She doesn't believe any of this stuff she is saying now. 

She is doing it to cash a check. 

CARLSON: I think that last insight is the most important one. These people are not free to say what they really think, and that you can feel when you listen to someone talk. You can feel if the person is, you know looking at the guard rails, oh I can't say that. And all of them are that way. 

I mean they're all afraid, that's the vibe that I get when I listen to them. 

WHITLOCK: What Nicki Minaj said was perfectly appropriate. She said to people, you should pray about this. You should feel comfortable about your decision to take the vaccine and not bullied. 

She did not argue against the vaccine, she asked people to be contemplative about it, be assured about the decision they want to make and not feel bullied and yet it was rained down on her like she is calling for death and asking people to be completely irresponsible. 

That's how you know -- when what they've done to the truth is why, Tucker, and I don't even apologize for it, that's why I call them satanic because any time you're this hostile to the truth, it can only be the devil's work. 

CARLSON: I'm an Episcopalian, but I agree with you. I do. Jason Whitlock. I don't know if I would have a year ago, but I'm starting to see your point. 

Great to see you, thank you very much for coming on. 

WHITLOCK: Thank you. 

CARLSON: And just to restate by the way, whether or not you get the vaccine is your decision and your decision alone. Not getting the vaccine does not imperil people who have had the vaccine. If the vaccine works, they face no risk from your not getting vaccinated. That's just logic. Please. 

So actress, Rose McGowan during our conversation told us about efforts by Jeff Bezos and others to cover up the Harvey Weinstein scandal. That's straight ahead. 


CARLSON: For an episode of "Tucker Carlson Today," we had a pretty amazing conversation with actress, Rose McGowan. You should watch it. You probably wouldn't agree with all of it, but you'll be fascinated by most of it. 

She told us that some of the most powerful people in the country, Democratic Party lawyers, the Clintons, Jeff Bezos and others did their best to silence her and protect Harvey Weinstein. That conversation went on for so long, we broke it up into two episodes. Here's a clip from the second part. 


ROSE MCGOWAN, ACTRESS: During the public fight with Weinstein, I was exhausted because what happened is David Boies, Bill Clinton's lawyer, Weinstein's lawyer Uber passed gay marriage in the Supreme Court, Gore v. 

Bush and I'm telling you stuff you know, but others might not. 

One of the good guys, right, big Democrat. 

CARLSON: He is the worst. 

MCGOWAN: He went to Prime Minister Ehud Barak, the former Prime Minister of Israel, who should I hire to stop Rose McGowan? And when I say this goes up to the highest levels of power, it goes up to the highest levels of power. 

Black Cube crawl and Pellicano dude and they terrorized me, really intensively because they knew I was writing a book. The irony I never intended on putting his name in my book. The book is not about him. 

It is using the story of what happened to me to educate people further and get to see like the true lie behind the image of Hollywood and Democrats, the power structure, but I was never going to put his name in my book. 

It's an ugly disgusting name. 

No. I love words. I love words. I love language. 

I don't know about you but when I was writing a book, sometimes it feels like I had like every like the dictionary sitting on my head and I was like because you know -- it's a lot to write a book. 

CARLSON: A lot. 

MCGOWAN: It's hard and boring -- not boring what you're writing, but like you have to sit still. 

CARLSON: Oh yes. 

MCGOWAN: Or by yourself. 

CARLSON: Oh, yes, and you're living inside your head. 

MCGOWAN: Oh no, people think writing is just when you're doing that. No like, and I had never written a book. I'd never really done a homework assignment. My mom, when I was 15, she's like you never finish anything and I was like, oh God, what if that's true. 

You know on set, I have a contract, if I don't show up, I'm getting sued. I have people following me with walkie-talkies. Every minute of my day is managed. 


MCGOWAN: So, I didn't know if I really did complete things or not, but I did, shockingly, but I did it while they were flying drones around my windows every day. This is three years before 2017, the Weinstein news broke. 

I was trailed almost driven off the road, they stole my headlights out of my car. They placed trackers in my car. I thought I was manifesting everything in my life. It turns out, my whole house was bugged. 

I had like that sweat bike -- it would be like I -- so I was exhausted when the news broke and my literary agent, Dupree Miller, Jan Miller, they're big and in fact, Weinstein was doing a movie with Trayvon Martin's family. 

It was very sad actually with Jay-Z who also knows. 

And that got killed because the Weinstein, you know, that movie never came out or got finished because of that, but the literary agency, Dupree Miller, Google them, they're real nice. 

So Jan Miller is like this dragon lady and she was like bragging to me about how close she was with Bill and Hillary and her and David Boies are hanging out that weekend and she is throwing a five thousand dollar plate dinner for them in Dallas, the race in Dallas. 

Now what was happening at that time, any time I was making a public appearance, I knew people were shadowing me. My then boyfriend was like, I can't take it. I'm being followed. My car was broken into, like I can't take it. I'm being driven nuts. And this is three years again before the news was breaking, but they knew I was writing a book. 

He -- so much to the story, it's exhausting, in some ways, but like four days after knocking out Weinstein at "The New York Times," Roy Price, the head of Amazon Studios by tweeting at Jeff Bezos, you know why not? One, two, three, four -- at four points, I was make -- first, you want a dirty Oscar, Casey Affleck, like an actor Ben Affleck's brother who has been accused very credibly and I think did settlements behind the scene, but I think that's what happened. Alleged violent predator, didn't care, it doesn't matter. 

Roy Price, the head of this studio, I had already known from just, you know, he was under investigation for a year before the Weinstein news broke, by his own company, so you're telling me Jeff Bezos doesn't know who his employee is? Really? 

He was under investigation for a year for sexually harassing the head producer of "The Man in the High Castle" on Amazon, who not that it matters, but I think as a married lesbian, by sticking his like tongue or something in her ear and like whispering do you like it in the [bleep], stuff like that every day, so she actually filed a sexual harassment, you know thing with H.R. But they kept it in-house. 

But I read about it in the trades, but it didn't make wider news, right? 

So one you want a dirty Oscar Jeff Bezos. Two, Roy Price, all of a sudden he followed me one day on Twitter, it's like two years before the expose. 

I'm like, whoa, the head of Amazon Studios just followed me, I've been writing a script about "Children of God," the thing I grew up in. Wow. 

And you know, if you've ever written anything, how hard it is to get anybody to read the damn thing. 


MCGOWAN: So, we start talking on Twitter, DM-ing, and I'm like I wrote a script. He's like, I would love to read it. I send it to him. Two days later, I was like. This is amazing. I'm like, the head of a studio within two days read -- what? Huh? 

Then he does a huge deal with this Roy Price, head of Amazon Studios with Woody Allen, saves his [bleep]. I am at lunch with Roy Price one day at the Beverly Hills Hotel and I just found out that Weinstein was going to go bankrupt and if he had truly gone bankrupt, I would have just left it there maybe. I was thinking about that. 

But he didn't, because Roy Price, Amazon Studios came in to save him. It turns out they bought my script to see Weinstein's behest to see if I had written anything about him. 

CARLSON: Wow. With no intention of using it. 

MCGOWAN: No. Just sitting on it so it can never be in circulation. Sorry, I get emotional sometimes because it's like, I work so hard. 


CARLSON: So once you realize the entire leadership of the Democratic Party from the Clintons on down was arrayed in defense of Harvey Weinstein, Rose McGowan started reaching all kinds of other conclusions about the world, which you can watch in our full interview on FOX Nation. It's there right now. 

We're back in a moment 


CARLSON: We spent the last couple of weeks telling you that vaccine mandates are wrong because they are wrong, totally unacceptable in a free country. But as we've told you this, it has dawned, why is no one talking about treatments for COVID, which is real and killing an awful lot of people in this country -- what do you do if you get it? Is there an effective therapeutic for COVID? And why is nobody talking that? 

We are not sure of the answer. We are going to spend a lot of next week looking much more deeply into that question because we think it is important. We will see you then. 

In the meantime, have the best weekend with the ones you love. 

You can watch our interview with Rose McGowan on FOX Nation. We will see you Monday. 

Sean Hannity takes over next. 

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