
is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," April 26, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: Good evening and welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT. Happy Monday.

In May of last year, if you can remember back that far, the Mayor of Los Angeles, a man called Eric Garcetti issued this order to the people he oversees, and we're quoting, "Bring your mask with you whenever you leave home. That will help us get more freedoms," end quote.

Eric Garcetti isn't much of an orator, to put it mildly, but that was a memorable quote, mostly because of the questions it left unanswered. For example: is it really possible to spread the coronavirus outside? That's the first most obvious question. And then more fundamentally, since when is the mayor of a city in charge of doling out America's freedoms? Aren't those freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, the one that created this country? That's what they've been telling us?

So it would have been nice to hear those questions answered. Unfortunately, at the time, a lot of the country was so terrified of the new pandemic that nobody thought to ask those questions. People just obeyed.

That was a big change, and other politicians watched as it happened.

They saw a smarmy non-entity like Eric Garcetti, a guy you wouldn't trust to clean your pool suddenly assume unprecedented godlike new powers simply by asserting them, "Cover your face." Okay, boss. Not a bad trick.

So naturally, other politicians wanted some of that power. That's why they are in the business, for power. So they did the very same thing that Eric Garcetti did, and once again, no one pushed back against them.

In San Francisco, the authorities demanded that citizens wear masks while running outside. In the City of Boston, the mayor extended that requirement to all outdoor physical activity, quote, "You need to be wearing a face covering when you're out exercising."

Well, in a functioning democracy like we had just a few years ago, demands like that would be impossible to make. A politician might prefer that you wear a mask outdoors, but he couldn't make you do it. At best, he'd have to ask you nicely, he'd have to show you the science and then try to convince you to follow his advice, one adult to another. The onus would be on him to make his case, the onus would not be on you to obey the command.

But over the course of the corona pandemic, the opposite happened, it was inverted, and it happened because large groups of people failed to resist it happening, so it kept happening. And as it did, it became more unreasonable and more disconnected from science day by day.

As of tonight, for example, more than 15 months after we first told you about the spread of this weird new virus in China, the State of Michigan now requires children as young as two to wear facemask while in quote, "public spaces" and places like camps or daycare centers. That's not a suggestion, it is an order. They all are.

Watch what happened to a pregnant mother on Spirit Airlines when authorities discovered that her two-year old wasn't wearing a mask.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): And on this Spirit Airlines flight from Orlando to Atlantic City, Monday --

PASSENGER: What did I do?

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: I told you, not compliant, you will have to get off.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): A family of four told to get off the plane. A pregnant mother seen in this video clip wearing a mask with a two- year old child eating yogurt on her left, a seven-year-old child with special needs next door. A flight attendant appears to tell the family, the two-year-old wasn't wearing the mask.


CARLSON: It's the law. Right? We've heard. But why is it the law? Is there a scientific justification for the law? No, there's not.

Children are not at meaningful risk from COVID. They never have been. Adults who've been vaccinated or naturally infected and that's a huge percentage of the American population are not at risk either.

If you've got high levels of antibodies in your system, you are almost certainly safe. Those who don't have antibodies can get the shot. Every American who wants the vaccine can get the vaccine, and that means that at this point, there is no scientific justification for any mask mandate anywhere. It's that simple.

And the idea that people were being told, being forced to wear masks outside should shock us. There was never any meaningful risk of mass transmission outdoors. We've known that for at least a year.

Last spring, researchers in China traced 318 separate coronavirus outbreaks to find out where they originated and how. They found that of those 318 outbreaks, only a single one could even plausibly be connected to a person who was outside, all the rest were indoors.

Last November, a review of all existing peer reviewed research on this subject appeared in "The Journal of Infectious Diseases" and that review found that the odds of contracting the coronavirus outside were about 19 times lower than the risk of contracting it inside. In April, researchers in Japan came to the same conclusion.

And then finally, last week, "The New York Times" admitted all this. According to the newspaper scientists have discovered, quote: "Few, if any documented cases of brief outdoor interactions leading to COVID transmission."

So people running in the park are safe, they always were safe. And in fact, the evidence that they are safe is so overwhelming that even America's leading purveyor of lockdown porn has been forced to concede it.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS HOST: Let's talk about masks. I mean, you're seeing more and more talk about it. I know the C.D.C. is looking at perhaps revising their guidance about wearing masks outdoors at this time. Well, what's your best guidance on that at this point?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: I don't want to get ahead of them, George, but I think it is pretty commonsense now that outdoor risk is really, really quite low particularly, I mean, if you are a vaccinated person, wearing a mask outdoors, I mean, obviously the risk is miniscule.


CARLSON: "It's pretty commonsense now that outdoor risk is really, really quite low," says Dr. Fauci. Really? So why didn't Dr. Fauci tell us this? Fauci himself clearly knew this was true. You saw him at a baseball game, not wearing a mask. He wasn't worried, and for good reason.

Kamala Harris clearly knows the truth as well. She's had the vaccine, two doses of it. So she is not concerned about getting the virus, yet she wears the mask anyway. And then she ostentatiously socially distances. Why? Well, it's a charade. It's maintained for reasons that have nothing to do with science or public health. That's all very obvious now.

The question is, why have we put up with it? We've known this for a long time. We've done it for certain for almost a year since that day last June, when America's so-called public health community united as one to tell us that coronavirus restrictions do not apply to BLM rioters. They're exempt from the virus.

You're still not allowed to get married or go to church or see your elderly parents as they die alone, but if you break things on behalf of the Democratic Party's power structure, you can loot the Dollar Store and no one gets sick. That's science.

That's not an exaggeration. That's literally what they told us.

And the second they told us that, we knew for certain they weren't serious. So why did we keep playing along? That is a sincere question. We should ponder that question.

We acquiesced to their power grab. They let it, we let it happen. And because we let it happen, a lot of people got hurt and many of those people were children.

Schools around the country shut down and those that remained open forced students to comply with mandates that in the end damaged them, maybe permanently.

At a school board meeting recently in Colorado Springs, an elementary teacher called Stacy Adair showed a photograph of what a kindergartener's face looks like just an hour into the school day. The masked kindergartener was required to wear was covered with dirt around the mouth and nose quote, "I don't need to tell you it is very unhealthy for a student to breathe through this mask," Adair told the Board. Of course, it is.

But officials ignored her and then they doubled down, quote: "Masks will be worn whenever and wherever possible." The District announced, " ... worn by everyone including kindergarteners."

Colorado's Governor weighed in, "No more complaining," he said. "If you keep whining about mask mandates, we will close the schools again." That was a threat. So the mandates remain.

Most children in Colorado are required to wear masks in schools statewide, even when they play sports. So how many kids are being hurt by this? That's a question that no one asked and we should all be troubled by, a lot.

A physician called Mary Harrow told the Colorado Springs School Board that quote: "The data are overwhelming on this topic. "Masks," the doctor said can quote, " ... cause low oxygen and high carbon dioxide levels, shortness of breath, toxicity, inflammation, increased stress hormones and sugar in the body and create fear, anxiety, headaches, compromised cognitive performance and other problems."

Did you really need a Medical Degree to know that? People need fresh air, especially children. Deprive them of fresh air and you hurt them. You knew that. We all knew that. It is obvious. And perhaps because it is so obvious, anyone who says it out loud is at risk of being fired for saying it out loud.

Earlier this month for example, we spoke to a high school track coach in New Hampshire who was fired for saying it. Watch.


BRADLEY KEYES, FORMER TRACK AND FIELD COACH, PEMBROKE ACADEMY: My goal is to get these mandates removed, and it's not just track and field. It's tennis. It's baseball. It's every outdoor sport, mask will be worn all times, practices and competitions.

Tennis, wonderful example. Singles tennis, you go watch practices, everyone is wearing masks. Competitions, they will be wearing masks even though they are 30 to 60 feet apart on the courts.


CARLSON: Masks on a tennis court. Future generations will mock us for this, but we allowed it. We let power drunk politicians wreck the country in exchange for promising to protect us from a virus that 99 percent of us would have survived anyway. What were we thinking?

Masks have always been incompatible with the free society. We used to know that. Masks strip people of their identity as individuals. Masks transform people from citizens into drones. They isolate us, they alienate us. They shut us off from one another.

Masks prevent intimacy and human contact. If I can't see your face, I can't know you.

Masks are for the guilty. They are signifiers of shame and submission.

Until recently, many jurisdictions had laws against wearing masks in public. Only Klansmen and armed robbers wore masks. The rest of us showed our face, we were free people.

But then we gave in to the demands of people like Eric Garcetti and because we did give in, this grotesque version of Halloween went on for more than a year and it's still going on.

Not even Tony Fauci still pretends that masks are medically necessary, instead, masks are purely a sign of political obedience like Kim Il-sung pins in Pyongyang. We wear them because we have to. The only people who wear masks voluntarily outside are zealots and neurotics.

How neurotic are they? Well, we know. A Pew survey from last March found that 64 percent of white Americans who classify themselves as liberal or very liberal have been diagnosed with an actual mental health condition. And you see them everywhere when you walk down the street in any major city.

If you dare to go on foot from Union Station to the Capitol, for example in Washington without wearing a mask, angry Biden voters will snort at you in judgment. "How could you?" They're saying from behind the gauze. How could you? That's the question we should be asking of them in return.

The rest of us should be snorting at them first. They are the aggressors. It's our job to brush them back and restore the society we were born in.

So the next time you see someone in a mask on the sidewalk or on the bike path, do not hesitate, ask politely, but firmly, "Would you please take off your mask? Science shows there is no reason for you to be wearing it. Your mask is making me uncomfortable." We should do that and we should keep doing it until wearing a mask outside is roughly as socially accepted as lighting a Marlboro in an elevator. It's repulsive, don't do it around other people.

That's the message we should send because it's true.

As for forcing children to wear masks outside, that should be illegal. Your response when you see children wearing masks as they play should be no different from your response to seeing someone beat a kid in Walmart, call the police immediately. Contact Child Protective Services. Keep calling until someone arrives.

What you're looking at is abuse, it is child abuse, and you are morally obligated to attempt to prevent it. If it's your own children being abused, then act accordingly.

Let's say your kid's school e-mailed you to announce that every day after lunch, your sixth grader was going to get punched in the face by a teacher, how would you respond to that? That's precisely how you should respond when they tell you that your kids have to wear masks on the soccer field. That is unacceptable. It is dangerous and we should act like it, because it is.

But too few of us have responded like that. We have been shamefully passive in the face of all of this. As our cities get crazier and harder to live in, so many of us have just decided to run away, avoid conflict. I can't deal with it. Move to the suburbs. Flee to Florida.

Get as far away as possible from the hyper aggressive zealots changing everything for the worst overnight. You don't want to deal with them. So, so many have decided to start over somewhere else.

But why? The people making these demands don't own America. They didn't build America. They didn't build anything, they can't, and they're not allowed to wreck it.

And if we let them wreck our cities, why do we think they will stop there? If they can turn Brooklyn and San Francisco into uninhabitable indoctrination camps, why can't they do it to Naples or Oklahoma City or Coeur d'Alene or wherever you're planning to go? They can do it and they will do it.

Theirs is an evangelical faith. They will not stop until we make them stop. Fighting back is the only option. If we don't resist, there is no escape.

So how do you resist? The first step is to say the obvious, say it loudly, say it often. This is not about science. This is about political power.

If it was about science, Fauci and Kamala Harris would be happy to hear for example, the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis discuss the science behind mask mandates with a Harvard Professor. They would welcome that. But they hated it, so they just pulled the whole thing off YouTube.

Here's part of what they refused to let you hear.


GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): Dr. Gupta mentioned about, you know, not putting masks on kids. That's not effective. Not necessary. Martin Kulldorff, do you agree in school, there is no need for them to be wearing facemasks?

MARTIN KULLDORFF, PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE AT HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL AND A BIOSTATISTICIAN AND EPIDEMIOLOGIST AT THE BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL: Children should not wear face masks. Not this -- they don't need it for their own protection and they don't need it for protecting other people either.

QUESTION: I mean, I think schools, how do you teach a child to read with facemasks on Zoom?


CARLSON: So that's now banned, scientists talking about science. Those aren't scientists anymore, they are now dissidents. How is this happening? Well, it happens because we allow it to happen. Because we buy into their demands, because we internalize their standards.

If you decided to burn American flag in a public park tomorrow, how would they respond to that? Well, of course, they would applaud. That's your First Amendment right? You'd be fighting the tyranny of the people who created this horrifying country.

How by contrast would they respond if you burned a pile of surgical masks in a public park tomorrow? They probably wouldn't like it. But that's your right, too.

Matt Walsh is host of "The Matt Walsh Show." We are honored to have him on tonight, as we always are when he joins us. Matt, thanks so much for coming out. At what point do we stop playing along now that this is so clearly all fake, and say under no circumstances are you allowed to abuse my child? Period.

MATT WALSH, HOST, "THE MATT WALSH SHOW": Well, that point should have been 12 months ago, but it certainly should be now. I mean, this is the one thing we have to fight against primarily is this idea that, well, you might as well just put a mask on yourself, put it on your kid, it's not going to hurt anybody. It'll make them safer.

Now, even -- the fact is, it is hurting, and for all the reasons that you gave. A lot of it is commonsense, and of course, they tell us that unless you're an expert or a doctor, you're not allowed to make these commonsense judgments. But obviously, if you're restricting air, especially if you're outside and you're in the middle of a strenuous exercise, you put a mask on a little kid, it's going to get dirty and gross. I mean, these are commonsense things.

But aside -- you know, aside from that, when it comes to kids, specifically, this is what makes it so repugnant, it is that it was never about their own safety. It wasn't even like putting masks on kids was a misguided effort to keep them safe. No, it was about making adults feel safer around them because the kids were never much risk for COVID. They're not much risk of spreading it, but some adults, some neurotic, cowardly adults just feel uncomfortable seeing bare faces. That's what got you there.

And I think you're right, there's like a mental illness element to this where there are people now in this country, perhaps millions of adults who are scared to see a bare face, even on a two-year-old child, and so they say, "Cover that face because it makes me feel better." And that's -- we cannot cooperate with that. We should react to that with outrage and absolutely refuse to do it.

You know, I've got a daughter who is almost two years old. No way in hell am I putting a mask on her, period, anywhere under any circumstance. And if you ask me to do it, you're not going to get a very polite response and I think that should be our approach.

CARLSON: It does seem like we've internalized -- and by "we," I don't mean Republicans or conservatives, I just mean like normal people who remember what the country was like 18 months ago -- have internalized the framework that other people have written for us. So like, if you don't want to go along with destroying your children, then you're the freak.

Why does nobody get right back in the face of these demands, to Kamala Harris or Fauci or the local School Board and say, no, no, you're the freak, and what you're doing is outrageous, and it's criminal. And I demand you to be ashamed of what you're doing.

I've never heard anybody say that.

WALSH: I think this just speaks to the power that the left has to change - - it is not just changing the conversation. They could change the way people think about things in a really fundamental way, and they can do it quickly.

I mean, we know that they've convinced a lot of people for example, that, you know, men are women and women are men. I mean, they have the capacity to do this, but with the mask thing, they have done it so quickly that now, you know, I had the same experience you're talking about.

I was in Austin a few days ago and I'm walking outside without a mask on and people are staring at me like I'm the crazy one for not having a mask on. Meanwhile, if you're walking outside with a mask on, I should be looking at you and I do look at you like I would look at a grown man hugging a teddy bear and having a pacifier in his mouth while he is walking down the street.

This is your security blanket. There's no reason for you to have it on. You're just afraid -- you're afraid of fresh air. That's what's happening. People are afraid to breathe air and we're making it so that kids are afraid of air, too, and that's insane to me.

CARLSON: I agree with you completely. I would even actually up the analogy and say a vaccinated person or somebody with the antibodies wearing a mask outside is like watching grown man expose himself in public. That's disgusting. Put it away, please. We don't do that here.

Matt Walsh, thank you. Appreciate it.

WALSH: Thank you.

CARLSON: Ma'Khia Bryant was in the process of stabbing another child when a police officer shot and killed her. Now, police officers across the country are under fire for this, somehow.

One police officer in Washington, D.C. responded to those hecklers. It's on video and we have an update tonight on what happened to that cop once he did. An amazing story, after the break.


CARLSON: Michael Tracey doesn't have a job in mainstream journalism, in a normal country he would because his attitude is the definition of what journalism is supposed to be. He is liberal in the truest sense.

He is skeptical. He believes in free speech. He has obvious questions. He notices obvious patterns.

And more than anything, he challenges people who actually have power. He punches up, not down. And for that reason, he is on "Substack." But we do pay very close attention to him. We've had him on the show a couple of times. He is really smart. And he notices things the rest of media don't want you to notice.

This week, he noticed something pretty weird about the reaction to the jury verdict in the Derek Chauvin murder trial. It seemed like everybody in authority was reading almost like from the same script. This trial, they told us in unison, isn't really over.


KAMALA HARRIS (D), VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The fact is, we still have work to do.

LAURA COATES, CNN SENIOR LEGAL ANALYST: The family does not get to have their loved one back, there is still work to be done.

JIMMY KIMMEL, TALK SHOW HOST: And while this is a step in the right direction, there's still a lot of work to be done.

STEPHEN COLBERT, TALK SHOW HOST: But this is just one stop. There is more work to be done.

GOV. TIM WALZ (D-MN): It's a feeling like, okay, this happened. Now, the work really begins.

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: So we can't leave this moment or look away thinking our work is done.

POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: This moment is where the work begins.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've got a lot of work to do, but this feels like a beginning rather than -- rather than an ending.

MITCH LANDRIEU, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: We have a lot of work to do in this country because systemic racism has infected us all.

REP. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY (D-NY): And we know that until we stop the violence, then we have work to do.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: There's a lot of work to be done to get to liberty and justice for all.


CARLSON: Everyone reading the bumper sticker. The best is the comedian's reading state approved propaganda. So many people have been so gravely diminished by the past few years.

But there's more, more where that came from. Tracey then went in found a lot of other people reading from exactly the same script and it's an incredibly long list. If you want to understand the axis between politicians and Big Business and fake state approved comedians, just all of them, everyone with power, all acting as one in unison against you and your interests basically telling you that yes, this guy was found guilty of murder, but you're the one who is guilty, and we're going to punish you. We're going to spend some time doing it. That's exactly what they're saying.

Then check this out. BestBuy, you thought it was an electronics store. No, quote: "BestBuy's unwavering commitment to this work is as strong as ever." Really? What work? I thought you sold stereo speakers. Shh. Just buy, be quiet.

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art quite concerned, too. "We know that there is still much work to be done." Really? What kind of working you need to be doing, Mr. Museum Guy?

Then the CEO of Target moved some words around, quote, "Today's verdict does not mean that our work is done. There's much more to do." Really? Okay, in a sense, you're going to be the subject/victim of this work? Yes, you are.

It went on though. The CEO of Starbucks nationwide and American Airlines all issued statements declaring that more work must be done. So did hockey teams and food delivery services, even politicians who have never even for one day had a real job. People like Bernie Sanders talked about the need to do more work.

And by the way, it wasn't just Democrats. It was, let's say Tim Scott, the Senator from South Carolina, a Republican. The guy who is going to be giving the Republican response on Wednesday night to the President's speech to a joint session, somehow managed to mirror, Tim Scott did, the statement by Yale University's President, almost word for word, quote, "We know there is more work to be done," said Tim Scott. Yale's statement read this way: "We know there's much more work to be done." Not more work, much more work. So just between Tim Scott and the President of Yale, it was just one of degrees. Tim Scott said more. The President of Yale said much more.

That is kind of a difference from the two parties, isn't it? Just a matter of degrees.

Here's the amazing thing to restate, none of these people explained what all this work is. All that is clear is that you've got a lot of work to do. We'll have details for you, coming soon.

Well, Ma'Khia Bryant was killed, unfortunately, sad. She was a child. But as she was killed, she was trying to stab another person. That's why the police officer in Columbus, Ohio shot her last week. None of that is in dispute. There's video of it.

If there was ever a justified, though sad, but still justified shooting, this was it. And yet, in their ongoing effort to divide the country along lines of race, our political class and our media pretended it was murder.

Three days ago, BLM activists heckled a cop in Washington, D.C. over the shooting. Here's how he responded.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, are you going to kill me like Ma'Khia Bryant?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you going to stab somebody like her?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But she called you all for help?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: [Bleep] talking about. Get your goofy [bleep] --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you just said that on camera. This [bleep] is going viral.


CARLSON: So he is right. I'm not going to shoot you, as long as you're not trying to stab somebody. That's why cops exists, to prevent people from stabbing each other. But the cop who said that we have learned from the authoritative source has now been pulled off duty pending a review.

He is lost, in effect his job for saying that.

Candace Owens is the host of "Candace." She joins us tonight to assess. Candace Owens, thanks so much for coming on.

You know, I don't even know where to begin. What do you make of this? This cop has been pulled off duty. He is no longer protecting the people of Washington, D.C. in poor neighborhoods, by the way, because he had the temerity to say something obvious.

CANDACE OWENS, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Yes, well, first and foremost, obviously, it's sad and I think the American people are wondering what's going to happen here? Because right now, what is happening is we have an attack on good police officers. We are de-incentivizing police officers to even want to take on the job, right?

Many people are resigning. You see that there's a crisis now. People don't want to step up to the plate and do this job. But I think, Tucker, we have to think a little more critically beyond this. Right?

If you think critically, why are the Democrats doing this? Why are they incentivizing this? Why are they, you know, promoting criminals and saying to the good guys, you're actually the bad guys? It's like the world is upside down.

And the only answer is because what the Democrats actually want, Tucker, is chaos. Right? They want absolute chaos, because from chaos, absolute power, which you mentioned in your monologue today -- absolute power is what can naturally arise, right?

They want the good guys gone. They want people to look around and say, oh, my gosh, now there's no police officers. Now, there's just violence. Now, there's just criminality. Please, government. Give me something, government, something to fix this.

And then the government is going to give them something. It's going to be a paramilitary wing. It's going to be Federal police officers. It's going to be exactly what we want to avoid in a free society. That's what the Democrats are after in everything they're doing.

This ties together everything. When you brought up the mask mandates, why are they doing this? What is the purpose of this? Well, you are correct, they are trying to basically condition us psychologically to get used to absolute power. They want us to become used and familiar to absolute power so that freedom doesn't even cross our minds anymore.

You're so used to seeing children in masks, you're used to not seeing people as individuals, and you're used to collectivizing people. You're used to violence so that everything the government gives you seems like a solution, when in fact, it's not. Everything they're doing is arbitrary, but the only thing that makes sense is that what they're after in this country is what we've been saying all along, a socialist dictatorship. That's what the Democrats want. They want to fundamentally alter American society.

CARLSON: You know, a year ago, I would have thought, yes, I love that Candace Owens, but she's prone to overstatement. Now, I don't think.

I heard someone -- a very smart person this weekend say, the drama that we're watching, he described it this way, as the growing pains that emerge in the transition from one form of government to another. And I think that that may be right.

OWENS: Correct.

CARLSON: Candace Owens, I really appreciate your coming on. Thank you.

OWENS: Thank you.

CARLSON: So we told you about our new documentary series, "Tucker Carlson Originals" that launched on Friday. You can watch the first episode on the crisis in Chicago right now on foxnation.com.

We got a thousand hours of closed circuit TV coverage of Chicago. It's amazing.

A lot of people have asked: how do you watch it? How do you watch "Tucker Carlson Originals" and the show we do three days a week, the long form show on FOX Nation? How do you get to FOX Nation? What do you do when you get there?

Those of us who are not good at technology have shown the way. So before our premiere from the FOX Studios lot last Friday, I made an effort to get there myself.


CARLSON: Hey, it's Tucker Carlson. I'm often asked, how do you get to FOX Nation? How do you get the shows on FOX Nation? Is it hard? Could I do it in the back of an SUV while driving through Los Angeles? Is it that easy? It is that easy and we're going to show you just how easy it is.

First step, if you're over 50 is get your eyeglasses because otherwise you won't be able to read what's on the screen. Is it embarrassing? Sure. But nobody is watching. Just put them on.

And then go up here and just write FOX Nation. F-O-X-N-A-T-I-O-N. There you go FOX Nation. Then you find a picture of yourself right there -- oh you find Bret Baier, there you go.

Start your free trial right the middle of the screen. First month, 99 cents. Yes. Are you kidding? I'll do that. Select plan. Put your name in. And in this case, my name is Tucker Carlson. I'm not going to tell you my e-mail because then you all e-mail me. See, I'm going to go by credit card.

All right. Luckily, I always keep one in my top pocket just in case they want to sign up. Nine, six. We're going to blow these numbers out.

Thanks for joining FOX Nation. Like I just did the whole thing. Start watching. You know, I think I will.

That's it. I just signed up for FOX Nation. Yes, in the back of an SUV rolling down -- what street are we on? Canyon in Beverly Hills. I mean, not to brag. There you go. And you can play. I'm not going to watch myself because I'm not a narcissist.

But I think I will watch this.

I hope that explains it.


CARLSON: It is all on foxnation.com. It's easy. You don't even have to be in an SUV in LA.

Well, according to a blog called POLITICO, which originates in Northern Virginia somewhere, the story of the century has just broken across the river in D.C. and it has to do with the husband of the person running the country, Kamala Harris.

POLITICO sent six reporters to cover this bombshell historical event. You know, it's a big deal. Let's see what they found, next.



BIDEN: Well, I'll have the honor of serving with a fantastic Vice President you just heard from, Kamala Harris.

Kamala and Doug, like it or not, you're family. You become an honorary Biden. There is no way out.


CARLSON: So that was Joe Biden referring to somebody called Doug Emhoff, whom he described as the husband of Kamala Harris and we took that all at face value because we're naive.

But we have some breaking reporting to bring you tonight. It comes courtesy of a blog from Northern Virginia called POLITICO.

Six reporters from POLITICO worked on this story that pieces his headline, "Doug Emhoff, rebrands as Second Gentleman Douglas." According to POLITICO, Doug Emhoff is now going by Douglas. As you'd expect, the White House is trying to downplay this bombshell change.

A spokesperson for Emhoff told POLITICO that the story was quote, "bizarre," and that quote, "His name is Douglas Emhoff." Safe to say like most people, his full and abbreviated names have always been used interchangeably.

What does that mean exactly? One important note, by the way, before we continue, this show in the interest of accuracy will cease referring to the White House or anything associated with its entire Executive Branch of government, as the quote "Biden administration," and the reason we're changing it is not to make a statement, but merely to reflect reality.

Joe Biden, whatever his merits as a human being has no active role in running the U.S. government. Everyone knows that, everyone pretends otherwise, but it's true.

And so, henceforth, we will refer to it as the administration, the White House, the Kamala Harris administration, the third and far more radical Obama administration, this group of people that Susan Rice seems to be in control of or whatever, something precise and accurate, but no longer we will refer to it as the Biden administration, because it's not.

Well, there are reports over the weekend that American officials gave copies of a book, a children's book about Kamala Harris because it's really not North Korea. There really is a book about Kamala Harris for kids, but it's not North Korea. Anyway, giving this book to kids in migrant detention facilities, so we tried to track it down.

We called the Department of Health and Human Services and asked whether the Governor had purchased this book, this book about Kamala Harris. They told us they had not.

Instead, they claimed the book have been donated to a migrant detention facility as part of a book drive. Ha? They weren't more specific about this. How many copies exactly?

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris herself, the one who appears to be running the government says that she will head to Guatemala in June to figure out the cause of the border surge in June.

Buck Sexton is the host of "The Buck Sexton Show." He was just at the border and he joins us tonight. Buck, thanks so much for coming on.

You think no matter who paid for this book, to give it to illegal migrant children, to have a children's book about Kamala Harris would just be like, to Kim family to actually do. You think someone will say, you know, that's not a good idea. We should stop? Why didn't they stop that?

BUCK SEXTON, HOST, "THE BUCK SEXTON SHOW": Well, it seems that there's not going to be the consequences of this. I mean, I think that they're telling us now that it's because of people in California donating this book among other books, I think, that's what we're told. So it just so happened, it's a coincidence.

What's not a coincidence is that Kamala Harris as the borders czar, and she hasn't been able to find her way down there yet. And in fact, instead of going to the border and speaking to Border Patrol, seeing what's really going on for ourselves and there I am talking to some migrants as they come across.

Tucker, it's the worst it's ever been. And if you talk to anybody who is trying to actually secure it, whether it's Texas Rangers, Border Patrol members, everybody in the law enforcement side, I saw myself night after night, you have people coming in, streaming in, hundreds and hundreds of them. And that's just in one area where I happen to be standing, hundreds of people coming in over the course of a couple of days. And there's no way this is going to stop.

I mean, going to Guatemala isn't going to prevent people from wanting to be in America when there are no consequences for illegal entry. And the idea that this would somehow change circumstances of the situation is just fanciful, but Kamala can't go to the border because then people would see what I saw, which is that not only do you have massive human trafficking going on, you have a porous border for enormous amounts of narcotics that are poisoning our cities that lead to the drug gang violence. That's the primary cause of shootings in a lot of major cities across the country.

They're not stopping this anytime soon. They're not even really trying to and that's what you see when you go down there.

CARLSON: So if you're going to deal with the government of Guatemala, wouldn't it be pretty simple, one phone call, you say, look, either you stop offloading your poor people on to our taxpayers or we are shutting down your foreign aid tomorrow. Like, you've got 24 hours. Why is that complicated?

SEXTON: The administration doesn't want this flow ultimately to stop. They just want to control it. It looks bad. I saw the Donna facility when I was down there, which of course, you're not allowed to go into and there were a lot of people that wanted to speak to me from the government side who I've known from before civil servants who said, look, the Biden administration doesn't want us talking to you. We heard that over and over again.

And they're going to have to expand the facility they currently have, because otherwise, you see photos and images like this.

The problem, Tucker, as far as this administration is concerned, isn't that there are going to be probably in the neighborhood of a million people illegally entering America this year, including a lot of children who are abused, who are sexually abused, who are in terrible circumstances as they are actually crossing and making the journey. But the problem for the administration is just merely that they view this as bad optics. So they don't want this to stop.

If you want it to stop, you need consequences. And that's the part of this that they won't actually get engaged in. That's why Kamala is going to Central America. Over 60 countries have crossed illegally -- represented, I should say, that are border crossing illegally in the last three months alone. It's not all Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador.

CARLSON: Yes, they're rigging elections by changing the electorate. That's why all of this happening, and it's pretty clear. Buck Sexton, I appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you.

SEXTON: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So even as the Federal government through specific policies made the country far more dangerous, they are trying to prevent you from defending your family. So how should you respond to that exactly? How should people who care about America respond to Federal efforts to take your firearms? That's next, interesting interview.


CARLSON: America is getting more dangerous. The White House is trying to disarm you. We spoke to Second Amendment advocate, Colion Noir earlier on "Tucker Carlson Today" about this. Watch.


CARLSON: Here's what I find so striking is that at exactly the moment they're telling us that actually you can pick up the phone, you're not allowed to pick up the phone and call someone for help because we're abolishing the police and you're Karen if you call the cops. They're telling us you're not allowed to defend yourself. What is that?

COLION NOIR, AMERICAN GUN RIGHTS ACTIVIST AND LAWYER: It's interesting to say the least, let's just put it like that, because even sometimes I've struggled with the dynamic because I don't want to believe that we honestly have people in power who really want to put us in a position where we have absolutely no means to protect ourselves.

CARLSON: I don't want to believe that either. I agree.

NOIR: I don't. However, what else am I supposed to conclude from that?

CARLSON: Good question.

NOIR: You know, it's like you tell me it is like, you tell me like you pointed out specifically, I'm a Karen for calling the cops and then that I shouldn't be doing that or that we should defund them and they should be there. But then at the same time, you tell me, I shouldn't have a firearm to protect myself in the event that they're not there.

So what would you have me do? Just be a victim?

CARLSON: Just obey.

NOIR: Yes. Right. And so at that point, it begs the question, what is the ultimate goal? And I think a lot of it really is in the word choice -- is in the word gun control, which is control. I think the overall goal is control.

You can vehemently control a population of people who don't have the means to defend themselves, and we have examples of that are pretty regularly, and one of them, the most recent example is, look what took place in Hong Kong? When you look at the manner in which they tried to fight against what they consider to be their pressure -- the potential oppressor.

They used sticks, rocks, umbrellas.

CARLSON: How did that go for them?

NOIR: Exactly. Right. That dynamic, I don't think will ever play out here in that manner because of --

CARLSON: Tell me about your hat. It says, "I will not comply."

NOIR: Yes, well think about it. Are we expected to comply with unconstitutional laws in this country? We're not. And so, this is a reference to specifically to the idea of an assault weapon ban.

We've already had the Supreme Court, which decided in Heller that we do have a right to own firearms in this country. And an AR-15 is one of those. It's one of the most popular rifles in this country. It is in common use.

So as a result of that, if you're going to pass an assault weapons ban, which is in direct contrast to what the Second Amendment says, what our Supreme Court has said, then I'm not going to comply with unconstitutional laws. I'm just not going to do that, especially when it comes to utilizing the one gun that I think is in the best position to protect myself.

Now, you and I can debate back and forth about, you know, whether it's an AR, whether it's a shotgun, so forth and so on. But it is in the same vein as the shotgun as other firearms and other rifles as well. So why are we trying to relegate me to something what I consider to be lesser than with respect to protecting my life?

CARLSON: It's just so funny because government policy has caused a crime wave. We've always had crime, you know, there are always people who are going to act out in violence for whatever reason.

But in the last year, you've seen crime go way up, violent crime go way up, including homicides, and it's because of specific steps that our leaders have taken. They have caused the crime, and then they flipped around and said, oh, look at all of that crime. We need to take your guns away, but we're not going to take the guns that are causing the crime. We're going to take the guns that are held almost overwhelmingly by people who cause no crime at all, the AR-15.

NOIR: Yes, I think -- I think that that is what I call a slow drip. I think the ultimate goal, I don't think I know. The ultimate goal is to ban it. They want to ban all the guns.


CARLSON: "Tucker Carlson Today" on FOX Nation. This show will be right back.

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