Tucker Carlson reacts to Kyle Rittenhouse trial: it's a disaster
Tucker Carlson discusses the Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and says it has been a 'disaster after disaster' for prosecution
This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," November 9, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
Illinois teenager, Kyle Rittenhouse is on trial right now in Kenosha, Wisconsin. You may have read about it. Lots of people are watching it. It's an event packed with all kinds of political and social implications, but it is also, as a pure legal matter, maybe the single most bizarre court proceeding ever caught on camera.
The outline of the case itself is pretty straightforward. Kyle Rittenhouse went to the BLM riots in Kenosha last summer armed with a rifle. While he was there, he shot three people. He killed two of them.
The prosecution claims this was murder. Kyle Rittenhouse says it was self- defense, so it's pretty simple.
But here is the amazing thing, every single witness the prosecution has called so far has wound up making Kyle Rittenhouse's case for him. Now that would include even Gaige Grosskreutz. He is the avowed communist who Rittenhouse shot in the arm.
Grosskreutz was supposed to be the prosecution's star witness in this trial, but once he got on the stand, he admitted that Kyle Rittenhouse only shot him after he pointed a loaded gun in the boy's face. Watch.
COREY CHIRAFISI, ATTORNEY: That's a photo of you? Yes?
CHIRAFISI: Okay. That's Mr. Rittenhouse?
CHIRAFISI: Okay, now, you'd agree your firearm is pointed at Mr. Rittenhouse, correct?
CHIRAFISI: Okay, and once your firearm is pointed at Mr. Rittenhouse, that's when he fires his gun. Yes?
CHIRAFISI: Sir, look, I don't want to -- does this look like right now your arm is being shot?
GROSSKREUTZ: That looks like my bicep being vaporized, yes.
CHIRAFISI: Okay, and it's being vaporized as you're pointing your gun directly at him. Yes?
CHIRAFISI: Okay, so when you were standing three to five feet from him with your arms up in the air, he never fired, right?
CHIRAFISI: It wasn't until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him with your gun -- now your hands down -- pointed at him that he fired, right?
CARLSON: So that's kind of it right there. That's pretty much the end of the trial because when someone runs up and points a loaded gun in your face, you are allowed to shoot that person. That is called self-defense. That's the rule. It has been the rule throughout human history in every society on Earth since people lived in caves.
According to the prosecution's star witness, self-defense is exactly what happened here.
So, as a matter of law, in addition to custom and commonsense Gaige Grosskreutz just proved that Kyle Rittenhouse acted to defend himself from harm. So we're done.
But the trial kept going and as it did keep going, things got even weirder and much worse for the prosecution. Gaige Grosskreutz, for example, admitted that he was carrying his gun illegally. He had been arrested for felony burglary, of course he had, so his gun permit was invalid.
Grosskreutz also admitted under oath that when he sued the City of Kenosha for $10 million, which for some reason he thought he was owed, he failed to mention the fact that he was carrying a firearm and pointing it in people's faces.
Devastating, really. But the whole trial has been like that -- disaster after disaster after disaster for the prosecution. At one point, a detective, a witness called by the prosecution implicated the prosecution in a cover-up.
The detective admitted that the police did not search Gaige Grosskreutz's phone after the shooting even though they had a valid warrant to do that. Well, why didn't they? Well, they didn't because the prosecution ordered the police not to look at the phone and that had never happened before, and you can see why. It's baffling really. Why would a government lawyer want less evidence in a case?
According to the detective on the stand, the prosecutor cited something called Marsy's law. Watch.
CHIRAFISI: Have you ever relied on Marsy's law not to execute a search warrant since it's gone into effect?
BEN ANTARAMIAN, KENOSHA POLICE DETECTIVE: We've had conversations in the aftermath, but I don't recall not searching one solely on that basis.
CHIRAFISI: So this is -- if I'm fair -- one of -- it is the only one that you recall using Marsy's law as the basis for not doing it.
CHIRAFISI: And it's the only one that you recall ever getting a direction from a prosecutor handling the case not to do it.
ANTARAMIAN: Pursuant to Marsy's law, yes.
CARLSON: So, you're not allowed to look at the phone of the guy who got shot and was holding a gun. So why would an honest prosecutor ask a cop to ignore that? Why wouldn't an honest prosecutor want to see the phone?
Apparently, the phone had video from that night and relevant text messages, location data. So if you wanted to know what really happened that night in Kenosha, you would look at the phone. But it turned out the prosecutor didn't want to know what happened that night, he wanted to declare Kyle Rittenhouse a murderer. He was under enormous political pressure to do that, so that's exactly what he did.
It goes without saying, this is not how American justice is supposed to work, but thankfully like most webs of deception, it collapsed under scrutiny -- in a big way.
Watch this unintentionally hilarious exchange with yet another prosecution witness. This is Richie McGinnis of "The Daily Caller."
McGinnis was reporting from Kenosha that night. He appeared live on the show in fact. He was just inches away when Rittenhouse shot a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum. Now, why was a convicted child molester at a riot on behalf of BLM? That's a whole another story, a lot of people like that there that night it turns out.
But the prosecutor hoped to portray the shooting of this child molester, Rosenbaum, as an act of senseless violence committed by a psychopath, Kyle Rittenhouse. Here is what Richie McGinnis said he saw.
PROSECUTOR: I mean you have no idea what Mr. Rosenbaum was ever thinking at any point in his life? You have never been inside his head, you've never met him before, you don't --
RICHIE MCGINNIS, "THE DAILY CALLER": I've never even -- I never exchanged words with him, if that's what your question is.
PROSECUTOR: So your interpretation of what he was trying to do or what he was intending to do or anything along those lines is complete guesswork, isn't it?
MCGINNIS: Well, he said [bleep] you and then he reached for the weapon.
CARLSON: Well, there's that. So, a convicted child molester with a long and violent criminal history runs up to Kyle Rittenhouse out of nowhere in the middle of a riot and tries to take his gun away, so Rittenhouse shot him. That's what happened. Those are the facts.
Again, according to the prosecution's own witness, and not just one witness. Today, the prosecution's medical expert, a man called Doug Kelley testified that Joseph Rosenbaum appeared to be grabbing the barrel of Kyle Rittenhouse's rifle when Rittenhouse fired.
Then yet another prosecution witness, this one called Ryan Balch testified that Joseph Rosenbaum said out loud that he intended to kill Kyle Rittenhouse.
RYAN BALCH, WITNESS IN KYLE RITTENHOUSE TRIAL: I stepped in and told everybody, "Chill out, calm down. Stop doing that." I turned and had an exchange with one of the protesters and I kind of explained to that protester, "Hey, you know I get it -- I get what you're trying to do, but like not this," and when I turned around, Rosenbaum was right there in front of my face yelling and screaming.
And said, "Dude, back up. Just chill. I don't know what your problem is," and he goes, "You know, if I catch any of you guys alone tonight, I'm going to [bleep] kill you."
BALCH: Correct.
BINGER: Did he say that to the defendant as well?
BALCH: The defendant was there, so yes.
CARLSON: "I'm going to kill you," says the child molester. Yes. It went on like this. On and on and on, at one point another prosecution witness testified that Anthony Huber who was -- you won't be surprised to learn at this point -- a convicted domestic abuser was bashing Kyle Rittenhouse in the head with a skateboard when he was shot.
So once again, we have the textbook definition of self-defense. Not much of a prosecution. In fact, at no point did the prosecution make its own case, they make Kyle Rittenhouse's case -- open and shut.
But you never know any of this from watching the coverage of the trial. NBC News for example just ran this thoroughly dishonest headline quote: "Shooting victim at Rittenhouse trial said he thought he was going to die." What the article didn't mention, it seems kind of relevant, the shooting victim was pointed a loaded gun at the boy who shot him. So they're liars, you knew that.
In this case, they have to lie, if they didn't, they'd be forced to admit that they were wrong from the very beginning. In case you've forgotten, this is what they were telling you all last year about Kyle Rittenhouse.
JASON JOHNSON, MSNBC POLITICAL CONTRIBUTOR: Rittenhouse is basically what you would have had in a school shooter. He is a 17-year-old kid. He shouldn't have had a gun. He crossed state lines to supposedly protect property. No. He was going out to shoot people.
STEVE SCHMIDT, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: You see the 17-year-old who was radicalized by Trumpism, took his AR-15 to Kenosha and became a killer.
JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC HOST: A 17-year-old kid from out of state, a boy from out of state drives up to the state with an AR-15 around his neck --
MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC HOST: I mean, stop right there.
SCARBOROUGH: Shoots and kills a couple of people, shooting wildly, running around acting like rent-a-cop.
JOHN HEILEMANN, MSNBC NATIONAL AFFAIRS ANALYST: And it's not good that a 17-year-old vigilante, arguably a domestic terrorist, picked up a rifle, drove to a different state to shoot people.
CARLSON: Yes, he drove to a different state to shoot people. That's what happened. Really? Open up your brain, let's pour some more lies in it.
Actually, and point of fact, Kyle Rittenhouse went to Kenosha to clean up the filth left by the rioting Biden voters, the child molester included. It turns out the morning of the shooting, Kyle Rittenhouse was videotaped cleaning anarchist graffiti off the walls of a local high school. That seems like good citizenship, actually.
Naturally, elected Democrats denounced him as a racist.
Ayanna Pressley described Rittenhouse as a quote, "white supremacist domestic terrorist," echoing the MSNBC morning show. Ilhan Omar did the same. Joe Biden, on the basis of no evidence whatsoever called the 17-year- old quote, "a white supremacist."
Now, for the record, the men Rittenhouse shot were all white. Kind of a funny kind of white supremacy there.
It turns out that like so much of the hyperventilating moral outrage we suffer through every single day, the tale of Kyle Rittenhouse is a myth. It was concocted by the industrial media lie machine, purely for political effect.
Having heard the evidence here, it is not even a close call. Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense, so if you wanted a guilty verdict in this trial, you would probably have to threaten the jury, and as it turns out, some people are planning to do just that.
CORTEZ RICE, FRIEND OF GEORGE FLOYD: I ain't even going to name the people that I know that's up in the Kenosha trial. There is cameras in there. There is definitely cameras up in there. There is definitely people taking pictures of the jury and everything. We know what's going on. So we need the same results man. We need the same results. Justice for Daunte Wright.
CARLSON: So apparently, the guy you just saw talking was a friend of George Floyd's, what are the odds of that?
They will videotape the jurors, if they're afraid, they'll do exactly what we want. That's what he is saying.
It's not a small thing, jury intimidation is a serious felony in this country, but as far as we know, the Department of Justice isn't doing anything to stop it in this case, they're all busy looking for Ashley Biden's diary. They've got priorities.
So it looks like it is continuing. Today, at the Rittenhouse trial, a Judge told jurors that someone was taking their pictures at a bus stop outside the courthouse, that of course is a threat. We'll see if it works.
In the meantime, my friend, Jason Whitlock has just written a new piece on this trial. He joins us tonight to assess.
Jason Whitlock, thanks so much for coming on. So you've followed this from the beginning. What do you make of it so far?
JASON WHITLOCK, HOST, "FEARLESS WITH JASON WHITLOCK": Tucker, cowardice and fear rolls downhill just like human waste, and now, we have I believe, 18 jurors in the crosshair because men have failed and this society has failed to uphold the rule of law.
We now have thugs in control of our society and so, a prosecuting -- when the prosecutors don't do their job, when the media doesn't do its job, when politicians don't do their jobs, 18 ordinary citizens are now in the crosshairs.
This is a sham prosecution. I don't believe the prosecution team even believes in its case. I don't believe they're even trying to put on a great case. They're just trying to protect themselves and point the finger, if you don't like the verdict, it's those 18 ordinary American citizens. Focus your animosity on them.
We prosecuted this child for murder even though we knew there was no chance of getting a conviction. You guys go deal with the jury. You threaten, harass, dox them, go to their house.
Fear and cowardice is rolling downhill and stomping on the heads of regular American citizens. To sit here and to listen to these MSNBC analysts who said around all of 2020, you go ahead and riot and loot, you go ahead and do whatever -- you're justified in all that rioting and looting and then be surprised that a 17-year-old would get out over his skis, overstep what he should be doing.
Look at all this chaos, look at grown men fail to be men, and lead this country in a proper direction, so a 17-year-old kid picks up a gun and says, I'm going to get involved.
It is not Kyle Rittenhouse's fault, it's our fault, the adults. We're not leading this country in a proper way. We've allowed chaos and anarchy to take over. We've allowed the thugs to run our society and then all the elected people, the politicians that are making money, the millionaires sitting on TV, tsk-tsk-ing, they're all sitting back and 18 jurors have a grenade in their lap.
If they come back with the verdict that should -- if we come back here not guilty, they're in the crosshairs, they're in jeopardy.
Joy Reid, Morning Joe, they're all going to sit back in their gated communities, millions of dollars and talk about it and oh my God, isn't this sad. They're all going to be safe.
Those 18 jurors, good luck to you, guys.
CARLSON: No, that's exactly. I wouldn't want to be one of them. Why -- I mean, I think we racialize things that shouldn't be racialized a lot, but in this case, it's completely baffling because everybody is the same color. How is there a racial element to a monochromatic event like this?
WHITLOCK: Because everything in this country is interpreted through a racial lens led by the mainstream media. We've been trained and programmed -- the mainstream media and social media have trained us to look at everything through a racial lens.
You have four white people, Kyle Rittenhouse and three victims or three people, they're all white and we're still -- so now, we're more concerned about white on white crime and somehow we've racialized that, but black on black crime, let's ignore it. Let's never talk about it.
Anybody that brings it up is the sellout and Uncle Tom, a racist, but this white on white crime, this is now a national case and somehow says, it is a referendum on race in America. It's a joke, Tucker.
CARLSON: I can't even keep up, but when you put it like that, it makes me laugh, which is much needed. I appreciate it. Jason Whitlock, it's great to see you tonight. Thank you.
WHITLOCK: Thank you, Tucker.
CARLSON: So, here is something that's interesting. A Federal Court just ordered the Biden administration to halt, at least temporarily, its vaccine mandate. So how did the White House respond? Well by completely ignoring it like courts don't matter, we're in charge now. There is only one branch of government.
It seems like kind of a turning point in the way the country runs. We've got details for you in just a minute.
A bunch of you asked by the way how to watch the documentaries that we've made on January 6th, they're called "Patriot Purge." You can watch those and all of our original documentaries for free, 90 days, no cost, go to tuckercarlson.com during the break.
We'll be right back.
CARLSON: So, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, we call it OSHA, it was founded 50 years ago in 1971 in order to prevent workplace injuries, things like explosions at chemical plants, when you get your fingers caught in a canning machine, and it did that again for 50 years.
But this summer, OSHA's mission started to change and become political. The agency began advancing the Biden administration's agenda of universal vax, a shot for everybody whether they wanted it or not.
So first, OSHA abruptly announced that employers quote, "Do not need to record adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines." Right, so when you're the safety agency, be sure not to pay any attention at all to the safety of the drug you're forcing people to take. Ignore it. That's an order.
Then OSHA began studying whether COVID posed a significant threat to American workplaces. This was significant, because if it did, then Biden could cite OSHA's conclusions as a justification for his mandatory shot.
But OSHA's numbers in fact proved just the opposite. The data, once collected showed that outside of hospitals and clinics, COVID was not endangering workers in the United States. So from a legal standpoint, that was the end of OSHA's authority. It could not issue a universal vax mandate on the basis of that, and the agency admitted it, and admitted further that a mandate was not necessary.
But just weeks later, Joe Biden did something that in any other moment would have been considered extraordinary and in fact illegal. He ordered OSHA to ignore its own conclusions and issue the mandate, anyway.
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees that together employ over 80 million workers to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week.
We're going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers.
We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us.
CARLSON: Everything about that was a lie and of course, it doesn't even make sense, but underneath it all is something pretty sinister. Here is the President of the United States ignoring the data that his agency gathered that shows his order is unnecessary, in addition to being unconstitutional and immoral, but unnecessary on the basis of the science.
So several states and business owners went to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans to challenge this. They wanted relief from the tyranny, and in asking for it, they made this obvious point.
They said that OSHA itself admitted that what OSHA was doing was illegal, which is true. The business owners also pointed out that no law passed by Congress in this democracy has given OSHA the authority to issue a vax mandate or any mandate because of an infectious disease that affects the entire country.
Instead, Congress authorized OSHA to protect workers from hazards that are unique to workplaces. Again, getting your fingers caught in the canning machine, and that's why for 50 years, OSHA has never issued any kind of mandate that you must take this medicine or that medicine.
The Fifth Circuit heard these arguments and immediately agreed. They suspended Joe Biden's vaccine mandate. The Court cited -- and were quoting -- "Grave statutory and constitutional issues with the mandate."
Great. So how did the Biden administration respond? That's really the point of this. How did they respond? The Court told him to stop.
The Biden administration just ignored the Court. Here is Biden's flack explaining that court orders no longer apply to the king.
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY: We think, people should not wait. We say do not wait to take actions that will keep your workplace safe. It is important and critical to do and waiting to get more people vaccinated will lead to more outbreaks and sickness.
So this is about keeping people in a workplace safe.
CARLSON: Right, it's about -- it is about keeping you safe. No, actually, it's about violating the Constitution and pretending that there's only one branch of government and you run it and you have all power and you can make anybody do whatever you feel like making them do. If this sounds familiar, it's because you have heard it before. It's almost exactly what the White House did when the Supreme Court tried to stop Joe Biden's eviction ban. Remember that? They just blew it off.
Maxine Waters out loud effectively dared the Supreme Court to do something about it. What are you going to do about it? So, again, this is nothing to do with the eviction mandate or the vax mandate. It's not about the medicine or your landlord, it's about power.
The White House has made it really clear, they have the power, you don't, you must obey. We're the only branch of government that can order you to do anything.
This seems like a big change from the system we inherited, is it?
Brit Hume is FOX News's senior political analyst. He joins us tonight.
Brit, thanks so much for coming on. I think because the vax is implicated in this and everyone is so emotional about the vaccine and has -- everyone has opinions about it and all that stuff. We may not be seeing that the way the country runs is changing.
BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS CHANNEL SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, that's certainly an issue here, but understand, first of all what exactly this case is about. This is not about whether vaccine mandates are a good idea. It's not about whether states or municipalities or counties can impose a mandate. It's not about whether companies can impose a mandate.
It is simply about one thing and that is whether the Federal government through the Labor Department and OSHA has the authority under the law and Constitution to issue a nationwide Federal mandate? And what the Court stayed was that order and what that woman who you quoted here as the spokesman said was, she was simply continuing to exhort companies and people to get vaccinated or to get their people vaccinated.
You know, under this order issued by the Court, any company that's decided it wanted to cooperate with the administration or just because it wanted to for other reasons could impose a vaccine mandate, so far at least legally.
HUME: So, I think what the administration is doing may seem to violate the spirit of what the court was trying to do, but I don't think it violated the letter. What I do think, however, Tucker, is that these vaccine mandates which could well and are likely to cost a lot of people their jobs are politically insane, because you know, it's doubtful they have the authority. They may well -- Ron Klain, the White House Chief of Staff is saying that they're confident they'll prevail in Court and that woman sounded something like the same note.
It's not all clear to me they're going to prevail in Court on this mandate and you know, people -- and if people lose their jobs as a result of it, that's political dynamite.
CARLSON: I mean, pilots, nurses, nursing home workers. I mean, if you cared about the country, if you care about the health of the country, why would you fire nurses? And also, I have to ask, why do politicians think they know more about healthcare than nurses?
HUME: I think what we have here is a situation where -- I mean, there's ideology in this for sure, but there's also this. You know, Joe Biden was elected on a promise that he was going to beat this -- he was going to beat this pandemic. He was going to end it, right? Well, it's not ended. It's still going, I think it's beginning to subside, but you know that's happened before, too.
I think there's a feeling in this administration that if they don't -- if they don't somehow bring this thing to heel, this pandemic to heel and slow it to where it's not a problem anymore, that they will be -- the administration will be judged to have failed on a major campaign promise and failed the American people and the political costs of that will be severe.
So they're taking the risk of doing some pretty unpopular things and perhaps even as the Court suggested, illegal and unconstitutional things to advance that cause. That's the only thing that makes any sense to me. I think it's -- I think it's political calculus. It's nuts, but that's the only thing that makes any sense to me.
CARLSON: It's so shocking to me. Brit Hume, thank you so much.
HUME: You bet.
CARLSON: I appreciate you coming on.
Well, we just heard from some creepy Netflix producer, Barack Obama is his name, he is normally at his seaside mansion on Martha's Vineyard, telling young people at the Climate Summit they had better vote for him and the candidates he likes or they're going to die. How's that for a pitch? We've got all of it.
Plus, if you haven't watched "Patriot Purge" yet, you can and you can do it for free. Go to tuckercarlson.com, we'll be right back.
CARLSON: I read a funny piece in Bloomberg News the other day. Apparently, the nation of Argentina has offered to pay its creditors with something called quote, "climate action."
So several years ago, Argentina famously defaulted on $46 billion in debt to the International Monetary Fund. Now, the country's President has proposed linking repayment of that debt to quote "essential investments in green infrastructure."
In other words, building things in their own country, but for the right reasons. So, suddenly caring about global warming is a kind of legal tender. If you care enough, you can settle your debts with it.
Now, our more cynical viewers are likely to be chuckling as they hear this. Wow, Argentina, you may be thinking to yourself. That's creative. I respect your moves. And yes, it is impressive in a gypsy conman three-card money kind of way. Argentina is a very smooth talker.
But there's no reason that you can't get in on the action, too. Just because you're not a bankrupt Latin American country doesn't mean you can't repay your debts with virtue. So how about this?
The rest of us will pledge in notarized legally binding contracts not to fly our private jets to Europe for an entire calendar year. In exchange for that promise, we are exempt from Federal taxes. It's not going to be easy. Try going to Florence in coach.
On the other hand, it will put us way ahead of Joe Biden and Jeff Bezos and Al Gore and all the rest of them, and the sacrifices we're actually willing to make for this rapidly melting planet, unlike our leaders who sincerely care about the climate crisis and that's worth real money, apparently.
So, Barack Obama went to Virginia to get his old friend, Terry McAuliffe elected governor, that didn't work well. So he split. He fueled up his private jet and he flew to Glasgow, Scotland and while he was there, he immediately started slinging the cliches. Our genius President speaks almost entirely in cliches, which is what dumb people do, that's how you know.
Here is what he said, "Since we're in the Emerald Isles here," he said, let me quote "The bard, William Shakespeare."
First of all, Emerald Isle refers of course to Ireland not to Scotland. Scotland is not an isle anyway and Shakespeare is the national bard of England not of Scotland. Ask the Scots, but whatever.
More cliches heaped upon one another.
The real point of Obama showing up was to remind everyone that there was a silver lining. They got to hear from him, Jesus is here. Watch.
BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Even though I'm not required to attend Summits like this anymore, old habits die hard, and when the issue at hand is the health of our planet and the world our children and our grandchildren will inherit, then you will have a hard time keeping me away.
Because when it comes to climate, time really is running out.
Vote the issue. Vote like your life depends on it because it does.
CARLSON: Vote Democrat or you will die. You will die. Maybe Republicans ought to try that. It seems to work.
Alex Epstein is the author of the upcoming book "Fossil Future." He joins us tonight.
Alex, thanks so much for coming on.
ALEX EPSTEIN, AUTHOR, "FOSSIL FUTURE": Thanks for having me.
CARLSON: So, it does seem pretty simple as a matter of science, I do think the science is settled now. There is a 99 percent consensus among scientists that if you don't vote Democrat, we will all die. That works, right?
EPSTEIN: Yes, it seems to be very, very effective. I mean what they're equating is the fact that there is consensus, that there is a slow amount of warming and a very slow amount of sea level rise that's partially contributed to by our CO2 emissions, but they ignore the fact that the fossil fuels that produce the CO2 make billions of people's lives much better.
CARLSON: Right. So it doesn't seem like any of their solutions to this problem disempowered them and that is -- I just -- you can't say enough. That's the acid test. If people have a solution to a problem that they're telling you to worry about and the solution makes them more powerful, maybe they're not totally sincere.
EPSTEIN: Yes, I mean one thing that's really conspicuous from Obama's speech is he did not use the N-word and by the N-word I mean nuclear. If you actually care about CO2 emissions, you should support nuclear because that's the only scalable way to produce non-carbon energy around the world.
And yet, most Democrats unfortunately have criminalized nuclear and what we need to do is liberate it along with liberating fossil fuels so the whole world can have energy like Barack Obama enjoys and the rest of us in America enjoy.
CARLSON: But why shouldn't the rest of us demand that they stop lecturing us until they rearrange their own lives to meet the moral standards they are setting for the rest of us. Like why should we ever listen to anyone who flies on a private plane about global warming?
EPSTEIN: Well, their argument is, if I fly on a private plane, but I get policies passed to prevent enough of you from flying coach, then I've done a good thing and I think this is perverse, but I think the key is we should be able to fly coach.
Flying is great. Yes, the world is getting a little bit warmer but billions of people are rising themselves out of poverty that's a good thing, and what they're talking about with eliminating fossil fuels would end billions of lives prematurely, so I think that's the point to make.
CARLSON: Yes, so they're buying indulgences so they can continue to lecture us.
CARLSON: Last time that happened at scale, we had a reformation. I hope we have another. Alex Epstein, congrats on the book. It looks great.
EPSTEIN: Thank you.
CARLSON: Thank you.
So imagine if every time you introduced yourself to someone else, in addition to saying your name, you had to state your pronouns and then your ethnicity and your sexuality and then describe your physical appearance, all of it out loud. That would be insane, right?
Oh, no. But it's happening and it may be happening to you soon. We have the tape video.
CARLSON: We scour the internet for a weird video to show you and the other day we came across this, the weirdest we've seen in a while. It's from Microsoft, which at one point was a company outside Seattle that made mediocre software. Now, it's some kind of religious movement, apparently.
Anyway this is from Microsoft -- internal. Watch.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hello and welcome to Microsoft Ignite. We've got a big day ahead and lots in store for you.
First, we want to acknowledge that the land or the Microsoft Campus is situated was traditionally occupied by the Sammamish, the Duwamish, the Snoqualmie, the Suquamish, the Muckleshoot, the Snohomish, the Tulalip and other coast Salish peoples since time immemorial.
CARLSON: Really? Have you paid royalties to the Muckleshoot people for building your stupid campus on their land, probably not? You think mentioning their name gets you out of the obligation? I don't think so, Microsoft. We'll talk to you later.
But on to the rest of the video which got even weirder than that. Watch.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm a Caucasian woman with long blonde hair and I go by she, her.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm a Caucasian man with glasses and a beard. I go by he, him.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm a white woman with short brown hair wearing a Navy and floral blouse and dark jeans.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am a tall Hispanic male wearing a burgundy shirt and some blue jeans.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm a white man. I'm wearing a polo shirt, blue jeans, and glasses.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm a black woman with light brown skin rocking curly hair today, a red shirt and black jacket.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm an Asian white female with dark brown hair wearing a red sleeveless top.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To be inclusive of our whole community, I'll describe what I look like to help those who may have low vision or may not otherwise see me.
I'm a white woman with dark brown hair wearing a hot pink sweater.
CARLSON: Okay, okay. So we called Microsoft. They're very literal of course, they make bad software for a living. They're not artists, and we asked them, what is this? And they said we're doing it to help blind viewers, but of course they're lying because the guy with the Mohawk, which was the most interesting thing about him never even mentioned that he had a Mohawk.
So they're lying to the blind people, and by the way, how would someone who can't see know what a red shirt looks like anyway? Keep in mind, this isn't some eighth grader like going crazy on TikTok. This is a choreographed presentation for one of those powerful companies in the world.
So how long before they make your kids do this?
Chadwick Moore has thought a lot about this. He is the editor-in-chief of "Outspoken." Our old friend, we're happy to see him tonight.
Chadwick, thanks so much for coming on. If you could just describe yourself by the way for the visually impaired in our audience, we'd be grateful.
CHADWICK MOORE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, "OUTSPOKEN": Sure. Thank you for asking. I am a white male, sorry, I have a beard. I'm about six feet tall. I have piercing blue eyes, which if you can't see them that's really unfortunate for you and I'm currently wearing a patterned shirt with a different patterns tie, which is called power clashing.
CARLSON: Can I just ask, like if you have the opportunity, why not give yourself an upgrade? Why not say -- you know, because they're going to take your word for it. Be like, I'm actually six, six. I'm a kind of famous triathlete. I've got hands the size of dinner plates. Like why not?
MOORE: That was exactly my thought, and then what's next, boxers or briefs? I mean, come on. And with the campuses -- how soon should we start getting into personal details like, oh also, you know, when I was a child, went to Christmas, I really wanted a Suzie Bake Oven, but I got a football instead. Anyway, let's go on to what we're here to gather to talk about.
With the campus, I think that -- why don't they just give the land back and everything on it if they have to name the tribes? But also what I want to know is who the hell came up with this? Who is demanding this?
I don't think that any lobbying group for the visually impaired suddenly decided, November 2021 is the year they want to become just as aggressive and irritating and annoying as the pronoun jockeys and the gender wizards.
This is all about these people who work in Big Tech who really feel have some sort of guilt and have nothing else to worry about other than trying to tell you how virtuous and wonderful they are, you know, because they are driven mad by the idea that somewhere out there, there might be a blind person who is just dying to know what color their sweater is although the color wouldn't really mean anything to them.
CARLSON: Well, that's exactly right. I mean, so of course, as usual, just like BLM does not help black people, I know a couple of blind people. I've never heard a blind person complain about anything.
In fact, the people I know in my life who are the least likely to complain about anything are visually impaired. I don't know if there's a connection, but I've certainly noticed it. There is no lobby of blind people yelling at Microsoft. They're doing this just to let you know how great they are.
MOORE: That's exactly right and that's a very good point. I would say the same thing about every blind person I've ever met. Yes, and then once again -- and then maybe, it is just, you know, what is Microsoft leadership supposed to do? Because as we see with these woke corporations, you know the rank and file are so insane that they don't dare go against them unless they have some kind of Netflix situation unfolding and protests and bad press.
CARLSON: That's exactly right. We support your power clashing. Thank you for describing it. Chadwick Moore great to see you tonight.
MOORE: Thank you. You, too.
CARLSON: So, Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri just gave a really interesting speech about young men and masculinity. Of course, he was attacked for it. But it was worth hearing more about. Senator Hawley joins us after the break.
CARLSON: So for all the women's empowerment talk that continues apace like it's 1973, the numbers are really clear, it's men in this country who are in deep trouble by every measure.
A couple of years ago, we did a series called "Men in America," which explained exactly how men are falling behind in this country. We found that important at that time, it's even more important now that the numbers are even worse.
Finally, a Member of Congress noticed this and spoke to it forcefully. That was Senator Josh Hawley. He spoke to the National Conservatism Conference and he pointed out something obvious that masculinity is under attack in this country and men are withering and dying as a result of this. It's not an overstatement. Anybody familiar to social science can confirm that.
So over at MSNBC, of course, they found this deeply offensive, they compared Josh Hawley, of course to Vladimir Putin.
NICOLLE WALLACE, MSNBC HOST: Josh Hawley, with his trademark laser-like precision has honed in on the real front burner issue in America, masculinity in this country.
CLAIRE MCCASKILL, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: I am certainly not shocked that he said something this wacky because he said stuff like this before.
SCHMIDT: It's a couple of dashes of political extremism from a very, very cynical Stanford educated United States Senator. It's a dollop of the type of rhetoric that you may hear in Vladimir Putin's Russia that you may hear in Viktor Orban's Hungary, a fusion of these masculine notion, right? This is why you see Putin posing with tigers with his shirt off.
CARLSON: To that point, we are going to take a closer forensic look at the personal lives of the three people you just saw on the screen, a lot of happy, well-balanced relationships, do you think? Probably not.
Josh Hawley, by contrast is the Senator from Missouri about whom they were complaining and he joins us tonight. Senator, thank you so much for coming on. So, you felt moved to defend masculinity, how come?
SEN. JOSH HAWLEY (R-MO): Well, because it is in crisis. Men are in crisis, Tucker, as you pointed out. I mean, listen, we've got at least 16 million men in this country who are out of the labor force. They're not just unemployed, they're not even trying to work. And I'm talking about able- bodied men, prime age men.
We have an epidemic of fatherlessness in this country and what's the left saying? The left is saying that America is a systemically oppressive place and that men are to blame and that masculinity is to blame.
You know, if you want to be a man, if you are assertive, if you're independent, if you display those that characteristics that psychologists have associated with men for decades, then you are contributing to the oppressive place that is America. That just isn't true and it's time that we call that out and it is time that we say to young men in particular, we need you.
We need you to be responsible. We need you to get a job and you can make this country a better place by being who you were meant to be and we should call men to that.
CARLSON: God that's -- I mean, I can't imagine why anyone would be anything, but grateful to hear that. Why do you think that triggers the morons so much?
HAWLEY: Well, because the left, they hate this country, but they also -- they don't believe in gender. They're trying to do away with gender and they don't believe in manhood or womanhood. I mean, these are the same people who are trying to do away with women's sports, let's not forget, Tucker.
HAWLEY: So, this is a war on gender all the way around, and I think the idea of having independent men and independent women for that matter, but independent men who would actually go to work and be responsible and contribute to their families and contribute to society, the left finds that scary because those are not the kind of people who will just be told to fall in line by the government and do whatever the government says to do.
The left doesn't want that. They don't believe in manhood at all. They think it's inherently oppressive. We have got to call them out on these falsehoods and they are false, and we've got to call the men to responsibility.
CARLSON: For all of our sakes, men and women need each other. If one group fails, everyone suffers. I mean, that's real. That's how we are made, unfortunately, maybe, but it's true.
Senator, Hawley, I appreciate your coming on tonight and for the truth that you're telling about that. Thank you.
HAWLEY: Thank you.
CARLSON: We're completely out of time, sadly. We will be back tomorrow.
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