
This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on November 8, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


It's only Monday, but we're going to try and cram the nutritional content of an entire week of shows into the next hour.

We've got Governor Ron DeSantis on new reports that the White House is secretly flying illegal aliens into the State of Florida because immigration is not about politics.

Then, we've got Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports who is waging one of the great battles of all time against repulsive slurs from legacy media outlets that hate him, they're trying to destroy him. He is unbowed.

Then we've got Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene who is one of the only lawmakers who was bothered to visit the January 6th defendants who are rotting in the D.C. jail. She will tell us what she just saw there.

We want to start tonight with Joe Biden the isolated and deeply unpopular President of the United States. At this point, pretty much no one likes Joe Biden or will admit it. The latest "U.S.A. Today" poll has Biden at a terrifying 38 percent job approval rating. Biden has been in office less than a year, and already two-thirds of voters do not want him to run again.

How unpopular is Joe Biden as of tonight? Let's put it this way, he is only 10 points above the single most despised person in the United States, which is his own Vice President. Jeffrey Epstein now has more admirers than Kamala Harris does, and that is the territory that Joe Biden now occupies.

So, it is genuinely bad and it has political effects as we saw last week. The question is why is this happening? Why are people so dissatisfied all of a sudden with Joe Biden? Well, the obvious answer is, and you're going to hear a lot of people say this, Joe Biden is senile and ineffective.

But if you think about it, that's not true. It can't really be true because voters knew perfectly well all along that Biden was doddering. They knew that when they elected him. It was obvious even then.

In fact, it was part of his appeal. Biden was too slow to be threatening to anyone. This was not a guy who was going to be making a lot of sudden moves. If you secretly wished it was still 1985, Joe Biden was your man, because he was under the impression that it actually was.

So, no, senility is not Joe Biden's main problem. Joe Biden's problem is weakness.

Biden is afraid. You see it every time you look at him. He is overwhelmed. He is off balance and that's why he is so often snappy and aggressive because underneath it all, he feels anxious.

Biden isn't always sure where he is or what is happening around him, so a man like that cannot possibly lead a country this complex. But the problem is, his weakness makes him a target for predators. Ideologues like Susan Rice or Barack Obama can take a man like that hostage and make him read their scripts. That's exactly what is happening, and you saw it so clearly last week.

Our own Peter Doocy asked Biden about the White House plan to pay reparations to illegal aliens up to almost half a million dollars per person, so the very idea of an administration doing that under any circumstances is completely deranged. What's interesting is that Joe Biden who is not ideological, he is emotional, Biden understood that immediately, and so he responded when asked the way that any normal person would.

He said, effectively, what the hell are you talking about? That's crazy. Watch.


PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: There were reports that were surfacing that your administration is planning to pay illegal immigrants who are separated from their families at the border, up to $450,000.00, each possibly a million dollars per family. Do you think that that might incentivize more people to come over illegally?

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If you guys keep sending that garbage out, yes. But it's not true.

DOOCY: So this is a garbage report?



CARLSON: Well, yes. Biden was right, reparations for illegals, that is garbage, and most people think it. A new poll by the Trafalgar Group shows that fully two-thirds of the country that's a majority of Democrats, as well as of course a majority of Republicans believe that idea is nuts because it obviously is nuts.

Paying people to break our laws, are you crazy? That would destroy the country, obviously.

Now whatever you think of Biden, he has been in politics for more than 50 years and at this point, if nothing else, he has got a pretty good gut sense of these things. So, the second he heard that idea, the second Peter Doocy presented it to him, he was against it, on instinct.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden is no longer in charge. He no longer makes meaningful decisions. The ideologues are in charge, the Obama people are in charge. That's the point, that's what we're watching.

So after that moment, they hauled Joe Biden before the Central Committee. They gave him a good re-education and the next thing you know, Biden is out there dutifully repeating their lunatic slogans. Watch this.


BIDEN: If in fact because of the outrageous behavior of the last administration, you, coming across the border whether it was legal or illegal and you lost your child -- you lost your child, he is gone -- you deserve some kind of compensation, no matter what the circumstance.

What that will be, I have no idea. I have no idea.


CARLSON: You see that? The narrowed eyes, the finger point, the jabbing in your face. Notice how angry Biden looks in that clip. This is not a man who is in control, not of his own emotions obviously, but also not of the administration he supposedly runs. The ideologues are in control and that is a huge problem for the rest of us.

It's a problem because ideologues have no interest in the lives of actual human beings ideologues care only about their theories, about the bright new future they are building. Human beings are just speed bumps on the way to utopia.

So not surprisingly, when ideologues take over a society, any society in any country at any point throughout history, life always gets much worse for most people. Borders fall, crime rises, schools collapse, inflation gets out of control. Suddenly, there are drug addicts living in tent cities in your neighborhood screaming at your kids as you walk by.

Quality of life falls off a cliff. It's intolerable for most people, but the ideologues don't care because they're completely focused on the shiny new society they're constructing. Nothing else matters. Perfection is always just around the corner.

As soon as we get rid of all these white men, everything will be great. They say that and they really believe it. Meanwhile, inevitably the actual physical world around them, the world the rest of us inhabit day-to-day crumbles at high speed, and you're seeing it now everywhere.

Just today, in the face of skyrocketing energy prices, the White House announced it may shut down yet another pipeline. First, it was Keystone XL, that happened immediately. This time, the Biden administration would like to close what's called the Line 5 pipeline. You may not have heard of that, but it's vital to this country.

The pipeline moves more than half a million barrels of desperately needed energy every day from Canada to Michigan. Shut that down? Wait to see what happens to gas prices. They are already at record highs. So if you're not rich, this is going to make your life much worse and everyone knows it.

So no normal administration would even consider doing something like this at a moment like this. Shutting down a pipeline in the middle of an energy crisis? No. it's too destructive, but here's the thing.

From an ideologue's perspective, destruction is the whole point. Burn down Wendy's, loot Macy's, defund the police, close the school, shut down the energy grid. Tear it all down. Scrape the pad, so we can put up something new and perfect. As they often put it, build back better.

The problem with thinking like this, there are many problems, but the core problem is that you tend to ignore the suffering of the people who still live in your country pre-utopia. You don't care about them and they know you don't care about them. That dynamic is a huge problem. It makes societies particularly supposedly democratic societies very volatile.

Wise leaders understand it so they are very careful to pretend that they care, but not childish ideologues. Childless ideologues just laugh in the face of your suffering.

Here is Jennifer Granholm for example, our new Energy Secretary, snickering about rising gas prices.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What is the Granholm plan to increase oil production in America?

JENNIFER GRANHOLM, U.S. SECRETARY OF ENERGY: (Laughing). Okay. That is hilarious. Would -- do I have the magic wand on this?


CARLSON: Doing something to save middle-class Americans from rising energy prices, quote: "That is hilarious," says the Energy Secretary. You can just imagine Louis XVI talking like this right before the French Revolution.

It does make you wonder how long this can continue.

Candace Owens is the host of "Candace," on "The Daily Wire" and we're grateful to have her now.

Candace, it's great to see you.

So they are intentionally making things worse because tearing down what we have is a prerequisite to building utopia. I think that is the answer to what we're seeing.

CANDACE OWENS, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: That is exactly correct and this is an especially sensitive topic for me today because I spent the earlier part of the day speaking to a North Korean defector and I was actually horrified hearing her speak about what she lived through while she was in North Korea and understanding that you know, what they're really trying to do right here in America is build exactly that model, where the state controls and owns and operates everything.

You will have nothing and you will be happy because you have served some higher purpose, some higher government -- some higher idea, what you're talking about, these ideologues, some higher idea. Green new energy, you did it for your planet. You need to have nothing. You need to shut down these pipelines.

You're not going to be able to afford to fill up gas, but look at you, you should be proud because now, this is a part of the Green New Plan. And by the way, if you want anything, you've got to worship government.

This is the whole reason why when you talk about what is the thing that connects these attack of the education system, why are they dumbing down kids? Why are they being so horrible about families? Why do they want parents -- why do they want children turning to government and not to their parents for answers?

Well, one thing that ties this all is that they don't want there to be anything, but the state in your individual lives. In fact, one of the things that this North Korean defector told me was that there was no concept of love, right? She said, we don't -- we don't have words like stress. We don't have words like social justice in Korean. So there is no concept of this in the state because they don't want you to even think about that because you're supposed to know that this is how things are supposed to be.

Every movie that they're allowed to watch in North Korea -- and this really terrified me -- the only concept of anybody dying is for the state, the highest honor is for the state. We're seeing right now, people thought this was a radical concept years ago, this is a Republican talking point, it's not.

We are seeing America being radically transformed into a communist country. That is what is happening right now. People need to wake up to this, Tucker. I cannot say enough because it is happening quickly. How have they done it? They needed an existential crisis.

Well, COVID-19 is their never ending existential crisis. This is why we have to take everything that you own this is why we have to shut down your businesses. This is why you can't earn a living while we take trillions for ourselves because we're here to help.

No, we're not. We're here to take over every aspect of your lives, and welcome you to a socialist reverie.

CARLSON: It just feels like the cost of this is getting really high. You can feel underneath -- I mean, there are a lot of signs here without being too specific, but you can kind of feel the society going sideways underneath.

I mean, you could see actual unrest. That's the last thing anybody wants. Do you think they are aware that they could be putting too much pressure on the population?

OWENS: I think, they are aware, but I don't think they are scared. You know, I think this is something that's been going on -- going on for a very long time. It is going to begin with Joseph Biden, we know that.

You know, Hillary Clinton would have been a person that helped to catalyze this had she have gotten -- had she had become our President, but she didn't get that and they felt like Trump actually stopped their plans.

You know they started this process very slowly and nobody really was awake to it. I certainly wasn't. I thought okay, maybe -- maybe we are just trying to do some socially good things. Maybe we are just trying to help everybody out.

But then suddenly, when Trump was in office, it became very apparent that something else was happening in this country. You know, this obsessive focus, this obsession and focus on racism on white supremacy, making children say look, anything that happens in this country is the fault of racism, not the obvious fault of what is standing in your face, which is that it is the fault of government.

Every hardship that we're facing right now in this country is because of the government. We're not building back anything better right now, Tucker, and Americans need to wake up to that fact.

CARLSON: Candace Owens, thanks so much. Appreciate it.

OWENS: Thank you for having me.

CARLSON: So, we spend a lot of time pounding on the Democratic Party and on individual Democrats on this show, but the truth is, we'll be totally honest, we need a sane Democratic Party in America if we're going to continue. Democrats and Republicans will always disagree on specific solutions, but the key is this -- both parties have to have the same goal, improving the country and the lives of the individual Americans who live here.

As long as you have that, the rest is just a policy debate. That's the way it's been for centuries. That's what we need to return to.

And there is, we're happy to say, some evidence on the margins that some people in the Democratic Party are beginning to realize this. Here is an example.

Abigail Spanberger is a pretty liberal, actually, Member of Congress from the Richmond suburbs of Virginia, but last week, after her party was crushed in that state, she said some true and obvious things about why her party might be in trouble. Here is part of it: "Nobody elected Biden to be FDR," she told "The New York Times."

"They elected him to be normal and stop the chaos. We were so willing to take seriously a global pandemic, but we're not willing to say yes, inflation is a problem and supply chain is a problem and we don't have enough workers in our workforce. We gloss over that and only like to admit problems in spaces that we dominate."

So, it's not a partisan point to note that that's just true. It's absolutely true. These aren't radical observations, they are really obvious. But on the left right now, it takes courage to say that, and as Americans, we want to do whatever we can to support people who think like this regardless of what party they're in.

Tulsi Gabbard is one of those people and so we're always happy to talk to her. She joins us tonight.

Congresswoman, thanks so much for coming on.


CARLSON: It does seem like as long as everybody can agree that you want to make the lives of the people who live here better, then you can't kind of go too far off course. Do you think that that -- you know everyone is sort of waking up to that? Are we moving toward remembering that or no?

GABBARD: I think that really is the critical thing here is that when we have Democrats and Republicans in positions of leadership, of course, there are going to be disagreements on different issues or how we approach solving the problems of the American people, but so long as the goal is the same, the goal being, hey, we want to do what is best for the American people and our country, then we know that progress is possible and that's where we absolutely need more than just sane leaders because the problem is bigger than just insanity.

The problem that we have now is leaders who are so willing to manipulate the American people to further their own selfish political interests or money or power or whatever it is, and we see this very clearly in how everything in our country is being racialized. That this is an intentional strategy to tear us apart based on the color of our skin because they think that there is some political gain to be had from it and they don't care at all about the destruction that they leave in their wake and this is what we, as voters need to reject and choose leaders who do put the American people in our country first, who share that objective from both political parties.

CARLSON: Yes. The example you just gave, which is at the center of so much of the rhetoric is such an obvious dead end. You know, the end point of that is violence and division, everyone can tell.

You've got to think that there are people in the Democratic Party who get that. Are there?

GABBARD: I sure hope so, unfortunately, as we see too often, more and more Democrats are pushing this racialization, they are pushing more fomenting of anger and hatred and divisiveness that really is destroying us.

It is causing more suffering and more harm to the American people and the fabric of our country and undermining these values that our country was founded on. I think this is where when you look at the election that happened in Virginia, you saw Terry McAuliffe represented that fomenting of divisiveness, this racialization, and Virginia voters rejected that.

And again regardless of political party, this is what I hope we see more of in the country that voters take a stand and make a choice, Democrat or Republican, we want leaders who sincerely care for our people and care for our country and who will serve putting those interests of service above self.

CARLSON: Man, that's just so inspiring to hear that and I've got to think that the vast majority of Americans agree with what you just said no matter what they like or who they voted for, so thank you for saying that. Tulsi Gabbard, former Member of Congress from Hawaii.

So it's not a surprise that people in the legacy media despise Dave Portnoy. He is more successful than they are, but more to the point, he says exactly what he wants all the time because it's America and you're supposed to be allowed to do that.

So "Business Insider" decided to get rid of this Dave Portnoy character for good, they sent out someone to investigate his sex life. Dave Portnoy seems to be still standing, we'll find out for sure when he joins us next.

And don't forget during the break, there is still time to get all of our shows for free. That includes our original series called "Patriot Purge." You can go to tuckercarlson.com and get free access to fox nation, totally protected from the tech behemoths for 90 days. We hope you will.


CARLSON: Well, here's quite a mystery. The Governor of the largest state in America has gone missing, not seen since he had his COVID-19 booster, probably totally unrelated, it's been about 12 days now.

FOX's Bill Melugin is on the case for us tonight. Hey, Bill.


That's right. Look, California Governor Gavin Newsom has been MIA now for 11 straight days. He has made zero public appearances since late October and really nobody knows where he is at or what he has been up to.

Take a look at this video right here. This was the very last time Newsom was seen in public back on October 27th. He seemed flexing there. This is right after he got his COVID-19 booster shot in Oakland.

At the time, he said it was painless. He posed for the cameras again flexing in that t-shirt again and he also urged others to get their booster shots as well.

Well, just a couple of days after that, on October 29th, Newsom's office very abruptly announced the Governor was canceling a planned trip to participate in the United Nations Climate Summit. His office cited unspecified family obligations.

Now, Newsom's office went on to say the Governor would attend that conference virtually, but to this day, he still has not appeared in that conference. Now, since then, Governor Newsom has only appeared in pre- recorded video statements and in family Halloween photos.

You can see he posted the day after Halloween. He showed an Instagram photo of his family all of them dressed up as pirates and then on Sunday, yesterday, his wife posted this on Twitter. Take a look at this tweet right here. She wrote, quote: "It's funny how certain folks can't handle the truth. When someone cancels something, maybe they're just in the office working, maybe in their free time, they're at home with their family, at their kid's sports matches or dining out with their wife. Please stop hating and get a life."

Well, she deleted that tweet just a few minutes after she posted it.

And Tucker, Governor Newsom's office has refused to clarify to the media exactly what family obligations have been keeping him out of the public eye; however, his Press Secretary did confirm to FOX news late this afternoon that he will resume public appearances sometime this week.

That spokesman also went on to say that his absence has had nothing to do whatsoever with this COVID booster shot. I'll send it back to you.

CARLSON: Bill Melugin, great to see you tonight.

MELUGIN: You, too.

CARLSON: Well, here is a story for you.

Dave Portnoy is the founder, of course, of Barstool Sports. He is a cultural icon. Portnoy is not especially political, he seems a lot more interested in stock tips than election polling, but he is unapologetically American, always has been.

He thinks you ought to be allowed to say what you really think in this country, even if NBC News doesn't like it. So that attitude and the success as a publisher has made Portnoy a massive threat to legacy media organizations. They truly hate him. So last week they decided to destroy his life.

A sleazy little blog called "Business Insider" dispatched a robot reporter to snoop around in Portnoy's sex life. They didn't find anything illegal or even especially surprising, but they tried their best to humiliate him. Now, they are harassing his advertisers.

The question is, can this "Business Insider" whoever that is succeed in killing Dave Portnoy? And that's a question that anyone who is interested in free speech and the free exchange of ideas should probably care about.

To answer it, we've invited Dave Portnoy himself to join us tonight. We're grateful that he has.

Dave, thanks so much for coming on.

So, I guess the rules are, they don't like your posture, the cut of your jib, your attitude, you don't take orders so they send some little robot to snoop around in your personal life, don't find anything illegal, but print all this stuff anonymously about your sex life and then try to destroy you? Like these are the rules now?

DAVE PORTNOY, FOUNDER, BARSTOOL SPORTS: It seems that eight months, so I've heard about this article, this hit piece that they had in the works for eight months. I'm talking everybody that was attached to me on social media, people I didn't even know, people who talked about me, every single person attached to me, this reporter reached out and basically had leading questions.

Hey, any dirt on Dave Portnoy? Anything bad to find? They found virtually nothing. Two examples, I'd argue, both which I have unequivocally provided proof that they're not telling the truth. Beyond that, not only me, there is one instance, there's an actual police report that reads like it's from "The Onion," I'm basically accused of going to a local cookie shop with a different girl every few days.

So that is the gist of it. How they are allowed to publish this and they couch it in a very, I guess, I guess smart for them they never accuse me of anything. They just lead you to water and want you to drink with sensationalistic headlines that if I read about myself, not knowing me like, oh this is a bad guy. If you dig into it, there's absolutely nothing there.

They reach out to our advertisers as you say, and said hey, are you advertising with Dave because we're going to write an article about how bad he is? What's the proof? Our own article.

I've offered them the chance to discuss it with me with their own cameras, their own reporters, as many people as they want to have a discussion so we can go back and forth, I could say, hey, these facts directly dispute what you wrote. They won't do it. They said don't talk to us.

They won't even discuss it. They print and run. They print and run. It's disgusting and it's character assassination.

My lawyers have said, just let it go, it'll go away. I'm not going to let it go because this is -- this behavior, I've never been attacked like this. I've been attacked for two decades, but never escalated to this length, and frankly it's scary I didn't know that you could do this.

CARLSON: So it's interesting, there are a lot of interesting things here, but you know "Business Insider" was founded by a guy who pled to securities fraud and admitted lying to investors, which I -- you know, so it's like, I don't know, maybe don't throw stones.

But this is a publication that is supposed to be covering business. You run a business, you've been really successful in business. You've got to kind of wonder why you? You're not running for anything, like is there a business angle do you think in their decision to try and destroy you?

PORTNOY: It is weird because I'm being treated as though I'm a politician in politics, it is the dirtiest game ever. I will say, Penn which is Penn National, which is involved with Bar Stool, there's a lot of Penn stock.

Penn stock had their earnings the day this article dropped -- the day this article dropped. There is 365 days in a year, it dropped the same day, the day before there was wild shorting, basically people betting against Penn. You can bet on a stock against it.

For some reason, tons of people bet against it the day before it dropped. As you mentioned, Henry Blodgett was convicted for S.E.C. fraud. He can never trade stocks the rest of his life. He stole working people's money. That's the CEO of the company that wrote this hit piece.

CARLSON: That's just unbelievable. I mean, from my perspective, not involved in your business or any of this stuff, it's just important that people say what they really mean and that we have space for someone who is unapologetically honest and maybe not feminized, and so I just am really rooting for you to survive this and I know that you will.

Dave Portnoy, thank you for coming on.

PORTNOY: Thank you.

CARLSON: So, of all the Members of Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, one of the only ones who actually went to the D.C. jail to visit some of the January 6 protesters who are still rotting there and what she found is pretty shocking, she joins us next to tell us.

As we said, there is still time to score free access to "Patriot Purge," our three-part documentary on that day, January 6. You can and go to tuckercarlson.com and get it free. We'll be right back.


CARLSON: Here is yet another amazing story for you tonight, so right before the last election, the President's daughter, Ashley Biden somehow was separated from her diary. She says it was stolen, so in the pretext of that, a year later, F.B.I. agents just raided the homes of several working journalists including a current employee at Project Veritas.

They broke down doors in pre-dawn raids. They were trying to seize material that might embarrass the Biden family. Their boss was upset and so they did this for him. Pretty amazing, really. So we're going to begin with the statement from the head of Project Veritas, James O'Keefe.

Here is his summary of what happened.


JAMES O'KEEFE, FOUNDER, PROJECT VERITAS: Miss Biden's father's Department of Justice, specifically the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York appears to be investigating the situation, claiming the diary was stolen.

We don't know if it was, but it begs the question, in what world is the alleged theft of a diary investigated by the President's F.B.I. and his Department of Justice? A diary?


CARLSON: So that's a really good question. Okay, so the F.B.I., D.O.J. is saying that Ashley Biden's diary was stolen in a burglary. Now, we can't verify it either way. That does not appear to be true actually. It seems like Ashley Biden left the diary in a house when she moved out, but whatever, let's say for the sake of argument that the diary was stolen.

The F.B.I. raids still don't make any sense. No one is claiming these journalists stole the diary. The material in question is already public some of it is pretty awful. It's been on the internet for a year. We decided not to cover it by the way.

It's awful. But most amazingly, and the point that O'Keefe makes is the one that stands. Since when does the F.B.I. respond to domestic burglaries? Can you call the D.O.J. the next time your car gets broken into? Oh, you're not the President's drug-addicted kid, okay. Got it.

This is totally third world, and it's an attack on press freedom. Obviously, you're raiding a journalist's house because that journalist may have had something to do with embarrassing the President's kid.

Where's the White House Correspondents Association on this? Where are all the press freedom people?

If you're looking for an aggressive attack on freedom of the press, there you have it. Maybe, someone should say something -- maybe.

So virtually, no Members of Congress have gone to check up on the protesters who -- the many protesters are still rotting in the D.C. jail and have been for more than 10 months. Marjorie Taylor Greene just went and was shocked by what she saw.

She visited some of the defendants, some of them told her they are not allowed to practice their religion until they get vaccinated, for example. Listen.


REP. MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE (R-GA): Are you allowed to have religious services?

PRISONERS: No. We do our own.

PRISONER: I submitted for communion last week and they said the only way to get communion is to get vaccinated which is against our First Amendment rights, so they're prohibiting our religion.

PRISONER: Just so we could get the vaccine.


CARLSON: Other inmates said they're not allowed to see their families, they were pushed to disavow Donald Trump. Some said they couldn't go outside more than twice a week, it goes on. Here's more.


GREENE: Are you able to talk to your family members or see your family?


PRISONER: I haven't seen my family's faces in all year -- all year.

PRISONER: I haven't seen my family's faces since April.

GREENE: Do you feel like you're being treated fairly?


PRISONER: We are still locked in our cells most of the day. We only get five hours a day out.

GREENE: Do you go outside?

PRISONER: Twice a week.

GREENE: Twice a week?


CARLSON: Considering all the violence, the actual violence that our media excused for over a year, it's pretty amazing that nobody cares what's happened to these people, and of course a lot of Members of Congress are applauding this.

Liz Cheney, for example, she was just asked the obvious question. If you really want to get to the bottom of what happened on January 6th, did the Federal government have any role? There were a lot of people there. Were any of them working for the Feds?

Well, you're not allowed to ask that. Here is Liz Cheney.


REP. LIZ CHENEY (R-WY): You know it's the same kind of thing that you hear from people who say that 9/11 was an inside job, for example. It is un- American to be spreading those kinds of lies and they are lies, and we have an obligation that goes beyond partisanship and an obligation that we share, Democrats and Republicans, together to make sure that we understand every single piece of the facts about what happened that day and to make sure the people who did it are held accountable.

And to call it a false flag operation, to spread those kinds of lies is really dangerous.


CARLSON: So the weapons of mass destruction lady is accusing other people of lying. Got it. And we need to get to the bottom of it, but how dare you ask questions about it because that's un-American.

Well we're going to continue to ask questions about it because she's not in charge.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is also a Member of Congress. She is from Georgia. She took the time to find out what's going on. She joins us tonight.

Congresswoman, thanks so much for coming on. I know you saw a lot there. You gathered a lot of information, but sum up your sense of how these Americans are being treated in custody?

GREENE: Well, apparently, it's patriot hunting season ever since January 20th, Tucker. You see, I can't believe what's happening in our country. We saw a whole year of riots where Antifa and BLM rioters were burning down cities and businesses, attacking people on the streets, and even killing brave retired police officers like David Dorn, but yet, people went to the Capitol using their First Amendment and then some of them did get involved in a riot, but what I saw Thursday night when I went to the D.C. jail after months of persistence trying to get in, just to see what was happening in there because of the terrible rumors that were coming out of that jail.

Everything that I've heard I found out was true.

You see these people are being held. They were held for four months, 23 in one -- 23 hours a day in solitary confinement in their cell, one hour out, then it followed by two months 22 and two, 22 hours in their cell, two hours out. And now they're able to be out five hours at a time if they're on good behavior.

But you see if they're not vaccinated, they can't get a haircut, they can't shave. They're given Nair to chemically remove their hair instead of be able to get a haircut.

If they're not vaccinated, they're not allowed to go to chapel. If they're not vaccinated, they're not allowed to have communion. You see, even in jail, in prison, unvaccinated people are treated like second-class citizens.

But it's worse than just that. They haven't seen their family members since they've been arrested. They aren't able to talk to their attorneys when they want to. The food that they're given is not good food, and many of them are sick.

There are several men in there that really need medical treatment and they are being denied. There is an elderly man in the jail whose hand is purple and his thumb is black and they begged me to get him out of there.

They are really suffering. They are being treated badly, and Tucker, here is the worst part. These are pretrial defendants and they're not allowed to bail out and they're told they have to denounce President Trump and what they believe if they want to make bail.

And so, it's outrageous that Americans can be treated this way, and every single American should be upset over this because you know, I ran for Congress because I don't trust our government and now that I'm a Member of Congress and after I've seen everything I've seen, I don't even trust our government.

It is worse than it was before.

CARLSON: Yes. I mean none of this is proportionate to what they've been accused of doing and people like Liz Cheney defend it. She'd drone them if she could.

GREENE: Oh, she would. Oh yes, absolutely. Liz Cheney would like to take them down. She sees them as some kind of lower class.

CARLSON: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, thanks for coming on tonight.

GREENE: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: We've got a lot more details on what exactly happened that day and what didn't happen that day with our documentary series in "Tucker Carlson Originals." It's called "Patriot Purge." As we told you, all the episodes are available right now on tuckercarlson.com.

So the Biden demonstration turns out is secretly flying illegal immigrants to red states. Florida is on the list because it's not about politics or changing the population, Governor Ron DeSantis joins us next to respond to what's happening to his state.


CARLSON: So the Biden administration loses control completely, they get apoplectic and start hyperventilating if you suggest it, really the point of their immigration policy is domestic politics maybe kind of reshuffle the population a little bit so they win. They are not doing that.

Now, we learn actually, the Biden administration is secretly resettling foreign nationals, illegal immigrants all over the country with resettlement flights most of them secret.

Now, almost 80 of these flights recently have landed in the State of Florida. What happened next? Well here's one thing, an illegal migrant from Honduras called Medina Ulloa was on one of those flights. He is now accused of murdering a father of four in his own home.

Ron DeSantis is the sitting Governor of Florida. He joins us tonight.

Governor, thanks so much for coming on. So just the news stories suggest that the administration was sending planes into your state and offloading people secretly from foreign countries in violation of the law, is that accurate?

GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): So these are flights that are coming in two or three in the morning. The Feds of course control the air space and they're there on the ground, they take these folks and then they send them in other parts of Florida by bus or other parts of the southeast and that individual who was murdered was in fact murdered by an illegal alien who was on one of Biden's flights, these midnight flights unannounced, no notice, no support for the state, no ability for us to veto it ahead of time.

And if Biden had not been doing that, if he'd been doing his job, that individual would be alive today.

CARLSON: I mean, I not a constitutional scholar. I know that you are an attorney, but are they allowed to do this? Can the White House just decide, you know, we don't like you. You may run for President, we don't like that, and so we're just going to flood your state with people from other countries and there's nothing you can do about it.

DESANTIS: So, we're looking at what we can do. I think that they use these private contractors so what we're looking at is how can we fight back against the contractors.

We can obviously deny them state contracts which we will do. Can we deny them access to Florida's market generally? Can we tax them? Can we do things to provide disincentive so they can't do it?

So we're going to do whatever we can to do it. Unfortunately, they do have the ability to get into these airports because the F.A.A. controls it and the Feds really have jurisdiction over it, so we're trying to work with the local airport authority to see if there's a way that we can get around that. But we are going to go after some of these contractors because they are bringing in people. They are causing burdens on us and as we see tragically, cause someone to lose their life.

CARLSON: I bet you'll figure out a way. Governor Ron DeSantis in the State of Florida, appreciate you coming on tonight. Thank you.


CARLSON: So at some point over the last year, probably while you were sleeping or mowing the lawn or something, somebody put the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana in charge of the Department of Transportation, like what? And he's an idiot, too.

Today, he explained to a press conference that actually, roads are racist, and if you think we're making that up, you should stick around to find out.

By the way, you can now buy merchandise from tuckercarlson.com. Just go there and click shop. Check it out.

Be right back.


CARLSON: You may have wondered, what would happen if the dumbest people in the world gathered together in the same room and tried to have a conversation? Well, for one thing hilarity would ensue. It happened today.

The Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg held a press conference to brag about the new quote, "Infrastructure Bill" that Biden just signed. A highly aggressive know-nothing called April Ryan who apparently works for some kind of website asked Buttigieg this question, no, we are not making this up. We pulled the words directly from the transcript, quote: "Can you give us the construct of how you will deconstruct the racism that was built into roadways?" End quote.

Now, in a normal country, if you heard that question, you'd ask the person to repeat the question because obviously, you must have misheard what she said and if she said it again, you would laugh at her because that's truly insane.

Roads can't be racist you can't build racism into a road. Roads are made of sand and gravel and asphalt. Ask any road builder. Roads cannot be racist any more than toasters or sectional couches can be racist.

They are inanimate objects. They're not alive. That seems obvious, but apparently, Pete Buttigieg didn't know it. Maybe he did know it, but he was afraid to say it.

In any case, here is how he responded --


PETE BUTTIGIEG, U.S. TRANSPORTATION SECRETARY: I'm still surprised that some people were surprised when I pointed to the fact that if a highway was built for the purpose of dividing a white in a black neighborhood, or if an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach or would have been in New York was designed too low for it to pass by. But that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices.


CARLSON: Here we have news, according to the Department of Transportation, the Secretary, overpasses in New York were designed to keep buses of black and Puerto Rican kids from getting to the beach.

And here's the amazing part, those very same overpasses somehow allow buses full of white kids to get through. That sounds like magic. How does it work?

Well, it's possible the overpasses that Buttigieg referred to are actually drawbridges manned by vigilant bigots with binoculars. Here comes the Puerto Rican bus, lower the overpass.

You may laugh, but in a systemically racist country, it's entirely possible.

Or maybe come to think of it the problem is the buses themselves. In New York, children of color are being herded into unusually tall buses like those top heavy double-deckers they used to have in London that The Beatles sang about just to prevent them from reaching the ocean. You can't get to the beach in a bus like that.

We don't know exactly what's happening here, but we agree with Pete Buttigieg 100 percent that it is morally wrong. It's not who we are.

So thank heaven, he's got a trillion dollars to get to the bottom of the racist road problem in this nation.

That's it for us tonight, thanks for joining us.

I wish we had more time. You can always, as we've said many times, go to tuckercarlson.com to see our originals for free for 90 days.

But most of all, come back tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.

Have the best evening. Here is Sean Hannity.

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