Tucker Carlson: Biden is responsible for this destruction in Europe

This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on October 3, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


So, the question of who blew up Russia's energy pipelines to Europe, which is not just a question in the news, it's a historical question, we've addressed it a couple of times already, is not really much of a question anymore.

So, on television, they're assuring you that obviously the Russians did it. Vladimir Putin sabotaged his own pipelines.

With his nation at war, Putin intentionally destroyed Russia's most vital national asset. Now why, you ask yourself, would Putin do that? Well, because -- well, actually no one has explained why Putin would do something like that. Bad people do bad things. That seems to be the idea.

Former CIA Director John Brennan showed up on CNN the other day to add his version of the story and it was clear right away that this was no ordinary cable news segment.

Brennan was instead conducting a scientific experiment designed to determine just how stupid CNN viewers are. Now, these are people who believe Joe Biden when he told them COVID was a pandemic of the unvaccinated. These are the ones who think men can become women just by saying so.

So, clearly, they are highly credulous, but the question remains, just how credulous are they? What won't they believe?

Well, in the name of science, John Brennan decided to find out. Watch.


BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: Do you think Russia is behind the sabotage of the pipelines?

JOHN BRENNAN, FORMER DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: Well, I think all the signs point to some type of sabotage.

These pipelines are only in about 200 feet or so of water and Russia does have an undersea capability, too, that would easily lay explosive devices by those pipelines. I think this is clearly an act of sabotage of some sort and Russia is certainly the most likely suspect.


CARLSON: "Do you think the Russians did it?" Asked the anchor. Do you think the man with four bullet holes in his head committed suicide? Oh, yes, says John Brennan. The Russians are certainly the most likely suspect.

Well, of course they are. Did you ever doubt it? Once Putin got done electing Donald Trump President and then finished creating Hunter Biden's fake laptop and dropping it off at a Mac repair shop in Delaware, Putin set about sabotaging his own natural gas pipelines, which were his main source of foreign currency and leverage over Europe. That's how tricky Vladimir Putin is.

Obviously, his next move will be nuking Moscow, all part of his diabolical plan to achieve world domination by destroying himself. That is effectively what John Brennan told CNN's viewers. Did they believe him? Sure, they did.

John Brennan used to run the CIA. He knows which lies work. He's an expert.

Now, Tony Blinken, by contrast, is not an expert. He is a failed rock musician who somehow became the Secretary of State of the United States. He is, of course, happy to lie, he does it a lot, but he is not especially good at it.

At the beginning of last week, Blinken was pretending to be baffled by the sabotage of Nord Stream. "No one benefits from this," he said. Not in a million years could he imagine who would do something like that? It was just unfathomable. That was Tuesday.

By Friday, Blinken had dropped the pose and admitted that actually, we did it. Now, Tony Blinken didn't use quite those words, but there was no mistaking what he meant. Watch.


ANTONY BLINKEN, US SECRETARY OF STATE: It's a tremendous opportunity to, once and for all, remove the dependance on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs. That is very significant and that offers tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come.


CARLSON: Now we don't have a super long attention span, but this was pretty compressed in the space of like four days. So last Tuesday, the largest act of industrial terrorism in our lifetimes was a baffling crime, said Tony Blinken, but by Friday, that same event had become "A tremendous opportunity," in fact, a tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come. It's a good thing.

Now that's an admission. That's the clearest admission we're ever going to get. No one could miss it, least of all the Russians. The Biden administration is responsible, either directly or through proxies, for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines and the environmental catastrophe and the economic collapse that will certainly follow. That is true. It's done.

So the question is, where does that leave us? And that's the problem.

This act leaves us, the United States, with no option but total war with Russia. There is no off-ramp now. There is no way out. We are all in, no matter what that means, no matter where it goes.

Are you shocked by this? Was there a vote on this? Did someone ask your opinion? No. But it has been happening for months in slow motion. It's been hidden from public view by the near-total blackout imposed by America media outlets. So you probably didn't know any of the details.

For example, in March, the Turkish government tried to broker a peace in Ukraine and they came very, very close. It wasn't reported widely.

Ukraine was prepared to guarantee neutrality, meaning it would not join NATO. That is what the Russians wanted above all and in return for that, the Russian government would withdraw its forces from Ukraine and that might have been a neat solution, certainly for the rest of us. The global economy wouldn't need to be destroyed. Nobody would die in a nuclear war.

Negotiations to that point advanced to the stage that Vladimir Putin pledged to meet with Zelenskyy to sign a peace treaty and Zelenskyy was ready for it, too and we're quoting, "I'm ready for a dialogue," he announced.

But sadly, Zelenskyy could not act alone. Despite what you may hear on NBC News, Zelenskyy is not the independent leader of a democratic nation. No, not even close. That is a fiction.

Zelenskyy is a client of the Biden administration, which runs his country, and ideologues within the Biden administration did not want a negotiated peace in Ukraine. They wanted all along and it's very clear now a regime change war against Russia. Period. So, that's what they are now getting.

On Friday, Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine is applying for full membership in NATO on an expedited basis.

What would happen if Ukraine were to join NATO? Well, by definition, there would be an immediate World War in which we would be a major participant.

Article V of the NATO's charter, the Mutual Defense Clause, guarantees that would happen. That's not an opinion. That is a fact and everyone knows it and yet, remarkably, Democrats in Congress cheered it on and we're quoting: "Ukraine's fight is the reason we formed NATO in the first place," said mouth breathing Congressman Mike Quigley of Illinois. "I think we need to support this." Oh, yes, we do.

Nancy Pelosi, peering through the fog of her own senility, agreed. "I would be for Ukraine having a security guarantee," she said. Oh, no problem and of course, because he has no choice, whatever you think of him, Zelenskyy, who is the puppet of the Democratic Party of the United States, read from the same script.

On Friday, Zelenskyy said he will accept nothing less than the removal of Vladimir Putin as the President of Russia. Watch.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): Ukraine was and remains the leader of negotiation efforts. It is our country that always proposed to Russia to agree on coexistence, on equal, honest, dignified, and fair conditions.

Clearly, with this Russian President, it is impossible. He does not know what dignity and honesty are. Therefore, we are ready for a dialogue with Russia, but with another President of Russia.


CARLSON: So, that's the demand. Putin must be removed from office. Putin, of course, has no intention of leaving. You would have to take him out.

Now, you don't have to like Vladimir Putin. You don't have to like anything about Vladimir Putin. You can hate Vladimir Putin and most Americans do, but you can still understand how totally deranged talk like this is. It's the definition of reckless.

Consider their own descriptions. For years, Democrats and the Defense establishment they control have told us that Vladimir Putin is crazy and evil and he may be. Let's assume it's true. They've said it.

Is that the man you want to publicly threaten with extermination? This is the man who controls more than 6,000 nuclear warheads. So, if you push him hard enough, why wouldn't he use those nuclear weapons? Well, by their own description of him, he would.

We would have a nuclear war, but let's say, as a best-case scenario, you're able to kill Vladimir Putin before he could launch those 6,000 odd missiles against the United States or any other country. Where would that leave Russia, the country he controls?

Russia is not Iraq. Russia represents an eighth of the world's total landmass. It is a huge country and a highly fractious country with a large and very restive Muslim population. So think this through, just for one second. What are the chances that in the ensuing chaos, which we are forcing on Russia -- in that chaos, what are the chances that one of those 6,200 nuclear weapons might wind up in the hands of someone who is truly crazy and dangerous to us and to the world? Well, let's see.

What happened to Saddam Hussein's stockpiles of conventional weapons after American forces captured Saddam Hussein in Tikrit in December of 2003 and changed the regime there? Well, lots of Americans died and the country split apart.

So, multiply that outcome times infinity and you understand what our leaders are proposing here and just how deranged they are and they should know better because they've done this before, but they learned nothing. They were never held to account and they never learned. If you're not punished, you don't learn.

And so they are ready to make the very same mistakes, but on an existential scale and not just the wackos, not just the discredited ones like Toria Nuland or buffoons like our Secretary of State, the serious ones.

Here is former CIA director David Petraeus on ABC, calmly explaining that if Russia wants nuclear weapons, no problem, well, eliminate their Black Sea fleet.


DAVID PETRAEUS, FORMER CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DIRECTOR: It can still get worse for Putin and for Russia and even the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield, it won't change this at all.

Jake Sullivan has publicly stated that the US has communicated to Russia what would happen in response to that.

JONATHAN KARL, ABC NEWS ANCHOR: And what would happen?

PETRAEUS: Well, again, I have deliberately not talked to Jake about this. I mean, just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a NATO, a collective effort that would take out every Russian conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also in Crimea and every ship in the Black Sea fleet.


CARLSON: Oh, that's reassuring. So, Russia launches nuclear weapons. We'll just sink their ships. Really, David Petraeus? You really think it will end there? That would be the first use of a nuclear weapon in almost 80 years since 1945, but you think you'd be able to contain the inevitable chain reaction with a conventional response.

We'll just sink their ships. No problem.

Apparently, David Petraeus does think that, and keep in mind, in Washington, David Petraeus is regarded as a genius and by local standards, he certainly is. Suddenly, everyone in authority, everyone with a megaphone, everyone with actual power is thinking and talking just like David Petraeus. No problem.

"The Daily Beast," which is the tip sheet of the midwits who run our government, just had this piece today. "Putin has left the world no other option but regime change."

No mention of the inevitable consequences of regime change. A crazy person with nuclear weapons and you're telling him in public you're going to kill him and you're hoping for the best and if he launches nuclear weapons, which apparently you have accepted as a possibility, let's take out his ships.

We will just sink his feet and move on to the next naughty dictator. We'll show him.

That's the depth of the analysis of the looming catastrophe that we are all facing.

Last night on "60 Minutes," Scott Pelley again (someone who is reported to be smart, who is respected, probably is) he had the opportunity to interview Zelenskyy's wife, who was a full partner, apparently in running that country, but there was no word about where this war could go, which is nuclear war.

Instead, Scott Pelley used the opportunity to suck up, talk about how Ukrainian flag bumper stickers are everywhere in New York City, Mrs. Zelenska. Watch this.


SCOTT PELLEY, CBS NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Are you stronger than you thought you were?

OLENA ZELENSKA, FIRST LADY OF UKRAINE (through translator): Everyone has become stronger. I'm not unique.

SCOTT PELLEY: Madam First Lady, may I show you some photographs from the United States?

This is a picture I took on Fifth Avenue in New York. This is a bumper sticker where I buy my groceries. I took this picture on the East Side of Manhattan.

What do you say to the American people?


CARLSON: We apologize if you just threw up in your own mouth. That's "60 Minutes," the serious news show that gets to the heart of everything.

Are you ever tired of being so brave and wonderful? That's the level of analysis we're getting, showing the wife of the President of Ukraine a bumper sticker with a Ukrainian flag. We're on your side. We love you. We really do.

This is true lunacy. An entire country ignoring led by its leaders who specialize in ignoring the things that matter, imminent catastrophe. That's not an overstatement.

This is not the inflation rate ticking up two points or a loss of 15 percent of your 401(k). This is a nuclear war. And underneath it all, the people rolling the dice here understand exactly what is at stake even if the American public has no idea and we know that from a recent PSA from New York City that tells you what to do when the Russians actually do lob nukes into midtown. Here it is.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So, there's been a nuclear attack. Don't ask me how or why. Just know that the big one has hit. Okay, so, what do we do?

Step one: Get inside fast. You, your friends, your family. Get inside. Stay inside. Shut all doors and windows. Have a basement? Head there.

If you were outside after the blast, get clean immediately. Remove and bag all outer clothing to keep radioactive dust or ash away from your body.


CARLSON: Oh, yes. Keep radioactive dust and ash away. Just like one of those things. Clean the gutters. Right? Be sure to put ChemLawn on in the spring and obviously keep the radioactive dust away. Just shower, go inside, no problem.

Buses in New Jersey now have signs warning about radiation poisoning: "September is National Preparedness Month. Do you know what you do in a radiation emergency?" No, you don't. It doesn't matter. This is all make believe. It's all play-acting.

If you live in a big metro area, there is not anything you're going to do during a nuclear exchange because you're going to be dead along with most other Americans. The overwhelming majority of Americans will be dead and those who survive will starve to death because all agriculture will be destroyed, along with billions of people around the planet.

So, it's time to update your assumptions about the technology here. These are not the bombs that flattened Nagasaki. They are incalculably more powerful. You hit New York, you take out Miami.

So, a nuclear war means not that we get to take out the Black Sea fleet. It means the end of the world and people who work around this stuff understand it and they're really afraid, but no one else seems to have any idea. Why is that?

Glenn Greenwald has been watching really carefully, all of this unfold. His work is on Substack. We're happy to have him join us tonight.

Glenn, thanks so much for coming on. It seems to me no matter how you feel about Putin, you know, or Ukraine or the justice of the war, or anything, the threat, the very real in your face threat of a nuclear exchange right now that they are openly talking about would require the media to start telling people, hey, this is real, but nobody is and I wonder why that is.

GLENN GREENWALD, JOURNALIST: If you look at the history of American wars, Tucker, over the last several decades, they're incredibly similar. The way they convince Americans to support US involvement in a war is they personalize a particular leader, get us to hate that leader. Oh, Thun Hussein in Iraq is a terrible guy. Bashar al-Assad in Syria is this tyrannical force. Mullah Omar in Afghanistan is somebody we have to go and take out. Gaddafi in Libya.

Our emotions get up and we say, "Yes, we can -- well, let's go take out these tyrants." And then, you know, hundreds of billions of dollars later and lives lost, polls always show that Americans come to realize that they regard those words as a mistake. And the reason is, they realize that no benefits came to the United States and American citizens by virtue of US involvement in those wars.

So, let's apply that framework here.

The consensus in Washington is that we are closer to the use of nuclear weapons than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis 60 years ago. There is a very real threat of a nuclear exchange or even a direct confrontation with Russia and the United States and over what? Over who governs and rules not even Ukraine, but the Donbas, the eastern region in Ukraine, where a majority of people actually identify as ethnic Russians and want to be part of Russia. And yet, there is almost no debate over whether we should be sending huge amounts of money there and risking the lives of American citizens to the possibility of a nuclear war, because everyone knows that the minute you step up and step out of line, there is a horde of people ready to call you unpatriotic or a traitor or an admirer of Vladimir Putin as I know is being done with our very segment right this minute by all this Media Matter people and other people online.

So, it's a really repressive atmosphere, and it is squashing a debate that we absolutely have to have.

CARLSON: But we are losing track of reality.

If a nation has nuclear weapons, and you believe even theoretically, they might use them, you have to treat that nation differently. You may not want to, it may be unfair, but that is why nations seek nuclear weapons because you can't boss them around.

If you ignore the possibility that your entire population could be killed, you are not fit for leadership, because you're insane. And it feels like our leaders are right there, they are insane.

GREENWALD: I think there is almost this sense that has been purposely cultivated to believe that the use of nuclear weapons really isn't a realistic possibility, even though we have had the use of nuclear weapons in the last century, when the US did it in Japan for World War Two.

And we came very close on at least two or three occasions, the US and Russia, these very same countries to exchanging nuclear weapons and risking nuclear annihilation, including the Cuban Missile Crisis, because the US felt that the Russian presence over the border in Cuba was so threatening that we were going to have a nuclear war over it. That's how Russia sees what's happening in Ukraine right across their border.

It is madness to assume that for Russia what is an existential war if they actually start losing it or NATO really starts escalating as we've been doing that the chances of Vladimir Putin using nuclear weapons is zero. This is a dangerous delusion that I think a lot of people are operating under.

CARLSON: That's totally -- it is the craziest thing I've ever seen.

Let me just ask you, since you were in Brazil, we spoke to you for our documentary there. And at the time we were in Rio, and really up until about 20 minutes ago, we were told that Bolsonaro was going to get smoked yesterday in the National Election. That didn't seem to happen. What is the state of that race right now?

GREENWALD: They've never seen polling data and polling science collapse and be as humiliated as it was in Brazil. They didn't just get the presidential race radically wrong, but other races they got wrong by 20 or 30 points, always in favor of the Brazilian left and against the Bolsonarista.

I would say, now, there is runoff between Lula, the left-wing candidate and Bolsonaro. I would put Lula as the favorite, he did come in first by four or five points, but even if Bolsonaro loses Bolsonarismo, the force that -- the movement that he created is incredibly powerful, the biggest party in the House and the Senate, they have governorships of the key states and none of the polling data or the Brazilian media predicted that because they wanted, I think, to manipulate the outcome of the election through these fraudulent polling or at the very least, polling that's radically wrong.

So we'll see what happens on October 30th when the runoff takes place.

CARLSON: Yes, not only in Brazil. Glenn, I want to hit you with breaking news here.

This is a FOX News Alert. Air raid sirens blaring across Tokyo, obviously biggest city in the world in Japan. The government they are warning that North Korea has apparently fired a ballistic missile into Japanese airspace. Japanese in Tokyo being instructed to shelter indoors, immediately, of course, I believe our Vice President was just in South Korea.

Glenn, what do you make of this?

GREENWALD: I mean, it's hard to analyze the specific events as it just happened. But what I will use it for is to again say that when you start talking about things like major countries using long range missiles, a lot of times, the reason escalation happens isn't even because the country has wanted to, but because when hostilities are intensified enough, miscommunication and misperception happen.

That is why when you get involved in a war, like the one in Ukraine, things are incredibly dangerous. The world is a dangerous place. These weapons can kill hundreds of millions of people at once and we are playing with fire, Tucker, by not even being willing to debate this out of fear that we are going to be called names, and I think it's crucial that we recognize the importance of it.

CARLSON: Yes. I think you're exactly right. I mean, it is our job to say what we think is true regardless. So, we are looking at pictures right now of air raid sirens in Tokyo.

Certainly, all of this adds up, at least, at first glance to a world in turmoil. That is in some very deep way resetting, you know, those post war norms and institutions that we often hear the foreign policy people describe, they seem to be collapsing to some extent around the world.

GREENWALD: Yes. You know, I think it's pretty ironic that for all the accusations about Donald Trump that he was a Kremlin agent, that he was willing to hand over the world to Vladimir Putin, it is true that none of these things happened during the Trump administration. The Russians annexed Crimea under President Obama. They invaded Georgia under President Bush. Nothing happened during the Trump years with all of this kind of instability. And now we're seeing it again.

And I think the reason in part is because people look at Joe Biden, and know that he is a doddering leader who has clearly lost much, if not most of his mental capacity. When you see a leader like that, a lot of countries around the world see that as a signal to start exploiting the situation for their own interest. I believe that's absolutely a factor.

CARLSON: That's totally -- it's the drunk stepdad, do what you want. No, it's totally -- it is completely right.

Glenn Greenwald, thank you so much for joining us tonight. Appreciate it.

GREENWALD: Great to be with you, Tucker. Thanks.

CARLSON: Thank you.

So it was two years almost exactly. It was October of 2020 that we sat down with a man called Tony Bobulinski, who had been a business partner of the Biden family and he showed us concrete evidence that Joe Biden was involved in his business dealings and his family was selling his political influence as Vice President to the Chinese government in return for money.

So since that interview, which was suppressed, we have learned a lot more about why so many Americans never heard that story.

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook confirmed that the FBI pushed Facebook to bury that story. In other words, the FBI became directly involved in a presidential election on behalf of the Democratic candidate. So, we decided it was a very good time to go back and speak to Tony Bobulinski again at length for a full hour.

It was a remarkable interview. It is going to air tomorrow night for the bulk of the show.

One of the questions that we had for him, did the FBI agent assigned to investigate your claims ever follow up with you? And this response, we had this conversation just a moment ago, tells you everything. Watch this.


TONY BOBULINSKI, FORMER HUNTER BIDEN ASSOCIATE: Tim Thibault, in his last discussion with my legal counsel was, listen, we know Tony is cooperating. We appreciate all the information he has provided. We will follow up with you. We're definitely going to have him come in for a follow up interview or spend some more time on this and I haven't heard from him since.

CARLSON: At all?

BOBULINSKI: No. Nor my lawyers.

CARLSON: No communication whatsoever?


CARLSON: Since before the 2020 election?


CARLSON: It is shocking.

BOBULINSKI: Shocking. Yes, that would be one adjective.


CARLSON: So that full interview with Tony Bobulinski, which is fascinating and in some ways more shocking than the first interview we did with him two years ago airs tomorrow night, right here, 8:00 PM on the FOX News Channel.

So it has also been -- since we keep track of anniversaries -- five years since the largest mass shooting in American history. It happened October 1, 2017 at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. So, we decided to go out to Las Vegas and visit the scene.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: FOX News Alert right now. Horror unfolding overnight in Las Vegas.

Please, please.

CARLSON: It was five years ago this week, October 1, 2017 that police say a man in his 60s called Stephen Paddock smashed out the window of his hotel room on the 32nd floor of the building right behind us, the Mandalay Bay, and rained rifle rounds down on a crowd of concert goers. They were there for a country music festival.

Jason Aldean was performing on stage 400 yards from Paddock's window.

Police say Paddock continued to fire until he shot himself to death and that's how they found him when they breached the door and entered his room.

In the course of those moments, Paddock committed not simply a horrible crime, but by some measures, the most horrible crime in American history, the largest mass shooting ever recorded in this country. Sixty people murdered, 850 injured.

We covered this one happened. Every media outlet did.

And despite a lengthy and expensive investigation, a huge number of unanswered questions, some of them the most basic questions about that shooting remain unanswered.

But then in the days after the crime, questions emerged, who was Stephen Paddock? He had no criminal record. He had no obvious political motive. In fact, he had no obvious motive of any kind.

SHERIFF JOSEPH LOMBARDO, LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT: What we know is Stephen Paddock is a man who spent decades acquiring weapons and ammo and living a secret life, much of which would never be fully understood.

CARLSON: Could he have done this alone? The circumstantial evidence suggested possibly, but possibly not.

How did you get so many firearms and so much ammunition into a hotel room without being seen?



WHITAKER: An armory.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So many guns, so many magazines, stacks and stacks of magazines everywhere.

CARLSON: And witnesses. Where were they? At least one fled to Mexico.

So questions emerged in the course of the investigation into this crime.

LOMBARDO: You look at the weapon, obtaining different amounts of Tannerite available. Do you think this was all accomplished on his own?

CARLSON: But here is what makes it different and this is why we're in Las Vegas right now. Those questions were never answered. The local authorities and the Federal authorities never provided any sort of explanation for why Stephen Paddock, a man, again with no criminal record would have committed a mass murder.

And to this day, it is very difficult to get even the most basic questions answered about this.

LOMBARDO: What we have been able to answer the questions of who, what, when, where, and how. What have not been able to definitively answer is the why Stephen Paddock committed this act?

CARLSON: So of course, in the absence of facts, conspiracy theories emerged, and they were quickly swatted away and pronounced ridiculous, but the central question why was never answered.


CARLSON: And we think that's an essential question, and we think we have a right to ask it. We're not alleging anything, we don't even have a coherent theory as to what might have happened.

But it is clear that the answers that we got from the Federal government were completely inadequate. This is the largest mass shooting in American history. Someone should be paying attention.

We're going to stay on it the extent we can.

Well, for two years, you've heard nonstop about COVID. You probably haven't heard about a much more widespread health crisis, one that affects most men in this country.

In a moment, we will show you a first look of our new documentary on that topic.

Also, the same company involved in Wuhan bat researchers got another taxpayer grant, because you can't make any of this up. We'll tell you who is behind it, but you probably already guessed.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: It is surely one of the most amazing stories of the last decade, but like most of the real stories, it has been ignored and suppressed, and here it is.

Just before COVID began spreading around the world and shutting the world down, a researcher called Peter Daszak bragged about manipulating coronaviruses in a lab.

Now, at the time, Daszak's nonprofit called EcoHealth Alliance was being funded by Tony Fauci's agency, the US government, your tax dollars to conduct these experiments.


PETER DASZAK, ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE: Coronavirus is a pretty good -- I mean, you're virologist, you know all this stuff, but I mean, you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily.

The spike protein drives a lot of what happens with the coronavirus zoonotic risk. So, you can get the sequence. You can build the protein and we work with Ralph Barrick at UNC to do this and insert into backbone of another virus.


DASZAK: And do some work in the lab.


CARLSON: Now, since that interview, we have learned that it is very possible indeed that it is likely that coronavirus, COVID leaked from a lab in Wuhan. In fact, the same lab where Peter Daszak was conducting experiments on bat coronaviruses.

Now, at the very least, if you're not going to send the FBI to his house, so many Americans are getting the FBI sent their house, so maybe the Biden administration would think of doing that. But no, the very least the administration might pause before sending more money to EcoHealth Alliance, knowing what we know. Oh, but no.

The National Institutes of Health have just issued a new grant to the research firm, EcoHealth Alliance. The point of the grant, again, you can't make this up -- to study bat coronaviruses.

Alex Berenson is, of course writing on Substack. He is the author of "Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights and Lives." Alex Berenson has been the man that we go to for more than two years now for a reality check on all of this. He joins us tonight.

Alex, thanks a lot for coming on. It is hard to believe -- I'm reading the script and I think this can't really be happening. Is it actually happening?

ALEX BERENSON, AUTHOR, "PANDEMIA": Yes, it is actually happening. This time, the research will be in Laos, Myanmar, and in Thailand, I believe so. But aside from that, it's basically the same research that they were doing in China in the years leading up to SARS-CoV-2's emergence, yes.

CARLSON: May, I ask an obvious and never asked question. Why wouldn't you do this research in the United States?

BERENSON: Well, the bats are there, and so if you're going to -- and you know, you have to actually like capture the bats and get whatever viruses that they are carrying in order to perform the research.

Now, here is -- look, I think, you know, and I think my readers know, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, okay. But it's hard to understand why the NIH is doing this. They know, there's going to be blowback here, okay. They know that as soon as you talk about this, or I talk about this, there's going to be blowback here.

So, there is really only two reasons that I can think of that they would do this. One is, it's just a pure power play. It's just to say it, we ran it all -- and Tucker Carlson, we don't care what you think. This guy is our guy, and we're going to continue to fund it.

The other is a bit darker, which is, you know, there is this community of virologists out there that won't admit that this probably came out of a lab and they continue to insist on natural origins, that somehow this jumped from a bat to a human or from a bat to an intermediate animal to a human. And the problem is, they've never been able to find a precursor virus. Okay?

It is quite possible that in a year, Peter Daszak's people are going to come out of those caves with what they claim is the precursor virus and even if none of us believe them, it will just throw more smoke up and make it harder to prove that the lab leak is what really happened.

CARLSON: Wow, that is a really interesting theory and that never would have occurred to me and that doesn't unlikely.

BERENSON: Unfortunately plausible, right?

CARLSON: Yes, it is. It is. I just -- I'm trying to process it. Really smart. I'm going to think about that tomorrow morning when I wake up.

Alex Berenson, thank you very much.

BERENSON: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So, there is a huge health crisis in this country ongoing. It has been for decades, it is getting no attention. It is affecting everything else and it has to do with testosterone levels.

Testosterone levels in American men are collapsing, so that affects everything else. When you change the hormones in someone's body, you change that person. It also means pretty hard to reproduce to continue the species if testosterone is going away.

So, we looked into this for a documentary for "Tucker Carlson Original" series called "The End of Men." Here is a first look at what we found.


CARLSON: Testosterone levels in American men are declining by about 10 percent per decade, one percent a year. Sperm counts have plummeted 50 percent in the last 40 years.

If that trend continues, we won't simply be weaker than our grandfathers, we won't have grandchildren of our own.

Civilizational decline is not inevitable. We don't have to be the spectators of our own defeat. We choose this road, not just for ourselves, but for our children. So, we have a responsibility to enter into the arena and make America healthy again. We just need the motivation.


CARLSON: "The End of Men." You are not supposed to care about that, but we fervently do and you should, too.

It is out Wednesday on FOX Nation.

Well, we have been worried for well more than a year now on the show about vaccine side effects, in particular myocarditis, and in particular, the effect of this vaccine on children and unfortunately, it is entirely real.

We hate to say that, but it's true.

In a moment, we're going to speak to a mother whose son developed very serious heart problems, myocarditis, after taking the shot. That is straight ahead.


CARLSON: So shortly after the first COVID vaccines came out and were administered, people started reporting weird side effects, but they were immediately shouted down and called science deniers, and then data emerged, actual data, showing that the vaccine appeared to cause an increased risk of heart inflammation, very serious heart inflammation called myocarditis.

And then researchers in Israel got even closer to the truth and found: "A probable link between receiving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine and the appearance of myocarditis among men aged 16 to 30, but no one seemed to care. People were being very hurt, killed, but the vaccines were never halted or slowed down. And as a result, many young people may have developed very serious, debilitating heart problems.

Emily Ekanayake says that her 14-year-old son is one of these. She is a mother, her son developed myocarditis after taking the shot. Emily join us tonight.

Emily, I appreciate your coming on and I know that there is quite a bit of pressure not to talk about this, so we are grateful that you are willing to. Tell us your son's experience, if you would?

EMILY EKANAYAKE, SON DEVELOPED MYOCARDITIS: Well, first of all, thank you for having me.

Following his second dose, he woke up in the middle of the night with chest pain. We had known that this was a possibility just hearing signals out of Israel. So, immediately to come to the emergency room where his troponin was elevated, his EKG was abnormal.

And long story short, he was admitted to the acute cardiac floor. Scariest moments of my life of course. His troponin continued to increase during our stay. So, he stayed four days and then had months of inactivity and follow ups with different specialists and it has been life altering for us.

CARLSON: Yes, well, it is the nightmare considering --


CARLSON: Especially when boys don't typically have heart problems and your son was healthy, I believe before taking this vaccine. So, we have an entire medical establishment designed to help people like you. What was the reaction that you got when you said, "My son had his heart damaged by a COVID vaccine?"

EKANAYAKE: You're a liar or you're censored on Twitter. I don't know if you have the pictures of my son, but I was very pro vaccination, one of the first out of the gate, and then I was ostracized because my son was injured, of no fault of my own and it has been an eye-opening experience, hurtful.

CARLSON: Well, it's a nightmare. I don't know how to describe it. It just actually makes my palms sweat thinking about it, but you were for vaccines, you were not an anti-vaxxer as they say. This was all voluntary, and when there was a downside to it, and your son was almost killed by it, you were attacked.

EKANAYAKE: Right. This began on my Twitter feed, sharing pictures of my son getting vaccinated, how excited I was. And then, you know, unfortunately, he was one that had the side effect or the adverse event and when I shared that, it was met with, "You're a liar." I was actually censored on social media, blocked by people.

The medical community has kind of pushed me to the side. Before they embraced me, I'm talking about on social media.


EKANAYAKE: And it is just, you do the right thing and then you're pushed to the side and left all alone and it has just been a horrible experience. Nothing I could have ever imagined.

CARLSON: So many people have been killed or injured irreparably, and it is so upsetting.

I appreciate the bravery it takes to say this in public. Thank you very much.

EKANAYAKE: Thank you. Thanks for having me.

CARLSON: Giorgia Meloni is about to become the next Prime Minister of Italy. The vote is in. Her party won an overwhelming victory.

Our next guest attended the conference on Italian Conservatism following that victory.

Gladden Pappin is a Professor of Politics at the University of Dallas, one of the rare ones. He joins us from Budapest, Hungary to assess what this means.

Professor, thank you so much for coming on.

This seems like a big deal in the United States. You have got a much better perspective. What do you think this means?


Yes, I just got in from Rome, spoke at the Italian Conservatism Conference. There was this huge victory you mentioned of the conservative coalition led by Giorgia Meloni and Fratelli D'Italia.

The Italian people have spoken and they have elected a solidly conservative government. You know, for decades left liberals have had this kind of psy- op that history is only moving in one direction, that it's only producing more and more liberalism.

And when there were conservative governments, you know, we have one here in Hungary, with these conservative governments in Central Europe, they could sort of dismiss that and say, well, you know, Hungary has its unique way, but the heart of Europe is not going to go in this direction.

Italy was a founding member of the European Union. It's the third largest economy in Europe. So for Italy to swing to the right, the importance of that absolutely cannot be overestimated. The liberal ruling classes really didn't want people to notice what was going on there. There has been a kind of discontented silent majority for a while that's been divided among a number of different conservative parties.

But Italy was really hit hard by the migrant crisis in recent years. It has really stagnated economically, salaries haven't gone up and about 30 years, something like that. So there was a lot of elements there to be put together into a conservative victory and that's now come about.

CARLSON: They have been running a psy-op that history only moves to the left and I'm just -- I'm stealing that line because it's absolutely the truest thing. Gladden Pappin, thank you.

More news after the break. Kamala Harris update.


CARLSON: Kamala Harris goes where the disasters are, often she causes them. She didn't cause the hurricane recently that crushed Florida, but she has a new plan to distribute relief, of course on the basis of race. Watch.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making.

We have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity.


CARLSON: So, this is immoral. Not one thing ever in American life should be distributed on the basis of race ever. However, as long as we're becoming a two-tiered society with a privileged class and an underclass, how about rewarding good behavior.

Why not give priority to Americans who pay their taxes, follow the law, raise decent children who don't join gangs or sell drugs or spray paint things or shoot people. Why not try that for once? They will never even consider it.

A reminder: Our full interview with Tony Bobulinski tomorrow 8:00 PM for the hour.

Before we go, check out our friend, Trace Gallagher. He begins as main anchor of "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" midnight here on FOX.

We will see you tomorrow. Here is Sean.

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