This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on October 26, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


In case you're still not convinced, in case you need yet more evidence that Joe Biden is not really running the country, there's this. It turns out that Biden only occasionally shows up for work.

According to a new analysis by his friends at the Cable News Network, Joe Biden has spent 107 of his first 275 days away from the White House, mostly at one of his vacation homes. For perspective, that is far more time than Donald Trump, Barack Obama or George W. Bush allowed themselves by this point in office.

So, Joe Biden in fact is not in Washington very much, and you've got to ask yourself, why is that? Before you reach the obvious conclusion, he prefers the pudding at Camp David, they have tapioca there, consider another explanation. It is possible there is a legitimate public health justification for keeping Joe Biden away from major American population centers. It's possible Joe Biden's aides understand that Biden is too dangerous to be in Washington. He could infect millions.

Consider the tape we played a few days ago of Biden's sauntering maskless through a crowded restaurant in Washington. There he was on film, his gaping maw completely uncovered, spewing hot corona breath, panting like an obscene phone caller on innocent passersby.

Diners were trapped in Biden's path. They had no choice, but to inhale clouds of Joe Biden's personal aerosol mist. Would you like some Biden saliva with your entree tonight? No, thanks. Well, you're getting a heaping dollop anyway, sorry.

It was repulsive and in a global pandemic like this one, it was also recklessly dangerous. Typhoid Mary was never this brazen.

But it gets worse, ladies and gentlemen, and it gets even more stomach turning. Watch if you dare this video. It was shot yesterday at an event that Biden did for the king of New Jersey, finance goon, Phil Murphy.

Ask yourself as you watch it, why hasn't the C.D.C. taken this man into custody? Here it is.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Thank you, thank you, thank you.



CARLSON: Did you see that? Did you see what just happened? That was a crime caught on film.

First Joe Biden coughs into his hand, filling his palm with a deadly pathogen, a bio weapon designed by the Chinese military to infect and kill civilians. And then showing no remorse whatsoever or even hesitation, Biden walks up to unsuspecting human beings and intentionally transmits this foul stew of microorganisms that's been brewing and fermenting in his respiratory tract.

He does this all with his bare hands like an ice cold assassin. Clearly, Biden has done this before. It's not the first time, it was not an accident. Joe Biden knows what he is doing. He has seen the data. He understands perfectly well that people who have been fully vaccinated as he has, can spread COVID as prolifically as people who have not been vaccinated, possibly even more prolifically. Biden knows that.

Presumably, that's why he's been lecturing the rest of us for months about the importance of hygiene. Here is just one example.


BIDEN: Just imagine where we would be today if the President had embraced wearing masks instead of mocking it. Imagine where we would be today with a President who practiced social distancing instead of holding super spreader events.


CARLSON: Oh, a President who practiced social distancing like not breathing in other people's soup or smearing COVID on them with your hands, yes, that. But Joe Biden proceeds to do it anyway and he has been doing this since the very beginning of the pandemic.

Here for example, is Biden, on the campaign trail last year. Suddenly, he needs to cough because clearly he is not a healthy man. Thankfully, he is wearing a mask at the time. That's the whole point of wearing a mask, so you don't spew your germs on other people.

But what does Joe Biden do as he feels the knot of phlegm rising in his throat? He rips down his mask and proceeds to cough into his own hand once again coating his palm with infectious filth, all the better for the many unsuspecting hands he is about to shake.

How is this not assault? Watch it happen.


BIDEN: We're going to invest in working people, we're going to grow the middle class to make sure everyone is included on the deal. The kinds of investment that will stimulate the economy.


CARLSON: No one from the C.D.C. arrested Joe Biden that day, no one ever will. The people who make the rules don't have to follow them. If there is a single thing we've learned from the imposition of corona law in this country, it's that. The people who enforce these regulations don't really believe that they work or that they matter. It's not about public health, it's about obedience.

How else do you explain this? It's a mask with a hole in the middle for your mouth. You can buy it now online. It's designed so that tuba and French horn players can meet the stringent COVID regulations that have been imposed on orchestras by people like Joe Biden, all strictly for your health, of course.

As long as we can't see their chins, the rest of us are safe. That's the idea. It's lunacy, and there's a lot of that going around right now.

Just a few hours ago, an F.D.A. panel issued emergency use authorization for the Pfizer vaccine, this one aimed at children ages five to 11. Mandates for children of those ages will soon follow with no question. So what does the science say about this?

Well, it turns out that children of those ages are more likely to die of the annual flu than they are from COVID. Of the 73 million children in this country, fewer than 700 have died of COVID. C.D.C. data show that among the relevant age set, children five to 11, there have been nearly two million COVID cases, but only 138 deaths total.

From March through October of last year, at the height of the pandemic, a child had a one in a million chance of dying from COVID. Right now by contrast, kids are 10 times more likely to die of suicide. That's the actual pandemic raging among young people.

Meanwhile, there are reasons to think that mandating vaccines for kids could be dangerous to them. Pfizer still has not conducted meaningful clinical trials on young people. According to Pfizer, quote, "Long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccine in participants five to 12 years of age will be studied in five post-authorization safety studies." In other words, improve our drug, make it mandatory for small children, and then we will tell you whether or not it's safe.

According to the "Substack" Techno Fog, which is run by a brilliant attorney called Travis Miller, Pfizer previously announced that vaccine side effects for small children are quote, "generally comparable to those observed in participants 16 to 25 years of age." So what does that mean exactly? Well, it means, the potential for many new cases of myocarditis among small kids in order to protect an age group that is not at risk in the first place from COVID.

Once again, this is lunacy on the merits according to the science and people around the country are starting to figure that out. Here are some of the demonstrations that took place just yesterday in New York City.


CROWD: (Chanting "U.S.A.")

CROWD: (Chanting "Let's go Brandon.")


CARLSON: So, the one rule of the American media, we can tell you since we work in it is the media always cover political demonstrations. They are easy to explain, the pictures are compelling, it is simple -- all of them get coverage, but not these demonstrations. They were ignored pretty much completely by legacy media.

Instead, CNN continued to spend its time hunting down and attacking anyone who has decided not to take Joe Biden's shot. Just the other day, CNN's propagandists slandered our friend, Lisa Boothe for turning down the shot. Now, Boothe is in her 30s. She is healthy and more to the point, she is an American citizen. She grew up with the now outdated belief that she was allowed to choose her own medical care.

But more than anything, and this is really the point tonight, Lisa Boothe is a responsible person. She cares about others. She would never under any circumstances even consider for example, coughing spittle into her own hands and rubbing it on other people without telling them. There's not a chance Lisa Boothe would do that because Lisa Boothe is better than that. She is not Joe Biden, she is not an imminent threat to public health.

Most of us aren't. Byron Donalds of Florida is not. He is a Member of Congress. He has been subjected to the same attacks. In July, CNN's Chris Cuomo, of all people, called Congressman Donalds stupid because he refused to take the mandated shot. Watch.


REP. BYRON DONALDS (R-FL): I will never tell you not to get vaccinated. What I'm saying is, I made a decision not to get vaccinated. It doesn't matter if it's you or Joe Biden or anybody else that's going to stress or want me to get it, I'm not doing it because I made that decision as a free person.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: But you're making it -- I know, but that's -- just because -- hold on, Byron. That doesn't make you just a free person. All right, freedom isn't just defined as the bold, an ability to be strong and wrong, it's about doing the right thing.

Because if your answer is just then, well, I don't care what they say. This is me. I'm an American. That is being dumb as a proxy for being bold.

DONALDS: Other people want to be protected, they have access to vaccines, go get the vaccine. I would never tell anybody not to get vaccinated.


CARLSON: When Chris Cuomo calls you "dumb," how does that feel exactly? Well, we've asked Congressman Donalds to join us tonight to find out how it feels. Congressman, thanks so much for coming on.

DONALDS: Good to be with you, Tucker.

CARLSON: So really quick, you've already said -- it's great to have you - - you said you've turned down the shot, it's your choice, you're an American. Just a little moral test here, would you ever cough infectious phlegm onto your palms and then smear it on people around you without telling them?

DONALDS: No, actually, you know that was nasty before COVID. I mean, now, it's just downright stupid. It doesn't even make any sense.

Look anybody -- a lot of people, they use, you know hand sanitizers, they go wash their hands. I teach my kids, don't cough in your hand, go to the bathroom, wash your hands before you go touch anything else. The mere fact that the President continues to do it frankly is just a complete disrespect to the people around him.

CARLSON: Well, especially since he is the head lecturer. He is the moralizer in chief, calling people like you, stupid, unpatriotic, a threat to the country. Here is a guy who is fully capable of spreading COVID as prolifically as anybody else in this country, and maybe doing it, taking no precautions whatsoever and touching people with his filth encrusted paws.

Why does nobody say something about this?

DONALDS: Well actually, a lot of Americans are saying something about it. You say something about it, but we all know Big Media has got one job, it's the same job they had through the campaign and that's to protect Joe Biden at all costs because protecting Joe Biden means protecting the Marxist progressive agenda, it's that simple.

And so, they are never going to out him, but the beautiful thing about telecommunications today is that people can take videos of him being disgusting, coughing into his hands and they can pass it like wildfire, but in a good way, not in an unhealthy way that Joe Biden is doing with the phlegm in the back of his throat.

CARLSON: No, that's exactly right. Those repulsive loogies he is smearing on strangers.

So you've come out, I think, in a pretty brave way and explained yourself in a rational way as an American this health choice that you've made. What's the reaction been to you saying this?

DONALDS: Actually, you know, most people don't really care to be honest with you.


DONALDS: It is only political people and people in the media that want to make an issue of it. Look, we have a lot of people in our country who have had COVID, who have not gotten vaccinated.

If you look at the spread of delta, some of the information we're starting to see is that those people are the ones who are actually more resistant to delta than the people who just got vaccinated, but never had actual natural infection.

So I think people just need to make a decision for themselves and consult their doctors and move accordingly.

CARLSON: Right. I mean, I thought those were the rules. Are there any other health procedures you think that CNN will badger us into getting in the future? I mean, can you think of any? I don't know, breast reduction, prostate cancer surgery -- like what else is their business when it comes to our health?

DONALDS: Well, listen, I know that they believe in gender fluidity, so who knows what they would try to do. But I know that myself and my colleagues and conservatives everywhere, we just believe in freedom. We want people to be free, make your choices, and just -- we just want to be left alone and we want people to mind their business, it's that simple.

CARLSON: That was such a great line. I wish, I'd thought of that.

Congressman, thanks so much for coming on tonight. Byron Donalds of Florida, good to see you.

DONALDS: Anytime, thanks.

CARLSON: Thanks.

So, the Department of Justice launched hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of criminal investigations after January 6th. It was the largest dragnet in their history, they say. But somehow, they did not arrest someone caught on tape threatening to murder a Republican Member of Congress.

This is an amazing story and there has been a big development on this front. FOX's Kevin Corke has it for us tonight -- Kevin.

KEVIN CORKE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Incredible story, indeed, Tucker, especially given what happened to Congressman Steve Scalise. Threats of this nature get very intense scrutiny here in the nation's capital as well they should, and in this case, authorities have acted albeit belatedly, arresting Eugene Huelsman last week in the LA area.

That arrest comes actually months after an indictment was returned in May by a Federal grand jury. Prosecutors say that back on January the 9th. Huelsman allegedly called the office of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz and threatened him and his family.


EUGENE HUELSMAN, ARRESTED FOR THREATENING REP. MATT GAETZ: Tell Matt Gaetz to watch his back. Tell him to watch his children. Tell him to watch everyone. I'm coming for him, he's going to [bleep] die.

He's a [bleep] despicable [bleep] tyrant and I'm going to [bleep] kill him. Watch your back I'm coming for you. I'm going to put a bullet in you. I'm going to put a bullet on your [bleep] kids, too. I hate you.


CORKE: Incredible. That happened back in January, and yet we're now hearing about an arrest. Now by the way, you may recall, it was about a week ago that Congressman Gaetz gave a floor speech saying that a man was traveling to D.C. and threatening to kill him. And despite the Capitol Police's recommendation, according to Gaetz, the D.O.J. still didn't press charges.

By the way Huelsman is a longtime member of the media having worked as a camera operator for ABC, NBC, and CNN --Tucker.

CARLSON: Oh, a Member of Congress threatened with death along with his children by a former CNN employee, tells you a lot. Kevin Corke, I appreciate you coming on tonight. Thanks.

CORKE: Anytime.

CARLSON: Well, we have an update on one of the worst stories we've ever reported, the sexual assault, the rape apparently committed by a male wearing a skirt in the bathroom of a Loudoun County school.

Plus, Terry McAuliffe's lead in the Virginia governor's race appears to have dwindled to nothing and the Democratic Party is panicked over that. This could be a bellwether for the coming election next year. We have got the very latest on that next.


CARLSON: A boy dressed as a girl is accused of raping an actual girl in the bathroom of a school in Loudoun County, Virginia. That boy apparently has just been found guilty by a judge.

The father of the girl who says she was raped is called Scott Smith and he said he plans to file a lawsuit against the school system over this and that can't come too soon.

At a recent school board meeting, the Superintendent of Loudoun County Schools, a guy called Scott Ziegler said quote: "We don't have any records of assaults occurring in our restrooms," because of course they couldn't be bothered to keep track. What does that have to do with the equity agenda? Nothing.

What do we care about our students? Nothing.

So students walked out of school today in Loudoun County to protest. Luke Rosiak is with "The Daily Wire." He broke this story and deserves the credit for it. He joins us tonight with an update.

Luke, thanks so much for coming on. Everything about this story is stomach turning. Tell us where we are tonight, please.

LUKE ROSIAK, "THE DAILY WIRE": Well, yesterday the kid was convicted in court of both assaults. The first one that happened in a bathroom where he was convicted of rape, and then the second one where the school didn't tell anyone it had happened, transferred him to a different school, and he was arrested on October 6th.

So, you know I broke that story on your show a couple of weeks ago and in "The Daily Wire," and most of the media largely ignored it because they said it was unsubstantiated.

Two days ago, Barack Obama alluded to it while campaigning with Terry McAuliffe calling it phony, right-wing outrage. Yesterday, everything was substantiated in court including a bizarre detail -- the fact that this kid was wearing a skirt is actually central to his defense. He claims that his wrist watch got caught on the skirt he was wearing while he was hanging out in the girls' bathroom and that caused inadvertent sexual contact to occur.

CARLSON: So, Barack Obama -- who really is a heartless monster and I'm glad that's clear to everyone now -- describe the rape of a child as phony, right-wing outrage?

ROSIAK: This is what, you know, he is talking about, the parents being up in arms in Virginia and basically claiming it's all cultural war stuff.

First of all, I never really cared about the fact that this is transgender. The bigger issue here is that school districts do not have the same priorities as parents and that's really what Terry McAuliffe hit the nail on the head with, saying you know, he doesn't think parents should be telling schools what to teach. The head of the teachers union said something similar this week.

So the issue is, what's the appropriate role for parents in schools? And the Democrats seem to think they don't have one. These are our kids, we're going to raise them in these government schools.

The problem is, the main case study that they had for this parents are bad movement, it turned out to be a total hoax. I mean, this guy who was arrested and you know, he looks like a blue-collar guy. He is angry at a school board meeting. They thought he was a bigot, maybe he was opposed to masks.

The clip that the media had the whole time of him, you can hear his wife screaming at the end as her husband is hauled away in handcuffs, "My daughter was raped in school and this is what happened."

So no one asked this guy why he was mad. We also found out this week that the White House worked with the National School Boards Association to write the letter that called this guy and other parents domestic terrorists, which the D.O.J. then used to justify F.B.I. involvement.

CARLSON: Yes, so your daughter gets raped in a school bathroom, the school doesn't care or even keep track of the rape, and then you get denounced by the President and the D.O.J. as a domestic terrorist for complaining about it. It really does tell you everything and we wouldn't know this without your reporting, Luke Rosiak. Thank you.

ROSIAK: Thank you.

CARLSON: So it just so happens, there is a governor's race in Virginia right now, it's an off-year election, next Tuesday is the election.

Now Democrats are panicking. This story has got to be having an effect on the race because the former Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe who is running again has basically endorsed what the school did. He is running against a Republican called Glenn Youngkin, and as of tonight, they appear to be tied in the polls.

Keep in mind, Virginia is now a solidly blue state. So, this is now an all- hands-on-deck moment for the Democratic Party and that's why you're seeing Joe Biden on stage. This is live, right now. He has just wrapped up a campaign event for the indefensible, Terry McAuliffe.

Great question. What's going to happen?

Well, it turns out, Virginian Democrats have worked to make many changes to the way Virginians vote. Many of the due to COVID changes of last year are now permanent. For example, a Virginia law signed this year mandates that localities have a drop-off location for absentee ballots. "The Washington Times" is reporting the Republican volunteers are guarding some of the unattended drop-off boxes.

So what's going to happen here and why? Brit Hume is a FOX News senior political analyst, and for years lived in the Commonwealth of Virginia. He joins us tonight with his best analysis.

Brit, thanks so much for coming on. So what do you think is going to happen and why?

BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS CHANNEL SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Well consider this, Tucker. It was only just a short few weeks ago that Terry McAuliffe was complaining that Joe Biden's unpopularity and his low approval rating was dragging his, that is to say McAuliffe's campaign down, and tonight, there he is -- Biden with him in Virginia.

This is a candidate running scared, very scared, and with good reason. He was never -- he was never picked to be a candidate -- would have any trouble getting elected and now, as you point out solidly blue Virginia when this year began and this guy, Glenn Youngkin is somebody nobody ever heard of. He is a political novice, a very successful businessman, but a political novice.

He has run a disciplined campaign and McAuliffe has made one blunder after another, not the least of which was his assertion in a public meeting just a few weeks ago that he didn't want to have parents telling school boards what to teach the kids.

Now, that is a widely shared view in the Democratic Party, but it is not a widely shared view across the body politic as a whole. Independents don't like it and Republicans obviously don't like it either. It was as big a political blunder as I think I've seen in a long time, so he is in trouble is Terry McAuliffe.

He may pull this out, as I say Virginia is a very blue state, but he is in -- he is worried, he is scared, and the presence of the President there is only the most recent manifestation of that.

CARLSON: I don't know if you can see the pictures, Brit, and I can't help, but to comment on them since they're live on the screen right now. But here you have Joe Biden who has endorsed mandatory masks for small children in schools, panting on strangers without a mask, nobody at this event has a mask, getting very close to the face of some woman right now, another woman right now.

How can they swear this behavior with their demands that the rest of us plebes cover our faces and the faces of our children?

HUME: Well, they obviously can't, Tucker and I think what the President probably knows, whether he would ever admit it is that, you know, the science on masking is doubtful and you know, if anybody wants to wear one, I'm not going to discourage them, but my guess is the President isn't sick, won't get sick and the people around him won't either.

But it is hypocrisy on a grand scale with the administration telling everybody that we've got to mask and we've got to mask our kids in schools and all the rest of it.

CARLSON: So, the McAuliffe campaign brought in former President Barack Obama who as we've heard in the previous segment dismissed this rape as phony outrage. I wonder, just from your reporting on politics this year, is Obama still a person who can get Democrats out to the polls?

HUME: I think so. I mean, I think he can help. I think even Biden can get them.

These big names and people like Obama and Biden, they probably can't swing elections, but they can do a couple of things. One is, they can usually help you raise money, particularly a sitting President because people will turn out in numbers and pay a lot of money to go to have dinner with the President, or to be able to say they did and maybe get a picture taken with them. So, they are good fundraisers and they can help turn out crowds.

Whether they can swing this election, I don't know, but think of this. Think of the stuff that McAuliffe has been saying. He has made up all kinds of wild numbers about the COVID presence in the State of Virginia and in the schools. He has been slapped down with four Pinocchios from "The Washington Post" left-leaning fact-checker.

So this is a man in trouble and that is why we're seeing all these characters rolling into Virginia to campaign for him. If he loses, if Terry McAuliffe loses, it will be seen as a political earthquake and if the Democrats weren't already worried about what's going to happen to them in 2022, they will be terrified if that comes about.

Look, the fact that the race is even close at all and it is very close indeed from the polling ought to be terrifying to Democrats that they're on the wrong course and need to change. I doubt they will, but that ought to be the message.

CARLSON: We've kept these live -- these mesmerizing live pictures of Joe Biden breathing on strangers up on the screen, so for our viewers who've been transfixed and haven't listened to our conversations, I just want to ask, is Glenn Youngkin, do you think, I think we'll talk to him later this week, will he -- has he been pressing on the school issue? The idea that parents ought to have some say what their own children learn?

HUME: Oh yes. He has made it a central issue in the campaign and this is a phenomenon that I've seen happen in races through the years where a candidate who has sort of come -- who is behind and doing the best he can suddenly hits on an issue that resonates with voters in a way, that moves the needle, and this education issue at this point with all of these restrictions on our kids going to school, and all the COVID pain and suffering kids have been through, this hit a nerve. And he has pounded it and pounded it hard.

He has been very disciplined about it. You know, one of the wild charges that McAuliffe makes is that Youngkin is a Donald Trump clone. Well, he certainly is not.


HUME: Trump has endorsed him and he hasn't rejected the endorsement. On the other hand, Trump had very little to do with his campaign, and if anything, this is a guy that kind of came out of nowhere on his own and on the strength of his campaign, which has been pretty, pretty well run. And McAuliffe, he keeps making this charge over and over again.

It ought to tell, by the way, Trump backing Republicans something. The Democrats now find that Trump is their best issue, and he may indeed be their best issue.

CARLSON: Yes. That's amazing. If he wins, that will be an earthquake.

Brit Hume, I appreciate that. Great to see you tonight. Thank you.

HUME: You bet. Thank you.

CARLSON: So it's pretty hard in your 50s to decide that you're a pop artist with no experience whatsoever and then make millions selling your mediocre piece of crap paintings, but Hunter Biden somehow has pulled that off. He held an art show in New York City today to sell some more of his paintings. Miranda Devine tried to visit that show because she is an art aficionado, she joins us next to tell us how that went.


CARLSON: We can't get over those pictures we just showed you, those live pictures of Joe Biden breathing on strangers, coughing up phlegm and smearing it on people with his hands. That's the real hacking scandal.

It wasn't the Russians, it was Joe Biden's lungs. Repulsive. Will the White House respond? Tomorrow, we hope so.

Well, meanwhile tonight, Dave Chappelle has committed a moral crime. He noted that gender is a biological fact, detected in blood tests. It is in your DNA, so of course, he is being destroyed or the usual lunatics are trying to destroy him.

So, Dave Chappelle has just issued a response to his critics. FOX's Trace Gallagher has it for us tonight. Hey, Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker, in a new stand-up video, Dave Chappelle says he will meet with Netflix transgender employees under three conditions. One, they have to watch his special, "The Closer,' which started this controversy from beginning to end. Two, they have to meet at a time and place of his choosing; and three, they have to admit that Hannah Gadsby is not funny. Gadsby is an LGBTQ comedian who criticized Chappelle for saying things like gender is a fact and for defending author, J.K. Rowling.

But Chappelle also says the LGBTQ community has been largely supportive and he believes this protest has nothing to do with that community. Watch.


DAVE CHAPPELLE, COMEDIAN: This has nothing to do with them, it's about corporate interests and what I can say and what I cannot say.


GALLAGHER: Chappelle says because of this protest, he and his documentary film called "Untitled" about his 2020 comedy tour have been uninvited to National Film Festivals so he is now headlining his own 10-city tour to view and talk about the film.

He ended his video asking if he is cancelled or not. It sounds like the answer is mostly not -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Forcing his critics to admit that Hannah Gatsby is not funny, he is in fact truly hilarious. Hero.

Trace Gallagher, thank you.


CARLSON: So again, let's say you were a crackhead through your 40s, made a lot of pornographic videos mostly of yourself, your genitals covered in M&Ms, and then once you got to your 50s, decide, hey, I want to be Andy Warhol. I'm a highly paid pop artist. You probably couldn't do it unless your dad happened to be the President, and that's how Hunter Biden pulled that off.

According to "The New York Post," Hunter Biden has sold five of his finger paintings for $75,000.00 apiece, and now, of course, he is trying to sell more, why wouldn't he?

So Hunter Biden's art show just opened in Soho, which is a decrepit neighborhood in New York City. Miranda Devine is a highly non-decrepit columnist with "The New York Post" and she attempted to visit Hunter Biden's Soho art show and live to tell the tale.

Miranda Devine joins us now. Miranda, thanks so much for coming on for your intrepid reporting venture to the art show. How did it go?

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Hi, Tucker. Well, unfortunately, I wasn't allowed in. I did try, but there was a very nice security guard at the front called Theo who said that I had to have an appointment.

Now, I did try to make an appointment. I e-mailed Georges Berger, who is the gallery owner and I asked if I could have one of these exclusive viewings of Hunter Biden's paintings, but unfortunately, I got no response.

So in the end, I went across the road to another art gallery, very high end art gallery called The Martin Lawrence Gallery, and there I found that they have beautiful paintings by Picasso and Marc Chagall and Roy Lichtenstein and so on, and they are cheaper.

You can buy a Picasso, a signed Picasso for, $400,000.00 which is cheaper than Hunter Biden's $500,000.00 paintings.

So, I think possibly that the people who are paying insane prices for Hunter Biden paintings and not really doing it for the art.

CARLSON: I wonder how many actual artists, talented people who have slaved away for years with no recognition and no income have seen this, decided to give up and jump off the Triborough Bridge. Any news on that?

DEVINE: Well, it's interesting you say that because one of the other gallery owners along that street in Soho in West Broadway that I knocked on the door of to see if they had any thoughts about it was saying, well, he had just been talking to an artist about the fact that you know, Hunter Biden is getting enormous amounts of money and this other artist has slaved for years to try and make a living with his art and everyone is scratching their head and thinking it's very curious.

And obviously, it's only because his father is President. That's the only reason that people are buying it for the notoriety and potentially for the influence. Because of course, we know that Joe Biden is partial to a bit of influence peddling in his family.

CARLSON: Yes, well, when your dad is President, you get superpowers. Maybe Hunter Biden will invent a new vaccine next we will be required to take. Who knows? You never know. The sky is the limit when your dad is in power.

Miranda Devine, I appreciate what you've done for the sake of news and for coming on tonight. Thank you.

DEVINE: Pleasure, Tucker.

CARLSON: So Tony Fauci spent a lot of time pushing for lockdowns, demanding you take the shot, wear three masks, but that's not all he's been doing. He has also funded sick and cruel experiments on dogs -- repulsive experiments, to which he personally should be subjected to find out what it's like.

Lawmakers now demanding an investigation into this and we have the very latest.


CARLSON: Well, a non-profit organization called the White Coat Waste Project has just found that a lab in Tunisia, North Africa infected dozens of beagles with disease-causing parasites. This research was funded by Tony Fauci's N.I.H. which sent a $375,000.00 grant to the lab.

Now according to this non-profit, the money went to quote, "drugging beagles, locking their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so the insects could eat them alive." That's disgusting and the people who funded it should be submitted to that, see how they like it.

By the way "The Washington Post" today defended it. A man, a columnist there called Dana Milbank will defend literally anything. Apparently, his lot came up. It was his job to take one for the team, so he wrote a straight face piece saying complaining about this is somehow immoral.

They'll defend anything.

Kathy Guillermo is Senior Vice President at PETA. She joins us tonight. Kathy, thanks so much for coming on. Look, this is so offensive that it's hard even to talk about it on TV, but I want to leave open the possibility that maybe there's some reason that we had to torture dogs to death. Give us your view.

KATHY GUILLERMO, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, PETA: There is no reason for the disgrace that this experiment is and unfortunately, it's just the tip of the iceberg of what's going on at N.I.H.

N.I.H. buys thousands of dogs. They subject them to experiments that only Freddy Krueger could think up, and all of this has to change. You know, the last time I was on here with you, I said that N.I.H. Director Francis Collins needs to go and fortunately, since then, he has announced his resignation. Now, the rest of the N.I.H. Directors need to go, too.

CARLSON: Well, that's exactly right. I mean, my sense from reading a lot about this is that many of these torture sessions, they are not even experiments, it is just torturing animals who love us and can't help themselves, this is driven by funding. So there is money available, so the experiments take place, but it doesn't necessarily help science or any people. It's just, they need to spend the money.

GUILLERMO: That's what we know, and they spend about $19 billion of it every year on animal experiments even though we know that these experiments are not going to find cures and treatments for human beings.

And if you look at their other laboratories right inside N.I.H.'s laboratory in Maryland, experimenter, Elisabeth Murray as we exposed last year, brain damages monkeys and then tries to frighten them in tiny cages with plastic snakes and spiders.

This kind of experimentation goes on all the time, if you look at the Primate Center at the University of Washington, they are full body irradiating monkeys, destroying their immune system completely, and we're all paying for this.

There is no reason to do it. It needs to stop.

CARLSON: I feel sick just hearing these stories. Why would anybody -- you see people reflexively defend this stuff, oh, it's science. It is cruelty, it's not science. But why would anyone defend this?

GUILLERMO: Defending the status quo seems to be the default position of some people, unfortunately, but that's not how we progress as a society and we have to get N.I.H. to come to terms with this and remember that their constituency is not the animal experimenters. N.I.H.'s constituency is the American public.

CARLSON: Defending the status quo seems to be the default position for a lot of people. Boy, I don't think I could have put it better than that. Thank you for saying that. That's exactly right.

Kathy Guillermo of PETA, thank you.

GUILLERMO: Thank you.

CARLSON: So Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana was recently suspended by Twitter. What did he do? Well he told the truth according to science. He pointed out that an official at the Department of Health and Human Services called Rachel Levine is a man, because Rachel Levine is a man. Do a blood test and check.

Well, a new partnership announced today, plans to push back against this kind of censorship, this may be part of the answer to get out from under the thumb of the oligarchs who control our speech. We've got that news for you next.


CARLSON: Rachel Levine is a biological man until just really a few years ago, he had a wife and two kids, now, identifies as a woman and in the Biden administration, that is grounds for a promotion, so the Biden administration now calls Rachel Levine, a female, four-star admiral. Watch.


RACHEL LEVINE, FORMER SECRETARY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: I am honored to serve as the first female four-star officer of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.


CARLSON: All right, whatever. I mean, call yourself whatever you want, it's when you force the rest of us to go along with what you call yourself when it's not true that we have a problem, and that's what's happening now, even if you're a Member of Congress.

Indiana Congressman Jim Banks, for example, is just suspended from Twitter for pointing out that Rachel Levine is a biological man. How long can this continue? Well, it may be ending. The video platform, Rumble, has just joined forces with the crowdfunding site Locals, and that platform promises to permit free speech even if Joe Biden doesn't like it.

Dave Rubin is one of the founders of Locals and joins us tonight to explain what this will mean for people who use social media to communicate.

Dave Rubin, first, congratulations on this. Second, tell us what this will mean for people who use the internet.

DAVE RUBIN, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR AND AUTHOR: Well, look, Tucker, we are going to create a parallel ecosystem, an ecosystem online where people can tell you the truth because the simple truth is that Rachel Levine obviously is a biological male.

And you know, it's funny, I've got "The New York Times" tweet right here, they call her a female in the tweet, so who is sharing misinformation? We're taking out Congress people on Twitter for misinformation, which is actually truth and meanwhile, "The New York Times" is spreading their alternate facts.

What we are doing with this alliance of Rumble and Locals is creating a situation where people will be able to say what they want to say. We are not in the business of policing people. You want to say bad things about me, you want to say mean things about Tucker Carlson, you are welcome to do it. If you break the laws of the United States, guess what? You've got a bigger problem than us.

But you know, there was a promise of a free and open internet 20 years ago.


RUBIN: And unfortunately, over these last 20 years, we've learned that we were the products, our data, our user habits, we are being manipulated in ways that we cannot imagine and that is not our intention. We are going to build new servers, we're going to make sure that people can't just have their websites blown up like they did to Parler. We're going to make sure you don't get taken out for saying basic truths like there are differences between men and women or -- we're going to let people debate political topics such as whether vaccine mandates are legitimate or not. That's what we're going to do.

That's actually what everybody wants, everyone just seems to be afraid to say it.

CARLSON: Just really quickly. You partially answered my question, but Parler just got pulled right off the internet by Amazon Web Services. You believe this new venture will be invulnerable to that?

RUBIN: Yes, 100 percent, Tucker. That is not an exaggeration. Rumble has built an incredible infrastructure, which Locals will be using and it'll be a B2B service and you will be able to have your website, you can do what you want on there and we provide you with the service and then what you do on there is up to you.

And if you do something illegal, again, that's a problem. Now, you have a legal problem with the United States government or whatever country you're in. We're not in the business of policing, we're in the business of making business and actually doing what everyone was promised, which was had a little something to do with free speech a long time ago.

CARLSON: Exactly. It's not so easy to do this, which is why no one has done it, so I'm grateful that you all are spending the time and the money to pull it off.

Dave Rubin, thanks for announcing that here.

RUBIN: We are trying, man.

CARLSON: Great to see you.

RUBIN: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: We're out of time. We'll be back tomorrow and every weeknight. The show that's the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.

And now ladies and gentlemen, an announcement, the Great Sean Hannity takes over the 9:00 p.m. hour on FOX.

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