Tucker: Biden made it clear Americans cannot peacefully protest

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," January 14, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: To catch my podcast with my husband, Sean, "From the Kitchen Table," we had a fascinating conversation with Josh Slocum. Have a great weekend. Tucker Carlson is up next.


The California Gold Rush is long over and yet, they are still robbing trains in the state, lots of trains and they're doing it on video. We'll show it to you in just a minute.

But first, last time we interviewed one of the people the Biden administration charged yesterday with sedition. The man's name is Thomas Caldwell.

The Justice Department claims that Caldwell was inside the Capitol Building on January 6th. Caldwell insists emphatically that he was not. At some point, a jury will decide who is lying about that. For now, the rest of us though are free to ponder a bigger question, is Thomas Caldwell, a seditionist? Is he an enemy of this nation?

On January 6th, was Thomas Caldwell trying to overthrow the U.S. government by force? That's a pretty hard case to make. Caldwell's indictment paints him as a dangerous militia leader who is planning a sort of D-Day invasion on the banks of the Potomac.

The real Thomas Caldwell does not fit that description. Caldwell is a senior citizen who walks with a cane. He is a devout Christian.

Try to picture Thomas Caldwell leading a bloodthirsty band of insurgents? You can't because he didn't.

Like every protester that day, Caldwell arrived at the event, unarmed, and like the overwhelming majority, he committed no acts of violence.

The Justice Department claims that Caldwell sought to overthrow the American system, but that is hard to believe. Caldwell, in fact spent most of his life in honorable government service, including 20 years as a naval officer. He retired with 100 percent physical disability.

In fact, if anyone seems like a thoroughly loyal American, it is Thomas Caldwell. There is no question he likes this country much more than Susan Rice does, or Tony Blinken.

So why is Thomas Caldwell facing the prospect of spending the rest of his life in prison? Because Democrats, tell us, Thomas Caldwell and his co- defendants almost toppled our democracy. They came closer than anyone since Robert E. Lee. That's what they've been telling us for the last year. It's absurd.

Only the fact we've heard it so often prevents us from recognizing how absurd it is. Nothing that happened on January 6th came remotely close threatening our constitutional order, or from preventing Joe Biden from taking office. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying, and should be forced to explain specifically how the mechanics of democracy were imperiled that day. But they never explained, they just yell louder and then they issue more indictments.

For the record, because reality still matters or should matter, here was the scene inside the Capitol on January 6th.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The police here are willing to work with us and cooperate peacefully, like our First Amendment allows.

Gather more Americans under the condition that they will come and gather peacefully to discuss what needs to be done to save our country.

OFFICER: We're not against ...

You need to show. You understand? Then show us no attacking, no assault, remain calm.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are not going to assault and we are going to be heard. Everybody, this must be peaceful.

QANON SHAMAN: This has to be peaceful. We have the right to peacefully assemble.


CARLSON: "This must be peaceful. We have the right to peacefully assemble." Well, it turns out, no, we don't. The man you just heard say that got more than four years behind bars. His crime, walking into what we used to call non-ironically, the People's House. That was the QAnon Shaman.

At his sentencing, he looked shocked. Most of the indicted January 6th protesters have looked shocked. If this was an insurrection, they had no idea whatsoever that they were participating in it.

"Business Insider" reported this afternoon that on January 7th of last year, the day after, protesters called Nancy Pelosi's office line in the Capitol looking for items they may have left inside the building. Law enforcement took down their numbers and later arrested them.

Is that the behavior of people who believe they were trying to overthrow the U.S. government? Obviously, it's not. These are Americans who came to their capital city with their friends to complain loudly about what politicians were doing. They assumed that was still allowed, but it's not allowed. Joe Biden has made that very clear.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: According to the United States Intelligence Community, domestic terrorism from white supremacists is the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland.

We know now we must confront and defeat political extremism, white supremacy, and domestic terrorism.

Don't dare call them protesters, they were a riotous mob, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists.

White supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront, and we will defeat.


CARLSON: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah -- read the script. Where exactly is all this criminal white supremacy? This right-wing domestic terrorism that poses, quote, "the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland." Where is it? Well, of course, it doesn't exist.

Many thousands of Americans are killed each year by violence. They are murdered. But conservatives are not the ones who are murdering them. Look it up. It's a ludicrous lie.

In fact, until yesterday, no one connected to January 6th had been charged with a crime that even approached the seriousness of domestic terrorism. Democrats in Congress are starting to notice that and complained about it, so Merrick Garland caved to the political pressure and charged 11 people seditious conspiracy.

Now, you'd think news organizations might have a few questions about the timing of that. This being an election year in which the Democratic Party's fortunes are heading south at high speed, but they didn't ask questions. They just celebrated the arrests, uncritically.

Here is one particularly oily little Biden toady over on CNN.


BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR For the first time, the Justice Department is unveiling charges of seditious conspiracy against 11 participants in the January 6 Capitol riot.

So what do these new charges tell us?

Prosecutors sending a clear message after criticism from lawmakers and legal experts who thought the D.O.J. was going too easy on the rioters.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: The charges show the extent of advanced planning as we learned many of the rioters were expecting war.


CARLSON: "Many of the rioters were expecting war." Really? Were they? Then why didn't they bring guns to the war?

The indictment doesn't explain that. In fact, it tells us that as January 6 approached, these dangerous conspirators were anticipating war, agreed not to bring firearms into the District of Columbia.

"You guys going to carry?" One of them texted the others in what they thought was protected chat. "No," the other said, "Okay, we are neither."

So here you have the people the Biden administration tells us tried to overthrow the U.S. government. And yet, at the very same time, this very same group also voluntarily decides to comply with D.C.'s famously restrictive gun laws. Uh-huh.

So if you live in D.C., you know that not everyone does that, not even close. Washington, D.C. has an awful lot of shootings. None of them seem to interest Merrick Garland. Yet the so-called sedition is somehow decided to follow the law. Now, they're facing life in prison.

It's all too ridiculous to be real. But it is real. What's going on here?

Thomas Caldwell gave us this assessment last night.


LT. COMMANDER THOMAS CALDWELL (RET), U.S. NAVY: Think about this. If you are perceived by people who may not even be elected in our country, to not think the right way or to say something in a private e-mail conversation that they don't like. You could end up being a target that just as I am a target.


CARLSON: "Oh, we're here to overthrow the government. We're seditionists, planning an insurrection with violence, but we better follow D.C. gun laws or else we would get in trouble." That's literally what they're telling you. It's contemptibly absurd.

Another indicted with seditious is a woman called Jessica Watkins. Watkins entered the Capitol, unarmed, 40 minutes after the initial breach on January 6th. She did not commit violence. She didn't break anything or assault anyone. She didn't set a fire or spray paint the wall. She's not from Antifa.

In fact, according to her lawyer, Watkins spoke directly to Secret Service agents. She voluntarily provided her contact information, and then she turned herself into local police when she learned there was an arrest warrant for her. And yet, Jessica Watkins is now officially a terrorist, she and many others.

So the whole point of this exercise is to redefine any opposition to the Democratic Party as domestic terrorism. As they face defeat in the midterm election, some Democrats are just saying that out loud.

Here is MSNBC's Jason Johnson.


JASON JOHNSON, THE GRIO, CONTRIBUTOR: I'm working hard to never say Republican Party again, because they're not a party, right? They're Sinn Fein, they are the IRA, they're the PLO to Hamas, very dime store front for a terrorist movement.


CARLSON: Oh, they're Sinn Fein. They're PLO and Hamas, but they follow D.C. gun laws because you can get in trouble if you don't. These people -- a front for a terrorist movement. Do they really mean what they say? Who knows if they mean it? They're acting like it and that's the problem.

So how do the rest of us respond as the U.S. government redefines people who disagree with their political beliefs as terrorists? Well, there is really only one way and it is a nonviolent way, it's the essential way -- refuse to play along.

Don't pretend they're sincere. They're not sincere. Tell the truth. Call authoritarianism what it is, preferably with a middle finger extended.

That sort of man is called Alex Bruce was did Bruce Watson's Republican political consultant he dares to work for candidates who are running against members of the preferably with a middle finger extended. That's what a man called Alex Bruesewitz.

Bruesewitz is a Republican political consultant. He dares to work for candidates who are running against members of the January 6 Committee. You don't want to do that. What happens?

Well, days ago, a senior counsel on that Committee demanded an interview with Bruesewitz, here is how he responded, quote: "I feel sorry for you that you have to deal with the likes of Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Adam Schiff, and the rest of the Committee members on a daily basis, I will pray for you."

In other words, up yours. Then Bruesewitz described in clear and honest terms exactly what the Democrats are so obviously doing, quote: "This Select Committee has run roughshod over the First Amendment rights of my fellow citizens. Now, it is targeting me," which it absolutely is. Good for Alex Bruesewitz, he joins us now.

Alex, thanks so much for coming on. Appreciate it.


CARLSON: You made a conscious decision to tell them you know what's going on, you're not cowering. They are violating your rights, you know that. But by saying that out loud and coming on this show, you're basically daring them to hurt you. Tell us why you did it.

BRUESEWITZ: Yes, well, I welcome any attempts they are going to take at me, I think they're a bunch of fools, dangerous and corrupt fools on this committee. And quite frankly, I think they can all go to hell.

CARLSON: That's true.

BRUESEWITZ: But I've been sick of sitting on the sidelines watching this committee just harass, attack, and bully so many of my friends, so many conservative activist, innocent people for doing nothing but standing with President Trump until the finish line.

And last week, I posted a video on January the 5th right before the one- year anniversary of the certified election, and I said that I'm going to stand financially with those who are being wrongfully persecuted and attacked, I pledged tens of thousands of dollars, I donated $10,000.00 of my own money to the Patriot Freedom Fund. And then five days later, I get this e-mail from Sean, who I'm sure is a nice guy, but he is going through a lot.

Could you imagine having to sit next to dinky Adam Kinzinger all day? But at the end of the day, so I donate this money, and then I get e-mailed. But I'm not going to be intimidated.

Today I donated $20,000.00 to a gentleman who did nothing other than give a permit, sign paper works for a permit from the Capitol Police for the protests at January 6th, and I'm going to also donate $10,000.00 to Jeffrey Bossert Clark, the only person at the Justice Department who was willing to investigate voter fraud, and he wasn't able to.

He has five kids at home -- four kids at home, and he -- all he did was offer to investigate voter fraud, and now, they're trying to attack him and cancel him, and destroy his reputation.

I've had enough of it, I'm not going to sit by any longer, and they can come for me. I'm 24 years old. I've made millions of dollars already in my career. At the end of the day, if I go broke in this fight, I have my whole life to make this money back. And so I hope my courage will lead to others to stand up and do the right thing.

CARLSON: Well, I hope so, too. People who are much older and much richer than you are, I mean, the Republican National Committee, where are they? The former President's Organization? I mean, Members of Congress?

Why are people rotting in solitary with incompetent left-wing public defenders who aren't on their side? I mean, these people are screwed because no one in the Republican Party is standing up for them and it is outrageous.

But let's just very quickly talk about you. You know, Roger Stone did this. They went after him, he mocked them, and then they sent helicopters and a SWAT team with automatic weapons to his house in coordination with CNN. I mean, are you concerned?

BRUESEWITZ: Yes. No, absolutely not. This current Committee in its structure, it has no constitutional power. I'm not going to legitimize it.

If they subpoena me, we'll deal with it from there, but it has no constitutional power. I'm not going to be on defense for long. We're going to go on offense soon, because at the end of the day, the American people deserve to know the truth about what happened on January 6th.

People like you have been, you know, laying out the truth -- Darren Beattie, Julie Kelly -- they tell the truth about what happened on January 6, and so we're going to go on offense now. I'm not going to be on defense for too long, and we're going to find out the truth.

CARLSON: All right. We will visit you in jail. Appreciate it. Just kidding. I hope -- Alex, great to see you.

BRUESEWITZ: Thank you, Tucker. God bless you.

CARLSON: So to put this -- thank you -- to put this in to some sort of broader context, we are grateful tonight to be joined by Victor Davis Hanson, of course, a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and the person who so often tells us what's really happening.

Victor Davis Hanson, thanks so much for coming on. What do you make -- what do you make of what we're seeing here?

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTION: Well, I think most Americans didn't -- were angry about the riot, but if you're going to commit sedition, you don't get a bunch of people 40 and 50 and 60 comply with D.C. gun laws, leave their guns, some of them get on a golf course, go to the Capitol, some of them in are without weapons.

What you're going to do to have a sedition, you dress in black, you wear body armor, you wear clubs, you coordinate your attacks on Federal courthouses or police precincts on social media, like Antifa did and BLM did. That's how you do it.

Or if you're really worried about a conspiracy and cabal, you don't put words into the mouths of people. What you do is you read "Time" Magazine and Molly Ball laid it out. She used the word this was a conspiracy. A good conspiracy, she said, a cabal, a secret history, and what did she detail?

She said that a lot of very wealthy Americans, $419 million from Mark Zuckerberg, CEOs -- they coordinated with activists, street activists to tone it down. They pre-selected precincts, they poured money, and then quote, "They sought to stem the flow of information." That seems to be much more conspiratorial than that sort of circus that we saw on January 6th.

Or if you really were serious, Tucker, you would probably -- Foreign Policy would publish an article 11 days after Trump was President, as a very prominent Obama Justice Pentagon -- excuse me, Pentagon lawyer wrote, and she said, "We've got to get rid of Donald Trump and there are only three ways to do it. You can have impeachment -- pretty slow. You can have 25th Amendment, kind of messy, or you can have a military coup," and she outlined it.

And so that is what a sedition -- that is serious stuff. And so, I think what American people are saying, Tucker, all they want is transparency and equal protection of the law. They want to know how Ashli Babbitt died. They want to know how 35 people died in the summer of 2020.

If you're going to go after Congress people who say they communicated with activists, they want to know if that qualifies when the current Vice President said the riots are going to go on and they're not going to stop and I'm going to -- and she helped bail people out.

If you're going to attack the Capitol, it is Federal property, than if you attack a federal courthouse -- that's what they want. They want $2 billion in property, 35 dead, 120 days of rioting. They want transparency.

So let's get a Congressional Committee next session of Congress with Democrats pick their best people; Republicans, and let's look at all the domestic terrorism and find out the truth and let the chips fall where they lie.

But just -- all you're asking for the American people is, let's be transparent. All the videos come out, all the information come out, all the testimony about the officer that shot Ashli Babbitt, all the testimony about other shootings, and let's be equal in the application of the law. That's all.

CARLSON: I have to ask, no one has ever satisfactorily answered the question. Why did the Capitol Police allow the protesters in the building if they knew that they were coming? There were apparently snipers willing to shoot to kill. So they knew there was going to be something like this, and yet they welcomed them in? Maybe there's a good answer for that. What could it be?

HANSON: I don't know. I think the only way we would find out, Tucker, is to have all of the video so we could see them in action. If they were talking to protesters, if they were -- what were they doing? And then all the communications between the Capitol Police and Members of Congress and law enforcement.

Let's get it all out and find out, because it is strange. And why are we focused on this? And I have no problem focusing it was a riot, if you want to find the truth.


HANSON: But why don't we just forget about the May 2020 riot when they stormed into the White House ground, they injured dozens of Secret Service agents and they tried to get to the President of the United States who had to be evacuated into a bunker. It wasn't like AOC hiding in the distant building. This was the President of the United States and the Secret Service who were battling these people, were throwing objects and breaking the law, and I don't think very many of them are in solitary confinement facing life sentences right now.

CARLSON: Probably not. I think it's a very good observation. Professor Hanson, thank you so much. Appreciate it.

HANSON: Thank you.

CARLSON: So you may have wondered why your Amazon package didn't arrive or UPS is a little slow. Maybe it's a supply chain problem. Or maybe the train that was bringing those packages to your house got looted by mobs. That's happening a lot across the country. We have the tape.

Adam Carolla joins us, next.


CARLSON: So California is a one-party state under the total control of one political organization just like Albania under Enver Hoxha, it hasn't gone well. How badly has it gone? Well, let's see.

You thought robbing freight trains went out like maybe in the 1870s, well, it's back in California. They're not supply chain issues that are keeping the package from your house necessarily. There are gangs of criminals, a key constituency in the Democratic Party, looting freight trains in LA. There's video of it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Unopened COVID rapid tests. We even have fishing lures.


CARLSON: Notice by the way, the piles of garbage that hasn't occurred to anyone in Los Angeles or in the state to pick it up. California, we are the garbage state, why would we pick up garbage? That's what we do. We produce garbage. That's the new motto of Gavin Newsom.

Well, Union Pacific which has been in California for way over a hundred years now says it may stop operations in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, right up the coast of the state in San Jose, nine men just stormed a shopping center and robbed several stores. You're seeing footage of those robberies on your screen now.

So we don't want to gloat in sadness or anything, but it's kind of an important thing if your biggest state falls apart and it is. Adam Carolla lives in California, has all his life. His new book is "Everything Reminds Me of Something," which all middle aged people will understand. It's available for pre-order now. He joins us live.

Adam Carolla, great to see you, and I am sorry to keep picking on your state -- our state, but robbing freight trains?

ADAM CAROLLA, COMEDIAN AND AUTHOR: Well, you know, everyone says to me after I do these appearances, Tucker, when are you leaving California?


CAROLLA: And I always tell them, I've got two kids in high school, but I will be pulling up to their graduation in a U-Haul. That's my description.

CARLSON: But you shouldn't have to leave. You're from there. You've lived there your whole life. Why should you have to leave? Why don't the people who put garbage on the ground leave?

CAROLLA: You know, it is interesting, because back to the train metaphor, they say if you live next to a train station, you'll stop hearing the trains eventually. And it's that way in California with graffiti and trash and the homeless population.

It's slow, it's gradual, but you just tune it out. Everyone here just tunes it out. And to be fair to the guys robbing the trains. Maybe they're just cutting out the middleman. I mean, instead of go to the person's house and do the porch pirate thing and steal it from their porch or go to San Francisco and do a smash-and-grab, why not just grab it on the train on the way in and eliminate the middleman?

CARLSON: That's such a good point. I have to say, if you care about the natural environment, if you love nature, to see the prettiest state in the country -- in the world -- desecrated like this by people who claim to care about the environment, I mean, what the hell? Maybe global warming isn't the only environmental concern, I'm starting to think.

CAROLLA: Well, you know, it's never-ending lectures about, you know, not outlawing plastic straws and about outlawing gas-powered lawn mowers and gender neutral toy aisles. We're living in essentially Calcutta and we're talking about gender neutral toy aisles.

It would be like if your son was strung out on fentanyl, and you're talking about getting him cello lessons.

CARLSON: It does seem -- and by the way, I think this actually is dirtier than Calcutta is, right now. I mean, I think -- does anyone notice? I mean, you're famously in the business of noticing things. That's what you do. But when you go back to your house and have a beer with your neighbors, they say I can't believe this.

CAROLLA: It drives me nuts. And no, everyone -- look, everyone in California is in the business of tuning out everyone, but themselves. I mean, that's what attracts people to California. No one is from here.

You come here to tune out everyone, but you. So they've somehow have tuned it out. But to me, it is the first thing you see when you enter a city. You know, when you drive around and you see that car with the Bondo on the fenders and the fast food wrappers on top of the dashboard? And you go oh, that person's crazy. That's what we look like. We look like a crazy old woman driving around a beat up car.

CARLSON: I feel like moving back and saying to everyone else, you're not from here, get out. You wrecked it. And you know, and living next to you and taking a stand.

Probably not going to.

Adam Carolla, I will see you in Texas or somewhere. Thank you.

CAROLLA: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So you often hear people talk about a group of unelected bureaucrats entrenched in the Federal government. They use the term the "Deep State," sounds a little paranoid, less paranoid than it used to sound.

Amanda Milius has seen it firsthand. She wasn't paranoid at all before she became a senior State Department official under the last administration, and she watched directly how career government officials worked to derail the agenda of an elected politician.

So we talked to her in a brand new episode of "Tucker Carlson Today" about what she saw in D.C. Here's part of it.


AMANDA MILIUS, FORMER STATE DEPARTMENT ADVISER: Everything I thought was wrong is way worse. It's so much worse. And it was so frustrating because I mean, like I said, like there was so few of us.

Imagine having an administration like ours where it was so important to go in like guns blazing day one and not let any -- we were already up against the whole machine, and then to have most of us be -- the people that knew the agenda and wanted to execute the agenda get whittled away by these nobodies, you know, by these conniving nobodies and then think that the administration has somehow still got a fighting chance.

It's like we fought with one hand behind our back because of the personal issues.

CARLSON: Totally unarmed.

MILIUS: Totally unarmed, and you know, we didn't know. Here is the other funny thing, we know early on we were getting advice from like Reagan appointees. That was like the closest thing to like our style of administration where we were sort of having a bit of a hostile takeover.

CARLSON: Well, the Bush people hated you so much that obviously, you're not getting any help from now.

MILIUS: Oh, yes. No, not at all. So we'd be pulled aside by like, some serious old timers and been like, hey, actually, you know, this is how you don't get screwed in this one area or whatever.


MILIUS: And where is manual for that, by the way? Who is building that manual now?

I have some friends I know that are writing it, but there is a lot of institutional knowledge there that if we live in a real country and ever take power again, we're going to really need.


CARLSON: Amanda Milius, she is a filmmaker from LA. She got really excited about Trump in 2016 shows up in DC to help and is shocked by what she sees.

The whole conversation is fascinating. It's on FOX Nation. Get it for free at tuckercarlson.com.

Well, we spent a lot of time on the show defending Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh because we assumed he was a sincere conservative and a man of principle. Lindsey Graham assured us that he was. So what happened? We'll tell you straight ahead.


CARLSON: So this week, as we told you, the Supreme Court overturned Joe Biden's lunatic vaccine mandate for private companies that have over a hundred employees. That's obviously a win for sanity.

But at the same time, the Court left in place Biden's mandate for medical workers. Think about that. In other words, the Supreme Court just affirmed that politicians in Washington somehow know more about health than nurses in emergency rooms. That's absurd.

How did that happen?

Well, it happened for one reason, because Justices John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh sided with the Biden administration in alliance with the hard partisans on the Court, like certified non-genius Sonia Sotomayor. No one who pays attention is surprised that John Roberts did this. Roberts's judicial philosophy consists of not offending "The Washington Post" and has for years.

But Brett Kavanaugh? Wasn't Brett Kavanaugh supposed to be a sincere conservative? A man of principle? That's what Lindsey Graham told us. Unfortunately, many of us believed it. We certainly did.

When Brett Kavanaugh cried during his confirmation hearings, wept like Adam Kinzinger, we felt sorry for him. We didn't understand at the time that something had broken inside of Brett Kavanaugh that on some level, his tormentors now controlled him and that going forward, he would be more loyal to conventional opinion than to the Constitution of the United States. Our mistake.

To the courts, actual conservatives, the ones who don't weep in public, Kavanaugh's position on the vax mandate made no sense at all. As Clarence Thomas put it in his dissent, nothing in law or in the Constitution requires nurses to quote " ... choose between losing their livelihoods and acquiescing to a vaccine they have rejected for months."

Well, exactly. In other words, Joe Biden's vaccine mandates have no legal authority, and without legal authority, the government can't force us to do anything. Period.

Well, in case you're wondering if it's really a spiritual war we're watching, here is this news story.

An Illinois Elementary School is offering an after school Satan club. The local School District is defending the Satan club. It's sponsored by the Satanic Temple of the United States.

The club claims it will help kids learn benevolence and empathy as well as, quote, "personal sovereignty." We're going to the source of the story.

Lucien Greaves is with the Satanic Temple and joins us tonight.

Mr. Greaves, thanks so much for coming on. So, I have to ask, are parents complaining that there's an after school Satan club at their children's school?

LUCIEN GREAVES, SATANIC TEMPLE: Some are, but they don't have to send their children to the program. It's available for parents who do want to send their children to the program and it is there as an alternative to religious clubs that are made to proselytize to children.

Ours doesn't include items of religious opinion, it doesn't include indoctrination. It just has a self-directed learning program with trained educators there to help guide the children through different activities and projects that they want to engage in.

CARLSON: Where are the Satan clubs trained educators trained? Is there a Satan School of Theology?

GREAVES: They are trained through us. We've -- no, we've got educators who have volunteered with us. We vet them. We do the criminal background checks that aren't required of after school clubs and haven't been required of any of the religious clubs because we want to be responsible about this.

And we make sure that they understand the curriculum, they understand what we want to do in this program and that they're able to execute that.

CARLSON: I love your use of the word "execute." So have any school administrator said, look, I know you can like lecture me about religious freedom, but you're a Satan club, but we're not going to let little kids go to the Satan club.

Is anybody -- or are they just passive like everyone else in America and kind of letting it happen?

GREAVES: Well, that's not being passive. That's understanding what the law is. It's understanding what the Constitution is. It's understanding what free speech is and what religious liberty is.

And there are a lot of people who express a lot of uproar about this, and they go to the School Board. They complain to the principals, they complain to the superintendent, but a School Board cannot overturn the Supreme Court and there is no point in harassing them.

CARLSON: Well, actually, so could there be an "I hate gays club" or "Black people are inferior club"? And the answer, of course, is no. Because the community -- and I'm not advocating for either one of those things, but the community has some say in what its kids are exposed to on government property, i.e. a public school.

So you're just telling me that everyone is just kind of going along with it, because Supreme Court?

GREAVES: Well, the Supreme Court allowed in religion. They said that not having religious clubs would be religious discrimination. I disagree. I think you can categorically deny religion, but what you can't do is give the government the opportunity to pick and choose between which religious viewpoints they'll allow, and which ones they won't.

CARLSON: But they do what they do all the time. I mean, you can be suspended from school for quoting portions of the Old Testament like immediately, you could be -- I mean --

I'm trying not to use profanity on the air, but what you're saying is ridiculous. We both know, it's ridiculous. And I just want to be really clear on this because to me, it's another example people just sitting back and be like, oh, I guess I have to. You know, it is like their "Drag Time Story Hour" for fourth graders, like that, you know, I can't say anything, and you're confirming that everyone feels that way, they kind of have to go along with it, for some reason.

GREAVES: Well, people get upset about it, people like you, and they don't reconcile their viewpoints on free speech and religious liberty. I don't know what you're suggesting. I don't know if you're suggesting if the School Board should say, no, this is not allowed and we're going against the Supreme Court ruling that says religions are allowed.

CARLSON: That's what I'm saying is you ought to be allowed to quote the New Testament out loud in school, if -- I mean, if we're going to apply the standard, which I suppose I'd be happy to live under, we have to apply it equally, but it's not applied equally as you know, and I suppose --

I mean, have you been in --

GREAVES: I don't know the New Testament story you're speaking of --

CARLSON: Old Testament.

GREAVES: But we would consent anybody's right to practice their religion and we are not asking for other religious clubs to be taken out. We are asking for equal access.

CARLSON: Look, I'm not even -- right. And I'm just saying the school would not provide that if it were an expression of Orthodox Christianity, as you know. But Lucien Greaves, I appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you.

GREAVES: Thank you.

CARLSON: Well, a new study of omicron confirms with several other studies have already shown and what you know, since you live in this country, you're surrounded by people who have omicron, which is pretty much everybody. So you know that omicron is much less severe than past variants of corona.

A lot of people who don't seem to know that run our health establishment. Why is that? We will speak to one of the premier physicians in the country about that next.


CARLSON: It turns out there is not a lot to dread about the dreaded omicron variant of COVID. We know this because the biggest study in the world of omicron has just concluded, it involved researchers from all over the country from C.D.C. to Cal Berkeley and here is what they found.

Of the 52,000 patients they studied who have the omicron variant, none required ventilation. People with natural immunity had lower infection rates than people who hadn't been previously infected with COVID. We knew that.

Now given that 98 percent of new COVID infections are from the omicron variant, this suggests maybe we need to change our approach to the so- called pandemic, which may no longer be a pandemic. We're not sure. And that's why we've asked Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins University, he is a Professor of Public Health there to join us tonight.

Professor, thanks so much for coming on. So, this study seems -- I don't know if conclusive applies, but it seems powerful. What do you conclude from it?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: This was a remarkable study. It was massive and it is no longer an open question. Omicron is clearly more mild. This affirms the bedside observations and the laboratory data; that it is not infecting the deep respiratory system and staying in the upper respiratory system.


MAKARY: You know, they found 52,000 people with omicron, but that probably represents about a quarter million omicron cases in the community, none required mechanical ventilation. Of the 154 that went to the hospital, 84 percent had a less than 48 hours stay.

Now if you remember, the South African doctors two months ago noticed that very few hospitalized patients during that omicron period were in the ICU, and they told us that the average length of stay was about two days. But yet, we ignored that advice and they said very specifically, "Do not panic. This is a mild virus." That was two months ago.

U.S. public health officials sort of dangled it as an open question that omicron could be more deadly, that it could be as deadly, and there is a small chance it could be less deadly.

Well the reason -- this is important -- is that less than 1.7 percent of new cases today are delta. The vast majority, 98.3 are omicron. Yet our policies are based on delta, a different virus that behaves differently that has a different infection fatality rate.

So all of our policies, the mandates, the excessive testing, the excessive and cruel quarantine periods that are de-staffing our hospitals, they are based on delta.

The SCOTUS ruling, the Supreme Court ruling used delta data, even exaggerated it and made a ruling during a time when we now have a different virus, a virus with a lower severity rate than influenza. And we've got 50,000 to 70,000 people a year with influenza in a bad flu season in the hospital at any one time in the middle of that influenza season. That's what we have right now with COVID.

We have about 60,000 to 70,000 people in the hospital for COVID, not just with incidentally, but for COVID and we have the differences from influenza, we have a staffing crisis right now. Ten to 25 percent of the staff in healthcare have left, many permanently, many of them have natural immunity, they were fired; ironically, they had antibodies circulating in their blood that neutralize the virus, but they are antibodies the government does not recognize.

People want the science, they want it straight and what I find Tucker is people are just hungry for honesty with the data.

CARLSON: The lying has been mind boggling. So maybe what we should do is I don't know, send 100 million COVID test to asymptomatic people just to scare the crap out of them. Do you think that's a good public policy solution to this?

MAKARY: Well, their plan to do it is after the omicron wave, we will be at very low levels in four or five weeks in most of the country by then, people are going to be so sick and tired.

They're not going to care about a very low level of a mild virus that acts like the common cold at that point. So many of these policies are spending a lot of money that is going to come far after the current wave.

CARLSON: Yes, it would be interesting to see who has stock in the testing company.

Doctor, I appreciate your coming on and for the clarity of your analysis. Thanks so much.

MAKARY: Thanks.

CARLSON: So we spend a lot of time talking about Kamala Harris essentially, but what about her friends? One of her closest friends was the top prosecutor in Baltimore, Marilyn Mosby, and she's in deep legal trouble for fraud. It turns out she had a couple of vacation homes. The Fed say she lied on her loan applications. She's been indicted.

We've got details straight ahead.


CARLSON: When Sandy Cortez goes on vacation, she doesn't go to Baltimore. Baltimore is a mess. One of the reasons, Marilyn Mosby, the top prosecutor there elected with the help of George Soros. Also a very close friend of the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.

Now, she is in big, big trouble -- big trouble.

Our friend, Trace Gallagher has the latest on that story. Hey, Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker. This is not a case where Marilyn Mosby by the way might have just checked the wrong box. I mean, she has been indicted for perjury and false statements involving a series of financial transactions.

Federal prosecutors say in 2020, Mosby took out two separate withdrawals from her Baltimore City retirement account. The first for $36,000.00, it was to buy a home in Kissimmee, Florida. That's near Orlando and Disneyworld.

The second loan for $45,000.00 allowed her to buy a condo on Florida's Gulf Coast, Longboat Key to be exact. In both loans, Mosby cited financial hardships she suffered because of the pandemic, except in 2020, Mosby's salary as Baltimore's top prosecutor actually went up. It increased to $48,000.00 a year.

She also allegedly lied on her real estate application saying she did not have any tax debts, even though the I.R.S. had issued a lien on her Baltimore home, and it is notable she got a lower interest rate on the Kissimmee house by stating it was a second home, it was not. It was a rental property that she sold recently and made $150,000.00 profit.

Mosby has called Vice President Kamala Harris her role model. Harris returned the compliment saying Mosby cannot and will not fail, though, she is now facing up to 30 years in jail, though jail time is unlikely and her attorney says the charges are rooting in political and racial animus -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Trace Gallagher, you're the best. Thank you.

It is really simple if you don't pay your taxes, you shouldn't be in charge of anything. None of these people pay their taxes. It is unbelievable.

We will see you Monday. Have the best weekend.

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