Tucker: American power centers align to get Joe Biden elected

This is a rush transcript from “Tucker Carlson Tonight” October 20, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


TONIGHT. If you been watching the news, you know that many of America's

most prominent journalists spent the day on the hunt for white supremacists

in our midst. They seem highly agitated about that. Why are they so


Oh, come on, you know. White supremacist mobs burned our country down. They

spent the summer torching buildings and shooting people in Minneapolis,

Kenosha, Portland, Seattle, and many other places across the land.

It was worst domestic terrorism in this country in more than 50 years and

white supremacists did it. We better find them. Check under the bed. Just


That was a joke, obviously. Though not every reporter in Washington got it.

Some of them actually believe their own propaganda. They are too dumb to

operate an easy pass, but they are telling you the news. It's a problem.

Let's hope that when this revolution finally does end, someone fixes our


In the meantime though, take a comment to consider why their bosses are

demanding they tell you something that is so obviously dishonest. Think

hard. Why do people lie? Why do you lie?

You lie when you're caught doing something you don't want to admit you've

done. "I didn't eat the Oreos, Bobby did." You say as you wipe the crumbs

from your face. You lie to divert attention from your own crimes. That's

what's happening, here.

This summer, a political organization aligned very closely with the

Democratic Party wrecked our cities. That group is called Black Lives

Matter. Here is some of what they did.


CARLSON: We don't have to guess about who did all of what you just saw,

this wasn't exactly a stealth operation. The rioters proudly announced who

they were and what they wanted.

Just a few weeks ago, a guy with a not very subtle BLM tattoo on his neck

assassinated a Trump supporter in Portland. In Louisville, Kentucky, a man

who promoted BLM propaganda on social media tried to murder two police

officers. In Chicago, a self-described BLM activist defended looting as a

form of reparations.



people started looting. People in the city are struggling through a

pandemic. So I don't care if somebody decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy's,

or a Nike, because that makes sure that person eats. That makes sure that

that person has clothes. That makes sure that that person can make some

kind of money, because the city obviously doesn't care about them. Not only

that, that is reparations.


CARLSON: Yes, that's reparations. Cleaning out the Nike store. So no matter

what they tell you, and they are telling you a lot of things, BLM is not a

mainstream organization. Just five years ago, the Democratic Party

acknowledged that.

In the fall 2015, in an internal memo to House candidates, a senior

Democratic Party official described the BLM as a quote, "a radical

movement." And for a reason.

That July, dozens of BLM activists stormed the stage at a Bernie Sanders

event. They chanted, slogans like, "If I die in police custody, burn

everything down." The next month, another BLM group stormed another Sanders

rally. They seized his microphone and denounced the attendees as racists

and white supremacists.

You may remember it. It seemed scary at the time, including to Democrats.

They asked why Sanders didn't have Secret Service protection.

These people were so extreme, they regarded Bernie Sanders of Vermont as a

Nazi. So the Democrats understood there was no reasoning with them. There

wasn't a point. Now, the Democratic Party embraces BLM.

Democrats incorporated BLM talking points directly into their party

platform this summer. You didn't hear much about that in news coverages of

the convention, just like you probably didn't hear anything about Kamala

Harris's speech at the NAACP this Friday.

The media just didn't have time to tell you about it. There were too many

of those rioting white supremacists to hunt down, and that's a shame

because should know a lot more about Kamala Harris. A lot more.

Kamala Harris 22 years younger than Joe Biden is. So if Joe Biden wins next

month, at some point, possibly sooner than we expect, Kamala Harris will

control the White House, the Federal government.

And that is a concern because very few people in the Democratic Party,

certainly at her level, have pushed BLM's message more aggressively than

Kamala Harris has. Here she was on Friday.



has been the most significant agent for change within the Criminal Justice

System because it has been a counterforce to the force within the system

that is so grounded in status quo, and in its own traditions. Many of which

have been harmful and have been discriminatory in the way that they have

been enforced.


CARLSON: We are quoting, "Black Lives Matter has been the most significant

agent for change within the Terminal Justice System." Says Kamala Harris,

and she said it as a compliment. She was praising BLM when she said that.

So what kind of change is BLM pushing for? What exactly is their

prescription for changing our justice system? Well, we could tell you, but

maybe you wouldn't believe us. So instead, we're going to play a tape from

Patrisse Cullors, she is one of the founders of BLM. Here is what she said

this summer.



leaders become signatory to the BREATHE Act, to legislation that eliminates

the Federal government's ability to give multimillion dollars grants to

militarize police forces, dismantles punitive policing like I.C.E. and

Border Patrol and the D.E.A., end the use of surveillance systems being

used to target protesters and ban the use of police agencies to suppress

political dissent, the Democratic Party of today will be remembered as the

party of complicity.


CARLSON: So dismantle I.C.E. -- dismantle I.C.E. and the D.E.A. That means

no more drug enforcement, no more border enforcement. That's the change

Kamala Harris is endorsing. Again, we are not making it up. We just showed

you the tape. If she said that on Friday, not 30 years ago in college, on


Eliminating law enforcement agencies, entire Federal agencies may be a lot

of things. It is not a moderate position. It is a radical position. Kamala

Harris is a radical person. It doesn't matter what she seems like, it

doesn't matter how soothing her words may sound. If you listen to what they

mean, they are radical.

Here is Kamala Harris on Friday describing the founders of BLM.


HARRIS: Nothing that we have achieved has been about progress in this

country has come without a fight. Nothing that we have achieved in our

country that has been about progress, and particularly around Civil Rights

has come without a fight.


CARLSON: So she used one word twice in that clip. What was that word? It

was "fight." Kamala Harris likes people who fight. She likes fighting.

These people are brilliant says Kamala Harris, but most of all, they like

to fight.

And she is right. Patrisse Cullors certainly does like to fight. Cullors is

a self-described Marxist. She is unafraid to defend looting on television.

In fact, she is happy, too. Watch her do it.


QUESTION: The protests has been overwhelmingly peaceful, but there is a

media focus on looting.

CULLORS: We are very obsessed with property damage. Property damage is seen

as sort of like the pinnacle of destruction and violence, and we rarely

hear the media focus on police violence or terror.


CARLSON: Just another brilliant friend of Kamala Harris is someone who

likes to fight.

In any other year, a vice presidential candidate who openly supported

people like this, endorsed them from the stage, that would be a major

national scandal. It might be enough to get Kamala Harris bounced off the


But not this year, not in 2020. No one is saying the word about it. They

are hoping you won't notice.

Bob Woodson has noticed. He is the Founder and President of the Woodson

Center. We are happy to have him on tonight. Mr. Woodson, thanks for

joining us.


CARLSON: So I think we both agree that these prescriptions are poison and

counterproductive, but I'd love to hear it and I think our audience would

to, your prescription for what we should do. So if you were running, if you

are in Kamala Harris' place or Joe Biden's place or the President's place,

what would you say to the country about what we need to do to fix our


WOODSON: Okay, first of all, I think Kamala Harris should lead by example.

And one of the things I would recommend, when she talks about reimagining

the police, she should take steps to dismiss her security detail and

instead hire social workers as she he goes around the country.

CARLSON: That is the best suggestion I've heard. Do you think she will do


WOODSON: Well, I am going to recommend that maybe she is watching, and she

will heed that. Because people like Kamala Harris do not have to live with

the consequences of their advocacy.


WOODSON: Particularly, when they have to -- they are vilifying the police

and as a consequence, the people who are suffering most in this struggle

are the people who they claim to represent and seeking justice. Low income

blacks in these communities are the ones.

If I were the Vice President, what I would do instead is first of all, stop

the money going to Black Lives Matter. Have these corporations investing in

rioting, investing in murder and looting because the more they do it, and

what they also should stop doing is vilifying the police, because the more

the police are vilified about patrolling aggressively in these black

neighborhoods, the higher the murder rate goes up.

Also, if police resources are drained off by hailing rioters downtown,

that's very dangerous for people in those communities. And also, what we've

got to stop doing is black children are dying in record numbers on our

streets and in the classrooms, they are dying intellectually by admitting

these negative messages about hating their country, that they live in a

country that hates them.

So what we are doing at the Woodson Center is that we are reaching out to

communities and identifying people like the Alliance of Concerned Men and

these are black men who are in those same zip codes who have the trust and

confidence of the people, and they are creating islands of peace.

Also, another group that needs to be in power is the hundreds and hundreds

of mothers -- black mothers who are suffering these losses, and they are

coming to us and saying, we want a voice. We are utterly opposed to

elimination or reducing police. We want the police to cooperate with us in

the protection of them.

So Tucker, what we've gotten to do is we really have got to shift the

paradigm and recognize that people should be agents of their own uplift.

Instead, we are investing in people who are destroying our cities. And

there is no such thing as institutional racism. The people who use that as

an excuse and presents that as a problem, they need to be challenged to

answer, tell me what institutional racism looks like. What is your remedy?

And how would that remedy save lives in these communities, some of those

black mothers, I know one who has lost all four of her sons before the age

of 30.

There's a study that says 30 percent of these black mothers even die within

three years because of the grief that they suffered. But they are silent

sufferers, and we need to put them at the center of our solution, and

listen and support to them, and learn from these neighborhood healing

agents what should be done, and stop the hustle.

CARLSON: Stop the hustle.

WOODSON: Stop the hustle. Black elected officials are using race so they

can avoid answering the question, if racism were the culprit, why are black

children and low-income black people being destroyed in institutions run by

their own people? Who has hired these Police Chiefs or these so-called

racist cops over the last 50 years? Who hired them?

CARLSON: Yes. Stop the hustle. That's exactly right and stop the


WOODSON: Stop the radicalism.

CARLSON: Amen. Mr. Woodson. Thank you. Thanks for joining us tonight.

WOODSON: And thank you.

CARLSON: Last time we told you one of the main takeaways from the debate is

that calling Joe Biden senile, he probably is, will not win the election.

Now, the vice-presidential debate is coming up next Wednesday. We will

continue to take a much closer look at Kamala Harris' past and her record

up until now. We will continue with that tonight.

Ned Ryun is here with what he believes are the top three things Mike Pence

ought to highlight about Harris as they face off next week. Ned Ryun, great

to see you tonight.


CARLSON: So what do you think Vice President Pence ought to address with

Kamala Harris?

RYUN: Well, I would hit her on a couple of things. First of all, I would go

right at some of these far left schemes. Do you really believe that we

should pack the Supreme Court? Yes or no? Do you believe that we should

give statehood to Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico? Again, these are all

schemes to basically lead to one-party rule, of course Democrats thinking

it would be them.

I would ask her, too, do you really believe we should decriminalize all

illegal border crossings? Which is de facto open border. And do you really

think that it is a good idea to give healthcare to illegal immigrants? And

I would also try to pin her down on, do you believe in the Green New Deal

in its entirety? Because we know it is coercive socialism. Green New Deal

is coercive socialism. It will only be implemented in its entirety through

coercion. There is another term for coercive socialism, it's called


So I would start there, but I've got a few more ideas that he just needs to

keep pounding to again illustrate, you know, again, she was bailing out the

rioters and the looters up in Minneapolis this summer. Actually, actively

raising money to bail them out of jail, and then I would conclude, at

least, will you renounce Antifa and to the Marxist BLM in all of its

destructive ways?

Put her on the mark, and do not let her off of it. Completely pin her down

and get her to either deny or accept all of those points and then move on.

CARLSON: None of that seems far-fetched to me. This doesn't seem hard. So

if you're going up against someone in a political race, you look at the

polling and you say, well, these people has positions that are very

unpopular with the public, why not let them know this person has these


Instead, day after day, I see these idiotic messages from the Trump

campaign attacking Joe Biden because he voted for the Crime Bill that

actually most people like. So why don't they ever mention that these people

want to add Puerto Rico and D.C. to the union and pack the Supreme Court.

This is like obvious stuff.

RYUN: This is obvious stuff, and I would remind people that a poll showed

nearly 70 percent of the American people are opposed to packing the Supreme

Court. Anytime you have a 70 percent issue, that's a winning issue, and it

really does highlight how radical she is.

Again, I think I'm stating the obvious. But her record shows she is one of

the most liberal members of the Senate, just go through her voting record.


RYUN: Keep nailing her on this and show people what she is doing -- I told

my wife, Tucker, I would not be surprised -- God forbid Joe Biden would

win, I would doubt that he would serve out his first term, I think Kamala

Harris would actually replace him as President before the first term would

expire. That's how serious this is, because she is truly the real

presidential candidate on this ticket.

CARLSON: Well, I mean, I don't have the polling right in front of me, but I

don't believe that most people want to see D.C. -- may be the most

mismanaged city in the world, certainly in this hemisphere, become a state?

It's not even -- that's prohibited in the Constitution. I mean, it's

insane. Who supports that?

RYUN: Well, that's right. But Tucker, you and I both know, the Constitution

for them is kind of a series of suggestions that they can choose to either

accept or reject as they so choose. This is all in the pursuit of power,

political power to implement their far left agenda. You get two more

liberal senators from D.C., two more liberal senators from Puerto Rico, all

of a sudden, and then you remove the legislative filibuster -- that's

another thing that Pence should push her on.

Do you think it's a good idea to remove the legislative filibuster from the

U.S. Senate, which would again destroy any minority rights in that body?

That is shameful that they are even talking about that.

CARLSON: That's right. That is one-party rule. So that pack the Supreme

Court, you've got all three branches of government controlled by one party

forever. I don't think even most Democrats are for that. It is not a good


Ned Ryun, great to see you.

RYUN: No, it's not.

CARLSON: It's not.

RYUN: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Too much power, too few hands. We will have more on Kamala Harris

in the run up to the VP debate. That debate is next Wednesday.

After the break, we will talk to the Attorney General of the Commonwealth

of Kentucky, Daniel Cameron. You may have seen him on television recently

giving a couple of pretty powerful briefings. He is ready to clarify some

of the details in the Breonna Taylor case and respond to the media smears

against him.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: Protests are still ongoing in Louisville, Kentucky after the grand

jury verdict in the Breonna Taylor case last month. Back in March, Breonna

Taylor's boyfriend opened fire on police after they announced a search

warrant at night and entered her apartment.

The grand jury indicted one officer in that. The indictment accused him of

endangering others for returning fire. A police officer had been shot when

he did that.

After that verdict came down, a BLM sympathizer apparently shot two police

officers in Louisville. One of those officers, Major Aubrey Gregory called

for calm on Wednesday saying quote, "Hate and violence progresses nothing."

That's demonstrably true, but BLM's leaders and the news media apparently

disagree with that message.

They've decided to claim that the Attorney General of Kentucky, Daniel

Cameron has somehow betrayed the black community. Kind of a shocking

accusation, but they said it. The Attorney General is about to respond on

this show in just a moment, but first, hear what those attacks against him

look like.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: Don't look at the fact that this guy is black. That

does not mean anything. He is a Republican through and through. He spoke at

the R.N.C. He told you who he was, believe him.

CHERYL DORSEY, RETIRED LAPD SERGEANT: At least, he is skin folk, but he is

not kinfolk. And so just like he thinks they can speak for Kentucky because

he is up there with a black face, he does not speak for all of us.


this morning was a Bull Connor speech in 2020 and you're right,

unfortunately, it was being given by a black prosecutor.

JASON JOHNSON, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: I'm so disgusted by this. I'm so

disgusted by Daniel Cameron's performance. I am so sick and tired of black

people going on the air and performing for violence and white supremacy and

state-sponsored violence against black people and claiming their mamas and

claiming they're because they are a black man, they care about it.


CARLSON: Those attacks are so cruel and so vicious and unfair that we

hesitated to air them again and we didn't want to play them right before

introducing the Attorney General of Kentucky, Daniel Cameron, but he asked

us to because he wants to respond. Of course, he saw them as well, and

we're happy to have them on tonight.

Mr. Attorney General, thanks so much for joining us. Again it's -- I'm

embarrassed even to play that before this interview, but I have to ask you,

what did you think when you saw that?


so unfortunate that because I have a different political philosophy and

because in my role as the Attorney General and as the special prosecutor in

the Breonna Taylor investigation, because I led with the facts and the

truth and had that lead to the conclusion, somehow I've betrayed my race.

It is repugnant. It is so disappointing, but it's par for the course.

Anytime someone stands for the truth and when that truth is different from

a narrative that has been pushed by others, this is how they respond and if

you look at my social media, you'll see countless folks who have made

similar statements and comments.

But I'm here tonight to say that enough is enough and that black

Republicans, folks that believe in the truth, that we're going to stand up

and that's what I did in presenting all of the information to the grand

jury in the Breonna Taylor investigation. That's what I'm charged to do.

That is my responsibility as the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of


That's what the citizens here of all 120 counties deserve and that's what

they elected me to do.

CARLSON: Well, God bless you for your calm and for your bravery. I don't

think I could -- I don't think I could handle it if I were you, but I'm

glad that you can.

So if -- since you're here and we've covered this case quite a bit. There's

been a lot of competing stories about what actually happened. Clear up for

us, if you would, since no one was more intimately involved in this than

you. What misinformation is out there about the Breonna Taylor case?

CAMERON: Well the biggest myth that is being promoted right now is the idea

that Sergeant Mattingly, one of the officers who was administering the

search warrant in the morning hours at Breonna Taylor's apartment was shot

by friendly fire, meaning shot by another officer.

Look, I've taken to calling this a conspiracy theory. In order to believe

this narrative that's being promoted by a defense attorney in Louisville,

Kentucky, you have to believe one to defy Physics and disregard the

trajectory analysis, but you have to believe that the officer that was

standing outside of the apartment shooting into the apartment that he had a

magic bullet and that that bullet went through the apartment unit and then

made a sharp turn left without any obstruction or any impediment to match

it up with the entry point of the wound that Sergeant Mattingly suffered.

It is a silly notion. It's one of the biggest myths that has been promoted

here in the last few weeks. Before three weeks ago and before this defense

attorney uttered this statement, it was a foregone conclusion that what

happened that evening was that Kenny Walker, Breonna Taylor's boyfriend

fired a shot at the officers. The officers responded and returned fire,

justified in doing so because they had been fired upon and the tragedy --

And again, I've said this from the very beginning. The tragedy here is that

Breonna Taylor was in that hallway as well and was hit.


CAMERON: But the tragedy doesn't allow for me to not present the facts and

the truth and that's what we've done here.

CARLSON: Amen. And as an outsider that was exactly my read on it. It looked

like a tragedy. Everyone is sad that she died, but it doesn't seem like it

justifies violence in the streets.

CAMERON: Yes, sir.

CARLSON: You said that as well. You said it's not justice for the mob to

commit violence and you were attacked for saying that. What do you make of

the response?

CAMERON: Well again, there were a lot of people inside and outside, a lot

of celebrities, a lot of folks that were either misrepresented the facts

because it was to their advantage or didn't know all the information. They

made conclusions first and then want to cherry pick the facts to meet those


I don't have that luxury as the Attorney General here in the Commonwealth.

My responsibility is to the truth and to the information and then that is

ultimately what leads to the conclusion.

We presented all of the information to the grand jury. Ultimately, we

presented to them as well the fact that the officers, Mattingly and

Cosgrove were fired upon and they were justified in returning their fire.

We obviously have a prosecution into a third officer that was there that

night. I can't get into the specifics because that is an ongoing


But again, a lot of folks had already made up their mind and weren't

interested in what the truth is and now are still trying to cherry-pick so

that they can fashion a narrative that meets their agenda and advances

their own interests.

CARLSON: Man, I hope someday we can have dinner and I'm going to ask you

what you think of the many other prosecutors who have bowed to political

pressure, but I'm not going to ask you that on TV because it would be

putting you in a bad spot.

CAMERON: Well --

CARLSON: In the meantime --

CAMERON: I am going to take you up on that dinner.

CARLSON: I hope so. Daniel Cameron, Attorney General of the Commonwealth of

Kentucky. Thanks so much.

CAMERON: Thank you for having me.

CARLSON: Officials in New York City have released data on just how many

bars and restaurants may go under forever because of the lockdowns in

response to the Wuhan coronavirus. Those numbers will stun you. We'll show

them to you next.


CARLSON: When the coronavirus arrived early this spring, our leaders

basically responded by shutting everything down, almost immediately. It was

a hasty decision, but it's taken many months to learn the details of its

effects. What happened after we did that?

Well, now we know a lot more about the effects on small businesses in the

City of New York. FOX's Rick Leventhal has details on that for us tonight.

Hey, Rick.


day we hear reports on the number of coronavirus cases nationwide and state

by state, detailed breakdowns in the rise and fall of infections, but we

don't often hear about the impact that the shutdowns are having on workers

and local businesses until today, a new audit released by the New York

State Comptroller brings all kinds of bad news, predicting half of New York

City's bars and restaurants may close for good because of COVID-19.

Most bars have been closed since March and some restaurants managed to

survive, thanks to carry-out and delivery orders and the city allowed

indoor dining to resume yesterday, but only at 25 percent normal seating


So the Comptroller, Thomas Dinapoli says, "The industry is challenging

under the best of circumstances and many eateries operate on tight margins.

Now, they face an unprecedented upheaval that may cause many establishments

to close forever." How many? The report predicts one-third to one-half of

the city's bars and eateries, thousands of businesses could shut down

forever costing as many as 150, 000 jobs most held by minorities.

This equals potential losses of billions in wages and more than 10 billion

in taxable sales.

The city has approved extended outdoor dining year-round, but Tucker, how

many people are going to want to sit outside in New York City in the dead

of winter?

CARLSON: The implications are profound. Rick Leventhal, thank you for that.


CARLSON: If you think about it for a minute, those numbers are almost hard

to believe, but not everyone in New York City is giving up. One man opened

a bar and restaurant in the city a month ago today.

Bill de Blasio's government has done everything they can to stop it,

including sending inspectors to harass the owner, banning people from

sitting at the bar.

But Tyler Hollinger's restaurant called Festival is still open. He joins us

tonight for an update on how he is doing.

Tyler, thanks so much for coming on. First the obvious question, why did

you do this?


CARLSON: Opening a restaurant in New York now seems like brave.

HOLLINGER: Oh, Tucker, you know a lot of these decisions were made well

before the Wuhan coronavirus, so let's be honest. This was two years in the

making and I refuse to be negative about these sort of things. I refuse to

dwell on the negative because I believe in the power of community. I

believe in the power of New Yorkers.

Let's be honest. Cuomo, de Blasio, they didn't stop the virus, New Yorkers

stopped the virus here and New Yorkers will survive.

CARLSON: I love that. I love that. Do you have investors? Do they agree,

too? Do you have family? Do they agree? I mean did anybody say to you,

"Wow, you know now is a pretty brave time to open a restaurant."

HOLLINGER: I have such a strong belief in the people that I work with, in

my talented team from the mixologist, to the chefs, to the front of house,

to the back of house, to the dishwasher who we employ, who comes every day

and works his heart out because he needs this job. Everyone needs this job

and we are a family.

So this has even just brought us closer together and we have been embraced

by our neighborhood. In a neighborhood where there's not a lot of great

options, we are positively the best cocktail bar in New York City at this


CARLSON: So, I bet you, a hundred percent of the people watching right now

are inspired by what you're saying. Was the city government of New York

inspired? Have they encouraged you?

HOLLINGER: Absolutely not. I will say one thing, open dining, al fresco

dining is a wonderful idea and it should have been implemented long ago.

Why? Because the city gets a lot of money by charging bars and restaurants

cafe sidewalk fees, which was the normal license we would all have to apply

for, spend tens of thousands of dollars every year just to use a small

amount of sidewalk in front of your business.

Now we can spread out and look, my business is lucky enough that we have a

great landlord and we have a great sidewalk. We just put in a new beautiful

sidewalk garden. We seat a lot of people twelve, six feet apart. We will

put a table anywhere on the sidewalk for you at your comfort level because

we're willing to go that extra distance.

And let me tell you, Tucker, it has paid back in spades because the

neighborhood has rallied around us.

CARLSON: I bet they have. How many restaurants and bars has your zip code

lost would you say in the last six months?

HOLLINGER: I'd say half to 75 percent of the bars in my neighborhood

because I also live there are gone. They're gone.

CARLSON: Man, so you're in for the long haul. You hear people say that New

York is doomed. People are leaving. You're not leaving, obviously.

HOLLINGER: No, absolutely not. Because let's be clear. The New Yorkers are

the ones who beat back this disease. New Yorkers are responsible,

resilient, healthy, strong people who wear their facemasks, who keep their

distance and respect each other.

I will tell you one thing that absolutely disgusts me about what de Blasio

and Cuomo have done. In New York, we have something called 3-1-1. It used

to be a great service, but now it's the tattletale line, so anyone who has

a problem with any other person can tattletale on them and the government

will send its special enforcement agency of the Mayor's Office, which just

sounds terrible to me.

CARLSON: You are living proof that New York is not lost. Decent, sensible,

and optimistic people still live there. Godspeed. I hope you -- I really

hope you thrive in the middle of this.

HOLLINGER: Absolutely.

CARLSON: Tyler, thank you. Owner of Festival Restaurant.

HOLLINGER: Tucker, my only question is, yes, when are you coming for a

cocktail? Because --

CARLSON: I want to come now.

HOLLINGER: We all need a good cocktail at this time.

CARLSON: I don't even drink, but I'll definitely get a Perrier. Great to

see you, man. Thank you.

Well, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention receives billions

every year from you. We send the money for a very specific purpose. We

believe they do a good job, but you know what the purpose is. The C.D.C. is

the federal agency we fund to handle public health emergencies, like the

one we're living through, the coronavirus pandemic.

So how are they doing? Tonight, we have some details on how they are doing.

According to a senior and highly knowledgeable source that we spoke to,

many senior C.D.C. scientists and analysts are refusing to go to work.

They've been ordered to go to the office, they won't. It doesn't seem like

anyone has reported on this, but it is happening.

So, what are they doing from home? Well some have decided to become

political activists, spinning media outlets for political effect. On Monday

for example, "The New York Times" published a piece setting government

official complaining about the White House oversight of the C.D.C. The

White House, of course does oversee the C.D.C. It is part of the

administration it always has been.

Apparently, the White House asked the C.D.C. to release data on the mental

health cost of the coronavirus lockdowns. That's a completely fair

question. Those costs obviously have been profound.

The White House also asked the C.D.C. to incorporate data on coronavirus

deaths among people under the age of 18. Again, a totally fair question

that the public has a right to know the answer to.

The C.D.C. apparently thought this was an outrageous request. Releasing

scientific data to the public, no way. That could hurt the Biden campaign.

They wanted instead to hide data showing that children are not actually

dying from this virus because the more afraid you are ahead of the

election, the better.

What happened on Monday was not unusual. Back in May, the C.D.C. produced

draft guidance on restrictions of religious services. That guidance was

rejected by officials in Washington including the director of the C.D.C.,

Robert Redfield.

Officials agreed on a new version that was less restrictive of religious

services in part because, oh yes, the First Amendment.

But someone at the C.D.C. just went ahead and published the original

unapproved document online anyway. When this was discovered, the employee

said, well, it was entirely within bounds to publish incorrect guidance.

That person wasn't punished. No one was punished.

We're told something similar happened last week when the C.D.C. posted and

then retracted an alert on coronavirus transmission.

These weren't mistakes, although that's how the media reported them. They

were deliberate attempts to sabotage the oversight of elected officials of

the C.D.C. for political effect, for the benefit of one political party.

The people responsible for this shouldn't be working from home, they

shouldn't be working anywhere in the Federal government. Period.

There's a pandemic going on and this is what you're doing?

We'll continue to monitor the story.

Up next, we'll speak to someone who has just written a highly detailed book

about what's actually happening inside Google, Facebook and Twitter, the

most powerful companies in the world. They're working to change the

election results. We'll show you how they're doing it, next.

CARLSON: "It's a free country," if you're over 40, remember when people

used to say that? No one says that anymore. Silicon Valley is a big part of

the reason.

Tech oligarchs do whatever they can to censor and humiliate anyone who

challenges the approved position on all kinds of topics, the coronavirus,

and coronavirus lockdowns, mail-in balloting, George Soros, you can't

criticize him. You've seen all of that.

But what are you not seeing? What are these companies doing internally to

affect the way we think and the way we vote?

Allum Bokhari has thought a lot about this. He has written a new book on it

called, "Deleted: Big Tech's Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal

the Election." We're glad to have him on tonight. Thanks for joining us.

Congrats on the book.

ALLUM BOKHARI, AUTHOR, "DELETED": Thanks, Tucker and you know I've been

following the activities of these Silicon Valley tech giants for nearly

five years now and I have no other way to put it. We're in an era of

digital totalitarianism.

We've somehow allowed a handful of unaccountable corporations to seize

control of political discourse and in the process, seize control of

democracy. But you know, you don't have to take this from me, take it from

my sources, the people who worked for Google, the people who worked for

Twitter and Facebook.

These are the people I've interviewed for this book and let me tell you,

they are so alarmed by what they have seen inside these Silicon Valley

companies that they put their own careers on the line to come forward and

warn the American public about what's going on.

This is not just about people getting banned. We all know people get banned

on social media. That is just the tip of the iceberg. The really terrifying

stuff is what's going on behind the scenes and that's what these sources

have told me about.

I know we're short on time, so I'll focus on just one example that more

people need to know about. It's called Machine Learning Fairness.

Machine Learning Fairness: everyone needs to memorize those three words.

CARLSON: Machine Learning Fairness.

BOKHARI: I'll tell you what it is briefly. This is Big Tech's attempt to

merge the fields of Computer Science on the one hand and Critical Race

Theory on the other. Critical Race Theory, Tucker, the same racist ideology

that's being rightly purged from the Federal government by President Trump

is running rampant in Silicon Valley where it couldn't be more dangerous

because these people control the algorithms that are going to control

almost every aspect of our lives.

You know, they control whose messages are allowed to be seen, whose

political movements are allowed to go viral and gain momentum, even whose

businesses are going to be successful if you're on the 10th page of Google

search and no one will ever find you, and the people who have this awesome

power, which by the way affects not just America, but so many other

countries around the world, the people who have this power are the same

people who think that Ibram Kendi and Robin DiAngelo are the leading

intellectual figures of our time.

These people are crazy, and they are racists and they're running the

technologies that are running our world. That's where we are. That's

digital totalitarianism. That's what this book is about.

CARLSON: Machine Learning Fairness. I won't forget it. Allum Bokhari, I

hope you'll come back. It's a remarkable story. I appreciate it.

BOKHARI: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well, President Trump and Joe Biden in the same room again, not at

the same time, they both spoke tonight at the Archdiocese of New York's

75th Al Smith Fundraising Dinner. Normally, it's a chance for candidates to

poke fun at each other in person, coronavirus changed all of that.

So what happened this evening? We'll tell you straight ahead.


CARLSON: This is a FOX News Alert. Hope Hicks has tested positive for the

coronavirus. Hicks of course, a longtime on and off aide, close aide to the

President of the United States. They were together yesterday in Washington

and in Minneapolis. No evidence tonight that the President is sick or

positive with the coronavirus.

Hope Hicks, we are happy to say is fine so far. One of the most decent and

kind people in politics. We are of course rooting for her fervently.

We will bring you more as we learn it.

Well, tonight, as we told you, the President and Joe Biden spoke at the

Annual Al Smith dinner. They spoke virtually. Here is part of what




original Happy Warrior, that's what he was. He was a happy warrior. I know

it well. I consider myself to be a Happy Warrior, but it's not so easy at

these times.

He spent his life fighting for hardworking Americans and battling the anti-

Catholic prejudice that you see even today coming out of the Democratic


Anti-Catholic bigotry has absolutely no place in the United States of



those I lost. And throughout my life in public service, I've been guided by

the tenets of Catholic social doctrine that cuts across all confessional



CARLSON: There it was. The virtual Al Smith Dinner.

That's it for us tonight. We will be back tomorrow night, eight o'clock.

The show that is the sworn and sincere enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness

and groupthink.

Sean Hannity right now.

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