Tucker: America is at an inflection point

This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on November 3, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Well, good evening, Happy Wednesday and welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT.

All three episodes of our original series "Patriot Purge" are finally out. They are on FOX Nation. We'll give you a final look at the last episode in just a few moments, and it seems like the perfect moment to rethink what we thought we knew about American politics, the way the country runs, and the laundry list of lies that we have been force-fed for the past year. Now is the moment, because clearly we're at an inflection point.

Last night, if you were to sum it up in a single phrase, we've had enough. There is a limit to which you can push the American population before they gently and politely push back through democratic means, and that's exactly what we just saw. It is now impossible to deny that this country is in the middle of some kind of political realignment and the people who run our country did not see it coming.

There are a lot of examples here, the obvious ones and the not so obvious. So, I'll start with the latter.

In Texas last night, Republicans just flipped an overwhelmingly Hispanic district, one that went for Joe Biden by 14 points a year ago, 14 points, because of course, Hispanic districts go Democrat, because Hispanics are Democrats, right?

Well, the Republican in that district, John Lujan won and he won by calling for the one thing you're not allowed to call for in an overwhelmingly Hispanic district, border security. Countries have borders. Everybody understands that, no matter what color they are, it turns out.

Meanwhile, in a place that looks very different from the Southern parts of Texas, Minneapolis, really the cradle with anxious white liberalism, a place that defund voters overwhelmingly rejected a measure to defund the police first sounded like a good idea, in Minneapolis, voters overwhelmingly rejected a measure to defund their own police and get rid of their police department. It turns out we need police, even in Minneapolis. That's dawned on them.

And then in the State of New Jersey, a truck driver who spent a total of a $150.00 on his campaign is as of right now beating the long time President of the New Jersey State Senate and it's not mindlessly populist to suggest, he'll probably be better, actually.

But the headline is, the party that is calling for firing truck drivers is suddenly losing elections to truck drivers and if that's not sweet, we don't know what the word means.

Meanwhile, the Governor of that state, the self-appointed king of New Jersey, the finance goon, Phil Murphy, was of course going to win his race by some massive margin, it's New Jersey. It's a machine state. Joe Biden won it by 16 points a year ago. But that's not what happened, not even close.

Instead, Phil Murphy apparently barely made it across the finish line. That's not even totally settled, but as of right now Murphy's margin of victory is less than one percent. Does he see that as an endorsement of his policies? Good job, Phil Murphy. Winning by less than one percent in New Jersey? Well, he probably does. That's how deluded these people are.

But here is the headline as you're certainly aware by now, and it is the Commonwealth of Virginia. It's Glenn Youngkin, a man you had not heard of last year. Ten months ago, Glenn Youngkin's name recognition was two percent. If you didn't live next to Glenn Youngkin, you've not heard of him.

He ran against the former Governor of Virginia who was Governor just four years ago, one of the most famous people in the Democratic Party for 30 years. Bill Clinton's best friend, Terry McAuliffe and he spanked him. How did he do that exactly? Well a lot of ways. We're going to talk about them tonight.

But here is one interesting slice of the demographic pie. FOX News has found that Hispanics voted for Glenn Youngkin by a nine-point margin. Well, that's odd because the entire campaign of Glenn Youngkin was based -- that he was a racist.

It turns out, normal people don't believe that and they're sick of hearing it.

In her victory speech, the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, the woman who ran with Glenn Youngkin, her name is Winsome Sears, made this point. This is the essential point and it's clear that most Americans very clear tonight agree with it.

This is not a racist country. Stop telling us that it is. Stop lecturing us improve our lives. Here she is.


WINSOME SEARS (R), LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ELECT: There are some who want to divide us and we must not let that happen. They would like us to believe we are back in 1963 when my father came.

We can live where we want. We can eat where we want. We own the water fountains. We have had a black President elected not once, but twice, and here I am living proof.


CARLSON: Well exactly, nicely put, nicely illustrated. Stop it, Democratic propaganda machine -- NBC News, "The Atlantic," the White House, stop lying to us, stop picking the scab. Stop trying to divide us by how we look.

That was the core message that voters in Virginia sent last night. The question is, will Washington manage to decipher what they have said? And unfortunately the odds of that are not great.

Remember that on his final night of this bitterly fought campaign, Terry McAuliffe, who knows his way around politics brought in someone called Randi Weingarten to speak on his behalf on stage, just Randi Weingarten, a repulsive teachers union hack from New York who has precisely no interest in or connection to the voters of Virginia.

So what's the message of that? The message is really clear. We don't care about you at all. You play no role in this. This is an inside game. And of course they mean it, they really feel that way.

They think it is how they win, through coalitions. You're not part of it.

You see this in everything they do. Here is a senile President and a VP no one likes, deal with it, America.

In the case of Virginia, just six weeks ago, a low IQ "Washington Post" columnist called Jennifer Rubin assured us that an endorsement from some has-been functionary in Dan Quayle's office from the 1980s was going to make all the difference for Terry McAuliffe quote, "The Bill Kristol endorsement will be big," Rubin announced naturally on Twitter. "Trust me."

It's hard to believe that's real, but it's entirely real and it's exactly why they lost last night.

Glenn Youngkin will join us in just a moment here on the show, but first we wanted to go as we always do and for good reason to Brit Hume. He is FOX News's senior political analyst. He joins us now.

Brit, thanks so much for coming on. Last night, as you were assessing what might happen in this race, you said if McAuliffe loses, this is a massive story. Do you still feel that way and if so, how big?

BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS CHANNEL SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Oh, yes. I do, Tucker. It was obviously a broadly based protest vote against what Democrats see going on in Washington and it was also a very well-engineered campaign by candidate Youngkin himself who positioned himself as an obvious alternative, as a completely acceptable alternative to the Democrat, McAuliffe. One who did not seem an extremist, he didn't seem a Trumpist, he didn't carry any of the baggage that can hold Republicans back. And the voters said okay and accepted him and huge upset, one that was not forecast until only recent days.

A very skillful campaign by a novice candidate. A big hill to climb, he climbed it.

CARLSON: What's interesting though is that he didn't run on tax cuts. I think that was a feature of his platform, but he ran on what we are told are the divisive social issues, critical race theory, what our kids are taught. I mean he went right to the things that people talk about on social media and he won on that. What does that tell you?

HUME: Well, it tells you one thing and that is that there's an argument about this whole question of critical race theory in this particular political race. And on one side, and you're hearing it -- I heard it all day-to-day, I saw it everywhere -- the critical race is not taught in Virginia schools. Critical race theory is not taught in Virginia schools.

The AP and NBC are saying it. It's being said all -- everywhere on the left. In fact, however, there is ample evidence that critical race theory very much influences and is injected into what is being taught in those schools and these parents knew that. They came to know it.

It may have had something to do with the kids being at home during the pandemic and the kids getting -- their parents getting a closer look at what their kids were learning, but that was out there and the parents were right and Youngkin was right, and the left and Terry McAuliffe and the rest of them were wrong on the facts.

And as a result, people weren't going to vote for somebody who didn't think there was a problem, Youngkin did, you know. So that's where that comes out, and of course, you know you have people on the left and some you know, shin pullers saying, well it was the Republicans who injected race into this election. Baloney.


HUME: The critical race theory itself injects race into the lives of our school children. It should never be -- it should never have any influence, let alone being taught.

Now, people say, you could say technically, Tucker, it's not being taught in the sense that you know, volumes have been written on critical race theory and it has not been handed out as a textbook, but its influence and its tenets are in those schools.

CARLSON: I've never figured out what critical race theory is, to be totally honest, after a year of talking about it. They are teaching that some races are morally superior to others, that some are inherently sinful and some are inherently saintly and that's immoral to teach because it's wrong. That will be my opinion. And I think most voters view --

HUME: What is also wrong about it, Tucker, is that it rests on this idea that racism and racial discrimination permeates the experience of the citizens in America, that we are inherently and almost incurably racist, and that it influences everything. And then, it sees the world through that prism.

It is misguided to say the very least and people have had enough of it, no doubt about it in my mind.

CARLSON: That's for sure, finally. Brit Hume, great to see you tonight. Thank you.

HUME: Thank you.

CARLSON: So, if you were to trace a single moment where the race in Virginia changed, we thought, well, this isn't really what we expected. That date would be September 28th. That's when Terry McAuliffe announced in public that actually, he has full control of your kids, you have no right to determine what they learn in school. Watch.


TERRY MCAULIFFE (D), VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. You know, I get really tired of everybody running down teachers. I love our teachers and what they have done through COVID, these are real heroes that deserve our respect.


CARLSON: So we have spent last night and tonight telling you why we think Glenn Youngkin won, which is an amazing feat. If you ask anybody who covers this stuff for a living last year, is Glenn Youngkin going to be the next Governor of Virginia? Precisely zero would have said yes. Nobody.

But he won anyway, and he won by a real margin. So we told you why we think he won. We're going to now ask him. Glenn Youngkin will be the next Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and we're delighted to have him join us now.

Glenn Youngkin, thank you very much. Why do you think you pulled off what I think anyone would agree was an amazing feat last night?

GLENN YOUNGKIN (R), VIRGINIA GOVERNOR-ELECT: Well, Tucker, first of all, thank you for having me back and this campaign stopped being a campaign a while ago and it became a movement and yes, it all started in Loudoun County many, many, many months ago. But parents across Virginia started to recognize that they really didn't need to have an important decisive role in their children's education.

And when they heard Terry McAuliffe say exactly what you just played that parents don't have a role in their kid's education, he wants to put government between parents and their children. This ceased to be a campaign and it started to be a movement led by parents.

And while the kitchen table issues that are so important to all Virginians -- low taxes and safe communities and great jobs -- continue to be very much front and center, education really did become the top issue in this election.

CARLSON: But you took it at one point, I was really struck by this. You took it to a spiritual level, which I don't know what your advisers thought of this, but you said, flat out, we are all equal in the eyes of God. That's the root of our equality. We're judged equally by God because we're created by God.

What -- and bless you for saying that because it's true -- what did your advisers think when you said that?

YOUNGKIN: Well, Tucker, I don't run everything by my advisers, it's what I believe.


YOUNGKIN: And it's one of the reasons why I got into this race is because I think there's a moment where we need to speak the truth and at this time, I think so many people are trying to divide us and tell one group that they should be different than another and it's time for us to come together and as I traveled around this great Commonwealth of Virginia that I feel so blessed to represent going forward, what I heard from folks from all walks of life, no matter where they are in life, is that they were tired of the divisiveness and it was time for us to come together.


YOUNGKIN: And here we have in our schools, a moment to stop teaching our children about their differences and start teaching them about the things that can bring us together and prepare them for a great life, and that's what we're going to do in our schools when I'm governor is get our kids ready to actually go reach after the Virginia promise that we're going to make available to all kids in Virginia.

CARLSON: Now, you have such a huge job. I've never seen a state move as quickly in one direction as Virginia has under the last two governors. Do you -- I mean, are you ready for this? Your task ahead?

YOUNGKIN: Well, Tucker, we spent the whole day today getting ready. I mean, we got up and went to work and this is what we have to do, Tucker. I've been trained to work in real people time, not government time, and so we're already getting ready to start moving and everybody knows our day one plan is about getting taxes down and getting our schools focused back on educating our children, making our communities safe, and getting our job machine crank back up.

But I was really overwhelmed by the broad support across the entire Commonwealth of Virginia. I mean, we had help from everybody. We had a huge support from the Latino community. You know, the President made a call and asked everybody to get out and vote and we had big turnout in Southwest Virginia. We saw parents turn out.

We were endorsed by the Hampton Roads Black Caucus and we did better in the minority communities than I think any Republican has done in a long time. This is how we bring people together focused on these most important issues, and I just want to thank Virginia for hiring me to go to work for you and I'm going to give it everything I've got.

CARLSON: We're all created by God, it turns out that's a message people like, because again it is true.

Glenn Youngkin, I really appreciate your coming on tonight and again, congratulations on a remarkable win -- this is the moment when people say you know, enough, so thank you.

YOUNGKIN: Thank you, Tucker, and I hope you have a blessed night.

CARLSON: Thank you.

So the election in Virginia, and to some extent the election in New Jersey made it really clear that parents aren't that interested in having racist propaganda force fed to their children. But Democrats are totally unconvinced by this.

Yes, people really want it. That's what they've been saying on television all day.

During the break, by the way, we want to let you know, you can get free access to FOX Nation for 90 days to watch "Patriot Purge" and all of our original series documentaries, just go to tuckercarlson.com and it's free for 90 days.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: So, let's say your party got spanked -- badly spanked -- in public in your own state despite personal appearances by the sitting President, the former President, the Vice President, and the guy that you put up as one of the most famous Democrats and well-connected Democrats in the country and he lost anyway to someone no one had ever heard of, maybe you would learn something from that.

And by you, that would of course include the media, it is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, but has the media learned? No.

The other networks have spent the last 24 hours explaining actually the reason that Terry McAuliffe lost is because parents in Virginia are racist.


NICOLLE WALLACE, MSNBC HOST: Critical race theory, which isn't real, turned the suburbs.

He's laundered Trump's really sort of disgusting flagrant out racism. He has wrapped it in education.

JULIAN CASTRO (D), FORMER U.S. HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SECRETARY: Critical race theory of taking a fantasy world and making that electoral reality to win these elections.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You may have the same view I have of critical race theory, which is a phony issue.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think as everyone said and we should say over and over that critical race theory is not being taught in schools.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They were okay with the dog whistles of racism and then they were able to center it very much on this case, what we saw in Virginia, school, school, school. Let's not forget, critical race theory is not a thing in Virginia.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Even the critical race theory BS that's made up in Virginia by Youngkin.

JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: ... weaponizing race, stoking hysteria over the coded boogeyman of critical race theory.


CARLSON: These people are Jim Jones, at best. Most of them don't even believe it with the sincerity Jim Jones did. But let's be completely clear this is not a semantic debate about what critical race theory means. Schools are teaching students, your children, that some races are inherently superior to other races. That's the definition of racism.

That some children are born with the stain of sin, inherently. That is Nazi stuff, it is. It's totally un-American. That should never be allowed. It is also factually untrue. No child is born with the stain of sin. Stop it.

Why are we even having this conversation? Well, one of the main reasons we are is because the bravery of one man, Christopher Rufo. He is a journalist. He has been leading the coverage of this garbage in schools and workplaces all over the country and we're proud to have him join us tonight.

Chris Rufo, thanks so much for coming on, and I don't think it's an overstatement to say you've been single-minded on this and you've been totally unafraid to say what it is, which is anti-white racism. Sorry, that's as bad as any other kind of racism because we actually have a brotherhood of man.

So thank you very much for what you've done. How do you respond to people looking at you and saying, oh no, it's all fake.

CHRISTOPHER RUFO, DIRECTOR, DISCOVERY INSTITUTE: Yes, well, I've actually done the reporting so I've shown through original source document reporting that critical race theory is absolutely taught in dozens of schools and even a simple book that's taught in elementary schools called, "Not My Idea," that tells white children that they are the devil, that their whiteness is equivalent with a pact with Satan.

I mean these books are everywhere. The evidence is out there. I always report with full source documents.

But here is the thing, the nihilistic and malicious elite in this country believes that your children are their property, and that they can pump them full of ideology and simply lie about it. But what we've seen in Virginia, not just conservatives, but Independents, and even Joe Biden voters saw through the lies of these despicable people at MSNBC and "The Washington Post" and they said, we want good education oriented towards excellence, not towards a reductive racialist ideology promoted by some of the worst people in our country.

CARLSON: So what chills me is to watch these people casually defend something that's evil, so they are arguing -- and they argue it on TV -- that some -- one specific race is inherently bad. So what's the end game here exactly? If a race is inherently bad, if it's inherently stained, if it's inherently disgusting, something we should eliminate. Like what are they saying exactly? This seems really dark to me.

RUFO: Well, if you look at the academic literature of critical race theory, the idea is to break down whiteness, so removing people's white privilege, putting them into a stance of humiliation and defeat and concession in order to redistribute wealth and property along racial lines. It is not really an exaggeration to say that critical race there is a form of race-based Marxism, using racial politics to achieve the old Marxist ends of economic leveling and redistribution, and then they simply hide it.

They play these linguistic shell games. They try to intimidate average people. They try to humiliate them and shame them.

But average people rose up. They have nothing to lose. They want to protect their kids. God bless all of the parents and activists in Virginia who made this happen, and tell people once and for all, critical race theory has no place in our schools and no place in our public institutions.

CARLSON: No, it's totally -- it's completely immoral. It's the opposite of what the country is founded on. I mean, we should never put up with that and that goes -- that goes for you Apple and Amazon and all your other decadent creeps who are funding it.

Chris Rufo, thank you very much. Good to see you.

RUFO: Thank you.

CARLSON: So 10 months ago, we saw January 6th unfold live on TV and we stood in awe as the people who were paid to describe what happened lied about what happened, so we decided to find out for ourselves.

The result is a series of investigations, which we call "Patriot Purge" into what actually happened. The third episode of that documentary is out today. It is available right now on FOX Nation. We'll show you a chunk of it, next.

By the way, as we told you, all of our shows are available for free for 90 days on tuckercarlson.com. You can get a free sub to FOX nation which is protected from the online media cartels for 90 days by going to tuckercarlson.com.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: So January 6 happened. As you watched it on TV, and immediately, they start telling you that it's something that it wasn't. They implied it was some kind of attack by Russian Spetsnaz Forces, or as an insurrection.

Well, on the tape, it was very clear that these were mostly middle-aged people with health problems, a ton of personal debt who were upset about what they thought was an unfair election. In fact, that's really what it was.

But within days, the Department of Justice launched the largest manhunt they said in its history and very many hundreds of these people were swept up. The question is, whatever happened to them?

That's one of the questions that we sought to answer in the third installment of our series, "Patriot Purge," our documentary series on FOX Nation. It's available right now. We want to play you a chunk of our third piece on this. Here it is.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The D.C. facility where January 6ers are being held is Guantanamo Bay for American citizens. They're being held under egregious conditions.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was incarcerated at first in a special unit and the first thing I noticed about it was, it was full of black mold. And even in the drinking water that came out of your sink, you could see the black mold down there.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And then you punished them by letting the guards physically assault them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ryan Samsel, two guards snuck into his cell in the middle of the night, zip-tied his hands behind his back. They pulled him out of his cell, took him down to an area where the camera is showing. He followed instructions.

They proceeded to beat the man to the point that he now has lost sight in one eye.

I was physically abused. I have been slammed face first on the concrete. I am not saying this for pity, I'm a strong man. You all didn't hurt me. You all did not hurt me. You did not hurt my spirit. I love my country.

JOSEPH D. MCBRIDE, ATTORNEY FOR CAPITOL RIOT DEFENDANT, RICHARD "BIGO" BARNETT" Pre-trial absent any finding of fact, pre-trial they're being held for hundreds of days in solitary confinement. They are being beaten. They're being starved. They're being denied medical care. They're being denied the right to worship. Tortured --

JOHN AVLON, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Joseph McBride, keep yelling torture, we'll stick to the facts.

MCBRIDE: Torture is not okay. I have the courage to speak out against it.

AVLON: Thank you very much for joining us on "New Day."

MCBRIDE: The facts are torture --


CARLSON: So, Joseph McBride is the lawyer you just saw opposite that smirking buffoon from CNN who didn't want to hear the facts, but we do want to hear the facts. What are the facts of the people who were swept up in the manhunt after January 6? Where are they now? How are they being treated? They're American citizens, after all.

Joseph McBride, we are proud to say, he joins us in the studio now. Mr. McBride, thanks so much for coming on.

MCBRIDE: Thank you, Tucker. It's good to be here.

CARLSON: So we are interested in the details whether you agree with, you know, the individual cases, what the people did or what they didn't do. These are American citizens, not one of them is accused of murder. How are they being treated?

MCBRIDE: They're being treated horribly, forced to live in egregious and filthy conditions for months. They've been beaten, they've been starved, they've been denied medical care. This is documented.

Just recently, Judge Royce Lamberth of the D.C. District Court held the D.C. jail in contempt and an investigation happened. In the anticipation of the investigation, the D.C. jail sent janitors and maintenance men down to the patriot wing to purge it of its filth, to paint the walls, to scrub the rust, to get rid of the black mold in 24 hours, thwarting the investigation, and allowing the investigation to look at one side of the jail while the other side of the jail was essentially swept clean.

What happened? The other side of the jail got condemned. All of those people are being moved to Lewisburg in Pennsylvania because it was filthy. But because the patriot wing was actually purged of its filth, those men are still going to be kept there going forward.

And now, they're going to be alone. The question is, what is going to happen to them next?

CARLSON: So, look, just to be clear. These are not people who tried to commandeer civilian airliners and fly them into The Pentagon. These are not people who were caught assembling suicide bombs.

MCBRIDE: Of course not.

CARLSON: Tell us some of the things these people are charged with.

MCBRIDE: These people -- some of these people have been charged with terrorism. Other people have been charged with crimes including assaulting Federal officers with deadly weapons, being on Capitol Grounds with deadly weapons. The combination of which could land some of these people in jail, who have never been convicted of any crime before, for 20 or 30 years.

CARLSON: Deadly weapons. Now, my understanding is that there were no firearms found on any of the participants in this event. Is that correct?

MCBRIDE: That's correct.

CARLSON: Okay, so you had riots across the country in the preceding summer where people were running around firing weapons in the air, a dozen people were murdered. Are any of those activists being held in similar conditions in the D.C. jail?

MCBRIDE: Of course not. Not only that, the Vice President of the United States of America participated in a fund to help advertise to get them bailed out. It is a complete double standard. It is not equal treatment under the law. These are political persecutions, prosecutions. There is no doubt about it.

CARLSON: So you make a really interesting point. Kamala Harris or Kamala Harris or however she is pronouncing it at the moment, helped raise money for some of the Antifa terrorists who destroyed our cities. Has anybody raised money for these defendants?

MCBRIDE: We have tried since Jump Street to raise money in a meaningful way. We were handicapped by GoFundMe. We were de-platformed by PayPal. You name it.

Most of the crowdsourcing websites and organizations prevented us. There is a relationship, a love relationship between President Brandon and the Big Tech conglomerate that they work to de-platform us, make sure we could not raise money for the defense.

Thank God for organizations like Gifts & Go where you can go to find the clients there and give to whoever you want to, but it's been a terrible experience.

CARLSON: So, one thing that we -- I mean, not to make a class issue out of this, which is very noticeable, that a lot of the Antifa members are basically rich kids, like you can tell.


CARLSON: They all have braces as kids, obviously. These defendants are -- you know had a disproportionate amount of personal debt. These are working class people.


CARLSON: And some of them are stuck with public defenders in Washington, D.C. if I'm not mistaken. Is that correct?

MCBRIDE: Yes, and many of these public defenders do not like them. Many of these public defenders have told them, you should probably just take a plea. I voted for Biden. I've done this, I've done that.

Look, I was a public defender for the first five years of my career and I didn't like everything that my clients were accused of doing or very well might have been, but I never once expressed anything like that to them because it is highly inappropriate in this set of circumstances.

And yes, these are middle-class people with a tremendous amount of debt who cannot afford meaningful defense -- private defense, absent intervention, and they're being hamstrung by the government.

CARLSON: Well, the whole point of a public defender is, you defend someone who you might not necessarily agree with, but you're not allowed to -- your personal bigotries ought not to affect the legal representation.


CARLSON: So I mean, how about if a -- you know, a public defender said to an African-American defendant, I'm just -- I'm a racist. I'm sorry, just deal with it. I mean, that would not be a legitimate defense attorney, correct?

MCBRIDE: You're exactly right, and that is exactly the case except it is politics here. Now, I don't want to throw all of them under the bus, there are some very good ones out there, but there are some public defenders that are representing January 6 defenders right now who absolutely should not be doing it, because they cannot get over their hatred of President Trump. They cannot get over their hatred of Christianity. They cannot get over their hatred of white men or anything that's traditional in America.

They've expressed these views. It's objectionable. It should not be happening. It is happening now and it's very wrong.

CARLSON: It certainly is. All Americans have the constitutional right to be judged equally before the law and that's not happening at all. And I'm grateful you're there. Joseph McBride, thank you.

MCBRIDE: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Appreciate it.

So this is the third episode of our "Patriot Purge" series. That means all three are out now. They are available on FOX Nation. You can get it free for 90 days only on tuckercarlson.com. We strongly recommend it. We're proud of it. It's an antidote to the lies you've heard for 10 months.

So the elections yesterday told us a lot. There is a limit to what they can do. No, you're not crazy, they're crazy. Lots of other voters, some of whom don't look like you or even live near you, absolutely agree. And it's not just the deranged agendas of the teachers unions that are being rejected, it's lawlessness, it's crime, it's the growth in murder across our cities.

Elections in at least two states made that really clear. Again, you're not crazy. We have the evidence, next.


CARLSON: So about a year and a half ago, a lot of unhappy SoulCycle moms started screeching about how we needed to defund the police, they're mean, and some cities kind of went along with it.

We learned last night what voters think of this. We have election results that prove it.

FOX's Trace Gallagher has been on the story for us tonight. He joins us now. Hey Trace.


The people of Minneapolis didn't have to imagine what would happen with no police because they've been watching it unfold in real time. Over the past two years, the city has lost almost a third of its police officers and crime has exploded. So this measure to defund and dismantle the police was given a bold kick in the teeth with 56 percent of voters rejecting it.

Not only was the measure itself defeated, four of the City Council members who supported the effort were also voted out. Progressive Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a huge advocate of this proposal might consider herself lucky that she wasn't on a ballot yesterday. And remember, not only would this measure have replaced the police department, it would have put the City Council in charge of public safety.

Meantime, the New Mayor of New York Eric Adams, a former NYPD Captain says his public safety priorities will include a fair share of give and take, for example. He plans to reinstate the disbanded plainclothes police unit and in turn put them in charge of getting rid of gangs, guns, and hard drugs.

Adams says New York has become a place where lawlessness is the norm and that is about to change. Adams is also promising to revisit the vaccine mandate for city workers. He says if the mandates are still an issue when he takes office, he will sit down with the various union leaders and come to a resolution -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Trace Gallagher, what a report. Thanks so much that.


CARLSON: So it was about a year ago, in fact, it was exactly a year ago that Joe Biden of the Democratic Party swept the state of New Jersey by 16 points. What happened this year? Well, it looks like self-appointed king of that state, Phil Murphy won by maybe less than a point. So how did that happen exactly? How did Phil Murphy who was supported with by the complete extent of the Democratic Party machine in New Jersey, almost lost to somebody most people had never heard of.

Interesting question. Billy Prempeh is a congressional candidate in that state in New Jersey and he joins us tonight. Billy, thanks so much for coming on.

So what did --


CARLSON: I mean -- it is going great. I was shocked by last night's results in New Jersey. It's New Jersey after all. There are some reasonable people. There are no offense against New Jersey, but it's a very Democratic state, like what happened?

PREMPEH: Well, to be honest, first off, what happened was that the electorate, they took a tremendous sledgehammer and they smashed it against wokeness, political correctness, CRT, and all the things that many people don't agree with.

Governor Murphy's run our state into the ground. He has increased taxes significantly. He has killed people with the COVID mandates and sending people into the nursing homes and people are sick and tired of it.

And Jack came with better ideas. He came with a lot of positions that were unheard of before and it significantly helped the Republican Party. People are finally opening their eyes and looking for alternatives.

CARLSON: Phil Murphy is one of the phoniest human beings I've ever seen speak in public. He seems to have impenetrable self-esteem, but you have to wonder, has that self-esteem been shaken? If you're Phil Murphy and this just happened to you, do you rethink anything that you're doing?

PREMPEH: Well, he better rethink what he is doing and in fact, it's better for me that he doesn't because what happened in this previous election, it significantly helped the Republican Party especially in my district.

I want to say congratulations to all the candidates that ran. In Bergen and Passaic, lots of Republicans have picked up seats and this is going to work really, really well for me in 2022 in my race and I'm going to need all the support I can get.

CARLSON: Yes. I mean it does -- this program of locking everyone down because some finance god tells you to does seem discredited and I hope you can seal the deal on that next time. Billy, thanks so much for coming on tonight.

So the whole idea of yesterday's off-year elections was to make the vote about Donald Trump, but in the end, that didn't seem to work. There is a lot going on here and it takes a brain the size of Victor Davis Hanson's to figure it out.

Thank heaven we have him next and as we wait, you can head over to tuckercarlson.com for 90 free days of access to FOX Nation where our investigation of January 6th resides. It's called "Patriot Purge." Worth watching.


CARLSON: So here is a lesson from the results in the elections last night. It turns out, it is pretty hard to win just by getting endorsements from interest groups and washed up intellectuals in Washington that nobody actually agrees with. If you want to win, maybe you should try to improve people's lives. That's what Glenn Youngkin did.

He stressed a simple message from the beginning, if you've got kids in school, they are your kids so you should have a role in what they learn.


YOUNGKIN: We're going to embrace our parents, not ignore them. We're going to press forward with a curriculum that includes listening to parents input, a curriculum that allows our children to run as fast as they can, teaching them how to think, enabling their dreams to soar.

Friends, we are going to re-establish excellence in our schools.



CARLSON: So Randi Weingarten and the teachers union doesn't personally own your children? Crazy. No said Democrats actually, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, orange man.

That didn't work in the end. Why didn't it work? Victor Davis Hansen is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the person we think is best qualified to explain why it didn't work. He joins us tonight.

Professor, thank you very much.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTION: Thank you. Tucker, have you noticed that Donald Trump is more popular now than probably in any time in his presidency and the more that Terry McAuliffe said Trump, Trump, Trump and they were obsessed with him, the more he looked pretty good and the more it helped Youngkin.

He ran on a Trump agenda. He was angry like Trump is. He fought back. He had fire in the belly, but he targeted his attacks. He didn't tweet. He didn't post on Facebook, and the more that Donald Trump was banned by Silicon Valley to shut him up and ostracize him, the more he became everywhere -- every man. He was everywhere and he was nowhere at the same time.

So they are obsessed with him, but the only thing that's left of Donald Trump was this wonderful record, and so Joe Biden did exactly the opposite of what Trump did and it showed us that Trump had done wonderful things.

So I guess the message of the election was -- you've got to have that Trump populist message. You've got to be angry and not take things from the left, but when they control Silicon Valley and the corporate media and entertainment and K through 12, you've got to be very careful how you target and focus your attacks, and the irony was that by trying to destroy Trump on social media, they rebirthed him.

I think it's really important for the Republican Party whether it's Trump or his rivals to keep that message that remember, the Republican Party, Tucker, they've lost seven out of the last eight popular votes -- presidential votes and they have not won 51 percent as Youngkin almost did.

He was 50.9 or 51. They haven't done that since 1988 and that's -- you know, that's 33 years. That's a long time ago.


HANSON: And so I think they're trying to reboot and they've got the right message and they've got somebody who will fight back and that's the ethos now of Youngkin and DeSantis and Trump that established that President, but when they control -- they being the left control all the institutions of communications and influence, you've got to be very precise and laser-like in who you attack.

And just to finish with a metaphor, if you think Anthony Fauci is doing a lot of harm to the United States and he is undermining your agenda, you don't want to tweet and say that he throws like a girl, you want to put your arm around Fauci and say he is a wonderful public servant. He's done a lot of good throughout his long career, but as an octogenarian, we're really going to miss him because he's going to step down tomorrow morning.

And I think that's a lot more effective to get even rather than to just get mad, and I think Trump is doing that now. It's much better to hold court at Mar-a-Lago than it is to tweet or be on Facebook.

CARLSON: It's interesting that Youngkin did the thing that all the Republican consulting groups, the Club for Growth and all the other geniuses backing Ben Sasse for example tell you, you can't do it. Just talk about social issues. That's what he talked about, social issues. It turns out people actually care about social issues. They're not irrelevant at all.

HANSON: He did and you know, he really did in a very subtle, but forceful way. He said why you're mad at the school board and why they are expropriating and hijacking your children's education and why we have this insanity about this rape in a bathroom that they tried to cover up there are other reasons that transcend just us in Virginia.

This is why Merrick Garland got involved. This is why they sicced the F.B.I. There are people in Washington that have ideologies that permeate down to Virginia so we can make a statement in Virginia and from the bottom up, defeat these top-down forces coming from Washington. It was a brilliant connection or a conjunction between what was bothering Virginians and what's bothering all of America, and that's why we're talking about him in terms of something that transcends Virginia. And you know, it's a blue state.

We expect Gavin Newsom to win a recall because he's got -- he is in this blue state. We don't expect anybody, especially a first-time politician to dethrone a blue governor in a blue state right next to Washington, D.C. when it's in the hands of Democrats.

CARLSON: Yes, that's exactly right. And he did it on the issues.

I mean, the Jonestown contingent in the White House deeply cares about social issues, but you're not allowed to talk about them. That tells you everything.

Victor James Hanson, I appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you.

HANSON: Thank you.

CARLSON: "Patriot Purge" as we said, Part 3 right now available on FOX Nation. You can go to tuckercarlson.com and get it free for 90 days.

We'll be back tomorrow night. Here is Sean Hannity.

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