Trumpism vs. socialism? DeSantis, Gillum face off in Florida

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 29, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Juan Williams along with Lisa Boothe, Brian Kilmeade, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

Fox News alert, farewell to an American hero, thousands paying their respects to Senator John McCain at his public viewing which is now underway at the Arizona State Capitol. The late senator lying in state inside the rotunda on what would have been his 82nd birthday, it's an honor only two other citizens of Arizona have received in the past 40 years. This comes after an emotional private memorial service was held there earlier, kicking off five days of tributes. Trace Gallagher joins us now from Phoenix with the latest. Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: And, Juan, you may remember that John McCain was famous during his congressional campaigns and his Senate campaigns for going out and canvassing the state of Arizona. He would go to the farthest reaches of the state where they've had towns with populations less than a hundred and he would hold town halls there. Well, what you're seeing behind me is really payback for that. We have people coming from all over the state, thousands strong, to pay their respects to John McCain. It is also about 104 degrees out here, so this is no easy task. They're waiting in line for hours. The hours were set up to be from 2 o'clock to 8 o'clock, but because there are so many people they've extended the hours until everybody gets a chance to come through.

As you said, it would have been John McCain's 82nd birthday. His casket was greeted by the honor guard, every single branch of the military along with Vietnam veterans and first responders inside the rotunda. Cindy McCain and her family greeted by the Arizona governor Doug Ducey and his wife. Ducey, along with former senator John Kyle, also spoke in honor of John McCain. Listen.


JOHN KYLE, FORMER U.S. SENATOR: John's love for America and Arizona, he represented our values all over the world as a senator from Arizona. And America is stronger for his fierce defense of our values.

GOV. DOUG DUCEY, R-ARIZ.: To the rest of the world, John McCain was Arizona. When all of us here traveled and told people we were from Arizona, people knew two big things about it, John McCain and the Grand Canyon.


GALLAGHER: It was also very emotional watching our former colleague Meghan McCain as she went up and addressed her father's casket. She broke down. As you might imagine, this is very difficult on the entire McCain family. And this was just the first of several ceremonies in days to come. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, the honor guard will come back and they will retrieve the casket inside the state capital, bring it back and bring it to the North Phoenix Baptist Church. That's where the larger ceremony will take place. Former Vice President Joe Biden will speak there, along with some athletes, like the wide receiver for the Arizona Cardinals, Larry Fitzgerald who was a friend of John McCain's. We know John McCain was a huge sports fan. We should note that his casket will be put onto a plane tomorrow afternoon, flown back to D.C. where he will lie in state in the nation's capital rotunda. And the funeral is Saturday. Sunday, he will be interred at the naval academy. Juan.

WILLIAMS: Trace, thanks so much. Another major story we're covering. It's a midterm clash of ideologies, Trumpism versus socialism set to square off in Florida gubernatorial race after a surprise primary victory by Bernie Sanders-backed candidate Andrew Gillum. Congressman Ron DeSantis, who secured the GOP nomination after the president's endorsement, taking shots at his left-wing rival.


REP. RON DESANTIS, R-FLA., CANDIDATE FOR FLORIDA GOVERNOR: He is the most liberal candidate that the Democratic Party has ever nominated in the state of Florida by a country mile in a governor's race. He wants to abolish ICE. He wants a billion dollar tax increase. He wants a single-payer health care system in Florida, which would bankrupt the state. I'm trying to make Florida even better. He wants to make Florida Venezuela.


WILLIAMS: Meanwhile, Gillum, the Democratic Tallahassee mayor is touting his socialist agenda and his disdain for President Trump.


ANDREW GILLUM, D-CANDIDATE FOR FLORIDA GOVERNOR: We're going to ensure that everybody pays their fair share. A regular every day working people of this state already pay our fair share. We want to replace ICE with the Department of Justice.


GILLUM: An entity that has not been tarnished in the same way as ICE has.

I am a champion for treating health care as a right and not a privilege. That's absolutely right. And expanding Medicaid in the state of Florida for over 700,000 people who right now don't have access to health care.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think the president should be impeached?

GILLUM: I absolutely do.


WILLIAMS: And on the other coast, in California, another hard left turn, as gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom backs universal health care for illegal immigrants.


GAVIN NEWSOM, D-CANDIDATE FOR CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR: I did universal health care when I was mayor, fully implemented, regardless of preexisting condition if they'll pay -- and regardless of your immigration status. San Francisco is the only universal health care plan for undocumented residence in America. I'm very proud of that. And we've proved it can be done without bankrupting the city. I'd like to see that we can extend that to the rest of the state.


WILLIAMS: Lisa, I think everybody is struck by how quickly the gubernatorial race in Florida has turned into a racial, sort of, playground there. You have DeSantis on Fox today saying that we shouldn't monkey around. And then you have Gillum on the other hand saying we can't lose to people who are engaged in bigotry, sexism and the like. What do you think?

LISA BOOTHE, CO-HOST: Well, I think it should come down to the issues for voters. But I will say we're seeing right now on the left this hard turn towards progressivism and socialism, and I think it's the left response to the establishment much like during 2010 with Republican. The tea party was the response to the Republican establishment. And I would just warn for Republicans, I wouldn't underestimate some of these candidates. Because I remember going back in 2010, I was at the NRCC, so I have a front row seat for this, and I remember the left dismissed the tea party, didn't think that they're going to be dangerous, didn't think that they could win back the house. And guess what happened? Republicans picked up 63 seats in the house and six seats in the senate. So I would just say there's a lot of momentum, there's a lot of energy on the left. So for the right, do not underestimate these people.

WILLIAMS: What do you think, Brian?

BRIAN KILMEADE, GUEST HOST: Turnout was great on the -- for the Republicans and Democrats. I think it virtually doubled -- doubled this primary season, so energy there for both. I saw that Ron DeSantis interview. It looks like he was using a phrase, unfortunate. If I don't think he was saying anything more than Howard Cosell was in the '80s.

WILLIAMS: I think Howard Cosell got in trouble.

KILMEADE: Right, he did. But does anyone think that Howard Cosell was a racist?


WILLIAMS: But he still got suspended.

KILMEADE: Well, what happen is he comes out and apologized. What I would do if I'm Ron DeSantis, say, you know what, I'm sorry it was misconstrued. I was just trying to say is we've got to be serious and get down to brass tacks because I'm so different than this guy. It's not a gray area. He's not pretending to be somebody he's not. He's telling you everything that I'm telling you. It's not even rhetoric. It's not even a catchphrase. I'm not even blowing out of proportion. He wants to abolish ICE. He wants to raise your taxes. He wants to up core for taxes. He wants to, which really comes in handy as governor of Florida, impeach the president. It comes up a lot.

But when Tom Steyer finances you, and George Soros finances you, that's what they want done, so, to me, an unfortunate statement. What I would do is, I guess, anti-Trump like. If I was Ron DeSantis, I'll go, hey, listen, I've said something this morning with Sandra Smith, I just want to make clear I was just saying we've got to take this seriously. I hope people don't misconstrue what I said, and just end it because there's no dog whistle there.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Ron DeSantis is going to be on Hannity tonight. So no doubt he will be asked about this and he can say whatever he wants.

KILMEADE: What do you think is the best thing to do?

PERINO: I think we'll just let -- let him listen to -- I'll let him speak for himself at 9 o'clock. I do think that Lisa makes a very good point. I talked to a leading Democrat today who said that Gillum, the Democratic candidate that won -- that beat out the establishment candidate, she said, however, remember, he might have been Sanders' backed but he also was a Clinton surrogate. So he could have a unifying effect on Democrats there. It is interesting to watch the rest of the countries Democrats catch up to where the New England Democrats have been for a while, for these types of left-wing progressive type of things. I'm excited for this Florida race, on the gubernatorial side because I feel like this is the future debate that we're going to have in this country. And whatever happens in 2018 in this gubernatorial race, it's probably likely what we will see in 2020 between President Trump and whoever the Democrats put forward.

WILLIAMS: In fact, picking up of what Dana just said, Greg, the president tweeted today, Gillum is a failed socialist mayor. Meanwhile, you had Gillum coming back and DeSantis saying he just represents Trump and big business and big money.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Yeah. I mean, I feel a little bit bad for the left because here's what you're faced with, you've got a booming economy, you've got a 4.2 GDP, you've got record low unemployment, especially among women and minorities. Trump is a hell of a racist when he's helping minorities get work. Super high optimism, like the highest in 18 years since October 2002. You have new trade deals that some were skeptical about that may turn out to be pretty good, with Mexico, no less. So each one -- each variable alone is in itself powerful. When you put them together, they're a murderer's row of evidence that Trump is doing something unique and special. And so, all the left can rely on is, A, race baiting, which they're really, really good at. I mean, you've got to suspend belief to think that a guy using monkey as a verb suddenly meant to use it as a noun in order to dog whistle everybody in front of the media.

Here's an idea, let's take a breath and let the guy clarify because we know -- we know this is a nonstory. We just love to push it, and push it, and push it because it's just so exciting. You know, Gavin, he's got bigger problems, trying to push universal health care which is to gin up the base, obviously. He has -- with the highest poverty rate in California, while having the richest people in California, while being the poop capital of the world. He's got a lot of problem and I feel.


PERINO: . national race.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Yeah.

PERINO: He's not really -- he doesn't really need to campaign in California.

BOOTHE: He should put the poop capital on a bumper sticker.

GUTFELD: There you go. But the real variable in all of this is the big O, optimism. How can you argue against a positive high based on booming results? And the only thing you do is hope that the American public is bored by good times because that's when they make dumb decisions. When we go, hey, look at all these interesting new people on the left, and then they allow the pendulum to swing. They go, let's try that out because it's always this pattern. You have the Republicans who create success, then the Democrats follow and undo the success, and then you have the Republicans come back and build the success again.

KILMEADE: I'm kind of worried. You peaked in the A block.



KILMEADE: How can you beat that?

GUTFELD: I don't know.

WILLIAMS: He's strong.

(LAUGHTER) BOOTHE: I guess he's complimenting said you've peaked.

GUTFELD: Coming from Kilmeade. You know it's a little far with Kilmeade.

(CROSSTALK) WILLIAMS: I just want to say, I don't think you can just close your eyes when you see something so racial.

GUTFELD: It's not racial.

BOOTHE: But, Juan.

GUTFELD: OK, let me make a suggestion. Why don't you let him clarify? Instead of doing a lynch mob.

WILLIAMS: Nobody is lynching out.

GUTFELD: Oh, no.

WILLIAMS: What I'm saying is he's on Hannity tonight, I hope he will clarify. But I'm just saying, I don't think it's smart for us to be like, oh, we didn't see anything. Nothing happened here.

GUTFELD: No, what we're trying to do is provide balance against hysteria.

KILMEADE: It's in the A block.

GUTFELD: I know.

(LAUGHTER) BOOTHE: Juan, you also -- you also have Bill Clinton saying make America great again was a dog whistle, yet he's use the term on presidential campaigns in the past. So, I mean, a lot of this, as Greg says, is just hysteria.

WILLIAMS: I think we have some racial issues. If you thought that Lanny Davis and the Trump Tower story was bad, wait until you hear about the new controversy brewing over at CNN? Stay tuned for "The Five."


KILMEADE: If I would have to pick a favorite camera shot, it has to be the walk through the door.



KILMEADE: Thank you very much.

GUTFELD: We don't have much time.



KILMEADE: As CNN doubles down on that dubious Trump Tower story, they're stepping in it again, so to speak. President Trump slamming the, quote, fake news network on twitter as the enemy of the people that got caught red-handed in a lie by using anonymous sources that don't exist. Now, you recall Michael Cohen's lawyer Lanny Davis admits he was the source of bogus information in the CNN report. Meanwhile, the network stars are again defending Antifa in response to the president reportedly warning of violence from the left if Democrats retake control of congress in November.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: The theme here is, I'm Donald Trump and I'll protect you from the scary black people. Antifa is widely perceived as an African- American organization, and this is just part of the same story of LeBron James, and Don Lemon, and Maxine Waters, and the NFL player, and the UCLA basketball players. This is about black versus white. This is about Donald Trump's appeal to racism.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Listen, there's, you know, no organization is perfect. There's some violence. No one condones the violence. But there are different reasons for Antifa and for these neo-Nazis to be there.


KILMEADE: Yeah, no organization is perfect to try -- Antifa was just beating up the press, and just beating up the press for a while, and just some other people just happen to be standing there. That was two weeks ago. And then, of course, they smashed windows back in February. And they were -- I don't think they're black. They wear black masks. But let's start on the first one. Let's start with CNN. Do you really think part of the reason they're not walking this story back, Lisa, is the fact that Carl Bernstein is on the byline and they're afraid of embarrassing him because it's his story?

BOOTHE: Well, I think they're also just worried about a further credibility hit. I mean, remember the story they've had ran on Don Jr., basically saying that he had access to the WikiLeaks emails before they hit, when it turned out he had access to them when everyone else did when they're publicly known. So these kinds of hits taking a toll on the credibility, and so, President Trump is labeling them fake news. It's the entire reason why they launched the facts first campaign to try to respond to that. So clearly, there's a concern at the network with the way they're being perceived as President Trump continues to call them out as fake news.

KILMEADE: But they did -- they did, Dana, fire two reporters last time they had an issue like this. And part of the reason they're maybe not backing down is because of the fact that the Washington Post joined others in saying Carl Bernstein is behind this and this would be the embarrassment of Mr. -- you know, all the president's men.

PERINO: OK, that's a possibility. It is also possible that Carl Bernstein or others that are working on the story have said we have confirmed this with another source, and the editorial director there have said show us your sources and they do that quietly behind the scenes. Then the editors say checks out with us. Then they don't feel that they have to walk it back. I don't know what the truth is. I didn't have the source. I didn't write the story. But I imagine that they have some sort of a system. Unless, they're just saying who cares.

KILMEADE: Sarah -- says, hey, if this is true, I'd like to talk to you again, Michael Cohen. We've already sworn you twice under oath and he didn't know anything about this nor the president.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think the problem there is that Michael Cohen is in court. And he's in the process, of I think, and this is really what Lanny Davis is up to, trying to make a deal potentially with Robert Mueller, but certainly with the southern district of New York so that he gets less jail time, because that guy just pled guilty to a serious crime. But I think the big news here, by the way, is that the president says, oh, if the Democrats get the majority in November, they're going to be so angry there'll be violence. I'm thinking if the Democrats win, they're going to be violence -- I'm thinking, wait a minute, if the Democrats win -- when I first heard this comic brand, I thought he was saying that if the left -- if the Democrats wins, then his supporters would be violent. But that's not what he was saying. He was saying the Democrats and their supporters would be violent. It just doesn't make sense.

BOOTHE: It's already had been.


WILLIAMS: By the way, you say Antifa is violence. Who ran over that girl in Charlottesville?


WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

KILMEADE: Do you think Antifa is a people organization making the country a better place to live?

WILLIAMS: You mean anybody that takes on fascism and racism is a good person.


KILMEADE: Can you point out the fascists, Greg?


GUTFELD: First of all, if Antifa is an African-American group, the Arian nation is a book club. And President Trump, whether he should have said that or not, there is evidence of political violence directed at a segment of a population after an election, if you remember Portland, Oregon, after 2016, where the media said the protest turned violent, as if rioters are like leaves in the fall, out of control of their own behavior.

The media glorifies violence because when it's based on their own beliefs, which is this naive romanticism based on the idea that you're not just wrong, you're evil. And because you are evil, I can justify my violent behavior towards you, and that is why all violent groups, if they just hang around long enough, they're going to get their New York Times profile. You know, in ten years, Manson family will be like the Walton's. Antifa will be seen as folk heroes, the same way they look at the weather underground when they make movies about them. But it's all about what Don Lemon said was basically he believes that people who disagree with him are evil. Therefore, you can justify violent behavior against them and that is the seeds of fascism. By the way, how can you take any moral advice from Jeffrey Toobin? Please Google him.

WILLIAMS: OK, but wait, I just wanted to ask.


WILLIAMS: . who was walking around -- Greg, who's walking around with Tiki torches?


WILLIAMS: Who is having -- saying, oh, I can carry open weapons in front of a synagogue.


WILLIAMS: . and forcing Jewish people to exit through the back out of fear? I don't think that was Antifa.

KILMEADE: Well, I'll tell you, Antifa was attacking cops in August 12, and they were attacking the press and NBC didn't report their own press crew being attacked.

BOOTHE: Their activities have been labeled as domestic terrorist violence by the Department of Homeland Security. That's really all you need to know about them.

GUTFELD: And also, they wear masks because they're cowards, let's not forget. Remember who did that? The KKK wear masks.

WILLIAMS: Right. And the KKK, white nationalists.

GUTFELD: I agree with you.

WILLIAMS: . and the neo-Nazis, that's what Antifa.

GUTFELD: Antifa is just like the KKK. I agree.

BOOTHE: Why can't you just say it's all bad?

WILLIAMS: Well, we don't like it. But I'm saying.


WILLIAMS: Who instigated this?


GUTFELD: Brian Kilmeade did. I blame Kilmeade.

KILMEADE: I like Lisa Page's summation, they're all bad.


KILMEADE: Twenty two minutes after the hour, Democratic socialist star, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, caught up in a brand-new controversy. Greg calls out the hypocrisy as we slowly zoom in on a series of pictures of her.



GUTFELD: Here's a joke by economist Mark Perry. What did socialists use before candles? Electricity.

Recently, celebrity socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized ridesharing apps Uber and Lyft for creating financial hardship on cabdrivers. It's not untrue. These new services have eased the grip cab companies have on cities bringing competition to a brutal monopoly that never saw it coming.

The upside for the consumer? More choices, better services and more flexible jobs for people who can either choose to drive full or part-time. It's turned thousands of folks into small businessmen. For the first time in years, you can actually call for a ride in New York City.

But the downside? Cab drivers are indeed suffering.

But I take this young socialist more seriously if her campaign hadn't spent four grand on Uber over two months or 2,500 bucks on Juno, another car service. It's the eternal hypocrisy of all socialists. Whenever they end up condemning, ultimately is something they need, because socialism doesn't create anything you can use. And when they do try to create something, it always makes things worse. What socialists could do to New York is what they've already done to Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba.

So you begin with electricity and trade it in for a candle. That was the joke.

KILMEADE: I've got it.

GUTFELD: Thank you, Brian. Just checking.

KILMEADE: Thank you.

GUTFELD: They're like celebrity vegans who eat cheeseburgers in the dark, blissful that no one knows their hypocrisy as grease dribbles down their chin. Like Al Gore flying off to some green conference on a private jet. Or people Urbering to their next event while defending yellow cabs.

Except here we see the lie, which is why after a hundred years of soul and bone crushing socialism, smart people refuse to be taken for a ride.

So, Dana, it is a real problem when there's a dramatic technological change or innovation, whether it's in the industrial revolution or even the agricultural revolution, people get -- there're casualties, so.

PERINO: And there will be more.

GUTFELD: And there will be more. We're replacing -- all "Fox & Friends" hosts will be robots.

KILMEADE: This is the first I'm hearing it. I have no idea.

GUTFELD: They wanted me to break it to you live so you actually wouldn't make a scene. You know when you fire somebody in a restaurant so they don't make a scene. Yeah, you are being replaced by a robot, which we won't notice. (CROSSTALK)

WILLIAMS: Greg, I have another idea.

KILMEADE: Wait a minute, are you asking Dana a question?



WILLIAMS: Before that, you know what?


WILLIAMS: Since he called her Lisa Page.


BOOTHE: I know.

WILLIAMS: We should get him a job at the FBI. He could be the new Peter Strzok.

GUTFELD: There you go.

KILMEADE: But Lisa Page doesn't have a job there.

BOOTHE: I didn't catch on to that.


PERINO: Causes some competition. And there is something kind of cool that the New York taxicab service figured out. And you can download this app.


PERINO: You can call for one. You can decide if you want to share one, and you can even pre-pay so that -- it's annoying when you stop and you've got to pay. And you can zoom out of the car. So the free market provides for innovation. Innovation creates new products that we want to use. It doesn't mean that there aren't people that are stuck holding the bill, like if you had a medallion that was worth X and now it's worth Y, you base your entire families lifesavings.

GUTFELD: For people who don't -- a medallion is almost like a mortgage for your car. That it could be as big as a car -- as a house mortgage.

PERINO: Well, that's what Michael Cohen had, and that's how he was trying to get loans, because they were really powerful.

This does remind me of Russell Brand. He lambasted people at a Hugo Boss reception, because he said Hugo Boss made uniforms for the Nazis.


PERINO: And then he left in his chauffeur-driven car.


PERINO: It was a Mercedes. And Mercedes actually did produce Hitler's personal vehicle. So yes, this hypocrisy step comes around.

I think that innovation actually is the best thing we can do for it. I think that the training for other jobs is also important. We are living through a fascinating time.

GUTFELD: We really are, even with Kilmeade alive. You know, Brian, imagine -- you know, leftists hate Uber. But if you took -- is there any way to take away an innovation? I mean, imagine if we said, "No more 500 channels. We're going to go back to ABC, CBS, and NBC." It would be impossible. Once something is here, it's here.

KILMEADE: Well, it's the -- first off, Russell Brand, overrated as an actor and comedian. And he's now on "Ballers" this year. They've taken a turn to surfing and left football, and it bothers me. And I can't believe he didn't work out with Katy Perry.

But No. 2, back to your original question, Barack Obama complained that ATMs took away the job of tellers. You know what? Now everything's -- you've got to change. Personal responsibility. You've got to look ahead and decide, is your job being exed out? You just told me, "Give me 24 hours that I'm going to be replaced by a robot."


KILMEADE: But it's up to me to change. I'm not going to blame the president if my job gets exed out because of technology. I have to think ahead.

GUTFELD: But some --

KILMEADE: It's up to me to get the next occupation, to get the next class, to be ready for that next change.

GUTFELD: But I don't -- I mean, I have to say that sometimes it -- technology moves faster than humanity. This stuff is going way too quick. And there's no way to stop it, Juan.

KILMEADE: You look like you're panicking.

GUTFELD: No, I am. Because I -- because I know I will be replaced. "The Five" will be all metal in five years.

PERINO: Don't worry. You do have concern for people --


PERINO: -- who are facing the possible loss of job.

WILLIAMS: And by the way, Brian, I mean, what do you think coal miners are complaining about? You know, there's change, and then they say, "You know what? We don't feel like" -- you know, when Hillary Clinton comes and says, "We're going to help you find your next job." You go, "Oh, no, no, no. She's kicking us out."

KILMEADE: Juan, I'm glad you said that. I get to define that. They're saying if you have machines that can do better than a miner, go ahead. But don't get rid of the industry because they found a way to make it work and there is a market for it.

WILLIAMS: No, but --

KILMEADE: Don't prematurely end it because you don't like --

WILLIAMS: Hang on, but there's not a market. In fact, the market in the U.S. has shifted to natural gas, and that has a place.

BOOTHE: But there is a market for Uber, and that's why Uber is succeeding. And the reason why there's such a market for it is because the city went in and regulated how many cabs, how many medallions they gave out, capping the supply.

And also, there was no incentive for cabdrivers to provide any good service. So then Uber comes in. Now it's a competitive marketplace. That's going to force cabdrivers to innovate, to do better, to provide better customer service. So I would say it's regulation in the first place, of why there was ever a marketplace for a company like Uber to come in.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think the other part of this is, and that you could make the argument that Bill de Blasio, the mayor here, has --

BOOTHE: Is getting $500,000 in campaign donations from the yellow cab industry, as well. Money matters there.

WILLIAMS: I think you can speak for me, because that's the point I was going to make.

BOOTHE: I would like to.

WILLIAMS: I wanted to say -- I guess you could speak for me.

BOOTHE: I'm Juan Williams.

WILLIAMS: Wait, I thought you were Lisa Page.

BOOTHE: Who am I?

WILLIAMS: But the other aspect of this, and by the way, as a black guy who tries to get cabs, I couldn't be more in touch with what you're talking about. But I will say that the mayor and others, not only here in New York but around the country, say you get the streets of the city flooded with Uber cabs, it creates different issues. And I think that's part of the equation in terms of saying, "We want to regulate."

GUTFELD: All right, we've got a lot coming up here, so let's end this madness.

Class is back in session, and that means new examples of coddled students on college campuses.

Brian's still here.


BOOTHE: Well, it's back-to-school time, so that means we have new stories of campus craziness. Try to wrap your head around this.

So Florida State University is reportedly requiring all of its incoming freshmen as well as its transfer students to complete a program on how to manage stress.


BOOTHE: But if -- Brian -- but if the program is too stressful for them, they can opt out.

So Brian, I'm going to start with you, since you got in my read there.

KILMEADE: Sorry about that.

BOOTHE: I mean, does it tell you -- we talk about, you know, craziness on college campuses, but does it tell you everything you need to know about what's going wrong, that kids can opt out of a program around stress if it causes them, well, too much stress?

KILMEADE: They say 20 percent of college students have been diagnosed professionally or treated for anxiety. So they're trying to give these kids a -- I guess, a step in class, if they're freshmen, to what these stresses are of college.

I just think we're better off ignoring it. If you have a case of depression, I get it. But I think anxiety and stress and worry are the fun part of life. You don't know what's next. What is wrong with that? People are misinterpreting anxiety and stress as something that's bad. To me, it's exciting to do something new. You've got to interpret it that way. You really just --

BOOTHE: You like to be -- you like to be stressed out. Well, they also listed -- they also listed a serious issue. Andrew Coffey, an FSU student, was hazed and died. So that is obviously --

KILMEADE: I wasn't talking about -- don't make me feel bad. This had nothing to do with that.

BOOTHE: I'm not. Because we're going with this, too. So Greg, the dean that started this program, he said that, as a seasoned psychotherapist, one of his big problems is that students are more fragile than he has basically ever seen before. But isn't that kind of the problem? That students are so coddled, and it makes them fragile?

GUTFELD: I don't know. It's kind of a stereotype that we tend to repeat as adults. We always say that the next generation or the generation of that is always more coddled than we were. We just created a better society where they have -- they get to do less.

I just want to go back to the fact that Kilmeade's philosophy is very interesting, and it is --

KILMEADE: Whatever it is, you wrote it down.

GUTFELD: No, I go -- I go, "Now I understand Kilmeade."


GUTFELD: Because you create so much anxiety and stress, because you feed off it. That's what it is.

KILMEADE: Why are you trying to blame me? I'm not a college freshman.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, but you're a --

KILMEADE: I like new and exciting.

WILLIAMS: You think you are the role model for Trump?

BOOTHE: What does that mean?

KILMEADE: Well, he does create a little bit of turmoil. But how bad is it in Baylor? They're teaching a course in grit. They have to teach grit. You can't teach grit.

BOOTHE: Because that's the bigger problem. And Juan, you know, so you've got kids. You've raised very smart, successful kids. I mean, you didn't coddle them growing up, did you? Tough kids.

WILLIAMS: No, but I must say that I think -- you know, I understand the whole snowflake, and the temptation is just to put down the kids for all of us oldsters at the table.

But I must say that I -- when I read, and I read the prep for this story, I was shocked by the suicide rates among young people. I know that young people are all about, did I get into college? How are my grades? Are mom and dad mad at me? Then they go to college.

And I was on the board of my college, and I remember, like, people would come to us with red-zone issues. I didn't even know what this meant. I'm an NFL fan, so I thought they meant in the 20-yard line. No. Red zone is young people come to college and they're dealing with sex for the first time often. They're dealing with drugs. They're dealing with, sad to say, high rates of suicide. And if you want to stop it, and you're a college administrator, I think it's smart.

BOOTHE: But Dana, the broader context here, too, is we're seeing a shutting down of ideas. I mean, there does seem to be coddling that's going on that maybe didn't happen in previous generations. So I mean, does that kind of behavior, does that produce future leaders, future business owners?

PERINO: I don't know. Well, I think mandating anything can also, like, create more stress. Like, it's like one more thing that they have to do.

I think that this coincides with a decline in church attendance or religious beliefs or practicing faith. I mean, handling anxiety that comes with life, as Brian was saying, that is something that you can also channel into a faith, whatever it might be.

And so if you are struggling at school but you maybe had some sort of religious background and you might try to find a group at school or a church to join, because that can actually really help you manage that and you won't feel as alone as you might if you don't have that.

BOOTHE: And I think Brian needs a hug. But --


GUTFELD: Let me defend Brian, because Brian, actually, you're actually right. There is research that shows that exposure to stress builds confidence in whatever action you're going to do next. They just published a story on that. So you can argue the reverse, that if you remove stress from an environment, you create vulnerable people.

KILMEADE: And another reason to feel bad about Yale -- I couldn't get in. They have a course called how to find happiness.


KILMEADE: Another reason. I would have been happy if I got in. I'd say, "I don't need this course."

BOOTHE: And you could say that adversity makes you stronger and builds character and makes you a better person.

But anyways, all right. Stay right there, because a brand-new edition of Wild Card Wednesday is next. You're not going to want to miss it.


PERINO: Back by popular demand, it's "Wild Card Wednesday."


PERINO: We get to pick a topic that's not in the show and put them into this hat, and I'm going to pick them randomly. One of these topics will be something -- none of of us know what it's going to be.

OK, Viking Cruises bans children. It says clients want kid-free vacations. Viking River Cruises quietly announce individuals under the age of 18 no longer permitted on board for future trips. I didn't know that.

A representative said the change came after an increasing amount of guests told the company how much they appreciate an environment where they can travel without children. Viking previously had a 12-year-old minimum age policy. Was this yours?

GUTFELD: This is great.

KILMEADE: No, it's mine. Viking steals my story. What kind of game is this? That's my story.

PERINO: Right. You got chosen. So now it sounds like --

KILMEADE: Why did I study this story if you're going to say the whole thing?

PERINO: No, because that's my job.

KILMEADE: Oh, really?

PERINO: That's what I do for this segment.

KILMEADE: What am I doing here? I'm taking notes here to tell the story.

PERINO: You tell us why you chose the story.

KILMEADE: Well, I chose the story, because I think it's terrible; because I think older people like seeing kids run around. They don't annoy them. You see them, it reminds them of when they used to be young and naive.

WILLIAMS: But wait, wait, wait. Wrong if you think -- it's not older people. It's not us. It's, like, young adults who want to have a date and spend time quietly and don't want -- it's Greg.

GUTFELD: He didn't even read the story he pitched. Brian -- Brian, I'm going to tell you why this is awesome. It is great for my babysitting app that I'm releasing, because think about all the jobs this creates. While these parents go away, somebody is going to have to watch the kids, and that's where Greg's babysitting app comes in.


GUTFELD: You Uber the babysitter, right to the dock.

KILMEADE: No background check.

PERINO: What do you think of the story?

BOOTHE: I don't mind that, to be honest. I mean, as long as they have options for both, right, people that want to be around kids and then maybe an option for people that just want to go --

GUTFELD: I don't think there is an option for people who want to be around kids. "I would like a cruises -- I would like a cruise with just children." Probably a rescue.

BOOTHE: No, no, not anything like that.

KILMEADE: Can't you put -- can't you put the kids to one side of the boat or one floor? I mean, why do you have to ban them?

PERINO: Take the kids and then keep them downstairs below deck?

KILMEADE: OK, at least they get to go.

PERINO: Well done on your choice -- story choice.

OK, here we go. Another one. Kids are spending hundreds on personal stylists for back-to-school shopping. Basically, no longer a mainstay of the rich and famous. This personal shopper, Mona Sheriff, was taken by surprise this summer. She found herself working with five kids, ages 10 to 17, on their upcoming wardrobes. On one shopping trip, she bought $2,000 worth of clothing, including an $800 suit. And she charges $200 per hour. Whose story is that?

WILLIAMS: That was my story. Look at this picture. She dressed him up like Harry Potter here, it looks like, with the glasses and everything. But how ridiculous. You mean you don't just go to the store and your mom gets you a new pair of sneaks and a good pair of shoes for going back to school?

PERINO: The economy is really good. The economy is really good. Maybe this is what happens.

GUTFELD: I call B.S. on -- whenever there's a story like this, I always go, this was pitched by a friend at the paper. Like somebody knew Mona, and Mona says, like, I don't know. What was this on?

PERINO: This was in "The New York Post."

GUTFELD: Well, need I say more? Anyway, I will say this.

KILMEADE: Yes, you did. They're on the seventh floor.

GUTFELD: Yes. There is -- there is a problem with status inequality created by Instagram. Like, people see things that their kids, other friends are wearing, or they see parties that they're not invited to. And so everybody tries to outdo each other.

But this is one of those -- I find these -- these are phony lifestyle stories. I know.

KILMEADE: Because you used to write for magazines.

GUTFELD: I used to write them.

BOOTHE: But how tough -- how tough is being, like, a middle schooler or a high schooler these days?

KILMEADE: It's the worst.

BOOTHE: Kids feel --

PERINO: That's why uniforms are great.

GUTFELD: I love uniforms. I wore uniforms for eight years.


GUTFELD: Yes. I don't even know what that means.

PERINO: OK, hold on. Well, I picked it out of here, so I have to say it. Instagram playgrounds for the hashtag obsessed are taking over U.S. cities. Vacant studio spaces and abandoned buildings across the country are being transformed into fantasy dreamscapes for extravagant Instagram shoots. Pop-up exhibits in New York, Los Angeles and other major cities charge people $18 to $45 to capture their experiences in immersive Instagram playgrounds.

This is what happens when the economy is so good. You have people figuring out a way to spend money on crazy things.

KILMEADE: Too much free time. Whose story is this?

GUTFELD: No, this is also great, because it gets people who are taking pictures out of your way. Like if you're --

PERINO: OK, that's a good point.

GUTFELD: When you're walking to work, there are people on the street who are in your way when you're trying to get to work. No, now you have little pockets where you can put them, and they have these fantasy playgrounds. Again, status inequality. This is to make yourself appear better than your peers.

KILMEADE: You could say hello to these people. Why are they in your way? Why is everyone --

PERINO: Everyone is in our way.

GUTFELD: We're little people.

BOOTHE: I was going to say, the only reason I picked this story is because I knew that Greg would have a funny response. Mission successful.

PERINO: Sometimes.

WILLIAMS: You know what I saw today, was a story that said that there are no conventions where people just dress up in characters in different roles. These are adults.


WILLIAMS: And spend all their time --

PERINO: Well, Greg knows a little bit about that.

GUTFELD: Yes. You've never been to a plushie or furry conference?

BOOTHE: No, no, no.

PERINO: My story was cursing could cost you $500 in Myrtle Beach.

GUTFELD: I saw that.


PERINO: You know, I was a little worried about that.

GUTFELD: Yes, I mean, you're already in debt.

PERINO: Greg, let's just see, was this yours? Scientists may have uncovered what dinosaur DNA looks like.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

KILMEADE: What does that mean?

GUTFELD: There is a joke I cannot say, but let's just say that we may in time be able to have our own little dinosaurs. Because now that we have the DNA, we can reproduce them. We can make them.

PERINO: And then we can have more fossil fuels?


PERINO: It means we have more fossil fuels.

GUTFELD: More fossil fuels. That's how a capitalist thinks. We bring back the dinosaurs; then we kill them for fuel. I'm Dana Perino, a monster. I am a monster. Burn the dinosaurs for fuel.

PERINO: It's not a terrible idea.

BOOTHE: It's not a terrible idea.

GUTFELD: It might be the worst idea ever.

PERINO: "One More Thing" is up next.

WILLIAMS: I think that there's a movie called "Jurassic Park."


WILLIAMS: Party time, time for "One More Thing" -- Dana.

PERINO: OK. So it's almost Labor Day, not Valentine's Day, but love is in the air. For all your singles out there, listen to this.

A new study by HSBC suggests that one in 50 airplane passengers meet the love of their life on board an aircraft.


PERINO: That happened to me. Twenty-one years ago, I met my husband on August 17, 1997, on a plane, assigned seats 13A and B on American Airlines. This comes at a time when millennials are apparently becoming burned out from online dating and taking up a slower, more traditional approach to dating. So rather than swiping, they're actually trying to find a place to have meaningful conversations. And I suggest maybe just, like, buy some plane tickets and fly around.

BOOTHE: Fly more.

PERINO: Yes, you never know. One in 50, that's what the study says.

GUTFELD: Never. That's a lie.

WILLIAMS: My turn. So hey, get ready for fun. FAO Schwartz is making a comeback.


WILLIAMS: Yes, it's hot out, but Christmas just around the corner for retailers. With that in mind, the classy toy store planning to reopen in November. The staff will be in costume as famous cartoon characters. And yes, they're looking for someone who can dance on their piano. You remember this scene?




WILLIAMS: That was Robert Loggia and Tom Hanks in the 1988 film, "Big." Reopening the store, of course, is a risk. The original store closed in 2015. Toys 'R' Us in Times Square shut its doors the same year. Try-outs for dancing on the piano September 8. I'm entering Brian and Greg versus Hannity and Dobbs.

KILMEADE: Hannity and Dobbs, that's a new team?

GUTFELD: Oh, yes. It's also a new Sunday show.

WILLIAMS: Absolutely. Greg, your turn.

GUTFELD: All right. I've got my podcast that's up right now. Go to I interview legendary animator Jerry Eisenberg, who helped create "Scooby-Doo," "The Jetsons," "The Flintstones," "Josie and the Pussycats." He basically created my Saturday morning.

PERINO: He's my hero.

GUTFELD: He is my hero. So check it out:

Let's go to this.

GRAPHIC: Greg's Labor Day News

GUTFELD: "Greg's Labor Day News." People keep asking me, "Do you go away on Labor Day?" Now, this is what I do. Let's roll this tape.




GUTFELD: This is my last year, enjoying a Labor Day. I relax in a tiny shopping trolley or a shopping cart, and I enjoy a nice bottle of wine,, just like this little hamster.

KILMEADE: Is that a rabbit?

GUTFELD: No, it's a hamster. A Russian dwarf hamster. Don't make any jokes, Kilmeade.


WILLIAMS: All right. Brian, you're up.

KILMEADE: I will show you some horrifying video. This is unbelievable. Let's go to Kilson Drive (ph) in Ettinger in Santa Ana, California.

That is a little kid. He's about two years old --

PERINO: OK, why are you showing this?

KILMEADE: -- walking into traffic when suddenly a passerby gets out and saves the kid. She was determined to get across the highway. They suddenly stopped. This could have been a disaster.

GUTFELD: She's protected by that round circle.

KILMEADE: On a dash cam, unbelievable. I have no idea what happens next except the kid seems OK.

PERINO: Brian, you can't do a story like that and not have the good ending.

WILLIAMS: The kid's alive. The kid's alive.

KILMEADE: That kind of creeped up on me. Lisa, your turn.

BOOTHE: I want to introduce you to veteran Wally Richardson. He was 94 years old. For ten years, he's been meeting middle schoolers on their way to school to give them inspirational advice. Take a look.


WALLY RICHARDSON, VETERAN: Judging others does not define who they are.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It defines who you are.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It defines who you are.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It defines who you are.

RICHARDSON: Never look down on anyone --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Unless you're lifting them up.

RICHARDSON: Never possible --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: -- is always possible.



BOOTHE: He's such a cutie. And he used to do it with his wife, but now she can no longer do it with him, after 60 years of marriage. But they're still together.

KILMEADE: You can tell the kids hear it all the time, because they know exactly what to say. It's awesome.

WILLIAMS: Yes, like -- I like the idea that seniors and young people interact.

KILMEADE: Exactly. Let them on the cruises. Let them on the cruises!

WILLIAMS: Talk to Greg, will you?

GUTFELD: I'm in charge.

WILLIAMS: Set your DVRs. Never miss another episode of "The Five." "Special Report" up next with our hero, Bret Baier.

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