This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 28, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Hi. I'm Greg Gutfeld, with Jesse Watters, Juan Williams, Dana Perino, and Emily Compagno, THE FIVE. In today's New York Post, a New York City E.R. doctor calls the Coronavirus the worst healthcare disaster he has ever seen. Yet, he says it's time to open up. His reasons, first, he believes the wave has crested, which is good news.

His second point, out of fear, people are avoiding hospitals for treatment of other stuff. E.R.'s have seen a big drop-off. People have cancelled tests, 911 calls have declined. If people are avoiding hospitals, how many others have died of heart attacks or strokes? The fact that we can talk about this now is actually a good thing.

At the start of this, we were ready to lock down and throw away the key. But remember, this debate will be forever. It's the prism of two ideas. Was it the distancing and shutdown that worked, or was the disease not as bad as we thought? It might be both, or maybe we flattened the curve and affected the crest of the wave.

This is where math is your buddy. Disease can have a -- disease A can have a lower kill rate then disease B, and still kill more people if it infects vastly more people. Meaning, 1 percent of 100 is 1, but a half percent of 1,000 is 50. Dana, check my numbers so I know this is right. The fact is we have already had 58,000 dead.

And if it keeps going like this over time, you can get pretty close to the predictions, a disease many times worse than the flu on top of the flu. But maybe it is time for people, meaning the young and the healthy, to return to work so we can afford to protect the elderly and the infirmed. And most important, people need to go back to the job.

And be careful and see their doctors for their usual heart, liver, and lung ailments. If they don't, the Coronavirus will kill many more people without even trying. You know, Juan, the author Daniel Murphy was chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Saint Barnabas in the Bronx, so he is on the frontlines. He has seen it all.

And yet, he was emphatically saying we have to rapidly get back to work. So, I mean, that's hard to ignore, right?

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: Yeah. I mean, I thought the information he presented, especially about people who were suffering strokes, heart attacks, and then not going to the hospital because they were afraid. That's very real, because that doesn't stop. You know, you got to take that into account. But I must say. I wanted to underline something you said about, you know, you presented it as the prism of two ideas.

But I think if distancing, in fact, has helped lower what we have seen in terms, not only infection, but therefore deaths, so it's like two interlocking ideas, as I was listening to you. And I think you have got to realize. I think as of today, we have a million people in this country who have tested positive for Coronavirus.

But that's, Greg, only with about -- I think it's 1.6 percent of the nation having been tested. So we, in order to really protect ourselves, we need to have more robust testing that would allow us to identify hotspots, to engage in contact-tracing, to try to halt widespread, you know, sort of exponential spread of this disease.

Dr. Fauci said in an interview, I think it was yesterday, this disease is not going away with the summer weather. He thinks it may stick around. And he thinks only by being cautious are we protecting ourselves from even a more devastating outbreak.

GUTFELD: Yeah. You know, Dana, when I was talking about the prism of two ideas, I was talking about the mistakes people make when they're looking at this, the fact that it's either this or it's this when it's actually a combination. I think there are going to be people, this might be a safe prediction who will say, see, I told you this was no big deal after they see -- after they choose to ignore the fact that our social distancing helped flatten the curve.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Right. And then actually, they could even go back the other way, too. It's -- you are going to see a lot of -- we -- and you are right. We could debate it forever, or we could also celebrate the fact that Americans did what we were asked, right? We were able to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. And Governor Cuomo said that today.

He said the hospitals did not get overwhelmed. And I think that people are mistaking something, like, when you say you want to reopen America, that's not a synonym for ignoring the virus.


PERINO: OK? So you can reopen America, recognizing that we have accomplished something that the government asked of us, which was a huge sacrifice, not just the stay at home part, but the people who have lost their jobs, their businesses, all the supply chains. Like, that's a huge sacrifice. We did that. The hospitals did not get overwhelmed.

And so, people -- if you trust people, they can be responsible to try to get back and do the things that we need to do in order to keep our economy going so we can take care of all the people. Because in that New York Post piece, Greg, the doctor also said he was very worried about the people in the neighborhood.


PERINO: The people who were standing in food lines for the first time, the poverty that is being basically imposed on them. So there are all of these concerns. So when you say you want to reopen America, it also -- it's not just because you think want to help President Trump win the election. That is a huge problem, and people should not fall into that.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Jesse, I would like to read a quote from the doctor and get your response. Would you like to play along with me?


GUTFELD: Do you have the quote, producer? Put it up there. I've worked the Coronavirus frontline, and I say it's time to start opening up. Standing up to this virus can't be the job of essential workers only. We have been strong, but we are tired. And we need the rest of you to help us by getting back to work. So essentially, what I get him saying is that we should be sharing the risk.

It is time, especially if you are young and healthy, to get out there and perhaps become part of the herd immunity that he mentions.

WATTERS: Well, you have made this point before, is that this country kind of has a pain threshold. I feel like we are reaching that pain threshold, especially in certain parts of the country. You know, going back to last conversation, any intelligent person can make an argument that proves they were right, even though they were wrong.


WATTERS: I mean, I do that all the time. I mean, it's what people do. Like, you can play the Super Bowl, and then the next day you can have all of these analysts on ESPN. They should run the ball. Why did they throw the ball? They should just ground and pound. Control the clock. Anybody can do that and look good. But you talk about the prism of two ideas.

I think what we are seeing is the prism of 50 ideas. Because there are 50 governors in 50 states doing 50 different things. It's dynamic, flexible, and tailored. It's brilliant. And there are even mayors doing things different than governors with the governor's full consent. We are talking about restaurants, parks, elective surgeries.

They are all being done differently based on the local county or states' health or economic landscape. And the one-size-fits-all policy would have been a catastrophe. Could you imagine treating New York like you treat Arkansas, or treating Arkansas like you treat New York? Like, that's what Obama wanted to do, this big national central policy.

You would've heard talks of secession if that had happened. And also why it's so brilliant that they did this is because you are going be able to see in real time what's working and what's not. If you see a hotspot in a certain state, maybe they opened the gyms too early, right? You can see the mistakes being made in real-time. There's going to so much fresh data to chew on, that Dr. Birx's silk scarf is going to pop off of her neck.

GUTFELD: That's quite a visual, Jesse. Emily, what are your thoughts?

EMILY COMPAGNO, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, just to echo these op-eds, I think just like all of America helped flatten the curve. Now, it is up to us to help Americans get back to work and thrive. And that's why it's so crucial for state and local government leaders to send messages with their decision-making right now that they are prioritizing saving jobs, while acknowledging that it's a different normal that we are going back to.

So Jesse mentioned restaurants. And the reason that I have been continuing to talk about the restaurant industry is not only because of its volume, right? It's a $900 billion industry as of last year, but also because it touches so many other industries, like manufacturing and shipping and Ag, and it has such a broad supply chain that touches millions of America.

And so we can't just flip a switch and have these businesses go back to normal, where all of a sudden think that they have the ability to get back on their feet. And I want to take LA for example, that a lot of times we bash on this show. But right now, it's a really interesting case study, because the local government there, from the beginning, has been resisting and sending headwinds to the restaurant industry as they are trying to cope with this and implement new policies.

But the mayor there, Mayor Garcetti, has been open to big, bold ideas. So for this time, I think it is incumbent upon all of us to support the creation of new policy, right, that acknowledges this that saves jobs, things like tip credits, and suspend those policies that are in existence right now that are hampstering (ph) these businesses from staying open, like certain class action litigation and things like that.

In that example, in LA, the city and local government has been resisting because they are failing to see the forest for the trees, that it's a new normal. And things like retailing alcohol, things that have been put in place during this time, we need to consider moving forward that -- with his web that faces millions of Americans.

We should look at all of these individual junctures and try to acknowledge the gives and carry these policies moving forward, because it's about saving these jobs so that we don't have an economic death, too.

GUTFELD: Yeah. And also, alfresco, that is the solution right now. Move everything outdoors as the weather gets better. Put the -- close some of the streets down. Let the restaurants put their tables outside. All right, coming up next, the media tries to pin the COVID-19 death toll on Donald Trump. Stay with us on THE FIVE.


WATTERS: The liberal media's scorn for the president is on full display. Trump's been feuding with hostile reporters during the task force briefings, and for good reason. Check out this ridiculous gotcha question.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If an American president loses more Americans over the course of six weeks than died in the entirety of the Vietnam War, does he deserve to be re-elected?

DONALD TRUMP, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: So, yeah, we have lost a lot of people. But if you look at what original projections were, 2.2 million. We are probably heading to 60,000, 70,000. It's far too many. One person is too many for this.


WATTERS: Plus, The View has a new target, Dr. Deborah Birx, the liberal host attacking the medical expert for defending Trump.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel like at this point, she is less of a doctor and more like an elderly care nurse to this guy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So do you think that Dr. Birx is part of the problem?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do. I do think she is part of the problem. And it gives me no pleasure to say that. You can't be complicit in a time like this, Dr. Birx. And so I think she has become part of the problem.


WATTERS: Wow. All right, well, I don't think -- I'm not even going to address The View ladies. I thought that was way, way over the top. Dana, you know, I have asked my fair number of gotcha questions before. I know how you play the game. That woman played it pretty well with the president. I just don't know if I could ever bring myself to ask a gotcha question like that to the president of the United States. Have you ever seen anything like that before?

PERINO: Do you think I have -- have I ever seen anything like that before? So I worked for a president during a time of war, torture, memos, I mean, yeah. I have seen it before. And a little bit of that is just that you get into a chance where you have the cameras on. You know, she is a reporter that has written some pretty great things. She has broken a lot of stories.

She is also writing a book about the 2020 election. So I think her question about does a president like you deserve to be re-elected was sort of geared towards where she is thinking and where she is spending her time. But remember, look, the president answered it so well. So sometimes, it doesn't matter if the question is hostile. If you hit a home run, then who cares?

It actually makes you look better. Can I speak to the Dr. Birx thing for a second? Way to stand up for women, ladies, I mean, wow. OK, Joy Behar, first of all, she's trying to look like Dr. Birx with the scarf. It's a look that I can't pull off, though I would try at some point. But here is a woman whose responsibility is not to coddle anybody.

She is supposed to try to manage a pandemic. And she is doing that with the commander in chief. So why don't we just let her do her job for as long as she needs to do it, and to do it to the best of her ability, and do it professionally, which is what she has been doing.

WATTERS: Yeah. She has been doing a very good job. Greg, I'm going to play some sound of another exchange, again, just crazy, crazy commentary from the Press Corps. The president and Dr. Birx were asked something. And you can react to all of it. Roll that.


TRUMP: Are you going to apologize?


TRUMP: Go ahead. That's why nobody knows who you are, including me. Go ahead.


TRUMP: You're not getting your facts right.


TRUMP: Well, your facts are wrong.


WATTERS: Yeah. Greg, he asked a question and said, you know, we are behind South Korea. Actually no, we are ahead of South Korea. I mean, these are the kind of things that happen a lot.

GUTFELD: Well, this is the environment. It's the gotcha question game show. But I want to tie what Olivia Nuzzi and the Birx thing have in common. So Nuzzi's question is the perfect example of media narcissism. The question by its very nature is guaranteeing attention back to the person asking the question. I'm sure she got DM's (ph) from Acosta and the bald guy, saying, wow, that was really amazing what you did to her.

But the question itself is absurd. Do you deserve to be re-elected? Well, that's what the election will determine, you moron. And you can put it like -- let's put it this way. Given the tornado hit your town and killed 30 people, do you deserve to be dogcatcher? That's exactly how stupid her question was. Now, when you focus on Brix (ph), OK? It's called the contamination effect.

The media loves to just soil her reputation, because by -- if you are hanging around somebody we hate, Trump, then you are contaminated, right? They transfer the hate to her. So what about the people that Birx knows, right? Are they contaminated by now knowing her? You see how this thing works? They should do trace -- whatever they call it, contact tracing on everybody's friendships.

So lastly, why do these things have something in common? The media is hypocritically evil. They think that when they interview unsavory people, they are imparting their good moral fiber on them. So when they question Trump, they are actually the moral high ground, which is why Nuzzi had her absurd question. But when you, like Birx is among Trump, then you are the recipient of the unsavory-ness of Trump, right?

Then you are now immoral by being around him. So you see the trick. The media gets to decide who gets to impart moral value. And it's always them, but it's never you.

WATTERS: That's a good point. Juan, what do you think?

WILLIAMS: I think the press is supposed to hold powerful people accountable and ask questions. Now, I think President Trump is never shy, never shy about saying, hey, that's a crazy question, or that an unfair question, or that's a fake news question. But in this instance, he didn't do that. He treated it seriously. And as Dana pointed out, he gave what I think was a pretty good answer from his perspective.

He said the numbers are less than what had been projected, and then tried to take credit for it, so that's what he did. And by the way, I don't think it's a -- it was a gotcha question. I think it's a real question. I think they are real questions to come like today about, you know, banks and even some of the borrowers upset about the SBA screw up with the computers.

People can't get the loans. People are upset about, you know, these big companies, you know, some of these auto companies, the LA Lakers getting loans and not small business. People have legitimate questions to ask. And I don't think it's illegitimate for the president to ask them. When there's gotcha questions like who is the leader of Uzbekistan or something, Dana would know about that kind of silly question. OK, that's a gotcha question.


GUTFELD: Does Dana know?

WILLIAMS: To me, legitimate questions --


PERINO: I do not know the leader of Uzbekistan.


WATTERS: All right, Emily.

COMPAGNO: Well, I think this sort of -- it underscores the hypocrisy. Because, you know, respectfully, Juan, if her question was truly designed to provoke conversation, then why when she was called out that her question was just designed to provoke. She responded, quote, "Shut the F up." And I think for Joy Behar, that's just another example of someone who uses, you know, the media platform to attack those who attack women.

And she is a Hillary champion. And she calls herself a feminist. And yet, this opportunity, she calls Dr. Birx, who is a U.S. Army colonel and literally lead the HIV vaccine global movement. She has received tons of commendation awards under Democratic administrations. She managed $1.5 billion worth of budget. She literally led PEPFAR.

And Behar reduces her to an elderly care nurse. Now, I could compare in contrast Joy Behar's resume to her, but I will not. I don't think I need to.

WATTERS: All right. And you brought up Hillary Clinton. She just endorsed Joe Biden despite growing questions over a sexual assault allegation.


COMPAGNO: Welcome back. Joe Biden picking up a big endorsement during a women's town hall despite growing questions about a sexual assault allegation, Hillary Clinton being accused of hypocrisy after throwing her support behind the former VP.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER UNITED STATES FIRST LADY: I am thrilled to be part of your campaign, to not only endorse you, but to help highlight a lot of the issues that are at stake in this presidential election. I wish you were president right now to end the kind of disregard, of not only American values, but American institutions, the rule of law, and so much else that is at stake because of the current occupant.


COMPAGNO: Hillary previously said that women have a right to be believed, but she still went forward with the endorsement. Former Biden staffer, Tara Reade, claims that the then senator sexually assaulted her in 1993, and earlier, re-told Fox News that Hillary Clinton is, quote, "enabling a sexual predator by backing Biden."

So Dana, I would like to start with you. Is this Biden's way, with this endorsement, of responding to the sexual assault allegations?

PERINO: It's hard to say -- like, in some ways, I don't understand several of the things that Biden has done this week. He has floated the idea or conspiracy theory, really that President Trump is going to postpone the election. The president pushed back -- the president is not going to postpone the election. The election will be held in November.

He rolled out this Hillary endorsement, which I think was probably scheduled from a long time ago, because what a day to roll it out. And I mentioned yesterday that Henry Rodgers of the Daily Caller had called every single Democratic office on the Senate side and asked what do you think about these allegations from Tara Reade? Nobody responded.

And you have several of those people, including like a Kamala Harris, for example, who might be in the vice president -- the vice presidential sights for Joe Biden who are also remaining silent. And they're in a terrible position because of what they had done in the past.

So, I think Joe Biden would probably be better off if he just did nothing for a while, just let the President be out there and have to handle this crisis. See how he does, because Joe Biden's poll numbers have been fine, without even being out there. All of this that he's done, actually, I think makes things worse for him.

COMPAGNO: Greg, what are your thoughts on the endorsement and or the response to the allegations?

GUTFELD: Well, I mean, the entire town hall felt designed to create a suit of armor around Joe against this sexual assault. Of course, who does he have come in, the great political feminists who dragged all of her husband's victims through the mud. And apparently, we now learn that some sexual assaults matter less than others.

The other thing that kind of bugged me was that Biden was just repeating these platitudes over and over again, he doesn't even know what he's saying half the time. But it was all about gender and inequality. Of course, women are caregivers. We understand that. But every study that I've seen, more men are dying from the Coronavirus than women. But somehow that I believe was left out.

But he had to make it about gender. He had to insert the politics of identity into this horrible thing that is actually uniting a country. But I get it, it's politics, so you got to split people, men versus women. That's what they're doing. But I felt that she was kind of like looking at him like a vulture over a body like waiting for him to go so she could step right in. She was just like, make me V.P., make me V.P. and in a month, I will be P.

COMPAGNO: OK, Jesse, what do you think about that?

WATTERS: I read Chris Stirewalt today and he made that point that, you know, Joe does not have a firm grasp on this nomination. It's a grasp. I wouldn't call it firm. I mean, remember what happened with Al Franken. They dumped that guy over so fast because they thought it created vulnerability with the Roy Moore situation.

And I don't see that happening here but, you know, this guy is not invincible. And to think that Hillary batted an eyelash endorsing Biden under a cloud of sexual assault, one she's done it before, and two, I don't believe Hillary even knows.

The MSN and hasn't even covered this. They've covered it here and there. I mean, what is it -- it had been in the New York Times once or twice, it's been in once. And every time it appears in the mainstream media, it's either to poke holes through Reade story, or to characterize the story as Republicans pounce on allegations about Joe.

If you were to use their standard on them, you know, this would be very troubling. This is a concerning pattern with Joe. The mere allegation may make him have to withdraw. I mean, this is what they do all the time. Remember what they did with Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh had to agree to an FBI investigation. And if you didn't, he was guilty.

So, Joe Biden, why don't you agree to an FBI investigation? Because if you don't, you're obviously guilty.

COMPAGNO: Juan, Jesse makes a great point. What are your thoughts on either the vulnerability of Joe or his silence or the potential for opening him up to an FBI investigation that might bolster any credibility he has left?

WILLIAMS: I think this is way, way off the -- way off the target here. We're in the weeds. And you know, it's like people asking the press, people asking now the FBI to do their -- to do their dirty work for the Trump campaign. I mean, that's not it.

I think this woman deserves to be heard. I think that's the problem for Democrats. That's why they're in an awkward position. Jesse was right. In the Kavanaugh case, Democrats were saying every woman has a right to be believed. And in this case, then, you have to apply the same standard or be accused of hypocrisy.

But to me, the larger story here is that he has spoken out and he's very clearly denied it. So most of those people who had been called including Hillary Clinton --

WATTERS: So did Kavanaugh.

WILLIAMS: -- they don't know anymore. Hang on, they don't know any more than any of us know about who is to be believed in a he-said-she-said situation. So to me, that's the hardest -- by the way, you can't delay the election. It's in federal law. The Constitution says when you have to leave. And so, I think going down that hole is useless.

COMPAGNO: All right, next up. A jam-packed plane creating a social distancing nightmare, plus, why you could see a lot of masks on your next fight. Stay with us.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. So much for social distancing. A passenger said she panicked aboard a pack flight from New York to Charlotte. The woman says she was seated next to people who were not wearing masks. So maybe this announcement comes just in time.

JetBlue says they will become the first U.S. airline to require passengers to wear face coverings starting on May 4th. Jesse, are you willing to fly?

WATTERS: It depends on where I'm going along. I think honestly, you got to fly at your own risk until there's a vaccine in this country. I think airlines should require people to wear masks, they should suspend food and beverage, and they should test for antibodies and for the virus. Maybe not in first class, Greg, but you know how this thing is transmitted.

And they should test for antibodies for the stewardesses because I hate to make this point, but there's going to be rough air ahead in the industry. If they have to eliminate middle seats, they're going to start flying flights at a loss. So maybe take the train, maybe do a road trip. There's other options.

WILLIAMS: Greg, you're yelping over there. So do you think they should require masks?

GUTFELD: No. There's so many things that bother me. Number one, how are you going to drink? I'm actually for the masks, but I'm trying to figure out there needs to be a straw-mask combination, so you can still have your vodka and soda. And I do not fly first class, Jesse. Dana and I enter contracts only private. So this won't be a problem for us, right, Dana?

So here -- I know I have time. I have an idea. I've always had this idea called knockout air, where you, you, you fly, right? They come and pick you up at your house. They knock you unconscious with something, and then you wake up at the hotel at your destination so you don't even experience anything. They just slip in a little coffin put you in a plane.

WILLIAMS: So Dana, at the moment, TSA says that their screenings are down 95 percent at airports, so there are very few flights. I haven't even seen an airplane in the sky recently. How are you feeling about flying?

PERINO: Well, I don't really have anywhere to go though. I would like to go see my mom and dad and my sister in Denver at some point. But the good news for Greg and I is this, that they're going to eliminate the middle seat, but we can just fit in the overhead compartment, and then you probably don't even need to worry about it up there because you're protected. So I think he and I are going to be all right.

WILLIAMS: I'll put handles on the two of you. I'll carry you. Emily, the flight -- the planes that I have seen recently were the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds over New York City and Philadelphia today. I think you've flown on them. Did they give you a mask?

COMPAGNO: No, that actually was supposed to take place next month, so I think with the whole COVID that has been pushed back. But I will say, first of all, Jesse, it's not stewardesses, it's flight attendants now. You have to get into 2020. And I feel like in terms of requiring masks --

WATTERS: I'm sorry.

COMPAGNO: -- if you have an optional policy, of course, not everyone is going to comply. So the whole public shaming and big brother and narcing that's happening, I think it's because everyone is feeling out of control, and they just want to have some type of control over something. And in that argument, it always ends with well, it's life or death.

So the airline's either need to make that policy something and have everyone wear a mask or not, and know that you might be the only one wearing a mask on the flight if it's important to.

WILLIAMS: A protester confronts Bill de Blasio, accusing the New York Mayor of breaking stay at home rules. That video up next on THE FIVE.


PERINO: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has preached the importance of staying at home, even telling residents to report each other for not social distancing. But now the mayor is getting called out after taking a leisurely stroll through a park about 11 miles from his house. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Seriously, you guys have a park. You live in the middle of a park. You don't need to not essentially travel to Brooklyn. This is so terribly selfish. You call yourself a progressive, but you chauffeur yourself to Brooklyn.


PERINO: All right, Greg, I want to get your take on this. You have to love it.

GUTFELD: This is -- this is so hard. Don't make me defend de Blasio. He's the worst mayor in history. He's screwed New York telling people to go out, you know, weeks into this mess, putting everybody at risk. Then after you put everybody at risk, he told people to narc on the people he put at risk. He shoveled millions of dollars in power and influence to his wife.

We still don't know where the $800 million went to that help the homeless and the mentally ill. He is a ghastly, ghastly creature. But screaming at him, just makes him look sympathetic and makes you look like a jerk.

PERINO: Yes, it does. But Juan, what about the merits of it? I mean, he is basically telling all of us New Yorkers to not do what he just did.

WILLIAMS: Yes, it pains me to disagree with Greg. But, Greg, this guy -- this guy says he's the mayor and he tells people to stay home, shelter in place, and then he goes -- he takes I guess a chauffeur-driven car 11 miles to Brooklyn. That's just poor leadership. That's -- you're supposed to lead by example. Where is the example there? I mean, I'm told he wants fireworks considering a parade --

PERINO: Well, hey, Jesse, at least he was wearing a mask.

GUTFELD: Wait a minute. So Juan is right and I am wrong. I've changed everything I'm going to say that Juan is right, I was wrong.

PERINO: Jesse, I would say hey, Bill de Blasio, he was wearing a mask.

WATTERS: I'm going to have to disagree with Juan. I agree with Greg on this, and here's why. You're supposed to go outside and get exercise number one. So what if he went to Brooklyn. He's the mayor of every borough, and he needs to check out what's going on in the city. He's got to see who's out, who's not, what the deal is. And I also take issue with the quality of that ambush.

You never let the target get in front of you and just follow him and then you get his back. You have to stay in the front.

GUTFELD: You know, leave it to -- leave it to Jesse.

PERINO: Emily, what about this idea of having Neighbors tell on each other? I don't like that.

COMPAGNO: I hate that. I hate a neighborhood narc so much like every cell in my body is screams with fury at that. And so that's why to me, this is amazing because de Blasio is the worst of all time. And this is just him getting exactly what he told everyone else to do, which is narc on each other.

And to Juan's point, a real leader leads by example. So this guy is just basically being a rat by example. So go ahead, break the rules that you've set, and then get embarrassed for a shoddy ambush. We won't -- we won't, you know, resist that.

PERINO: I got to tell you, that was the best segment you'll see on Fox all day. Indeed, I love it. All right, "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


GUTFELD: Time for "ONE MORE THING." Jesse?

WATTERS: A big congratulations to our very own Ed Henry who's writing a book Saving Colleen: A Memoir of the Unbreakable Bond Between a Brother and Sister. As you know, Ed gave his liver to his sister. Everybody thought that was a beautiful thing except Greg Gutfeld. People keep asking how Colleen is doing during the COVID-19 pandemic, and she's doing great.

That was her getting her blood tests. She's doing much better. And Ed is doing better to his. He's back to drinking after donating his liver to his sister. Her liver is healthy. Ed is probably less healthy now that he's drinking than his sister's. So on September 15, you can go get this book or you can pre-order it. There it is saving Colleen.

GUTFELD: What a gratuitous way to get a book, donating your liver. What are you going to do? You follow up, you're going to give a kidney to Brian Kilmeade? Juan, sorry. Dana, sorry, Dana, you're up.

PERINO: It's OK. It's OK. So many of you know that I started a thing 10 years ago called minute mentoring. It's like speed dating but mentoring for young women. Well, tonight in the time of Coronavirus, and the pandemic and the lockdown, I'm going to host at 7:00 p.m. tonight a live minute mentoring session with a friend of mine, Lydia Fenet. And she is the managing director at Christie's. Of course, that's the big auctioneer. And she wrote a book called The Most Powerful Woman in the Room is You.

So we've got questions that we're taking from young women who submitted them on social media. Not just women. If you've got a question, you're a guy, send it -- send us our way. We're just going to talk about navigating your career during the pandemic and you can watch us on Instagram @MinuteMentoring. You just check us out there at 7:00 p.m.

GUTFELD: Excellent. Juan?

WILLIAMS: OK, folks, I want you to drop down and give me five push-ups. Yep. That's what Melinda Ligeikis would tell her gym class and Binghamton, New York. But with students out of school due to the coronavirus, of course, she's come up with a new way for her high school students to stay in shape. Take a look.

Yes, she's using -- she's using broomsticks, she's using shoe boxes, she's using milk cartons for one to two-minute daily fitness challenges. These bite-sized videos have proven to be a hit not only with their students, but with their families. Now that's one terrific teacher. She's not let the virus stop her from keeping her young students engaged and active. Thank you, Miss Ligeikis. I guess that's just great teaching.

GUTFELD: Wow. Well, you know, it's me -- it's me now. It's not often, it's never a fact that I'm wrong until today. I did a mistake in my math calculations. In fact, I said that a half a percent of 1,000 is 50 when in fact it's five. But my point still stands because five is so five times that of one. I will not throw the producers under the bus on this one. I will not do that. I will not say the producers should have caught this.

And -- but that's -- I have to take responsibility for that. The producers -- it wasn't the producer's fault that they had this monologue all day and failed to math, but it's not their fault. The responsibility lies with me and not the producer Mike LaMarca. Let's roll this.

PERINO: Wait, you said that I checked your math.


GUTFELD: Animals are great. Animals are great. Animals are great.


GUTFELD: Oh, gosh, that was fun. All right, let's take a look at this little guy. A very curious little cat. Check him out. He's being tricked by some kind of like bushy headed thing. Look at that. What could that be? Oh, look at that face. Look at that. Isn't that adorable. Yes, it doesn't know what to do. It doesn't know what to do.

This video actually goes on for 13 hours. Something that I like to watch when I am cramped up at home weeping quietly. So Emily, I think it's your turn. Try to say something at normal human speed.

COMPAGNO: I love the producers. I think they are all amazing. All right, I have a really special home prom story for you guys. So you know that I love the U.S. Veterans Corps and I'm a constant champion for the good works that they do for the veteran and combat community.

And they have a hero home endeavor. And their hero home 20 recipient was a U.S. Army Goldstar widow named Amy Dozier. And she moved into the house in November after losing her husband, Staff Sergeant Jonathan Dozier in Iraq in 2008.

Now she decided to host a prom for her two nieces. She said, look, my nieces Taylor and Parker had these gorgeous prom dresses but no prom to go to, so I had them come over and I ended up DJing in the street with my sister. But it turned into a full neighborhood prom. The whole neighborhood came out, all the kids in the street dance together six feet apart. She said it was a wonderful night and a perfect for those two well-deserving girls.

GUTFELD: Excellent. All right set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of THE FIVE. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next.

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