Trump tears into 2020 Democrats during Ohio rally

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 2, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Emily Compagno, Capri Cafaro, Brian Kilmeade, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

So after a week highlighted by Democratic debates, President Trump finally getting his chance to respond, the president not holding back at a rally in Ohio by unleashing on his 2020 rivals. Trump's singling out Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden, while also going after their party's progressive policies, watch.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: While Republicans are working every day to build up our country, the rage filled Democrat Party is trying to tear America apart. The great Pocahontas who's now lying and cheating her way to the presidency if possible, she said she was Indian, and I said that I have a more Indian blood than she does, and I have none, I'm sorry.

For the last 20 years, China has taken hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars out of our country, they would love to see a guy like sleepy Joe Biden who has no clue what the hell he's doing. They'd say to Sleepy Joe, sir, just sign right there. Oh, OK.


PERINO: And the president not backing down in the battle over Baltimore. He instead up the ante by criticizing how Democrats are running other American cities.


TRUMP: No one has paid a higher price for the far-left's destructive agenda than Americans living in our nation's inner cities. We spend billions and billions and billions for years and years and years and it's stolen money and it's wasted money and it's a shame. The conditions in Nancy Pelosi's once great city of San Francisco are deplorable, they're deplorable. Look at Los Angeles, with the tents and the horrible, horrible, disgusting conditions. Look at San Francisco.


PERINO: All right, the president, Emily, seizing back the national conversation after two long nights of Democratic debates.

EMILY COMPAGNO, GUEST CO-HOST: He did indeed. I think it was really wise that he didn't name the squad by their individual names because it removed the ball from their court. The media didn't go running immediately to them to say, what's your response? I think it was also smart for him to kind of continue, strategically, this culture where he's driving that wedge between the urban and suburban voters.

I think it was huge but he highlighted the waste of spending on these inner cities, because as the Democrats right now are putting all their policies forth and how much money they're going to dump into continuing to solve or address these problems, he's highlighting all of this money that's going to it hasn't fix a thing. He should be careful, however, not to alienate the suburban voters that identify with those cities that they live near.

PERINO: But it is interesting because if the president brings it up, Greg, then the media will talk about it --


PERINO: -- like on the cities.

GUTFELD: Yes. And that's why -- that's why they should be thanking him because he's shining a light on a problem that's been around for decades. If you look at any devastated city, chances are you'll see the Democrat machinery behind it. But the big loser from last night was CNN, because there was no chance. And they were -- you could tell how crestfallen they were when no chance showed up because then what is going to be their primetime lineup? What is Don Lemon going to report on? He might have to do the news. Hard to believe.

I think the big contrast is the rally and the debate. So you're witnessing this positive energy which is actually derived from real data. I mean, like, you can't be happy if the economy sucks. So you're seeing this rally, right? And everybody is having a good time. Then you look up at the stage of Tuesday and Wednesday and it's a doomsday cult.

So on one side you've got happy feet, on the other side you've got Soylent Green, and I think that one of them is a delusion. And the data backs up one side. The other side, it's a feeling. So it's data versus a feeling.

PERINO: Well, it wasn't just the debates, Capri. It really carried into - - you had Democratic leaning pundits or guests writing articles or tweets or even being on-air, including Paul -- who was on CNN saying he watched the debates and he felt like basically they were setting up President Trump to win and not doing a good enough job for themselves. Dan Bowles saying that the Democrats put their worst face forward. How do you think the debates went?

CAPRI CAFARO, GUEST CO-HOST: Well, I know that this is a topic that's probably going to be touch upon time and again throughout this hour. But, I mean, as a Democrat it was incredibly frustrating. I'm sure it's probably no surprise to anyone around this table or viewers at home that Tuesday night was more of my cup of tea than the Wednesday evening --


CAFARO: Well, because there actually was -- at least some conversation between the idealist and the pragmatists. You actually did have pragmatists on the stage as opposed to Democrats going after one another on Wednesday evening which just is not a good look for us, and does makes us, you know, weak overall.

I want to go back to this issue, though, very quickly about the inner cities. It was interesting because, you know, I took a look at this, out of the hundred -- top 100 cities only 30 of those cities are actually have Republican mayors. So the question is, is this, you know, an issue of correlation or causality with Democrats because there's no question that there are big Democrat cities, Democratic mayors that are failing.

But there're also rural areas that are lagging in everything from, you know, life expectancy to educational attainment and everything else. And as someone who represented a rural area, as well as suburban and urban, Democrats -- if we paid any attention to rural communities, they are so forgotten, there's so many people out there if we just paid attention to them --

PERINO: Interesting because conservatives also, Brian, on the flip side, they also say, if we would just pay a little-bit of attention to the urban areas they could see. And to Greg's point, he made up before, not necessarily on this show yet, but if you have both parties working together or at least competing against each other within a city, but if you have one party ruling either way it doesn't work.

GUTFELD: It will be good if both parties ignored Brian.


BRIAN KILMEADE, GUEST CO-HOST: Right. Both parties -- I go for the independents.


KILMEADE: I go for them and the Ralians in terms of religious sect. A couple of things. Emily, what you said is right. I believe that when the president pointed out, not naming the names is correct. When the president goes ahead and says urbans are the problem. Look who's running these cities. Look who's in charge, right. But the president has to go to the next step. Tell him what you'll do. Don't just say look how bad these cities are. Give these people hope.

And maybe the hope is the opportunity zone because I hear they are producing results. Ben Carson is his worst P.R. agent. He's doing a lot of great things, but he's just not getting the word out. So now, Ben Carson over the last three days had his finest week of -- as HSS secretary -- the HUD secretary, because he's coming out and he using Baltimore as opportunity. So (INAUDIBLE) let me in charge of Baltimore, I see the potential in the urban areas. I see how people have underwhelming hopes for you and --


PERINO: But it was pretty interesting. In the first night of the debates, the Democrats didn't even bring up -- they're in Detroit, and they didn't even bring up cities. But can I ask you one other thing, maybe quickly around the table. The president re-up his focus on Elizabeth Warren, and for Democrats who thought that the scandal of her heritage was behind her, he was reminding everybody about it.

GUTFELD: Again, he's like Lynyrd Skynyrd and that his Free Bird. You know, when he gets out there he'd going to play the hits and it always works. Can I bring up just one -- ASAP Rocky is coming back to the United States.

PERINO: I wish I knew who that was.

GUTFELD: Well -- it's an interesting story behind this is that he's a rapper --


GUTFELD: -- who thrash Trump brutally, and the guy who's helping him come back is Trump. And that's an interesting story that people should focus on.

PERINO: Well, also he's coming back because he's innocent, I think.

KILMEADE: He watched the video, he goes, this guy has a raw deal. Pick up the phone, called the head of Sweden, he goes, we got to go through a process, the next thing you know he's about heading home. Kim Kardashian actually picked up the phone and talk to him. And here's the thing about the president, people who get to know him understand.

And probably didn't make it clear to Juan last night is that people who know him say they know for sure he's not a racist. There's nothing about him that is racist. Sometimes he can be racially insensitive as Tim Scott pointed out. Here's another example, he sees a person in trouble, he doesn't see a black person in trouble, and that's what people have to understand. He went after Elijah Cummings because Elijah Cummings went after his -- Kevin --. It wasn't because Elijah Cummings is black. That's what people in other networks and other parties have trouble understanding. You don't hurt his feelings because he knows he's not a racist.

CAFARO: And he's going after Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas, because at least -- this is how I think Elizabeth Warren will frame it, he's afraid. That like all -- you know, every time you get a nickname from President Trump, it means you get some street credibility, you're going to go out on fund-raise on it. So, you know, if he's resurrecting Pocahontas as his Free Bird, I think it's unfortunate -- it plays into Elizabeth Warren's hand. I suggest he lay off.

PERINO: Emily, do you want to make a musical reference before we go to break?

COMPAGNO: Well, it's just like when I was at the Slash concert the other night, and they played Night Train, right? Everyone loves it. It was the loudest the crowd was because it's a Gun's and Roses hit. I agree, however, the president is the president of everyone, right? And so it goes against, unfortunately, the narrative that a lot of the left have clung to which is, no, he's a racist no matter what. But this example will serve only, potentially, persuasively, to those who are on the fence or who are open to rational reason.

PERINO: All right.

GUTFELD: I only hope that if Brian Kilmeade ever gets stuck in a foreign jail, President Trump does not try to intervene.

PERINO: And doesn't try to look at the video and determine --


KILMEADE: Because I have to learn a lesson.

GUTFELD: I want you to rot.

PERINO: Brian, just don't go overseas. Coming up, watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm thinking about what happened in '08. It's still throwing (INAUDIBLE).


PERINO: The thrill is back. Some of the media defending President Obama against attacks from 2020 Democrats, that's next.


CAFARO: President Obama taking shots from 2020 Democrats, but he still has one loyal defender.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I was thrilled. And I think -- I get drunk thinking about what happened in '08. It's still throwing to me. It was throwing what he said in '04 to convention in Boston, Obama. But you're not always going to have a thrilling. Charismatic African-American person of either gender or any background to come on and say, I'm the candidate for president, doesn't take that.


CAFARO: The thrill is gone. The media are not the only one defending Obama this week, members of his administration going after Democrats for attacking his legacy and embracing more left-wing policies. So, a lot to unpack there, Dana, I want to start with you because, you know, we had on the debate stage both Vice President Biden, as well as former HUD Secretary Julian Castro, both, obviously, part of the Obama administration, so do you think it's fair to make Obama fair game or do you think that somehow he should be off-limits because --

PERINO: Well, fair is not up to me. Fair will be up to the voters. And it looks like, at least, people who worked for President Obama or work for President Clinton think this is a really bad strategy that when the dust settles that this will look really bad, also because whoever does become the nominee it's absolutely going to need President Obama to help campaign.

CAFARO: That is really true.

PERINO: And I think that President Obama will understand that whoever is running this time they have to put some distance between the president and what is going to look forward. I also think this shows that while President Obama was in office, just like when George Bush was in office, and when Trump's in office, people who are of that party usually -- you know, they will swallow some criticism, they will be reticent to criticize.

And I think a lot of progressives and Democrats were disappointed with President Obama because he wasn't as progressive and didn't go as far as they wanted him to go at the time. So now that is all coming out and you're seeing it live on the debate.

CAFARO: So, Brian, I mean, I want to go to you because I'm curious what your thoughts are as far as -- is this about people being just disappointed because they expected something else from President Obama in his 8 years, or is it because the Democratic Party is just so far to the left that somehow Barack Obama is, you know, the most moderate guy around?

KILMEADE: Well, the people -- spoke to Barack Obama today and yesterday said he's exasperated not only because the fact that his eight years have been under scrutiny by his own party, but he said how far the party has moved left. It's amazing to me when you see someone like Rahm Emanuel come out and say, I just cannot believe this is your choice to attack a guy with 97 percent approval within the Democratic Party. I don't care if you think Barack Obama is the best of the worse, it's not to your advantage.

If you want to criticize Joe Biden, simple, you're in charge of the $800 billion maybe more stimulus package, where did the money go? Number two is, it was your idea to supervise the Iraq pullout. You created ISIS. How did that go? Didn't you let down the president? That's the way you go at Joe Biden. You don't go at it by a popular president.

Now, Bill Clinton, remember how popular he was and what role he played in between terms for Barack Obama, his speech saved Barack Obama's reelection, but now nobody wants Bill Clinton around, no one ever wanted Jimmy Carter around. Right now --


CAFARO: I think that you would be probably a better Democrat strategist than some of the Democratic strategists we have right now. But you know what? We're getting criticism left, right, and sideways. Take a look at another MSNBC host and what he's saying about Democrats being too wonky, yet another criticism, too wonky.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Democrats have become the party of nerds. I mean, that's what goes on there, the Republicans are the party of strength and reprehensible many, many times, but people follow strength and there is a nerdiness that happened to the Democratic Party where -- your voice did it perfectly and -- that's it, we'd become a wimpy party and people don't follow wimps.


CAFARO: So, Greg, do people follow wimps?

GUTFELD: I don't know.

CAFARO: We need to know.

GUTFELD: I don't know.

CAFARO: And are Democrats wimpy, I mean --


GUTFELD: Well, I mean, he has terrible ratings, so apparently not. Anyway -- he's obnoxious, come on. We have to talk about why this leftist lurch is happening. It's driven not by the Democratic Party --

CAFARO: By Chris Matthews?

GUTFELD: No, by the media -- well, by the media and by the academia, OK? So them together, every idea ten years ago that was seen as sensible is now judged -- of these extreme criteria that combines intersectionality and identity politics. So at this rate they will be tearing down statues of Obama before they're even built, because that's where they're going. So that's number one.

And number two, they're just proving by going after Obama they're just proving that Trump was right, these problems already existed before Trump became president. He's only been there for three years. Immigration, and health care, and deficits, and trade, all this stuff was there and some of it for decades. So maybe they're right to go after Obama.

But the reason why they're going after right is because they've moved -- I hate to say this, they've moved the goal posts.


GUTFELD: That and also unpacked --


CAFARO: I didn't say, guess what yet.

GUTFELD: If you say unpack again, you're packing up.

CAFARO: I have my suitcase in there. Emily, do you have a suitcase with you?

COMPAGNO: OK. So here are my thoughts, I think it's disingenuous for the internal candidates to be attacking the Obama administration when all of them would kill to have his endorsement, obviously. I also think that it's intellectually unsophisticated the way that it's been going on for those that have danced around it. So we have Gillibrand going back to 1981.

It's like -- I think there are other ways both in the attack and the defense on Biden's part for there to be an acknowledgment of the reality, which is, look, this isn't a savior but it's also not the anti-Christ. Like there's something in between and this is what the policy tried to do and this was my part in it. And I also think that -- yeah, I'll stop there.

PERINO: Your time is up.

CAFARO: We'll quit while we're ahead. But next up, after the media went after the Covington high school students that kept fighting -- they kept fighting back. The high profile people they're now suing. Again, stay right here.


KILMEADE: All right, two legal stories everyone is talking about. First up, remember how the media went crazy over the Covington high school kids? Remember they're a few months ago? Well, they keep fighting back in a big way. The teens filing a new defamation lawsuit against -- after 12 high profile people including Elizabeth Warren, the New York Times Maggie Haberman, and comedian Kathy Griffin, called them out and never apologized when the facts got in the way.

Emily, let's go with you first. So the Washington Post had their --they're being sued. They had that lawsuit thrown out. What does it mean for these new lawsuits?

COMPAGNO: I would point out the difference in the two. So, the reason that first one was dismissed according to the judge, he basically said, look, embarrassing isn't defamatory, and this is a group, not about you, individually. And also they're appealing, so it's not quite done yet. And remember, they requested $250 million, right? It's quite sizeable.

So in this case by contrast they've now sued specific people in the media and they say these are the ones that refused to issue apologies or corrections. And in Kentucky where this was filed, it is more difficult to sue institutions rather than people and they also say that these were the most high profile. So the first lawsuit focused on the frenzied mob of social media, and the judge basically said that's irrelevant, it's unfortunate, but it doesn't matter.

Here they're pointing to specifically and say these participants furthered it. Final note, they're only requesting the cost of tuition at University of Kentucky for each of them, which is between $15,000 and $50,000.

KILMEADE: Right. So do you think that this is a rush back pitch for all the media?

CAFARO: I think that -- you know, what I saw on this, and I'm certainly not the lawyer at the table, but what I saw was the most recent suit basically was dismissed because they said that this was a first amendment issue. And I think that the question that we need to ask ourselves is, is the first amendment being applied in an inequitable manor?

And I think that's why this Covington thing has gotten so much attention, because I will say -- I will admit I was one of these people that retweeted this immediately, and then I found out more about it, and I immediately apologized via twitter. It's very easy to get fired up about things, but the law needs to follow the facts and not the bias.

KILMEADE: (INAUDIBLE) apologized and she's now off the hook.

PERINO: I'm going to ask the lawyer at the table. Emily, so if you apologize, you're clear? Is that how a court would look at that?

COMPAGNO: If you issue a correction and a retraction, yes.


COMPAGNO: There --

PERINO: What about an Elizabeth Warren, is that the same category?

COMPAGNO: You mean -- she's one of the ones named?


COMPAGNO: Yes, it would be. But they're arguing, by the way, defamation, per say, which means you don't have to prove special damages. So what they're arguing is almost like an on its face lawsuit, because the first amendment -- it's protected in part more when you then -- when you issue that retraction, say mea culpa, right? Because that goes through the intent.

KILMEADE: Greg, is it making it worse just by bringing attention on it again?

GUTFELD: No, not at all. Lawsuits might be the only correction against social media mobery, because this is all new. Social media mob are a new thing in the last five or six years. Once there're foreseeable consequences people might reconsider, like pause. Like, I did the same thing, pause before you do something, think about it, and that could change the landscape.

We have to stop canceling people just because we're bored. A lot of these people get screwed because some -- people are just bored sitting at home. And again, it was media that drove this story. They fed the narrative to social media.

KILMEADE: Social media, absolutely. Now to a sad story, probably the saddest story you're going to read in quite some time. The case against a New York City father whose one-year-old twins died after he let them in a hot car is being put on hold. Prosecutors will not pursue a grand jury indictment, but the investigation is still ongoing. The dad says he blank out and thought he dropped the kids off at day care, but actually left them in the back of the car, worked an eight hour shift at the V.A. Greg, this is something where no matter how you look at it, it's lose, lose --

GUTFELD: Yeah. We were talking about this yesterday, they're people who believe that he should be charged with manslaughter, I disagree completely. I think he's serving his life sentence. Just to talk about how human behavior works, this is not an uncommon thing. You just don't realize that you're doing it. I was thinking about this -- an example that is much less devastating as you're washing your hands in the bathroom and the phone rings, it's a call that you've been expecting, you run to get the phone, it's your wife, she's at the train station, she's there alone, she needs to be picked up, so you wipe your hands off on your jeans, get your keys and you go. You get to the train station and then you remember you didn't turn off the water.

The human brain can only handle one thought at a time. And when another thought comes in, it often knocks that thought out and it's gone, and that's what happened here. Something happened when he was driving that he got -- something hit him in the head and he just forgot the kids were there. This is a tragic, horrible thing, but he should not be prosecuted. He's going to prosecute himself forever.

KILMEADE: His wife is standing by him, Dana. His kids are, too.

PERINO: Well, I was going to say the same thing. There is nothing that the government and the society could do to him that to punish him than he will punish himself.

And also, there is another child, right, they have an older--

KILMEADE: I think they have more.

PERINO: Maybe more.

KILMEADE: 16 to 12.

PERINO: OK. So, they are going to need somebody that help provide for them. And if the law enforcement decides that there was no intent that it was an accident, I don't think they should prosecute.

KILMEADE: Feels the same way?

CAFARO: Absolutely I mean I think that this is something where it's clear at least from everything that we know at this point that this was accidental that this was not intended. And there is no way that this individual is going to be able to get past this in his own head and the guilt that he will feel is so unsurmountable, it's just heartbreaking and the whole family.

KILMEADE: Since 1998, 818 children have died from this type of heat stroke, when your body goes over 104 degrees.


COMPAGNO: A little over 50 here. I want to point out a legal clarification that we've seen in a trend. So, no one ever intends for their child to die obviously, but if you purposely leave them in there, for example, it's just going to be a minute while I go in to do an errand.

We've seen two-thirds of those cases; they face criminal prosecution--

CAFARO: It's actually--

COMPAGNO: 43 percent of those who truly forget face charges meaning that we're echoing what you guys are saying that there is a prosecutorial discretion that we have faith in that system because the justice really - how justice would be served is not in prosecuting someone who forgets albeit tragic.

KILMEADE: And one thing I thought an important tip was, I rented a car two weeks ago, I was saying in the break. And every time I want to close the door, it said check the back seat. So that's interesting. I wonder why. They all said another tip you can give yourself is if you have kids in the car and you have a lot of things going on, put something in the back of the car that you can't leave the car without, whether it's your phone or--

PERINO: Wallet.

KILMEADE: A case or with me my backpack as you guys always make fun of me with. I would put some in the back that makes you turn around.


GUTFELD: It's about distraction. Distract - I mean so many accidents probably more accidents are caused by just being distracted.

CAFARO: And probably fatigue. I mean this guy works at the V.A. I'm sure he works hard hours and sees a lot of difficult things too.

PERINO: Pray for them.

KILMEADE: All right. So, we'll find out what the investigation yields that will be a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, a plane forced to land in the middle of a highway. A hot property for sale. And why you might want to avoid office small talk, especially in the elevator. That's all next in the Fastest 7.


COMPAGNO: Welcome back. Time for the Fastest 7. First up, the commute with a little more exciting than normal outside of Seattle this week. Check out this small plane making an emergency landing against oncoming traffic. The pilot somehow managing to avoid cars after having engine trouble. That video was taken by a police officer, it was my understanding who has had his lights on to move the cars out of the way. So, I mean thankfully he was there.

GUTFELD: This this is an idea I've been thinking about for a long time; shouldn't we have more runways.


PERINO: Just in case.

GUTFELD: Just in case like we have a lot of land. Why can't we just start having - just have runways everywhere like. I mean there is a lot of space, Dana.

PERINO: I think this happens so infrequently we don't need more runways.

GUTFELD: I think we need more runways, Dana. I think your response shows you haven't studied this. PERINO: I'm more worried about the snail (ph), frankly. No, look a pilot does his best and this is pretty amazing, he was able to land the plane, and nobody got hurt.

CAFARO: Was it remote controlled. I thought I read it was remote control.

KILMEADE: He said he was helpless, right? The engines shut off, so he just had to handle like a glider and most fascinating is as he lands on the road, he actually stopped at the light. It's true. Many pilots are watching. You stop at the light. Once you land on the ground, don't tell me why you were on the ground. You would hear the same thing.

GUTFELD: You don't want to get a--

KILMEADE: Don't stop.

CAFARO: This is exactly why I hate to fly, because every possible thing that could possibly go wrong goes in my head and next thing, I know I'm landing on inside a road in the middle of Washington.

GUTFELD: It's not going to happen. The odds of this happening are rare especially if you--

CAFARO: That doesn't matter to the illogical Capri head.

COMPAGNO: All right. Up next, talk about a hot property. Check out this bizarre real estate listing featuring a house on fire. The asking price for the home in St. Petersburg Florida was a cool $99,000.

I just want to say that Silicon Valley right now is saying hold my beer, because remember last year in the same month, a totally burned out home sold for just under $1 million like fully acknowledging obviously it's location, location, location and then a condemned property in Fremont like the next month sold for 1,23 million condemned. Both of those had to be demolished. But I think that was kind of fun marketing though on the part--

KILMEADE: Mission accomplished. You want to get gain some attention, you want - this evidently is a home built in the 1950s, obviously has to be rebuilt especially the living room and I think the kitchen probably needs new cabinets, but people now are paying attention to an ad, a generic ad in the middle of nowhere now has - one of the finest shows in the history of television talk.

GUTFELD: You know what makes me sick about, it's just one of those shows that preys upon headline pun writers, it's a fire sale, hot property, the perfect match. Everybody uses those same stupid puns.

I want to go to the open house. Like will they still have apples in a bowl on a table, but there is no roof. Will they have like you know oversized coffee table books on the floor and like fresh cookies on a plate?

KILMEADE: That's a great question. One I wasn't thinking of. Focus on the puns.

CAFARO: When are we going? I think where is this, St. Petersburg Florida, I think.

PERINO: Nice place.

CAFARO: I mean why don't we take a little five field trip down there and face it out.

GUTFELD: Fire was like it would be kind of sad if it was a tragic fire.

KILMEADE: Right. CAFARO: It was arson.

COMPAGNO: I'm sure it was. OK. Finally, you may want to think twice before you engage in office small talk. A new study says 66 percent of people do not want to chit chat while riding in an elevator. I feel like this is just a product of the fact that everyone has their nose in their phones all the time.

CAFARO: I don't think so. I think we've always been like this. I think people are just like you're in this confined space. I don't know this weirdo. I don't want to make small talk. And if you're like me and you've watched way too many law and order SPUs that's how they start.


CAFARO: And the next thing you know the detectives are there and they're like, she talked to him in the elevator. Next thing you know.

COMPAGNO: Wait, this was between strangers. I read it as like talking to your friend in the elevator. CAFARO: No, I would never want to talk with weirdos. No, random not. Absolutely not.

COMPAGNO: OK, I agree with you.


KILMEADE: They say that people will avoid getting in elevator with a stranger. Would you actually back out of an elevator if you walked into and don't know the person, would you wait for the next one?

PERINO: No, because I've got to get somewhere. The other thing I find like this, so in Britain they never talk to each other, it's like an unwritten rule of society you never talk to anybody there. But we take a lot of elevators if you live in the city.

I find nobody talks to me unless I'm with my dog and then everyone talks to the dog to you like oh, it's a nice day are you going for your walk you. And then like that's a nice way to talk to people.


GUTFELD: You guys are so anti-stranger. The majority of murders committed in this world is by somebody who knows you--

CAFARO: Whatever.

GUTFELD: Strangers always--


CAFARO: Gutfeld with the logic again. Stop with the logic.

GUTFELD: I'll go out of my way to talk to strangers in the elevator. I try to get as close as possible to their face and I talk to them until they just want to--

CAFARO: You're the reason why we don't talk to people in elevator.

KILMEADE: My biggest elevator regret, I share this story.



KILMEADE: I was at Radio City and I want to get in the elevator and Sting was in the elevator--

CAFARO: Oh! My God, I have a Sting elevator straight from the Metropolitan Hotel in London.

KILMEADE: Before I could even finish the story.

PERINO: What happened, did you get in?

KILMEADE: Let's go to commercial. No, he looked at me and he goes, hi. I stayed down. And I regretfully stayed up.

GUTFELD: You should have popped him.

KILMEADE: Now I know why the police broke up. It was Gutfeld. Enough with the drums.

COMPAGNO: Was he standing alone, or did he have an entourage.

KILMEADE: No, he was by himself.

GUTFELD: Was he wearing any clothes. You know he's a nudist.


GUTFELD: He's a nudist. He likes to walk around naked all the time. That's the other reason why the police break up. They couldn't stand seeing his naked body.

KILMEADE: Right. Even though he had a good voice.


KILMEADE: We want to see what go there.

PERINO: Just like Biden.


CAFARO: I don't think we have time for my stories.

COMPAGNO: All right. Don't go anywhere. Fan Mail Friday is up next.


GUTFELD: Yes. Three Stooges. Fan Mail Friday. We're answering your questions. First one, good question. Given the last segment from Frenchi, what was the scariest travel experience you've ever had? Emily?

COMPAGNO: It might have been this flight in Malaysia when it was so turbulent, it was just indescribably turbulent, people were freaking out screaming crying like whipping out cigarettes mid-flight. It was back in the 90s.


COMPAGNO: And when we landed thankfully obviously, I didn't fly actually for two years after that. GUTFELD: Wow. That'll do it. Capri, you don't fly. You're not a flyer anyway.

CAFARO: I fly all the time and I hate every second of it. And if I--

GUTFELD: You just get hammered.

CAFARO: Yes, basically. I mean three double gin and tonics before I have to go overseas and then I just pass out. Ukraine, one word. I was in both Kiev and Crimea and I saw a lot of really interesting and intimidating stuffs.

GUTFELD: Yes, you just leave it at that.

CAFARO: I'll just leave it at that.

GUTFELD: By the way Ukraine is one-word Brian I remember you thought it was two.

CAFARO: It's not the Ukraine people.

GUTFELD: Ukraine, I crane, we all crane.

KILMEADE: I was on Emily's flights; we have the same story. So, I pass. I have got no scary flights. I'm for air travel.

GUTFELD: Remember the time on a plane with Sting.

KILMEADE: Well, we have a story, a little bit later that Greg is going to share if we have time.

GUTFELD: No scary flight. No scary stories.

KILMEADE: I wish I had. I can't make it up because people we'll research it and put it on media.

PERINO: I would say in 2011 right before "The Five" got announced and then we didn't even know "The Five" was going to be a thing. I went to South Sudan before it was a country that week before this country through the Voice of America was on the board of the Broadcasting Board of Governors.

We went there, the week before it was a country, the State Department did not provide us security and it was a complete crazy, lots of guns, I ate French fries for three days, did not want to leave the hotel. It was really super scary.

GUTFELD: They said that the pilots in Aeroflot are really good, right, because they're used to flying in bad weather. But I was on a plane in Russia where everybody was sitting on folding chairs.

COMPAGNO: Aeroflot is the worst.

CAFARO: Well, this was very similar to my experience on Ukraine International.

GUTFELD: I was like but also, I was on--

KILMEADE: On the floor at least.

GUTFELD: No, they put a strap down. It was very scary. I once took a clapping horse over a lava field and I had to pee so bad. Anyway.

CAFARO: Thanks for sharing.

GUTFELD: Lenny asks.

KILMEADE: I didn't know we can make up stories.

GUTFELD: No, that's true.

KILMEADE: Tell me the rules.

GUTFELD: That's true. Yes, I was on a lava field and I had to pee.

PERINO: In Iceland.

GUTFELD: Yes. And because the clapping horses hit your kidneys, it was the worst experience of my life. This is from Lenny C. What did you think you got away with, but your parents probably knew about? Brian.

PERINO: He has children watching.

KILMEADE: I have no idea. I pass.

CAFARO: You're no fun, Kilmeade.

PERINO: You hate this segment so much.

KILMEADE: I hate this segment. I have no idea.

GUTFELD: You didn't steal any alcohol and then fill it up with water.

KILMEADE: Not before I was of age.


KILMEADE: I mean why would I break the law.

GUTFELD: These Fox & Friends people.


GUTFELD: Emily what about you?


COMPAGNO: I think they have to do with cars like the time when my friend borrowed the car with my parents' permission but then obviously I drove it and put 12 people in it Volvo station wagon, you know hitchhiking in Tahoe, things like that.

GUTFELD: Hitchhiking in Tahoe. That's a beginning of a law and order, California.

CAFARO: Law and order, pun time.

GUTFELD: Pun time.

CAFARO: Well, if anybody has ever met my mother, people know that there is no way I've done anything that she doesn't know about and then I've gotten away with, because she is omnipotent, omnipresent and knows all which is I guess all the same.

PERINO: I think it was when I try to skip school with Tracy Schilling.


PERINO: I thought we were really clever, but then I got detention. I didn't tell my parents but then I found out about it. And then they framed it for me for Christmas.

GUTFELD: I'm pretty sure.

COMPAGNO: That's terrible.

PERINO: Worse.

GUTFELD: I'm pretty sure my parents knew about the cross-dressing, but I could never tell.


CAFARO: Your mom knew.


PERINO: We know.

KILMEADE: Things were missing.

GUTFELD: I have three sisters so; it was just there. All right. Carla asks, what is the funniest thing that a fan has said to you when you were recognized? All right. Dana? You have a few.

PERINO: I have so many. I have been asked - I've been mistaken for Laura Ingraham, Megan Kelly, Shannon Bream.

GUTFELD: James Dean.

PERINO: Not quite yet. I'm not tall enough to be James Dean. But the one, I'll never forget was when this guy was like, oh! my God, I love you. I love everything you say that you are so amazing. And then he leaned in really close and said, by the way, you look great after the baby. I was like what. And then I realized, he thinks I'm Megan Kelly.


PERINO: So, those are - I mean I have a whole list.

GUTFELD: That's good. Brian?

KILMEADE: I have countless embarrassing - people don't understand. They'll say, you're really not as dumb as everybody says you are. That happens all the time. I'm not as bad as the guy on SNL which I guess is a compliment. Very few are that survive.


KILMEADE: They don't get their stomach stapled.


KILMEADE: So, I mean it's countless, but people never realize that they're saying it. I remember I did something really embarrassing. I went up to someone who was in crutches and I go, what happened. And they say, I'm handicapped. And I thought they broke their leg. They just were unable to walk. So, you don't know what to say in that case.


GUTFELD: That was really stupid, Brian.

COMPAGNO: I had someone come up to me and say, do you know that you look just like that girl in "The Five." And he bought me a Blizzard because it was in Dairy Queen in Indiana.

CAFARO: Well, the guy behind the bar caboose at Penn Station actually recognized me in like two weeks ago, he was like wait, you're on TV. Wait, you're on Fox, yes. Wait, you're on "The Five," most of the time no matter what and I've gotten this even when I was elected, and I would be on TV at home. People like you look so much taller on television. Well, I'm sorry I have to overcompensate somehow with this big mouth. There you go.

GUTFELD: All I get is people come up to me and ask me when the next Ocean's Eleven is coming out.

KILMEADE: Clooney?

GUTFELD: Yes. Thanks for spelling it out, Brian.

CAFARO: I think you're the amazing Yang.

GUTFELD: Who's that?

CAFARO: The other guy. The guy that pulls himself up.

GUTFELD: Yes. I don't follow that, Capri. My God. One More Thing is up next, I think.


PERINO: It's time now for One More Thing. I will go first. So, there was a laid off Arizona worker and he found an unusual way to get the attention of a potential employer, so he had spent a month searching for jobs and filling out online applications. But it wasn't getting the job done.

So, Patrick Hoagland took to the streets. He was handing out his resume. This woman says wow, you know, I have a PR firm, but you don't have any PR experience. But she did something super kind. She posted his resume, on her online basically to her professional network.

He got flooded with offers and he got a new job as a concrete grinder which I think that shows - you could just help someone a little bit, help him get a job, it's great economy right now. Anybody that's going through that could use a little boost. Congratulations to him.



GUTFELD: All right. Tomorrow night 10 PM, August 3rd we got Allen West. We've got Emily Jashinsky, Kat Timpf, Tyrus 10 o'clock. If you miss it, you are dead to me. Now this, Animals Are Great. It just gets worse and worse. As you may be aware of, I'm obsessed with sugar gliders. I can't stop watching them fly.

Here's a tape that I watch for a solid 13 hours. You can roll it of a guy teaching his honey gliders, sugar gliders whatever you want to call how to fly and they just pop. You have to see what looks like a Swiffer. You put your Swiffer up and then they get up there and then they leap onto your hands.

KILMEADE: Is it a rat?

GUTFELD: No, it's not. You're a rat, Kilmeade.

KILMEADE: What is it?

GUTFELD: I think you have on your head.

KILMEADE: What family is it?

COMPAGNO: It's a marsupial.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's a marsupial. And they're like little flying squirrels but they're very friendly, but they're quite - I was looking into getting one and that's why I did, because it's a lot to take care of. And that is why, Animals Are Great. The hard to take care of.

PERINO: Marsupial.

KILMEADE: So, coming up on the Fox Nation app, it's Netflix. Netflix for conservatives as you know they said capture the world's imagination. My series What Made America Great. We've got six new ones. The new one they dropped today is one in Fort McHenry that you can now see, it's about a half hour long.

If you want to know how the national anthem was actually written, it was a poem. What exactly happened? The significance of the Battle of Baltimore. It really saved the country with Washington in tatters.

We take a look inside like you've not seen before and find out what prompted Francis Scott Key to do what he did. Also, if you love the country and love Fox, August 9th, America great from the start, we're going to be streaming this on Fox Nation. I'll be on that Season 3, but on August 9th I will be in Charlotte and

GUTFELD: Two other people. As well as right up to that Birmingham Alabama.

PERINO: All right, in one minute, Capri go. CAFARO: And now for a really low brow One More Thing. Don't tase me bro. This is obviously what this big group of fish was saying down in Kentucky because they apparently got an Asian Carp problem and now the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife has unleashed this electro fishing boat to basically reign in the Asian Carp. Check that out. Check it out there. It's unbelievable.

PERINO: That's pretty cool.

CAFARO: Check it out. And we could use one--

PERINO: Emily we know you can talk fast. Let's go.

COMPAGNO: All right. Humans are not alone in hating the dentist. Check it out.


COMPAGNO: That poor dog refused to look at its owner for literally like an hour. This is the funniest video ever went viral of course because who wouldn't be upset when they were dropped off at the dentist for five hours to get their teeth cleaned.

KILMEADE: Dogs have a dentist.


PERINO: You have two dogs you don't know that.

KILMEADE: I had no idea.

PERINO: Shaking my head. All right. That's it for us. It was a great week. We will see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend everybody.

KILMEADE: Stay within yourself.

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