
This is a rush transcript from "Gutfeld!," September 8, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Happy Wednesday, everyone. Emily's back. We got Rick Harrison from Palm Stop -- Pawn Stars. Palm Stars. Palm Stars is something more perverted. And of course Kat and Tyrus are here as well. But also joining us tonight, the 45th President, Donald J. Trump. Roll it (INAUDIBLE)


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Gutfeld industry is in conjunction with regular bed rest and plenty of fresh vegetables presents The Meeting of the Minds: Part One. Trump versus Gutfeld.


GUTFELD: That's right. Our first ever one on one sit down with the man himself. OK. He sat and I stood but you could -- you can hardly tell the difference. It's true. I headed down to Bedminster, New Jersey to interview the former president. And our conversations covered many topics from Afghanistan to the economy, but mostly we focused on me. And how I'm making late night T.V. great again. Yes.

But the interview spanned far and wide and much like Pat applying her hair extensions. I want to use every single piece of it. But first.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Greg's seven jokes.


GUTFELD: Seven, seven jokes. According to new research, cannabis use has doubled the risk of heart attacks in young people. When Willie Nelson was told this, he said I'll be 89 next April, jackass. American Crime Story produced by Monica Lewinsky airs on F.X. this week, which I guess answers the age old question, who do I have to sleep with to get my project on T.V.? Yes, 23 years after their affair, Lewinsky says she's still waiting for an apology from Bill Clinton.

The differences Bill Clinton is 75 now and these days he honestly can't remember if he had sex with that woman or not. So 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has been behind bars at Guantanamo for over 20 years and still doesn't have a trial date. The good news is prison officials have finally approved his request for a sex change. That would happen. On a similar note, some of the Afghan women considered attacking their new Taliban government with car bombs.

But then they remembered that none of them are allowed to drive. Somber. Ruthful. Late night host Jimmy Kimmel is back on the air after taking the summer off. He's missed a lot. Kimmel says if you're not vaccinated, you shouldn't get a hospital ICU bed. But I'm not sure if Jimmy was being sincere because he wasn't crying. Anyway, it's just funny hearing someone say I see you who nobody actually sees.

I don't want to suggest that Kimmel show has become boring and predictable. But last night during the taping people in the studio audience were changing the channel. And that's your seven jokes. All right. And now, part one with Donald Trump.


GUTFELD: Great to see you, Mr. President.

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Thank you very much, Greg. Congratulations.

GUTFELD: Thank you for having me. The most important question I have to ask you is how about my ratings?

TRUMP: Your ratings are fabulous. I just saw you're now the king of late night.


TRUMP: I mean, you're beating some very untalented people.


TRUMP: To be honest with you. So I'm not so sure how great that is. But they are so bad. And it's about time somebody came in and you're really beating a badly great.

GUTFELD: I feel kind of guilty about it. Because I feel like I'm beating up unarmed people.

TRUMP: Well, they're not very talented, you are. So, congratulations.

GUTFELD: I'm mildly talented. They're just untalented.

TRUMP: And you're very different.

GUTFELD: Yes, I am very different. Speaking of, do you remember how much I hated you for that brief period of time?

TRUMP: There was a period of time when you weren't a fan and then you started noticing the things were getting done.


TRUMP: And you said, you know, I may not like them but look we have a good economy, we have good military, we have good everything.


TRUMP: And then you started -- and now I think -- I don't know if it's love but it's getting close and we like it.

GUTFELD: It's not -- I wouldn't say it's love but I would say it's admiration.

TRUMP: Thank you.

GUTFELD: And also admitting that I was wrong because I was focusing on words and not deeds. And now we're at a time where -- OK, there are no more mean tweets and we have a really nice president and the country is in the crapper. So, who would you rather have?

TRUMP: Well, I don't know that he's a nice president. I'm not sure about that. But I can tell you the country has never been more unsafe. We have people pouring into our southern border which everyone's forgetting about right now because of the travesty of Afghanistan. And if you look at the people coming in by the hundreds, by the thousands and these are not the people necessarily that wanted the protection.


TRUMP: These are people. So, are they terrorists? How many the terrorists are coming in? And they were aggressive, very aggressive at the plane, and they push their ways, you know, their way onto the plane.

GUTFELD: Why do you think that Democrats have such a problem with like incentive -- incentivization? Like they -- if you -- if you introduce friction on the border, you reduce immigration.


GUTFELD: They don't understand that. What is it -- what is the problem with that? How can they not -- cannot see that?

TRUMP: I really believe it's gross incompetence. And the only thing good for them about Afghanistan is it makes what they're doing on the border look good, because that was the dumbest thing I've ever seen. We don't want a wall, we don't want this. We'll just let people come through. It's a disaster. The border is -- it was the safest border we've ever had. And now it's the worst.

GUTFELD: What unites all of them is a lack of process. They haven't -- they do not understand process. We just want order. I want people to come into our country, but I wanted -- I want a line and a gate people that can walk through.

TRUMP: Yes. And legally.

GUTFELD: And legally.

TRUMP: Legally vetted, strongly vetted.


TRUMP: But when you think that they move the military out first think of this, because we had a great plan. You know, even Biden, I think he made a mistake when they did it. They were all screaming at him. But when he said that, since President Trump, where he calls it, the past administration, signed the deal, not one soldier was shot at or killed, think of that. You know why? Because they knew the consequences.


TRUMP: And our conditions were tough. And then they came in and they just moved out who would move out the military first? The military goes last and safely. And sadly, those 13 great soldiers and 200 people, you know, 200 people, more than 200 people were killed and a lot of people are badly injured, really badly injured. It wouldn't have happened.

GUTFELD: Do you think it is better to be feared, right? And that -- that's the difference. They don't fear our president.

TRUMP: Well, I don't know if he just doesn't seem like they know what they're doing.

GUTFELD: Right. Yes.

TRUMP: It's not a question. I don't even think it's a question of fear. It's a question of respect. And just the question of being smart. When you hear -- I could just because I dealt with Abdul.


TRUMP: Let's call them Abdul. But that's the man.


TRUMP: And he's now the head of the Taliban. And he was the head of the Taliban when I dealt with him. And I started off very tough because, you know, you're going to pay tremendous consequences and have to go the level of toughness but it was bad. And they understood what I said, and there was no way they were going to do anything to us. We could have taken our time, we could have taken a year, two years, but to leave $85 billion worth of equipment for them to fly around Apache helicopters.

So, this is the greatest war machine outside of the submarine. This is the greatest war machine. There is. The Apache.


TRUMP: They're very, very, you know, tens of millions of dollars. They have 28 of them.


TRUMP: That's more than any other country in the world has, except for us.

GUTFELD: I can't even get a gun in New York.


GUTFELD: I -- if I joined the Taliban, I could have gotten a helicopter.

TRUMP: No problem.


TRUMP: Thank you. I saw that the other day. We can't have guns, but the Taliban, they could have 27 each.

GUTFELD: I could have a helicopter that would get me to the Hamptons and back.

TRUMP: Right.


TRUMP: That's right.


GUTFELD: All right. That's only part one. That's only part one. For more. Let's get immediate feedback from the media on that amazing part one interview.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Gene Nelson reports with Gene Nelson.

GREG NELSON, GUTFELD SHOW ACTOR: Mr. Gutfeld, first off, I mean, I just have to say that was probably the hardest hitting interview of a president I have ever seen.

GUTFELD: Thanks for that. What's your name?


GUTFELD: Well, Gene, you know, it was really a lot of fun. I learned a lot, but it's only part one. I have four more parts of that interview to go.

NELSON: Hard to believe it gets any better because what I saw took no prisoners.

GUTFELD: Yes, it did take no prisoners. And it also looks like it might have captured your heart.

NELSON: It did. I live right around the corner if you (INAUDIBLE)

GUTFELD: Why did you say so in the first place? A drink of water.



GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. He just offered Tyrus five bucks for the wrestling belt backstage. Host of Pawn Stars, Rick Harrison. Her mouth can run faster than the criminals can use to defend in court. Host of "OUTNUMBERED" Emily Compagno. She thought AA was BYOB. Fox News contributor, Kat Timpf. And he has his own parking space at the big installment shop. My massive sidekick and the NWA World Television Champion, Tyrus. So, Rick, welcome to the show.

RICK HARRISON, PAWN STARS HOST: I mean -- I mean, how do I follow up?

GUTFELD: Which one?

HARISSON: Probably the second one.

GUTFELD: Yes. I can tell. The look on your face was -- you were very disturbed and full of regret.

HARISSON: And I had a tear in my eye. It's all the same times. Yes.

GUTFELD: Yes. Yes. One of the things you notice, so Trump is always entertaining, no matter what.

HARISSON: Is that -- I mean, yes, I mean, like it was fun when he was president. It really was. I mean -- I mean, with Biden, you just know for a fact that he's going to say something really weird at a press conference and everyone's going to talk about it further. It's the same thing everything. Trump, he talks about every Taliban gets 27 guns.

GUTFELD: Yes. And you know what that's directionally true. It probably does come out to about 27 guns.


GUTFELD: I bet that, you know, you should go there. Pawns Pawn should go there.

HARISSON: Oh, I'm cool, I'm cool.

GUTFELD: I'll give you -- a good minute because they'll all be in lines with the same guns and none of the guns work. All the Taliban trying to give me guns so they could buy opium.

HARISSON: Oh, no, no. The whole market is flooded with these things.

GUTFELD: All right, Tyrus. I know you had some thoughts about the interview. Have your thoughts changed?

TYRUS, FOX NATION HOST: You know what, man, I'm normally would never do this man. But wow, man, that was -- that was (INAUDIBLE)

GUTFELD: Part one.

TYRUS: No, but it was -- it was a conversation and you didn't change. No. People when the interview president change. You didn't kiss his ass.


TYRUS: And I applaud you. And you got a great -- and he had a conversation, you even told him, I'd like to hear him going, this guy? This guy? Are you kidding? And that was a -- that was a great conversation. The residual effect -- and I'm not talking about that second thing. I don't even know what that was. But I'm proud of you both for coming out tonight. Nice job.


TYRUS: But all of when -- all around the world right now you are hearing Jim Acosta and Brian Stelter dancing in the streets. We're back. We have something to talk about for the next six months. We got a new book deal. You have brought him back in a way that CNN is excited, you know, that -- you did a great job. And now they're going to roast you for it.


TYRUS: Laugh at you forever. And I say bring it on.

GUTFELD: I want to be roasted.

TYRUS: Yes. Bring it on.

GUTFELD: Emily? Emily, good to see your -- you got your real estate license.

EMILY COMPAGNO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: My theme is presidential.


GUTFELD: You were -- you're a -- you're like a -- you're like a hot topic real estate agent. Anyway.

COMPAGNO: I'll take it.

GUTFELD: You're a goth. You sell gothic houses. Anyway, thoughts, cares?

COMPAGNO: I just kept thinking I missed that guy. Like, you know, two minutes of the two of you and the banter and getting to the heart of the issue as well. Like, yes, you know what, the President we have in the white house right now. He's doing a horrible job. And he's not nice. Everything that we've been told is actually a lie.


COMPAGNO: And because of it, 13 Service Members are died. Americans are stranded and we've surrendered after a 20-year war, we've lost $83 billion worth of equipment. And the future is probably more bleak than it's ever been for those who remain there, including our allies. He goes -- he cuts to the heart of the issue Abdul now in power. I just -- I love that he always leaves us with these concise points and stuff to talk about for a long time.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's weird, Kat, because some of this stuff when you read it, it doesn't sound funny until it comes out of his mouth.

TIMPF: Yes. I mean, I was reading it and I thought it sounded funny because I could imagine it coming out of his mouth. And I agree with what Tyrus said. You didn't really, you were very yourself, you know, like, the first thing you brought up was tell me how great I am.


TIMPF: Which is exactly what it's like to be around you all the time. But yes, it was -- it's true.


TIMPF: Congratulations on your ratings.


TYRUS: Oh, yes, Greg. You did it.

TIMPF: Your rating.

TYRUS: You did it, Greg.

TIMPF: And you did all yourself.

TYRUS: You stood alone, you threw the show on your back and you by yourself with no help from anyone. And the fact that that interview was in New Jersey, that's what? A 15-minute ride for us to be there? I have some questions.

GUTFELD: You know what, I feel like -- I feel like Peter Brady being ganged up on by Greg and Marsha because I lied about something.

TIMPF: No, I thought that it was -- it was, you know, it was great, it was -- it was kind of fun even when you were talking about certainly some serious things. It was still fun.


TIMPF: So, you know, good for you.

GUTFELD: Thanks.


GUTFELD: Good for all of us.

TYRUS: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's all you.

TIMPF: I'm like -- that would have been the first time you've ever said that.

TYRUS: Yes. You're not wasting that tonight. No.



TIMPF: You're going to waste that until you really need something.

GUTFELD: I prefer -- I prefer it when you guys talk behind my back, not in my face.

TIMPF: When have I ever done that?

TYRUS: We talked about them on the podcast, he never listened. That doesn't count.

GUTFELD: All right. We got to move on. Part two of our interview later in the show. It gets even better. And up next, while lefty politicians keep spinning criminals are winning.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With your host, Joy Behar.


GUTFELD: Welcome back. Did Kamala put the bill so a suspect could kill? Yes. They donate it to the bail fund at her request. Now a man has been shot in the chest. And now with liberal lawmakers as their friends, career criminals are free to offend. Three rhymes. George Howard allegedly shot another man dead last month in Minneapolis. He was arrested before in a domestic assault case, domestic assault but sprung from jail a couple of weeks prior with money from the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

The same group Kamala Harris urged her Twitter followers to donate to during the 2020 campaign. You know, so they could free more mostly peaceful protesters who go on to commit mostly peaceful assaults and murders. Speaking of lefty policies that boosts crime bail reform allowed this guy to allegedly punch out a deaf woman on the New York subway just days after a similar attack.

Violent crime has literally become rinse and repeat. Thanks to liberal policies and get used to it, New Yorkers. It's all thanks to the Human Easter Island statue. Bill de Blasio who replaced if you see something say something with your on your own nobody's listening. And finally, in Oregon, video showing shoplifters waltzing right out of the lows with thousands of dollars in electrical wiring. I've seen people walk out of Golden Corral quicker than that.

Store employees are helpless to stop them bringing new meaning to the work to the phrase do it yourself. Apparently jails aren't booking shoplifting offenders to cut back on inmate population during COVID. The good news because brazen broad daylight deaths have become so common. Stores in Portland now have an express lane for people shoplifting 12 items (INAUDIBLE) Rick, has anybody tried to shoplift in your pawn shop?



HARISSON: It's not going to happen. I mean, no, I mean, like, yes, before the show it's 15 years ago, even though it wasn't your nicest part of town.


HARISSON: You know, and you've also seen like Anton on my show. I got a lot -- him and a lot of other guys like that who stand at the door and like, I don't care if it's, you know, San Francisco. It's under $900 or whatever. Like, if it's -- if it's five bucks. You're getting stopped.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. It's just common sense.


GUTFELD: If you removed the motivation not to commit crime, which is getting your ass kicked or arrested then you're going to commit crime. That's what got Kat on the straight and narrow. Remember? You were just a chronic, thieving hellion.

TIMPF: No, I wasn't. But I hate not to brag. But I did have sort of the same problem as some of these Democratic politicians have in running these cities. And like, I had to learn the hard way in my 20s. They're going to need to learn that not every crook degenerate bum is just like a misunderstood artist that was dealt a bad hand and can maybe be better with your love.


TIMPF: Like, there's such a bad -- there's a such a thing as a bad person. You know, in all these stories, they say, look, I don't think that those people for example, stealing that, you know, were stealing that electrical wire because they had to feed their family.


TIMPF: Right?

GUTFELD: Unless their family of robots.

TIMPF: Unless then. Perhaps that's true.

GUTFELD: Maybe it is true. Did you look into the research? I didn't think so.

TIMPF: No, because I think that research exists in your head only. But it's --


TYRUS: And no one's going there.


TIMPF: No. God help us all. But these are not like petty -- this is not like -- not like petty crimes or non-violent stuff, domestic assault and assault. Yes, I think those people should probably stay in jail.

GUTFELD: Yes. So Tyrus, I have the solution. Do you want to hear it?

TYRUS: I have no choice. It's your show. You made it.


TYRUS: You're the king of late night. Oh, hail the king. Please enlighten me with your hysterical knowledge.


TYRUS: Fire.

GUTFELD: They don't want people stopping, the people leaving with stuff because they don't want -- they don't want anybody to get hurt. So why don't you have -- it's like a T-shirt gun filled with like stinky goo. Like a really bad smelling thing. And don't shoot the people, you shoot the goods because you're already going to claim it on insurance. And so they can't sell it. If everything they steal smells like poop you're only going to be -- you're only going to be able to sell it to kill me. No. It's unsellable. Does that make sense?

HARISSON: Have you ever been to a recycling yard? That doesn't smell that nice.


GUTFELD: That's true.

HARISSON: They'll be able to sell the copper.

TYRUS: Here's the thing, Lord Gutfeld. Kat made a great point. It's not people who are stealing for help or food. These guys stole those wires to rip them out and sling the copper.

GUTFELD: Oh really?

TYRUS: It's big business. They went in there, they stole all that stuff. They're probably going to make a couple grand on all the copper wire. That's why they're stealing wire.


TYRUS: The professional criminals. They have a guy driving the car on the outside with the thing ready to go.

GUTFELD: And the fake license plate.

TYRUS: And the fake -- yes, but it doesn't matter. At this point he literally could make a TikTok dance video in lip sync while they load the stuff in there and get like -- and make money of TikTok for all the retweets or replays or whatever those damn kids do with TikTok. He could do all that. Still make money and never go to jail. The sad thing is, there was one -- that one young man who wanted to stop him and his -- and his partner said don't.


TYRUS: Because that guy is going to get fired.


TYRUS: He would be the one arrested for assault.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

TYRUS: Not the -- not the (BLEEP) stealing.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes.

TYRUS: You know, and the good thing is I live in Louisiana and when that happens, it's called skeet shooting.


TYRUS: So when they run out of the store with their stuff, oh, boom. New record.

GUTFELD: We're heading towards a vengeance culture. I have a question for you because you claim to be a lawyer. So this guy in New York City was -- beat up somebody arrested, then released, throws a deaf Asian woman down the stairs onto -- I believe that subway tracks. Why couldn't she sue the city for billions or millions of dollars? Because that would end this no- bail reform like that if the city was getting sued by these victims.

COMPAGNO: Well, she could, I mean, and the issue was whether or not it's successful. And here in New York, part of the problem that we're seeing in contrast to Jersey is that the same bill reform laws are on the books, but they removed judicial discretion here in New York. So, all of these people are saying my hands are tied, whereas in Jersey and other places, a judge could step in and say absolutely this guy participated in a hate crime.

And in contrary to the classifications that fall under these bail reform, which include horrible things like assault, including some sexual assaults as well involving children, minors and hate crimes. Then they could say this guy needs to be off the street. But this is why -- this is the problem with these overbroad decisions. One size fits all criminal justice reform decisions, when you take away that individualized discretion, then there are hideous consequences, unjust consequences on both sides, right?

Unjust attention and unjust release. And meanwhile, when you, you know, when you tack on the performative, cheesy celebrity endorsements like Kamala Harris and everybody throwing in their money, then it just becomes combustible. And now we're seeing someone died because of it.

GUTFELD: We're looking for a 3500 square foot (INAUDIBLE)

COMPAGNO: I like my outfit.


TYRUS: I want to flip it.

GUTFELD: Up next. What the Taliban lacks in diversity they make up for in perversity.


GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: The Taliban's glass ceiling has our politicians reeling. Yes, and a typical State Department fail, they're surprised the Taliban's cabinet is all male. Officials express their deep concern that the new Afghan Government has no women in charge.

Sadly, instead of the future being female, it looks like the Flintstones, but with our Apache helicopters. One thing about the Taliban, they're kind of a boys club. They're like the Chippendales dancers except their clients are goats.

Thank you. Our state department is shocked. They're shocked that Taliban 2.0 doesn't look like that faculty at bass -- basser? Whatever. But with less armpit hair. Perhaps, it's their wokeness that makes them so clueless. For added insult, the new Afghan cabinet includes four Taliban big shots Obama released in 2014, in exchange for Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl.

That's right. Those dirt bags got fat and sassy and Gitmo and if you years later, they're back in power. It's the worst trade since you got Alaska for that broken Nintendo.


GUTFELD: I do too. Give the Taliban credit for their patients. All they had to do was wait for a president who so weak he'd hand over his dog for a scoop of butter brickle. But there is progress hoping to shore up their ties to the gay and lesbian community.

The Taliban announced that they'll only be throwing homosexuals off roofs who aren't vaccinated. All right, Kat, what are your thoughts? The State Department was shocked? There's no women in the cabinet.


GUTFELD: Actually, they do keep women in a cabinet but not that cabinet.

TIMPF: Yes. Yes, as you know, objects, which is what's -- of course, but it's true. Women aren't human, which is why also the worst part is I've seen other places sort of taken run with this narrative. I saw -- this is a headline on CNN about this. Taliban, Taliban fighters use whips against Afghan women were protesting the all-male interim government. Like, as if that's the thing specifically they're protesting.

Yes, I think they're protesting the fact that they're, you know, not seen as human beings.


TIMPF: It's not even close to them being part of the government. It's, I guess we finally found something that they're willing to say bad about the Taliban through.

GUTFELD: Yes. I found something else.

TIMPF: Lack of diverse representation.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

TIMPF: Not inclusive. Finally, they're going to say, oh, now they've gone too far.

GUTFELD: Exactly. You know, Emily, no trans or bisexuals in their cabinets.

COMPAGNO: Travesty.

GUTFELD: It is a travesty.

COMPAGNO: But look what I mean --

GUTFELD: Yes. Go ahead. You go ahead.

COMPAGNO: Just what are Americans supposed to feel? What are we supposed to think? So, we have on one hand, our largest law enforcement agency telling us that this guy is one of the 10 most wanted criminals in the entire planet. And then on the other hand, we have our impotent Biden administration telling us, oh, but no, take a wait and see approach.

This guy is in charge of law enforcement, all of law enforcement of Kabul and we are supposed to just wait to see how he does? And oh, the more horrifying thing, however, is yes, that this Sharia Law, terrorist supporting organization government didn't put females in their ministerial spots. That's what we're supposed to be upset about?


COMPAGNO: Because they don't have ovaries or they didn't vote for these people, that's, that's the deli nation why we're supposed to care about something? It's ridiculous. But honestly, I think people see through this sham, they see through that sham of a president because Americans care about each other, right? We care about our allies. We don't leave each other behind.

GUTFELD: Speak for yourself.

COMPAGNO: They agree with me.

GUTFELD: I know. I know. Rick, so you run a pawnshop, you make deals all the time. How do you feel about the fork, like what a deal Obama made with Bowe Bergdahl?

RICK HARRISON, PAWN STARS HOST: It's just like, we have to do A.I. but it's like absolute idiots. You literally have -- he hasn't fired anybody, remember, like when Trump fired a bunch of people to begin with? He's fired nobody.


HARRISON: Because he can't fire them because he fired every woke person and every gender and everything else like that.

TIMPF: You got to remember their names also to fire them.

HARRISON: And he has all these really arrogant people who --


HARRISON: They all believe they're doing a great job. Just everything is being handled by people who are not doing a great job but they're all doing a great job.

GUTFELD: It's all for our own good so that's, that's why they can be so bad. Last word to you, Tyrus.

TYRUS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: What the (BLEEP). You are shocked that women aren't in the government? And by the way, those goats are held against their will. They're not, they're not willing participants. I just think we need to get that out there. Goats try to get on planes too. Their paperwork wasn't right. It's hard with your passport, but the fact that they're -- so what are they going to do? They're going to cancel them on Twitter?


TYRUS: What are you going to do? You're take away their Emmy that they gave them? Like, what are they -- there, as soon as that came out in the meeting, and I know, Joe can't because he's an old white man, and he's not supposed to be there. So, anybody he fires, he's going to get sued because he's misogynistic whatever the hell they want to call him that week, so he can't do anything.

So, they're literally sitting there going, do you believe that they're not putting women in the government? As soon as that came out, even if I yelled out any name, uh, Fran Tarkenton, you're fired? I just get out if you really are that stupid.


TYRUS: That you -- I can't believe they didn't have any women. They don't let them read.


TIMPF: Right.

GUTFELD: By the way, by the way --

TYRUS: They marry, but sure, balance the economy.

GUTFELD: Yes. But by the way, they Taliban also banned girl sports, which is awesome. A sexist, a sexist would say that. All right, coming up, don't go away, Donald Trump has more to say.


ANNOUNCER: And now, the meeting of the minds, part two.

GUTFELD: All right, why should I say a thing? Let's just get to round two.


GUTFELD: I want to ask you a question about COVID because you had COVID. And my wife, you met my wife. It was like six years ago in Mar-a-Lago. She's still not gotten vaccinated. And I keep talking to her to get her to get vaccinated and she hasn't. What would you say to her?

DONALD TRUMP, 45TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Well, first of all, I'll say, why is she not doing it? Does she have some kind of religious thing?

GUTFELD: No skeptical. She skeptical -- she doesn't trust.

TRUMP: Well, she's Russian. That's the end of that.

GUTFELD: Exactly. You can't argue with the Russian.

TRUMP: No, very smart.


TRUMP: And very hard headed.


TRUMP: I think I know your wife a little bit, right.


TRUMP: But she's great, and let her do what she wants to do. I got vaccinated, and I feel very good. I think we saved millions and millions of people worldwide. You know, 1917, they say almost 100 million, approximately 100 million people died.


TRUMP: I think we could have been into that situation because it was very bad. And now, if you're vaccinated, the other thing that shows that if you do get sick, you don't get sick like they were before, meaning you don't die.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

TRUMP: So, I would recommend but I also say that let her have her freedom and see another word freedom, right?

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

TRUMP: And with you, she needs really.

GUTFELD: She needs a lot of freedom from me, I found?

TRUMP: I think I probably have to agree with that.

GUTFELD: Here's a question, I bet no one's ever asked you this. I think I might know the answer. How hard is it? Being prep -- being president from a scale of one to 10?

TRUMP: Well, I had two forms of presidency. Number one, I had to run the country, work on the world, and do things and the other thing I had to survive.


TRUMP: The survival was much tougher. Because I had fake Mueller, people coming after me. I had 19 really haters after me, I had every form of law enforcement after me, started from the day I came down the escalator. It never stops. I have every prosecutor after me. They're looking at deals that I did years and years ago, I forgot about them. It is a disgrace. So, I had to survive, number one.


TRUMP: And number two, I had to write really, you know, I guess I put it in a different order. But if you don't survive, you can do a good job in terms of running. So, I had survival and I had running the country.


TRUMP: And I would say the survival was actually much tougher, running the country. Somebody said, what was the toughest president -- a friend of mine, very, very successful guy, used to call me Don, Donnie, Donald. Now, he said, Mr. President -- you know, you lose all your friends because your president. They're all afraid to talk to you. OK.

Mr. President, could I ask you one question? What's the toughest? Who is that toughest to deal with it? Was it China? Could it be Putin in Russia? What about North Korea, Kim Jong-un? I said, well, the toughest actually was the United States.

Dealing with these maniacs that we have over here with Pelosi and Schumer and all of that was probably the toughest part tougher than a lot of world leaders. And isn't that a shame when you think about isn't it a shame?

GUTFELD: Well, there was a there's a lot of a -- there was an irrational response to you and I, and I mean, I lost friends when I would defend you.

TRUMP: But you also gained friends.

GUTFELD: Yes, you gained friends. I didn't listen to my family members who were voting for you during the time and I and I had friends who were voting for you, but I didn't listen. And then when I when I turned and started listening then I lost all of my other friends. Did it bother you to like see friends that you've had lose these friends because you became president and they didn't like what you were doing or they became emotionally in irrationally kind of unhinged? Trump delusional.

TRUMP: Right. Trump --

GUTFELD: Derangement syndrome.

TRUMP: They call him a lot of things but derangement syndrome seems -- and there is something like that. I mean, it's crazy. And why would they do that? We rebuilt the military, we took care of everything, we came up what do you say vaccines are helping people medically? You know right to try where they were able to try somebody's dying.


TRUMP: And we have drugs that might work and you couldn't use them.

GUTFELD: None of that mattered because they were it was an emotional response.

TRUMP: Taxes by the way.


TRUMP: Regulations, the largest tax cut in history. Largest regulation cut by far in history. You know, all records.

GUTFELD: But why, why did, why did people respond emotionally to you, rather than rationally?

TRUMP: It must be my personnel. I mean, we did a great job. I rebuilt the military.


TRUMP: All that beautiful stuff, that brand new stuff. And you know, who has it now? The Taliban.

GUTFELD: Taliban.

TRUMP: I built it for the Taliban. It wasn't supposed to happen. Now, we see these beautiful, perfect brand new rifles and these guys are carrying too. And they're wearing our uniform, I know and they're flying our helicopters -- and it's a disgrace.

GUTFELD: You know, what we might have converted them because it's like Christmas to them.

TRUMP: Yes, well, it is Christmas.

GUTFELD: It is Christmas.

TRUMP: They're still celebrating. OK, so I told you about Abdul, so he's tough. And when I first spoke to him by phone, I said, nice to speak to you by phone, Abdul. And he goes, they're ferocious people. You know, like you go to Broadway shows, they fight. They like to fight. They've been fighting for about a thousand years.


TRUMP: By the way, I say -- I bet you do. I like it actually. You know, it's very interesting. And I've been saying it for a long time. Our country, the worst decision ever made, was going into the quicksand, which is called the Middle East.


TRUMP: $2 trillion, and millions of lives because I like to count both sides, OK?

GUTFELD: Right, right.

TRUMP: Millions of lives. And the place has been obliterated, and it's more dangerous now if you think about it. I had them in check. I wiped out ISIS. You know, I took out. I took out the leaders, the biggest people bigger than anybody. Nobody even believes what I did, and in a few months, it can all be dissipated.


GUTFELD: Yes. All right. Like I said, we're going to milk this interview for all it's worth. We got more of it tomorrow night, right here on GUTFELD. Up next, a new reason to care. Spice up your life with flair.


GUTFELD: Welcome back. Tonight, would you please welcome our first live musical guests, the Dave Matthews Band. I'm just kidding, it's time for this.


GUTFELD: First up, as a year sitting on our butt left stuck in a rut and his lack of variety giving us anxiety. The average person hasn't tried anything new in two months. And for 12 percent of people. It's actually been over a year according to a new poll. Always a new poll, Emily.

This is despite the fact that 60 percent of people who did try something new said it made them happier, boohoo. But hey, it can be hard to find the time especially considering how a new study from a cable company found that the average British person will spend 112 days of their lives deciding what to watch on T.V., losers.

I guess people just have too many options. That's why I only watch out "Alf" re-runs. Clips of life, liberty and living and home videos of myself working out. Tyrus, what are your thoughts? Tyrus, what are your thoughts? Last time you tried something new?

TYRUS: I can't. I'm in a pandemic and I live in a hurricane. I can't try (BLEEP). I try keeping the lights on.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's the traditional Yes.

TYRUS: Keep the lights on.

GUTFELD: It's like classic coke leaving the lights on. Kat, how about you? You're always trying something new.

TIMPF: I tried a new toothpaste for a little while. I ran out of toothpaste. Because then I had to go down the hall and use my husband's toothpaste. And then he kept saying, why are you squeezing my toothpaste? I don't have any so I was using it for a few days. And then he bought me toothpaste.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's great.

TIMPF: Which was the same toothpaste as before.

GUTFELD: I could tell you already hate each other.

TIMPF: No. No very exciting stuff.

GUTFELD: That's matrimony. Toothpaste. Emily, what about you?

COMPAGNO: OK, well, I just moved here, so that's pretty new, right? That's number one. Number two is I wanted to talk about that British poll thing.


COMPAGNO: Because you guys had also said that their favorite show was something called pools and horses, which maybe could be awesome, but why was it not Downtown Abbey? No way. And 49 percent of them it said would literally get so overwhelmed and so they wouldn't, they couldn't decide so they would just give up and not watch anything at all. 49 percent, that's half.

GUTFELD: That's what I do. That's what I -- it's one point less than half. Come on, Emily.

COMPAGNO: Whatever.

TIMPF: Yes, nearly half.

COMPAGNO: It's insane. Whatever it is, it's insane.

TYRUS: Greg, knows a lot of things but math. 35. The answer is 35.

GUTFELD: 35. Stop it. That's a call back from yesterday. Rick, what do you make of this crap?

HARRISON: I think the, I think the whole poll is B.S. of like maybe they try anything new. It's literally one of these guys coming up with click bait.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. Yes.

HARRISON: It looks like -- they got to come up with something new because I haven't done anything new in like two months. That's the story. I mean, like --

GUTFELD: You know what.

HARRISON: There's no economic reason to make a poll about like, you ever got anything to do with?

GUTFELD: You know what the story is?


GUTFELD: Go Emily?

COMPAGNO: Yes, it was. The whole company was the oat milk people, Khalifa Farms, you are totally right. And so they came out basically, we're like, that's why you all need to try plant based milk and oat milk and dinner, whatever. They always they also make those additional commercials. Nailed it.

GUTFELD: There you go. Thank you, whoever that was.

HARRISON: It is impossible --

GUTFELD: We have to move that 45 back to 33, so we can understand what that was. Don't go away, we'll be right back.


GUTFELD: All right, we have time for a few final thoughts. Tyrus.

TYRUS: All right, fine. I know I'm the NWA World television champion, but got to give a shout out to cousin Trevor Murdock who's the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. So, you know, five defenses away and I get to go one on one. But Trevor, I hope you're happy, you're the champ.

GUTFELD: Excellent. Rick.

HARRISON: Making money is like my third or fourth favorite thing in the world. So, like go to GSPod.com, buy something? I have six kids?


GUTFELD: Say the Web site again.


GUTFELD: Got it. Got it. All right. And tomorrow night we got more Trump man. And if you thought those were good DVD as we get more and more into this, it gets even more incredible, Emily. Set your DVRs every night so you never miss an episode. Thanks to Emily Compagno, Rick Harrison, Kat, Tyrus, our studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Greg Gutfeld. I love you America.

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