Trump: Media has a responsibility to set a civil tone

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 25, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, I'm Dana Perino along with Pam Bondi, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

Fox News alert, a nationwide manhunt intensifies after three more suspicious packages are sent to high-profile Democrats, this time targeting Joe Biden and Robert De Niro. The FBI is urging the public to come forward with any tips that may help track down the suspected bomb maker, and Fox News is now learning authorities are honing in on a region of interest in the investigation. Trace Gallagher is standing by with the latest. Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS: Hi, Dana. Fox News is now confirming that Florida is a region of interest for investigators and that connects with the reporting of our corporate cousin, the Wall Street Journal, saying some of these packages came from Florida, which is an indicator that the postal markings on these envelopes are providing key evidence. Today's targets include actor-director Robert De Niro, and former Vice President Joe Biden. In fact, Biden had two packages addressed to him, and the package addressed to De Niro's Manhattan office was actually delivered yesterday but not identified until early this morning. That brings to ten the number of devices now intercepted and recovered. None of them exploded and there are reports that some of the pipe bombs did not have viable detonators. But New York police say all of the devices were treated as live and dangerous, and they said this about the packages sent to New York. Watch.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: As to the devices located in New York which contained a powder, the initial analysis indicates that the powder in those particular envelopes did not present a biological threat.


GALLAGHER: All ten of the packages were sent in manila envelopes with six American flag stamps, typed address labels, and a return address of Florida congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, whose name is misspelled. President Trump immediately condemned the attempted attacks yesterday, but his critics continue to blame him for ratcheting up the inflammatory rhetoric, though the GOP has blamed Democrats for inciting violence against Republicans. Today, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said the idea that any of these attacks were at the hands of the president is, quote, absolutely ridiculous, and that he continues to condemn violence in all forms. Dana.

PERINO: Thank you, Trace. President Trump reacted to the news at his rally in Wisconsin last night.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: My highest duty, as you know, as president, is to keep America safe. Any act or threat of political violence is an attack on our democracy itself. We want all sides to come together in peace and harmony. The media also has a responsibility to set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and, oftentimes, false attacks and stories.


PERINO: All right. We'll take it around the table. Pam, can we start with you? Trace Gallagher saying that we can confirm now that they're honing in on Florida as a possible place where these packages were sent from. What can you tell us?

PAM BONDI, GUEST CO-HOST: Well, without details specifically to Florida, as a career prosecutor, I've seen so many of these cases with suspicious packages and there is a wealth of information, Dana, in these packages. You wouldn't believe. I mean, even the duct tape. I had a murder case, we've got the prints off a duct tape. Stamps that you used to lick, now we have touched DNA. So, if they even touch the stamp, we can get DNA off the stamp. As to the post office, we can even get the origin as to where it came. And I think they're working on all that. You know, was it well- planned? Yes and no. Yes, and that they all went out simultaneously. However, no, in that -- I mean, names were spelled wrong. Some of the address we know are wrong and got returned to sender.

PERINO: Do you think that could have been on purpose, though?

BONDI: May be. But I know that they know a lot more than we know, and that's how it should be right now. And I really have no doubt that they will catch this person and very fast. I saw the president yesterday at the White House, and he was so somber. You saw him. He was so somber. And very seriously, everyone is taking this. And FBI is all over it.

PERINO: Greg, let's go to you then -- ongoing conversation. You saw any of the activity this morning, down there?

GUTFELD: Yes -- well, I don't know what time it was, but -- I'm a few blocks from there, so I woke up to the helicopters that were, I guess, above me for at least a few hours. And I got up and I told my wife, I go, something's happening. It's definitely downtown. And, you know, then it went on for like a couple of hours, and find out it was, I guess, his restaurant.

PERINO: What did you think of the conversation today that was inevitable about President Trump, his tone, him saying that the media needs to watch its tone?

GUTFELD: Well, it is. That's what all these things you're going to get finger-pointing. And I think, the thing, is everybody can point their fingers, depending on what group you belong to, and so it's natural. It's hard for me to take advice from the media overheated rhetoric because if you were to subtract the heated rhetoric of Trump. Let's say the cause of behavior, the jokes about sleepy eyes and lock him up. If you took that all away, right, like, Trump didn't even exist, you would still have speakers on campus being harassed. You'd still have Antifa chasing down people on streets. You'd have politicians inciting face-to-face harassment. You've got Kathy Griffin, Johnny Depp, Madonna. They did all their stuff early on before a lot of these stuffs. You have Mika obsessing over the 25th amendment. So it's all -- and you have weird -- at times, people defending Antifa. So essentially you've had two years of questioning Trump's sanity, calling him Hitler. And you're upset because he made a joke about a body slam. It doesn't work for me.

PERINO: It does -- I think that the left feels differently, Juan. I don't know if you've heard from anyone today.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Yeah, I think the left feels like, you know, it's sort of difficult moment for all of us. It's a very divided country right now. And I think it's kind of sad that we have reached this point. But I think people on the left are kind of taken aback that the president last night seemed to be more presidential in saying, you know, we need to unify, we need to come together. You can't attack political opponents. And then this morning, he shifts again, as you were suggesting to Greg, and says, hey, you know, the mainstream media needs to clean up its act in terms of setting the tone. The response has been pretty clear from Jeff Zucker, CNN, the head of CNN, and others saying that the tone is really set by the politician, by the president. This is a president who is talked about, you know, second amendment people taking care of Hillary and body slamming reporters. The press is -- I can go on. I mean, everybody knows this with me, even down in Charlottesville, with fine people on both sides. So I think that there's a sense that, you know, his instinct is to be a combative president and that, in fact, as a political strategy approaching the midterms, he sees the division as firing up his base. And I think a lot of people just worry that you can't keep -- we can't, as the American people, keep going down this path without respecting -- I mean, even, you know, dare say, loving each other as fellow Americans.

PERINO: Last week in the NBC -- Wall Street Journal poll, 90 percent of Americans said we are the most divided that we've ever been. So we actually agree on something, at least. The conversation that we could have about rhetoric could have happened without these suspicious packages.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: That's true. It's been boiling up for a long time. And just talking about tone as Juan brought up, look at our table, we make fun of crooked Hillary, and we say Pocahontas, and we make fun of Spartacus. And we.

GUTFELD: And that's just you.


WATTERS: It's true. And we, you know, we go after people's policies and we mock them if they're being deceitful and what have you. But I don't think anybody at this table says, you know, this person is a Nazi.

PERINO: Right.

WATTERS: This person hates other ethnic groups. I want to see this political opponent. I want to see harm done to that person. And I think we're pretty responsible at that table. Remember when Steve Scalise was shot by a Bernie bro, no one at this table blamed Bernie Sanders. And Bernie Sanders.


WATTERS: Or Rachel Maddow and Bernie Sanders himself never accepted responsibility. Pelosi never accepted responsibility when people raise questions about Democratic rhetoric. And Greg laid it out perfectly. I mean, the list is long. People's ribs have been cracked. People have tried to be stabbed. Cars have been firebombed. Anthrax and ricin have been sent around. And you look at people like Kathy Griffin, or Snoop Dogg, or Hillary Clinton the other day saying, you know, we don't have to be civil. Sometimes we have to be uncivil. We don't ever make Democrats accessories to the crimes politically.

What the left is doing now is they're trying to make Donald Trump an accessory to these attempted mail bombings and saying you're an accessory and therefore you need to stop attacking the media, and you need to stop attacking Democrats before the midterm elections. And I don't think he has a responsibility to do that. I agree, Trump talks tough sometimes. Sometimes it's too tough. A lot of times he's being tongue-in-cheek and the media has no sense of humor and they don't get that. But I agree sometimes he does cross the line. But when you're slamming someone on a video, you know, going like this and you're mocking someone get punched on purpose, it's a little different than when the media calls you a mentally- ill Nazi that needs to be taken out or fetishizes your son being raped. I agree everybody needs to come together, but both sides need to look in the mirror, especially the media.

PERINO: All right. We're going to keep this coming. We've got a big show for you. President Trump has big plans to seal the midterms for Republicans. We have all the details and the secrets ahead, next.


BONDI: President Trump is going all-in for Republicans, the home stretch of the midterms. He's planning on hitting the campaign trail for at least ten more rallies in the last six days before the election. And Trump's grand finale, the president is reminding voters what this election is all about.


TRUMP: This will be the election of the caravans, Kavanaugh, law & order, tax cuts, and common sense.


BONDI: Today -- because he's holding all these rallies, I saw him yesterday and he was very somber, of course, at the ceremony on opioids, and then the man is going nonstop.

PERINO: Two a day.


BONDI: It's crazy. He's working so hard. Will his laser-like focus make a difference in these midterms?

PERINO: Well, it's a strategy that worked for him in 2016, right? Flood the zone, just be out there all the time. A lot of sports metaphors? Do you like it? Do you like it?

GUTFELD: I don't know. I don't like this kind of Dana. Bring back the dog Dana.



PERINO: Look, it's really close out there. Like one moment you could say, wow, the Republicans can hold on to this thing, and next thing you know, whoa, maybe not. There's so much enthusiasm. There hasn't been this much enthusiasm since 1966. What was happening in 1966? Well, the country was having a big debate about expanding the war in Vietnam. So, this is like we've been having -- we've said -- Greg pointed out, I think start in 2015, we started this national civics lesson and now everybody is engaged. Look, it's good having everybody engage about turn out your base.

Couple of things that I'll point out, the real clear average, real clear politics average, generic ballot plus 7 for Democrats. Republicans thinks that allows them to like keep in range. Just for comparison, in 2006 when the Republicans lost the majority, the generic ballot was plus 11 for Democrats. There's no doubt Republicans are getting crushed by retirements, 44 this year. In 2006 only 17. But I would also point this out, given at this rate of how close is going to be in the house, even if the Democrats take over, take a watch. I don't think Pelosi can become speaker. There's too many Democrats who have pledged already not to vote for her if they win election, so we could have some really big sort of leadership vacuums that are coming up because Speaker Ryan is leaving. They're going to have a fight on the Republican side. So, if you think it's going to be over on November 6, it's going to keep going either way.

BONDI: Juan.


BONDI: Juan, will they be able to get it over the goalpost? The blue wave -- this blue wave we keep hearing about. I feel like it's turning into like a little pond that's starting to dry up. What do you feel about that?

WILLIAMS: It sounds like that you look at the numbers it's definitely possible now that Republicans, as Dana was saying, remain within range. I don't know that you would say that it's the case that, oh, you think Republicans now will retain, but it's just not as large, Pam, as people had been previously saying. So I think that there's a lot of sense among people that the dynamic have shifted once since Kavanaugh drove up the enthusiasm on the Republican side. But I must remind you that the Democratic enthusiasm is extremely high. So it was just -- it came up to match it. The key thing here I think in terms of talking about President Trump's attitude is that this is a referendum on President Trump. It's hard to get away from it.

What we see in the poll numbers is people saying they're voting to oppose Trump. They want a check on Trump or they're voting to support Trump. The people who are voting for the check right now, way outnumbered the people who are voting to support Trump, but not in his base. And the second point I make as you look at where Trump is going, several stories today indicate that he's going to places where -- not swing districts outside the big cities where the house is going to be determined, but oftentimes going to rural areas in states where his bases is located, and that has some Republicans, which is, curious to me, the one thing I heard today that caught my attention, Republican saying, you know what, Trump is already focused on 200, and this is really -- the midterms are about Trump and, of course, 2020 will be about Trump.

BONDI: Jesse, Juan made a good point about -- well, they're getting away from the caravans. They've stop talking -- they're radio silent on the caravans now. And now they're moving onto health care what Juan said. Do you think that will be enough to help them?

WATTERS: No, I think they need a little help because seven in the generic congressional ballot is not going to cut it, historically. Trump is a closer. He closed on Cruz. He closed hard on crooked. He's now closing hard on the midterms. And he always rises to these big occasions. If you think about the state of the union or foreign trips or debates, the difference this time is his name is technically not on the ballot. Where, you know, Obama had big coattails in these generals, and he kind of swept people in. But remember, the midterms, he just got shellacked.

Now, this is going to be a big test of Trump's political capital. If he can face on these historic headwinds because his party usually loses in a situation like this, but despite the historical headwinds he's got a lot going for him. He's got the hot economy. He's got a fired up base. And the caravan is playing right into his hands. But the October surprise we thought was going to be Mueller, and Mueller has said, you know what? It's probably going to come after November. Now this mail bombing scenario is the October surprise, and that could go either way. I just know Speaker Pelosi, if she does become speaker, you're talking Trump tax returns, impeaching Kavanaugh, and they're going to go -- they're going to reopen the Trump-Russia investigation. It's going to be scary.

BONDI: And do you agree, Greg, that's not going to help Pelosi by saying that?

GUTFELD: I wasn't listening, Pam. Why do you do this to me?

BONDI: I don't think it's going to help Pelosi. What about you?

GUTFELD: All right. I think Trump is not competing against the Democrats. He's competing against the news, right? When even there's a space, he can fill it with Trump stuff, and when there's a big story, then he kind of pushed aside. The Democrats, their message right now is working for them, which is we're not that guy. That's all they've got. We're not that guy. I believe competition helps, so I would like to see a good Democratic Party. That would help create -- improve a Republican Party and Trump. So I have the message for 2020, but I don't know if I should share it.

WATTERS: Please share it.

GUTFELD: All right. All right. All right. I believe that they have to stress unity because they have to liberalize Trump's message, right? Trump message was make America great again, it was about one country, patriotism. If the Democrats could just reshape that because it created so many rifts between gender, race, sexuality, sports fans, entertainment choices, wherever there are liberals, there's division. So what they could do, the idea of America as a family, right? That all different kinds of families. Families could be any kind of family, but we're all in this together. That would be basically taking Trump's vision and moving it a step further. If they actually believed in that, they would do two things. They've separate themselves from identity politics, which people are tired of. And two, they have a winning message.

WILLIAMS: You know, I'm just so struck because I have such a different view.

BONDI: Well, sorry, Juan. It's going to have to wait.


BONDI: Big (INAUDIBLE) by President Trump, he's ordering hundreds of troops to the southern border as the caravan pushes north. That's next.


WILLIAMS: President Trump telling the massive caravan heading north through Mexico to turn around. This is -- he's sending signals, at least 800 troops will be arriving at the southern border to help stop the migrants. Trump is also continuing to use the issue to pound Democrats.


TRUMP: As we speak, the Democrat Party is openly encouraging caravan after caravan of illegal aliens to violate our laws and break into our country. Right now, it's the sole result of Democrat laws and activist Democrat judges that do whatever they want. And that prevent us from returning illegal aliens back home to Central America and other parts of the world.


WILLIAMS: Wow. So, let me start with Greg.


WILLIAMS: Here he is, we've been talking about, you know, can he tone it down a little bit, given what's going on with the bombings and everything. And here he is saying, oh, Democrats are encouraging the caravan. I think, previously, some were saying, oh, George Soros might be paying them. Democrats are encouraging them, activist judges. Is this fair?

GUTFELD: I think it is fair when any time a person brings up kind of a logical argument about the consequences of waiving a caravan through, they're called bigots or xenophobic or racist. So, in that way, by scaring people and not actually saying the logical consequences, I do think that helps. The troops, though, are telling you something very clear. This is not happening. The caravan is destined to fail. So those feeding this spectacle with cameras and emotional testimony, they're not helping anybody. You think you care, but you're actually driving a caravan that's expanding and multiplying because, essentially, you're saying keep going. Keep going. They're going to meet an army. It's not going to happen. And this is -- for the Democrats, this is what happens when your ideas are brought to a logical conclusion, complete with visual.

WILLIAMS: And so, Dana, the fact that there's still more than a thousand miles away, we already have 2100 troops on the border. Trump is talking about sending 800 more to help the homeland security.

PERINO: Well, part of it -- he wants to send troops to the border not just to deal with the caravan, but the fact that regardless of the caravan, like last week we were told by the commissioner for the border patrol, 640 illegal crossings attempted a day. So it's not just for the caravan, which is a thousand miles away. It is for this push that keeps coming. Politically, if you look at Senator Donnelly and Senator McCaskill, red state Democrats, they're in states where President Trump won by plus 20, this is not the issue that they want to deal with.

And conventional wisdom in Washington, D.C. would tell you it is not good if you're a Democrat to bring up immigration and be tough on the border. But what's happening in the southwest, Dean Heller, who is the most vulnerable senate Republican, he's now plus 6 in a Reuters' poll. McSally is starting to pull away in Arizona. So the Democrats -- when we're talking about the blue wave, the house may be one thing, but the senate looks like it is increasingly out of reach. And I think that -- what Kavanaugh being one, the economy being another, Trump being out there and campaigning for them, but you can't discount the fact that immigration is still an issue that people want to vote on.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think Republicans want to vote on it. I think it's number one for Republicans.

PERINO: In some states.

WILLIAMS: . not for Democrat -- in some states, what do you mean by that?

PERINO: Because health care is still one of the number one issue.


WILLIAMS: Yeah, I think for Democrats and for independents, health care is the number one issue. But I think for some Republicans, immigration. And so, Jesse, this brings me to you. It looks like the president is pushing a culture war, fear-type issue in order to stir his base.

WATTERS: Juan, you've been repeating that same argument for a month. It doesn't make it right. I don't think there's anything he's doing to stoke a culture war. He's just saying we have a country with borders that need to be protected against people that think they have a right to just come across willy-nilly. I have a press release from the people that are running the show, people without borders, this is not a local group. This is a third-party group. You know what they say, they're demanding respect for, quote, the international right to migrate. So anybody anywhere can walk across the border of any country and they have a right to do that. Think about that. As Dana knows, the treaty of Westphalia established the concept of the nation states. And we saw what happened in Europe, when all these Syrian refugees flew across to the E.U. and it caused absolute chaos. Even now, Merkel is regretting that decision. And people are building walls. And you have Brexit. So that backfired big-time. George W. Bush sent National Guard to the border. Barack Obama sent 1200 National Guard to the border. Sometimes.

WILLIAMS: Wait a second, I thought a minute ago you said the Democrats want open borders.

WATTERS: Well, it was causing him such political problems that he had to go deal with people that were coming across with children.

WILLIAMS: Imagine that.

WATTERS: Remember, that was when he was also separating children from their families.

WILLIAMS: So, Pam, let me turn to you because today's reporting on the news is about how, in fact, the caravan looks to begetting smaller, because people are suffering exhaustion -- heat exhaustion, dehydration. And, you know, they don't -- they're still walking.

BONDI: Well, I hope the mothers with the babies that you've seen, and there aren't that many of them, thank goodness, have turned around and gone back. Because somebody is feeding them a line if they think they're going to get into our country, because they're not. So I hope they've gone home.

Let me tell you, from a prosecutor's point of view, Juan. The last case I was working on before I ran for attorney general, the last case, it was a car carrier from Mexico coming into our country. And in the pipes that carried the cars, resistant to dog sniffing. Stuffed full of kilos of cocaine and assault rifles, from Mexico and we stopped it in Florida. That's why we have to protect our borders.

GUTFELD: What highway is that again?

WILLIAMS: Hey, you can't go there. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

PERINO: He has a right to migrate.

GUTFELD: I do have a --

WILLIAMS: Right to migrate.

GUTFELD: White line fever.

WILLIAMS: All right. But you know what I can't stand is all the phony stuff online that, it seems to me make the caravan out to be, like, an army approaching. I just don't think that's real.

GUTFELD: I think the visuals tell the story.

PERINO: What about the visuals?

WATTERS: You know what the A.P. said, Juan? They called it a ragtag army of the poor. That was the A.P. that said that.

WILLIAMS: That's -- "the poor" is the operative word there. It's not "army."

WATTERS: I was going to go ragtag army.

WILLIAMS: You like that better. All right.

WATTERS: The A.P. did.

WILLIAMS: Jesse wins.

Brown University taking on so-called toxic masculinity with a new course, and we've got the man to give you the details right here on THE FIVE, straight ahead.


GUTFELD: It's the phrase you hear these days from dopes pretending to be smart: "toxic masculinity."

The gist: masculinity is poison. Forget the great achievements that took great risk on the part of men and even resulted in their deaths. No, man are violent, sex-mad animals.

And so Brown University offers a course aimed at unlearning toxic masculinity. We used to call this "Basket Weaving 101." If you're willing to give brown 50 grand for this crap, you need to unlearn common sense, too.

Besides, it makes no sense. I mean, if men are so toxic, why would you want them detoxing on your campus?

My prediction: unlearning toxic masculinity will soon be replacing Western Civ. After all, there's no question men are more aggressive than women. It's science.

And it doesn't hurt to civilize unruly cads. That's what dads and moms used to do before we decided they sucked.

And men do live shorter lives. Just look at me.

But mainly because of the risks taken to attract and protect the people we love.

But if you believe this is about appreciating men while terming away the rough parts, you kid yourself. This is pure class hatred based on stereotypes meant to demean a group of people. It's the branding of a gender by angry, bitter radicals.

It's also sexist. If you don't believe me, just create your own class for Brown and call it "Unlearning Toxic femininity." How long do you think that will last?

Well, then again, maybe it's in the works already, designed to focus on those horrible, toxic stay-at-home moms who voted for Trump.

All right, Dana, let's say you're at Brown, which I believe is a university. And you -- would you date a guy who is taking a --

PERINO: Never. No, it's not even a question.


PERINO: You know, we do these stories about date -- remember dating tips?


PERINO: And you've had "Gutfeld's Dating Tips." Nowhere on any dating tip should you be taking this class.

Nowhere. I think a better test would be for men from Brown to have to go work on a ranch.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

PERINO: For like a month.

GUTFELD: And I'm saying that as someone who couldn't work on a ranch.

PERINO: They would take you, though, at home, back home.

GUTFELD: I can -- I could use ranch --

PERINO: They would love to have you come visit.

GUTFELD: Yes. No, it would end badly.

Juan, are you filled with toxic masculinity? Are you a toxic male?

BONDI: Could you use the class?

WILLIAMS: Actually, Pam, I think I could use the class. Because it seems to me you, you know, the male need to be dominant and the way that we look at sex and the interaction, I -- things have puzzled me throughout my life. Like, for example -- this is --

WATTERS: Explain that, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Go back, like you know --

WATTERS: Let's get deep.

WILLIAMS: I'll tell you one, Jesse. Because you know, you're a guy, too. I just -- but like --

WATTERS: Tell me, Juan.

WILLIAMS: -- the O.J. Simpson case, I could never understand why a woman would go back to a guy that was beating her.


WILLIAMS: It just was puzzling to me. And then I heard from other people, "Oh, no, that's not unusual."

BONDI: Classic D.V.

WILLIAMS: That's nuts. And my niece is a prosecutor in D.C., and she tells me people come from some countries, and they'll say, "Oh, yes, that's the way men act. Men hit women."

I'm like, "What? Where is that from? How is that a defense?"

WATTERS: I don't know if O.J. is what they mean when they say toxic masculinity.

WILLIAMS: I think that is.

WATTERS: You do? I don't know if that's what they mean.

GUTFELD: I think he's just called a murderer.

PERINO: I think you should go survey the class, Jesse.

WATTERS: Yes, well, I have a very long history at Brown. The last time I was shooting a "Watters' World" there, a guy with a skirt chased me around and heckled me the whole time. They hate me up there. It's because I'm so toxic. I think that's really what it is.

But I agree with Dana. I've always been under the assumption that women are attracted to men that are manly: that make a lot of money, that work with their hands, that sweep you off your feet, that hold the door for you, take care of you and act tough. You know, don't cry. Never show their feelings.

PERINO: OK, yes. That's not exactly --

GUTFELD: That's exactly what Dana said.

WILLIAMS: Dana, speak up.

PERINO: I'm going to let Pam speak for me.

GUTFELD: Pam, do you think this is -- this feels like a reeducation camp for the evil male to me. I don't know.

BONDI: Well, as an employer, as a grad school, can you imagine looking at transcripts, seeing "Unleashing Toxic Masculinity"? what grade did you get? If you didn't get an "A," you're going to be in big trouble, taking that class.


BONDI: First of all, this needs to be learned, obviously, much younger in the home.


BONDI: If you're in college and you still have these issues, you shouldn't be there.

GUTFELD: And by the way, the issues are they just don't like men. So they do this.

PERINO: At Brown, don't you think that guys sign up for this class thinking that they're going to get a date?


PERINO: OK? And they might get a date.

GUTFELD: Really?

WATTERS: The undercover toxic masculinity.

GUTFELD: But do you want to date a woman who's interested in taking the toxic masculinity --

WATTERS: You want to date any woman in college! They'll take any course.

PERINO: Yes, exactly. And women at Brown probably want them to take that class, and then they can talk about it and things like that. But I don't think it will last.

GUTFELD: I don't think so either. But it's now -- the new thing is to call it toxic. It's like if you said this about women, your toxic femininity, you would be -- you would probably be fired.

PERINO: You should write that article tomorrow.

GUTFELD: Really?

PERINO: "Toxic Femininity." I think it would be great.

GUTFELD: What would be the symptoms, Dana, of toxic femininity?

PERINO: We talk about them all the time.


PERINO: I think.

GUTFELD: Oh, really? All right.

PERINO: Cheese.

GUTFELD: Yes, cheese now.

All right. An absurd new fashion trend and much more up next in "Fastest Seven."


GUTFELD: That's fun music.

WATTERS: Welcome back. Time for "The Fastest Seven."

First up, chewing gum etiquette.


BEN STEIN, ACTOR/COMMENTATOR: As of this point, this is very controversial. Does anyone know what Vice President Bush called this in 1980? Anyone?



WATTERS: A dispute over a noisy package of gum led to a brawl at a classical music concert in Sweden. Apparently, one concertgoer thought the lady next to him was being too loud with their gum and tossed it across the room, prompting her to slap him across the face.

This seems like something you would get involved in, Greg.

PERINO: No, 100 percent totally justified.

WATTERS: And Dana.

PERINO: Sorry. I --

WATTERS: Both of you.

PERINO: Three days ago -- this almost happened to me today.

I had to go to the eye doctor. Everyone should go to the eye doctor. And I was getting my -- just getting a little tea to take upstairs to my appointment. And this woman next to me had her headphones in, and she had this bag, and she was eating a croissant. But she was taking little bites and crinkling the paper the entire time. And she couldn't hear it, because she had her earphones in.

And I thought of this woman who was chewing her gum at the concert. You can't do that.

WATTERS: I just want the audience to know, when my phone dings during the show, Dana, like, shoots daggers at me. She's very auditory sensitive.

PERINO: Peter and I haven't gone to the movies in 15 years because of this.

WATTERS: Really?

PERINO: Yes, really.

GUTFELD: God, what a lucky man.

WATTERS: You haven't missed much, all right?

GUTFELD: You know what this tells you, though? Heated rhetoric holds nothing compared to proximity.


GUTFELD: It's, like, all about the proximity of an annoyance.

For example, if somebody told you you could punch somebody in the face with no consequence for somebody 300 miles away for crinkling a bag, you'd go "Why?" But if it's somebody next to you on the subway, you'd go, "Hell yes!"

PERINO: If somebody told you to turn your headphones down on a plane.


WATTERS: That's why the media is so angry all the time, because they live in Manhattan.


WATTERS: And they're all like this all the time, rising the subway.

GUTFELD: Proximity creates all hostility.

WATTERS: That's right.

GUTFELD: That's how wars happen. I made that up.

WATTERS: Right. That's why you have a very large estate somewhere that no one knows about.

GUTFELD: That's why everybody in Kansas is happy.

WATTERS: That's right.


WILLIAMS: I thought your facts were off, because as I read the story --

WATTERS: Excuse me, Juan.

WILLIAMS: He was -- they were opening -- she was opening a brand-new package of gum. And you know, at some level you can --

PERINO: It was crinkling, and they're at a concert.

WILLIAMS: That's what I think, yes. So I mean, I would tolerate, because I think --


WILLIAMS: -- you're in a concert. It's music. But I would tolerate someone just opening a Lifesavers or something. But a whole package and making a big deal out of it, come on.

WATTERS: They're supposed to drink champagne at something like that, not chew gum. So gauche.

What do you think?

BONDI: I think Juicy Fruit should uses it: the gum worth fighting for.

WATTERS: Ooh, I like that. That's a good idea.

BONDI: We should get part of that royalty.

WATTERS: All right. I want a part of the check.

Next up, the new bizarre winter fashion trend. Nose warmers. A British company getting a lot of attention for a lin of products that promise to keep your nose nice and toasty this winner. The question is: would you actually wear one of these things?

I mean, I might wear one but probably not with the leopard print.

PERINO: I -- look, I can see where they're going.


PERINO: But I think it's better to have, like, the whole, like, half face mask thing.

WATTERS: Looks like Rudolph.

PERINO: Yes, I don't think I would do this. But I understand. I mean, when your nose is cold, like mine is right now because it's freezing in the studio, I could see why you'd want it.

GUTFELD: This is a prank. They're wearing a thong. They're wearing the Chippendale's dancers' thong right now.

By the way, I have a nose warmer. It's called my finger.


GUTFELD: By the way, I believe this is for --

WATTERS: That's a --

GUTFELD: -- coke heads. That's what it's for. For coke heads to hide their missing septums.

PERINO: Smart.


WATTERS: The Brits do love the coke. I didn't ask. Doesn't -- I'm not going to bring it up.

All right, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well I mean, the thing about it, like, you know the problem here is if you were an Eskimo, how would you kiss, because they kiss with their noses?

PERINO: That's a problem. Hadn't thought it all the way through.

WATTERS: Translate that brilliant analogy to politics.

WILLIAMS: But I'd say, doesn't that thing look like a bra?

GUTFELD: Yes, it's like --

WATTERS: You and Gutfeld. Really. Get your mind out of the gutter, guys.

WATTERS: But look at it. It's ridiculous.

PERINO: Pam doesn't even know what we're talking about. It's, like, never this cold in Florida.

BONDI: Well, I know. I would say, I hope they come with pumpkin spice scent.

WATTERS: That's a nice idea.

BONDI: Medium-size, and with sunscreen.


GUTFELD: Nobody would wear them.

BONDI: Sunscreen. Sunscreen.

GUTFELD: I think this is a fake story.

WATTERS: Did we just get hoaxed?

GUTFELD: I think we might have.

WATTERS: It's on my segment.


WATTERS: And finally with Halloween, less than a week away, is using its polling prowess to come up with the ultimate Halloween candy power ranking.

The overall winners: Reese's peanut butter cups.


WATTERS: With Reese's Minis second and Twix, Kit Kats and Snickers rounding out the top five.

All right. So this, I guess, this is the No. 1 candy in America. Do we all agree, or do we disagree.

PERINO: Yes, 100 percent. You know, the brits also like Reese's peanut butter cups.

WATTERS: They do. They have great taste.

GUTFELD: They snort them. They have them with their cocaine.

WILLIAMS: Hey, wait a second.

WATTERS: Reese's and coke.

WILLIAMS: Everybody agreed that Reese's peanut butter cups is No. 1?


WILLIAMS: What about Snickers? I think that's the No. 1?

WATTERS: They're up there, Juan. You've got to read the packet.

PERINO: It's not No. 1.

WILLIAMS: You were saying the No. 1?

WATTERS: It's top five.

GUTFELD: Did you ever have somebody in your neighborhood, on trick-or- treat, that they didn't have candy; and they would, like, give you spare change?


GUTFELD: I thought that was weird, and then I realized that that -- I'm that person. Because I don't have kids, so I just totally space on Halloween. And all of a sudden, the doorbell rings; and there's these, like, short creatures screaming at you. So you have to run around --

PERINO: Wait, why did you come out of the basement?

GUTFELD: I give them Campbell's Soup.

WATTERS: You don't eat Campbell's Soup.

GUTFELD: I give them cans of Campbell's Soup. I give them socks, anything that's around my house.

WILLIAMS: You give it away.

WATTERS: The socks would probably fit the kids.


WATTERS: I'm the kind of guy that gives, like, the big jumbo size. I'm a really good candy giver.

WILLIAMS: You know what's great --

GUTFELD: What's your address, Jesse?

WILLIAMS: You know what was great about this list, Jesse?

WATTERS: Maxine is going to come over and yell at me if you tell her. What?

WILLIAMS: They said the worst candies.

PERINO: What are they?

WATTERS: What are the worst candies?

WILLIAMS: So the worst candy, it turns out, was to give a kid circus peanuts.


WILLIAMS: And I was surprised at No. 2, which was candy corn. I thought - -

PERINO: I like candy corn.

BONDI: I like candy corn.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's the worst. But the -- but how Mary Jane's? I remember, when I was a kid, those things get stuck in your teeth.

WATTERS: Those are no good.

WILLIAMS: Right, right. But here's --

BONDI: I hate those.

GUTFELD: Circus peanuts, you've got to be really careful when you say it.

WILLIAMS: I was disappointed that Tootsie Rolls was also on the worst candy list.

PERINO: Yes, I could see that, though. You've got to go to the dentist --

GUTFELD: What about Sugar Daddies?

PERINO: I like Sugar Daddies.

GUTFELD: I mean the suckers.

PERINO: The babies.

WATTERS: What about Twix?

WILLIAMS: I think you angered Dana.

WATTERS: This is the second sexual reference in the same segment. Just keep that in mind.

What do we think about Twix?

GUTFELD: Small Twixes are disappointing. You've got to have a big Twix. The small ones, they're too small.

PERINO: I also like a Kit Kat. You can make those last.

WATTERS: Am I the only one who's going to eat candy during this segment?

PERINO: I'll take a Kit Kat, please.

WATTERS: All right. Here we go.

GUTFELD: I'm on a no-sugar diet.

WATTERS: "One More Thing" is up next. We're going to give Dana a Kit Kat.

GUTFELD: Those are great.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Jesse.

WATTERS: So we're fresh back from Texas. We had the barbecue, as you guys saw the other day. We loved it, but it's creating a little bit of a controversy. Who has the best barbecue in America?

A lot of competition out there, so my buddy Brian Parker, sports agent to the stars, sent us some ribs from Charlie Virgo's Rendezvous in Memphis, Tennessee. And this place is so good, Gutfeld finished the entire plate in the break before. It's gone. I ate them for lunch. Greg probably had seven of them.

GUTFELD: Eight. I think I had eight.

WATTERS: This place serves a lot of stars. Justin Timberlake has been there, the Rolling Stones.

GUTFELD: I'm not going there.

WATTERS: George W. Bush.

PERINO: Oh, yes.

WATTERS: Prince William and Harry, and now Greg Gutfeld, another star, loves the ribs from Rendezvous. Thank you guys very much! We appreciate it.

PERINO: That's so nice. Hey, Bri.

Go ahead, Juan.

WILLIAMS: All right. So love knows no language. Take a look at this elementary school group in Tennessee, wishing their deaf custodian a very happy birthday.




WILLIAMS: The custodian, James Anthony, as you can see, was overcome with emotion. He's been at the school more than 20 years. Sometimes he makes friends with the kids by offering them tips on how to use sign language.

Assistant Principal Katie Crabtree said the students have a tough time understanding Anthony, but he's possibly the most popular person in the whole school because his special nonverbal relationship really takes the kids to a different level in their lives. What a wonderful story.

PERINO: That's so great.

GUTFELD: That's a great job to have, if you're a deaf custodian.


GUTFELD: Because you don't have to listen to the kids.

PERINO: Listen to them.


GUTFELD: They love him.

PERINO: Do you know how smart dogs are?

GUTFELD: Oh, jeez.

BONDI: Smart.

PERINO: This smart. Check out this pup. So she pretends to be a stray, and she goes to the local McDonald's and asks customers to give them her burgers. Her name is Princess.

So she was caught at McDonald's by her owner, who claimed that the devious dog sometimes sneaks out at night to wander near McDonald's, waiting for customers to pass her scraps while they're in the drive-through lane. And she captured the video by -- the video was captured and Princess was seen approaching a car, and the driver passes her some food. Then she goes to the next car, but it's her owner, so she turns around and goes to the car behind her, because she knows she's not going to get any food.

So the owner put a statement on Facebook, asking patrons, "Please don't feed the mischievous dog. She's not a stray. She does actually get fed." And they want to keep her around for a long time.

Dogs are pretty smart.

GUTFELD: Yes, it figured out what works.

PERINO: Would you arrest her?

BONDI: Of course not.

PERINO: Of course not.

BONDI: I'd feed her.

PERINO: All right, Greg, you're next.

GUTFELD: All right, this is a new thing.

GRAPHIC: Gutfeld Was Right!

GUTFELD: "Gutfeld Was Right!"

So today I was writing some stuff in my office, because I have an office on the 18th floor. I have a lovely staff. Some of them are OK. Some will be gone tomorrow.

But I writing -- I mentioned that "your," I go, "your" is a pronoun, obviously.

And this other guy, Luigi, goes, "No, 'your' is an article."

I go, "It's an article?" So I have to change the stuff.

And then somebody comes by, and he goes, "No, I just looked it up. 'Your' is actually a pronoun. It's not an article." So --

GRAPHIC: Gutfeld was Right!

GUTFELD: -- "Gutfeld Was Right!" There you go. I predict that this segment will be the most popular segment.

WATTERS: You're sticking it to your staff over grammar?

GUTFELD: Yes, I am. How dare --

WATTERS: On national television?

GUTFELD: How dare they question the host about grammar?

WATTERS: By name?

GUTFELD: Yes, Luigi, you might as well just get your things right now, pack it up in one of those boxes that they -- what they call the banker's box. Put the little lamp, put your books, and get the hell out of here.

WATTERS: You can come work for "Watters' World." We'll take you. We don't care how you spell or how you write.

PERINO: Grammar is not an issue.

WATTERS: Grammar is not an important thing.

GUTFELD: That's --

WATTERS: My mom is going to kill me now.

BONDI: All right. In the world in which we live, this is so great. Wilson Middle School in Tampa, Florida, my hometown, and I was at this game but missed -- I missed the final shot.

Nick, he's had Down syndrome, and he plays on the basketball team. And Principal Faucett and Coach Fricke, they have embraced, along with the team, this incredible young man. And I think that Nick is watching now.

And they put him in, and let's watch this video.

Nick is number 9, I believe, in a blue jersey.





PERINO: And they won?

BONDI: And they won. They were winning, but they were playing their biggest rival. And everyone stood and let Nick shoot the winning shot of the game. Isn't that great? People are good.

PERINO: People are good.

GUTFELD: Some people.

BONDI: Some people?

GUTFELD: Not all people.

WATTERS: Not Luigi.

GUTFELD: Not Luigi.

WATTERS: He's in trouble.

PERINO: "Your," "you're." Make sure you know the difference --

WATTERS: Grammar shaming.

PERINO: -- between "you're" and "your." That's the only thing I care about.

OK. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." This guy knows all the grammar. "Special Report" is up next. Hey, Bret.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS: Tell Luigi we're hiring in Washington. Thanks, Dana.

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