Trump gets tough on Russia before Putin meeting
President calls out Russia for supporting hostile regimes like Syria and Iran; reaction and analysis on 'The Five'
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 6, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I am Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It is 9 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."
As world leaders are converging on Germany tonight, getting ready for the big G20 Summit there, President Trump is flexing his muscle on the world stage today receiving a huge reaction from folks in Poland while delivering a powerful speech there.
We have every angle of the President's big address in Warsaw covered for you this hour, beginning with Mr. Trump's direct warning to Moscow. Less than 24 hours, before his first sit down with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We urge Russia to cease its destabilizing activities in Ukraine and elsewhere. And its support for hostile regimes. Including Syria and Iran. And to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and in defense of civilization itself.
GUILFOYLE: All right. Dana, so many people giving the President high remarks today for the tone, the tenor of his speech and obviously the world is watching and listening. And especially in light of what's going to transpire tomorrow with his meeting with Vladimir Putin.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Yes. So, a day that was like filled from the beginning to the end. And that's what you really want to do on a presidential trip. You want to basically still the airwaves and dominate all the way through. Because it wasn't just the speech today which as you say was well-regarded. It was also the fact that he'd met with the South Korean president and the Japanese prime minister.
Notably absent was the President of China trying to basically that symbolism there, saying, you don't want to get isolated from us. We are the good guys. We are on the side of western civilization. We are on the side of peace and prosperity. And China was not there at the table. They will probably have a chance to meet at the G20 at some point. But he also I think in that, what he was talking about, in regards to the Russian meeting, there are so many complex issues to talk about including Syria and Iran in particular.
The most pressing one especially because we have actual soldiers on the ground. And that deconfliction issue in that area as ISIS basically losses more territory gets more complicated as it goes forward. The other thing that the President talked about which many presidents have done for decades is trying to explain to Europe, you have to become more energy independent.
You cannot be dependent on Russia for your energy. Because they will starve you or they will basically freeze you out in the winter.
And so, there is a movement by some in Europe, headed by the polls to try to do that. So, the President I think basically ran the gamut today all of the different things. I agree with Charles Krauthammer that this speech today, when it comes to freedom and liberty and America leading in the world with our Western values, it's really different from the inauguration speech. And there's something that for few have been following Ronald Reagan for years, if you listen to the speech today that President Trump gave, you're like, okay, I agree with that. I loved it.
GUILFOYLE: Okay. So, you thought he covered all the points and you know,
hit the nose --
PERINO: That is a great speech. Beautiful.
GUILFOYLE: Very well done I think. All right. Greg, your take.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I think the speech first and foremost was a reminder that on the world stage, we are back. Pardon us for the hibernation but we are tanned, rusted and we are back. And I think that's what he did. And what's interesting about, when you listen to the chants, Trump's vision aligns more with the present day world than the predecessor.
He is concerned with the big ticket items. Terror, security, freedom.
GUTFELD: Jobs. U.S. media and liberalism in general is consumed by the small things. Decorum and language and of course as we know this week, means. So many people and including I believe the people that he's speaking too there, don't care about that stuff. And even when he brings it up, they might not even know what he's talking about because the small outrages are marginalized when compared to the big stuff that he talks about. He is, ironically, more of a citizen of the world than President Obama was. Remember President Obama was a citizen of the world?
GUTFELD: He was wrong on every worldly thing. But Trump seems to understand when an average guy in Poland thanks and an average guy in the Bronx thinks. That's unusual.
GUILFOYLE: Well, I think it's obviously an advantage, if you have an American president that is, well, you know, relatable. That people are saying, okay, this is someone I cannot identify with. There's commonality there in terms of the themes that he put forward during the election. The United States. The working, you know, men and women. The working class.
The middle class. The left and the Democrats took for granted and left behind.
JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Yes. He's really connected with the people of Poland in a way that only a billionaire can connect with Manhattan --
PERINO: It's been amazing.
WATTERS: It is amazing. And Greg touched on a great point. You know, President Obama goes over there. And, you know, he puts his jaw up and he reads off the teleprompter and he's a citizen of the world. And, you know, he gets a lot of adulation --
PERINO: Right.
WATTERS: But Donald Trump is literally a man of the Polish people. And the way he connected the plight of the Polish people in the fight against Nazism and communism and fighting against depression with America's fight with freedom, I thought it was tremendously inspiring. On the Russia thing, I think you took a pretty tough tone when you look at the speech itself when he says --
PERINO: Agree.
WATTERS: -- get out of Ukraine. He didn't say that but, you know, back off Ukraine. He said, watch who you're backing off in Syrian and Iran. He also announced that he was selling the patriot anti-missile defense system to the Polish.
PERINO: Right.
WATTERS: The Russians aren't really happy about that. He also announced that not only phoning the law, the other NATO allies are phoning up their price for their own defense. Russia is not going to like that, either.
And Dana touched on it too. This Castile that they are working on is a very big deal. Because pulling on a lot of this other Eastern European countries get a lot of the natural gas from the Russians and if we can start exporting our natural gas, it's a little bit more expensive that that really wins them off Russia and takes a lot of the Russian clout away. And I think that's probably the most substantial accomplishments if he comes away from this afterwards.
GUILFOYLE: Yes. What do you think about that, Juan? The energy, you know, independence peace I think it's quite interesting. And, you know, from a geopolitical perspective, I think it's quite crucial and integral to moving forward. Especially with countries like Poland, other people that have been essentially held, you know, oil hostages for energy by Russia.
JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: There is no question. And I think that's an essential moment in terms of how the Europeans deal with Russia in the future. They cannot deal with Russia effectively and they didn't deal with Russia effectively on the Ukraine because of the threat that they had financial interests in addition to the oil interest. So, that's a real point.
But let me just say, I heard something a little different there today and the rest of you. Because what I heard him again do was again point out sort of this nationalistic view. The United States and Western civilization under threat. Whoa! But the second thing again what struck me was, he goes after the press. He went after the press big time in this speech. And then he also goes after President Obama.
GUILFOYLE: All right. And we're doing that right now.
WILLIAMS: It just sounds to me like, he also, and this was really shocking to me, he goes after U.S. Intelligence agencies.
PERINO: But that wasn't in the speech, Juan.
WILLIAMS: This is the headline of the day. This speech --
GUTFELD: He is asking questions, Juan.
GUILFOYLE: But also the next layer. So, let's talk about that.
WILLIAMS: But I am just saying, this is what he's doing. He's to me, going to Poland, a country where you have -- you are going after the press, they can't even cover the parliament and all the rest. And he's going after American media. To me this was out-of-bounds.
GUTFELD: He asked those questions and answer them honestly. He said about Russia, a lot of people could interfere for many years. It's been done.
How false is that? When the stuff on Obama, why didn't he do anything?
That was an answer to a fair question. When they asked him about anything, he would actually answer.
WILLIAMS: But he did this in a way that it seems to me to say, you know what? This is about delegitimizing my election. That's all he seems to care about. Not the reality that all the intelligence -- have said, Russia interfered in this election.
GUILFOYLE: But while in Poland, the President also answered questions. At a news conference we've been talking about for the past five minutes, we've been trying to get to this. Alongside President Duda. He had this to say when asked about possible Russian interference in our election.
TRUMP: Well, I think it was Russia and I think it could have been other people in other countries. It could have been a lot of people interfering.
I've said it very simply. I think it could very well have been Russia but I think it could well have been other countries and I won't be specific.
Barack Obama, when he was president, found out about this. In terms of if it were in Russia. He found out about it in August.
Now, the election was in November. That's a lot of time. He did nothing about it. Why did he do nothing about it? I think what happened is, he thought Hillary Clinton was going to win the election and he said let's not do anything about it. Had he thought the other way, he would have done something about it.
GUILFOYLE: Okay. Well, that's so -- why we believe theory, Jesse?
WATTERS: Okay. So, I think there's two primary reasons why President Trump tries to soft peddle the Russian interference. One, because that taints its own victory.
WATTERS: And he doesn't want anything to take away from his beautiful victory over Hillary Clinton.
WATTERS: And it also feeds this narratives by the coups that there was some Russian deal with Trump and that's bogus. But anyway, he also wants to leave room at the negotiating table with Russia, with Putin, so he has more room to operate with Syria or North Korea or Ukraine. He doesn't want to poison the well with this b.s. So, he's also sang, you know, President Obama, it was that big of a deal, if it was that huge of interference, he didn't do anything. Because it probably wasn't that big of a deal.
WILLIAMS: Can I just --
WATTERS: And people, let me just make one more point.
WATTERS: You're saying that President Trump is throwing the intelligence agencies under the bus.
WATTERS: Wasn't it President Obama that wanted to prosecute CIA interrogators? Wasn't it President Obama who throw the intelligence agencies under the bus when they said they missed the incursion into Ukraine by Russia? Wasn't it President Obama who throw the intelligence agencies under the bus when ISIS took over a third of Iraq and he was surprised by that?
WILLIAMS: Okay. You know what?
WATTERS: Did you read that in the newspaper?
WILLIAMS: Okay. Let me just deal with a little bit of it. The non- scurrilous part where you're saying, Obama did nothing because that's so factual and inaccurate.
WATTERS: What did he do?
WILLIAMS: He threw out 35 Russian --
WATTERS: After the election!
WILLIAMS: Let me just say --
WATTERS: After the election! What's the matter then, Juan?
WILLIAMS: Just a moment. He not only threw out 35 diplomats closed to diplomatic compounds --
WATTERS: After the election!
WILLIAMS: At the time, at the time announced that he considered Russia to have interfered in this election and he said remember, he went to Putin before the election. There's tape of him talking to Putin. I think it might have been a G20. And he's staring down and he said, cut it out. And said there will be serious consequences if this continues.
WATTERS: I would thought when he talked to Medvedev, he was saying, I can be a little more flexible after the election.
WATTERS: We also President Obama on tape saying, you can't rigged an election.
WILLIAMS: You have no answer and now you come back with this --
WATTERS: He is on tape saying, you can't rig an election, in October.
WILLIAMS: That's about --
WATTERS: We played the tape a couple of weeks ago.
WILLIAMS: Excuse me. We're talking about the machines and not talking and I have been critical about President Obama not being sufficiently vocal in saying, there is a propaganda aspect to what the Russians are doing on this election.
GUILFOYLE: Dana Perino.
PERINO: I really don't even know where to begin. I mean, we basically we were like, when I was a kid and we make pinecones, you know, spread it with peanut butter and roll around all the seeds, basically that was all the arguments of the entire like last eight years we just put forward. So, I'm not exactly sure where to start. I do think that the President, he has said last week, well, then President Obama didn't do anything about it and he knew about it. So, that is basically saying that the Russians, he agreed that the Russians tried to interfere in our election.
Okay. There's an investigation. Mueller is working on it. There are not any of these leaks that are in our investigation. The integrity of it is set. Set that aside. We are really looking at is tomorrow. The first face-to-face meeting between President Trump and Vladimir Putin. It looks like it will be a very small meeting with only Rex Tillerson and probably Lavrov on the Putin side and interpreters.
That means that there's very little room for leaks. Both sides will come out and tried to basically spend their side about what happened in that meeting. There will be some, a little bit of press but not a lot. So, we will still be living in this world of interpretation of what it actually could have meant.
GUTFELD: Could I add something about, you know, a lot of people were giving Donald Trump grief because he mentioned his predecessor. President Obama. He did it by name. Which is way better and more respectful than President Obama talking about a temporary absence of U.S. leadership.
Because he's trying to be so clever and never mentioned the President's name when he was in South Korea talking about it whether it was climate, did it a couple of times but he always mentions --
GUILFOYLE: It is passive-aggressive.
GUTFELD: Yes. And don't be so sly about it. At least Trump said his name.
PERINO: And his mind is trying to be cautious about not being criticized -
GUTFELD: But he knows -- no, come on, Dana. He knows. When he's saying a temporary lack of leadership --
PERINO: Of course he does but --
GUTFELD: Yes. So, that is phony. He's a phony. He's a phony.
WILLIAMS: It was respectful.
GUTFELD: No, he's a phony.
GUILFOYLE: Again, I go back to the Bush family. I mean, you don't see president 41 or 43. They never behaved like this ever. I mean, that is --
WILLIAMS: I mean, speaking ill of a president while you're on a foreign country.
GUILFOYLE: Yes. And by the way, no, I'm saying that they were very respectful. They let the next president go in and govern and despite the fact that they were getting personal attack and getting blamed for absolutely everything. They took the high road. There were class act and they respected the office. And then when their term was done, they knew when to --
PERINO: Yes. There's also the Trump people who say that that was a mistake.
WILLIAMS: Oh my God!
PERINO: That they should have pushed back. I mean, I like the approach but, I mean --
GUTFELD: All right. You know who has the worst out of everything? Mayor Bill de Blasio. Without telling anybody, anybody in the city, he flew to Germany to protest. He claims the cost was footed by Hamburg shows attitude. What a horrible little man-child this is? To sneak out of the city. He lives his city. His responsibilities to go protest. He is such a dirt bag. Please someone challenged de Blasio. If something bad happens here, we don't have a mayor.
GUILFOYLE: Fine. I'm going to do it.
GUTFELD: Maybe that's actually a good thing. Maybe that is something that we will get done.
GUILFOYLE: Let's start on Monday morning, this campaign.
GUILFOYLE: All right. In his sweeping address today, the President asked a fundamental question of our time. Does the West have the will to defend civilization? Next on "The Five."
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Every foot of ground and every last inch of civilization is worth defending with your life. Our own fight for the West does not begin on the battlefield. It begins with our minds, our wills and our souls. Our freedom, our civilization and our survival depends on these bonds of history, culture and memory. And today, as ever, Poland is in our heart and its people are in that fight. Just as Poland could be broken, I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail. Our people will thrive. And our civilization will triumph.
GUTFELD: Now, when I listen to this speech, I keep thinking what does a typical social justice warrior hear? All this stuff about civilization, the West, freedom, it's everything the modern left despises. And that part about defending with your life? It must sound like a foreign language to people who think pronouns trump patriotism. So, it's no wonder the very liberal Vox writer, Sarah Wildman said the speech sounded like an alt-right manifesto, because it mentioned family and country. That's how normal stuff is viewed these days.
It's got to be weird by leftist to hear a man championing the right to pursue a better life, free from pernicious ideologies that seek to limit freedom, that seek to punish you. It must be hard for the left to hear that when they champion Women's March organizer Linda Sarsour who says stuff like this:
LINDA SARSOUR, WOMEN'S MARCH ORGANIZER: I hope that we when we stand up to those who oppress our communities that Allah expects from us that as a form of Jihad. That we are struggling against tyrants and rulers, not only abroad and in the Middle East or in the other side of the world but here in these United States of America, where you have fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House.
GUTFELD: Yes. If that is a role model, then all this freedom talk must be sickening. To them hearing a leader talking about those in the past who died to protect an idea, not an identity, how patriotism matters, not just pigment, I guess that's got to be gross. And to see the Polish cheering this message and this man, a man despised by coddled undergrads who think a nipple ring is an achievement.
PERINO: Oh my God!
GUTFELD: It must be weird for the ones who slowly realize that maybe this guy makes sense but they can't admit it because it's Donald Trump. It might not hurt to read his speech in a quiet room, divorced from the voice you think you hate. You might learn that personal freedom is about safe spaces for everyone, not just you.
So, Dana, it sounded like an alt-right manifesto. Technically, all of our ancestors who fought World War II are alt-right.
PERINO: Right. And it's interesting to look at everyone's perspective.
But I do think a lot on the left had a preconceived notion of what the speech would be. And they were going to say this no matter what the words
PERINO: So, they didn't actually listen to this speech so at this point, they are beyond listening. They're just wanting to spew it out. One of the things I liked about what President Trump was talking about is, how you shouldn't underestimate ideology.
PERINO: Which is what happened with Nazism overtime. He is talking about ISIS and not just ISIS but about radical Islamic terrorism and how underestimating that it can lead to really dire consequences. And so, you have to hit it head on.
GUTFELD: Yes. Jesse, could a typical kid brainwashed in leftist politics even begin to understand this speech?
WATTERS: I think you can if you read this script.
WATTERS: I did that.
WATTERS: I did the actual test and it's totally different. This was a celebration of Western civilization.
WATTERS: It was a warning against encroaching socialism. And it all starts with borders. This was a celebration of borders. If you are a polish citizen and your country has been invaded and your borders have been erased, it's still your land, Donald Trump was saying. And from that land comes culture, and comes history and comes pride and I think that's something worthy to celebrate. But he is also about freedom and God, which the left hates.
And I've said this before, he ties in America's arc of history with Poland's arc of history. Fighting the Nazis and the communist and all the suppressive people. But the commonality is the belief in God. And I think that's something that's very important. And then he tied it all together and he says, this is the goals of the West. Our goal is to defeat and destroy ISIS.
PERINO: Uh-hm.
WATTERS: Our goal is to defend our civilization. And then he did this kind of nifty pivot where he tied it into draining the swamp.
WATTERS: And he says these rules and regulations, you know, it's not about that. And it's not about the powerful. It's about the people and he brought himself down to the streets and we talked about that just a minute ago. I think that's where he really connected. And you heard this chants, "Donald Trump, Donald Trump!"
GUTFELD: Uh-hm. Yes. Juan, I think a Democrat could have made that speech 40 or 50 years ago, right?
WILLIAMS: Yes. Different time. I mean, the thing about this is, I mean, first thing I want to say is, don't forget, this is a pro-Duda crowd out there. I don't know that this crowd represents all the polling. This was a crowd put together by --
GUTFELD: Was -- there though?
WILLIAMS: I don't know.
GUTFELD: He was on the stage I'm pretty sure.
WILLIAMS: But I am telling you, this is a crowd that was assembled by a hard-line Polish leader. And they are standing there and they're yelling stuff like fake news, fake news. What do you think? They are being pumped up to perform for Donald Trump. But the difference is that--
GUILFOYLE: I don't think you're giving the Polish people much credit.
You're making them sound like --
WILLIAMS: No, but I'm telling you what took place. But I'm going to say
this --
GUILFOYLE: I don't think that's --
WILLIAMS: I don't understand why he would go overseas and make a speech of the kind you described. Which is, if you want to say, hey, in America we need to be stronger, we need to understand our values, because Jesse, guess what? I am a Democrat and I'm a deep believer in God and Jesus. And I love liberty and I love this country.
WATTERS: Well, I don't think understanding divisive that President Trump said today when he talked about the love of God.
WILLIAMS: Excuse me. When he is speaking overseas and he talks about America first and ethnocentricity in the way that he did, I think it strikes world leaders. Because he's not just speaking to an American audience, he's speaking to the world as oh, America's pulling back and America is going to look out for America. And forget about the --
WATTERS: He never said that, Juan.
GUTFELD: He was claiming it was ethnocentric.
GUILFOYLE: Yes. I don't think it was ethnocentric at all. And in fact, again, just if you read the transcript and you actually look at what the President said, instead of selectively -- what you think that he said, and trying to like, change it up, one of the things I thought was the most powerful was the prerequisite for this success of western civilization is not material which is, economic prosperity and military might on their own are not sufficient.
And then he goes on to discuss about the confidence and core western values such as, free speech. The equality of women. Respect for individual rights. The rule of law. And the affirmation of faith and family. That should have been fine for the left and it should be really well accepted for people of faith and people of religious backgrounds, be it Democrat or Republican.
WILLIAMS: Well, when he is going after intelligence agencies and the news media, I think, boy, Vladimir Putin, he must think, God, this is great.
GUTFELD: Especially when he then criticized Vladimir Putin pretty strongly. We'll talk about that later though America.
The President trashed fake news again today and of course the liberal media
went well. Ahead.
JESSE WATTERS, "The Five" SHOW HOST: President Trump has long called out
CNN saying it's biased and fake news. Take a listen to what he said today about the network's latest embarrassment, threatening the man who made that wrestling video.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think what CNN did was unfortunate for them. As you know now they have some pretty serious problems. They have been fake news for a long time. NBC is equally as bad despite the fact that I made them a fortune with "The Apprentice" but they forgot that. What we want to see in the United States is honest, beautiful, free but honest press. We don't want fake news. Bad thing. Very bad for our country.
WATTERS: Of course, that led to another volcanic eruption from the liberal media.
JIM ACOSTA, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: For the president to then go off on CNN as fake news to me just made this entire spectacle seem like a fake news conference.
MAJOR GARRETT, CBS CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: American presidents travelling abroad typically upholding American values such as press freedom and the institution of the presidency. Mr. Trump, for his own reasons, did not.
WATTERS: All right, Greg, sp President Obama used to call on "The Washington Post," and NBC News and "New York Times" and that wasn't a fake press conference. But if President Trump calls on someone from a conservative outlet -- the guy, Jim Acosta from CNN says it's a fake news conference.
GREG GUTFELD, "The Five" SHOW HOST: The thing is, the press keeps losing
this fight because they are out of practice. No one has come at them like this about their biases or their assumptions. They're basically like a prized fighter who spent the last three years eating Twinkies and drinking Yoo-hoo. Every time they jump into the ring --
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, "The Five" SHOW HOST: It's delicious.
GUTFELD: Yes, it felt pretty good. But every time they jump into the ring with Trump, they get winded and then they fall down. And you have to admit, he's a different beast altogether. He's a real estate developer from Queens. He's not a Harvard -- getting a law degree at Harvard so he talks differently.
But what kills them is that the media has nothing in common with him but he has more in common with the people. So he can reach the people but they can't reach him or the people. Incidentally, it drives them crazy. Scott Adams said it best. He said a 71-year-old man is making the press look old.
It's amazing.
WATTERS: They look like they are whining and complaining.
PERINO: So Jeff Bezos -- it just came to me -- he has a new book out about basically how you have to evolve or die, right. And so he's talking about it from a business perspective and I think that it's true that the media hasn't quite caught up that there is a new paradigm and you have -- you can figure out a way to shift.
It doesn't mean you have to lose your principles. I mean, I love the news.
I love reading it. I love being a part of it. I get a chance to work in it.
It's the best and I love the fact that our country has a First Amendment because I think it's made us so fabulous and I do think that's one of the things the country -- that we should be talking about around the world. But that doesn't mean that journalism can't actually hold itself up to a higher standard, which it should do.
The complaint also about that David Martosko who got the question, the truth is, any of those reporters that want to make the news, you would have asked that same question because that was the top story yesterday. They always want to talk about themselves. They've been after him because he interviewed -- he says he interviewed the press secretary when they were talking back then about making a change.
But the truth is, in the Obama administration, they had all sorts of reporters who -- that we dealt with in the Bush administration as reporters who then went on to work, I mean, probably 10 or 12 that I can think of just off the top of my head.
WATTERS: Jay Carney, like you said became --
PERINO: Became the White House press secretary. He was "Time" magazine bureau chief.
WATTERS: Kimberly, I feel like the media thinks that freedom of the press means that you can't criticize them?
GUILFOYLE: Yes. I mean I don't understand. So they want to step on, what, the president's first amendment rights like he's not -- this is who he is.
This is how he campaigned. This is how he's been and now as president, and so when they continue to cry and whine about it, I don't think it's serving their purpose very well, you know, from the strategy standpoint.
I mean, do your job. Go write some great stories. Try and build back your credibility because the more you whine and complain, the more you help make his case.
WATTERS: What do you think, Juan?
WILLIAMS: I mean to me, Jeff Zucker of NBC said it right when he said, you know, this guy is trying to bully us and we are not going to be bullied by.
So he goes out on --
GUILFOYLE: He's at CNN now. Jeff Zucker is on --
WILLIAMS: Zucker is CNN but I mean, but NBC and CNN are saying that the president's actions, his words, basically amount to ignore the rest of the press, ignore established American institutions like "The New York Times,"
"Washington Post," NBC and CBS. No, no, listen to me. Only listen to me. Go to my twitter feed, pick up my meme where I'm slamming CNN on the ground.
I just think this is ridiculous and especially when you go overseas and do this on the world stage.
GUTFELD: Who's asked the question?
WILLIAMS: No, but he is performing on the world stage as our president and he's going on about grudges and anger. And so, you know, to me, it's just disappointing.
WATTERS: Are you disappointed, Dana?
PERINO: No. But I want to make a small point. So, "The Daily Mail," which is the paper or the outlet -- I think they're just paper that Martosko works for is one of the most highly trafficked web sites in the world including Europe.
GUTFELD: Probably the best.
PERINO: Because if you were overseas and you wanted the president of the United States to answer a question from the biggest newspaper in that area, the one that most people around the world read? I would have called on them too but the media didn't say the second question went to NBC News. There's no suppression here by far --
WATTERS: Very good.
GUILFOYLE: Absolutely.
WATTERS: Very good, all right. Is the U.S. about to deliver a severe response to North Korea? President Trump's response, up next.
PERINO: The time has come to confront North Korea, according to President Trump. The question is, how? When America take military action to confront the intercontinental missile threat, the president was asked that today.
TRUMP: We'll see what happens. I don't like to talk about what I have planned, but I have some pretty severe things that we're thinking about.
That doesn't mean we're going to do them. I don't draw red lines. President Obama drew a red line and I was the one that made it look a little bit better than it was.
We'll just take a look at what happens over the coming weeks and months with respect to North Korea. It's a shame that they are behaving this way.
But they are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner and something will have to be done about it.
PERINO: Defense Secretary Mattis said earlier he does not think we are closer to war but if the North starts one, there would be severe consequences. Kimberly, there was a report today that China and the United States are drifting further apart. And then you had -- we spoke earlier that the president met with the prime minister of Japan and the president of South Korea tonight and notably absent was the Chinese president. Do you think that the Chinese will feel isolated enough to want to come back to the table?
GUILFOYLE: Well, I hope so because we certainly need them. I think it's very helpful for our partnership and I think they're, you know, an integral aspect of our ideas about in terms of what we need to do with North Korea.
We certainly need them from a strategic standpoint. We actually need them to show some leadership and to help correct the situation because obviously if we just moved with military strength it's going to be very difficult and problematic on a whole lot of levels.
So, there are a number of things that I know they would like to do, that they need to have happen and they are going to be effectuated with the help of China and with President Xi.
PERINO: Jesse, I thought of you earlier because people --
WATTERS: You were thinking about me earlier?
PERINO: I was thinking about you earlier because I thought you would like this. So, the South Koreans have a new president and we have offered a new missile defense system. But before the put it into place, they want to do an environmental impact assessment that could take several months.
WATTERS: How long could that take? More than several months I can imagine.
I'm sure there's --
PERINO: We might not be on the same page.
WATTERS: -- critters that might interfere with the missile defense system.
I am sure they will care less about the critters when the missiles keep flying. I don't think President Trump's going to be goaded by this toad
(ph) in the north. I think right now, I'm feeling like he's pumping the brakes on the situation.
The last 48 hours have felt like there was a lot of hysteria building up about what to do and I feel like now Mattis came out and said this new missile launch does not lead us closer to war. Tillerson has come out and said we want to solve this peacefully.
GUILFOYLE: It's going to be calm.
WATTERS: Yes, economic and diplomatic means. So, I think China and Russia are still playing game. Russia, blocked some tough language we put out there in the Security Council today.
WATTERS: And China did the same thing so we have to make them pay a price.
But right now I see things slowing down with our reaction.
PERINO: And to that point, Greg, North Korea has to believe -- we have to get it to believe that living with these sanctions would be worse for them than giving up their nuclear weapons, I would say.
GUTFELD: Yes, it's about having a long, endless, slightly more intense list of options that move closer to war but almost never get there. It's like buying 365 pairs of boxers so you never have to wash your underwear.
You know, you never want to nuke them and you never want to end up doing your laundry. It's the same thing. So you always have, you're just moving slightly closer every day.
WILLIAMS: Well, did that work. You have stunned me. Sometimes I just --
PERINO: What about other --
GUTFELD: That stunned you?
WILLIAMS: No, because when you're a teenage boy, that would be ideal?
GUTFELD: It's ideal now and it's possible.
WILLIAMS: Yes madam, I'm sorry.
PERINO: Well, I was giving you the last word but we are running out of time.
WILLIAMS: Well I think the key thing that strikes me is President Trump said he had a plan, he had a strategy. And even today he says, oh, I've some things up my sleeve but what you hear is what I think you've seen most likely here at the table, which is Jesse is saying, Tillerson, Mattis are kind of pumping the brakes to slow down.
PERINO: But restraint is good.
WILLIAMS: That's excellent. And you know, but the thing is, Trump with his tweets says, I don't know what this guy is doing, what's he got to do with his life. He's insulting this guy and this guy plays on that, that's why he starts talking about American bastards.
I think you got to take a different approach. It's like with China.
Everybody says China has got to be in the deal, but now he's alienated China because the Chinese are asking, oh, President Trump, what did you want us to do? And he don't even have an answer.
PERINO: I wonder if the CIA actually encourages the tweets making fun of Kim Jong-Un. That's been actually --
GUTFELD: It's a pair of underwear.
PERINO: -- strategy.
GUTFELD: Everything is a pair of underwear.
PERINO: It could be a first in history, using Twitter --
GUTFELD: Sometimes.
PERINO: -- for regime change.
WILLIAMS: What about when he's on combat?
PERINO: Or maybe not. Violent scenes on the streets of Hamburg, Germany today ahead of tomorrow's summit of world leaders. Riot police clashing with anti-capitalist protesters. The chaos, next.
WILLIAMS: Whenever world leaders meet, there often big demonstrations nearby. Protests were wild today ahead of tomorrow's G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany.
WILLIAMS: Riot police had to use water cannons and pepper spray to disperse the violent anti-capitalist protesters. Now normally, we have a debate about who gets the first question here but there's no question that Greg gets this one because Greg, you know what they call these protests?
WILLIAMS: Welcome to hell.
GUTFELD: Yes. It's great. Disorder always leads to order, never anarchy, because what it does is people look at that and they go security wins.
Everybody wants a bunch of adults when they see a bunch of children around.
And all this does is serve to both the idea of national security and law and order.
What alternatives do these people offer? These are people who happily use free markets to purchase their Nike's and iPhones and their Levi's, but they offer nothing but self-serving chaos and noise. And in there you could see him, is de Blasio. You see him running there?
WILLIAMS: Oh, stop.
GUTFELD: He's in his underwear. I could see him.
GUILFOYLE: He's in underpants.
WILLIAMS: Free underpants. Dana, is it the case though that when you see these folks out there, they are saying the world order doesn't work for them. Isn't this for the populist rage (ph).
PERINO: No, I have no sympathy for these people whatsoever. They are anarchists first and foremost. They don't want any type of order. They wear masks and then they taunt the police because what they want are these pictures so that we can show it there so that they can continue. And it's also some of these people are making a lot of money on this and that I think should be exposed. We should try to find out.
WILLIAMS: Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean?
PERINO: I think that they -- well, look, they show up at all of these things. There must be an organizer.
GUILFOYLE: Why is it that Merkel -- Soros, exactly. So, why is it that Merkel did this and at a place like Hamburg which is like (INAUDIBLE) like more isolated. This is like an open invitation for these people like Antifa, you know, coming out of Germany to come forth, anarchist like you said while sporting their like Air Jordans and their iPhones and whatever.
I mean to me, it's poorly planned.
WILLIAMS: Well, it's Germany's second largest city.
GUILFOYLE: No, I understand that. I think it's a bad idea to have it in Germany's second largest city or their first largest city because the problem is, it's just giving them too much opportunity to wreak havoc.
WILLIAMS: So you don't think that these folks have a legitimate argument in any way? Do you Jesse?
WATTERS: Who am I to judge these poor anarchists? You know, they want to go out there and get tear gassed, let them. I wish I was there with the camera and we could have done a great "Watters World" there. I could have gotten wet.
GUTFELD: Oh, my god, they would have killed you.
WATTERS: You know what, the best things that happens, I get hurt on TV, everybody would love to see that. I've done these interviews before with people that hate capitalism and I say, well, you're wearing Oakley sunglasses. Did you buy those? Yes, with the money.
PERINO: I like that you pretend to hold the microphone to Juan.
WILLIAMS: Yes, yes, because I'm such an anti-capitalist.
WILLIAMS: Anyway, "One More Thing" when we come back.
WATTERS: Juan, totally anarchist.
GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing." Maniac (ph).
GUTFELD: Here's something new, "Greg Gives Thanks." You know, we have such great fans and there was a nice family from Hawaii that sent me five Starbucks gift cards. Look at all those stuff I bought with it. I got myself some coffee. I got a cold latte. I got all sorts of this great stuff. They even got that protein thing.
PERINO: Wait, they sent you five?
GUILFOYLE: Aren't you suppose to distribute those to us?
PERONO: Why would they send you five?
WATTERS: Oh, come on. Five?
GUTFELD: Do you get it?
WATTERS: Oh, come on.
GUTFELD: No, I figure that's how they gave them out. They gave them in five little blocks so I figured they were for me.
GUILFOYLE: What maverick.
GUTFELD: Well, what, I mean, what's the problem? Anyway, I want to thank the family. I had a great lunch and --
PERINO: You may neglect to Kimberly and may almost pass them out.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, exactly.
WILLIAMS: Did they send underwear --
GUILFOYLE: Greg is like the party pig, you know. He just like takes it all for himself. OK, lunatic, you're up next.
WATTERS: OK. So, I'm getting a little bored with stealing Dana's dog in "One More Thing" so I'm going to start stealing Greg's. There is a robot waitress --
WATTERS: --in Pakistan. Now, so they fired the human. So now there is a --
GUTFELD: Another job offer (ph).
WATTERS: -- waitress that's a robot and she serves people pizza in Pakistan. Pizza is taking off in Pakistan.
PERINO: A lot of alliteration.
WATTERS: And people love it. And it looks delicious. I don't know if there's a tip for the waitress. I don't know how that works.
GUILFOYLE: What is she wearing?
GUTFELD: It's not hijab.
WATTERS: It is blowing my mind and I stole this right out from under Gutfeld and I'm very proud of it. He's next, I'm doing a food segment.
GUILFOYLE: OK, very, very good. We want to say happy birthday to Dana Perino's friend, our nation's 43rd president. George W. Bush turned 71 years young today. God bless him. And Dana I think today would be an excellent day to pick up a copy of his book, "Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief's Tribute to America's Warriors."
PERINO: Yes. That special that "Vanity" did on that book was excellent.
GUILFOYLE: It was excellent and I hope they run it again. It's always so good.
WILLIAMS: All right.
WILLIAMS: An international court today rejected world champion cyclist Peter Sagan's appeal to compete in the Tour de France after he was disqualified from the race earlier this week. Now, here's the move that got him disqualified. Take a look in the final 200 meters sprint of the fourth stage. You can see hi elbow nudging British rider Mark Cavendish.
GUILFOYLE: What a jerk.
WILLIAMS: It was enough to push Cavendish off balance, send him tumbling into the wall, fracturing his shoulder.
GUILFOYLE: Disqualify him.
WILLIAMS: So Cavendish had to withdraw. Sagan lost a shot to take home another Tour de France win. Big disappointment for both.
GUILFOYLE: Well he shouldn't have done that. That was obviously deliberate and intentional.
WILLIAMS: That's the lesson, Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: I would prosecute him.
WILLIAMS: I agree.
GUILFOYLE: Dana Perino.
PERINO: OK, Dana's summer reading recommendations, without a thing.
Siobhan Fallon has written a new book. It's called "The Confusions of Languages." It focuses on the life of two American families who are living in Jordan during the herb spring in 2011. I first found out about Siobhan just because I picked up a book of hers called, "You Know When the Men Are Gone" which was about a deployment at Fort Hood.
She's a military wife herself. This book is excellent and I hope you pick it up. And her whole family loves "The Five" and Fox News so, hello to you up in upstate New York.
GUILFOYLE: All right, we love it. Set your DVR and never miss an episode of "The Five." "Hannity" is next.
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