Trump calls weekend ICE deportations 'very successful'

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," July 15, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is "The Ingraham Angle" from a combustible Washington tonight. President Trump versus "The Squad". Is this the fight he's always wanted? Well my Angle examines it all.

And I'll speak to pollsters on why these attacks may, in fact, be a political winner.

Plus Tom Homan smacked down the House Dems in last Friday's hearing on the immigration crisis. Tonight, he's going to tell us what else he wants to say.

And a special Monday night appearance from Raymond Arroyo, some 2020 Dems made fools of themselves over the weekend on the campaign trail. Be sure to stay for our new "Trail Mix" segments. Oh, don't you love that pun, coming up.

But first, the real Democrat power players - AOC plus three, that's the focus of tonight's Angle.

While the media herd obsessed over the weekend tweet off between President Trump and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, smarter observers are seeing something more significant at play. Now, lemmings who dismissed Trump in 2016, many of them are now making the same mistake about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her three far left freshman comrades: Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley.

Now, heck, AOC and Omar, they may be more well-known than Democrat leadership, at least according to a poll obtained by Axios. Now as I told you, maybe I warned you six months ago, AOC and company should not be ignored.

I think it's a mistake for conservatives not to take her seriously to brush her off as kind of a flash in the pan or an upstart. She's as close to a thought leader that the Democratic Party has today and she has a massive social media following.

She's both charismatic and she's committed to transforming both our economic system and our culture. Now lot of people were laughing at me when I said that. But I understood what was going on. And, yes, although AOC lacks the business experience or a previous entertainment industry profile of Trump, she's young, she's bold, she's unafraid. And like Trump, as I said, she's a master at mass communication using social media.

But unlike Trump, she has the media establishment minor figures and major figures on her side.


CHARLOTTE ALTER, CO-HOST, SIRIUS XM RADIO: She is a 21st Century leader, trying to tackle 21st Century problems.

NIA-MALIKA HENDERSON, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL REPORTER: She's incredibly charismatic, and she's incredibly eloquent in terms of talking about Democratic Party values.

LAURA BASSETT, FORMER HUFFPOST SENIOR CULTURE AND POLITICS REPORTER: She's sort of the ideal anti-Trump and she is threatening white conservative men's power and they're terrified of her.



INGRAHAM: Well, she's crushing it. But you know I know you're saying she's only 29 years old, Laura so she can't run for President, why are you focusing so much on her. Well, true. But she is completely eclipsing the 2020 Democrat field.

And she seems to have most of them - maybe except for one I'll tell you about that in a few minutes, cowed and quivering. How many of them have dared to really take on some of her more radical positions? I mean it's kind of hard to think that many of them would risk getting bombarded with hundreds of thousands of tweets from her social media hit squad.

Well there is one person who's unafraid to challenge that squad--


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: --politicians can't be afraid to take them on. A politician that here's somebody where we're at war with Al-Qaeda and see somebody talking about how great Al-Qaeda is, I'll tell you what, I'm not happy with them.

If weak politicians want to say, and the Democrats in this case, if they want to gear their wagons around these four people. I think they're going to have a very tough election, because I don't think the people of the United States will stand for it.


INGRAHAM: Well, Trump puts it in - good moment, dramatic effect. Well, check out the approval numbers of Omar and AOC from that same internal Democrat poll that was on Axios today. Oh, the swing voters, ouch, doesn't look good.

So, yes, the President made an unforced error - I would say that, and that Tweet telling the women to go back to places from which they came. Three of the four were born in America. But the idea that he's hitting them, because they're people or women of color, is just absurd.

I mean who doesn't Trump hit? I mean, he was hitting Paul Ryan last week. He's hitting them because their views in his mind, and I think the mind of millions of Americans, are insanely radical.

If anyone sounded racist over the weekend it was AOC posse member Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley. She thinks that any minority who doesn't think like she does, is inauthentic and not even worth having part of the conversation.


REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY, D-MASS.: If you are not prepared to come to that table and so represent that voice, don't come, because we don't need any more brown faces that don't want to be a brown voice. We don't need black faces that don't want to be a black voice. We don't need Muslims that don't want to be a Muslim voice. We don't any queers that don't want to be a queer voice.


INGRAHAM: That should have gotten the attention this weekend and that comment. Well, Speaker Pelosi has seen those internal polling numbers and - on those women and she knows that they're radical views are the kiss of death for the 2020 Democrats, she has to - been around a long time.

Yet, because Trump hit them and continued today, she had to chime in to defend the Congresswoman. Now, she didn't use their names, but that's what she was getting at and she echoed their racial drumbeat, making them - Make America Great Again, she made the little play on that.

Well this allowed Trump to lump Pelosi and AO3 - AOC plus three together and make a play for disaffected Democrats.


TRUMP: They hate our country - they hate it, I think, with a passion. Now it's possible I'm wrong, the voter will decide. I do not believe this is good for the Democrat Party, certainly it's not the party that I've known over the years.


INGRAHAM: Look, he's looking out for the Democrats. Well as most Americans are really enjoying the fruits of this good economy, President Trump wants to make sure as many as possible are fully aware of what AOC plus three and the Democrats think of America. This controversy does just that.


REP. ILHAN OMAR, D-MINN.: We live in a society and govern in a body that might value the life of a dog more than they value the life of a child who might not look like theirs.

TRUMP: If you're not happy here, you can leave, and that's what I say all the time. That's what I said in a Tweet, which I guess some people think is controversial - a lot of people love it by the way. These are people, that in my opinion, hate our country.


INGRAHAM: And today AOC plus three up the ante, doubling down on a frenzy of racial politics and Far-Left bromides.


OMAR: This is the agenda of white nationalist, whether it is happening in chat rooms or it's happening on national TV and now it's reached the White House garnet.

PRESSLEY: And we are more than four people. We ran on a mandate to advocate for, to represent those ignored, left out and left behind. Our squad is big. We remain focused on holding him accountable to the laws of this land and accountable to the American people.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: He does not know how to defend his policies, so what he does is attack us personally.


INGRAHAM: Well, this all plays into Trump's hands. If the election ends up being a choice between peace and prosperity, and the socialism and open borders of the radical squad, Trump could win 45 states. We have the best economy of the past 50 years. It's the envy of the entire world.

Trump is betting that Americans will choose that over the identity politics and radicalism of AOC and now her fellow Democrat travelers, and that's "The Angle."

All right here now to debate, Dr. Qanta Ahmed, member of the Council on Foreign Relations; Civil Rights Attorney, Leo Terrell and Horace Cooper, Co-Chair of Project 21.

Horace is it racist to tell democrats are as radical as AOC plus 3 to leave the country, fix some other countries and come back and tell us how it's done.

HORACE COOPER, CO-CHAIRMAN, PROJECT 21: All the President was saying is you don't like this place. This place has been great, this place gives great opportunities and you hate it. You don't just dislike it. You don't have mild criticisms, you hate it. Maybe, you might be happier somewhere else, that's all he was saying.

INGRAHAM: You don't find anything that--

COOPER: There's nothing racist about that at all. There is something curious about how this country has allowed people from every background to go to Congress, even to enter the White House to join the Senate or even the mansions in in California where the richest are. You can be any background in America, that's what's possible. These people, they hate that.

INGRAHAM: Leo, even "The New York Times" is kind of getting sick of the AOC style racial drumbeat. This was columnist Maureen Dowd, who obviously is liberal. But she wrote this weekend that quote "AOC should consider the possibility that people who disagree with her do not disagree with her color". Leo, has AOC taken the racism label to its limit?

LEO TERRELL, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: No, Laura. And thank you for calling Trump's comments unforced error. Let me be very clear. It's OK to disagree with AOC and "The Squad" on issues. On issues, go ahead.

Trump came in 2016 and attacked the entire system on issue. The freedom caucus gave Paul Ryan hell all the time. But would you ask Horace Cooper right there was whether or not Trump's statement about going back to another country - back to your own country, was racist? And it hurt me for this man not to admit that.

COOPER: How is that racist? When we know--


TERRELL: --I will tell you why.

COOPER: --when we just heard them--

TERRELL: Laura, let me just finish my comment.

INGRAHAM: OK. Hold on. Well, let him respond.

TERRELL: Let me finish my comment. Laura, last comment. If a Supreme Court Justice, a cabinet nominee, a person applying for a job made the same Tweet, they would not get the job. It would be a disqualifier. You know that Laura and I know it, Horace does not know it.

INGRAHAM: You know what I was saying Horace, I will give you sense. Let me get to - get content - content. These are the same people, by the way, who stood by silent when Condoleezza Rice was called the "House Slave", when Justice Thomas is called an "Uncle Thomas" or what - they're always trashing black conservatives as stupid, dumb. They're guilty of the worst type of self-hatred and self-loathing.

Conservative African-Americans, conservative gay people, conservative Muslims, they're all trashed. You heard what was said over the weekend by Omar - was it Omar or one of the AOC plus three. One of them who said that you had - was it Rashida Tlaib?

COOPER: Yes, it was Tlaib.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Who said that, "You have to think like we think". I mean, that's--

COOPER: That's racism and that's bigotry. That's saying that just because you're black or gay or whatever you might be, you have a duty to act a certain way, to be a certain way, that's bigotry.


INGRAHAM: Qanta let's get to you here. There's concern that this is really the real Donald Trump. Like, Donald Trump that proved himself in a Tweet over the weekend to the whole world that he's really just a racist guy and this is their opportunity to pile on him. How do you see it?

DR. QANTA AHMED, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: I see this President as so brutally treated since his legitimate election by the American people. No other President has been so consistently delegitimized on a false basis.

I've just returned from the Middle East, surrounded in two nations by Muslims who do not see President Trump as a racist, but see them as his champion. And a third group of Muslims in the Middle East who also see the same.

What is happening here, Laura, is this is an obscene marriage, an unholy alliance of Islamism with the Left, in which victimhood is prized above everything else. And you just heard one of the four say that, "As a Muslim I'm not allowed to have a certain type of voice". If that's not oppression, I don't know what is, by people that have the privilege to be elected in Congress. So it's despicable.

And let's not forget, Ilhan Omar has trivialized Anti-Semitism. AOC has trivialized the Holocaust. Ilhan Omar is an unapologetic Anti-Semite who also--

TERRELL: Hey, Laura. Laura--

AHMED: --does harm to American citizens.

TERRELL: It's OK for the Doctor to attack issues. But why did Trump basically attack her citizenship? Her loyalty to the country? Disagree on the issues, OK that's fine.


TERRELL: Let me finish.

INGRAHAM: And by the way I want to say that--

TERRELL: Let me finish. That's will make this country great. But why attack citizenship.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Ayanna Pressley was the one who said, we only want basically brown people to - hey you have to think like a brown person. I'm paraphrasing.

COOPER: Classic bigotry.

INGRAHAM: But so it was the Ayanna Pressley at the Netroots. I want to make sure I get all "The Squad" members and attribute the right thing.

All right. I want to play some of the media reaction today to this weekend Tweet storm and a follow on to what happened today. Let's watch.


NORAH O'DONNELL, CBS EVENING NEWS: Four Democratic Congresswoman of color have just spoken publicly as a group for the first time, about the racist Tweets aimed at them by the President of the United States.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Trump is defending his racist tweets aimed at for Democratic Congresswomen.

VEGAS TENOLD, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: We're at a point where Trump is more racist than Neo-Nazi.

ALI VELSHI, HOST, MSNBC: This feels like the President really owning the idea that he's saying things that are attractive to white nationalists and racist.


INGRAHAM: Now Horace, if French immigrant came to the United States and was illegal immigrant, living here, American citizen now and said some of the same things. He'd say go back to France and fix the "Yellow Vest" movement. I don't think that that is accurate at all. But boy they're just stating it as fact now.

COOPER: Look, again, there is hatred here. People have to acknowledge what's going on here. Their criticisms aren't about improving America, aren't about making some moderate changes. They literally do not accept the America as it is. The President called them out, because our President loves this country.

INGRAHAM: And Joe Biden is on Morning Joe tomorrow. Guys we got an early clip of what he said. He may be one of the few Democrats who see just how dangerous the AOC plus-three mindset is to the electability of the Democrats in 2020. Let's watch.


JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: AOC is brilliant and the other three women we're talking about are really smart, but they are the exception rather than the rule. If you listen to the guys and women in your business saying that's the majority people got elected. We need that kind of energy. But that's not the majority of Democrats who got elected last time.


INGRAHAM: So they're really smart, but Qanta, your thought on that. That he--

AHMED: I think--

INGRAHAM: --he's been around a long time like Pelosi. They're wily.

AHMED: I think that both Joe Biden and the President are saying the same thing. The majority of Americans are centrists. The majority of Americans do not want unmitigated illegal immigration. The majority of Americans do not want to be sold universal health care, which is portrayed as Medicare for all, which we'll be Medicaid for all, which does not provide legitimate benefits--

TERRELL: Hey, Doctor, don't put Joe Biden and Trump in the same category. Trump was the only person who said go back to your own country. Laura, am I the only minority here that thinks that comment was racist?

AHMED: No, I think it was offensive.

TERRELL: You called it unforced error.

AHMED: I think it was--

TERRELL: Thank you, Laura.


AHMED: I think it was offensive, that's true.

TERRELL: Will they acknowledge it? Do they acknowledge it?

AHMED: I acknowledge it as offensive.

TERRELL: Was it racist?

AHMED: But it's not the sum of the matter. I think we are at a stage - if I can just say--

TERRELL: She says this is racism.

AHMED: No. So if I'm at a stage - we're at a position in this country where we use the word racism to shut down any debate and it is cheapened the term. So, no, I think the President was--

TERRELL: Trump used the word.

AHMED: --expressing his frustration with these neophytes.

TERRELL: Oh, by being a racist? By being the racist?

INGRAHAM: But, Leo - Leo - I think the--

TERRELL: Yes, Laura.

INGRAHAM: --I think the President would probably say that to anyone coming from anywhere.

COOPER: Absolutely.

INGRAHAM: It doesn't matter where you come from. And you're right, as I said, three out of the four women were born here, OK. So that's the error. But I don't take from that error Trump is a racist, because he would say that whether you came from Sweden and trashed the country--

TERRELL: The U.K. Ambassador--

INGRAHAM: Whether you came from France - yes, UK Ambassador - thank you. He was just taking Paul Ryan to the woodshed last week. He's - he hits everybody, that's his ammo. That's his ammo. So to take it is that he's a racist. I mean--

COOPER: They are two precious--


TERRELL: Laura, he made some comments about - he made a comment about third world countries, he made comments about Indiana judge with Mexican heritage. This man has a pattern and practice of going after minorities.

INGRAHAM: Well, that's an easy--

TERRELL: The record speaks for itself, Laura.

INGRAHAM: And I think Dr. Ahmed that is where the Democrats think they found electoral gold. That enough people will be petrified of this President that he's - all these years he's been in the public light and entertainment industry. And now we found out that this is a man he really is, that's what they're banking on.

And anyone who supports him or supports his policies, is also going to be tarred as a racist. You saw that beginning to happen today, Dr. Ahmed.

AHMED: I think that the Democrats are perhaps clutching for thin straws, because this President is going to be very difficult to defeat. Bear in mind, I did not even vote him or the other candidate. But looking at the ferocious opposition, the delegitimization of this presidency, the class for impeachment from day one, most average central thinking Americans are going to reject that.

He will be reelected with a bigger majority in the next election, that's what's going to happen. Americans are very conservative and very moderate.

INGRAHAM: All right, panel, thank you so much.

TERRELL: Laura, shocking to everybody, I didn't vote for Trump or - I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary. I'm in the same camp. But I got news for you. This is not going to be a repeat of 2016.

INGRAHAM: All right, panel, thanks so much. Great to have you all on tonight.

And up next, political pros are here to tell us why the President's targeting of AOC and company may be rooted in the polls. The story behind the story. Next.



TRUMP: now you can say what you want. But get a list of all of the statements they've made. And all I'm saying that if they're not happy here, they can leave. They can leave. And you know what, I'm sure that there'll be many people that won't miss them.

But they have to love - they have to love our country, their Congress people--


INGRAHAM: After President Trump defended his tweets this weekend, it didn't take long for the recipients of his ire to respond.


PRESSLEY: Does not embody the grace, the empathy, the compassion, the integrity that office requires.

OMAR: This is a President who has openly violated the very value our country aspires to upload.

REP. RASHIDA TLAIB, D-MICH.: I urged House leadership, many of my colleagues to take action to impeach this lawless President today.


INGRAHAM: So the President has successfully drawn out these four Far Left Congressmen and made them the de facto face of the Democratic Party. So how successful are the politics of that?

Well who better then Tom Bevan, Co-Founder and President of RealClearPolitics and here in studio, Democratic pollster Mark Penn; and House Minority Whip, Steve Scalise.

All right, Mark, as a Democrat are you worried that Trump has brought - they were - they were kind of falling apart. They were drifting apart late last week. And now they're cleaved back together.

MARK PENN, DEMOCRATIC POLLSTER: Well, yes. But as you said, Trump made more than an unforced error. He really went - something I think that everybody said was wrong in his Tweet and so it backfires on him too.

I think the average American is enjoying their summer and they're saying, oh my god, what a fight in Washington. Trump's gone over the top, Omar's going over the top, everybody's over the top. They're going to get more disgusted. I don't know that that works for the President, particularly well.

INGRAHAM: Congressman Scalise?

REP. STEVE SCALISE, R-LA.: Well, first of all, if you watched the President's press conference today, he talked about the fact that nobody has to leave. But if you think this country is so bad--

And by the way - the comments that they have made - "The Squad" - all of them have been so Anti-American, Anti-Semitic in so many different ways. They've made factual misstatements. I mean, what they were even saying today about people that are coming across the border illegally having to drink out of toilets, that's not even happening, and they say this kind of stuff.

But these are the same people - AOC just a few days ago was calling Nancy Pelosi a racist. When President Trump--

INGRAHAM: So did Trump step on that message. So - see, I think there's a there's a methodology here. But did - there a lot of people texting me, they were at each other's throats and now they're together. But is it not better for the Republicans for AOC plus 3 to be the core of the party?

I think we saw Joe Biden don't wanted to be the core. He's like, well, that's not the right - he's like whoa, whoa, whoa, slow it down here. But they--

SCALISE: They are the face of the party. And you saw this one when AOC challenged Joe Biden on the Green New Deal, which is laughable.

Look, in 10 years, you won't even fly on airplanes and cows don't exist, and Joe Biden was against it. Then he had it for it. When AOC didn't stand up when President Trump said the lowest unemployment amongst African- Americans and Hispanics in the history of our country. And he was right, she wouldn't stand up when he said America will never be a socialist nation. President Trump said that at the State of the Union, AOC wouldn't stand up.

INGRAHAM: I see a Republican there. Tom, let's go to you. I disagree with Mark and I don't disagree with him all that often actually, really his smart guy. But I disagree with him here. And tell us about that. What do you think about that Axios poll of swing voters? Is it too small of a sample or is there something there that the Democrats should be concerned about?

TOM BEVAN, PRESIDENT, REALCLEARPOLITICS: Well, I think, there's something. I mean that point of that poll - and again, this was a thousand white voters with two years or less of college, so this sort of swing group that had voted for Obama maybe once or twice, but flipped to trump.

69 percent of those folks in that poll had an unfavorable view of socialism, only 19 percent favorable and one Democratic strategist told Axios that socialism is toxic to those voters. And so I think what we have here is a situation where, tactically I think Trump made a tactical mistake in the way that he worded that Tweet and the outrage that's followed.

But strategically, he's being very shrewd, because he does want to make these radical Left members of Congress that face of the party. And you can bet that whoever the nominee is in 2020, Trump is going to tie that nominee to these folks as well.

INGRAHAM: And even the media have said that. Let's watch.


ALEXANDRA ROJAS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, JUSTICE DEMOCRATS: I think new sort of generation of leadership in the Democratic Party is by diverse progressive women like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib.

WALEED SHAHID, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, JUSTICE DEMOCRATS: Ilhan Omar represents the country becoming a multiracial democracy. I think she becomes a character as a new rising leader in the party, just like Alexandria, just like Rashida Tlaib.

HOWARD DEAN, FORMER GOVERNOR OF VERMONT: This party is being taken over by 35 year olds.


INGRAHAM: Mark, Howard Dean at the end there.

PENN: Well, look, Joe Biden has separated himself and so far Joe Biden is more likely than anyone else to be the Democratic nominee. Remember, AOC got about 15,000 votes in a Democratic primary in the Bronx. Now social media pointed her the Head of the Democratic Party, but the Democratic voters haven't done that. So let's see--

INGRAHAM: But they are little afraid.

PENN: Let's see--

INGRAHAM: I mean, they are afraid she has millions and millions of social media followers. I take her actually really seriously. She is doing, in her own way, in her own age, what Trump did to the Republican establishment.

She's taking it by the - kind of the throat nicely, and she's saying, you guys are you guys are way yesterday. Update yourselves for a new generation. I don't agree with her. But I actually take her seriously as a person and I believe she is the thought leader - if you can call it. Anyone a thought leader today in the Democrat Party who is it? Elizabeth Warren? I don't think so. Who is the thought leader, Mark, if not AOC?

PENN: Well, look, she's a powerful force. I'm not going to deny that. But is she taking over the leadership of the party? Is Medicare-for-all, is open borders are these things - the fantasy of what Republicans want Democrats--

INGRAHAM: Open borders, absolutely.

PENN: Democrats are for that, but not a majority.

INGRAHAM: Oh, wow. That's a primary--


PENN: --play themselves out.

INGRAHAM: Well, the open borders thing, I think that without a doubt the Democrats who are saying illegal immigrants going to have to go home a few years ago, including Obama, now they're demonizing ICE.

SCALISE: Well funny how they've come. Look, AOC, by the way and some of these other members of "The Squad", they were calling for the elimination of the Department of Homeland Security - the people who keep us safe.

But if you look at some of the statements that they've made - look. let them own this. When they were on the stage, every presidential candidate said, when asked, do you think people here illegally should get free health care? Every one of them raised their hand.

What is that single mom who's got a pre-existing condition, who has a $10,000 deductible think that AOC wants her to get free health care if they come here illegally?

INGRAHAM: Yes. It's becoming a personality war to some extent. But if it's peace and prosperity versus socialism, Tom Bevan, that's what Trump is banking on. Is he now, that this vision of America might be cool and a lot of social media savviness there, but the nitty gritty on the substance is not where most people are. Dr. Ahmed made that point. She's a moderate Muslim. That's not where most Americans are. Is that what you're saying in the various polls that you're looking at?

BEVAN: Yes, absolutely. At the end of the day, this is a referendum on Trump, right? That's what voters are going to decide. And it's a binary choice. It's between Trump and all that he embodies, whether you like his style or don't like his style and his policies and his record and his results versus what's the option? Are we going to leave what we've got and to with something else? And I think Trump's wants to make that something else unpalatable. And absolutely if you talk to the Trump campaign, they fully believe that AOC and the left wingers in this party are going to drag whoever the nominee is, even if it's Joe Biden, far enough to the left that they will be damaged electorally in the states that matter, in the rust belt states that are going to decide this election.

INGRAHAM: It's all going to happen in the Midwest. That's where this could be won or loss. Mark Penn, very quickly, they embraced impeachment, at least a couple members of the squad embraced impeachment again, and really embraced it today. Is that the right path?

PENN: No. I think definitely impeachment is not the right path. More and more polls show that fewer and fewer Americans want to go down that path.  I think AOC and the squad are out of step with the majority of Americans and I also think the majority of Democrats. Let's give some time for the party to come around here. Remember, it's the moderates that passed the bill with the aid for the border. And Pelosi overruled the squad in order to get that passed and in order to get the bipartisan --

SCALISE: They voted against that very aid while AOC then goes to the border complaining they don't have enough help when she voted against giving them money for diapers.

INGRAHAM: And they're lying about toilets, they're lying about the toilet thing and drinking from the toilets. There's been a lot of distortion about that. This is a conversation you wouldn't have seen anywhere else tonight. We have great panelists. Thank you so much, guys.

Coming up next, Tom Homan caused fireworks last week on the Hill. He'll talk more about it.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: The ICE raids with very successful. People came into our country illegally, illegally. Many were felons. Many were convicted of crimes. Many, many were taken out on Sunday. You just didn't know about it.


INGRAHAM: That was President Trump responding to questions about ICE raids planned for nine major cities on Sunday. Establishment media outlets reported that Trump's massive crackdown didn't actually happen. It's almost like they were disappointed. But what is the real story? Joining me now to discuss, former acting ICE director, FOX News contributor Tom Homan. Tom, why didn't we hear anything from the media on this?

TOM HOMAN, FORMER ACTING ICE DIRECTOR: Because ICE is smarter than the media. The media put they were going to storm these cities, we're going to have thousands, they're and separating thousands. These men and women of ICE operations teams, they do this every day across the country. They're good at what they do. And they're out there, and they're going to do what the president has asked them to do. They're going to do their job, remove people that have been already removed by a judge. So there's out there.

INGRAHAM: I heard a former congressman on television on another network today saying that the streets of Chicago were virtually empty in immigrant communities. I have no way of checking, I have no idea, but that seemed like quite a dramatic proclamation by him.

HOMAN: I think it's dramatic. But look, I heard another Congress, a bunch of them saying they're living in fear. If you're in this country illegally and you had due process and a judge ordered you removed you didn't leave, you should look over your shoulder. That's the way it's supposed to be.  If you and I break the law, we're going to look over our shoulder. That's the way it's supposed to be.

INGRAHAM: They're breaking up immigrant families. That's the way they're playing with the language. Illegal and legal, same thing, no difference.

HOMAN: You know what is the what is difference is when I did this back in FY 15 under the Obama administration, I didn't hear any argument from the Dems.

INGRAHAM: They didn't seem to have a problem with it. Tom, I want to get back to your amazing hearing last Friday because what this entire debate is about is this incredibly just awful, gross demagoguery by the Dems. Here's some examples.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you ever held a deceased child in your arm?

HOMAN: I held a five-years-old boy in my arms. I knelt down beside him and said a prayer for him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'd like to reclaim my time. Right now --

HOMAN: You can't make a statement about callousness and medical care.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm not talking about the past. I'm talking about the present.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. Homan I'm not calling on you. You're not at the border. You're not at the border right now. You're in a hearing room.  It's my time.


INGRAHAM: That was probably my favorite moment of that hearing.

HOMAN: You know what he did right after that? He spent five minutes berating the men and women of the Border Patrol and ICE and obviously targeting me. And at the end of that, he didn't want to hear from me. He didn't want me to respond. He picked a fight but he ran, because he talked to one of the advocates sitting next to me, because he had doubled down on what he said. Then he ran out of the room back to his office. He didn't even stay in the hearing room. To me, that's a coward.

INGRAHAM: So they go and they make the proclamation for the camera, because they want their moment, and then after that moment is over, they leave.

HOMAN: And just like the congresswoman before him. She wants to talk about the child that died after leaving ICE custody and what a terrible thing it was. But I wasn't allowed to respond to that. The 20 days they were in detention, they had 10 medical appointments. And because of the Flores rule, we had to release them after 20 days. Maybe if that rule wasn't there, that child would still be alive today because they had medical care at the facility.

INGRAHAM: You have been listening to the show and tonight, and the point that the Democrats have embraced full open borders, decriminalization of illegal crossings, no longer legal, it would be a civil infraction. They believe full benefits should be given to illegal immigrants. How much of a change is that from the time you were in the Obama administration and the approach to deportation and illegal immigration?

HOMAN: It's a big change. We've got a few key months. They want sanctuary cities. They want to reward those who are illegally here with citizenship on top of the free medical care. They want to stop detention.  All detention must go away. Here's a factoid for these Congress lawmakers -- 72 percent of everybody in ICE detention are congressionally mandated via detention. That's what the law says. But people like Gillibrand wants to do away with detention. She doesn't even know what the law says.

INGRAHAM: So no enforcement, no detention, no borders. That's basically it. AOC made this -- was it AOC, yes? Made this comment today. Let's watch.


REP. ALEXANDRA OCASIO-CORTEZ, (D) NEW YORK: I am not surprised when the president says that four sitting members of Congress should, quote, go back to their own country when he has authorized raids without warrants on thousands of families across this country.


INGRAHAM: Your reaction to AOC?

HOMAN: The president is the president of the United States keeping his promise to the American people to secure our country. We're enforcing the law. And that's all it is. And if we want to send a message to the rest of the world, enter our country legally with a child, we're going to release you. You can have due process at great taxpayer expense. And if you get an order to remove, we're going to ignore it. If that's the message we want to send to the rest of the world, more people are going to come, more women are going to be raped, more children are going to die, and the cartels are going to keep getting richer. There has to be rule of law in this country. That's what this country is about.

INGRAHAM: They responded to the president by saying he was a racist, morning, noon, and night, all weekend long. You know the president. What are your thoughts on that?

HOMAN: He's not a racist. They stepped in front of my house on a Sunday morning, 80 of them, I was a racist, I was a Nazi. If you do not agree with their false narrative, then the only thing they've got, pull out the race card. You're racist, you're a Nazi, you're running concentration camps. That hearing I was at was nothing but political theater. They didn't want the truth. That was there to push their political narrative.  They wanted to upset me so I would leave. I didn't give it to them, because I wanted to talk to the American people. Halfway through that hearing, I forgot about them. I was talking to the American people, because that's the only way you can make sense of these people. They're crazy.

INGRAHAM: You did talk to the American people. And thank you for just withstanding what happened and pushing back, and with facts. Tom, it's great to see you, as always.

And how dangerous and anti-American are the open borders crowd becoming?  Acting U.S. Customs and Border Protection Chief Mark Morgan joins me with two frightening examples from just this weekend.


INGRAHAM: If you thought simply enforcing U.S. law would be uncontroversial, you're not living in 2019. On Saturday, an armed 69-year- old Antifa activist was shot and killed by police after incendiary devices into an ICE detention center were sent by him in Tacoma, Washington.  Attacker Willem Van Spronsen's manifesto repeated referred to ICE and the holding centers as concentration camps, a comparison pushed by AOC. Not one 2020 Dem or mainstream media organization thought to mention that link, that same verbiage, none of it.

On Friday open borders activists protesting outside a detention center in Aurora, Colorado tore down the American flag and replaced it with, what do you think, the Mexican flag.

Joining me now is acting U.S. Customs and Border Protection Chief Mark Morgan. Mark, how dangerous is the new resistance to the basic sense of border enforcement, integrity of our law enforcement?

MARK MORGAN, ACTING CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION COMMISSIONER: So Laura, we saw an example of that. You just described that. It's absolutely dangerous.

I have full confidence that the law enforcement mechanism and intelligence agencies are watching these groups. But like what happened, a lone wolf violent extremist, they are very hard to prevent. And why is this is happening? We know why it's happening is that the rhetoric that's out there from our own elected leaders are actually -- the vile rhetoric, they're attacking the men and women of ICE. They're attacking the men and women of CBP. It's unjust, it's unfair, it's misinformed, and outright sometimes they're just lying to the American people. And it's undoubtedly fueling this.

INGRAHAM: The concentration camp language, I'm not saying she's to blame, that she wanted this to happen, but boy do they draw that connection every time there's some horrible event that this person might have supported Trump in the past, and most of the time they didn't even support Trump.  But in this case, it's OK. If you actually think a concentration camp is happening in America, what wouldn't you do to stop it? So that language is -- that's tough language to keep having repeated over and over. But they're continuing to do so.

MORGAN: I think so. And I think it's reasonable to draw the conclusions that we're talking about. And what is just makes me so frustrated, Laura, is that men and women of CBP, for example a lot of people know, this year alone, they've rescued almost 4,000 individuals, individuals trying to illegally enter this country. They rescued them, they've saved their lives. The last time I checked in the concentration camps, Nazis were killing people. Customs and Border Protection are saving lives. It's irresponsible rhetoric. And there should be some accountability.

INGRAHAM: Today, AOC plus three railed against President Trump for putting kids in cages at detention facilities. Listen.


PRESSLEY: If we approve the conditions of kids in a cage, they're still in a cage.

OMAR: Right now the president is committing human rights abuses at the border, keeping children in cages, and having humans being drinking out of toilets.

OCASIO-CORTEZ: We can't look at all Americans in the face and justify why this country is throwing them in cages.


INGRAHAM: That was really the undercurrent here, kids in cages. You worked in the Obama administration. What is the real truth? The architecture of the, quote, "cages," which I saw when I was down there, cages, no. They're holding places so kids don't wander off and we don't know where they'll go. But what is the architecture? What is the origin of it?

MORGAN: So the origin of it is that it's a crisis. In 2014 it was overwhelmed then. We've had a 300 percent increase. Laura, they were actually hailed -- the so-called cages, the Customs and Border Patrol in a very quick manner put this together. Why? To get the kids out of the holding facilities that they shouldn't belong. And we all agreed. And they were actually held back then something very positive. And now it's a negative.

In Congress, it's so funny. We have been talking to Congress. And we've been asking them for months. We've said that the holding facilities at CPB are overcrowded. We've asked them for months.

INGRAHAM: You've been on this show with me. We have been saying this since February or January that this is going to be a peak season and people are going to die. Literally this has been said over and over again to deaf ears.

MORGAN: And that families and children should not be in the Border Patrol facilities. We went back to Congress begging them to help. They sat on their hands. Since the supplement has passed, four weeks ago Border Patrol had 2,500 kids. Now we're around 300.

INGRAHAM: I want to talk about this new asylum rule, Bill Barr. It's going to be introduction to the rule put in place. It's going to be challenged by the ACLU basically saying that if you come through Mexico, you cannot claim asylum in the United States. They use the emergency powers that Congress gave the executive branch to do this interim rule making. My administrative law is kicking back in here. So is that something that is going to help you?

MORGAN: Absolutely. Laura, I hope the American people do research. This is basic international law is that if you're fleeing a country and you're seeking asylum, the standard is you seek asylum in the first country you come to. That just makes sense.

INGRAHAM: They say Mexico is not safe, Mark.

MORGAN: That's just not true.

INGRAHAM: Mexico is safe?

MORGAN: Absolutely.

INGRAHAM: All over Mexico?

MORGAN: Not all over Mexico.

INGRAHAM: I'm playing devil's advocate here.

MORGAN: Of course not. But neither is it in American. Last time I check we have pockets in cities here that they have a high murder rate and high violent crime rate. But of course there are pockets of Mexico that are safe, and they're pockets that aren't, just like any country.

INGRAHAM: AOC plus three will not condemn Antifa. They will not when asked, we don't have time to play it, will not condemn Antifa. The Antifa member behind that attempted violence at an ICE facility. Your thoughts on that.

MORGAN: I'm outraged by that. Every elected leader, every Congress individual right now should absolutely be condemning any type of violence, especially targeted against the men and women who are enforcing the statutes and laws that Congress enacted, that Congress enacted. And that's the part that frustrates me. If you don't like the law, why go after the entity that enforcing it. Go after Congress and change the law.

INGRAHAM: They can change the law.

MORGAN: Change the law.

INGRAHAM: That's what we've been asking for, asylum reform all the way.  It will save lives down the road.

MORGAN: Absolutely, you bet.

INGRAHAM: Mark, thanks for being here tonight.

And 2020 Democrats had quite the weekend from discovering their family slave-owning past, and one candidate who says who they would make their secretary of state. Raymond Arroyo has it all, next.


INGRAHAM: All right, the clown car has been hitting the trail of late, and over the weekend, some of the candidates tried to out-woke one another.  Aren't you sick of that word? Joining me now with this week's trail mix is Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo.

All right, Raymond, Beto is now telling a personal story that connects him to the reparations debate. Do tell.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: He is, Laura. Robert Francis was an early Democratic supporter of reparations. But with identity politics swamping the Democratic Party, Beto has to keep himself relevant. So yesterday he revealed that he and his wife Amy are descended from slave owners. In a lengthy op-ed, Beto wrote "I was recently given documents showing that both Amy and I are descended from people that owned slaves. I benefit from a system that my ancestors built to favor themselves at the expense of others. That only increases the urgency that I feel to help change this country so that it works for those who have been locked out of or locked up in this system."

Now, I guess, Laura, you don't only have to apologize for your own behavior but for your ancestors. This is the kind of racial paranoia taken to the extreme. It was he's great, great, great grandfather, incidentally.

INGRAHAM: First of all, I guess he thinks after the "Vogue" cover it's been all downhill. So he has to -- how is he going to outdo this, though?  It's the only way he will get attention is like the ancestors. What else is he going to do? He's going to have to, I don't know, ventriloquism or something.

ARROYO: You know he's going to be on PBS, he'll be on PBS going over those ancestry files before long.

And Laura, I have to tell you about Washington State Governor Jay Inslee.  I know he's polling at less than one percent according to Real Clear Politics, but Inslee is thinking positively. He announced to Netroots Nation his first cabinet pick, a certain U.S. women's soccer team captain.


GOV. JAY INSLEE, D-WA., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: My first act will be to ask Megan Rapinoe to be secretary of state. I haven't asked her yet, so this could be a surprise to her. I actually believe this, because I think what she has said that has inspired us so much is such an antithesis of the president's foreign policies.


ARROYO: This is called fantasy political football in the extreme, Laura?  Why doesn't he appoint Tom Cruise as Secretary of State? At least he would save the world in a few impossible missions. In what way is Rapinoe qualified? Even she has doubts. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Would you at all entertain professionalizing your social activism, perhaps running for office or something else?

MEGAN RAPINOE: I'm not sure I'm qualified for office.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's no qualifications for office.

RAPINOE: Yes, that's true.


ARROYO: I guess his qualifications are showing there, Inslee's.

INGRAHAM: I think, Raymond, if you play some of those videos that I guess they deleted from the Internet of the postgame celebration, you will connect with the kids on those videos. Total debauchery. That's kind of like "Animal House" but it's like the cool new updated "Animal House." So why not?

All right, Raymond, who else tried to achieve the woke-vana this weekend?

ARROYO: Well, Senator Cory Booker took a subtle swipe at Biden in New Hampshire the other day. He was reacting to Biden's suggestion that the left wing of his party needs to be more realistic in their solutions.


SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: There's one word I can't stand, it's "realistically." My whole career has not been -- not accepting people thinking what is in the realm of possible. This summer we're celebrating the 50th anniversary of putting someone on the moon. If I am your president, I promise you, we will defy gravity again.


ARROYO: He should start -- he could go on the Broadway show "Wicked." Remember, she defied gravity, too.

INGRAHAM: We're out of time, Raymond. Raymond, wait till you see who is a "Jeopardy" question, next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for the Last Bite. All right, guess who has a $1,600 question on "Jeopardy" tonight?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Supreme Court, 16.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One ANGLE on this FOX News host, she clerked for Clarence Thomas? Jeff.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, Laura Ingraham.


INGRAHAM: OK. Well, they've showed the photo and I guess that's -- I guess -- that's as close as it gets for a Jeopardy nerd.

All right. That's all the time we have tonight. New podcast tomorrow. Go to Mike Emanuel and the "Fox News @ Night" team take it from here, in for Shannon.


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