Trump backs no executive bonuses for corporate bailouts

This is a rush transcript from "Special Report,” March 19, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

BAIER: Thank you, Dana. Good evening. I'm Bret Baier. "BREAKING TONIGHT". President Trump says he hopes Americans can return to their normal lives very soon. He says most people infected are getting better. We have new information tonight about potential treatments for COVID-19.

We will talk live with the president's coronavirus response coordinator, a bit later. Dr. Deborah Birx, says, of all the Americans who have taken the test so far, only 10 to 11 percent are showing positive results for the virus. We'll dig into that.

With more Americans being tested, the infection numbers are soaring as expected. More than 11,000 cases are confirmed in this country now, 157 deaths. Italy has now surpassed China as the country with the most fatalities from the coronavirus with more than 3,400.

The original epicenter of the outbreak, Wuhan, China recorded no new infections for the first day since the crisis began. Now that is according to Chinese officials.

Here in the U.S., the State Department is now advising Americans to avoid international travel altogether. We have new information about the proposed cash payments to citizens as part of a stimulus package from Capitol Hill.

A short time ago, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced his plan in the Senate. We'll have details in a moment.

The Pentagon is pausing movements of any new troops into Afghanistan and is quarantining 1,500 service members who recently arrived to avoid the spread of disease.

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott has issued an executive order that forces bars, restaurants, gyms, and schools to close until April 1st.

ESPN reports tonight, New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton is the first member of the NFL community to test positive. And Prince Albert II of Monaco, the son of the late American actress Grace Kelly has also tested positive tonight.

Chief White House correspondent John Roberts, starts us off tonight live in the North Lawn. Good evening, John.

JOHN ROBERTS, FOX NEWS CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Bret, good evening to you. And a new warning from the State Department tonight that Americans who are traveling internationally need to get home now or risk getting stranded. And that anyone who is planning to travel overseas in the next few weeks needs to be prepared to stay there for a long time.

The new warning comes as the president was meeting remotely with the nation's governors coping with an ever-expanding emergency.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 53,000 tests --

ROBERTS: At FEMA headquarters today, President Trump consulting with the nation's governors on how to respond to the rapidly spreading health crisis, optimistic, the U.S. will come out the other side.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We're poised to come back very, very fast, but we have to get rid of this, and we will get rid of the virus. And hopefully, it will be sooner -- far sooner rather than later.

ROBERTS: Earlier today, some good news about possible treatments. The FDA green lighting compassionate use of experimental drugs for severely ill patients, holding out hope a new drug remdesivir at a currently available malaria drug hydroxychloroquine may be effective against coronavirus.

TRUMP: We'll be able to reduce the severity or duration of the symptoms. Make people better essentially with looking at things to make people better. Or at the very earliest stages, they wouldn't even know they had it.

FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, saying there are even more candidate therapies crossing his desk every day.

DR. STEPHEN HAHN, COMMISSIONER OF FOOD AND DRUGS: We need to make sure that these -- this sea of new treatments will get the right drug to the right patient at the right dosage at the right time.

ROBERTS: But the president coming under fire from Democrats for signing, but not putting into action the Defense Production Act to increase inventories of critically needed medical supplies.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a statement, saying, "The President must immediately use the powers of the Defense Production Act to mass-produce and coordinate distribution of these critical supplies before the need worsens and the shortages become even more dire. There is not a day to lose."

President Trump, still not ready to pull the trigger.

Under what conditions would you put the Defense Production Act into action?

TRUMP: Well, we were desperately in need of something. And we frankly, will know about that very shortly. We want to be ahead of -- we don't want to do it as it happens, but before it happens. We're going to know a lot over the next two or three days.

ROBERTS: On Capitol Hill, the White House selling lawmakers in the need for a trillion-dollar stimulus package, including direct payments to taxpayers. The proposal, $1,200 per adult and $500 per child up to $75,000 in income. Above 75,000, the payments decrease, then cap out at an income of $99,000.

With a backlog of tests now being processed at high speed, the number of positives has gone up dramatically. An increasing number of them among young people, leading New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to rip spring breakers who threw caution and social distancing to the wind.

GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): This is so unintelligent and reckless. I can't even begin to express it.


ROBERTS: How long before life in America returns to normal is an open question. Asked today, President Trump, said he will only know if he needs to extend his 15-day guidelines on day 14.

And it looks like another industry will be in line for financial help, President Trump, today telling the governor of Michigan that he will likely have to have something for the auto industry. Bret.

BAIER: John Roberts, live in the North Lawn. John, thanks.

The Dow staging a very modest comeback today finishing ahead 188. The S&P 500 was up 11. The NASDAQ surged 161 today. Susan Li of Fox Business joins us now from New York to talk about the markets. Good evening, Susan.

SUSAN LI, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK CORRESPONDENT: Good evening, Bret. A small recovery from three-year lows. There are hopes for a big economic stimulus package from Washington.

Well, the Federal Reserve along with other central banks have been pumping money in and trying to help cushion the financial fallout. America's big technology names leading the rebound today. Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Microsoft.

Amazon up despite confirming its first warehouse employee testing positive for COVID-19. Oil prices, meantime, saw its biggest one-day rally in history after President Trump hinted that the U.S. might intervene in the oil markets.

Oil still down 60 percent on the year, as are the airlines and playmaker Boeing. Airlines are looking for $50 billion in assistance from the government. Boeing is asking for $60 billion.


TRUMP: We will be helping the airline industry, we will be helping the cruise ship industry, we probably will be helping the hotel industry, we'll probably be -- where jobs are created. You don't want to lose industries like this.


LI: But there's a loud criticism that says a bailout should come with limits.


MARK CUBAN, OWNER, NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION'S DALLAS MAVERICKS: No buybacks, not now, not a year from now, not 20 years from now. Not ever, because effectively, you're spending taxpayer money to buy back stock. And to me, that's just, just the wrong way to do that.

TRUMP: Some companies, as you know, did stock buybacks and I was never happy with that. It's very hard to tell them not to, but I would tell them not to. I would say I don't like it for that reasons.


LI: Well, share buybacks that usually lifts stock prices because they reduce the supply in the markets and that would benefit company executives who are usually compensated with a lot of stock.

Meantime, for small business, 96 percent of owners say that they are already being hurt by the coronavirus in a survey by Goldman Sachs. Well, Bank of America, says that the U.S. is already in recession. Bret?

BAIER: Susan, thank you.

We are going to take an extended look tonight at the virus situation with a woman coordinating the federal response, Dr. Deborah Birx. She joins us from the North Lawn of the White House.

Dr. Birx, thanks for being here.


BAIER: The biggest question I get over and over is how long will this last? We are three days into these 15-day guidelines. What's your assessment tonight?

BIRX: Well, we are getting in data every day. Data is from every country around the world. We're watching the epidemics continues to expand in Italy and in Germany and France and Switzerland and throughout the European countries. But we're getting to see real hope from South Korea and China, where it looks like they've moved through the worst of their epidemics.

And so, we're looking to -- then, that's why the president, I think, was so aggressive with the guidance to the American people because it's modeled after very much what China, South Korea, and the model show could have an impact.

BAIER: Do you believe the Chinese report that there are no new transmissions in the Wuhan province -- no local transmissions today?

BIRX: You know, if you watch the trend lines over time, and if you watch them as you line them up with South Korea, they're very similar. So, at this point at this moment, we would believe those data. I think everyone still concerned about why we weren't alerted earlier.

BAIER: You know, you mentioned three states today when you over at FEMA, and we'll put up the map. Three states with more than 50 percent -- 57.7 actually, percent of the cases. New York, California, and Washington. The governor of California, Gavin Newsom wrote a letter asking for assistance, including that hospital ship in which he said, "We project that roughly 56 percent of our population, 25.5 million people will be infected with the virus over an eight week period."

By that is that what's you're tracking?

BIRX: You know, this is the issue -- this is the issues when you look at models. And then, you look at what happened in China and South Korea. Certainly, they didn't have that same level of infection, but they did a lot to decrease the spread of the virus. I think that's why the president put out these guidelines.

We know what to do now to stop the spread of the virus. I think, are we as an American people, as a community of individuals who care for each other willing to make this personal sacrifice to change this course of the virus? So, it's not 25 million infected. It's not 5 million infected, but maybe 50,000 to 150,000 infected? That's the possibility that we hold in our hands.

BAIER: Yes. I guess it's obviously an economic hit for a lot of small businesses. There are some businesses that are going out of business, as you know, Dr., because of these guidelines, and what we're doing as a country to protect others. So, they're continuing to ask, is 15 days, is it a month? Is it eight weeks, as Governor Newsom says?

BIRX: And these are good questions, and I think the president was very clear today when he said, well, reevaluate on day 14th. And I think what we saw today and what's really important to us is county by county community by community data.

You can't average the data, I call it the tyranny of averages. You can't make decisions by melding all the data together, either by America or by states, you've got to really go granularly into the counties and understand spread in every single county.

BAIER: All right, the other thing the president mentioned today was the optimism about these drugs, these treatments, chloroquine, and remdesivir. And chloroquine has been around for a long time. What is your straight assessment of how much that could factor in and how soon?

BIRX: Well, the president made it clear over several weeks that he wanted something that was available now, he wanted something that would be available over the next 30 days, and he wanted something available that would be available potentially next fall if we needed it and even into the fall of 2021 as a vaccine. So, we started planning and working from day one.

We've screened a lot of compounds, chloroquine did show promise overseas. I think the FDA has joined forces and eliminating red tape to ensure that, that product could be available to physicians to subscribe -- to prescribe to their patients.

But we want to be able to study at the same time, not limit use, but actually study at the same time to see if it does have the impact that others have reported.

BAIER: But, since it's been used before, chloroquine, for example, an off label usage, is that going to help in the treatment right now, like as of today?

BIRX: Well, a couple of countries have reported that it showed promise. That doesn't mean that it will show promise in Americans, it shown promise in the test tube. And I think what we're very interested in is to make sure we've eliminated red tape to make the drug available through their physicians, and study it at the same time.

At the same time, we're doing clinical trials on remdesivir and other products that we think also will show promise.

BAIER: One of the stats that shook me today was the Washington Post had that younger adults make up nearly 40 percent of coronavirus hospitalizations in the U.S. Does that track what you're saying?

BIRX: So, I'm very granular with my data. And because they had so few cases, they put 20, to 55, 54 together. So, in my mind, that's not all young people, if you start disaggregating, again, if you look at the Italian data, if you look at all of the other data around the world, children and people under 19 have done very well. That doesn't mean they don't get seriously ill, but they have done well.

The data that we have right now, for individuals between 20 and 54 is so limited, it was grouped together to say 40 percent. But if you look between 20 and 44, it's 20 percent. So, then you have to ask yourself, how many people are really between 20 and 30? And these are -- this is why it's so important to have case reporting.

And we're really asking for every hospital to bring those data together so we can study them as one group of Americans to really understand how this virus is interacting with American individuals.

BAIER: But Doctor, kids, younger kids, should not feel immune here.

BIRX: No, actually I was very concerned to hear some, even governors talking about children being immune. We have never said children would be immune. There is no reason to believe a child has immunity to this virus. It has never been seen in humans before. We have no reason to believe that they're immune.

What we found reassuring that is in general, children under 19 have done very well. What do I mean by that? They recover. And I think that's what every mother wants to hear. Certainly, as a mother, myself, we want to hear that our children and our grandchildren are going to recover.

BAIER: Well, speaking about kids, I want to take you to a viewer question. This is from Randy and he is from Southern California. Take a listen.


RANDY SREDEN, SOUTH CALIFORNIA RESIDENT: Hey, Bret Baier. This is Randy Sreden from Southern California. Snacks and I have a quick question. We have -- or I help run a baseball league out here. And there is about 2,000 kids at play, obviously outside. We're not sure what to do. We're looking for some guidance. We are trying to decide whether we should cancel the season. Whether we should postpone it until after spring break, which is April 13th. Is that long enough? Is that too long?


BAIER: That would he tell, Randy tonight?

BIRX: Well, I would tell Randy, it's impossible to do social distancing in sporting events. And this is why the NBA, the National Hockey League, and all others have canceled their sporting events. It's just really impossible. And you can't --


BAIER: So, go ahead.

BIRX: You can't really do that distances.


BAIER: Go ahead and cancel it. Yes, go ahead and cancel it, you would say him -- to him. Doc, if you wouldn't mind hanging around for your quick break, I've got a few more questions if you've got some time.

BIRX: Sure.

BAIER: All right, we'll be right back after this.


BAIER: "BREAKING TONIGHT", I just getting word that the governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, has ordered all non-life sustaining business in Pennsylvania to close. Physical locations as of 8:00 p.m. And there will be enforcement as of 12:01 a.m. Saturday, March 21st.

We're joined by corona response coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx. Is this what we're going to see more of, of this complete shutdown?

BIIRX: You know, I think governors and mayors and local officials have really tried to get the message out, really asking people to stay home, asking people to do carry out. And I think when they see that, that doesn't happen and they have rising number of new infections, they feel like that is the next step to actually prevent spread.

The problem is a lot of people are asymptomatic. So you can't tell that they're infected. Yet they may be spreading it among their peers unknowingly.

BAIER: Is a federal shutdown of air travel being considered tonight?

BIRX: You know, as President Trump has said from the beginning, everything is on the table. Every day, we go over data, the taskforce reviews it, and really uses science and data to drive policy and decision making.

BAIER: So, I guess the answer is yes, everything is on the table.

BIRX: Everything is on the table.

BAIER: As disruptive as that is to the economy, you obviously inside the workings of the coronavirus task force have determined that the health of Americans has supersedes what we're seeing in the economic effects.

BIRX: And that's what's been so amazing about all of this. Obviously, we had a very strong economy going into this, but all of the decisions are based on what protects the most American people and how do we keep America healthy?

I think we all believe that once we can control this virus and that's why what the state governors are doing is really critical because this will be controlled community by community.

BAIER: Is it transferred -- you know, we're talking about the spring breakers who are on the beach in Florida. They've locked down the beaches here, the governor has. Is coronavirus transferred in water and pools and Jacuzzis?

BIRX: You know, that's a great question. And we know it's in people's saliva. So, technically, if you were right beside the person with their saliva that could potentially happen as you breathed it in or got water in your mouth, we don't know.

That's why we're asking people to be very cautious. And so, social distancing should also apply in the pools.

BAIER: If an existing therapy we talked about before is showing progress and significant progress in fighting this, how quickly and in what quantities could it be made?

BIRX: You know, it's a drug that we've had around for decades. So, it's -- as a pretty straightforward drug to make, there's a lot of companies who already make it because it's very important in our malaria fights around the world.

And so, we have drug available, and we really just have to see does it actually work? We know it's probably safe. I think the question really is, does it have a therapeutic effect, and that is what's going to be setting. It looks promising, we just want to make sure that at the same time that we're giving this option to physicians that we're actually studying its impact.

BAIER: Just to take the people inside some of the debate there at the White House, what in your mind was the moment that changed the president's tone? You know, he had obviously evolved in how he talked about this over weeks. And just how he expressed it.

And then, we saw him Monday and Tuesday with a really, completely different tone. Was it that U.K. study that showed if we didn't do anything, 2.2 million Americans could die?

BIRX: I think it was a combination of factors all along. He's been looking at the data and I think we were all encouraged by the data coming in from China and South Korea. But then when we started to see the data coming in from Italy, and what it means when you don't respond really urgently.

So, with the airport closures to both China and then Europe, we prevented what we would call a lot of seeding of new cases in the United States.

Remember, three or four months ago, there -- this virus was not in America. So, it's come to the American shores. So, decreasing the travel and preventing those travelers from bringing in more virus was critical.

But once you could see how in Europe, the virus was dramatically expanding and really is concerned of the elderly and the particularly vulnerable groups, and that higher mortality, the higher deaths among those with pre- existing conditions. I think everyone was very compelled, including the president in reviewing the data.

BAIER: I'm going to play another viewer question. This is Nick on recovery numbers.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hi, Bret. Why does that the media reports the net new cases of coronavirus? Meaning, not only how many cases have been discovered, but how many have recovered from it. This might calm people down to some degree.


BIRX: Yes, you know that --


BAIER: You had a questions about recovery.

BIRX: That's a great question. So, if you go to the Johns Hopkins dashboard, it does track recoveries. And you can see that most of the individuals from China have fully recovered at about a 96 percent rate.

And if you were outside of Wuhan, about a 99 percent rate. And so, that is very encouraging to us. But we know that the people who don't have the same option to recover are those with pre-existing conditions and those who are older. And that's why we worry and talk to all the American people about, please, prevent the spread of this virus to your loved ones.

BAIER: And Dr. Birx, you holding up?

BIRX: Absolutely.

BAIER: Well, we appreciate your time and thanks for your service to the country.

BIRX: Thank you.

BAIER: The coronavirus pandemic is putting the squeeze on the blood supply. That story coming up.

First, here is what some of our Fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. Fox 19 in Cincinnati, as the pilot of a small plane, is killed during a crash in a rural area of Southwestern Ohio. Emergency responders initially could not locate the crash site and they eventually had to use all-terrain vehicles to navigate the difficult terrain and reach that scene.

Fox two in St. Louis has two people are rushed to a local hospital following a fire at a 10 story apartment building last night. The fire chief says, when crews arrived at the scene, they found the occupants, a man, and woman, had been pulled from their fourth-floor apartment by their neighbors.

90 of the 140 apartments in the building had to be checked. Everyone was safely evacuated.

And Fox 26 in Houston as a man dies by apparent suicide at one of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's family detention centers. A legal group says that it represented the man announced the death. It's the ninth to occur in ice custody since the start of the government's fiscal year in October.

Fox four in Anchorage, Alaska, as Thomas Waerner of Norway wins the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Nearly a third of the 57 mushers competing quit before finishing due to weather conditions.

And this is a live look at Indianapolis from Fox 59. The big story there tonight, a large scale drug investigation culminating in a series of Drug Enforcement Agency raids that fanned out across the city this morning. Officials say between 20 and 30 people were arrested for suspected drug dealing.

That's tonight's live look "OUTSIDE THE BELTWAY". Just that other news we stress from SPECIAL REPORT, we'll be right back.


BAIER: Here are some other stories again making headlines tonight. An American Navy veteran imprisoned a year ago in Iran for insulting the Islamic Republic's supreme leader has been granted medical furlough because of the country's severe coronavirus outbreak. Michael White was released to the Swiss embassy as part of a furlough that will require him to remain in Iran. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo The U.S. will work for his full release.

In New Hampshire, a restaurant owner who had faced decades old murder and torture charges in Lebanon was ordered released today by a judge there. Amer Fakhoury denies the charges. The judge made the ruling because more than 10 years had passed since the crimes occurred.

And Hawaii Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has suspended her presidential campaign. She is offering her full support to former vice president Joe Biden. Gabbard finishes the race with two delegates, both won in the March 2nd primary in her Native American Samoa.

One of the many unpleasant and unfortunate consequences of the coronavirus outbreak is steep decline in blood donations. Correspondent Bryan Llenas has that story tonight from New York.


ROB PURVIS, NEW YORK BLOOD CENTER: There are so many normal daily uses for blood.

BRYAN LLENAS, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Rob Purvis, the senior vice president of the New York Blood Center, says they need blood now.

PURVIS: If there isn't any they are, those people aren't going to get the transfusions that they need to survive.

LLENAS: Today, the American Surgeon General reassured Americans that despite the COVID-19 outbreak, it is safe to donate blood.

DR. JEROME ADAMS, SURGEON GENERAL: Blood centers are taking extra precautions at this time based on new CDC recommendations, including spacing beds six feet apart, disinfecting services between patients, temperature checking staff, and encouraging donors to make appointments.

LLENAS: The FDA says there have been no reported or suspected cases of transfusion transmitted coronavirus. COVID-19 poses no known risk to patients receiving blood transfusions.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They needed blood in the state of Washington, so I came to donate. I feel like if you can do it, you should absolutely do it.

LLENAS: The American Red Cross, which supplies 40 percent of America's blood, says it is facing a severe blood shortage. The COVID-19 outbreak has led to workplaces, college campuses, and schools to shut down. More than 80 percent of the blood collected comes from drives at these locations.

According to America's blood centers, nationwide more than 4,000 drives have been canceled and there have been at least 130,000 fewer blood donations.

JARRETT BARRIOS, AMERICAN RED CROSS, LOS ANGELES: We are rapidly approaching a blood shortage, not just in L.A. but nationally, at a time when our hospitals are going to be going into overdrive.

LLENAS: Hospitals rely on donated blood to run cardiac and respiratory machines which could be needed to help the most critical COVID-19 patients.

GAIL MCGOVERN, AMERICAN RED CROSS PRESIDENT: Doctors are going to have to make tough decisions, who gets blood and who doesn't.


LLENAS: The New York Blood Center, like many others, has doubled its hours of operation and appointment times. To make an appointment at a local blood center, go to or Bret?

BAIER: Bryan, thank you.

We told you at the top of the program the area in China where the coronavirus outbreak began is now reporting no new cases. But President Trump is making it clear he has reasons not to trust the Chinese government. Correspondent Gillian Turner has that story tonight.


GILLIAN TURNER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: For the first time today, China reported no new local virus cases. But President Trump says it's hard to trust those numbers.

TRUMP: As far as believing what they are putting out now, I hope it's true. Who knows, but I hope it's true.

TURNER: The president also accused of the Chinese government of a coverup.

TRUMP: I think you're up to 141 different countries right now. It could have been stopped in his tracks. Unfortunately, they didn't decide to make it public. But the whole world is suffering because of it.

TURNER: Even the National Security Council condemned China's government today, accusing officials of working around the clock to spread disinformation about the origins and spread of the Chinese virus. But in an about-face, the Chinese Communist Party is trying to prove the country where coronavirus took root is now on the front lines tackling the pandemic. President Xi Jinping shipping planeloads of test kits, ventilators, and masks to Europe and deploying medics to the Middle East. Chinese billionaire Jack Ma even donated a million masks to the U.S. And President Xi reassured Spain's prime minister in a phone call, saying, quote, "The sun will come out after the storm."

Experts claim China's spin hides a more sinister reality for hundreds of millions of citizens who they have been subject to an unprecedented crackdown. It includes forced quarantines of healthy people, sealed off cities, heavy surveillance, and punishment for whistleblowers.


TURNER: Sources tell Fox News there is evidence that President Xi knew about the virus' impact as early as early of the first week in January as officials in Hubei province were publicly downplaying the outbreak. They say they'll face a lot more tough questions now from world leaders. Bret?

BAIER: Gillian, thanks.

Next up, the physical and psychological effects of this pandemic. We'll talk to doctors and answer your questions.


BAIER: The pressures from the coronavirus pandemic are not just economic and physical. The situation is also placing tremendous psychological pressure on many Americans, especially if you are cooped up, can't leave. We're going to talk about all of that, and take your questions. Joining us are Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, City M.D. medical director and FOX News contributor, Dr. Joshua Morganstein, chair of the American Psychiatric Association's Committee on Psychiatric dimensions of disasters, and Dr. Jamie Howard, senior clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institutes Anxiety Disorder Center and director of Trauma and Resilient Service. We appreciate your time, doctors all.

First let's go to Julie's question. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Can the wind carry the virus? So if you were out on the golf course or you're painting your very well worn rocking chair, can I catch the virus just because of the wind?


BAIER: Dr. Nesheiwat, how about that? She is painting that rocking chair. She wants to know.

DR. JANETTE NESHEIWAT, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: That is a great question. So the coronavirus, COVID-19, it's usually a waterborne, droplet type of transmission, meaning someone is coughing and sneezing, and you are close by, and that is how you catch it. Now, it can live in the air for a few hours. So if you are out and about in the wind and you were around someone that was just coughing and sneezing, it is possible for you to pick it up. It can also live on surfaces up to about a few hours to a few days. So that is a possibility.

So the key is, if you are outside doing whatever activity you are engaging in, that's fine. But when you go back inside, wash your hands, and don't forget, don't touch her face, don't rub your eyes or your nose.

BAIER: And doc, along those lines, what about mosquitoes? Can they transfer coronavirus?

NESHEIWAT: So we don't know if mosquitoes can transfer coronavirus. There is not enough information. It is probably unlikely right now. Usually mosquitoes will carry malaria, cause malaria, Zika virus, that sort of thing, dengue fever, chikungunya, those sorts of infections We don't have enough information at this point to say yes it can, but most likely, the most likely cause of transmission is person to person through coughing, sneezing, water droplets.

BAIER: OK, let's listen to Mark. He is a father of three.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Usually, we can talk to our kids about changing dates on the calendar and they can adjust to that pretty well. But with this situation, not knowing dates, not knowing when things will get back to normal, it's pretty tough to talk to them about how to deal with it. So we could use a little help on that one. Thank you.


BAIER: Dr. Howard, let me start with you. Dr. Morganstein, follow after Dr. Howard, if you could.

DR. JAMIE HOWARD, CHILD MIND INSTITUTE: Yes, so we all really thrive on routine and predictability, and kids in particular. That's so hard right now, there is so much uncertainty, and we have to tolerate that uncertainty right now. But what you can do is keep an open line of communication with your kids and tell them that I will tell you as soon as I know something that we can put on the calendar, and start with that as a great way to keep them calm. You can also maybe create some new routines in the meantime.

BAIER: New routines. Dr. Morganstein, this is the biggest traumatic thing that kids, especially young kids, will have dealt with. It is their 9/11 as far as having to deal with something.

DR. JOSHUA MORGANSTEIN, AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION: I think that it is also helpful to remind kids that they have dealt with uncertainty before, different kinds of uncertainty. Kids deal with uncertainty when they are awaiting to find out what score they got on a test, or whether they made a sports team. Those are smaller uncertainties and this is a bigger uncertainty, but reminding children of the skills that they have can help them think about what abilities they have to manage this present situation and the present difficulties.

It can also be helpful as a reminder to children that the things that they are doing and the changes that are happening in their routine and those disruptions, they are doing also not just for their health and the health and safety of their family, but also for the health and safety of their classmates, their friends, and their family. It is a way of teaching altruism to children at a young age.

BAIER: Yes, it is responsibility, that's a good point.

I want to go to a medical question about the virus, and this is from Twitter. Nick writes, "Hey, Bret, quick question, does heat kill the coronavirus? If so, is there a known temperature that kills the virus?" Thanks. There is a video going around online, Dr. Nesheiwat, that shows the heat at some temperature kills the virus, and there's people going into saunas or putting hair dryers up their nose. What is the deal with that?

NESHEIWAT: I hope and pray that as the temperature rises that we will see a less number of cases of the coronavirus. Typically, viruses, they thrive in cold weather, cold temperatures. The outside portion of the virus, the capsule that has the spikes, that is why they call it the coronavirus because the outside looks like a crown, it should hopefully melt as the temperature rises. Usually 60, 70 degrees we she that viruses usually will not survive, will be destroyed. So that is the hope and the prayer. But we don't know for sure. This is a new virus. We are still learning about it. We are still studying.

So in the meantime, we still want to take common sense precautions to help prevent the spread of this virus until the warmer temperatures come our way, hopefully soon.

BAIER: Docs, stand by, if you will. We have more questions, more viewer questions, after a short timeout.


BAIER: We are back with our panel of medical experts. Go to Twitter now, Wyatt, he writes, "Bret, I'm a high schools senior in Maryland. Any thought on what states might do if schools cannot open in time for graduation?"

And I want to talk about the psychology of that. I think that that decision has yet to be made, but it's very possible, just listening to Dr. Birx about what could be coming as far as more restrictions. Dr. Howard, what about that, and just the overwhelming feeling of not knowing what is coming next?

HOWARD: It is so disappointing, and it is important that we validate that for kids, we don't know what is going to happen. We need to stay tuned. Hopefully they will start to have some acceptance as time goes on. That's what we tend to do. I have heard from other high schoolers who I work with that there are tentative plans in place to postpone a graduation ceremony into the summer. Hopefully, students will be able to have some kind of celebration, and if not the typical one that they were originally expecting, then some other type of moment to honor what they have accomplished.

BAIER: Dr. Morganstein, what about families that now are on day four, maybe day five or six, maybe cooped up, and just like the holidays, you get to the end of the week and you're like can't wait to get back to work. But now we are not. And we may be in these quarters for a long time. What do you say to families who may be getting stressed or tense or whatever?

MORGANSTEIN: We certainly thrive on routines, and people are having to make a lot of adjustments. And this is a difficult time. Finding new routines, new ways of spending time together as a family, getting outside of the house will all be helpful things. Also, enhancing our connection to other people -- I think we use the word "social distancing" a lot, but what we are really talking about is physical distancing while maintaining social connections. Technology is one way to do that, connecting with friends, family, and even neighbors. Going out for a walk, meeting your neighbors, exchanging problem-solving ideas while you get some exercise together. But these are all ways of reminding ourselves that we are in things together. And we know that strong communities buffer against the adverse effects of disasters and crisis events.

BAIER: Dr. Nesheiwat, we will go to Twitter again. Darby writes, "What is the correlation between vaping and the coronavirus? Are vapers considered to be patients with underlying health conditions? And if so, is there any evidence to support the virus is more deadly for these people?"

NESHEIWAT: That's a great question. Being a vaper does not necessarily put you in high risk condition. Now, if you have COPD or heart failure or kidney disease and you vape, then yes, you are in a high-risk category. Vaping and smoking can cause irritation and inflammation in the lungs, and therefore make you more prone to infection. And you will have a longer healing process. There is no clear data that links vaping, smoking, and specifically coronavirus, but from past experience, we tend to see that those who smoke and vape usually have more difficulty with recovery and have respiratory distress if they smoke and vape and encounter a bacterial infection or a viral infection that tends to result in pneumonia.

BAIER: Dr. Howard, final piece of advice for families and kids. They are seeing a lot of things. They're seeing people hoard stuff in the grocery stores. They're seeing all kinds of new every day. What do you tell them?

HOWARD: We really want our kids to receive their information from parents, so I would try to limit their exposure to news, what they are seeing, and to newspapers, and be as much as you can the source of the news for them. And then be ready to provide explanations for things like if they see people buying a lot of groceries hoarding, whatnot, you can people want to be prepared, and leave it at that. And ask them what questions they have, keep an open line of communication and let them know it is OK to come to you at any point with questions.

BAIER: And Dr. Morganstein, you say get out, get out and about. Keep your social distance, but get outside.

MORGANSTEIN: Absolutely. And along with that is making sure that people are practicing good self-care. That is going to be really important in the long run, and many of us are really focused right now and distracted, understandably, with managing the crisis at hand. It's easy to overlook basic self-care things like getting good sleep, eating regular meals, staying hydrated. And those may sound like simple things, but when we don't sleep well and we don't eat well, our ability to think and make decisions and take care of our children also gets compromised. So when parents are well, they are in the best position to take care of their children. And we need to be thinking clearly to be able to solve the problems that we have right now.

BAIER: Doctors, we really appreciate this. I hope it helps people at home. Thanks for joining us.

When we come back, more good news in a bad situation, the brighter side of things.


BAIER: Ending with some breaking news, President Trump canceling the G7 meeting scheduled for June at Camp David. He canceled that for world leaders of the G7.

Finally, tonight, some sunshine in the rain. I know it's a little cheesy, but we like to and on these stories. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Christ the Redeemer Statue lit up with flags and messages of hope in solidarity with countries affected by the coronavirus. The message, hashtag #praytogether was also projected onto the statue in different languages.

Uber Eats in the U.S. announcing that it will waive delivery fees for independently owned restaurants. Local restaurants need business now more than ever, so order in if you can.

The coronavirus, no match for a granddaughter's love. With the nursing home on lockdown, Carly Boyd stood outside her grandfather's window to show him that she was engaged, and he was happy for her.

Yesterday, at Skillets Restaurant in Naples, Florida, a regular came in, a customer, with $10,000 cash, gave each of the 20 employees there $500. Just walked out. That's good news.

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