Trump addresses North Korea, Iran, ISIS at news conference

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 20, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

A short while ago, President Trump wrapped up a press conference with Italy's prime minister at the White House. He fielded a number of questions on Iran, health care, ISIS and more. Here's what he said of the start about North Korea.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Do you believe that the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, is mentally unstable? As far as North Korea is concerned, we are in very good shape. We are building our military rapidly. We are in very good position. We are going to see what happens. I can't answer your question on stability.

I hope the answer is a positive one, not a negative one, but hopefully that will be something that gets taken care of. I have great respect for the president of China. I actually told him, I said you'll make a much better deal on trade if you get rid of this menace or do something about the menace of North Korea because that is what it is. It is a menace right now. So we'll see what happens.


PERINO: There is President Trump, Greg, utilizing some American leverage on trade to get China to act, but you have to mention that the Italian prime minister was like, what am I, chopped liver? Nobody ever asks about Italy.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, it's because, you know, it's America! I like how Trump talks about China. It's like at a bar with his buddy, and he said you got to get out of this relationship.


GUTFELD: It just got to go. It's like you like it or not, you know.

PERINO: You have to kick her out of the house.

GUTFELD: Or him.


GUTFELD: And who cares if he is mentally unstable, we have to respond and react to North Korea's actions. They just released a statement where they are planning to launch a super mighty preemptive strike.

PERINO: That's what they call it.

GUTFELD: That's what they call it. It was from the official North Korea paper. It sounds like something that the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers might do. And who knows, maybe that's his favorite show, and dresses up as one. The problem with North orea is that it is comical until it isn't.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: It's like we talk about it, obviously a plot point of Comedy Central with South Park, we think it's funny, but at some point it's not going to be funny anymore. When is that point happening?

PERINO: And certainly not funny, not funny the humanitarian situation, Kimberly, is terrible, but that is not our initial problem. The biggest problem is trying to prevent the nuclear weapons proliferation.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yeah, that should be really at the foremost in terms of concerns for the United States from a national security perspective. I mean, really especially, and I think you have to be concerned as to whether or not the stability of Kim Jong-un because we are trying to work with someone in a rational way to say, it is in no one's best interests if you continue to act in a menacing way by making these threats against the United States by test firing missiles and repeatedly putting us in a position where we are forced to ask.

Obviously, to me, it seems that this is really on the top of the president's list and I think in the front of his mind in terms of dealing with this and working on it. And so far, so good in terms of our relationship with China and President Xi. So I look forward to them working cooperatively because we don't need more mishaps like we had last week with the test fires. Eventually, they are going to figure out how to be able to overcome that roadblock that seems to have cyber befallen them.

PERINO: Bob, is there a historical example where there was a leader that might have been considered mentally unstable that we had to deal in the past? Maybe they didn't have nuclear weapons, but that the United States had to confront.

GUTFELD: Be careful, Bob.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: So many of them. I think probably one who was fairly substantial was Marcos in the Philippines.

PERINO: Right.

BECKEL: I was there in the peace corps, and he was nuttier than a (ph) fruitcake, still got a bomb some place in his hometown. He's fallen apart, but outside of that. Look, let's go back to North Korea for a second. North Korea has.

PERINO: I was throwing you a bone.


BECKEL: I appreciate that. North Korea has in many ways changed a lot of our foreign policy emphasis. Donald Trump not three months ago saying China was a great currency manipulator. Now, there are friends if they will cut a good deal and help us with the North Koreans. At the same time, remember the trade with all of those new missiles they had in North Korea?


BECKEL: You know whose trucks those were? They're Chinese trucks carrying those nuclear weapons. So I -- and new ones, by the way. So I don't know. I really don't trust it. I still believe that China is the single biggest national security threat to United States, in the long run of any country.

PERINO: So maybe that is but do think that is possibly changing though if you think that?


BECKEL: No, I think they are and I think.

PERINO: I was actually asking Eric.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Oh, me? I woke up this morning and I heard this, that Xi Jinping said that they are going to lean on North Korea. They are gonna hold back some exports. They are gonna restrict trades in North Korea. At that moment, I realize, it's game over for North Korea now. They are out of friends. They are out of allies. They are surrounded now, China on the north, South Korea on the south, Japan to I believe it's the east.

No, I'm sorry, east, yes. They (inaudible) to the west. They are now being surrounded and they are going to get squeezed out of relevance. All because of what you pointed out three weeks ago or three months ago, Donald Trump said China was a currency manipulator and decided not to declare them that when he's president and instead negotiate with them. What did they get? They get for the first time a Chinese president saying, North Korea, cut it out.

We haven't heard that, I don't know, decades? I mean there has been some back and forth China typically on a great day says, we're not getting involved. Now they are leaning on North Korea. Kim Jong-un has to be going, oh, I'm all out of friends. All this commentary about peremptory strikes, they can't even get a missile off the ground.

BECKEL: We don't know if they are leaning or not. I mean, they say it but China is always saying.

BOLLING: They are leaning on. They said they are going to restrict oil exports to them which they almost get 100 percent of the oil in North Korea from China, and they said they are going to restrict trade into China. That is a monumental change. Donald Trump made the deal with China.

BECKEL: I wouldn't argue about that but I would argue it was right after that North Korea announced they are going to launch another missile.

PERINO: We'll have to see what happens. Meanwhile, there are other hot spots around the world that President Trump talked about. He was asked about ISIS. Here is what he said.


TRUMP: I do see a role in getting rid of ISIS. We are being very effective in that regard. We are doing a job with respect to ISIS that has not been done anywhere near the numbers that we are producing right now. It is a very effective force we have. We have no choice. I see that as a primary role, and that is what we are going to do, whether it is in Iraq or Libya or anywhere else, and that role will come to an end at a certain point and we'll be able to go back home and rebuild our country, which is what I want to do.


PERINO: Sounds like a good, sober assessment, right, Greg?

GUTFELD: Yeah. What can you say in these situations? Like "we're in trouble?" No. But he's right. He said the right things. They are very blunt. He's very blunt about this topic because he understands that it is common sense. You don't need a PHD to understand ISIS. All you have to do is understand life and that we have no choice when we are faced with evil. I think for a long time we've been in this kind of academic wilderness about certain topics where we have to sit and philosophize and talk about certain kinds of long-term implications.

In this case, we just know that we have to exterminate a vicious, disgusting bug. The good news is, what I have noticed may be that we don't see the videos anymore, and I would like to think that the people who used to make those videos are dead. But the bad news is, you will see these more frequent smaller attacks like perhaps this one in Paris turns out to be a terrorist attack, in which any weapon that is available will be used. Those will be more frequent, probably less intense, but you will not see these -- the reduction of these videos says something.

PERINO: I thought that was interesting, because we did cover a lot of those areas over the past year or so and they have been quiet. I don't want to jinx it.

BOLLING: Exactly, we're not declaring at all clear in ISIS. But the point that what we learned over the last few months is that ISIS's financial sources of income were being strangled, the oil that they were stealing throughout Syria and throughout northern Iraq, that they were stealing and selling into Syria and different parts of Turkey was being cut off. When you cut off financing, you know what they are, Greg? They are like bloggers, ISIS bloggers. I'm not getting paid for this anymore.


BOLLING: I'm going to go find something else to do. I think that maybe what we are seeing.

PERINO: In January, Bob, there were some folks that work in the national security world that said that President Obama was actually pretty effective in doing a lot on ISIS but he wouldn't talk about it. He didn't want to take any credit for it. How would that be?

BECKEL: This is fear about alienating Muslims, which I never quite understood. But leaving that aside, there is, at this stage of the game, ironically -- by the way, the guy who did those pictures was a British guy, remember that?


BECKEL: He used to do the soundtrack. I hope he is hanging by his thumbs in the tower of London right now.

GUTFELD: Glad you said thumbs.

BECKEL: Yeah, well, I considered this a family show. What's happened now is that the big efforts like 9/11 and others are pretty much gone now. They don't have the capability to do it. As Eric said, they don't have the money to do it, they don't have an organization to do it. So now what happens is you've got these independent people spread out all over the world that they are indoctrinating and they are doing it. In some ways, worse.

PERINO: Last word to you, Kim.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. What Bob is hitting on, there is a really important point in the difficulty in fighting radical Islamic Jihad, because you have these splinter groups, you have individuals that are acting alone, but nevertheless inspired or influenced or indoctrinated all around that makes it very difficult to be able to isolate the tech and stop them.

That is kind of a frightening aspect of it, because just when you think that you haven't seen as many of their videos, then they will strike somewhere in Europe and they will look for the most vulnerable path and the softest targets to be able to ratchet up another win for themselves, so they do care about how it looks to the rest of the world, and that really hits at their ability to recruit.

PERINO: Last one.

BOLLING: Very quickly. ISIS has two main sources of income. One is the stealing of the oil and selling. The other one is they charge fees. So that's why you take a city back like Raqqa or take a city like Raqqa or city back from ISIS control, they lose a lot of income because they're not able to extort money from the business owners and the homes of people for protection, so the ground game in ISIS is big. I don't mean flutes on the ground game, I mean just taking the territories.

BECKEL: Also not clear who is really in charge.

PERINO: Oh, we have to go. All right. Fine. All right. Ahead, an update on the attack in Paris next. Plus, the Trump administration has put North Korea and Syria on notice. Now, it's ratcheting up its rhetoric on Iran, it will rip up our nuclear deal is being closely considered next.


GREGG JARRETT, ATTORNEY, FOX NEWS: This is a Fox News alert. Hello, I am Gregg Jarrett. An attacker with an automatic weapon opened fire on police in Paris' iconic Champs-Elysees shopping district a couple of hours ago, killing one officer, seriously injuring two other officers before police then turned their guns and killed him. Paris police are saying the attacker, who had been previously flagged by authorities as an extremist, targeted officers that were guarding the area very close to the Franklin Roosevelt subway station.

That is at the center of the avenue, so very popular with many tourists. They say that the gunman appeared to be acting alone. They have not yet been able to confirm that. Police and soldiers sealed off the area, ordering tourists back to their hotels, blocking people from approaching the scene. Counter-terrorism officials are involved right now in this probe. The attack coming a mere three days before the first round of balloting in France's intense presidential election.

The two main candidates have now suspended their campaigns. Security is very high preceding the vote after police said they arrested two men just two days ago and what they described as a thwarted terrorist attack. But in today's attack, the shooter reportedly came out of a car, opened fire on a police vehicle. It appears the officers were deliberately targeted, that according to Paris authorities. Emergency vehicles quickly blocking the very wide avenue, cutting across central Paris near the trail and normally that is packed with cars and tourists.

Now, it appears to be fairly empty and idle. Subway stations have been closed off. Security forces are more widespread in Paris since the deadly Islamic extremist attacks over the last couple of years. France remaining under a state of emergency this hour. The French president, Francois Hollande, scheduling an emergency meeting tonight. So that is the latest news. The gunman is dead. One police officer has been killed, two others have been seriously wounded. I'm Gregg Jarrett. Now back to "The Five."

GUILFOYLE: The Trump administration is stepping up pressure on Iran while at deals with multiple foreign policy crises across the globe. Today, Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., tried to get the world body to turn its attention away from Israel and towards Tehran.


NIKKI HALEY, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS: We are speaking honestly about conflict in the Middle East. We need to start with the chief culprit. Iran and its partner militia, Hezbollah. The incredibly destructive nature of Iranian and Hezbollah actively throughout the Middle East demand much more of our attention. It should become this council's priority in the region.


GUILFOYLE: Secretaries Mattis and Tillerson also sending a tough message to the mullah.


JAMES MATTIS, U.S. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: Everywhere you look, if there is trouble in the region, you find Iran.

REX TILLERSON, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: Iran is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. An unchecked Iran has the potential to travel the same path as North Korea and take the world along with it. The Trump administration has no intention of passing the buck to a future administration on Iran. The evidence is clear. Iran's provocative actions threaten the United States, the region, and the world.


GUILFOYLE: And here was the president at his press a short while ago.


TRUMP: I think they are doing a tremendous disservice to an agreement that was signed. It was a terrible agreement. It shouldn't have been signed. They are not living up to the spirit of the agreement, I can tell you that, and we're analyzing it very, very carefully and we'll have something to say about it in the not-too-distant future.


GUILFOYLE: Tough talk by all sites there. The rhetoric very consistent in terms of its messaging and the seriousness of the problems with Iran and Hezbollah and the need to focus on that.

PERINO: So the night before last, the State Department had to report to the congress on whether Iran was compliant with the deal. And I think they turned it in at about 11:40: p.m. right before the deadline and they said yes, they are compliant with the deal. So there was a lot of coverage the next morning saying, oh, wow, look, the Trump administration believes that Iran is compliant.

And then about 6 hours later, you had the Tillerson comment and then you had Nikki Haley followup today and the president as well coming up from behind. I think one of the most effective things, if you look at the overarching goal of the administration, is that he is saying we have no intention of passing the buck of this issue onto a future administration. Every president inherits problems from previous administrations. That's the way it goes.

North Korea is certainly one of them. But that has been a decades-long thing. So this one is very interesting. I don't know exactly how they're going to go about it, because all of the goodies in the deal were upfront for the Iranians. So what is the carrot that is left?


PERINO: They already ate the carrot.

GUILFOYLE: They ate the whole basket. So the problem is, Eric, any good deal, yes, one side tries to get the contract, the deal front loaded, that is what Iran did here, which leaves very little leverage or incentive for better action or compliance.

BOLLING: We sent cash on pallets on an airplane late at night and then we went ahead as part of signing the deal, we offered them $150 billion. I never knew why we didn't just scale that over the course of maybe four or five years, but they decided to push. I'm not sure it's all there, maybe we have held some of it back. I would stop it right now. Tillerson and Mattis are pointing out something that we've been talking about for a long time. Iran is North Korea on HGH steroids. I mean, they have crazy leadership, the Mullahs are at least as fanatical as Kim Jong-un.

They have a history of financing terrorism. They are ideologically opposite of what we are in the west and they have a lot of money, and then we're giving them more money. Don't forget, Tillerson or Mattis, one of the two, said they will bring the world along with them. I think it was Tillerson. That means Iran, yes, and their other allies, Russia and Syria. This is an axis of evil and I agree that this should be taken care of now rather than hoping that the Obama administration made a good deal. Scrap the deal.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely. Iran sponsored terrorism working hand-in-hand with Hezbollah. Bob, this is another area in terms of real tremendous geopolitical problems that directly relate to the United States and now specifically you saw one of the things that President Trump talked about when he was candidate Trump was that this was a bad deal that we did with Iran. Now, they have been put on notice.

BECKEL: Let me just make one comment about Paris. These elections in two weeks are very important. For the first time, the right wing, Le Pen group, is threatening to take over the government. And something like this is exactly what they have been campaigning about immigration. If this guy turns out to be an immigrant who came in or somebody who came in illegally, it's only going to help them and could change the election. Now, what Mattis and Tillerson said, nobody mentioned the nuclear capability of Iran.

They talked about all the other things they are doing, putting money into terrorism around the world, breaking every kind of rule that possibly is, but they seem to be consistent in that for the most part they are following the nuclear agreement. But that freed them up to get cash, to fund a lot of other things like Hezbollah, and the thing that worries me about Iran, we talked about this the other day, this is all connected. Russia, Syria, Iran.

PERINO: Hezbollah.

BECKEL: Hezbollah. You put them all together and they are all allies.

GUILFOYLE: To act in concert.

BECKEL: What happens when the Syrian government falls?


GUTFELD: Let me tell you what happens, Bob. The previous administration played America like a cheap banjo on a bridge, so when you look at our present group, when you look at Mattis and Tillerson, or Matterson, as I would like to call them together.


GUTFELD: They are so scared at Haley. It is so refreshing to have a scary side. Their poker faces have a poker face. It is a shame to think they weren't at the table to stop this stupid deal. Let me give you a little history lesson, because, as you know, I know very little. There are two horses to back in this, you got the Shias and the Sunnis. Basically the Shias. And you got the Saudis in Indonesia, they are the Sunnis. And both sides have bad guys. Who has the worst bad guys? I'm assuming the Sunnis have the worst bad guys in some cases.

Hezbollah is bad, but you got the other guys, you know, 9/11, let's not forget. I'm not sure who is worse. The moral of the story, I wish they would convert to scientology and make our lives a bit easier. It is about weapons. It is about sectarian divides and each one of these divides has people who are willing to kill for their religion. So it is kind of important that we make sure they do not get apocalyptic weapons. If they want their apocalypse now, it is about stopping that.

BECKEL: Make Tom Hanks the president of the region.

BOLLING: There you go.

GUTFELD: Oh, you meant Tom Cruise.

BECKEL: Tom Cruise.

GUTFELD: It's amazing that I know what you were talking about.


GUTFELD: How did I know what he meant?

GUILFOYLE: PHD and like speaking and interpreting Bob.


BECKEL: I knew you were trying to think through (inaudible) jump over the couch.

GUTFELD: He's actually a great actor.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Like the rocky horror picture show of terror and foreign policy. Stay right there. Fastest 7 is next.


BOLLING: Welcome back.

GRAPHIC: The Fastest 7


BOLLING: Sorry about that thing. "The Fastest Six Minutes" or so on television. Three rousing stories, seven raucous minutes.


BOLLING: One reverent host. First up, Senator Elizabeth Warren joins the cast -- I'm sorry.

BECKEL: You saw some fat guy up there. Said it looked like Bob. Just saying that.

BOLLING: So I'm guessing there wasn't so much promilitary law enforcement shots across the table. There was, however, some heightened anti-Trump rhetoric. Listen to Joy and Whoopi joke about Kim Jong-un, then Joy compares the wacky dictator to President Trump. Note Senator Warren's reaction.


WHOOPI GOLDBERG, CO-HOST, ABC'S "THE VIEW": What is going on with Korea?



GOLDBERG: Because Kim Jong-un, who I call Kim Jong-yum-yum.

JOY BEHAR, CO-HOST, ABC'S "THE VIEW": We call him Yum-Yum here.

GOLDBERG: They make no -- they make only armaments. They just make things, bombs and stuff. What -- what should be happening, and why isn't it happening?

WARREN: OK. So we know that he is an unstable man who has nuclear weapons.

BEHAR: You're talking about Trump now?

WARREN: About to deal with an unstable man who has nuclear weapons. What could possibly go wrong?


BOLLING: All right, Greg. Comparing the president to a -- really, a crazy, wacky, unstable dictator.

GUTFELD: Well, it's -- you could see the joke coming. It's like a frisbee on a desert; you can see it a mile away.

But I mean, I interviewed Scott Adams yesterday, you know, the guy who created "Dilbert." He always makes a great point. He said, hating Donald Trump or thinking Donald Trump is crazy is now a full-on lifestyle choice.

It's like recycling. It's like you have to -- it's something you have to tell people in advance, because it's kind of like it's you're signaling that you're virtuous.


GUILFOYLE: President Trump's hair is so much better than Kim Jong-un.

Look at that.

BOLLING: But come on, Bob, comparing the president...

GUILFOYLE: Is that my turn?

BOLLING: If you have more, go for it.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, Elizabeth Warren is really out there trying to get the votes, isn't she? She doesn't need them.

PERINO: Filling that book.

BOLLING: All right, Bob.

BECKEL: I don't think this is the way to get votes, frankly. But by the way, Jung's [SIC] hair is not colored.

PERINO: You think?

BECKEL: But any time you compare a president of the United States with somebody who's as crazy as this guy -- even I wouldn't do it, and I can't stand Trump.


PERINO: Well, the truth is that that's just -- say if it was two years ago and somebody on this show had said something like that about President Obama, we would be a topic on "The View" in the morning.


BOLLING: All right. Let's do this one. Next, President Trump took aim at one of our allies today, Canada.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Canada, what they've done to our dairy farm workers, is a disgrace. It's a disgrace. And our farmers in Wisconsin and New York state are being put out of business, our dairy farmers.

NAFTA, whether it's Mexico or Canada, is a disaster for our country. We can't let Canada or anybody else take advantage and do what they did to our workers and to our farmers.

Included in there is lumber, timber, and energy. So we're going to have to get to the negotiating table with Canada. Very quickly.


BOLLING: And Dana, this is one of the campaign promises, that he wanted to break some of the trade agreements, because of some of these countries looking to put some of their cheaper goods into our country.

PERINO: Interestingly, well, they're blocking ours from going to theirs.

And interestingly, I talked to somebody today at Cato who said one of the things that the TPP was going to address was this very issue. Now, we don't have TPP, so we have to figure out a way, I guess, to do it bilaterally.

But I'm glad he weighed in, because the farmers are -- you can't hold back products, right? That milk is going to come. And they have to milk those cows, and then they have to have the product. And there's a shelf life for it. So there's a lot of worry about what's going to happen.

BOLLING: Bob, is this the thing that -- do liberals like this idea that Trump has about dropping these trade agreements?

BECKEL: Well first of all, I've actually milked a cow at 3 a.m. in the morning.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Come on.

BECKEL: And I didn't -- I didn't make it work. I hit myself with it.

GUILFOYLE: So not...

BECKEL: Anyway, I don't know if I got that in, but...

GUILFOYLE: Who wants to know about that?

BECKEL: How do you know people don't want to know about that? A lot of people get up early and milk cows. Never mind.


BECKEL: Let me tell you this. The draft -- the draft agreement that the Trump administration is now sending around is not nearly as tough as Trump said it was going to be and would not, underscore, would not deal with this issue.

BOLLING: All right. They're making me move along, and we've got to do this. K.G. yesterday brought Greg a Starbucks unicorn frappuccino. Greg was less than impressed, but check out this Starbucks barista after a shift filled with making a popular frozen coffee drink.

GUILFOYLE: Can you put a straw in it?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I work at Starbucks, and the new unicorn frappuccino came out today. Please don't get it! I have never made so many frappuccinos in my entire life. I have unicorn crap all in my hair and on my nose. I have never been so stressed out in my entire life. If you love us as baristas, don't order it! For the love of God and everything that is good, don't get the unicorn frappuccino!


BOLLING: Greg, is that what you are thinking yesterday, only he verbalized it?

GUTFELD: He's -- he's an American hero. The unicorn frappuccino...

GUILFOYLE: Bob likes it.

GUTFELD: ... is soiling -- soiling the purity of the mystical unicorn.

Just calling something a unicorn doesn't make it magical, and that is what's wrong with this world, is that they're taking the meaning of the unicorn and they're spreading it so thin. I'm so sick...


GUTFELD: I'm thinking of just walking away from The Whole unicorn thing and start going after the Pegasus crowd.

GUILFOYLE: Ours doesn't look like this. Right?


GUILFOYLE: Ours doesn't look like that.

PERINO: I just think it's the monitor.

BOLLING: Photo enhance -- a little photo enhanced.

BECKEL: You know what it tastes like? It tastes like Michigan drinking water.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, Bob! To me, I don't know -- is there any coffee? I don't even know what's in that, because it tastes like...

GUTFELD: Mango. It's got mango. It's got a lot of sugar. Do they have ingredients on that, Bob?

BECKEL: I love mango. Maybe that's why I like this.

GUILFOYLE: I like mango, too. But you know, I'm Puerto Rican.

PERINO: ... cut one up.

GUILFOYLE: I love mango.

BOLLING: And Dana, your thoughts on the mango frappuccino or -- I'm sorry, the...?

PERINO: It's better to just eat a natural mango. Like a mango -- a mango.

BOLLING: This is incredibly popular.

GUILFOYLE: I know, but like look at this. Doesn't even look anything like...

BECKEL: We spent two days advertising this thing for Starbucks.

GUILFOYLE: Take another hit of that, Bob.

BECKEL: Yes, but I don't think anyone's liked it so far. Do you like it?

GUILFOYLE: Bob likes -- trust me.

GUTFELD: Almost as bad as their politics.

GUILFOYLE: Why don't we get the Twinkie milkshake in the blender again for Bob?


BOLLING: Ahead, The Boss -- you know, The Boss takes aim at the president in a new protest song that won't be winning a Grammy, I don't think. Stay tuned.

GUTFELD: Probably will.


GUTFELD: So Bruce Springsteen has released a new protest song that condemns the spread of radical violent jihadism around the world. I kid. It's an anti-Donald Trump song. I mean, why wouldn't it be?

If you gave me two Bruce Springsteen song titles, I bet I could predict the third one. If you gave me one half of a Springsteen lyric, I could guess the next rhyme. If the first line says, "Trump doesn't read a book," you know the second one is going to call him "a crook."


BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, MUSICIAN (SINGING): And don't you brag to me that you never read a book. I never put my faith in a con man and his crooks.


GUTFELD: "Book" and "crooks." It was close. And he'll probably rhyme something about making us great with "hate."


SPRINGSTEEN AND JOE GRUSHECKY (singing): It's up to me and you. Love can conquer hate. I know this to be true, and that's what makes us great.


GUTFELD: He really is the Dr. Seuss for liberals. As predictable and repetitive as a hay fever sneeze.

But the song does take a positive turn when it says "love can conquer hate." But is it really positive when you characterize the other side as hateful? That's the real lie of leftism: They preach love, but they deem you evil.

But it's not Bruce's fault that there aren't any truly radical protest singers. You just don't get rewarded for saying what upsets your peers. Springsteen risks nothing. He only echoes the approved assumptions of everyone in entertainment and the reward, of course, is pure validation.

It's funny, Donald Trump may connect more with the average American than Bruce, and he's a billionaire.

I truly long for a real rebellious rocker who actually rages against the machine that he's part of. It's not Springsteen. He's now just Dan Rather set to music. It's too bad, Bruce had some really good songs. I loved "Piano Man."

Anyway, either that or "Uptown Girl."

Dana, the thing where they always talk about preaching love over hate, they're saying that knowing that they're calling you hateful.

PERINO: They also do it -- it's not just about hate or evil. It's about - - that you're stupid.


PERINO: So I remember in January of 2009 or February 2009, Paul McCartney went to the Library of Congress for an event with President Obama. He's at the Library of Congress, and he says, "Oh, it's so good to be here surrounded by books with a president who actually reads."

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes.

PERINO: It was like, shut up.


PERINO: It made me mad, actually.

GUTFELD: We beat you in the war. It was a long time ago, though. Anyway.

PERINO: But it was decisive.

GUTFELD: Yes. It was revolutionary.

Eric, he's in Jersey. Jersey boy.

BOLLING: I was saved. I grew up in Chicago, so when I moved here, I didn't grow up with Springsteen and Bon Jovi. So I didn't have to dislike them for their lyrics or their politics. I just never liked them. I grew up with The Who, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Guns 'N Roses. And I never really hear the lyrics. Just a lot of metal and a lot of yelling.

GUTFELD: He's always born to do something, or there was a darkness in the town.

PERINO: So long (ph) every time.

GUTFELD: I found, Bob, that Springsteen is a regional talent.

GUILFOYLE: Let -- let the Twitter war begin.

BECKEL: I think he's right on. I think he still is The Boss by a wide margin. By the way, The Who was way before Springsteen.

BOLLING: Not really.

BECKEL: It was back in -- I saw The Who back in 1968.

BOLLING: You thought you saw The Who. You thought you saw The Who. It was a cow.

BOLLING: ... in 2005.

BECKEL: It was?

GUILFOYLE: It was a cow that you were milking at 3 a.m.

BECKEL: I was pretty stoned, but I was sure it was The Who. But anyway.

I think Springsteen's right. I think you're going to see a lot of songs are going to be around Donald Trump, for good reason.

GUTFELD: So he's making folk singers and protest singers great again.

That's another arena where Trump has improved things.

BECKEL: What's wrong with folk singers and protesters?

GUTFELD: Why don't they or write something that actually costs them something? Why don't they go after their own industry, or go after the people that are around them? Because they can't, because then they're not cool and they're not invited to the right parties.

BECKEL: Pete Seeger used to write about the Hudson River.

GUTFELD: I wouldn't know.

BECKEL: You wouldn't know?

GUTFELD: Yes. Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: So clearly The Boss was hanging out, I think, with, like, President Obama.

GUTFELD: That's right.


Oprah and everybody when he made this love song mix tape, which is what I kind of think it is for them, trying to, like, win...

GUTFELD: Where is he? Is he in the Bahamas or...?

PERINO: The Bahamas? Please. A little low-rent for the -- got to go to Tahiti now.

GUTFELD: I saw Bruce Springsteen on the River tour in 1980. I waited in line at Belmont Stereo on El Camino...


GUTFELD: ... and bought tickets. Remember when you used to have to buy tickets...


GUTFELD: ... by waiting in line at the stereo store? I waited in line on a Sunday morning. And then I fell asleep during The River tour. It was a three-hour concert, and he had this whole section of ballads. And it was just murderous.

GUILFOYLE: So Regret Island. That's where you were.

GUTFELD: I was. I learned a lesson.

BOLLING: So -- so Springsteen was active from '91 on, and The Who was active from '64 all the way through 1990s.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: But I saw them over 2000...

GUILFOYLE: Did you just ombudsman "The Five"?

BOLLING: Just over 2000.

PERINO: Google ruins arguments.

GUTFELD: Bruce Springsteen, first argument was like '72, '73, right?

GUILFOYLE: Enough on that.

GUTFELD: I think.


GUTFELD: Today is every stoners favorite holiday -- Bob -- 4/20. More Americans support legalizing weed...

PERINO: Former, Bob.

GUTFELD: ... than ever before. Should the federal government consider it?

That's next.


BOLLING: It's a high holiday today, and I mean high. It's 4/20, the day pot smokers across the world light up together to celebrate ganja.

According to a new poll out today, support for legalizing marijuana is at an all-time high. A majority of Americans say they've tried weed at some point in their lives.

Now I was going to ask how many people around this table have, but I was told by our producers not to. I will admit that I have.

Greg, I'm sure you haven't, but...


BECKEL: ... what's your view about legalizing marijuana?

GUTFELD: If you want marijuana to be taken seriously, then pot smokers should take themselves seriously and grow up. You know what I mean?

GUILFOYLE: Versus grow it.

GUTFELD: There is a stereotype of, it's funny to be high. You know, it's the stoner in pop culture. It's like -- it's like you had the 1940s had a stereotype of the town drunk, but that was replaced by Cheech and Chong.

So it's like you have to start treating a substance as mundane and boring, and then it will be accepted. Treat it like a martini. If you come home from work, it's a martini.

Do something before you smoke something. If you're just a stoner and you're not doing anything, then you're a loser. But if you work really hard and you need an opportunity for oblivion when you get home from work, whether it's a martini, whether it's a joint.

GUILFOYLE: Peanut of the night. Pinot noir.

GUTFELD: It's up to you. It's up to you. And no government should tell you any different.

BECKEL: OK. Since this is my block, we're down to 15 seconds.

PERINO: Well I just have to say, I'm not a pot smoker. I absolutely agree with what you're saying, and you're bringing me along on that legalization thing. It's like "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" when you walk down all these streets. Everybody's smoking. They're already smoking it.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true.

PERINO: They should grow up.

GUILFOYLE: All everyone remembers is Phoebe Cates in the red bikini that movie.

BOLLING: Bobby, you and I have children that go to college in a state that has legalized -- not just decriminalize but legalized marijuana. Look, you know where I am not up. I'm not up for the fight. It's 4/20. I'm in favor of not only decriminalizing but legalizing marijuana. It's just -- it's a war we can't win.

GUILFOYLE: I don't care if it is a war we can't win. It's a war worth fighting.

PERINO: She's going to fight it.

GUILFOYLE: Are you kidding? I'll be the last one standing.

PERINO: You and Jeff Sessions.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I'm in good company, then. Dana Perino, we're campfire girls, Bluebirds.

GUTFELD: It's something that you enjoy. It's something that gives you a sense of relief because life is hard. And I say, "No, Kimberly, I don't like that substance."

GUILFOYLE: OK, what, salami?

GUTFELD: Salami -- salami kills more people than pot.

GUILFOYLE: No, it does not.

GUTFELD: Yes, it does!

GUILFOYLE: You're lying.

GUTFELD: It clogs arteries. Salami clogs arteries.

GUILFOYLE: You have no evidence to support that.

BECKEL: One comment about this, which is that, in and of itself, marijuana may not be a problem, but the problem is that people who deal marijuana also deal methamphetamines, and they deal opioids. And...


BOLLING: So you legalize -- you legalize it, and you don't have to deal with any...

GUILFOYLE: And Dana and I never smoked pot and look at us. Winners for life.

GUTFELD: So you're saying I am weird because of marijuana?

BECKEL: "One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." I'm going to kick it off.

I wasn't able to go today to a funeral in Washington, D.C., and I wish I would have, because a good friend of mine and of many hundreds of people who came today was Alicia Peterson Clark. I first met her 1995. We worked together on Capitol Hill. She worked for Representative Burr before he was a senator. She died after a long illness. And she fought it valiantly.

She was always like the calm in the storm. She was a Republican role model, a mentor, a true public servant. She loved her country, her family, and certainly God.

She is survived by her husband, Bill Clark, and their two children, William, who they call Jake -- he's age 9 -- and Brady Peterson. He is 6.

And she was certainly the light of their lives, and they were her greatest joy.

So Alicia, you'll be missed. Everybody at the Bush administration and everyone who always loved running into you will miss you very much.

GUILFOYLE: Very sweet. God bless her and her family.


GUTFELD: I'm just going to plug the podcast. It's up now. Go to I interviewed Scott Adams. Not a lot of people -- they're like, "Who's he?" He's the guy who created "Dilbert." But he's now kind of -- he's kind of become a public intellectual. There's certain things that he has predicted, including the Donald Trump win, that has kind of put him into the limelight. He's an unusual cat, I'll say that.

PERINO: I'm going to listen to that.

GUTFELD: Please do.

PERINO: My dad loved "Dilbert."

GUTFELD: Who didn't?


GUTFELD: It's still around, by the way.

GUILFOYLE: OK, well, it's time for "Honoring Heroes." Isn't that sweet?

So some of you may have seen this. If you didn't, take a look at this.

And those that you have, you want to see it again, because a father in Georgia, desperate to save his child from the smoke and the flames quickly filling his apartment, tossed his baby from the second floor of a burning apartment building, and fortunately, the Cobb County firefighter Robert Sutton was among the first firefighters to arrive at the Parks on Glenwood, and he caught the baby in one swift move.


GUILFOYLE: The firefighter said he was a little guy, so "When I heard his father yelling help, I saw him hanging from the window with the baby in his arms, I just went into action and just did what any of the other firefighters out here would have done," Sutton said.

So God bless him.

PERINO: The father survived, too?

GUILFOYLE: And the father survived. Yes, we confirmed that. And so God bless him for doing that and for all our first responders that put it on the line every day and save lives.

PERINO: Awesome.

BOLLING: I'll do this very quickly. Kimberly and I have an assistant.

Her name is Kyle Nolan (ph). And we've been -- I've been working with her.

Check out: Kyle (ph) went on the street -- where are we -- on the street earlier today. Watch.


KYLE NOLAN (PH), ASSISTANT: Do you think that social media companies like Facebook, they should be doing more to prevent videos like this from coming up on their sites?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They should definitely be doing more to prevent it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, yes, of course.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're just done as a society. We're done. And if I wasn't married, I'd think we're connecting right now. I've got to go.

I've got to go do radio.



BOLLING: All right. So she's done a great job.

GUILFOYLE: Good job, Kyle.


BECKEL: She's a rising star.

Well, you remember when President Trump decided to send a task force for the U.S. aircraft Vinson steaming towards North Korea in order to threaten the North Koreans into not doing anything. Well, here's the minor problem.

The Vinson, when it got its instructions, was in Singapore. I've got five seconds -- Singapore, but it went to Australia, the other way, and then it finally is on its way to North Korea.

PERINO: All right. That's it for us. "Special Report" is next. Never miss an episode.

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