Transcript: Norma McCorvey aka 'Jane Roe'

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," Jan. 17, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: Thirty-two years after Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion in the United States, the woman at the center of that case is again stepping forward. Joining us now, on a “Hannity & Colmes” exclusive, is the woman known to the world as Jane Roe, Norma McCorvey, and her attorney, Allan Parker, with us.

Guys, thanks for being with us. It's been, what, 32 years now, Norma. You have now come out and said this -- you have regrets about your role in legalizing abortion, and you want to make an announcement tonight. Tell us what it is.

NORMA MCCORVEY, "JANE ROE" OF ROE V. WADE: Well, we're going to be filing a motion 60 brief (ph) tomorrow at 11:00 to the Supreme Court and ask and plead and beg with them to please overturn Roe v. Wade.

HANNITY: Why do you want to do that?

MCCORVEY: Well, we didn't have the technology in 1973 that we do today, Sean...


MCCORVEY: ... such as the 3-D ultrasound, sonogram. And we didn't know about the -- oh, how do you call it -- the post-abortion depression that goes along after -- you know, to a woman -- after she's had an abortion.

HANNITY: Do you want to make abortion illegal now, even though it was your case that made it legal? Do you want to now -- you want abortion on demand to be illegal now, Norma?

MCCORVEY: I would like to see children stop being killed and women maimed and dead themselves.

HANNITY: Do you feel -- I mean, I don't know what burden you take on yourself, because this is your case. This is the one that opened the door in many ways for legalized abortion. Do you -- is there a sense of guilt over the millions of abortions that have taken place, or do you put the blame on the conscience of the person that makes that decision?

MCCORVEY: Well, you know, for a long time there, Sean, I did take on the burden and the guilt of the 45 million children that have died through legal abortion. But then, you know, we have to back up and look at the women who have died from legalized abortion, also.


MCCORVEY: I don't have to deal with it anymore. I've been saved by the Blood of the Lamb through Jesus Christ, and so I'm just here. I'm in full support of the motion 60 brief (ph), and I'm very glad that we're doing it.

HANNITY: But you believe abortion is the taking of a human life, correct?

MCCORVEY: Absolutely.

HANNITY: All right.

Allan, how does this work now? You're the attorney in the case. How does it work that you go to the Supreme Court? I mean, do you ask them to reopen your case, mitigating circumstances? What is the legal procedure?

ALLAN PARKER, ATTORNEY FOR NORMA MCCORVEY: Under rule 60, Norma, as a party, can ask the court to vacate her judgment, set it aside as if it never was, on the grounds it's no longer just. And we have to show changed factual conditions and legal conditions.

And the world has changed in 32 years. We now know that abortion hurts women, and we didn't know that. It was rare and illegal in most places at the time. We now know what it is inside a woman.

And you just talked about blaming the woman and making her responsible. The women, as we quoted to the Supreme Court in our petition, they feel like they have murdered someone.


COLMES: Hey, Allan, Norma, welcome to the show. Good to have you both with us.

Norma, didn't more women die when abortion was illegal and they had botched abortions? Didn't more women suffer medically and bleed to death before abortion was legal, before Roe v. Wade?

MCCORVEY: You know, I really don't know, Sean.

COLMES: This is Alan, by the way.



MCCORVEY: I really don't know. Hi.

PARKER: But our evidence in the case, Alan, shows that the suicide rate has gone up tremendously for women who have abortions, because they have to deal with the guilt of what they have done themselves.

COLMES: Well, on what statistics are you quoting, sir? Where are the stats from?


PARKER: They are in our petition. We have over 200 -- cited over 300 -- different medical articles and journals. There is just a wealth of information. These are record-based studies from other countries.

COLMES: Do you not think, Norma, that women are capable of making their own decision about this?

MCCORVEY: Well, women make decisions every day, Al. But, you know, this is something that has -- we see a child at conception as a gift from God. -- And that's what we're trying to do. We're trying to repopulate the earth, because we've lost three generations of children...


COLMES: If Roe v. Wade is overturned and abortion -- and state-by- state, then they make different decisions about abortion. And let's say it becomes illegal. What should be the punishment, Norma? What should women -- should they go to jail if they have abortions? Should they...

MCCORVEY: No, absolutely not. No, no, no. We want the women to know that we're here and that we're wanting to help them.

COLMES: But they would be breaking the law?

MCCORVEY: Well, the only criminalization, I think, that should be brought forth is from the abortionists.

COLMES: Well, so, if women go and do this aren't they complicit...


COLMES: Counselor, let me go to you. Aren't they complicit, if you believe it's a murder and women go and do this to their -- you're calling them babies even before they are born. If women do this to what you refer to as their babies, are they not then committing murder, and shouldn't they have to pay the penalty?

PARKER: The women that we've talked to feel responsible, but we also feel that they are the least responsible. There are people who pressure them into getting abortions.

COLMES: They don't think for themselves?

PARKER: You know, one of the assumptions of Roe -- it would be between a woman and a doctor.

MCCORVEY: He's not saying that.

PARKER: If you look at the evidence, it's supposed to be a between a woman and a doctor. They never see the abortionist until he's between their legs in the operating room. That is the consistent testimony in abortion mills here in America.

HANNITY: We're going to be following your press conference. I believe it's tomorrow morning at 11:00, and I'm sure FOX will be reporting on it. And we're going to be following your case as it hopefully goes through the Supreme Court. We'll be watching with interest.

Norma, thank you for being with us.

Alan, thank you for jumping up. We appreciate your time tonight.

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