Transcript: New Holloway Suspect?

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," April 12, 2006. It has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Is there a new suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway? Police in Aruba are now searching for a possible new suspect. Joining us live on the phone from Aruba is attorney Arlene Ellis Schipper. Welcome, Arlene.


VAN SUSTEREN: Good evening. Arlene, in the reenactment that has aired both in Holland and Aruba, there is mention of another woman was possibly assaulted before Natalee. Do you know anything about this, having seen the reenactment? And you can understand Dutch.

SCHIPPER: Yes. Well, I have seen the reenactment, but it's not a new suspect or anything like that. What has sparked it is that Adolf Richardson, in the program, which is an official police program, mentioned an alleged indecent exposure to a lady on the place of interest, the fisherman's hut, some days before the disappearance of Natalee. And he emphasized that there's absolutely no proof that there's a link between the cases, but he does not want to exclude anything. And that's why he made a public request for tips.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he or any other police, at the time of this incident or alleged incident, investigate it?

SCHIPPER: Yes. I spoke to Adolf Richardson today, and basically, they took the complaint of the lady. And later, of course, they looked into it, but especially, it sparked their interest when Natalee, of course, disappeared. And then they requested the FBI to make a composite sketch, and they did investigate who this man is. The problem is that nobody to date fits this profile or this sketch of the police.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know if there have been other complaints about women being assaulted or bothered, you know, during the course of the night on the beach, when the beach is dark?

SCHIPPER: Well, "assaulted" is a big word. This was an alleged indecent exposure, so how do you call that, a peeping Tom or something? From what I know is, through the media, that there was another lady also stating that she complained about somebody bothering her on the beach. Other than these two cases, I don't know.

VAN SUSTEREN: Arlene, this reenactment played three times in Aruba, twice in Holland. Do you have any sort of sense, since you live in Aruba, did people talk about it? Did they watch the reenactment?

SCHIPPER: Oh, yes. Absolutely. All the newspapers cooperated and advertised and pleaded with the people to please watch these episodes. And to my knowledge, almost everybody on the street was talking about it. It was a highly rated show. From what I understand also on some Dutch blogs, it is one of the shows that actually got a lot of tips, compared to other kinds of these episodes of these shows. And it's not yet confirmed, but apparently, there have been, like, 60 tips given to the police, because it's a team of the police in Holland receiving these phone calls. And they registered 60 tips.

VAN SUSTEREN: As an aside, what did you think about it?

SCHIPPER: What do you mean, what do I think about it?

VAN SUSTEREN: When you watched it, what was going through your mind as you watched it?

SCHIPPER: Oh, I thought it was a very professional reenactment. It gave you — in just 30 minutes — a complete overview of the case, what the police genuinely have and what they don't have, and where they're at in this case. And basically, it just discarded the bulk of information and misinformation in the media, and it showed there was a confirmation of Mr. Richardson. These are the stories. They led you to the places of interest, and where the difference of the stories begin and where the stories actually ends, where the declarations end.

And from then on, they lead you through it where they need your tips. And they also requested not only for people who have seen something, but also from people who have seen nothing because, that way, they can exclude certain places. If a suspect says he went to a certain place and somebody was there the whole night and did not see them, that is also, of course, valuable information. And maybe people are not aware of that.

So they pleaded with tourists who were there, Arubans who were there maybe, and almost everybody. And this program was also — you could also see it on Curacao because this channel of Holland can be received in Curacao, as well.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, I would love to see an English — at least English subtitles — here in the United States. Arlene, thank you.

SCHIPPER: You're welcome.

VAN SUSTEREN: Natalee's parents' lawyer, John Q. Kelly, was on the phone for a long time today with chief prosecutor Karin Janssen. Why the phone call? John Q. Kelly joins us live in New York.

John, before I ask you about the phone call, what did your clients think about this reenactment?

JOHN Q. KELLY, HOLLOWAY FAMILY ATTORNEY: Well, you know, they're very happy that, you know, the effort's being made, that, you know, they're still staying on top of the search and looking for tips, looking for answers. And no one's ever criticized anybody when the effort's being made. And you know, they're making the effort, and hopefully, we'll find the needle in the haystack and get the information we've always been looking for.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So now, why were you on the phone with the chief prosecutor today?

KELLY: I could tell say, "None of your business," but I'll tell you, Greta.


KELLY: No, actually, she called me a couple times. No, she's been very diligent. She wanted to give me an update, let me know about a couple of things. First of all, after the reenactment, as Arlene had mentioned, they had over 60 tips. They were anticipating more, and she indicated that it's going to take several days to sort through them and see which ones seem legitimate and what they want to follow up on.

And she was really upbeat. She said she was very optimistic. I told her she might want to phrase it more as "guardedly optimistic" because we don't want raised expectations here.

But that, and the other thing they're doing is the land searches are over, so at least we've eliminated certain possibilities that have been talked about for 9 or 10 months now. And they're actually engaged in water searches right now. The coast guard is using the Aruban sonar equipment, the Aruban Coast Guard, to search shallower areas with Aruban divers. They did that Monday and Tuesday, and they're going to be picking that up again in a couple days.

So I mean, there's some work going on, at least.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did Karin Janssen sort of pull you aside on the phone and say, "We got one really, really good tip?"

KELLY: If I told you, I'd have to kill you, Greta.


KELLY: No, she didn't. She just said that she's very optimistic. She feels that, you know, some of the information may be, you know, fertile. They want to follow up on it. You know, obviously, she knows that a lot of these calls are just crank calls or, you know, just...

VAN SUSTEREN: The reason why I'm probing you, John, is we heard things in December — there were going to be fireworks by the end of January. We were told last week that Dompig told a reporter in Aruba, in 24 hours, something's (INAUDIBLE) I mean, maybe they did get the 60 tips, and they're really good. I mean, all they need is one really good one.

KELLY: Right.

VAN SUSTEREN: I'm just wondering, is there anything more than just, like, great tips? I mean, did you get anything substantive?

KELLY: She did not indicate that there was sort of the break they've been looking for, if that's what you're asking. You know, as I said, she was enthusiastic about it, but she didn't indicate that one particular tip or phone call that she knew of was going to be the tip that was going to result in answers in this matter.

VAN SUSTEREN: So after talking to her about that, did you feel like this is great news? Or did you have, sort of, like, OK, let's hope something comes out of this?

KELLY: I think the latter. You know, they're making the effort. They're putting in the work, and I've never criticized that. And I think it's a long shot, but you know, I'd love to see that one phone call that made a difference come in as a result of this.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you have more than one theory as to what happened that night yourself?

KELLY: I'm open-minded. I mean, until we have a definitive answer, I mean, there are a number of different possibilities.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, the other night on our show, Julia Renfro said that she had seen a video at about 3:00 o'clock in the morning at the Holiday Inn, very grainy, that it could have been — she didn't know for sure — could have been Natalee, that Beth Holloway Twitty has looked at it and said she does not think it's Natalee. But my question was whether the tape had ever been turned over to professionals for enhancement, so we could sort of put that one to rest? Do you know anything about this video?

KELLY: Sure. I know Beth looked at it very carefully, and very definitively said it was not Natalee. And that's really...

VAN SUSTEREN: But has it ever been enhanced, just on the wild shot it could tell something more?

KELLY: That I don't know. She seemed very comfortable being very definitive about the fact it was not Natalee without it being enhanced.

VAN SUSTEREN: In terms of someone using a key card in Natalee's room, I think a couple times after midnight, do have you any information about that at all?

KELLY: Yes, it's a non-event. The key card that was being referenced was used at 11:00 o'clock the next morning, too. It was used the whole next day by, you know, other girls. It was not the key card that Natalee had.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is the police...

KELLY: As a matter of fact, that's the information that Beth herself had tracked down from the hotel and turned it over to the police.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do the police believe that Joran took Natalee to the beach at the Marriott Hotel, or do the police believe that she went someplace else with Joran?

KELLY: We're talking about the police now. The last time I talked to Dompig and talked to them, they were still working on the theory that it was the Marriott and the fisherman's hut.

VAN SUSTEREN: Anybody else? I sort of caught a pause in your voice. Have you talked to someone else who has a different theory who is in a position to know?

KELLY: Yes, there are a couple of other theories, too.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, you want to share them with the class?

KELLY: Not tonight, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, I got close. I got close. I detect something. I detect something in that sort of pause, so I'll leave it at that, John, and I'll yank it out of you some other night. Thank you, John.

KELLY: Thanks, Greta. Bye-bye.

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