Topics and Guests: Sept. 3

Tonight...Get on the record with Greta!

Wednesday, September 3:

Senior officials in the Bush administration have confirmed that President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell will seek to move forward with a new U.N. resolution calling for a more active role in Iraq in an effort attract more foreign contributions to the country.

Are the president and the Secretary of State doing the right thing? What kind of contributions should the U.S. seek from the members of the United Nations?

FOX News Contributor and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich goes on the record!

Plus, was U.S. planning for post-war Iraq flawed and "rushed?" Has that led to some of the problems we've seen as the United States and other coalition forces work on bringing democracy to Iraq?

We'll talk with Washington Times National Security Reporter and FNC contributor Bill Gertz about some of the surprising revelations from a secret report prepared for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Then, some shocking new developments in the Kobe Bryant sexual assault case. We'll ask the members of our legal panel to share their insight and analysis of the situation:

Tonight's panelists:

Geoffrey Feiger, criminal defense attorney

Jayne Weintraub, criminal defense attorney

Bernie Grimm, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor

Ted Williams, criminal defense attorney and former Washington, D.C. homicide detective

Get on the record weeknights at 10 p.m. ET only on the FOX News Channel!

--The Associated Press contributed to this story.

Note: Topics and guests are subject to change