Tom Homan: Biden sold out his country to win progressive left vote

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," April 29, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE live from Orlando tonight, and I'm going to tell you more about what will happen tomorrow here a bit later.

But first, you get it. It's my response to Biden's congressional address.

Now, to hear Biden tell it if America is just completely plagued by emergencies.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: No one nation can deal with all the crises of our time. Pandemics. With climate crisis, systemic racism in our criminal justice system. Gun Violence has become an epidemic in America. The insurrection was an existential crisis, a test on whether our democracy could survive, but the struggle is far from over.


INGRAHAM: Of course, Biden left out the only real crisis that our country faces right now. The one at our border, a crisis of course, he created, he fuelled and now he's just totally ignoring. But have no fear, because Biden's not going to let all of those pretend crises go to waste.


BIDEN: After just 100 days, I can report to the nation. America is on the move again. Parallel and the possibility, crisis, the opportunity, setbacks and the strength. We can't stop now. We're at a great inflection point in history, we have to do more than just build back better, the build back, we have to build back better.


INGRAHAM: In other words, Biden sees all of our emergencies as opportunities to remake the country into something none of us recognize. And it won't be the America that you know, in love and the policies that made this country strong and wealthy? Biden's just going to kill them all.


BIDEN: 650 people increase their wealth by more than $1 trillion during this pandemic. And they're now worth more than $4 trillion. My fellow Americans, trickle down. Trickle down economics has never worked.


INGRAHAM: OK, that's the case, Mr. President, why are Americans so much wealthier than pretty much every other country? If this big government approach to economics actually worked? The European, Canadian model would be much wealthier than our model. But as you can see from this chart, they're not. But come on, of course, facts don't matter. They never mattered to Biden or the left, which is why they're just going to come for your wallets.


BIDEN: It's time for corporate America, and the wealthiest one percent because they've just began to pay their fair share. Just their fair share. I think you should be able to become a billionaire and a millionaire, but pay your fair share.


INGRAHAM: It's insanity to ask hardworking Americans no matter how much money they make to give more to a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington. If anything, we should be looking to cut government and get Americans more of the money that they make, and stay in their own pockets.

Now, Biden's point is that our economic system is fatally flawed and needs to be replaced by again, a European model that has historically performed much worse than our own. But here's the thing we already we already, already know, our policies worked that have already been tried, like low taxes, limited regulation, border enforcement, tight labor markets, and an America first trade and foreign policy.

Now, we all know we had this system in place from 2017 until 2020, and it worked like a charm. So, the only reason we have any economic problems today is because Democrats insisted on lockdown measures, which they're now taking their sweet time to unwind.

In fact, Americans are doing very well in those parts of the country where they have their traditional freedoms back. The idea that we would imitate Europe or go back to the days of Jimmy Carter is simply inane, it's nuts. That's why conservatives need to reject Biden's claim that our country's in crisis at all.

These only exist in the minds of leftist ideologues who hate America anyway. When our economy grows, the left just pushes for higher taxes. When our industry is booming, the left claims it's a climate crisis. When law and order is being enforced, the left just sees systemic racism. They're only happy when Americans are downtrodden and miserable and apologizing.

The GOP should ignore all this talk of crisis. And just point to the obvious fact that places that implement our policies are doing fine. We're going to talk to some of those governors tomorrow. At every opportunity, Republicans should talk up the success stories in their own communities. And they should emphasize that our -- we are not going to emulate people who hate this country, and whose policies can never work.

Now, remember this, Biden is assuming that all those suburbanites and all those moderates who voted for him, that they want higher taxes and bigger government. Well, in 2022, we're going to find out if he's right.

Joining me now is Matt Schlapp, American Conservative Union Chairman; Jesse Kelly, Host of the Jesse Kelly Show Podcast; and Harmeet Dhillon, Civil Rights Attorney and CEO of the Center for American Liberty. Matt, the crowd and the chamber was socially distanced. Biden was distance from I guess reality, though. Your reaction to tonight.

MATT SCHLAPP, CHAIRMAN, AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION: Right. Yes, you know, what I was shocked at is he's been in politics so long, and it was so boilerplate. This was just like, one leftist policy after the other, nothing that was unique to Joe Biden, no way in which he wants to unify. This was blue, America's president going through the mantras that they think -- you look at Tim Scott, he just spoke to a camera, no audience, he won the night overwhelmingly.

INGRAHAM: Harmeet, when you're we watch this tonight, and you saw Biden get up there. I mean, I think a lot of people think well, he can't get through an hour long speech, but he delivered this speech. I mean, he did his little whisper thing for a fact. But he delivered the speech. And it was a grandfatherly tone in places, but the policies are radical changes from what worked before.

HARMEET DHILLON, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Yes, I agree, Laura. What was really jarring about the speech right out of the box was the imagery of him standing there with the two ladies behind him wearing masks that's completely unscientific. So, that's a lie. And then you get into him taking credit for Operation Warp Speed and not mentioning that President Trump is the one who led him get vaccinated while President Trump was still in office. That was a lie.

And then he segued with that droning, slow grandfatherly tone that kind of trailed off into slurring towards the end. But it was filled with a series of shocking radical proposals that are completely under, are completely divorced from reality. They're never going to pass as such $6.1 trillion, I think, is the calculus that I saw on this. That's not what a middle America wants, and he's completely out of touch with what Americans are suffering right now. People are suffering.

In California, I can tell you, in another blue states, it is a dire situation, but most of America is looking for hope, is looking for positivity, is looking for the type of message that Tim Scott delivered tonight. And President Biden just delivered a bucket list of far left progressive policies, and a very negative tone that only made our enemies salivate when they heard it, Laura.

INGRAHAM: Yes, no wonder, no wonder AOC is so happy with Biden after you heard him tonight. Now, Jesse. He's also pushed for a federal makeover of our election laws.


BIDEN: And we truly restore the soul of America, we need to protect the sacred right to vote. It's being attacked. Congress should pass HR-1 and a John Lewis voting right, send it to my desk right away. The country supports it, and Congress should act now.


INGRAHAM: Well, Jesse, that's a lie. Our country supports voter I.D. and smart voter integrity programs like Georgia's, but they've branded it as something very different but that would change elections forever if you take over elections from the States.

JESSE KELLY, HOST THE JESSE KELLY SHOW PODCAST: Well, Republicans don't win another election, Laura. I don't think Republicans another national election if HR-1 passes. But, but to what Harmeet just said, which is a great point, none of this stuff is going to pass. Maybe, maybe infrastructure passes, I guess, I could see that passing. But the Pro Act, HR-1 amnesty, gun control, all these things are dead in the water. So, I don't understand what the point of all of this was.

Is this just to fire up your base? Because you didn't gain any points with Middle America tonight, that's for sure. And, and not to be shallow about it. But it was so boring. I understand the President's not there to entertain us. But who actually, besides those of us who are suckers for punishment, like we are, who actually sat through an hour of that whole thing tonight, I just wanted to eat where there's original watch and this thing, go to sleep.

INGRAHAM: And for that reason, Matt Biden, I think Biden, well, Biden lies like he did about the Trump tax cuts. Watch.


BIDEN: The big tax cut of 2017. Remember, it's supposed to pay for itself. That was how it was sold. And generate vast economic growth. Instead of using the tax savings to raise wages and invest in research and development, it poured billions of dollars into the pocket of CEOs.


INGRAHAM: Matt, he's leaving out the part about median household income shooting out more than $6,000, and it went through the roof for 401k, growth investor and consumer optimism. Those were all riding high right before the pandemic, but that was conveniently left out.

SCHLAPP: Yes, that's right. And remember that corrected a, a negative course for like a generation. So, the Trump policies actually helped the men and women who work hard for a living. And as far as the corporate tax rate is concerned, remember, it was several points outside, it was like the highest rate in the in the world, which is one of the reasons why America was not a competitive place to have manufacturing jobs.

When Joe Biden says he wants American companies and CEOs to pay their fair share. What he's really saying is that we should have less jobs here in America, but I will say, because of the stupid wokeness of so many of these CEOs, I think a lot of Republicans are going to sit on their hands when they put these tax increases through on reconciliation, which only needs 50 votes.

INGRAHAM: Yes, so it only needs 50 votes. And Harmeet, we've heard a lot about well, when Trump was president, you know, all these Fox hosts were to pro-Trump. But watching these other networks tonight, I mean, truly look like state run media. I mean, Biden walked on water, he was turning water into wine. And it was every, every miracle that ever was done in the Bible. Biden might as well have done tonight. This was CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger.


GLORIA BORDER, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL ANALYST: He said the tide had already turned on COVID-19 when, when Biden became president, and of course, everybody understands that Operation Warp Speed happened under Joe Biden, but getting vaccines into arms was a Biden operation.


INGRAHAM: What is she talking about? They were they were laughing at Trump when he said that they were going to have the vaccine by the fall. They laughed at him, I believe, including Anthony Fauci in his own way.

DHILLON: Absolutely. And Joe Biden mocked him as well. And in fact, every member of Congress sitting in that room knew that they got the vaccine in their arm either during the Trump administration or very shortly thereafter, because of President Trump. Gloria Borger did apologize later in the segment for that and correct herself, but none of the people on the screen there who also knew differently, corrected her in real time. So, this was like North Korea style media where everybody's just lapping up with the fearless leader is saying and not contradicting.

But the people at home are smarter than that. But to Jesse's point, if they bothered to watch it, it was so boring and painful. But you know, people are smarter than that, and Americans are looking at the idea of sending their kids to the state run schools at the age of three, who is, who is the American constituent who wants more of that woke nonsense and American madrasa kind of teaching on their children? I don't think so. So, it's not going to fly in the cold light of day.

INGRAHAM: Because they're not indoctrinated enough from age five through age 18. Why don't we just give the children right not with the umbilical cord still attached to the government run schools? Unbelievable. Now, Jessie, you mentioned Biden's gun push. I want to play this bogus claim by him on the gun violence issue.


BIDEN: As we pass universal background checks. A ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines that hold 100 rounds that can be fired off in seconds. We beat the NRA. Mass shootings and gun violence decline. Check out the report over 10 years. But nearly 22,000 come on expired. We've seen daily bloodshed since


INGRAHAM: Jessie, this is provably false. A DOJ-funded study back in 2004 already debunked this. I think we've talked about this so many times on the show. I haven't seen the fact-checkers out tonight at all. They only fact check Trump. Every time Trump breathed there was another fact check article in The Washington Post. Thoughts on that?

KELLY: Well, everything -- like you said everything he said was wrong, including 100, round magazines? Laura, I've been shooting weapons my whole life. I got to have to get myself my hands on, one of those things, because I've actually never seen one of those before. But again, it's another thing that's not going to pass. But I think the Democrats are in as much trouble as a party as a party in power could be.

I think that Joe Biden doesn't have very much longer, and his health is going to see him out of the White House. And then you have Kamala Harris stepping in. People like Joe Biden. Kamala Harris says the likeability of typhoid fever, and she's probably going to lead this party going into the midterm and they're talking gun control? I think they're in serious trouble.

INGRAHAM: Matt, Jesse, Harmeet, great to see all of you. Thanks for being with us so late. And as mentioned at the top, Biden said the word crisis nearly a dozen times tonight, but he didn't use that word to describe what's happening at our southern border. In fact, he's laying out the welcome mat for the illegals.


BIDEN: Congress needs to pass legislation this year, to finally secure protection for DREAMERS. The young people, only known America as their home. I want a protection for immigrants, who are here on temporary protective status who came from countries beset by manmade and natural made violence and disaster as well as a pathway to citizenship for farmworkers who put food on our tables.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now live from the U.S. Mexico border is Tom Homan, Former Acting ICE Director, Tom is this the ultimate incentive for a never ending flow of minors across our border?

TOM HOMAN, FORMER ACTING ICE DIRECTOR: Yes, he stood on the national stage and doubled down on his promises. If you don't take the talk of amnesty and DACA had driven these numbers along with free health care, he created this crisis that you and I have talked about before. He knows what great crisis he'd been through before. He knows how to stop them. He's done just the opposite. He's filled out our border security to win an election, to win the progressive vote. He's sold off his country, and this is by design. This is what open borders looks like.

INGRAHAM: Tom, don't you think this is all purposeful neglect? I mean, if they want, if they thought that COVID was truly the crisis, that Biden made it out to be tonight, at this point with all the vaccines and out there and, and people have already been infected and so forth. They would shut this border down tomorrow, if they really thought it was it. But everything that we're learning about, according to this New York Times reporting today, that COVID positive illegals are being released into our communities by DHS.

I mean, we're being told that we're not going to be able to fly if we don't have a vaccine. But migrants who've a positive COVID test are transferred to a shelter operated by the city others spend a night or two at their restaurants, and then board planes or buses to their destinations around the United States. So, Tom, Americans have to wear masks outside while vaccinated still, but COVID positive illegals can do whatever the hell they damn well please? That sounds fair.

HOMAN: Exactly. He's not taking COVID seriously, he would have held up Title 42. Now, Title 42 said we kept people during a pandemic. He reversed that and now he's bringing, children are being released in the communities along with families with children under six. And look, it's just not DHS releasing positive COVID people but all these million-dollar, half a billion-dollar centers are building the welcome center to building, they're inundated with COVID cases.

So, if thousands of COVID cases are being released knowingly and used by the Biden administration, and let's not forget the border has over a thousand getaways a day. And who knows how many these people are infected with COVID? We know they're carrying opioids and drugs. We know many more M-13. Many more single adults get crossed the border not get arrested and claim the better two years they will sign up that amnesty promise. Joe Biden made he is throwing gas on an open fire. He knows it.

INGRAHAM: Well, you know it's bad time when the Arizona Democrat Senator Mark Kelly was kind of calling out Biden a little bit tonight on, on the issue of the border saying he's going to continue to demand the resources and the enforcement necessary to fix this problem because he sees it. Arizonans do not like this, Texans don't like this and I think when the rest of the country really sees what's going on and they're just beginning to see it, they're really not going to like it.

So this is a terrible issue for, for Biden, which is why didn't want to talk about it tonight. Tom, thank you. Great to see you. And was Biden's message for every American to get vaccinated, then contradicted by the COVID theater that dominated the house floor tonight. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is here next, and speaking of which, what was it like to be inside the chamber? Senator Bill Hagerty of Tennessee joins us in moments.



BIDEN: Everyone, over the age of 16, everyone is now eligible to get vaccinated right now right away. Go get vaccinated, America. Go and get the vaccination. They're available.


INGRAHAM: I love how he does that thing with his neck when you go. All right, telling Americans to get vaccinated, while our vaccinated political leaders look like a bunch of mommies and a crypt in there, masked up. Is that a winning message? I don't think so. I don't think it's very convincing.

Joining me now, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford. Dr. Bhattacharya, wouldn't his message be more successful if everyone inside the chamber was maskless? At this point, they're all immunized.

DR. JAY BHATTACHARYA, PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE AT STANFORD: I just don't get it. I don't, I don't understand that the devotion to mask. I mean, started with Dr. Redfield, the former CDC Director saying that that mass were more effective than vaccines. I mean, I've just a few months ago, and now we have the entire sort of folks sitting in that Hall.

All of them, so many of them wearing mask, even though every single one of them has been vaccinated months ago, from President Biden on down. It really sends the wrong message. The vaccines are really effective. I mean, incredibly effective. They're very, very, very, very, very unlikely to get COVID if they didn't wear a mask, or they don't wear masks, it makes absolutely no difference for that, for that population. I think they're just, it's a mistake.

INGRAHAM: Biden said some interesting things about kids returning to school, Doctor. Watch.


BIDEN: Parents, see the smiles on the kids' faces for those who are able to go back to school, because the teachers in school bus drivers and cafeteria workers have been vaccinated.


INGRAHAM: No, except a lot of kids have been in school because they have governors who actually made the right decisions. But parents aren't actually seeing their kids smile because they're being forced to wear masks on the playground when they're playing sports. Dr. Bhattacharya, why would kids have to wear masks if teachers and school workers are all being vaccinated? I keep asking these basic questions. Am I missing something here?

BHATTACHARYA: No, you're not Laura, there's no good reason for children to be vaccinated, to be wearing a mask. It doesn't make sense for -- for young children, it actually harms their development. I think on net that it absolutely doesn't make any sense, especially since so many teachers have been vaccinated. You know, in Sweden, they have had school through the entire epidemic with no, no child deaths are very, very few child deaths from COVID. And the teachers themselves have had COVID and results that are better than the average of the other professions through the entire epidemic before the vaccine. Now, we have the vaccine and so many teachers have been vaccinated and staff members have been vaccinated, take the mass off our children that you're just hurting them for no purpose.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Bhattacharya the issue of children who have almost an infinitesimally small chance of ever getting sick from COVID. Now the concern for a lot of parents is that children are going to be forced to be vaccinated in order to go to school at very young ages, and this is something that Dr. Fauci addressed today watch.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE: Kids will ultimately wind up getting vaccinated. High school kids will likely get vaccinated as we get into the full term. And children of any age will likely be vaccinated by the time we get to the end of the year. When children are out in the community, when you have 3040 50,000 new infections per day, they are more at risk of getting infected --


INGRAHAM: At risk of getting infected spreading the disease. Dr. Bhattacharya what is going on with this push to get little children vaccinated?

BHATTACHARYA: I mean, there's so many things wrong with what, what, Dr. Fauci said there. So, first of all, they haven't, we haven't tested the vaccines on children. We have no idea what the results are going to show; he's prejudging the results before we've seen them. That's just irresponsible for a medical professional to do that.

Second, children don't spread the disease very efficiently. We know that from a whole host of studies. I mean, it's just exhaustively documented, he knows that. So, I don't really understand why he's trying to spread fear around that. And third, as you said, Laura, children when they are infected, they actually don't get very sick if they -- the, the number of child deaths from COVID, last year, was less than, was less than the flu.

More kids died last year of the flu in the United States than died of COVID. The harm from COVID to children, thank God is waiting Less than no harm to the older people who are just thousand times more likely to die if they if they get COVID. Vaccinate the older population --

INGRAHAM: So, medically, Dr. Bhattacharya, medically children -- requiring children to be vaccinated before they can return to school. And still, which is an experimental drug, you would say no.

BHATTACHARYA: Yes. I mean that require children --

INGRAHAM: You'll not allow that.

BHATTACHARYA: -- I think it's bad for public health. Use those doses instead to send it to, you know, India at where a lot of older people are dying because they don't have the vaccine. Send it to South America, where the vaccine is needed in the older population. Every vaccine that we use in children, basically, it's like taking the life away from someone else abroad who's older and needs it.

INGRAHAM: All right. Dr. Bhattacharya, great to see it tonight. Thank you.

So, what was it like in the House chamber tonight with all the facemask kabuki theater from the Democrats? My next guest is here to tell us, Tennessee Senator Bill Haggerty joins us now. Senator, different -- the different mood in the room for Biden speech, there was no tearing up of the speech as Nancy did last time around when Trump spoke. What was it like?

SEN. BILL HAGGERTY (R-TN): It was one of the most dull speeches that I've ever seen. And that dullness was enhanced by the fact that they had everybody spaced, socially distanced, masked up. You know everybody in that hall was vaccinated. And, Laura, everybody's vaccinated for one reason because of Operation Warp Speed that President Trump put in place.

INGRAHAM: Well, you have been hitting the issue of China so powerfully, both in op-eds and various addresses that you've given, Senator. Joe Biden seem to try to convey that he's going to be tough on China. He's going to hold them accountable on trade and on subsidies and so forth. But do you really hold out hope that that's what's going to happen, especially when climate change negotiations are being led by John Kerry?

HAGGERTY: John Kerry. Well, Laura, you've been a leader on this for years. I'd say this, President Biden hasn't started out so great. He comes in and the first thing he does is kill the Keystone XL pipeline. Where do you think that oil is going to go? It's going to go from Canada, straight to China now. He's increased our input cost, but he certainly lowered it for China. They're laughing all the way to the bank on that one. He's killed fossil fuel in this arena in terms of killing any type of leasing on federal lands, again, trying to take away our energy independence at a time when we've finally accomplished it.

Then what is he doing? He's signing us up for the Paris Climate Accord, again, putting a great advantage to China while burdening our economy at a time that we're trying to recover from this pandemic. So, I think that getting hooked up on China has so far been nothing but a matter of words. We've seen deeds that are absolutely contrary to that.

INGRAHAM: Now, Biden's been guilty of some plagiarizing in the past. And, Senator, he was back at it again tonight.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There's simply no reason why the blades for wind turbines can't be built in Pittsburgh instead of Beijing. There's no reason why American workers can't lead the world in the production of electric vehicles and batteries. All the investments in American Job plan will be guided by one principle by American.


INGRAHAM: Senator, it's just a total rip-off, a total rip-off from Trump. But again, back to the China deal, I mean, when China says jump, Kerry's going to say, how high?

HAGGERTY: You're absolutely right. I think John Kerry is the last person we should be sending to our most strategic adversary to negotiate. This is not a good sign for America.

INGRAHAM: All right. Senator, great to see you tonight. Thanks so much.

And up next, seen and unseen analysis of the speech and the overwrought sycophantic media coverage of it. Raymond Arroyo is here, next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for a special seen and unseen analysis of the Biden address and the media coverage. For that, joining me on set for the first time in a long while, Raymond Arroyo.


INGRAHAM: Right. Before the address to Congress, the media, they could only talk about one thing.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Visually, there will be two women behind the president during the speech, the Vice President and the House Speaker. That's a first.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You want to see history tonight? Just look behind the president during his big speech.

JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: A woman of color and a woman speaker. It kind of happened kind of without comment. It's weird how it's just happened and it's not controversial or remarkable anymore.

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): It's pretty exciting. And it's wonderful to make history, it's about time.


ARROYO: Laura, everything's historical, or masks that never in the chamber, historic. More people vaccinated in a joint session of Congress, historic. But this is a strong theme in the Biden presidency. We see it over and over again. With Joe Biden, his team always tries to distract with someone or something else. Tonight, Laura, it was the ladies flanking him. But the truth is, Joe Biden is the unprecedent. OK. They made the decision to limit the audience, even though Congress was fully vaccinated as people have said all evening.

So, why didn't he -- why did -- you know why the reason they decided to keep the numbers down, so we wouldn't have to play to half a room of Republican opposition. This is a Biden safe space. But when the energy is this low, even historic Pelosi was getting sleepy there in the speech was.

INGRAHAM: Yawning behind that mask.

ARROYO: Well, I'm worried about you yawning at this point.

INGRAHAM: No. I was -- I was yawning by watching -- she looked like she was starting to nod off. But if you listen to the media, Raymond, Biden tonight was essentially just Reagan 3.0.


VAN JONES, CNN HOST: It's really beautiful. It was beautiful. He's developing a kind of positive populism.


ANDREA MITCHELL, NBC NEWS CHIEF FOREIGN AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: I thought it was a remarkable speech, and how comfortable he is the Savannah and this -- he loves being home.

BRIAN WILLIAMS, MSNBC HOST: After four years of a monotone shout, it was bracing to hear a speech delivered at times by a whisper. His use of voice modulation was rather extraordinary.


ARROYO: Voice modulation. That's called low vocal energy law. I don't know what speech these people were hearing. But this Biden address may have been the most embarrassing septuagenarian performance in primetime since Glenn Close torque at the Oscars, but you be the judge.


BIDEN: It's making a difference. You'll know when you go home. Is I believe the overwhelming reason that propelled us to where we got in the 21st -- in the 20th century. We did that in the -- in the -- in the last piece of legislation we passed. We expanded tax credit for every child in the family up to $3,000 per child. If you're under six years of age. Actually -- under -- over six years of age.

I don't want to be very blunt about it. I had -- my attempt was to make sure. After 20 years of value -- valor and sacrifice.


ARROYO: Laura, I mean, the articulation is shot. I didn't know what he was saying for half the address.

INGRAHAM: And he goes like this, Raymond.

ARROYO: He's out of breath. That's what happens when you get really, really weak.

INGRAHAM: Get vaccinated.

ARROYO: I'll tell you though, there's a superpower emerging here. You know what it is?


ARROYO: He'd never looks like a radical. He doesn't look extreme in the least --

INGRAHAM: No, he's smart.

ARROYO: -- and the frailty helps him. But I mean, at one point he referred, he said, America's on the move again. Only Joe Biden could make America sound like a Metamucil. But with the spending $6 trillion, Laura. We only spent four trillion in all of 2019.

INGRAHAM: We've got a star of this government beast in Washington D.C. We have to starve the beast of our tax dollars and stop the propagandizing of our children and everything else.

ARROYO: Well, you see why they keep them under wraps. Tonight was a perfect example of why it's Kamala and the cabinet leading the way on many of these policies and Biden is still in the basement.

INGRAHAM: Look, God love you, Arroyo.

ARROYO: God love you, Ingraham.

INGRAHAM: All right. Raymond, great to see you. And what a juxtaposition. Biden declaring this country's systemically racist while Republican Tim Scott replies declaratively America is not a racist nation.

Brandon Tatum, Dr. Carol Swain react, next.


BIDEN: We've all seen the name and justice on the neck of black Americans. Now is our opportunity to make some real progress. My fellow Americans, we have to come together to rebuild trust between law enforcement and the people they serve to root out systemic racism in our criminal justice system.


INGRAHAM: Systemic racism, well, something that you'd hear China saying. Who talks about the country they lead in such an ugly tone?

Here now is Carol Swain, former professor at Princeton and Vanderbilt. And Brandon Tatum, former police officer, author of "Beaten Black and Blue: Being A Cop in America Under Siege."

Brandon, why does the modern left seem to just -- they want to take us backwards on the issue of race. And that's what we got out of Biden tonight.

BRANDON TATUM, AUTHOR OF "BEATEN BLACK AND BLUE": Well, they have no other alternative. They have no solutions. They have no way of getting people to vote for them outside of fearing them into voting for them. You know, it is incredible to me when I watched this speech, and I'll see how Joe Biden said nothing productive about black people. He didn't have any legislation, no bills. He talked about Asians. He talked about LGBTQ. He said all of these things he didn't mention nothing. He didn't even -- I don't even know if he said the word African-American people. So, these people are complete frauds, in my personal opinion as they represent themselves as being the party of the people.

INGRAHAM: Carol, I want to ask you this question. I maybe have asked you this before, but I just haven't -- I can't get my head wrapped around this question. How do we expect to lead other countries around the world, have them listen to us, when our own president repeatedly says he's leading a racist nation? Like, how are we possibly going to get other countries to do anything we want if we're that rotten of nation in the first place?

CAROL SWAIN, FORMER PRINCETON PROFESSOR: Well, we can't. And I have to tell you that I had a visceral reaction when he made the statement about George Floyd. And it was just so designed to manipulate people, and everything he was saying, you know, would actually accomplish the opposite. Because if the George Floyd legislation that's passed the House, it if it were to become law, it would hurt every police officer in America because it would remove the qualified immunity that they get and it would make it much harder for them to enforce the law, and then all the talk about systemic racism and racial equity, and he implied that if America is right for black Americans, and I guess, took its knee off of their necks, that they -- you know, that they would prosper.

And what I think they're doing is that they're trying to cover all the failed policies of the Democratic Party, those policies have never had blacks or poor people. And so, they want people to focus on systemic racism as the cause, rather than the fact that they have never delivered anything for blacks. And so, I watched that speech -- I watched the speech, but I really became just triggered when he started talking about race.

INGRAHAM: I don't want to trigger Carol Swain. No way. I don't want to do that.

All right. Brandon, Senator Scott hammered the whole critical race theory issue that's infecting our schools and just destroying education with rot from the inside out. Take a look.


SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): Hundred years ago, kids in classrooms were taught the color of their skin was their most important characteristic. Today, kids are being taught that the color of their skin defines them again. And if you look a certain way, they're an oppressor. People are making money and gaining power by pretending we haven't made any progress at all, by doubling down on the divisions we've worked so hard to heal.


INGRAHAM: Brandon, I know you had some issues with Tim Scott's remarks, but you thought those comments were very strong.

TATUM: Yes. I think -- I think Tim Scott made some incredible comments, they were great. I think they were right on time. I think they were exactly what the American people needed to hear. We do need strong rhetoric to combat some of these leftist maniacs who are out here trying to destroy our kids.

You know, I have children that are in school, I have a son that's in school. And every day, I'm wondering, what are they going to try to say to him next? And do I have to go up to that school and act out because I'm not putting up with it? I'm not letting them brainwash my child into thinking that we live in a hateful, evil country when they should be teaching them how to be educated, teach them how to progress in America, teach them how to live the American dream.

The only thing that I will criticize Tim Scott on, which I love him to death, is that after he made the statement, he decided that he wanted to go and attribute some type of a law or pass a bill associated with George Floyd. The man was a criminal his whole life. I mean, he was robbing people and doing home invasions. I don't think that we should be going down the path of giving any credence to a man that unfortunately died at the hands of an officer that did wrong. I don't think we should meet them in the middle on that.

We should stand our ground. If we're going to do anything. Let's do a bill about David Dorn. Let's do a bill to support law enforcement in this country and let's go meet their families. That's one thing that I would add to the discussion when Tim -- with Tim Scott and the things that he said. Overall, I thought it was a decent -- a decent speech.

Carol and Brandon, thank you so much, both of you, for staying up tonight.

When we come back, final thoughts about what's happening tomorrow night right here.


INGRAHAM: And I know that you've noticed something different about tonight's show. First of all, we have Raymond here. OK. He's on set with me. That hasn't happened a long time, but we're in Orlando, Florida. And we're getting ready for a really cool Town Hall airing tomorrow night. Live at 10pm.

Now, we call it red state trailblazers because it's going to feature Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, Iowa Governor, Kim Reynolds, Mississippi Governor, Tate Reeves, and Nebraska Governor, Pete Ricketts for the entire hour. We're going to have a great audience. We're going to tackle everything from their COVID responses to policing in America, of course, the immigration issue. And they're going to be giving their first reactions to tonight's radical address from Joe Biden and his effort to vacuum up all of your cash and indoctrinate your kids.

So, the governor is going to even take questions from the live audience. Nothing is going to be off the table and make sure you DVRs, if you can't watch it live, but come on, watch it live. What else you're doing?

All right. That's all the time we have tonight. Kristin Fisher and the "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" team take it all from here. And we'll see you back here in Orlando tomorrow night.

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