Tight four-way race in New Hampshire comes down to the wire

This is a rush transcript from "The Greg Gutfeld Show," January 11, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): So getting back to sports because that's all we
live, right? Football, football college, high school, professional. We send
in our team or do we have to send in a special team as well as the team?
Because we have to know what is -- what that trial is about.


GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Somebody get Grandma a chair.


GUTFELD: Welcome to another episode of Apocalypse Never.


at this moment, this very dangerous moment because of Donald Trump's

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're at the early stages of a hot war. It is a
monumental moment.

and it's going to draw us into that region in a way that we absolutely
cannot afford.

CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC HOST: War with Iran is madness, and it is strategically
and morally a disaster.

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC HOST: That would have widened and exploded the
Middle East into a war like we've never seen.

RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC HOST: That strike has predictably, predictably, with
an exclamation point, kicked a hornet's nest in the Middle East.


GUTFELD: Predictably. Predictably.


GUTFELD: What a convulsion of chuckle buckets.


GUTFELD: They were so ready for Armageddon, because then that would all be
on Trump. I haven't seen that much wishful thinking since Michael Moore
tried on leather pants.


GUTFELD: But as usual, the end took a raincheck. Bummer. Don Lemon had
just installed a footbath in his fallout shelter.


GUTFELD: And Chris Cuomo just stored all his remaining Botox in his face.


GUTFELD: But did that stop the stupid? Hell no. In an effort to maintain
the anti-Trump narrative, one dolt compared Soleimani to Lady Di.


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC HOST: When Princess Diana died, for example, there
was a huge emotional outpouring. These kinds of -- Elvis Presley in our
culture. It turns out that this General we killed was a beloved hero of the
Iranian people to the point where -- look at the people, we've got pictures
of them now -- these enormous crowds coming out.

There's no American emotion in this case, but there's a hell of a lot of
emotion on the other side.


GUTFELD: Oh, my God. Lady Di? Elvis? I think Chris has been smelling too
many of Eric Swalwell farts.


GUTFELD: The point is, though, you better not kill a bad guy because then
he'll become a martyr. I guess from now on, we only send angry letters to
their local paper, or maybe a strongly worded poem recited by Deepak Chopra
at the U.N. So here's the theory that's going to blow your mind. Why is it when Trump
uses any force, the critics go nuts? Because as even "The New York Times"
admits, Trump has used military force less than any President since Jimmy
Carter. Which is why -- why -- the media hysterically amplifies it, because it's so
rare. So when it happens, they have to milk it for all its worth. Now you
see it? I get it. I do the same thing when once a year my wife gets a little drunk.
I make -- I make a huge deal out of it, because I may never get the chance


GUTFELD: But the media will take any chance to call Trump a fascist.
Example, Iran shoots down a Ukrainian passenger plane and who did the media
and Dems blame? Trump. I mean, Iran is not even blaming him.


GUTFELD: But she is.


REP. JACKIE SPEIER (D-CA): If what is being projected is true, this is yet
another example of collateral damage from the actions that have been taken
in a provocative way by the President of the United States.


GUTFELD: Imagine idiots like this after Pearl Harbor. You know, maybe if
you didn't have all those shiny boats out there, which are used for war,
this wouldn't have happened. It's fun watching Trump force Democrats to defend stuff no actual human
would defend. Here's "The View" applauding white racists.


GUTFELD: I love that.


GUTFELD: I mean, I can just say "The View" and everybody's heart sinks.


GUTFELD: But here they are applauding white bigots because now they both
hate Trump.


JOY BEHAR, ABC HOST: Want some good news? This is a tiny thing that I
noticed. I remember Richard Spencer, he is basically the organizer of Unite
the Right? The white nationalist group that was marching in Charlottesville
that's all in for Trump. Not anymore.
Here is this quote, he tweeted last night, "I deeply regret voting for and
promoting Donald Trump in 2016."


BEHAR: I mean, that's good. That's interesting.


GUTFELD: They are applauding white supremacists.


GUTFELD: I think the tiny thing Joy noticed was her brain. I can't wait to
see "The View's" hour long tribute to the Boston bomber after he calls
Trump a weenie.


GUTFELD: But that's a lib choosing politics over morality, from Weinstein
to Epstein to Clinton. Every pig gets a pass. And now so do murderous
So Iran launched missiles into space somewhere between an American base and
a Kmart in Cleveland, and then they declared it over. Then they called it
proportionate to the killing of their top general. Imagine that. It's like
they deliberately whiffed on three pitches, then trotted around the basis
like they hit a home run. I mean, if you're Soleimani's ghost, you've got to be pissed.


GUTFELD: That's the sendoff? It's a weird message from Iran that maybe we
got rid of a guy who was a pain in their neck, too. For Iran, it's like
finding out your car got stolen, and it was a beat up '72 Corolla. You
know, you were trying to get rid of it for a year so you parked it in a bad
neighborhood with the keys in the ignition. That was Soleimani.


GUTFELD: So sorry, media.


GUTFELD: It's a thinker. Sorry, media. It wasn't Operation Desert Shield.
It was more like Operation Desert Rash.


GUTFELD: The press conference lasted longer. So I wonder, should the
American people be extremely grateful and happy, no Americans were harmed?


should be extremely grateful and happy no Americans were harmed in last
night's attack by the Iranian regime.


GUTFELD: For now, and that is a good outcome. Of course, his critics are
pissed. He didn't give them a heads up. But maybe you didn't have time to
call up Nancy, who was not operating with the full deck.



TRUMP: We didn't have time to call up Nancy who is not operating with a
full deck.





GUTFELD: You could tell and would you tell Schiff? After all, he is a big


TRUMP: Schiff is a big leaker. You know, he leaks to crazy CNN, see with
the little red light on. Shifty Schiff. Say, hey, Adam, how are you doing?
Listen, we have the world's number one terrorist. We can have him lined up,
Adam. You little pencil neck. He buys the smallest shirt collar you can get, and it's loose.




GUTFELD: No one wants war. But what we saw wasn't war. And then like the
media and Democrats, we aren't stuck in a prison of two ideas where it's
either do nothing or it's World War III. No, in between those prisons is
the turf that Trump navigates so well, between nothing and everything.
Trump chose a decisive action that solved a horrible problem. Not bad, but
then again, he always said he could be more presidential.


TRUMP: I always say I can be more presidential than any candidate that
ever ran, than any President, other than maybe Abraham Lincoln when he was
wearing his hat.




GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. He's as American as a President's
Day Mattress Sales, "Fox & Friends Weekend" co-host, Pete Hegseth.


GUTFELD: He's on the F.B.I.'s least wanted list, comedian Joe Machi.


GUTFELD: Her laugh is contagious, but so is your cough. Host of
"Sincerely, Kat" on Fox Nation, Kat Timpf.


GUTFELD: And the stork that delivered him got a hernia. My massive
sidekick and host of "Nuff Said" on Fox Nation, Tyrus.


GUTFELD: Pete, what do you think of this week?


GUTFELD: Yes. Do you think this is done? Is it over? What do you see

HEGSETH: Of course, it's not done.


HEGSETH: Because Iran is not done. I mean, their entire regime is premised
on exporting terrorism. They are not done. They can't -- they can't live
without it. I was actually in favor -- honestly, in favor of much stronger strikes
against the Iranian regime. Listen, they're still racing for a nuclear

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

HEGSETH: They're going to and you can't live in a world where they have
it, right? So I felt like, now is a good time to take that next step.

GUTFELD: Really?

HEGSETH: Why not? That was my belief. Now, the President went the other
way and good for him. And you know why I trust and support him? It's the
same reason why you trust and supported Ronald Reagan back in the day
because you know where his core is. You know what he believes. You know he
has the defense of the American people and mine.
Whereas you could never believe that with Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama. You
knew they would appease away who we are. In this case, you know, Trump at
the end of the day is going to have our country's back. In this case, he
doesn't think this is the right time to do it and Iran knows.


HEGSETH: You take one more drop of American blood, and you're done. It's
just amazing how much --



HEGSETH: I mean, I guess we already knew, but who knew the Democrats hated
America this much? If you were to build a list of the people to kill, it
would be like, the leader of Hezbollah, Kim Jong-un and Qasem Soleimani.


HEGSETH: And yet, this isn't good enough for them.


HEGSETH: It's amazing.

GUTFELD: You know, Joe, I love watching Trump force Democrats to defend
weird stuff, like "The View" applauding, like Richard Spencer, a white

JOE MACHI, COMEDIAN: I would -- I would like to thank the ladies of "The
View" because every time I do this show, I'm terrified that I'm going to
say something stupid about politics, but they're perfectly calm and they
say something stupid every day.



GUTFELD: I love the part when they go, that's really good. And then they
stopped and they go, interesting.


GUTFELD: They were like -- they were all on board. Maybe he'll be a
regular guest on "The View" in the hot seat. Wouldn't that be great? No?
We'll move on then -- Kat? What are your thoughts of this week? What's
your analysis? Your Kat analysis?



TIMPF: Okay. Well, you know, last week I was the one person on the couch
who said, I did have some concerns about this whole thing.


TIMPF: But it seems like everything is just fine.


TIMPF: And I'm happy about that.


TIMPF: Right? But the interesting thing is, there's a lot of people on the
left, who I don't think they can say that. They're disappointed that it
didn't go well. But on the one hand, I get it, right? When someone hurts you, they've been
hurt by Trump, when someone hurts you, you don't want them to accomplish
things and be happy. Like, whenever I hear that my ex-boyfriend has a comedy show.


TIMPF: I want him to do terribly, okay. But if I knew that him doing
terribly meant there would be like this huge war and all these innocent
people being blown up, like I would think about it. But ultimately, I would
decide like no, I want everyone to live. I want him to do well. I want --
but they were like almost disappointed. They wanted to be just like, aha, see I told you, but they don't realize
they wouldn't even be able to have that moment of gloating, because they'd
be blown up.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true.



GUTFELD: Tyrus, close it out.

say in defense of "The View," I don't think she cleared that conversation
with Whoopi Goldberg before she dropped it.


MURDOCH: Because if you watched the body language, Whoopi was like --


MURDOCH: Do we hate him that much?


MURDOCH: Because if President Trump lost support of white supremacists,
that actually in a weird way pleases me.


MURDOCH: I mean, he has done something wrong and racist to the point where
the racists were like, the hell with this. This guy -- how is that a good

GUTFELD: They started with the racists.


MURDOCH: If somebody on there would have said, it would have been Miss
McCain to say, isn't that a good thing?


MURDOCH: We'll be right back after commercial. And she wouldn't be there

TIMPF: They got the racists on our side.

MURDOCH: But that's the point. It literally -- America, the world is so
afraid of our crazy President that he will kill your general and to get
back, you will blow up the parking lot, but not the one that's marked off.


MURDOCH: Just the shopping carts that nobody was going to bring back in


MURDOCH: That's what Iran did.


GUTFELD: All right. We've got a lot more great stuff ahead. We're going to
talk about the candidates. We've got Joe Biden. Be right back.




ANNOUNCER: And now, THE GREG GUTFELD SHOW presents, the 2020 CAN'T-idates.

GUTFELD: The New Hampshire primary contest is getting tighter than a
termites rectum.


GUTFELD: I don't even know if they have rectums. Check out these numbers.
You've got Mayor Pete 20 percent, you've got Biden 19 percent. You've got
Bernie 18 and Che Guevara at 15. Just kidding. Warren is at 15.


GUTFELD: And the primary is a month away. Very exciting. Don't you think,


ANNOUNCER: And Joe Biden, on friendship.

That's a guy who will teach you how to see in the dark.
Back in 1969, I got mugged in the parking lot of a Long John Silver's. But
that doesn't mean I'm going to win the spelling bee. B. Third letter of the
alphabet. Three's Company. That was a weird show. Text Joe to C3PO. Poo-



GUTFELD: So Bernie is emerging as a growing threat to Biden. I read that
in an article called "Bernie emerges as a growing threat to Biden." It
could make for some interesting stuff during the debate on Tuesday, which
would be a first, because let's be honest, these debates aren't as much fun
as the G.O.P. debates four years ago. Remember those great debates? We actually got high ratings.


TRUMP: Remember those great debates? We actually got high ratings. They
don't get very good ratings anymore. They're like -- it's like death.
Watching -- I should watch. You know, I'm supposed to watch. It's like my
job, try and watch, watch the competition. But it's like watching death.



GUTFELD: So what are you saying? That the debates are boring.


TRUMP: Those debates are boring. They're boring. You've got to sit through
those things for two or three hours. You've got to really be committed to
the country to do that.



GUTFELD: Yes, you do. Anyway, Biden pulled another Biden this week. Peter
Doocy, you take it from here.


PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL REPORTER: As Commander-in-Chief, if you were
ever handed a piece of Intelligence that said you can stop an imminent
attack on Americans, but you have to use an airstrike to take out a terror
leader, would you -- would you pull the trigger?

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, we did. The guy's name is
Osama bin Laden.

DOOCY: Didn't you tell President Obama not to go out on bin Laden --

BIDEN: No, I didn't. I didn't.


GUTFELD: Joe, I thought you said you did.


BIDEN: He said I have to make a decision. What is your opinion? Mr.
President, my suggestion is don't go. We have to do two more things to see
if he's there.


GUTFELD: I knew it. Anyway. Those seem like two different things. Explain
yourself, Joe.


ANNOUNCER: And now Joe Biden, on kids' toys.

SHILLUE: We used to have a big jar of mercury. Hours of fun. That's no
malarkey. But when the giraffes start barking, you know, that's golden
time. Just take a look at your cell phone. The wires, the batteries, those
are exports. That's no joke. That's reality. Roll tide.


GUTFELD: Meanwhile, what of Liz Warren? The shine seems to have worn off
lately. Liz says she's not worried because she has taken a lot of selfies.


and Puerto Rico. I'm closing in on 200 Town Halls. We've already shot past
a hundred thousand selfies.


GUTFELD: Wow. A hundred thousand selfies. That's what I'm looking for in a


GUTFELD: And I like a candidate who takes time out for dance lessons.



GUTFELD: Well, no dance lessons there. Too bad, Liz. What do you think,


ANNOUNCER: And now Joe Biden on time and travel.

SHILLUE: Look, you fly a Corvette directly into the sun, you're going to
end up in 1983. Everyone knows that. I'm serious.
Like I got a speeding ticket from a Minotaur. That's a half man half bull.
Chicago Bulls. Michael Jordan. Number 23. 23 in me. That's DNA, you leave
that at a crime scene, they got you. Law and Order. Dun-dun.




GUTFELD: Joe? Joe, what are your thoughts in the race and the candidates?

MACHI: Oh, I don't know if I trust the polls because they're done by phone
and there's 13 candidates. Well, I don't know who still answers their phone
when a strange number calls. And I can barely keep track of the candidates
right now, let alone having someone list them on a phone call.


MACHI: But I'll tell you what, Joe Biden has a point. In the meeting he
said that he didn't think Obama should go with the bin Laden raid until
they have more Intelligence, but then he told Obama privately, go with your
gut. And so when Joe Biden is asked a tough question, he will tell you to do
what you think you should do about the question he just asked.


MACHI: That's a leader.

GUTFELD: That's a leader. Tyrus, thoughts on another week?

MURDOCH: Okay, I was -- I thought it was pretty clear last week that I
told them to run as a team.


MURDOCH: Because they would have like 87 percent right now on the poll if
they were just the four-headed monster of really old, old people.



MURDOCH: Oh, god. You know, I really hate when the President steals my
jokes because I can't sit through that [bleep] either. Like it's just when
-- you know it's bad when you're dropping, I have selfies, it is like when
you're arguing with someone on the street about like, whose car and they
go, well, I've got more likes than you.


MURDOCH: Like, if you don't get votes, sorry, you're not going to
represent the Democratic Party -- but I have 200,000 selfies.


MURDOCH: You're in.


MURDOCH: I mean, that's where you're at, I have selfies.

GUTFELD: Yes. It's terrible.

MURDOCH: We all have selfie.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. I don't have many selfies, Kat, but you have many.

TIMPF: I take them all day. Yes. What's it to you?

GUTFELD: Yes, you do. I don't know. It's not to me anything.

TIMPF: All right, well -- that was my question, guys. So --


TIMPF: I do want to -- Biden, I thought that was really interesting
because that wasn't the only time within the past week that he has kind of
changed his story on something.
This week, he also said that he didn't appreciate or he didn't agree with
what George W. Bush was doing with Iraq from the beginning. And that's not
the first time he's done that. In September, he flat out said he was
against the Iraq war from the beginning, had to walk that back because he,
you know, like voted for it and talked about very openly his support for
it. But this time around, he didn't apologize like he did last time and said he
misspoke because he used vague language.


TIMPF: He said he didn't like what George W. Bush was doing. Okay, so I
know that we all say, you know, Crazy Uncle Joe and -- but that's like
that's -- he is like a crafty little weasel there, right? Because he is
technically -- you know, he'll be like corn pop this and like touching my
leg hairs that, but at the same time he is lying like -- and manipulating
to deceive voters like a true politician?

GUTFELD: Yes, it's amazing. He is a crafty old devil although --

TIMPF: Plus, crafty old devil indeed.

GUTFELD: C-O-D. Okay, yes. You know what it is? Pete, this four-way race
reminds me of the world's worst egg on a spoon race between the oldest
employees of the company picnic. They're all running. You could just watch
the knees and hips cracking.

HEGSETH: Yes, pretty much. You know, this is supposed to be a week when
you could pass the Commander and Chief test, right?


HEGSETH: So you've got this whole Iran thing, Trump is supposed to fumble


HEGSETH: And they're supposed to step up and show what they would do, and
instead you look at all of them, you say, could you really imagine any of
them staring down Soleimani or Iran in a very serious way? It doesn't even
pass this --

GUTFELD: Liz would send selfies.


HEGSETH: I think, Kat, you've probably taken 100,000 selfies yourself.

TIMPF: I know that was an insult.


HEGSETH: It wasn't. I swear.

MURDOCH: But even Kat, if she was losing the argument, would never say
well, Greg, I have 100,000 selfies. What have you got to say for yourself?

TIMPF: When I wear makeup, I need to take selfies because I posted a
picture last week of myself with no makeup just hanging out, I was
inundated with chicken noodle soup recipes and people telling me to feel
better and I was not sick.



HEGSETH: So, I did see that.

GUTFELD: I thought you were the second baseman from the Bad News Bears.


TIMPF: I don't understand that joke because I'm too young.


HEGSETH: I understand it.

TIMPF: I don't get it. I'm too young. I'm too young.

GUTFELD: Should I stop now?


HEGSETH: If you take 100,000, that's good if you're running for mayor.


HEGSETH: But she's running for President, but the other guy who is running
for mayor, Pete Buttigieg of South Bend is ahead.

GUTFELD: Yes, I know.

HEGSETH: He's ahead.


HEGSETH: And Joe Biden is wandering and whispering somewhere off stage.


HEGSETH: Asking his consultant what state he is in.

GUTFELD: You know what he needs? He would do much better with a magic
eight ball. Just shake it when somebody asks you a question. Shake it. All
right. All right. Back with more good stuff after this.




Headquarters," I'm Aishah Hasnie.
At least 11 people are dead tonight from severe storms battering parts of
the South and Midwest. In Lubbock, Texas, two first responders were killed
and another seriously injured while working a traffic accident in icy road
conditions. Three people died in Carrollton, Alabama from a tornado that left a trail
of destruction there. Twisters were also reported in Oklahoma, Missouri and
Arkansas. Thousands are without power. Overseas, angry protesters flooding the streets of Tehran. That's after the
government admitted a Ukrainian passenger jet was mistakenly shot down
killing 176 people. Protesters call for the resignation of the Ayatollah
there. They all demanded the prosecution of those responsible for downing
that plane. I'm Aishah Hasnie, now back to THE GREG GUTFELD SHOW.

GUTFELD: If they defame, you now have a claim. CNN has settled the $250
million dollar defamation lawsuit with Covington Catholic high school
student, Nick Sandmann.


GUTFELD: The teen that social media thought was taunting a Native-American
man. You remember that. Until another tape surfaced that showed otherwise.
Sandmann filed suit against not just CNN, but also NBC and "The Washington
Post." I wonder why.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some students harassing an older Native American man --
a Vietnam vet -- in the midst of a special ceremony.

DAVE BRIGGS, CNN HOST: It does look like that young man to me is taunting
the Native-American Vietnam vet.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This face-to-face confrontation igniting charges of

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: The kid, Nick Sandmann, he doesn't seem to be
afraid, but he did make a choice and that was to make it into a standoff.
That was not a good choice.


GUTFELD: Now I get it. Sandmann's lawsuit claimed 53 statements in CNN's
coverage were defamatory, but we still don't know the actual payout, which
stinks. I haven't been this disappointed since Lou Dobbs maybe get back his


GUTFELD: But look, I hope this teaches the social media mob a lesson, if
you trash a dude's reputation, be prepared to pay and Nick whatever the
amount is, I hope you invest it wisely. Perhaps you'd like my new venture.
It's a walking bicycle.



GUTFELD: Oh, that is amazing. Okay, Kat. None of us are perfect on social
media. I actually jumped the gun on this, but then I immediately retracted
when I saw the whole story. But this is the problem with social media and
this could be the solution to social media mobbery.

TIMPF: I know. Look, I know that what this kid went through was probably
really difficult, but at the same time like all's well that ends well, he
got cleared and now he is getting some of that sweet, sweet cash.



TIMPF: You know what I'm saying? Like, I don't want to say that I'm
jealous because that sounds bad. But like I am. Like if any of you guys
watching wanted to like call up like CNN, "Washington Post," "New York
Times." maybe be like I don't know, like Kat was arrested for indecent
exposure at a Golden Corral, like something like that.


TIMPF: Don't do that.


GUTFELD: And it's too close to the truth. Tyrus?

MURDOCH: Changing the subject.


MURDOCH: I think it's wonderful that groups, CNN, individuals who make
attacks or make blind statements without the actual facts have to pay for
it. I think is great. The best part of this is that as much as CNN probably would like it to be
the back page news that actually got a little bit of sun and a little shine
on it because usually when someone is defamed or ruined publicly, when it
turns out that the -- there was a lie or was BS, you don't hear about it.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

MURDOCH: It's literally like a little strand on the very back of the
newspaper -- in other news, he was cleared.


MURDOCH: You know, like, sorry.


MURDOCH: You know what I am saying?

GUTFELD: This is not front page.

MURDOCH: Yes. But this made front page. So hopefully, to your point, that
this starts another thing where people or individuals or groups who have
gone out of their way to try to ruin someone or make bad comments about
someone can be held responsible. I think that's great.



GUTFELD: I will say this, Pete, because of the new technology and social
media, there's a low barrier for entry in this cancel culture world. So I
understand people jumping on and doing this stuff because they think they
have no consequences. This could totally change everything and we could be
-- there are people who kill themselves.


GUTFELD: When their careers are ruined.

HEGSETH: Well, and I think this is the kind of fight back in this new era
that President Trump has inspired.

GUTFELD: Oh, back to Trump.

HEGSETH: No, I think honestly.


TIMPF: I'm starting to think you're a Trump guy.

HEGSETH: Maybe. No, I see it my own life. I think conservatives, I think
Republicans, I think people would oftentimes just say, well, that's just
the way it is. The media just sees it that way without actually re-arming
themselves metaphorically to fight back and say, we're not going to take
this because this was the perfect storm. This is a white male, Catholic kid in a MAGA hat at a pro-life rally in
Washington, D.C. who was supposedly yelling racial insults.


HEGSETH: When in actuality, it was the Native-American non-Vietnam vet who
was discharged for disciplinary reasons who actually approached them and
created the confrontation.  The storm was perfect, but all the facts were wrong. And of course, they
jump on it. And rather than taking it or taking the advice of people that
would say, just wander away, he fought back.


HEGSETH: And I think a lot of us finally wake up to the reality. That's
what you have to do.


GUTFELD: And it is inspiring, Joe. It's inspiring, Joe. The only downside
is I can't ruin you which I planned on doing later tonight.


MACHI: A lot of people want to take this guy down.


MACHI: A lot of jealous husband's out there.


MACHI: A teacher in journalism school, if your mother says she loves you,
check it out. Not if someone tweets that your mother loves you, report it
immediately. There is no book -- I mean, there was no compelling reason
this had to be a rushed story without waiting to find the facts.
And once they did find the facts that it wasn't those kids that were
shouting racist insults, it was a group of men called the Black Hebrew
Israelites, which is confusing every time I say that name.


MACHI: Once they found out that they were the ones that were shouting
racist insults, they didn't try to ruin their lives because that didn't fit
the narrative.

GUTFELD: Those guys are scary because they used to be on Times Square.
They used to shout at me when I would walk to work. They are nuts. I do
love the fact that Reza Aslan is being sued because he left the tweet up
forever and then he took it down yesterday.

TIMPF: I never fell for it.

GUTFELD: Oh, good for you.

TIMPF: I had the flu when it came out.

GUTFELD: See, I was at a bar drinking a bottle of Rose, and I was like,
oh, these kids are misbehaving -- and then I changed my tune quickly. I
can't stress that enough lawyers.


GUTFELD: All right, we've got to sell some more stuff. We'll be right




GUTFELD: Should theaters dare to limit your hair? A mom in England, they
have them there, took her kids to the movies to see "Frozen 2." But Ellis
Hensby claimed she couldn't see the movie because the woman she was sitting
behind had her hair in a huge bun and she's demanding satisfaction from the
movie theater chain Vue Cinemas. Hensby posted on Facebook quote, "Surely there's got to be a policy on how
people should wear their hair when they come to the pictures."
Look, I get it. I'm small, too. I've had to sit in the audience behind
people I couldn't see past. Like this guy.


GUTFELD: And this guy.


GUTFELD: And this guy.


GUTFELD: But should a theater put a policy on how people wear their hair?
Nope. That should be left up to the parents.


GUTFELD: I know. I probably wouldn't use that video -- well, we didn't use
the rest of the video.


GUTFELD: RIP, kid with the funny hair. Tyrus, you're the person who's
always in front. Do you ever think about the people behind you?



MURDOCH: And If I have to, it's a bad day for them.


MURDOCH: Because excuse me, sir. Now, you don't have any popcorn. You've
got any other there? Listen, this is just one of those things where if
you're short, you knew your ass was short before you went in a movie. You
can usually pick your seat in the movie theaters now. So go on the front
row where you shorties are supposed to be. Don't sit in the back if you
can't see it.

GUTFELD: But then you hurt your neck. You hurt your neck.

TIMPF: Yes, you hurt your neck.

MURDOCH: But why should that person have to change the way they live or
their lifestyle, so some short person can see a movie that, you know what?
She was actually doing you a favor. I saw "Frozen 2" brutal.


MURDOCH: Like, I literally, like, it was so bad my daughters were trying
to catch up. None of the songs were memorable. So they had to make up their
own words and I didn't stop them. I was like, here, you go ahead, because
this is terrible. And the whole car ride home was like, you made me go to
that. Guess what? You're watching football tomorrow -- all day.


GUTFELD: You know, Kat --


GUTFELD: I think he suffers from huge privilege.

TIMPF: Yes, he does. Look, I understand this whole situation.


TIMPF: Okay, I did some research on this woman. It's not so much that
she's like, she is good looking. She's actually maybe one of the best
looking human beings I've ever seen in my life. Right? Okay. So if you say
she is overreacting, you need to understand, she doesn't live life as a
person-person looking like that. She lives it as a super hot person. You're
a sex symbol, Joe, you understand?


TIMPF: Okay. So she's used to -- right?


MURDOCH: Maybe open a button, Joe? Maybe open a button. Give the ladies a
show. Go ahead like Pete. Open it up like Pete. There you go. There you go.


GUTFELD: All right.

TIMPF: So somebody that good looking is used to everyone just like
stopping what they're doing when they see her and want to telepathically
know what she wants and give it to her. So she -- it's not just that her view of "Frozen 2" was compromised, her
view of the whole world and life was compromised. She was sitting there
like, does this bun-wearing [bleep] not know how pretty I am?


GUTFELD: Bun-wearing [bleep].



TIMPF: It's a little nice shift.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's quite good.

HEGSETH: It's well done. I did a little bit of research, too. I don't know
that she is fully being accurate in her portrayal. She said she took the
picture at chest level, which last time I checked is not where you see the

GUTFELD: That's true. Well, I do.

HEGSETH: So if you move it up.


HEGSETH: And then maybe your head sideways. You're okay. Also, I'm told,
I've seen a lot of ladies are able to sort of sit differently with the feet
underneath like this and things. Can't you just modify your posture a
little bit?


HEGSETH: And watch the movie differently.

TIMPF: Why are you looking directly at me?

HEGSETH: Because you're the only female. Can you do that?

TIMPF: Can I sit on my feet? Yes, not to brag, yes. Sure.


MURDOCH: I can't.

GUTFELD: Joe, why are we still going to the movies anyway?

MACHI: Oh, sometimes you don't want to wait for it to get on the streaming
services. This story didn't resonate for me because I always sit up front.
I hate other people.


MACHI: But I would have been mad when she took her phone out and took a
picture because I'm trying to live in a fantasy world where there's dragons
and swords.


MACHI: Suddenly, there's a cell phone? No, she is --

GUTFELD: They ruined it for you.

MACHI: Kat is right. She is spoiled.

GUTFELD: Yes, she is spoiled. All this stuff ends up in violence because
nobody knows how to talk to each other anymore. More after this.




GUTFELD: With the climate influx, he put on a tux. Actor Joaquin Phoenix
plans to wear the same tuxedo to every event during the 2020 award season
just to help the environment.
Phoenix, a lifelong vegan partnered with a fashion designer Stella
McCartney on an outfit to last him all year. Oh, it smells.
Normally, it's not a usual for actors to change your wardrobe with each
news event. After multiple fittings, materials, travel, labor -- the cost
can add up. Don't I know it? The awards season is nuts for me.
But a custom tux worn once will reduce the waste. For more, we go to our
fashion correspondent who is trying on the award seasons outfit.


GUTFELD: Oh, that laugh ruined it. Kat?


GUTFELD: This is sexist.

TIMPF: Look, I just want everyone to understand that Joaquin Phoenix did
not do this for the environment. He did it for the brag. Okay. We see this
all the time. All the rich girls, they go to Africa to help. But really,
it's to pose pictures on Instagram with the kids.


TIMPF: If I am like, hey, Charlotte, do you know what that kid's name is?
She doesn't care. She wants her Instagram photo. She hopes Chad will see
it. Thinks she's wonderful, caring, maybe wife material and not just the
person he texts at 3:00 a.m. after he had too much Natty Ice at the frat
house. Okay.

Like, people, have you ever seen people at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving?


TIMPF: Holding a ladle?


TIMPF: When you see that, you have to remember, they were posing for that
photo. It would be like good photo? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you
get that? Meanwhile, someone who hasn't eaten in two weeks is standing
there waiting. But great work, Jessica.

GUTFELD: Wow. That was directed at Jessica. Joe?

MACHI: I thought -- I thought he was bragging for a different reason. When
he say he was going to use one tuxedo, I thought, wow. He owns his own
tuxedo. Because every tuxedo I've ever worn has not only be worn by myself,
it's been worn by hundreds of others.
And second of all, it was the most out of touch environmentalism I've ever
heard. The landfills are filling up with tuxedos.



GUTFELD: Tyrus, he really is our Ghandi, isn't he? Sacrifice.

MURDOCH: This is when you now watch the "Joker" and be like, yes, it's
kind of [bleep] up now, like --

GUTFELD: He ruined the movie.

MURDOCH: This is what happens with people who are completely out of touch
with real people. I'm going to wear one tuxedo at every award show I go to,
to help the environment. You didn't need to tell us that I'm pretty sure
they wear black suits with a black bow tie, like you could dry clean it.
You're not really doing us a favor.

GUTFELD: In fact, dry cleaning has detergents.

MURDOCH: Yes, so, I mean literally, whether it comes off the shelf,
someplace new, or you take it to the dry cleaner, or you maybe take a rock
and a stone and a bar of soap and scrub it in the river of caring, you know
and hang it out then you have all the fish killed with your soap, so no
matter what he does, he is not helping the environment, and he is only
reminding us all -- Watch -- and I'm an actor and this hurts -- watch us on the screen. But
don't ever ask us any questions. Never. Never. Any question. If there's not
a script, who knows what's going to come out of his mouth? He literally
just said a damn tuxedo. Whales and everyone going, whoa. Thank you. Oh


MURDOCH: Spotted owl population just went up six percent because your punk
ass didn't wear a suit.

GUTFELD: Last word, Pete.


HEGSETH: I am no award show aficionado, but aren't there like three of




GUTFELD: That's true.

MURDOCH: Don't overthink it. Don't overthink it.

HEGSETH: You sacrificed here. Considering there's some guy right now like
chilling out in Iraq or Syria wearing the same suit three weeks in a row
without a chow --


HEGSETH: Okay. Forget about it.

GUTFELD: Here are my thoughts in this. This is just excuse for him not to
go shopping because he hates it. I have an idea. Disposable tuxes, just
like diapers.


GUTFELD: He could do anything he wanted and he just peel it off and throw
it away into a landfill filled with freaking tuxedo diapers for the rich
babies. More stuff ahead, I think.




GUTFELD: We've got time for one final thought. Kat?

TIMPF: Kennedy is on vacation, but the reason I'm saying that is because
I'm going to be filling in for her on Fox Business Monday and Tuesday, so
you should watch.

GUTFELD: Excellent.


GUTFELD: Everybody, it's going to be live. So it'll be --

TIMPF: Life.

GUTFELD: Interesting.


GUTFELD: All right. Thanks to Pete Hegseth, Joe Machi, Kat Timpf, Tyrus.
Our studio audience. I love you -- you, America.

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