Three Ways to Fix the Gulf Oil Disaster

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 7, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: It has been 49 days since oil began spilling into the Gulf, and thus far BP and the Obama administration have not been able to plug the hole. But tonight on "Hannity" three Americans are here to share their ideas on how to stop the flow of oil and clean up this mess.

Let me bring in the chairman of WOW Environmental Solutions, Engineer Nicholas Pozzi is with us. And the vice president of CW Roberts Contracting, Darryl Carpenter. And a 21-year-old prodigy professor Alia Sabur is with us.

Guys, welcome to the program. I got to get to it. You have an amazing life story. So I want to get to you. You have a terrific idea here as well.

All right, Darryl, why don't we start with you. What you have been involved in has become an Internet sensation. I understand too that you have some guys there to demonstrate.

I think over 700,000 hits now on YouTube using hay. They're not doing it. Why don't you tell us what you've come up with?

DARRYL CARPENTER, CW ROBERTS CONTRACTING: We got a couple of guys here that's going to demonstrate first while I kind of explain what we're doing. We got George Roberts and Otis Goodson.

We're going to put some oil in the water. We actually have seawater from the Gulf of Mexico that we brought in and this is actually some crude oil from an oil well in Alabama.

So we're actually doing what would actually be out there in the ocean. George is going to take some hay, regular old hay like you have on the farm. Put it on top of the oil and it will actually absorb the oil up.

Otis has got some polyester reinforced fabric. This stuff works great. It actually does better — almost immediately it will absorb the oil up. So there's two different products we've been working with the hay and we've — in that timeframe we've actually found some more products that work, too.

And — so we want to show a little bit of every one of it. But we've not had any response on any of our products.

HANNITY: Well, can I just —

CARPENTER: And we don't — we don't know why.

HANNITY: Can you ask one of your demonstrators there if it's possible, turn it over? Because what you do is you lay this on the surface, obviously, of the ocean and then you'd just scoop up the hay —

CARPENTER: That's right.

HANNITY: — and along with the hay you're getting — what percentage of the oil would you get?

CARPENTER: You can see right there. We can 95 percent of it right there. You can see how much is on the hay right there now.


CARPENTER: Just with that little bit. And it just sucks it right up.

HANNITY: And nobody is listening to your idea even though this has become an Internet sensation? Nobody's — nobody reaching out to you?

CARPENTER: Nobody is — look how clean the water is. Nobody is reaching out to us. Look at the clean the water is right there.


CARPENTER: If it wasn't saltwater you could drink it.

HANNITY: Yes. Honestly, look at that. It's clean as — that is a great demonstration. All right, well —


HANNITY: I appreciate that. All right, let's bring in Nick Pozzi.

Nick, welcome to the program. Now you are a —


HANNITY: You're a contractor. And you came up with a pretty interesting idea to suck the crude off the water's surface. Let's go to your idea and tell us what you've got.

POZZI: First of all, I want to say that hay sucks up — just so you know — 80 percent of its weight in oil so it's very, very effective. It's usually — was used all over the world. It's been used for years and years and years. It is nature's most effective way and safe way to pick up oil. That's number one.

Number two is the fact that I'm actually the chairman of WOW Environmental Solutions. And — but I've been a contractor, worked in Saudi Arabia for 18 years where we had, unfortunately, a lot of oil spills.

And through lessons learned we developed ways to clean up oil everywhere, including at all level, all depths through different currents that hand off each other, to basically supply oxygenated water as well as nutrients to oyster beds and shrimp and so on and so forth in the Gulf of Arabia.

HANNITY: All right, Nick —


HANNITY: Let me just — because we only limited on time here. And you guys have three great ideas.

POZZI: Yes, sir.

HANNITY: So in other words, regardless of currents, regardless of depth you have been able to basically — you have techniques that can suck up this oil. So in other words, if we would have started using that 10 days into the spill the chances of this reaching shore in the quantities that we're going to be looking at here are negligible.

And again, I ask you, did anybody from the government, BP, anyone reach out to you?

POZZI: No, we've actually shared this idea on day two of the oil spill.


POZZI: Went down to home and to BP headquarters and basically we could not get an audience. We have sent them over and over again information and they basically said it's not an applicable for this particular spill.

And I've challenged them to an actual open debate about it and to tell me why it's not effective and to demonstrate how it is effective. And I have not received any response back. Everybody seems to be looking at it but no one seems to be doing anything.

HANNITY: I got to — these are two great ideas that obviously work. It's very frustrating. Let me bring Alia Sabur in here. First all, you were 10 years old when you were going to college.


HANNITY: How — and your parents are here, they must be so proud. And you were teaching in college at 18.

SABUR: Yes, I was.

HANNITY: You're a professor. All right. It's amazing. Now I read your story first in The New York Post. And you came up with a brilliant idea. Why don't you tell everybody? We have a picture of it but I want you to explain it yourself.

SABUR: Well, the basic idea is that instead of trying to put something on to the pipe or around the pipe.


SABUR: To try and basically stop it or to put a cork in it even.

HANNITY: Put a cork in it.

SABUR: Yes, really.

HANNITY: All right. Now just — we have on the screen a diagram of what you came up with here. And the pipe is where — you decided that you would try and plug it up with tires, right?

SABUR: Basically, yes.

HANNITY: OK. And it would be like rings of tires in a row —

SABUR: Along the tube.

HANNITY: Along the tube.

SABUR: Like donuts around it. And then you have them deflated. It would be tricky enough to get that kind of construction in there with them deflated. So they need to be as small as possible and then we fill them up with hydraulic fluid.

HANNITY: How do — as I read this I was thinking to myself, but I'm not the brilliant engineer, you are. How would you inflate the tires at that point?

SABUR: They are doing everything with robots.

HANNITY: So you think they'd be able to inflate them even 5,000 feet down?

SABUR: That's how robots work on hydraulic fluid.

HANNITY: All right, I'm not the engineer, you are. But now you did meet with, I understand — you did meet with the head of BP. You initiated the meeting, correct?

SABUR: Yes, and it was somewhat similar to what — what was just mentioned. And I went down there and I tried to get a hold of someone just to listen to me. And I guess that it happened to work out well and then I met this guy, a BP executive. And I said, you know, look, I have this idea, can you take a look at it? And first he didn't think it was my idea, because —

HANNITY: Why not?

SABUR: Look at you and look at your two other guests, and then look at me. Do I look like the kind of person that comes up with this kind of idea?

HANNITY: You look like the person that I would like to invest a lot of money in the future, because you're all very smart.

I hope — I mean this in all sincerity. I'm worried about the fishermen. I'm worried about the tourism industry. I'm worried about our environment and our beaches.

I want to say congratulations to you and to all of you for what you're doing, your efforts. I hope somebody, you know, as Santelli said on the — on the floor of the stock exchange: White House are you listening? We have smart people here. They have some good ideas.

Thank you for being with us.

— Watch "Hannity" weeknights at 9 p.m. ET!

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