The Reporter Who Scored a Great Interview With the Wrong Woman

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Wright Rhetoric

We've heard a lot from Barack Obama's former pastor the Reverend Jeremiah Wright recently — including this comment about former President Bill Clinton's relationship with African-Americans and with Monica Lewinsky.

But, interestingly enough — Reverend Wright actually supported Bill Clinton in his hour of need. This photograph shows the two men among a group of spiritual leaders at an annual prayer breakfast in September 1998 — just hours before the Starr Report was released — graphically detailing President Clinton's relationship with Lewinsky. Reverend Wright — who was invited to the breakfast — listened to a teary-eyed Clinton declare that he would defend and redeem his presidency while admitting — "I don't think there is a fancy way to say that I have sinned."

Clinton also wrote Reverend Wright a thank you note saying — "thank you so much for your kind message — I am touched by your prayers and by the many expressions of encouragement and support I have received from friends across our country."

Timing Is Everything

House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers says he is struggling with the decision about whether to try to impeach President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. But it seems Conyers is only wrestling with the question of when.

Tuesday, at the Take Back America Conference — a gathering of liberal activists — Conyers was asked if he would hold the Bush administration accountable. Conyers replied — "yes, you have my word on it" — but added that he would only begin impeachment proceedings once a Democrat won back the White House.

He went on to say — "Do I want to jeopardize the election by taking up this issue? The problem is, this could become the issue of the 2008 election. This brilliant, talented senator" — referring to Barack Obama — "who has more delegates and more votes than anybody else, could get derailed"... Conyers adds "we can win this election and go get these guys afterwards."

Toll Taker

The long fight for the Democratic presidential nomination appears to be taking its toll on Denver.

The mile-high city is hosting this year's party convention and must raise $40 million by mid-June. But the host committee says it has missed its second straight fundraising deadline — falling $5 million short of its goal to raise $28 million by last Monday.

Mayor John Hicken-Looper says the drawn-out battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has distracted donors - adding that if Democrats already had a nominee that — "everybody would be focusing on how we can make it a great convention."

The Republican host committee in St. Paul, Minnesota — which must raise $39 million for its convention — expects to meet its June deadline for raising 80 percent of the total cost.

Clinton Chronicled

And finally — reporter Hohn Goodall of the Tribune Chronicle in Warren, Ohio scored what he thought was an exclusive interview with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Goodall says he called the office of Congressman Charlie Wilson who was holding a meeting with his eastern Ohio constituents. A woman answered the phone and said — "This is Hillary."

Knowing that Hillary Clinton had campaigned in the area a number of times previously — Goodall proceeded with an interview asking about a variety of issues of interest to Midwestern voters. Goodall wrote the story about Hillary Clinton's latest visit to the area — which the Tribune Chronicle printed.

But, it turns out that Goodall actually interviewed Congressman Wilson's communications director — Hillary Wicai Viers. The Tribune has since printed a correction. The other Hillary — last name Clinton — was actually here in Washington on the day of that phone interview.

FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.