The Radicalization of the Obama Justice Department

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," October 4, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: J. Christian Adams is a former attorney for the Department of Justice and in his new book he exposes what he says is the radical agenda at the Obama Justice Department.

Now he claims that he witnessed firsthand the lawlessness of the DOJ and he has the evidence to prove it. I sat down with him earlier and pulled back the curtain on some of the frightening practices taking place there.


HANNITY: A very well researched book, huge. Just to give a little background. You worked, what, five years in the Justice Department in the voting section of the Justice Department?


HANNITY: All right, tell us what that is.

ADAMS: Well, we enforce federal election law all around the country, whether it's the Voting Rights Act, Election Day monitoring, approval of voting laws in 16 states actually under the Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, a lot of work.

HANNITY: And the Voting Rights Act is obviously needed, and we have this whole issue that came up with the new Black Panthers outside a polling place in Philadelphia, and what did the Department of Justice do?

ADAMS: Well, you know, they dismissed it. The case went to default and they decided to dismiss the case in 2010.

HANNITY: And that had an impact on you?

ADAMS: I brought it.

HANNITY: Exactly. And why do you think they dismissed the case when you got these guys banging on these clubs, obviously a form of intimidation as people are trying to vote?

ADAMS: Look, everybody knows that the Holder DOJ has become politicized. What they don't realize, and I detail this in "Injustice," parts of the DOJ, particularly the Civil Rights division where I was, has become radicalized. It's not just politicization. It's radicalization and I detail example after example. Just give you three for example.

In New York City and Dayton, Ohio, they have forced the police and fire departments there to hire minority applicants who actually failed the entrance test because of their race, failed the entrance test.

In upstate New York, they have sued a school district to accommodate so children can come to school dressed as transvestites, short skirts, high heels, pink wigs.

In Harlingen, Texas, and I detailed this in "Injustice." In 2009, they actually allowed an illegal election to take place because they're waiting to see the race of whatever won the election. When the right race won, they didn't do anything about it because the right person won.

HANNITY: You used the term racialist in the book. Why do you use that term? You talk about a shift, a mind-set shift under Eric Holder. You know, Eric Holder once challenged the country, we don't have the courage to deal with racial issues. Explain, and you also tell a Mississippi case in there, as well. Why don't you explain what changed?

ADAMS: Yes, racialist means that people do things based on race. It doesn't mean they have hate in their heart. It doesn't mean that they're racist. Race is a tool for people who are now in the Civil Rights division whether it's not going after voter fraud around the country, whether it's not cleaning up the voter rolls. Race has become the predominant factor for a lot of policy in the Justice Department.

HANNITY: Yes, all right. You talk about -- March of 2007 is an interesting time, and you go back to a rally that Barack Obama was at in a town in Alabama. It was March of 2007 where I interviewed on "Hannity and Colmes," the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and we really got into it.

And that set me off in an investigation, what is black liberation theology , and it began a whole series of what ended up being specials we did and great investigative reporting I think reporting that the media ignored.

You talked specifically about this speech because he was not as well- known in the African-American community in the country. So he goes down to Selma, Alabama. Why don't you take it from there?

ADAMS: I go to great detail about this in "Injustice." The week before he went to Selma, CBS on "60 Minutes" Steve Croft was criticizing him for not being authentically black.

So he goes to Selma and he appears at the celebration of the Selma- Montgomery march. But also with him showing up is the new Black Panther Party who announces in the Brown AME Chapel -- and I detail all of this in "Injustice" -- how they came to support Barack Obama. After that they go outside and Barack Obama shares a podium with Malik Zulu Shabazz.

HANNITY: In March of 2007 he's sharing a podium with the radical head of the new Black Panther Party, Malik Zulu Shabazz , and you have pictures. Breitbart earlier this week also released video of this, and it didn't get as much pickup in the media as I thought it should have gotten.

ADAMS: Well, they must be concerned about things in Texas as opposed to what we know is actually happening. So they go outside and they speak at this event, Shabaz and Obama, and Hillary was there too. Make no mistake about it. But the Panthers came for Obama, and they said so. Then they march over the bridge and the Black Panthers are behind Senator Obama.

HANNITY: You can see Obama and two people behind them is Malik, you see it clearly, and you have other people holding up the Black Power sign with their fist in the air.

ADAMS: That's correct. Look, I'm not suggesting that he's a secret member of the new Black Panthers, but how has this escaped media attention until we publish "Injustice" in 2011? It doesn't make any sense.

HANNITY: All right, well, let's talk about Eric Holder. I think he has big problems with the "Fast and Furious." I think a lot of people learned a lot when he didn't prosecute the Black Panther case. But you go into some details about him, and it's black first, attorney general second, you write. Explain that.

ADAMS: Well, this is an injustice. He carries something in his wallet. It's something he's carried, a quote for decades, and it says, essentially that blackness is more important than anything else and that the black U.S. attorney has common cause with the black criminal.

I think it's something that most people in America thought we put behind us. I think it's something most people thought we were past, but obviously this attorney general doesn't think so.

HANNITY: Unbelievable. I got to tell you, Jay Christian Adams, this opened my eyes a lot, and if anything, I think it reaffirmed a lot of opinions, sadly, that I had about certain members of the administration. But it's a must-read, "Injustice, Exposing the Radical Agenda at the Obama Justice Department." Listen, you will be under fire the next few weeks. Hope you enjoy your time.

ADAMS: I do.


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